Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jul 1962, p. 3

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i ih as CITY AND DISTRICT WHITE CROSS CENTRE Volunteer work is now being done to prepare the White Cross [Centre for a September open Two Collisions Reported In City A two-car collision at the corner of Midland street and Buckingham, avenue caused damage estimated at $375 early Tuesday. Daniel Cameron, 117 Cromwell avenue, drove a ve- GRADE 8 STUDENTS at Maxwell Heights Public School were honored recently at a | graduation banquet. Members of the class front row, from Maxwell Pupils Honored KEDRON (Staff Correspond- ent) -- The Grade 8 pupils at Maxwell Heights Public School and their parents were enter- tained at a graduation ban- quet. at the school recently. The arrangements were made by the home and school asso- ciation. For the occasion, tables with white cloths and floral centrepieces transformed the main hall of the school The singing of "O Canada" and grace by Paul Patte pre- ceded the dinner. Miss Ruth Cosens conducted a sifig-song while the tables were cleared FINE PROGRAM The pupils of Grades .6 and 7 entertained the guests of honor with a short program, which was announced by Peter Brooks. Joan Ogle gave an amusing . reading, "Entertain- ing Sister's Boy Friend."' Piano numbers included "Largo" by Susan Walker. 'Sonatina' by Anne Bishop, 'Kentucky Babe" by Dorothy Hoskin, "Homr Sweet Home" by Susan Patte, "Caissons' by Cathy Irwin, "The Star Spangled Banner" by Rosemary Greer and "Sona left are: Earl.Churchill, Tom | Ogle, Sharon Yourth, Janice Parfitt, Linda Hopkins. Second row left to right -- Bob Gray, Ken LaSalle, Jean Hosk.n, Michael Hurst. Heights CITY COUNCIL | NEWS IN BRIEF | Ald. John Brady will become {Acting Mayor for a brief period 'in August when both Mayor Christine Thomas and Ald. Gor- |don Attersley, ordinarily acting mayor in Her Worship's absence \will be out of the city. Besides ithe mayor, seven of the 12 al- dermen are expected to be ab- GRADE 4 TO GRADE 5 sent from the city next month Peter Atkinson, Ralph Bar-/j¢ js not likely that any council nett, Nancy Brooks, Bruce Dale.) meetings will be called during Shelly Fisher, Carol Gif ford,| aypust. Elizabeth Greer, Donald Holy-| oak, Larry Hopkins, Norman| NEGOTIATIONS ENDED Hoskin, Ruth Hoskin, Bob) Labor Relations Committee Irwin, Beth Kell, Roger Kolyn-| chairman Ald. Hayward Mur ko, Brian McDougall, Janie|doch reported that negotiations Sage, Gina Schleiss. with the Oshawa Fire Fighters |Association Local 465 and NU- GRADE 5 TO GRADE 6 IPSE Local 50. Board of Works, Bob Dale, Margaret Fitz |have ended. The firefighters patrick, Trudy Hart, Brendajgained a 4 per cent wage in- Hopkins, Karen Kolynko, Alexicrease this year a 3 fer cent LaSalle, David Souch, Stewartjincrease next year and a 42 Stiles, Janet Waddington, Har-|hour work week on a two pla- vey Ward, Douglas Wilbur,|toon system, to be implemented Douglas Woodcock. Recom-'July 1, 1963. An estimated 10 mended, Raymond Stiles. probationers will be hired at : : - this time. The Board of Works GRADE 6 TO GRADE 7 local got three percent in- Bice gay Peg Potyeee creases over each of the next Brooks, Rosemary Greer, Jan- nye veers ice Hill, Doreen Holyoak,;)yOICES COMPLAINT Cathy Irwin, Mary Kell, Paul) Mrs. J. B. Kent, 382 Simcoe Patte Transferred: George street north, has written to Kolynko council complaining of a_po- GRADE 7 TO GRADE & tato chip. wagon parked in David Brooks, Danny Hill, front of her home, "usually be- Dorothy Hoskin, Harriet Kolyn-| tween 7 and 10 p.m. during ay? ko, Joan Ogle, Susan Patte,|tivities in Alexandra