i | 7 ; 3 | } y 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sele 27--Real Estate tor Sale Z7--Real Estate tor Scie Z9I--Automobites for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale _THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 6, 1962 3 Se cemcen Sires Mae, See $00 tre ee acmmee SPACIOUS roomed See ote ee bo aad one or two ladies. Brooklin TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, Fngerator, stove and wither, close lo NEWLY decorated furnished KING STREET EAST, 235 -- Furnish- eg Egaygoreor a four- separate eal location, ae 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Low Down PAYMENT Terms Arranged FIVE-ROOM STUCCO Ya Acre land, modern conve- school, Transferred to London {gara; aved driveway, greg 66' x 150', lewtocepar Private landscaped, good location. 655-3854. sale. Whitby -- Must be sold, modern solid brick 3 - bed- room home. Aluminum storms ond screens, lond- layments like rent, After 530 p.m. MO 8-5409 niences, neor on Nash. Road, block off King near Townline East. CALL 725-0906 ONE- and two-bedroom apartments . new building, ae faa, Abe 101 Graydon "Toad, bedroom 'basement apartinan reat eludes stove and ee Available Aug. 1. Telephone 725-7091. GRAND VIEW DRIVE -- Three-room heated newly decorated, near bus line, a Giate occupancy. 723-9341 after six. SEMI-FURNISHED apartment, pri Sine od entrance, © parking, <a reason: able. Apply "08 Centre Street. , ATTRACTIVE newly built one and two bedroom apartments, sound - proof, walk-out balconies, range, refrigerator and laundry; school and shopping near by. 728-5282. 498 SIMCOE Street North, one and two- bedroom apartments, furnished or un- furnished. Available for June and July Telephone 728-3945. PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Four unfur- nished rooms, self-contained, Be and $75 " Teleph TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with private bath and entrance, stove, re- frigerator. $55 monthly, Everything in- eluded, Telephone 724-7188. ABERDEEN STREET -- four 1 apartment, modern conveniences, pri-| vate bathroom, near hospital, . high! school and bus stop. Child welcome.| Telephone 725-6865. | THREE -ROOM apartment, Feirigere: | tor, stove, private bath, $70 monthly | Telephone 728-4678 or 728-4234, | LARGE five - room lower duplex. Range, refrigerator, laundry facilities, oil heat, hot water. Will decorate. Poa- session July 15. 425 Dundas Street East, Whitby, evenings. KING WEST -- two-bedroom upstairs apartment, heated, unfurnished, 860 monthly, Immediate possession. 728- 7611. room | om | SIMCOE STREET NontTH -- Large four - room apartment, unfurnished, tange and refrigerator, television out- let, laundry and parking facilities. Tel- ephone 728-9367. 590---MAIN floor, three-bedroom apart- ment, conveniences, North Oshawa. Lease if desired. Apply 407 Eulalie Avenue. 723-7539. JARVIS, 302 -- Two rooms, completely furnished, heated, $15 week. Apply above address. RAGLAN -- four large bright rooms, tiled bath, modern kitchen, oil heated, private entrance Child welcome, $70, lephone 655-4629. Tel BACHELOR apartment in modern apartmen' ullding, stove and refrig- bi erator, washing facilities. Telephone MO 8-5840. PACIFIC AVENUE, apartment, kitchen, and bath, close to bus, ing -- Car parking. Telephone 723- 7580. 