THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 25, 1962 99 «= BC. Children | Leam To Live "orm mace am daughter, | elizabetty 8 Ibs., 14 ozs, on Tuesday, July 24, 1962, at Oshawa General Hos- 'pital. Proud grandparents, Mr. | Mrs. ¥, Sten, Harwood and 5 . [Erandparents are Mr. and Mrs. §. rooks, Oshawa, and Mrs, M. BA wage Thanks to Dr. ndres and Dr. Ferrier, 129-----Automobiles for Sale |29---Automobiles for Sele |32--A:ticles for Sale 1 $65 monthly, low taxes,|'57 PONTIAC, whitewalls, radio, fen- 1956 PLYMOUTH Savoy, good motor|AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, |four rooms, plus, sunposrch, full base-ider skirts, A-1 condition. $895. _Tele- tar tae body work. Best offer. free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Toto igukte rT to SPACE Sn eee ee ee 50,000 SQUARE FEET LAND SPACE ,_ radio. Telephone fant | 1987 PONTIAC two door hardtop, 6 eyi- Ig Gael tiek seantes, 9180. Tele- brick ee 3.5732 after § p.m. -- Commercial Zoned Land fronting on three streets with 120 Ft. on 127--Real Estate for Sale 27--~Real Estate for Sele for |8500 DOWN, eal Estete For Sale 27--Real Estate for $ $a 3600 DOWN -- $11,900, full price. room brick bungalow, garage, storms,'~ screens, TV aerial, landscaped. Locat- ed 314 Sharbot Street, Oshawa, near Lake Vista Shopping Plaza. Immediate possession, Private, between 7 and 9) p.m. _ Telephone 725-0762. LOT, Sunset Heights district, fully land- 50 foot frontage, cedar hedge a fence, an water and sewers, CZYRUK -- To Michael and Lillies, a son, David Ethan, 8 lbs. 7 ozs., om Sunday, July 22, 1962, Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Many thanks to Dr. eer Dr. McKay and fourth floor staff. HENDERSON. Bill and Martha (nee Tyers) are happy to announce the birth ofa daughter, Tr Tracy Ann, 6 lbs. 4 ozs.» on Monday, July 23, 1962 at Mer ggd First Mr, and Mrs. Ted Tyers. VIKING washing machine, one and half years old, like new, $50. i 242 King Eavi, Bowmanville, MA 3: WHITBY = Sacrifice! Reduced for quick sale, $600 full down payment. edroom LLOYD REALTY HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE storms, large lot, 728-1677 "| leah pea ee ee LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER GLENFOREST STREET 6% RESALE, JUST. LISTED RANCH BUNGALOW WITH CARPORT $14,700 FULL PRICE WILSON -- Dick and Pb hu (nee Parrott) are happy to arrival of a son; Harold Norman, 8 Ibs. '1 oz., on Monday, July 23, 1962, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Rickey. renting $70 monthly, attractive 3-bed.(9474 or 725-8152 evenings, 52/4 Simcoe | room, near St, Hedwig's, rec-room, 2) |Street North. driveways, 2 bathrooms, drapes, rugs.'§1,509 CASH -- full price for chis "four- plus adjoining lot, 50' x 100°. Price|room furnished .cottage in Cedar Val- $22,300 or $10,300 down. ley, Three bedrooms, kitchen and bath 7235-1457 Must be sold at once! Open to nee PRIVATE --Decorator's dream! Coi.|Call Mr. Appleby, 725-6544 or 723-3398 onial style brick, east end, landscaped. |%" A. J. Bolahood Limited Broadioom, chimes, louvre! | PRIVATE SALE -- five- room, two-bed doors, 3 bedrooms. Save realtor's fees. room brick bu low. quiet, north-east Telephone 723-2481 . |neighborhood, 470 Beverly Street NEW ras $1,000 DOWN PRIVATE sale Total price $13,400. Stove $1,000.00 DOWN $11,500 is the asking price for this neot three bedroom brick bungalow, Close to all schools; oil heated, 4-pc. tiled bath, aluminum storms and screens, landscaped. Call Loreen Kellett 723-3770 for an appointment to see through SPLIT LEVEL $15,500.00 New 3 bedroom split level with carport, stone trim, bea Pog are important: offer, inder, prime henvig real good % . rd Telephone 723-3663. phone 725-3117, 632,|'58 PONTIAC sedan, eee ni : ~~ _ a condlton Telephone Whitby,|made to order. CO 3-2573, Hampton. | | * Simcoe Street. ro eee t age. Must sell. Telephone 728-0366 or|t¢ne brown po tangy og oy teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. inished offices. -- va rt a system, ond . ¥ i" . two-tone, radio, excellent condition, ae VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mhirty-|e 'tt CHEVROLET coach, radio, "gee , good (newsprint), for only $1.00. Makes won- NEAR "sori, -- Cronewall Ave: /CAS, Sail, aa iadaliation otra WE nay knbed ne w learn how to live with diabetes. STORES FRONTING ON SIMCOE STREET iva al a Sil a For further information le \1951 CHEVROLET, not running, ideal and battery, cu Br Store, 723-3271. _ 444 Simcoe South. | Senane iki ad the ohevinks. aluminum windows and doors. Finish-|1958 MORRIS 1000, under #000 a FORD, | or fad oo * Dunbarton, TE) 9-1434, " bbb tt Snap coe oy -|Okanagan Valley, Aug. 14-28 - i Iterations or costruction $150 DOWN, one NHA mortgage, thret-|i9g1 RENAULT, four door, $850; 1955 1062 ENVOY, 'custom "sedan, "radio, fe For Long-Term tenants will undertake alteratio nN: ona, Ni have 'been operaied "in other MASSON Street, 842, private sale, | « ice Station, Raglan, 655-3528. 