Park Wilbert Simpson, Susan Walker. shee also, says Mrs. Kent, e "an offensive odor', cus- ling. The centre, located at 187|hicle southbound on Midland |Simcoe street south, will be)street. Carl Underhill, 103 \a social rehabilitation centre for| Buckingham avenue, drove a ex-mental patients. car castbound on Bucking- | ) | am. WRONG PHONE NUMBER | The cars collided at the inter- An error in the Saturday edi-| section. Constable Alfred J. tion of The Times caused an|Tavender investigated. annoying situation for which we) Cars driven by Bertren C.| joffer an apology. In an article|MeLean. RR 4, Oshawa, and| concerning the Lake Ontario|Harry. i. McClurg. 20, 374) |monster, the number of the fulalie street, collided on Osh-| Monster Editor was given aS\awa boulevard north at King) 723-4374. This number is incor- street east causing an_ esti- jrect, The number of the Mon- mated $300 damage. Constable |ster Editor is 723-3474. R. H. Cramp investigated. NEW WOODBINE ENTRIES THURSDAY. JULY 5, 1962 | FIRST RACE Golden Turkey, Anyon 109 | "Larkspur" Three and Four- Blondoll, Harrison X109 year-old Mdn Fillies. Purse $1,- QUiSELLA BETTING: | 900. Seven Furlongs Fld in Can. geventH RACE Golden Boots, Wolski X111 "Lambury," (eek oyent « Gia as C2 y, Bolin 116 rt ee 116 and up, claiming all $6000. hanits Nora. Dittfach 116 Purse $2200. One mile, turf Jolting Dreyer X118 ee ait Miss Roadhouse McComb 116 apie Harrison X98 Swing Gal Kaldi XxX113 Age SEF vice BALLOT Rweet Fashion NB 116 Edgor's Lane, Dreyer X105 Saturday Jones NB 116 Dark Jet, Wolski X115 . ' Bull Pine, Viola (A)118 Hooker, Anyon 115 Moonlighter, Bolin (A)110 Cairnfield, Fitzsi'ns: 110 (A) M. Viola and Stable entry EIGHTH RACE "Jasper" three - year - olds, claiming all $2500. Purse $1900. One mile and 1 1-16, Learned F'nd, McComb (A)122 Full Hand, Harrison X117 Hasty Fox, Fitzsi'ns 110 Who Goes, Fitzsi'ns 114 Harry Hotspur, Rasm'sen 109 Leo or Dan, Dalton 122 Mr. Yo Te. Dreyer X107 | Tantrum's Last, NB 107 McCarthy, Gubbins 112 Joe The Captain, NB 115 Subtle A'ch, Dreyer XX108 Sauvagette, NB 104 Rosequeen, Turcotte X109 Honey Boots, Dittfach 110 -- | Also eligible: Waberlohe,| Harrison (A)X106 (A) Mrs. W. Von entry POST TIME 2 P.M. CLEAR AND FAST AAC--X-5, XX-7, XXX-10 Ibs. SECOND RACE Parkside', two- year - olds Maidens claiming all. $5000 Purse $1,800. Five furlongs Prize Geisha NB 110 Secret Star NB 113 Daring Damzel Fitzsim's 117 Devon's Pet NB 110 Running Cora Viola West Run Cosentino 110 Mono Road Gordon 110 Tucker G. Gordon 113 Lady Chess . Gubbins 117 Chipper Nipper Dittfach 110 Cryanto Hale 113 Henferd 110 j THIRD RACE "Glenwood"' Three and four- year-old Mdn Fillics. Purse $1,- 900. Seven furlongs Fld in Can. Division of the first" The Avenue NM 116 | _Upsadaisy Robinson 116 | Slow Poke Mom Simp'n xxx106 County Road NB 116 Edgor's Flirt Dreyer X111 Close To Me_ Turcotte X118 Mock Song McComb 116 Swiss Jewel Gordon 116 Miss Elandel | Anyon 116 Richthofen FOURTH RACE "Chilliwack, two - year - al Man Stricken ee RB oot a ee ee ee te nae ae OBITUARIES | Norway Moves KITCHENER Frederick | To Join Market Martin Dahmer, 82, of 2 Van) BURSSELS Camp avenue, died ined) July 3, at St. Mary's Hospital| Norway's applization to join the jafter a short illness. \six-nation European Common He was born May 3, 1880 at) Market. Conestoga, a son of the late Mr | Norwegian foreign minister, and Mrs. George Dahmer. Be-/Halvard Lange, launched the fore his retirement he was @ltaiks with a statement declar- foreman at Pedlar People Lim-| ing that consideration should be ited, Oshawa, He was a mem- (Reuters)--Nego- tiations began here today on given 'o the special proble~s ber of Grace Lutheran Church. |concerning Norwegian agricul-| He was *predeceased by his/ture and fishing. first wife, the former Maria, wo said the government had Cole. Surviving are his second tg pursue a varicgd abricntters' wife, the former Mary Mc-|nolicy to give the farmers a Intyre; a son, Frank, of To0-'reasonable share of the eco- ronto; three stepsons, Stirling nomic progress amd this was a McIntyre of Kitchener, Or al/fundamental aim which had to McIntyre of Toronto and Rev.