APPEAL TO GIRLS health officer, has told school-}or romance." He is campnign- LEEDS, England (CP) -- Dr |girls in the county: "Make yourjing against smoking among James Ferguson, a Yorkshirelboy friends choose -- cigarettes| schoolboys. ZELLER S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS THONG SANDALS § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 6, 1962 ANN LANDERS Gracious Thanks Are Brief and Sincere Dear Ann Landers: A greatjinterested third party the de- deal has been said about the|tails should be kept to a mini- art of giving but I've read very|mum and the comments should little about the art of receiving.|be conservative. Will you please say something) Dear Ann Landers: I know on this subject? ithis is trivial but I believe My mother-in-law makes ajthere's an important principle big production out of receiving|involved so I'd like your opin- gifts. She glories in birthdays, ion. ; anniversaries, Christmas, Moth-| I'm a college girl who dates er's Day and so on. It's boring|fellows both in and out of and embarrassing to hear her|school. I'm no prude, but my repeat the details of the gifts|standards are high. If a fellow she receives. She generally ap-|doesn't behave himself 1 tell praises each item: For ex-jhim off and he either straight-| ample: "That handbag must!ens up and flies right or 1 dump) have cost at least $45.00!" him, : | I'm shy about gifts and I'm| The other evening I was out! sure I tend to go to the other|With an interesting fellow. In a extreme, There must be a|complaining tone he whined,| happy medium. Will you please READER. Dear Saginaw Reader: That "happy medium" is a great deal closer to your approach CUTTING THE ANNIVERSARY CAKE --Oshawa Times Photo Gifts and Flowers Presented "On Silver Anniversary A surprise party honoring Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. Skinulis were and Mrs. Edward Skinulis, Kee-| presented with a chest of sil- watin street, who are celebrat- ORS, ; j : ; Skinulis ing their 25th wedding anni- ania a "versary, was held recently at sister Mrs. Benjamin Korney, "the home of their daughter Mrs. of Burlington, who was their "D. F. Simpson, et Simpson |flower girl 25 years ago. They and granddaughter Mary ran! j1so received an oil painting, cis, Perry crescent. c te a " oe _-|and a card of silver coins from their son Robert and daughter |Lynda. Also many flowers and |gifts were received from friends }and relations. A buffet supper was served and the table was decorated with an anniversary cake. Mrs. Skinulis received in an aqua lace dress with side drap- img and a corsage of white car- 'nations tinted pink. | Mrs. Skinulis, the former Mary Memryk of Winnipeg, and Mr. Skinulis were married on June 26, 1937, in St. Mary's Greek Catholic Church, Win- nipeg, Manitoba. Mrs. J. Stan- ly, Oshawa. was one of the bridesmaids. Guests from out of town were their son Robert and daughter Lynda, Miss D. Powlenzuk; Mr. and Mrs. J. Memryk, Fruitland, the bride's parents, brothers and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Skinulis, Milton; Mr, and Mrs. Al Skinulis, King City; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Skinulis, Hamilton. Sisters of the bride and their husbands who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Edwards, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Korney, Bur- lington. Other guests were the Honorable Michael Starr, Minister of Labor, and Mrs, Starr, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Reid Vinemount; Mr. an Mrs. G. Palmer, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs A. Gorman, To- . ronto; Mr. and Mrs. G. Palait, EASY-SEW Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. J. Naujokas, Scarborough; Mr. It's a princess--another way and Mrs. S. Simpson, Mr. and| - of saying it fits sleekly, then|Mrs. A Nikiforuk, Mr. and flares out divinely. When|Mrs. H. Muzuka, Mr. and Mrs. sleeves are called for, add the/M. Black, Mr. and Mrs. J. rib-fitted bolero. Stanly, all of Oshawa. Tele- ; 3.|grams were received from ee 'i. "4, 16. 4g, Mr. Skinulis' brother and wife, " 20, Size 16 dress 4% yards 39-/Mr. and Mrs. F. Skinulis, inch; bolero 1% yards. La-Puente, California: Mrs. M. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins|Slobodian, Miss Slobodian, Mr. (no stamps, please) for the|and Mrs. M. Leslie and Mr. pattern. Ontario residents addjand Mrs D. Muluhill, all of 2c. sales tax. Print plainly| Winnipeg. | SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, Over eighty guests were pre- STYLE NUMBER. sent at an open-house held at| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, |the home of Mr.and Mrs. Skin- CO The Oshawa Times Pattern|ulis. They received many flow- Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. ers and gifts from friends and SPECIAL Summer Pattern|relatives as well as congratu-| Catalog. More than 100 styles) lations from Mr. and Mrs. John) - --sun, sport, day, dance, work,/Ballendyne, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-| travel. All sizes! Send 35c. 'seph Sulavella and Mr. and Mrs.| CENTRAL ONTARIO | BIBLE CONFERENCE - The. dicks. Taunton Road -- one mile west of Highway 115 SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1962 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. verware from Mrs. Conference Speaker: REV. JAMES P. VOLD Pastor, Calvary Church, St. Catharines President, Associated Gospel Churches Bible Conference Speoker Christian Writer, In the event of rain, meetings will be held in the Christion than to your mother-in-law's. If the person who sent the gift is graciously thanked, this is adequate. Most people could not care less about . someone else's gifts. help me find it? SAGINAW? |**Do you know I've been dating} |you for almost three months and| haven't tried anything yet?" I was annoyed and replied, "Well, what do vou want -- ; | MEDAL?" THE GUEST AG " chee te a Co-W orkers Honor Mary Coppin | drove me straight home and I haven't heard from him since. OF HONOR --tIreland Studio My mother liked this fellow Retiring From Business Life a great deal and she feels that I was smart-alecky and out of | | | ' Even when questioned by an line. I say I haven't lost a thing. What do you say? DIANE Dear Diane: I say congratu-| lations and more power to you. Dear Ann Landers: My hus-} band and I have been saving jour dimes for eight years, This |summer we are actually going to take that trip to Europe. We've been looking forward to jit for so long it seems like a jarean. : I'm terribly dumb about cer- tain things and I need advice: Do we tip people who serve us aboard ship? Is it in good taste to speak in the cocktail lounge or on deck? What type of jclothes should we wear during the day? (We know we're sup-| |posed to dress for dinner.) I'm afraid we'll look like hay- seeds, fresh off the farm. | Please give us some pointers so |people won't know it's the first time we ever saw a ship. Thank jyou. BOUNDING MAIN Dear Bounding: Most of the; people you'll be meeting have jnever seen a ship before either |--so relax. All the information you will need can be obtained from the travel agent or the person who sold you the tickets. The im- portant thing is to be pleasant and conduct yourselves natur- ally -- and remember wherever you go your country will be FRINGE TRIM gee by your behavior. Don't! et the strange and the unfam- By ALICE BROOKS iliar turn you into Ugly Ameri- Whip up this crisply ruffled) cans. : sundress in two colors -- it's' Confidential to Can't Control perfect for remnants. It: You have "Black Cord Look! Squirrels have fringe|Fever." I strongly recommend tails -- flirty touch for easy-seW|that you have your telephone sundress. Pattern 7106: irans-|disconnected until you get over fer; directions; pattern child's'this compulsion. sizes 2, 4, 6 included. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) | -- for this pattern (no stamps! please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax. print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. NEVER - BEFORE VALUE! 200 designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quilt -- in our 1962 Needlecraft Catalog. Beautiful Bulkies in a complete fashion section plus bedspreads, toys, linens afghans, slipcovers, plus 2 free patterns. Send 25c now. Joseph Shaw of Winnipeg, Mani- toba. Miss Geraldine Edwards of Toronto, their niece, was in charge of the guest book. Pour- ing tea were Mrs, John Stanly, Oshawa and Mrs. Benjamin Kor- ney, Burlington. Mr. and Mrs, E._ Skinulis moved to Oshawa five years ago from Vinemount, Ontario. Mr. Skinullis is employed at the T. Eaton Company, Oshawa as an Appliance Salesman. RETAINS VITAMINS Baking still remains the best way to retain the vitamin and mineral content of vegetables. Baking may be used for pota- toes, squash, varsnips or other root vegetables. Cook