1959 MG, white, oe tleat 'condition, ke ° pleased to announce 'al of |PIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, double mortgage. $11,900. payments of $63 monthly, Telephone) east YPEWRITERS, adders: jfrom home and enter into camp Telephone 725-16 eral Hospital on Tuesday, July 24, 1962, Ec elie comma many other features, % acre land,| 1957 CHEVROLET "four door sedan, six /8-2198. M "4 CHEVROLET two-door V8, standard| [oS "Focaiside, flash guns, Harrison|{rom Nine to 18. Cloistered most| So. * eank tocke in beckett gua De, 86 William East, Oshawa trade. Frank Hoskins, Blackstock, tele- . chen, new furnace, low |top, fully equipped, ,1# Elena Street or WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- grows within 'himself. Parents VOLVO telephone 725-5115. im |Telephone Eldon Dixon after 7 p.m.! i010 model. four years old, reasonable. child could quickly die. bent NOW ON DISPLAY xa dietitian and six or seven uni- seal and. others will want to know good condition,} sc CEDAR iawn furniture, tables, chairs, radio, four new tires. T "55 OL ete. Kitchen cupboards furniture Six-|Brooklin 655-3843. E a 20,000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE 'st CHEVROLET lntoor ta dard: | 1955 EVRGEY station waxon, iwo- ig me go Ml a With Di abetes 7 z .;tone brown and cream, two-door, radio, 99 Simcoe Street South, 104 and 108 Celina Street includes 4 ,000 728-3530, 50 or be r. ; ; vier 7360361" anyimes Repair Ser- of ~|'58 PONTIAC deluxe ~ Chieftain, big 6,|¥'* By DUNCAN HOLMES | 1958 PONTIAC, radio, clock. Tele-|STUDENTS, a super value, approxi-, race Phone 723-7469. mately 630 sheets of letter size paper inal mileage. After 6 p.m, telephone 4 ee rf Be SUITABLE FOR ia (Sam deralcory Same, Ap, Grins ant ty tame the sumer vole LIGHT MANUFACTURING STORAGE GAR radi, Wenancinc ts the dash. bali Sepernier. renviote, Bet Geter: | Department, Oskawe Times, or Waitdy,|will g \~ ec: a atest ae Pera geen gen, oasis. snle| Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. MOBIL' nied autre Poe ces in the city for The group is a portion of the h perfect running order, four new tires suspected 35,000 who have the OFFICE SPACE APARTMENTS io. Telephone e Sor pec ( -- |for parts. Telephone 728-5098. Ajax, WH 2-0393 | WELDER | 300° amp. truck . PARKING SIX-ROOM bungalow." Complete. with| tour" ae Gon aaa Wace with e cutting.) Camps like the one planned. ed ree room. $13,500, Call 728-9754; excellent condition, $775 cash, A + | welding equipment. 200° table, heating this year for Winfield, in the AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 741-2272, |MO 8-3293 |$450. Telephone 725-4643. } TYPEWRITER, Smith-Corona super, Gua been valed: ih eae padres' home, many eXtraS|rord, standard shift, $475; 1955 Ford miles, very economical. Can be! Drone 135-2886, Tele e been ope amazing value. MO 8-8253. alf ton pick up, $285. Mike A Sery- * financed. Telephone 7: sincd , of new building to suit. ; ih pick up = cee uc ae Y -- Penny Jea WNER 725- 280 5 rick bungalow. overhead camshaft knock-off To spend two weeks away INQUIRIES" PHONE O' i Srclastod dietries, Spatiase. pig cog er 1961 CORVAIR 500, $300 and take over pia low mileage. Call 3-3896 after 6. ke pe Thiothy ee fa ae yi ue Wy nee "29 MODEL A Ford, good mechanically, : mtivi i ical step) due eved baby brother, at Oshawa Gea. |garage, North Oshawa. Carries for $79 78-3972, haga "Molt and used.) activity will be a radical step op irene te cog gh Ag Bg a Ist Brock South. MO 8841250: most in the group, ranging|My Mommy and Daddy are Mr. and Nash Road, near school and bus, Low/cylinder, standard shift, running condi- LEICA, Model 3F, with Summitar F2 irs. Frank Locke (nee Grace Adams). Se Wales waa, Gobate, sw lwrede. Frank Hockine, Blackstock, tcle- og 'Sas, ee ne 725 motor Te-'fiters, extension tubes and focusing/of their lives in the family|Ross ------ _ - iit. Ana ia wed it. Telephone 723-2635. -ircle j j j $8900 . Bedrosms, iarse fein: |PROne 906-4071, 56 OW Bik, 90" Holisay Mard| co -- _|cirele, the diabetic child often ture or anything you have. The City|) cs : | furni " ee ech Pact Rise aston: T08- Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street have regarded camps with fear, jfurnished, 'basement 'apartment, now THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 |'56 METEOR four-door hardtop, V8, av-|South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671.