|pe maintained in the future. Duncan McIntyre of Mount) Norway is the fourth nation Clemens, Mich.; two step-|to apply this year for member- daughters, Mrs. Bert (Olive)'ship in the six-nation Market. Rolph, Augusta, Mich.; Mrs.'Britain, Denmark and Ireland Edward (Vera) Joyce, Water-\are the others. The present loo and one grandchild. A|/members are France, West Ger. daughter, Mrs. Stanley (Ger-'many, !taly, The Netherlands, trude) Cook, predeceased him.|Belgium and Luxembourg. The body will be at Schreiter ~ ee = Sandrock Funeral Home after |js survived by a sister, Mrs. F. 7.30 p.m. today. Service will be Mathison. (Eva), of Whitby. conducted at the funeral. home The remains are at the Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. own Funeral Chapel, Whitby, R. E. Knoll. Burial will be in for private service in the chapel 5 Se dae as ak oe a ere ee on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 4, 1962 | Installment plan service costs, on lands, for which ap- plications for consent to sell! have been made, will be regi- stered "'as a charge upon the land sold" rather than against the landowner, Oshawa City |Counci] decided Tuesday night. | By changing the wording from the original motion tabled two weeks ago, council plugged a legal loophole. The danger was that an own- er might make one payment, then sell his land and move to another city or province. It was felt that similar condi- tions could not be imposed on a new landowner and the city would not be able to collect the setvice charges. "There seems no way to se- cure payment,"' observed Ald. E. F, Bastedo in pointing out what he termed 'a flaw' when the Memory Gardens, Friday, July 6 Rev. D. Marshall MRS. J. M. E. DRUMMOND minister of St. Andrew's Pan Se wae 2 byterian Church, will conduct oe eA am DIE the services. Interment will be naught street, took ill suddenly)!" Riverside Cemetery, Lind-| Monday evening and died Tues-/| 5#Y: : : al day, July 3, at the Oshawa) The family will receive visi- General Hospital. She was injtors at the chapel commencing her 63rd year. at 2 p.m., Thursday. | The former Marie DuPlessis, JOSEPH GRAVES the deceased was born in Otta- wa February 24, 1900 and lived there before coming to Oshawa 33 years ago. She was married in Ottawa on June 15, 1929. Mrs. Drummond was a mem- ber of Christ Memorial Angli- ean Church and secretary of the women's. auxiliary. She is survived by her hus- band, James M. E. Drum- mond, and four children. They are: Mrs. R. T. Nishimura (Julia), Vancouver; Lindsay, Kitchener; Lawrence, We st Hill; Virginia, Oshawa. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Yvonne Jarvis, Ottawa There are five grandchildren CARL S. JOHNSON A funeral mass for Carl S. Johnson, 57, 2505 East River road, Rochester, NY.. ,was of- fered at 9 a.m., June 24, in St Anne's Roman Catholic Church, Rochester. Mr. Johnson, proprietor of a tool sales business, died in the Highland Hospital, Rochester, June 20, 1962. He was born in Madoc, Ont., and moved to the General Hospital, Tuesday, July | The deceased was in his 66th' year. Born at Township, late Joseph and Harriet Graves. | He