Wy, "® 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 25, 1962 wee we Few eC eweree er ey '3 ~wve eae Es Kennedy Vow Helped Currency In Europe By SYDNEY GAMPELL LONDON (Reuters) -- Presi- dent Kennedy's Telstar trans- mitted pledge to maintain the value of the United States dol- lar has: strengthened the cur- tency on European markets while gold shares have taken a drubbing. Gold shares on the London Stock Exchange, which lost about $18,000,000 Tuesday morn- ing, rallied slightly later but took another steep tumble as Wall Street opened. The American announcement also hit sterling, which showed a slight decline. BUYERS SCARCE The gold price was officially "fixed" in London at the same rate as Monday--$35.14% a fine ounce--but there were few tak- ers as the recent heavy demand dropped off. The dollar exchange rate rose smartly in continental Europe, particularly Switzerland. Foreign exchange experts re- marked that only central banks had large dollar holdings. Other lars during recent uncertainties over the currency. Normally, devaluation denials arouse some cynicism in finan- cial circles and can even be self-defeating. But the fact that the American president used his dramatic Telstar press con- ference Monday to reassure the largest television audience in history about the world's intrin- sically. soundest currency gave credence to his statement. The losses in gold shares went largely to speculators who had gambled that the recent dollar difficulties and big out- flow of American gold would force the U.S. to raise the dol- lar price of gold. On the London exchange, al- most $16,800,000 was wiped off the market value of two lead- ing mines. Prices fell by up to $1.05. Gold prices in the Brussels, Paris and Johannesburg ex- changes. also dropped, but the falls were moderate. Speculative operations against the dollar have regularly lost money for the last 28 years and could not ignore Kennedy's cat- egoric statement that they were going to lose again. TV's Problems 1Z Abortion Arizona Said Enough Plan Suspended Without Color PHOENI, Ariz. (AP) -- Ajbeing held in abeyance until the' oppawa (CP)--The Board of Phoenix woman's plan to have|legal detemination is made. It/ppoaqcast Governors said to- her three - month pregnancy!should be cleared up in a cou-| day in effect, that there are aborted 'rather than risk the/ple of days." too many other television prob- birth of a malformed child was) The woman said she and herjjems in Canada without worry- suspended Tuesday pending husband, a high school teacher, ing about color TV. clarification of legal issues. | "couldn't in all conscience bring} 'The BBG said in its annual The woman, in her early 30s/into the world a child whose | report for the year ended March and already the mother of four,|chances seem so utterly hope-'31 that the Electronic Indus- disclosed Sunday that she had/less." : tries Association of Canada has inadvertently taken thalidom-| She said a primary consider-|yrged that plans be made right ide, a drug blamed for defor-|ation was their four normal, |away to start color TV broad-| mation of numerous babies in|healthy youngsters. She feared|casting and set up the neces-| England, Germany, Australia|the cate and money needed for sary Canadian industry to build! and Canada. a deformed child "couldn't help! color reccivers. | Arizona law forbids abortion) but deprive them of some meas-| "The board feels, rowever,| except to save the life of a|ure of the care and love of both'that the time has not yet come} rospective mother. Nonethe-|of us, to say nothing of their|for giving approval to color TV less, a panel of three physi-|actual physical needs. . . .".. |in Canada." cians advisd that the preg-| The thalidomide was con-| This opinion is based on two nancy be terminated. tained * -- : od igs factors, the governors said. a P us g,|woman's husband obtaine in| 1. More money will have to} a Ge unk er ogee Europe a year ago. She took/be spent by both the CBC and without arms or legs, had de. them in the early weeks of her|private broadcasters to spread) cided to follow the recommen-|Presnancy, then learned of