306 -- Private i bedroom Automatic Washer | LOOK Automatic Dryer Electrical Living Comfort. Only $975 Down Six big rooms All Decorated. All storms. ond screens. FULL PRICE $12,625 CALL MRS. HANDSON 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Reo! Estate Ltd METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED | 40 King St. E: Dial 728-4678 SUSSEX AVENUE Want an extra apartment for a relative or additional income? Brand new duplex just completed for your in- spection, 5 rooms on main floor with 3 bedrooms, 3 rooms on ground floor with one bedroom, beautifully fin- ished inside and out, natu- ral trim, mahogany kit- chens, separate meters ond entrances. Down payment pocageeyry $2,900. with N.H.A. mortgage for hae Aig OAKES AVENUE Two bedroom bungalow with a finished recreation room, separate dining room, spark- ling kitchen. Property is well landscaped and: very clean. Close to bus and shopping GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR MAPLE GROVE Neor Hampton 7 room frame house on one acre lot, gar- age and small born, Full price $7,900 -- with $1800 - down. Owner anx- ious to sell, Give offer Near Oshawa two bedroom bungalow on large lot, gar- e and all conveniences. Price $7,900 - Terms. Near Pontypool, 100 acre farm, 8 room house, big barn chicken coops and green house $9,500 with $2500 down CARL OLSEN | REALTOR GARRARD ROAD Only 6 years old, 1400 square feet. Lot 99' x 200' landscaped, living room 14' x 20', natural fireplace. Large modern kitchen, ex- tremely large bedrooms. Owner leaving city, an- xious to sel! FAIRLEIGH AVENUE Storey and a half, seven rooms, four bedrooms, good kitchen, basement, oi! heot- $7,900 -- WITH TERMS, west, five-room bungalow with garage and large lot. Newt Hodgson, 725-9870. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. HEALEY FALLS -- Trent River. New prestige cottag: plum ing, large lots, scenic island, and shore in quiet back arm of Trent river. hunting, year round road jes, electricity, just off main highway No. city limits! 795. LOTS, Kenrei Park, Sturgeon Lake, $400 up. Kenneth Reid, Reaboro, for sale, north west section, Finu- eS x 146', Price $62 ft. Telephone} PRIVATE, %,000 down 2% room valuable income property. |. Rea- sonable cffer accepted. Write to Box 503 Oshawa Times. WILLOW Glen, lovely watetivent lots cottage on sou ? idan hoa Lake, four miles straigh' bsegp aa Lindsay, follow signs. Terms suit, bee al down . Show . Connor and belltoras 'Ont. Phone 46 for choice cot- tages or lots. cottage. Write, golf club, ample re- and Sons Ltd., yee ANNOUNCING The Change of Address of OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE to 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY FARM FOR SALE V4 mile North of Whitby, 41 acres of land, all with opple trees, modern brick home with double garage, ond big storage building Everything in excellent cond- ition. One of the best pro- ducing orchards in the dist- rict. Also 15 acres land for subdivision very close to Whitby. Hos a large frontage on Hwy 12. For full particulars call Leon Mani tius at Guide Realty Limited 723- 1121, $700 DOWN Brick Large Lot and Gorage $85 MONTHLY No Income Home ed, paved drive, garage, nice lot, close to schools and all | conveniences.. Asking price $10,600.00 with $2,000.00 | down. VERDUN ROAD Four rooms, frame bungalow, two bedrooms, kitchen with good cupboard, oil heated and large lot. Asking price $8, 300.00 with $1,200.00 down LAKESIDE This is on exceptional one, Immaculate Conditior 725-1186 MR. McMULLEN W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED WILL SELL QUICKLY $8,200 - $2,000 Down -- | | beach ~./room bungalow with tiled bathroom plus i }cony overlooking ravine, four-bedrooms nage gg brick bungalow, six » large lot, extra room in Resoment $10,900, East end. 723-1006. BANFF Avenue, lot 50' x Peni in a subdivision, with iy Suitable for house, apartment site. Tele. phone 728-5670, PRIVATE sale, three-years-old, four spacious room brick bungalow, garage,| close to south GM, $12,800 full price. Terms to suit, 728-1350. COURTICE VLA approved, modern five-room bungalow on 2% acres, bonged landscaped, near school, new forced air oil furnace, new four Piece, bath, gar- age. $10,500. Telephone 728-8931. PICKERING four-bedroom brick Beers galow, 1% baths, fireplace, large land seaped lot. 6 per cent mortgage. $3000 pre WH 2-0493. PRIVATE SALE -- five-room brick bungalow, north - east section, Beverly Street. Quiet neighborhood. Terms ar- Ly Se For appointment, telephone 725-6398, PRIVATE SALE excellent . each, with on » suitable for cottage or hone." Telephone 728- 2828. 