married the former Annie) Dunbar in Toronto in 1921. Foxhead, both World Wars and was} wounded in France during the} First World War. During the} Second World War he served in| Canada as a Veteran Guard. | The deceased was an adherent| of Albert Street United Church| and worked as a carpenter, (Frances) of Oshawa, Mrs. Harold Leitch, (Lillian), of Keswick, Mrs. Louis Coggar, (Annie) of Anti- Garfield Peters, Douglas Knight, (Donna), of Bay Ridges and four sons, Bert, of Toronto, Donald, of New Mr. Graves was predeceased|< by his wife 16 wears ago and is|" survived by four daughters, Mrs.j gonish, Nova Scotia and Mrs. | Soviet Premier Talks On Jazz With Goodman MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Pre- mier Khrushchev made a sur- Independence Day reception at 3, following a two-months illness|the American embassy today provincial of Joseph Graves, a resident of/@"d sparred with Benny Good-| mission's appeal for emergency Oshawa for the past 38 years.|m™an about the merits of jazz|help from British practitioners. and modern art. Khrushchev largely avoided the Berlin problem. t could be compared to the problem of deciding with his their summer vacation--appar- ently a-matter of some dispute. Khrushchev strolled out into the embassy residence garden with guests and newspaper men trailing him. He congratulated Goodman on his "suecessful tour" of the So- viet Union, which ends next nday. "A new jazz fan," quipped oodman. "But we still have ot drink beer together." Khrushchev replied with a jgrin: don't understand it. I love real music. I don't think that is good |music. | "I don't understand--not only \your American jazz but our own Levy Upon Land * "IT am not a jazz fan. I) Service Charges - own Board of Works chairman Walk' ter Branch. ge Jee Ald. Bastedo suggested t re~ change which was implemented,. last night: charge the service. costs to the land, not to the owner, f The policy of paying service costs on installments will apply only to unserviced lands (pass+' ed on by consent) where ser- vices will not be available. "within a reasonable time'... The plan calls for one-sixth of the cost to be paid at the time of consent, followed b¥' five equal, annual payments. No BMA Ruling On U.K. Doctor serious} motion -- was) Ll : brought in last June 18 by| Kid For Sask. By DAVE OANCIA , LONDON (CP)--The British Medical Association said today it will neither help nor hinder Saskatchewan's attempts to re- cruit doctors in Britain. A strike of Saskatchewan doc tors in protest against a pro- vincial government medical care insurance plan is in its fourth day. "We wouldn't want to: make The death accurred at Oshawa|Prise appearance at the U.S.jany rules on this," said a |spokesman commenting on the medical care com- | The association, however, is jadvising doctors interested in Orillia| Politics, but he said he thought|temporary posts in Saskatche- he wae a son of the? ere had been some progress|wan to get in touch with the n Canadian Medical Association's branch there before going. "All we're asking applicants Mr. Graves was a veteran of|8tandchildren where to go for|to do is to get all the informa- j tion on both aspects of the con+ |troversy," the BMA spokesman said. | "Having done this, it's then |up to each doctor to make his own decision." on One practitioner, Dr. Sarah Fisher of the south Londdfi' |suburb of Dulwich, was given, |headline treatment in Britisiy |newspapers after she flew ta | Saskatchewan to become tempo jrary medical director of thé |Biggar Hospital. The council has not yet coms sidered the case, but a BMw® }source expressed the feeling that the council would not