| knowing that without insulin the 1962 MODELS jtomatic, radio, whitewalls. A-1 condition.| <> wing machine (Seamstress), con- 655-3247 West Vancouver's Dr. John | oa Ve i Telephone 728- 3922 anytime. } dubs b : % G TOP value, '55 Chevrolet convertible.| pressMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, Hunt, assisted by two nurses, a lor veut eae -- oa? ry Jake & Bill's Garage | si stud wil n the|your choice. Name your child as FINA SERVICE 46 VETEY _SWGEnS, de iter possible and use the individual 1955 CHEVROLET sedan, _ automatic.) stratio Felephone 728-4683, between 7 and 9 Small name, and we will publish a Birth FURNACES. "rented air, 10-year gre discovery is administered by RENTALS 30--Automobiles Wanted (73:"".,, id Alcoa St for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-/corner Brock and Mary streets, Whitby. HALLIDAY, Mary Ann and 1955 *4 ton Ford pick-up, in good|% .F. GOODRICH Stores Street) loving mother of Cleveland Hal- equipped. Pay difference. No dealers.|cjock, dictating, scale uitiplit, 61 du./ BALANCE, ESSENTIAL at Mclintosh-Anderson Funeral Homie. 607 KING ST. OSHAWA now located 444 Simcoe South only.| ' Cemetery. Prayers at the funeral. home diabetics have other problems down. Liens paid off. Drive-Y ourself Telephone 728-7283 foam rubber cushions, reasonable wTele. '|balanced from hour to hour by CARS WANTED attractive home with family size kitchen, 3 years old, all landscaped, storms ond screens. Carries for $102 per month including taxes. Hurry for this one. Coll Ed utiful kitchen with custom Drumm for appointment to cupboards and nice eating inspect right now at 728- area, L-shaped living and 5123 dining room, 4-pc. bath with vanity, many more extras Start the new home right with in at once. $2,200 down, bolance on one © new stove and fridge, 2 Schofield-Aker NHA mortgage. This home is aluminum storms doors, al- West situated in one of Oshowa's uminum storms and screens. McMILLAN Drive, nine-room older nicest districts, Call Loreen Kitchen and both decorated. home. Very good condition. Five rooms Kellett at 723-3770 tonight Many extras, possession on down three up. Hardwood and tile, oi! for an appointment to inspect approval. See the model. Call furnace. Will sell or exchange for smaller home in city. 723-4162 725-6544. Only 3 available. JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD room NHA brick bungalow. Will take LTD. REALTOR Very Cash to first NHA mortgage, $1140 Five-room brick, new house, early pos session, owner taransferred. 1452 Oxford Street $1,500 DOWN. 5 room brick bungalow, large living room with broadloom, good size kitchen and bedroom, large recre- ation room with bar, paved drive, fenced back yard. Home empty, move Call Les all, 728-5515 Lid., 360 King Street Fridge Lloyd Realty Limited, Realtor {Oshawa) 728-5123 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening $595 DOWN Come and see our completely furnished and decorated economy home on Addison Avenue., (1 block east of Gertrude Colpus School on Wilson Rood South) $11,595.00 with $595.00 down, Salesman on site all week from | p.m. until 9.00 p.m LIMITED LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. sown $1300 vown 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 4 yeors old. 5 room split level bungalow featuring 2 large house trailer as part down pay- ment. Telephone 728-7146 $13,500 EXCELLENT terms, centrally located, eight room brick, new oil fur- nace, large lot with garage. Ready to move into, Call Paul. Ristow Realtor, 728-9474 or 725-8152 evenings. 52% Sim coe Street North PRIVATE SALE, and natural stone bungalow, garage. Landscaped, Many extras ply 585 Grierson Street 568 CRERAR STREET $11,000, $1,000 down, six rooms, private drive. Must sell. See, make offer. MElrose 53-0684 or RUssell 7-3957, collect. $500 DOWN Spotless two bedroorn 2 bathrooms, private drive, gar age Close to school and G.M. North Plant. Apply 295 FRENCH ST. "gize 12, will HERMANS, Gerrard Theodore Suddenly at the family residence, RR 1, Kingston Road West, Whitby, Ger- rard Hermans, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hermans, dear brother of Frank and Joseph at home, in his seventh year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Funeral Thursday, July 26. Mass of the Angels will be sung at 9 a.m. in St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Whitby. ~-- custom radio, whitewall tires, new! i Fit oe and motor job. Telephone! 