34,500, FIVE et Maggy gees one acre of land, $2,500 di $40 inthly for balance, An excellent buy. Call Bill . Lioyd Realty Oshawa Horner, 728-5123. Ltd. Realtor. 191 CROMWELL VENUE -- pallid sale, new five-room brick uungalow, custom-built, Close to Shopping Centre and school, fully landscaped, Low down payment, FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, double garage, North Oshawa, $11,000. Will trade for larger home with -acre, 725-1641 56,0 full price, Oshawa beach, eight- room all year two-storey, beautiful lot, city conveniences, easy| ' terms, Call Art Weinberger evenings 44. Schofieul Aker Ltd., Realtors. \t IVATE sale -- Large modern six- large recreaticn room. Near schools, bus and stores, Reason terms. 728-1703. OWNER retiring. 9% acres, with three houses. Good location. 1192 Cedar Street. May be seen _ after 4 o'clock, evenings. LOT, 49° x 150°. Nice location, partially serviced, north section of Oshawa. Telephone 728-7245. SCUGOG LAKE -- Two large lakefront lots, $1,100 each. George Koorneef, 725- 9870. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. SHARBOT Street, modern six-room, brick bungalew, three bedrooms, land- scaped lot, approx. 6' x 110', Pay- ments approx. $70 monthly plus taxes. Full price $12,500, down payment, $900 Balance 6 per cent NHA mortgage. Private sale. 728-9963 if ACRES good garden soll, €30 tt. frontage, 15 minutes from Oshawa. Apply Rind Elgin Street Weest. FOUR room "bungalow, "garage, large lot 75 x 200 ciose to school, vicinity of Thickson Road $1000' down, balance $55 monthly, Telephone after 6 p.m. 723-7817. PRIVATE offering, one week only, beautiful clay brick bungalow, in Hills- dale Terrace. Picture windows, bal- walkout basement. Possession soon. Buying A Car? WELLMAN'S "Where Quality and Price Go-Together" TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES Friendly Service . . . . Written Guarantee SUMMER SALE 1961 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE HARDTOP Finished in o beautiful Dubonnet Metallic ond Frost 62 CHEVROLET Biscayne, excellent a very low mileage. Telephone @ FORD Fairlane, two-door, radio and white walls. New car condition. 242 El- gin Street West. |29--Automobiles tor Sale |30---Automobiles Wanted ' i AUSTIN Healey Sprite, one owner, 16,000 talles. 'Telephone 725-2573 alter 6 52 PONTIAC coach, best} offer, Telephone Tas.1306, --_ 59 CHEVROLET Impala, V3, four door |hardtop, power radio, two tone. Excellent 37,- 49 FORD \%-ton, pick-up; 63 Ford, condition. Zoltan oad Nick's Rerviee Station, 16) Simcoe Street "ot PONTIAC four-door good condition, radio, extras, $1,000. Apply after 5 p.m, 634 Montrave. 195? METEOR, two door, $69 or beat| offer. Telephone 728-5455. custom with new paint. Very good condition, 728-1913. --;, $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. ~ . Telephone '58 PONTIAC sedan, runs weil. Good '#0 CHEVROLET sedan, 60 Meteor sedan; '54 one ton, Ford, ton-truck with power wench. No ree oe ne- cessary. Telephone MA 3. hydraulic tail-gate. Also water pressure system, Good 728-8987. Spm. taa-raas, at Telephone Mer) NICOLS MOTORS LTD. '62 MG midget, red, beits, ton-| 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY mer bce haha full ~pegeaeend just like new MO 8-8001 f NTIAC sedan, automatic, radio, : appearance. New slip covers, cluteh,| , down. Li a se Seseesie, 1, THRE) NICOLS MOTORS LTD, | A 1961 GMC 3-ton, 16 foot piattorm with} 512 BReKO inn" i \} $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal F 4 or 1953 aMEROAN Pontiac, white, very good condition, Best offer. After P.m., call Whitby, MO 8-8510. ~v 1960 CORVAIR 700 -- a car.