take jnotice of publicity received if Canada. a tina" by Joan Ogle. GRADE 8 TO GRADE 9 Mrs. Fred LaSalle, who pre-| pari Churchill, pared the year books for this Gray, Linda Hopkins, year's class, spoke to the grad- Hockin| Michael Hurst, Ken- my front lawn." She suggested| uating class and presented neth LaSalle, Tom Ogle, Jan-| opi i each student with a book. ice Parfitt, Sharon ggg: FE ee ee her chip autos blocking and "youthful tomers' Robert! driveway, Jeanieaters who ride bicycles over| Division of the second. maidens. Claiming all $5000 |United States in the 1920's. lters, Mrs. Merle Prest (Ber- Brunswick, James, of Richmond Hill and Kenneth, of Oshawa. The remains are. at the Ger- jazzmen, too." Present indications are the "It takes a little time," Good \the council may consider 'suck Purse $1,800. Five furlongs. In Restaurant He is: survived by two. sis- Onyx Man_ Anyon 120 jman replied. Jayell's Ba-Bet Bolin 110 Belva WHITBY (Staff) -- An Osh- awa man, who had been staying . The evening closed with "God |Q¢cupational Course: Harold accompanied | tockin. Save the Queen" by Anne Bishop. GIFT PRESENTED At a special assembly at Kedron Public School a leather brief case was presented to the principal, Earle Burk, who is| leaving the teaching profession to attend university in the fall Susan Werner made the pres- entation on behalf of the pupils and their parents, expressing anpreciation for Mr. Burk's fine work during his two years as principal. jin residential districts. DEBENTURE APPROVED O'Neill Collegiate alterations |calling for $205,000 in deben- \tures resulted in council ap- proving a board of education jrequest for this amount last | night. |\SPONSOR DINNERS Council has agreed to sponsor dinners for both the Police As- Troubles Owners [eseiiees ot Onsale conan BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--The | Change visit (July 18) when Lost Beach students Lanoway 117 Tagdonn'! Wolski X108 Acadian Lady NB 100 Fairbro'k Queen McComb 110 | Golden Bubble Remillard 110 Lasting Youth Cosentino 112 Musical Ride Dalton 120 FIFTH RACE *'Lansdowne", three - year-olds, claiming all $3500, Purse $1900. 6% furlongs. Cinderette, Gordon 108 | Well Chosen, Bolin 105 | Spikerdrink, Harrison X107 Pipe Band, Fitzsi'ns (A)110 Swap Off, Dittfach 112 at a Whitby motel for the past two weeks died in the Hollywood Motel Restaurant, Brock street north, early today. | Believed to have died from natural causes, is Harold All-| man, 64, of Oshawa. An off-duty} Whitby Police Department of-! ficer was in the restaurant at} the time Allman was stricken. | Dr. Cornelius Both, of the} Medical Centre, Whitby, pro-| nounced Mr. Allman dead in) the restaurant. Constable Donald Williams, itha), Oshawa, and Mrs. Stella \Barriage, Belleville. There are three brothers: Findley, Osh- awa; George A, and Norman, of Rochester. Interment was in the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Roches- ter. MARTHA ELEANOR BELL The death occurred suddenly today at Oshawa General Hospi- tal of Miss Martha Eleanor Bell, 316 Colborne street west, Whitby. Born in Lindsay, the deceased was a daughter of the late Tho- mas and Mary Jane Bell. She in the chapel, Thursday, July 5, at 3 pm. Rev. A. E. Larke, minister of Albert Street United Church, will conduct the serv- ices. Interment will be in St. Margaret's Cemetery, Richmond Hill. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial row Funeral Chapel, for service} good music." |publicity as being in the sa Khrushchev: "It does not take| category as that of a doctor w any time at all to understand {is elected to Parliament oF other public body. 