2 specialty bral "Toms, Moe27 | 4A9 RITSON S.--728-0921 FILTER Queen Sales and Service, 1 hy camp. He has planned a PTO" name in an Oshawa Times Birth An- . sal gree ~ radio, heater, signals, newly painted. eae Stare gage eo ge gram of vigorous exercise, dict|nouncement. Just call our Classified . y rooms. 5 Tilden nice clean car. Apply 29 Beatrice Street Mo art ms "gfiraiahed | rooms. ved insulin ors gn evap give the facts, including a ; - Suitable for elderly or young couple. always a problem wi OUNZ| Notice in the next edition. Just dial ieee oa soos caeie hae | 305 Perry Street, Telephone MO 8-4470 di ahotios. the drug, a Canadian|tss 3492, . ec y o 'ys hd rl CAR AND TRUCK WH 34000, . antee, $2.25 r week, no down packabe deal, $130. Telephone hypodermic syringe. DEATHS (All) Makes and Models) Pact ectlahtca thda Dr. Hunt, a general practi- CALL 725-6553 (oe ene, Miahect wokeee Mand, Gos NOW WRECKING! Oid blanket factory. tioner, has a special interest in -L 725-655 '3 |diabetics as a result of early) FORD Rancharo or GM Ei Camino. |All materials for sale .Apply 'at site $3 é oe " y Oshawa on Wed. BUYING OR SELLING Will trade-in 1958 Consul station wagon |Dutch Construction Company, jtraining in the field in England. pro pa ik Meaty Gasrall: --Tires, kat |His services are provided free| beloved wite of hee Halliday (58 Greta 1EO CAMPIN peel er nator reizigerators. 'elev: through the Canadian Diabetic 60 BUICK or Pontiac, eight cylinder,| sion. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. Alpes ' liday and sister of Mrs. Catherine preferably hardtop. Will trade '58 Super| CHEQUE writer. pop cooler. fesk, Association. Murray, Lowe, Quebec, in her 74th MOTORS Oldsmobile sedan, fully powered and/fiting cabinet, chairs, meat year, The late Mrs, Halliday is resting i Write Box 516 Oshawa Times licator, Hamilto! 37 Brock South Requiem mass in St. Gregory the a ' f Wil Rood ~ ae Because there is no cure for Great Catholic Church on Friday, July Just East of Wilson Road) HIGHEST PRICES paid for good usd|the ailment, in which there isi27 'at 9 am. Interment St. Gregory' 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 furniture. Pretty's Furniture Store, | ; 4 an excess of sugar in the blood, ue Teusiey srenme ote eaoe For clean cars we deal up or 723-3271. , . | ' HERTZ | p : WEDDING dress, worn once, | they must master if they are to NICOLS MOTORS LTD. original price $75, sell for $45.'live a relatively normal life. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY The insulin intake must he CARS AND TRUCKS MO 8-8001 728-9493 or 728- siectde two-bedroom brick Station attached Ap CHESTERFIELD suite, 2 piece, phone 725-0866 food, the amounts of which vary SPACE heater. large size, with 2 aallon| according to physicial activity. Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" tank. Complete $35. Suitable for cot- ie . 4 tage, Telephone MO 8-2984. A doctor can't be with his Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and SAVE" |CHESTERFIELD and one chair, wine,| Patient 24 hours a day, serving | suitable for cottage. Open to offer. Tele-|his meals, removing forbidden TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 Foote's Shell 97 King E., SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 SPECIAL _| VACATION Oshawa SCHOFIELD-AKER phone 723-3231 jfoods and adding extras as nec- |CHEST of drawers, coffee table, " aluminum cookware' (set), 2 hassoc! essary. Camps like that planned) SLAGRT, man's bicycle, Encyclopaedia Bri for Winfield are part answer. nica. All good condition. 725-9087. While the children are given ville, balaved aan or aie Me wil. {OIL furnace, "Ath gravity, complete subtle instructions on what foods|liam' T. Siaught, and 4 r of 31--Automobile Repairs with ducts. 'six y old. Apply 1281 f r |Meadowvale Street, Oshawa. Telephone contain how much protein, car-| William George. Resting at the North- bohydrate and fat, they cutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Divi- HOUSTON'S GARAGE 725-2281 and SERVICE STATION |REFRIGERATOR, Fiectrolux make, Will sion street Norte. Foasral aici' © BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- "mall size, good working condition, $55/also be getting fresh air, exer-|0'clock, Wednesday afternoon, Inters cise and a liberal dose of inde-|™*m Bowmanville Cemetery. sh. Apply 124 Jones Avenue PLETE BRAKE SERVICE nt en - aw | CRESCENDO $0 chord organ $75; epint nee GENERAL, REPAIRS. gpvcgp : LOCKE'S FLORIST The Okanagan. camp will cost Scavaret andl $35 a child, a direct charge to) fiorq| all |Eatons' deluxe typewriter, $50; tourist jtent., floor, $40. Apply 