|1957 MERCURY, door sedan, ' Must 'sell, Immaculate, radio, "white tone Dhue and whe ash ---- ate 50 CARS WANTED matic, 5 i BSN iRaistth Fed wHN white top, | mules, 000 Telephone 7ARTIMD. "| seit ver tua Cor vo Tad SREP To omer pas FUL have been Talk "Cash" 191 PLYMOUTH FURY, C) ash" to the New \wro-tone, hardiop, white-walls, transls-\Oshawa' Times' Classified 'Ads. Diet| Cor Dealer and "SAVE" Mo #5174. 308 Palmersion Avenue, vara Eom co TED CAMPIN MOTORS ye * coach, new licence, ii BORGER eee Wek, low tat ood running order .Telephone 723 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | ee ged a, as 4 |'58- OL ILE, 98, convertible con-| 3 1--Automobile Repairs 3-3473. tinental, fire engine red.new paint, ii CHEVROLET BELAIR two-door ropa tires siase aie Saree 'atl! HOUSTON'S GARAGE power Brakes: radio aoa taal setins'|is00 MGA sports car, Aa condition No| and SERVICE STATION ' 1500 original miles, showroom condi.|reasonable offer refused. 175 Brike| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- : tion, Please telephone 725-9514 Egy 6|Street. 728-6473. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE ' ae low tllocae, yeeie falls sanipped.| ~~ MOTOR TUNE-UP AND 4 It TONTIEG, peed eadilnn._ peal Oieeee ome oF = GENERAL REPAIRS \ ben bank offer. Apply 235 Eulalle Ave-|'57 PONTIAC sedan, yellow and white 67 KING ST. WEST \ nue. 726-1 cruiser skirts, wheel discs, radio, Al 723-7822 condition. 728-8163 or 313 Olive Avenue. '85 CHEVROLET Belair, four-door, au- White, automatic, whi chrome discs, executive cig en 2200 miles. Showroom condition. SALE PRICE $2287.00 1959 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Finished 'in Frost White with Red and Grey interior, V-8 outomatic, power brakes and radio, In immaculate condi tion. SALE PRICE $2087.00 1959 HILLMAN CONVERTIBLE Sunshine beouty up to 35 miles per gallon. Radio and whitewalls. SALE PRICE $895.00 1959 HILLMAN MINX This car is a one owner and carries a 60-day guarantee 5 new tires. SALE PRICE $695.00 1958 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF One-owner, radic, two-tone ond = whitewalls. Owner's name given on request. SALE PRICE $1195.00 SHARP 56 '54 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 convertible, power steering and brakes, radio, auto- matic transmission, one owner. Phone 728-1007, "Meteor, har hardtop, custom radio, V8 motor, egies * aectomntarmuc: $795 or terms, MO 8-56. '37 PONTIAC four gas aa cylinder standard transmission, perfect condi- jtion. No reasonable offer refused. Ap- ply 309 Colborne Street East. Invest Your tomatic, radio, two-tone. After 6 p.m. leph '723-4867, CAR radio, transistor, in the dash, $39.95. Aerial and installation extra. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. 62 CHEVROLET hardtop, good ti tires, radio, Fair condition, No reasonable offer refused. Call 725-7544 '35 FORD custom, good body good condition, able offer. 725-4935 | '38 PONTIAC Laurentian, six cylinder,| two-door, en #180. fully equipped, motor, tires, $495 or reason- Automatic Transmission General Repair Service et Terms Bud: WESTERN TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY WHITBY MO 8-8791 __149 BROCK STREET NORTH . fl MIKE'S ; B.A. Service Station low Must be seen to appreciate. Priva' Phone 723-1308. so Glengrove Street, | Nights or weekend. ;YOUR Mobile ines will find a new lowner quickly with a powerful Oshawa |Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 to-| plete automotive service and repairs. --" trans. missions overhau' LICENCED MECHANIC Ragion, Ontario 655-3528 ey to get yours started. Its inexpensiv®! 