'he | COMING 7 Me = EVENTS; |BINGO, BATHE PARK, Eulalie Ave- jnue, Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre, Satur. |day, 8 p.m Little Buckaroo Ranch POOL OPEN 5 --~ 9. PiM. DAILY TRAIL RIDING By reservation ;RADIO PARK EUCHRE -- every Wed- Inesday at 8 o'clock sharp, through July. Good prizes, refreshments, ~|Everyone welcome, nite ce st ne NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL, (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled West Beach cottagers are still sb on ged --, th " j % oy, will be in Oshawa. More than PRUMOTION LIST up in arms" over their lost ' who was in the restauant at)was a resident of Whitby for the Rockey River, Ha'son (B)XX98\the time of Allman's death no-|past 10 years, coming here from |Emba Anyon, 112 The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. GRADE 1 T) GRADE 2 Patric Atiknson, Carol Bar- nett, David Fisher, Gary Gif- ford, Stuart Glaspell, Beverly Guest, Philip Hayes, Lloy di Hoskin. Karon Jackson, Bar- bara Lambert, Charles Lindsey, Jon Patte, Sally Stiles, Sylvia Stiles, Alan Walker, Ross Ward GRADE 2 TO GRADE 3 Bruce Annand, Patsy Ball, Diane Barnett, Frank Bathe, Diane Brooks, Elizabeth Fitz-| " : * | le Patrick, Wesley Glaspelljthem a nice slope, but they|Street between Marion avenue Beauty Strip, Rob'son 104 Henry,|seem to want the impossible."}and Beurling avenue, "properly Stormy Morn, Blaine Hayes, David Linda Hi!l, Bryan Hughes, Fliz abeth Lambert, Laurie Mar- shall, Cindy Lee Parfitt, Jane Patte, Terry Souch, Nancy Stiles, Norman Stiles, Dorothy Walter. : Conditional: Robert Jackson, Gloria Mountjoy GRADE 3 TO GRADE 4 Susan Annand,. Suzanne Arsenault, Alan Bathe, Ruth Bishop, Pamela Dowling, Billy Fitzpatrick, Lynda Geisberger beach. 300 persons are expected for In a letter to council, H. T.|the police convention, about 55 Hurson of Glenlake avenue, Tor. |for the latter dinner. mech an oot iat| BUY OFFICE MACHINES 4 nips : . BAe y| Two tax accounting machines of property owners at the beach} ill be purchased by the city would not accept statements| octet lade from town representatives that| council approved the finance repair to tha beach cannot M4 ath an recommendation last anne "night, calling for an expenditure , of $32,715 over the next two Councillor Roy Nichols, chair- years man of tne roads and streets\\... 0, « ic sak ha reek committee, commented: "We| WANT STREET SURFACED tried to convince them that we, Fernhill Blvd. residents have could go back 20 feet and give|@sked council to have their Here 1s what Mr. Hurson sug- graded and surfaced'. The road gests should be done to allevi-|WaS described as a 'definite ate the situation: sand should|hazard" to road users be brought in from the lake and, ~~ : properly grade and packed to}! HOSPITAL REPORT put back the beach; every ef-| Following is the report of the fort should be made to replace|Oshawa General Hospital for the beach to the 1916 water line,jthe week ending June 30: ad- as time has proved that such a) missions 274, Births (male), 21; beach will not suffer from ero-| (female) 23 Discharges, 271: sion, but grow in width over the Newborn Discharges (Male). vears. 