the|black-and-white TV service to dation and the abortion had/drug's potential effect when she areas now without it. oe been scheduled for today at|read a newspaper story last] 2. There is a BBG unwilling-) Good Samaritan Hospital : Saturday. Q : ness to saddle public and priv-) But hospital administrator Administrator Morris said he ate TV operators with the ex-| Stephen Morris cancelled the|turned the question of abortion tra capital and operational ex- plans over to the hospital's lawyers|pense of color TV until the ge and expected them to take it/net revenue of TV stations in- DECISION SHORTLY up with the proper legal agen-|creases and until there is better Said Morris: "Everything is/cies. evidence of public desire in the |United States and in Canada for |color TV receivers." | "The board will continue to) watch the situation carefully| and it understands that Cana-| dian manufacturers can get into) production in about six months) after color standards are set for) this country." | Possible Cancer Caused By Virus jy FRANK CAREY gress that recent progress in his MOSCOW (AP) -- New evi- controversial field justifies op- dence that all cancers may be timism cent ous -- a caused by hit-and-run viruses !em eventually will be solved. On B b C t is offered by a top Russian toad oo. ong tn his ride oun ricologist laboratory shows that while ani- : : . toes kas L. A. Zilber of Mos- Mails develop cancer after be- wt ted of cree . a cow indicated in a talk Tues-|img exposed to certain viruses,|cotiat finance aiateiey K. D.| day to the world's leading can- no evidence of the virus could Degtyarev, has been sentenced cer fighters that experiments Raat lee Rea after the can-|+, be shot for taking bribes, the! Seed a Wenn cancet may| This, he said, supports his "eb og nets Aine Fark Ore be caused by viruses which re-|concept that viruses can, under) 'tne geath penalty was intro-| main dormant in most people] certain conditions, transform 4/ajced ast year in the Soviet! but might be brought into mal- normal cell into a cancerous |Ynion for -bribery, currency! Ignant action in some by the ome and then play no further) s,ecylation or misappropriation passage of time, or by the in- role in the future development! o¢ state property. A few days fluence of radiation or chemi-/°f the cancer. lago the Soviet Supreme Court cals in the environment. He envisaged the process aS\centenced four textile industry! But he stressed that the ex-/Possibly involving a transmittal officials from Kirghizia to be perimental evidence suggests|by @ virus of a "new informa-|chot under the new law. | that viruses, while seemingly|tion'" to the hereditary mechan-| 'Toqay's announcement said responsible for triggering can-|ism within a normal cell, The|the Supreme Court of the Rus- cerous growths, mostly disap.|Virus thereafter would serve|sian Federation established that pear after doing: their dirty|0Mly as a "passenger" while the | Degtyarev, taking advantage of work. This would account for|¢&2"cer developed independ-|his official position, repeatedly the fact that so far no virus has ently. jextorted and took bribes from been isolated from a human|, Thus, he suggested, future at-|/ people who came to him with cancer. isa yg esis hg pe Phat justifiable requests for various y on trying to ki €|\payments and compensation. a ee cancer, but also on cutting off) In passing the death sentence, At ime, he told anithe pathways of inflammation the court took into account Deg- audience of several thousand between cell and cirruses by|tyarev's responsible official po- scientists at the cancer con-ichemical means. jsition and "'the great danger of 2 sas a agra |the crime he had committed," Tass said. W. Ontario Wheat saniman Trusts Half Harvested K's Word On Laos | Baud YORK (AP)--W. Aver- e i =| LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Half ofjby the weather, asendor So itso. pong et the wheat crop in western On-! Perth representative W. H. T.|trusts Soviet Premier Khrush- tario has been brought in, al- Ashton said the wheat this year|chev to keep his word in carry- though harvesting has been|has more rust than in the past.