127 Park "oad| 67 KING ST. WEST 723- 7822 ' . the parents, with the remainder Robert Charles of the |Suddenly as the result of an accident jon Monday, July 23, 1 Robert ' i up Slaght, of 5 Southway Drive, Bowman- washrooms, finished rec. room screened Florida room, large enclosed patio with stone Bor-B-O, fenced yord and drive. List price only $14,000. Owner being transferred. Sing arrangement requirements for |South, rear door, HYDRO water heater, 30 gal. capacity, ert LETT CENTRALLY LOCATED ESTATE SALE | 8 room brick 214 storey home located handy to G.M North Plant, walking distance downtown. Home is in excel- lent condition inside ond out- You eon buy a 3 bedroom semi-brick bungalow in Whitby, re- duced $2,000. The builder's loss is: your goin Full price - 2 selling for $10,500. with one mortgage, and 2 houses only with garage selling for $10,900 with $6000 down. Close to shopping schools, OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY 218 DUNDAS ST. E. MO. 8-5853 EVENINGS MO. 8-4088 WHITBY CLASSIFIED home built by Kassinger's high standard of excellence. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with Redwood cup boards. Spacious L-shaped living room and dining room Finished play room. 2-car garage. Tastefully decorated throughout FOR RENT -- $65 monthly, three andj)FOR RENT -- 'Three unfurnished | FA four-room apartments, residential area,|rooms, Heated. Available immediate- near downtown and school, ead alte Reasonable. Adults preferred. Tele- L R parking and children's playground fa-| phone MO 8-2918, imi r cilities. 300 High Street Whitby, MO| ted - ealto haters TEACHER, husband and two school- rage|16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 ys require two-bedroom apartment FOR RENT: August 1, one bedroom Ss apartment in new apartment pilding, (neat St 1 Ca ein by Sep' $900.00 DOWN $65.00 stove, refrigerator, washing facilitiees, _ monthly, this 2 bedroom parkinig. Adults preferred. Telephone apARTMENT for rent: Three rooms. bungalow with full base MO 8-3591 private bath, two blocks from down NTING two apartment | town, private entrance. Adults only, ab ment,. electric hot water, , refrig- | sainexs $65 per month. Telephone MO wiring, cupboards, 8-284 Completely decorated inside and out. Minutes to , etc. Tele-| town, Only $7,500.00 full price. $12,900.00 Full price $1,500 down for this 6 room two storey home. Close to Osh- awa Shopping Centre. For inspection call today $8,500 with $1,000 down payment will buy a 6 room. home in good condition' on a 100 ft. lot. Close to Separate and Public Schools, this home is oil heated and has low toxes. MASSON ST- --- This five roomed brick bungalow has many extra features including fireplace, built-in book-case, potio at back, landscaped lot. This excellently locoted home must be sold NORTH -- Six roomed brick home on nicely treed lot in convenient section of City. These large bright roornes Ore all a good size and in clude a modern kitchen a 17" x 116" living room, Basement has partially fin ished rec room and. extra stool. Paved drive, low taxes FOR THOSE WHO LIKE COUNTRY LIVING -- Four roomed home with modern kitchen, panelled living room, situated on lot 45 x 664 INCOME | HOME Sit- uated on a nice with plenty of fruit trees and gar den area. All large rooms, this brick home has living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. both, apartment with shower seporate entronce Open evenings till 9 pm Saturdays till 5 p.m Telephone 723-2265 ~ bedroom Two comfortably _ furnished THREE-ROOM apartments in a conven-| Small kitchenette, stove, refrigerator ient and pleasant location. Stove sup-/Suitable for elderly or young couple plied, Washer, dryer, parking, avaitable./305 Perry Street. Telephone MO 8-4470 August 1. 305 St. John Street West °F) FOR RENT ... Three.s0o =P 4728. " MO 8 ed apartment, $50. Mr. a FOR RENT: Whitby, single room, pri- she} Street South or PP vos WB MO vate home, parking space. ees 8-594 cleded. 1-day week $9, with meals om tanks cleaned. Walter Ward. ae i 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone! APARTMENT for rent: Main floor; pri-| MoO 8. 