them un til tender when pricked with a metal skewer. Cook covered, with a pot roast, such vegeta- bles as carrots and onions that| would wrinkle or shrivel in dry| heat 'will be A Nearly 100 friends and rela- tions attended the reception held recently by fellow employees in honor of Mrs. Mary M. Coppin, who has retird from the Traffic Department of the local Bell- Telephone Company, after 29 years of service. Mrs. Coppin received a beige leather purse containing money, also a cer- tificate that she is a full- fledged member of the Pion- eers Association of America. For the party which was con- vened by Mrs. E, C. Clarke and Mrs. H. E. Moore, Mrs. Coppin wore a beige nylon after- noon dress, fashioned with a UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES STORIE PARK ASSN. The July meeting of the Storie Park Neighborhood Asso- ciation 'was held recently at the Club House. The president, Mrs. George Bell, presided. Mrs. Bell wel-| comed Miss Angela Manics ard Miss Ealine Parker, playground supervisors to our meeting. Mrs. Bell thanked Mr. Mood and his neipers for the screens that were made for the win- dows at the clubhouse. Mrs. Harry Williams, presi- dent of the Ladies' Auxiiiary,| reported that some of the women were already at work on a project for the fall season -- a bazaar. The women also got the ap- proval of the members to pur chase stack tables for the club house. Mr. Peter Muzik who is in charge of the teen-age dances, gave his report. Mrs. Bel! thanked Mr. Muzik, for the garden hose and sprink- ler that is being used on the newly sodded lawn at the club- house. Mrs. Joseph Parsons drew the ticket for the quilt that was being raffled. The lucky winner was Mrs. A. G Storie. The meeting. came to a close and the next general meeting i ugust 7. NATURAL MIN 328 SIMCOE ST. S. FROM YUGOSLAVIA MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS Free Literature The best Juice extractor in Canada NUTRA HEALTH SUPPLIES FOR YOUR HEALTH FAMOUS SWISS HERBAL REMEDIES ERAL WATERS OSHAWA, ONTARIO | today from DOWNTOWN Reformed Church, Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. iL) OSHAWA KRESGE' ONLY . FLORAL BATH SPONGE You won't have any trouble getting the children to have a bath if you have one of these beautiful new floral bath sponges. They have lovely bright colours of pink, blue, orange, yellow and white. You'll love them yourself as there is nothing like a sponge to tone up the skin. Get two or three of these new floral bath sponges . 59: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE tailored bodice and _ pleated skirt, beige accessories and an orchid corsage. Receiving the. guests were Mrs. Gerald Gray and' Miss Heather Ferguson. The table was centre with an arrangement of yellow and tinted b:ue chrv- santhemums with sprays of, white gladioli flanked by white tapers. Pouring tea were Mrs.) John Welsh, Mrs. Clayton Reid,) Mrs. William Cooper, Mrs. H. E. Moore, Miss Virginia Bro- kenshire, Mrs. E, C. Clarke, and Mrs. Gerald Gray of Whit- by. Serving were Miss Sharon Robinson, Mrs. R. J. Melanson, Mrs. Lorne Carey and Mrs. Robert Henry. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Popular all rubber thong sandals in a wide variety of bright Summer colours. Ideal for beach wear or for play wear. Sizes to fit the whole family and so inexpensive! BRIDE'S HEIRLOOM KITCHENER, Ont, (CP) -- There s no doubt the bride was wearing '"'something old" at this wedding. Avenell Lillian Grant wore a locket fashioned from a gold hugget found in the 1849 California gold rush, an heirloom from her paternal grandmother. UNIQUE PRESENT WHORLTON, England '(CP)-- Stella Peel got an unusual wed- ding present when she married explorer Dennis Ardus recently --she had a mountain named! after her. The peak in the Ant- arctic was named Stella by aj British expedition that discov- ered it last year. CHILDREN'S . . . . : pair 99¢ LADIES' . . . . pair Qc MEN'S pair D9 SHOPPING CENTRE 326 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE 723-2209 - DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED Serving ale or lager? Get money too ATTS SUMMER PARTY CASE 12 '50' ALE-12 PILSENER ... IN FOUR EASY-CARRY TRAYS Both ale and lager for carton of each! And for less than a separate extra convenience, the Party Case is divided into four easy-carry trays. Serve ale and lager. The best of both.... in Labatt's Summer Party Case. 2 mee CARS 8 aL ce