29 Automobiles for Sale Vacation Pay In a year-round Service and Pleasure For the Family From Dodd Motors 1961 Pontiac CONVERTIBLE } Van H Motor Holiday Sale Cusen 5 Ltd; Asking price $11,900.00 cozy, attractive, well arrang- 4 room birck bungalow on | 726-0234 after June 30. 26--Rooms for Rent with $3,000.00 'down pay- ed, five room ap -otot with quiet street. Newly decorated WHITBY: Bee] private gale, three) 1958 CHEVROLET All white finish, one-owner | GRET , SN ;| Payment. three bedrooms, fini rec. throughout. Living room 17' |} Dcsiay Goeecaae Wane ; Aypeds one lacie Porain 8 Moen sol ma ory room, paved drive, reduced lone, 2 edieune aay size finished recreation "Soom vor ae sunt ign Vienne. oot: ie nevened, low wile Sa NEW HOMES oo ee | a Ie ON heated Onn Ce ae oe heres | | 3 ; wivacy. any | LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, fur| For @ complete selection of TRI-PLEX to offers, for cash or terms, owner being transferred ont aon whiaealc ik ban iM y j af : nished, all conveniences, separate en-| new homes in 6 different 4 | 'i eeaed wi taille Gows, WIN S2fanee| Oreo', | 1961 Chevrolet | ' trance, very central, district.| subdivisions, with prices Two year old building, north | ERRIFIC VALUE |Mo #4 siicrtgage if desired, Telephone 1 | FRIDAY, JULY 6th : a bach "islet. Ts, ax| starting as low as $11,295, east crea. Three- two bed- po A gd $11,500 - 8 year ------_-- SALE PRICE $1195.00 | BISCAYNE ' . camer with Foes. 00 down be sure room apartments, all leased old 1% storey brick with new Gaded. Separate hydro | meter. Suit] ae dk eee Balle -and fully equipped with stove, garage, This home is in won- NORTH WEST 1957 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, two-door in biue SATURDAY, JULY 7th meutaiy: Available July 23, 78-| Vista Gardens -- Downsview fridge, washer and dryer. derful condition inside and finish, with standard trans- | , Pank -- West Brooke Vil- $24,900.00 with terms or out, Tiled bathroom, Koolvent | SECTION DELUXE 2-DOOR mission. Mother's own car- | DIRE REET 1M ee on lage, Northway Court ond will trade for clear house awnings, aluminum -- storms | One owner, Whitewalls ond . Sommerville Ave. ' ond screens. Oil heated, pav- New f NHA brick diss. In flawless: condition. Sop ot goer Felophene rasseer" os For further details on above ed drive fenced in back yard ves fig pe ' he SALE PRICE $987 00 1960 Ford 10% Down or Your Trade-In : call ith | d nee ngalow, beautifully no/. a ee a 9 Woter your AFTER 5:30 CALL with lawn end garden decorated, large kitchen and Al while: furdosi | around, cen : | 4 i s Abstainer. $6 weekly. Telephone 72-9615, J0¢ Moge ....... 5-919) Jack Comish BRUCE STREET bathroom, sodded ond many | 1957 FORD fed foto te Buys One of The Following Cars ee Niaaed Jack Osborne ..... 8-5836 otk oe 8 Room. brick -- consisting other features, price $15,- CUSTOMLINE the family who loves travel- Available at the Pontiac inn Them.| Ken Hann ...... 3-7963 | of Living Room, Dining Ro m 400. -- Down $1,800 Finished in a beoutifui two- ling 's Road South, Telephone 725-0078. Everett Elliott .... 3-9290 | 19 Athol Street West Sad ek 3 : tone, In outstanding condi- = ELGIN STREET EAST --Furnieh-| Dick Barrloge .... 5-6243 | Oshowe, Ont large rooms on th on JAMES O'MALL tion. 100% warranty. ed room, housekeeping privileges. | 2nd floor. 2. bedrooms on 3rd EY FOR AS LITTLE AS 12 R W) Close, to downtown. Telephone after 4| John Kemp 8-2392 723-1133 | floor, List price $10,500 epi SALE PRICE $987.00 1959 Monarch $ | | $2,000 down 723-7122 FOUR DOOR SEDAN 'estates se reteineeinnionsissitemcenaerietsanniet FURNISHED room for rent, private | 1958 PONTIAC 1958 VAUXHALL bathroom, Adelaide W. -- ane Man tan, "Etetien Privileges aces, boat : EXCELLENT VALUE 29--Automobiles ay bus In greén finish and_with full Te a ene Tee. REDUCED TO $11,500.00 rl Mg ge a re aie a ; Slonyar «| 1958 CHEVROLET. 