2363; vate entrance, panciled living room: \FREE PANTS-SUIT SALE -- bus] your new English worsted suit at the| open kitchen with bar, ree O78 al. $75 small bedroom, all utilities, Centr Mercantile and receive absolutely frze| an extra pair of pants, Suits $59.50 and rooms monthly. MO 8-357 FOR RENT Three-room apa:tment, $75, Retail value of free pants $20 and| with refrigerator and stove, kitchen/$25. All suits tailored to measure to! suite, 233 Palace Street, Whitby. Offer expires; 725-4302. Department LOST: Man's dark green nylon win breaker, on Saturday night at lacrosse game in Brooklin, in or near vicinity of arena or east gate. Would aporeciate being returned to owner. MO 8-4271 LOST: Collie dog, female, brown and white, Sunday night, comes to the name of "Lassie". Reward. MO 8-2649. DESKS, chairs, files; safes, dictating mach complete line of office cquip Hamilton's 137 Brock South MO 8-8442.' Call your individual style August 31. Mercantile d- | Store, Whitby, Ontario. No. 1 Stock Reduced QUICK SALE DISCONTINUED COLORS, PATTERNS, DESIGNS DON'T MISS A BUY! loor Tile, Durolite and Arborite Wollboard, Plastic Wall Tile, Armstrong Ceiling Tile. CASH --- NO RETURNS ALL SALES FINAL SAWDONS' WHITBY) LTD 244 BROCK S.668-3524 WHITE newsprint paper in convenient 100 ft, rolls, suitable for picnic tables, banquets, etc, Available at the Circula tion Department, Oshawa Times. 77c per roll FOR RENT: Three room unfurnished ground floor apartment. Refrigerator and stove supplied. Private bath and entrance. Telephone MO 8-2776 840 DUNDAS Street East: Unturnished three room upstairs apartment. One 8T' lue, approx! Satety ry a of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby int Dundas Street West. CLERK FULL TIME CASHIER Some office work Must Work Saturdoys CANADIAN TIRE WHITBY MO 8-5828 Holiday Equipment for Rent Canees, cor top boats $15 weekly; boat and trailer $25; boot, 5 h.p. motor and trail. ' er $35; boat, 18 h.p. motor, trailer $65; 5 h.p. motors $16; 7¥2.h.p. motor $18; 10 h.p. motor $22; Silver liner tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin trailer $40; 15 ft. cabin trail- er $45; 9° x 9 tourist tent DUFFERIN ox 9 IE wall tom, APARTMENTS $15; stoves, lanterns and coolers $2. We also -ent 1 Bedroom Suites --- $82.50 cots, air mattresses, life jack 2 Bedroom Suites --~ ets, etc. Large and small 92.50 and 87.50 boat and box trailers 4 Bedroom Suites 97.50 Newly built ond reody Aug Ist. Recessed balconies. din- | «Gnd Galas ing oreas, TV outlet porking, heated,' etc Dundas E., 725-3090 er MO 8-3906 MO 83226 °* lot also stool For full particulars call Irene Brown Charlie Rankine Steve Zurba, Anthony Siblock, Phyllis Jubb, Lean Manitius, Jean Peacock, Roy Flintoff, WILDE RENTAL | Litas Peacock of 723.1217 ucas Peacock at 723-1211 Dryer, daily 9 a.m. te [your GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING . , 9 m 1415 Whitby Oper Pp \ {- APARTMENT SITES 6, 8 or 10 suite sites avail oble immediately, all 'services poid by the Sub-divider, locat- ed near Park Road N Coll Exclusive Agents, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1121 FOR SALE GOOD Commercial Property | on four corners 35 and 7 highway with 3 acres land, house, 7 room and summer kitchen House completely renovated, all floors tile, all aluminum storms, windows and doors, oil furnace, piece bath. Sell or trade on grocery store or -general store. Also German Shepherd Puppies, 9 weeks old. Very good watch dog -. $10 - $15 Apply S. Hussel, 35 and 7 highwoy, 2 miles south of Lindsay. Phone 324-2067 28--Real Estate Wanted FAMILY of "thres require house September 1 Three bedrooms a dining room in good area of city outside. Write Box 414 Oshawa _Times. | SPOT cash or terms. in the $6,000 to $12,000 range, Sales are tremendous. Call] John A Bolahood Ltd., 725-6544 anytime. - We need homen| now by nd or | 29--<Automobiles for Sale This Week's Specials LAW MOTORS 1958 Chevrolet SEDAN DELIVERY Good body, good black finish Good tires, $995. 1956 Chevrolet STATION WAGON Standard transmission, radio, Light Blue Finish $695. 1958 Meteor black and white, power steering, transmission Two door, 6 cylinder automatic $1095. Will. Accept Trades GM.A.C. Terms LAW MOTOR SALES LTD. Pontiac--Buick---Acadian i GM.C. Trucks PICKERING, ONTARIO Telephones MO 8-426], WH 2-5660 | best. i| es PRICES On Good Used Cars 1962 Ford Galaxie SEDAN, V-8 engine, auto- matic, radio, white wall tires. 5,000 miles. 1962 Ford Fairlane '500' two door, six cylinder, radio, white wall tires, 2500 miles. 1962 Ford Falcon FUTURA SPORTS COUPE, 2: door, bucket seots. 3000 miles 1962 Falcon STATION WAGON - door, loaded with 1000 miles 1962 Jaguar 3.8 Sedan Many miles 1961. Ensign Sedan Four cylinder 2500 miles, automatic, two tone, white and' red with red_ interior, cost new $2695. Make offer. 1959 Meteor Sedan 2-door, 2 tone blue and ivory 6 cylinder, Don't miss this! 1959 Morris Oxford SEDAN -- Low mileage. Per fect condition 1959 Metropolitan COUPE ---- two tone. The very Four extros Only 5500 extros 1958 Ford STATION WAGON Four door 6 cylinder, automatic. All white. One owner. 