|ing out the Geneva agreement| slowed considerably by recent/Perth had hot, dry weather in| guaranteeing the independence| Tain- ithe early part of the season and/of Laos. | Quality ranges from good to this would keep the yields of; "I think it is a good agree- excellent, reports from five)0als and mixed grains at ave-|ment--better than I thought we} counties show. Most districts\tage. A good corn crop was} would work out," Harriman told) had 30-per-cent winter kill and expected. | reporters. for are down slightly from The harvest has just started Bags opage se seinen secretary | st year. i of state for Far Eastern Af-| The remainder of the crop in - ~~ County and should fairs, made the comment as he) Middlesex should be gathered in "°°" "5 peak in the next twolarrived here from Geneva by! two or three days if the weather| Weeks. Jair Tuesday. ; is favorable, said W. K. Riddell,| "4 { of Apion _ representative m SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Mr. Riddell said the fall barley crop has been harvested. The oat harvest has just begun. CROPS AIDED Rainfalls of one-half to 1% inches fell in the area last weekend, ending a dry spell and helping such crops as tobacco, hay, corn and beans. In Kent, about 80 per cent of the wheat has been harvested, with an av rage yield of 40 to 45 bushels an acre. Fifteen per cent of the oat crop is in. A heavy crop of tomatoes is expected when the harvest be gins in the Merlin and Dresden areas early next month. STOPPED HARVEST In Norfolk, representative J. Roy Richards said about 25 per} cent of the county's wheat was) harvested before farmers were stopped by wet weather. The Russian Shot By R J SCOTT WE MAUORITY OF CHURCHES I EHIOPIA OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION LOOK ALIKE. Na AXD RIPPED A Shy, HOLE 1M HIS 7 EMILE ZOLA, THE GREAT FRENCH NOVELIST, MADE HIS TROUSERS, AND § Jumped fo WHE CEMENT FLOOR WHERE If BLASTED A WHAT 15 MADE. FROM THE FIBROUS COVERING OF THE NUTMEG ? CHOICE IMPORTED LAMB SALE CHOICE (Whole or Half) lb. 49. LAMB LEGS LAMB waBASKET . 23: A THREE-MEAL VARIETY (Roast, Chops, Stew) RIB LOIN LAMB CHOPS LEAN AND MEATY CHUCK STEAKS FRESH SHOULDER CUTS GROUND CHUCK IDEAL FOR A POT ROAST--BONELESS PLATE BRISKET ©. 49- SLICED CARROTS 'm 1O* 12c OFF "i 7 O° TIDE DETERGENT TIDE DETERGENT =" 1.28 IVORY SOAP PERSONAL Bh ars 35* Retest bell -- WHITE 85° CORN OIL "a 55° wie oe SHIRRIFF'S MARMAJEL ©' 19° WIENER ROLLS = "*? 25 DINNER ROLLS mh rp gale ge AYLMER FANCY SOUPS 6 ' 1.00 TOMATO SOUP "s 11 b. 79 lb. 59. PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 3 iz ANGEL FOOD MIX '= 49° BONELESS CHICKEN % 29° 4 "= 1.00 th. 49c | PKG. hs 2 3° Even a child knows that the tastiest dishes Mom serves come in tins . . . easy to fix, always pleasant to serve. Vegetables, fruits, soups, juices and a host of other nourish- ing favourites, 100% guaranteed by a famous brand name and DOMINION to give complete meal enjoyment! This week, DOMINION features a special group of Canned Foods, timed to allow you to stock up for your home and cottage. Check the many advertised SPECIALS in this advertisement and switch to Dominion for Canada's greatest assortment of famous brand Canned Foods. DOMINO--CHOICE Tomatoes AYLMER--HALVES Peaches CHUM. Dog Food © DOMINO DRY Ginger Ale HAPPY HENRI Apple or 8 Orange Dr ink AYLMER--BOSTON BROWN Beans with Pork 'TN CANNED FOOD SALE ARROW--STANDARD Barttett Pears FOUR MAIDS--SLICED Pineapple STOKELY'S--FANCY ae Corn Fancy Peas 'et YORK CALIFORNIA NO. 1 PEARS" ONTARIO NO. 1 GREEN TOP CARROTS™ U.S. NO. 1 MELONS HONEY DEW NO. 1 Z 3 7%: 39° 3 snes 29° "at 35° FLORIDA LIMES © -=« 39° DUARTE PLUMS". 45° Congratulations to Everything Guaranteed = MRS. P. J. CLANCY (HAHOM, ' ' WORTH DAKOTA 59 Harold St. Oshawa on winning $100.00 on DOMINO tobacco harvest was well ad-| vanced although the crop was) "fairly extensively damaged by/| hail." In Elgin, and Perth counties, the whyat harvest was stopped! Values Effective 6 p.m. Saturday, July 28, At your Dominion Stores in Oshawa & Whitby MACE~ A WELie KNOWN SPICE. COLUMN. ag Tome nt, ay 1 Wet mr, ae ph PB KB MAAARAA SAAAA 4 a ee ae ee ee a