1959 METEOR LARGE Sed > silting room for gentle- , ' convenient to down town, ioe | CHEVROLET two-door, Fadlo. sig-| Finished in Powder Blue, with ond family car TV outlet Apply Ritson Road South, 4 bedroom -- 1% storey featuring 4-piece tile bathroom with ~-- is" on eae hs to operating condition. Telephone 7280277 ee ond discs. | 1958 BUICK 1958 OLDSMOBILE NORTH, 105 -- Close to : 'i 7 : ve a nice comfortable bun- LAN tet , GM, Clean, comfortable furnished| YO"/ty. Fully. decoroted including upstairs fully panelled. High galow consisting of living caine, pert "coaiton eee at SALE PRICE $895.00 1959 Mercury | 1958 MERCURY ,1958 METEOR ; pce ogre daa Preferred. Meals oP-| bright basement for recreation room. Down payment $600.00 Spe i. ray per Wershs' ean be arrangeas Teearia, _ , HARDTOP TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished,| With the balance in one N.H.A. mortgage forced air oil furnace, Paved _ |0® PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- 1956 CHEVROLET | . : poy A ERE drive. Priced ot $12,800 with | secring: 'power Braker mnancg Mamet] DELUXE ee fe © one or two employ: women. * 5 wer brakes, padd jas) ini i er. Just i $7 each weekly, 728-6387. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE terms. Call Henry Stinson dition. MO. to excellent con-/} Local cor just traded in tho cae tee pis Somily with FOR ONLY $9 PER WEEK evenings 725-0243 Equipped with radio, Whit- walls and discs. 60 day wor- OSHAWA BOULEVARD s0UTE Furnished room, suitable to share, use small children ' of Kitchen, private bathroom, private 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-5853 DAYTIME 723-2265 | HERTZ ranty. j recoil in ; : After 5:30 call Seman MOAR COUR = Evenings: Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 or Frank Friesen MO 8-8314 See er cet | Drive Yourself SALE PRICE $845.00 | 1959 Nash | 1958 VOLKSWAGEN § 1956 FORD bome, centrally located, gentleman pre- ----| Don Stradeski ... 728-8423 | CARS AND TRUCKS 1956 BODGE Rambler 1960 RENAUL® 1956 PONTIAC | LESLIE STREET, 295 -- Good Henry Stinson 725-0243 1728-9493 or 728-964] L , : dential section, nice, clean large bed. Bill McFeeter 725-1726 | i : : Two-door in attractive red 1957 FORD Sa = aan NEW BUNGALOW AiWinoaner 7an.zzua | Fue Sal Seton | pea EM ce, | fh An ori oy 2 fo choose trom 1956 CHEVROLET sekeeping pas ewalls, Full ¢ et blag ISCs, ee Set Set Bees $12,950 -$1 2,950 es ers % rhb ae POAC DI PRICE $787.00 | 1958 Ford ph potas 1957 BUICK for girls. | * jr $650. DOWN $650. " GUIDE REALTY Sie pete ake | 10m LvncuT peeh get FURNISHED ROOMS Completed interior decorating, all double glazed windows with Limited Realtor DODD MOTOR SALES | SAVOY Twodkene whitecond aden, 6 . screens, 26 ft- living room. 16 Simcoe St. §. 723-112) linder, automatic _ trans- FOR N Pp E Aveitaile ih pavete tome. 314 PARK RD. S. Finished in two tone Blue, ¢y! Vee Bia tally. car O LY. $7 ER W EK Call between 5 and 7 p.m, BE HAPPY WITH ONE MORTGAGE! EVERYOODY'S DREAM <- |." faeeezl aes maemnetic, no nat se rola she lil eal a place in the country, over- ° 82 an oe NORTH | TELEPHONE BILL MILLAR 725-1186 looking Lake Ontario, 2 INDUSTRIAL SALE PRICE $274.00 1057-21 ' Your Choice of 1955 Models i rey, , ! fireph in livi ymout r 27--Real Estate for Sole CASTLE HOMES ota LAND 1954 BUICK Pace tiahe Fords - Chevrolets - Pontiacs - Meteors ' Se --| 'Broadioomed in, living and ¥ Approx. 10 rg dirs rg we : | OWNER'S SACRIFICE dining room. electrically wa. Priced right for in- n flawless condition, radio, Finished in cool green, E&Y | BUILDING HOMES] 5, semi, rotor tis rorpintey Heine! 