1957 Chevrolet HARDTOP ----- Four door, V-8 engine, automatic, blue and White. New tires. 1957 Consul Sedan Four door, black with red trim. 1957 Plymouth Seda Four door, condition 1956 Meteor FOUR DOOR SEDAN -- V-8 ted and blogk 1956 Buick Hardtop Four door. red and white, SPECIAL $595. 1955 Meteor FOUR DOOR SEDAN, tone blue, very good, 1956 Ford Sedan Four door, blue finish, re built engine, body very good. 1955 Chevrolet. FOUR DOOR SEDAN -- V-8 just. overhauled. New paint x $595 two tone, Excellent Two SPECIAL A Number Of Used Cars From $25 to $100 Look Them Over! SMITH'S SPORTS West 723-93 tort and Conlin 728-5912 Your Lece! Ferd Decler -- Rd | "Save At Western Service Centre Repairs to All Makes LICENCED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 _EEIVE BAYS TO SERVE _YOU" Parts and Service RENAULT PEUGOT AUSTIN Statham Motor Sales DEALER FOR RENAULT 59 King West 723-7712 | Automatic Transmission | | | | H General Repair Service Budget Terms WESTERN TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY Whitby MO 8-8791 14$ BROCK STREET NORTH ~|dual elements, $10. New Simmons mat- jtress, 40" wide. Telephone MO 8-2300. MAHOGANY frames, stem, transom screws and plans for 16 ft. runabout, Telephot after 6 p.m., 728-3575. ONE Crestone saxophone, alto, Reason- able Telephone MO 8-4704. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- Jers. Call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294: | HARDWOOD _ lengths flooring, maple quantity to cover 600 square feet 'ap- occasions of the $150 budgeted for each camper to be absorbed by the OSHAWA SHOPPING association, now in the midst of | CENTRE a drive to raise $5,000. 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Dr. Hunt, also in charge of 728-6555 rere iy on Payot ponent apie Poor 32--Articles for Sale HOTPOINT range, automatic, oven, with timer and clock, $150; broadioom rugs; double maple dresser $50; oak secretary desk, $20. All excellent condition, 723-3374 BOAT, cedar strip, 14 ft., Hope, running -- lights, Lakefield windshield, paddie. speedometer, all controls, 35 hp N Evinrude, electric start, Tee- $825. Telephone STOP -- BEFORE YOU BUY Aluminum doors er windows Get o lifetime quarantee. Doors $39.95 Windows $16, Free Installation 728-9257 or 7285-253 Boat, Crestliner 1962 Model ---- 14-ft. Convertible duty trailer, 8030. heavy | | Have your Johnson Motor, 40 h.p.) Tee-Nee Trailer After 6 p.m. 736 Whitman Crescent 725-7292 BOATS Lorson, Traveler, Weymouth, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo. Penta Engines. MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin --- 655-3641 | Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends \ Food' For Four $14.95 Weekly FOOD FREEZER 80% Regular Groceries Included ern Oil Co, \said A most pleasant way to Shop and Save Telephone 728-9403 Our come will and your Your your Food Courisellors into your home assist you 'in planning FOOD SUPPLY: to suit Fam and fit Food Budget needs. toste .{continental beds $24.95; seven' unfinish- "It takes the processed pan-| ity 9 cover 600 sauare feat < creas of 10,000 beef cattle to Kindness beyond price | Proxima! y) ow ie for ge. ea- ; \senable, 'Telephone 285 asei, make one pound of crystalline et within: reach of all paseo ---Sompine aupplise, marias| ulin, which is pretty over-| Y' , | hardware, aierd ciphers, "guns and| Whelming."' 728 6226 idee g Best prices. Try Dominion - hens ig Tire, 48 Bond Street West. 390 KING STREET WEST [nerarcenaTon. qkelvinator, 'frozen| ' Testimony Costs section 0. ney electric ran- | gette, Plug-in type, used four times. 'in. "telephone oe IN MEMORIAM REFRIGERATORS, Phillips, 10.8 en. Youth $10 Fi ine - $125. Wri lehine, $50 'bows ah hegre Miro lar emGIN -- In loving memory of my |Apply anytime 645 Annapolis Street . BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A dear mother who passed away July 25, | WEDDING dress, lace and net over 19- -year-old Bowmanville youth Getcha tLe ibaee alae eco cl taffeta, size 7 to 10, with iace veil,, who last month was a witness who passed away September 22, 1957. cling fr Stoopone vane |10 aN Saxaull, in the Queen's|" Reembnes 2 elie eh e tl ies reak all in vain, Hotel beverage room in New- . BOAT, 7 3, h a 1 'To have, to love, and then part, Innes } boat trailer, priced for 'an wale: leastle, was fined $10 and costs). Is the ireatest sorrow of ones heart. Tel 728-5507 or five days for drinking under| jue ime tne i eee many things DOUBLE bed, spring and "mattress, | age, as a result of the same| 'The memory of those happy days ve pag! henge note Fear ee any incident, | hen we were all together. 2 m, one 7 mibri etek John Dennis of King street| wee rl eae at hd eyo pleaded guilty to the OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- jen volvers and reps ne old cartridges.! charge. een mr "seuss | Constable Bruce Tillson of the CARD OF TH ANKS duty ranges from $29; apartment wash-|OPP Bowmanville detachment, ing machine $29; chrome suites from|told Magistrate R. B. Baxter, oa $19.95; one space saver $24.95; ana be didn't know he was ral gy saan pa Baer Bord and ed chests of drawers from $12.95: has-/age until it came out when he" their sympathy, floral tributes socks $2.99; walnut arborite desk $19.95; | w many acts of kindness received during Tool General Electric dover Sooo. Nar: | Was in the witness box." our recent bereavement. Special thanks |to Dr. Maroosis, all doctors and nurses coni radio and record player $89; saves | 'oron! ; [ay sets oe Reet bedroom lamps $2 |e ted Freee Sie palneen Me + mode: . 7 e : a gall iage7 yee As eg. F vad Intosh Funeral Home, and the Reverend N. T, Holmes. Furniture, 19 Prince Street, across from the bus terminal. 728-1131. ~The McNally Family. FREE WILSON -- Mere words are inade- quate to express our feoere to rela- their Peron Parties, Reds Outlawed yi0cuitss pats. In Argentina aera inane iat lso to Dr. Rowsell, Stan- | BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- Ar-| inn i aie and ~~ gentina's military - controlled" ~The Wilson Family. government Tuesday night out-|~ lawed Communist and Peronist| parties and candidates in de-| crees clearing the way for new elections promised next year. President Jose Maria Guido issued four decrees that also} banned * 'other totalitarian par- ties" and their candidates, Blec- toral courts were given power hed supervise political party ac furnace cleaned free this summer and guaran- teed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from West. 70 Lose Jobs As Ajax Firm Changes Site AJAX -- Kitchen Installations Lid. has closed its Ajax plant which employed about 70 per- 'sons, and by next week will be operating at a new plant in Mid- land. The Midland plant also {houses Kindred Industries Ltd. | which is under the same owner- DIAL 725-1212 Beat Mother Oshawa Man Draws Remand BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ~ A os dea rees were aimed prin-| burly construction worker plead- cipally at followers of former) ed guilty in court here Tuesday/dictator. Juan D. Peron, who 'o "doubling his fistsand pound-|was overthrown in 1955. They ing his 69-year-old mother twice) specifically prohibited Peronist| on top of her head, as hard as! propaganda, Peronist songs| he could". and displaying Peron's portrait. | James Arthur Thickson, 41 of} 'The Peronists were barred an eanna' aoe from organized political activ-| > ae e week| | for sentence on the assault/President "Arturo. Frondiat| 'te, Al Plant, which produced charge. let them run as a party in the| Stainless tine sitchen issalia- Constable John Bird of the, March elections. They got one. Oise Males Sean ke Bowmanville Police Department third of the popular vote and a Midland plant will be drawn aid Thickson, who lives with|substantial number of the of- from that area said Mr, Hartog pal yr ep _-- me gent fices at stake. PRANK reas eens ea urday about 7 p.m. He had been} when Frondizi refused to nul- drinking and went to bed. Then lify the elections, the military Rbaspanatititag ain about 9.30 p.m. he fot up and ousted and arrested him and in-)_ UANDSHUT, Germany (AP) went into the kitchen, siniied Guido, the Senate pres-|A court Tuesday sentenced "He ripped the telephone re-jident. Congress was ordered|housewife Anna Eggerdinger, ceiver off the wall," said the/into recess, and Guido promised |*4, to 21 months in prison for constable, "'and then when his/new elections in mid-1963. setting fire to a brewery hoping mother told him not to, he . _ : {to stop 'her husband's frequent struck her, saying 'that's the drinking sprees. When she was way you get it'." Constable Bird jarrested last January, Mrs. said Thickson was intoxicated. Eggerdinger told police: "If the "T blame it all on these pilis More than $4,000 in prizes was|brewery burns down, they can't I've been taking," said Thick- distributed at the 110th annualimake beer and my husband son exhibition hereof the Qham-jcan't drink anymore." The fire "Apparently he has hay/plain County agricultural soci-|caused 250,000 marks/\( $62,500) fever," said Constable Bird. _ ety. damage. Robert Hartog, president and | general manager, said yesterday GETS JAIL TERM HISTORIC FAIR ST. STANISLAUS, Que. (CP)