3-bedrom brick | heated, nicely londicoped | vestmen ard 'broke; oeal carer" | Linder, Excellent transport. | WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF OLDER bungalow close to school and quiet is being sold at less than cost. fs 725- 2734 ssp . i cargo SALE PRICE $488.00 at Long te tgage carries for $68.00 nth, Paved drive, $6900 FULL PRICE 4 ee f FOR $] 1 900 pie Bales gies awk finished. Many Serius wok eeccee room brick, clean as a pin | Tilden 1953 MODELS. P| Price $12,600. must sell becouse of ill | CHEVROLET 1956 Pontiac Ff Somerville and Wayne LOW COST LIVING health, Call today to inspect. | CAR AND TRUCK BEL AIR aon Ganon . } $900. Down $900. S-bedroom re-modelied stucco home set on large and lovely BURK ST. -- 2 bedrooms, RENTALS gg ne Ee 5 Make Us An Offer. iy lot with plenty of trees and perfect garden soil. Modern both and very large lot. Suitable' for {All Makes and Models Plus", ; ad Black and white, 6 cylinder, standard transmission. For the SALE PRICE $450.00 | family on vacstion 1951 CHEVROLET | CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. VOLVO Call BILL MILLAR kitchen, Large 'living room with fireplace. Large garden will older couple who like a good | greatly help the food bill, Idea! for G.M. employee with lorge garden. Taxes only $153.00 | 725-1 186 family. this is a good buy. | SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU: FAILING HEALTH FORCES SALE 108 ALBERT STREET <6 E DEL : CASTER: HOMES High producting 100-ccre farm, must be sold. Good value in a an pies in Entocul Ee aes ae 1999 and 1956 q Your answer to better living high priced area near Whitby Golf Club. Good brick house, born rbableald deg ring oF 1962 MODELS rsh Special ! BUICK HARDTOPS JIM SINCLAIR JIM JORDAN urnoce -- immediate S- 4 | Si cane tae, Veta heats | ene eeu oe ol ened LEE WESTLEY JOHN GRIFFIN q PETER FEDDEMA 'going concern. Price $37, 000. BEVERLY ST. -- Well main- FINA Senvace -- Two Courteous Salesmen: | | =) Realtor WOODLAND SANCTUARY toined 5 room brick bunga- 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 KEN MURRAY - ED WELLMAN} ALL CARS EQUIPPED | 20 beautiful secluded acres with wooded section. through. wh Sas Nantes ee tile VACATION Si $ A WITH RADIOS HIGHWAY 2--ONE MILE | 'ows ,chottering well stocked trout stream, winterized « floors, 4 pc. bath, new fore- | oi 3 : | F | 12068. ro, beautiful P abba for professional or execu ed air oil furnace, large lot, | SPECIAL Wellman's $ $ Save Many Other 4 | MSP OFROWMANis oc ae sch og 1962 RAMBLERS | LOW PRICED CARS an eusen : i ne ; Hee rer Mil mets | 93 mapas och lr rvng ent tout mam ncn | Sun SAU necting | 1959 CHEVROLET [GREATLY REDUCED"| "Vo os vo | H - ern home, 2 barns painted, wos pe g mill stream. This property could be developed by group all forge rooms in spotless IMPALA ees ot yy small stream, pond, Excellent of sportsmen into fishing and up! bird club. Ever increasing condition. New oil fumace For Your Choice ; see } focotion. Priced to sell land values will guarantee security on investment. $42,000 and water softener | FOUR DOOR HARDTOP WELLMAN ofo rs fi ; i 1S erie: B.vo0m hats both, LIST WITH WILLOUGHBYS For full particulars call Roy | Continental | kit, custom lintoff, Stevi ba, n NO, Ye A i tana are | emi ay fate tes com | fl, Si Se ek | aS vot eee | MOTORS LTD. | | $1,000 Contest i heed Ga oe | 156 KING STREET WEST ,000. eon Peacock, Lloyd Corson, : j Authorized Dealer | oui D. H. Andrews -- Phone Brooklin 655-3195 | Dick, Young, Lucas Peacock $1995 -- | at 723-1121 ee | Matar See TELEPHONE 725-3557 MA 3-3644 or > i A. WILLOUGHBY &-SONS LTD Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m! daily Dragomotz Motors 100, NONQUON ROAD 46 EGLINTON 'AVE, E., | : r ' , Ho Call ORONO 1407 | NAVE, E., TORONTO 12 jYOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING) | ,, 'ine teen W Passe | PHONE 728-7351 {314 Park South 723-9421 | 'Oodiunee ox fame i