4 5 POF a ey : " |22; (Female), 12; Major Sur- Mr. Hurson informed council) gery, 64: Minor Surgery, 110; tified the station. Cpl. Stoneman is investigating. Dr >, } i e County coroner has been noti- Menetair, NB 105 -erane fied. It is not yet known whether Apache P'css, H'son (B)XX105 an inquest will be held. \(A) Mrs. S.. Pekin and J. B. s TED 5 Marchena, Dittfach (A)105 Fiddlestick, Rem'lard 117 Quinte Blue, Fitzsi'ns 105 Ernest} Toronto. A. Cuddy, an Ontario St. ther, William Thomas Bell and 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 Miss Bell was a member of Andrew's Presbyterian Church. She was predeceaed by a bro Lauder entry (B) Stafford Farms entry SIXTH RACE "Shriners' Convention Purse," for three-year-olds and up, fil- lies and Mares. Purse $2800. One mile and 1 1-16. Flashing Top, Fitzsi'ns 113 Dalton 109 | CEMENT | Patios our Specialty © WALKS -- @ STEPS e CURBS si Bi Free Estimates--Work Guoronteed 5 ius Recommendations Supplied m4 r CALL Give... "owl 2VE.LATER * é Patti Hart Keith Hoskin, Shar- ope Se ae. ye a Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 67: on Jackson, Robert Lindsey, Beach cons 5 a eans 0 Trektmenis and examinations Heather ~ Marshall, Wayne,tepair to be the most practical |). Casts, 30; Physiotherapy Montgomery, John Ogle, Kathy unless assured otherwise by aij." "°°" , ys P} BERT McLEAN 723-2867 $180 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 BINGO -Wednesday, July 4 AT 8 P.M, ST. MARY'S AUDITORIUM STEVENSON'S RD. NORTH AT MARION 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 SNOWBALL -- 53 Nos. $120. -- $20 CON. $5.00 FOR EACH HORIZONTAL LINE $10 ADDED EACH BINGO SHARE-THE-WEALTH $50 EXTRA -- 2 CARDS 25c or 10 for $1 FREE ADMISSION ~~ EXTRA BUS SERVICE OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO - Thursday, July 5 20 GAMES AT $20---5 GAMES AT $30 725-2737 Souch, Larry Stiles, Andy Tay- lor, Paul Walker, Pat Wood- cock, Wendy Yourth. DELAY MEETING | BELGRADE, Yugoslavia} (AP)--The Bulgarian Commu- nist party's central committee) has postponed its annual con-| gress from August to November, | said reports reaching here. The action was taken to permit greater efforts for "successful accomplishment" of economic tasks set by the commitice |Treatment 422. professional engineer recog- nized as an authority in this) line of work. Council decided to write; Mr. Hurson to see if the owners will take the advice of a de-f ; partment of highways engineer. New! --------- EYE EXAMINATIONS by appointment PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH a PREMIUMS AS Low AS LIM! 360 KING ST. WEST © Don Ellison @ Gerry Osborne SAVE... ON AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE 26.00 «x @ BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE e SCHOFIELD-AKER TED PHONE 723-2265 © Ralph Schofield @ Reg Aker 16 CELINA ST. EVERGREEN PROTECTI \ against . bugs, mites, scales Protect your valuable junipers, cedars, yews etc. ... CHIPMAN VERGREEN & SHRUB DUST OR SPRAY Be the complete garden expert -- visit boone. mitt cn "Garden Supplies Since. 1909' 723-2312 TOMORROW, JULY 5th--1:30 to 4:30, 6:00 to 9:00 P.M, at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST, NORTH Requlor blood donors are urgently requested to attend with or without an appointment WE ARE DESPERATELY SHORT OF ALL NEGATIVE TYPE BLOOD We need 400 bottles of blood to replenish our blood bank, . "~~ 1--$150 JACKPOT ($20.00 PER LINE PLUS $50.00 PER FULL CARD) 2--$250.00 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 50-55 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200.00 PER FULL CARD IN 50-55 NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARAN TEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EXTRA BUSES ADMISSION DOOR PRIZES RED BARN, Oshawa <. S00 + WHITBY KINSMEN BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th EARLY BIRD GAME--SHARE-THE-WEALTH Bus Leaves Oshawa Ter minal --- 25c Return KINSMEN ORBIT SPECIAL -- MUST GO $20 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE -- $100 FULL CARD: NOW.WORTH $150 IN 51 NUMBERS Church bus leaves 4 corners at 7:20 p.m 5 GAMES AT $30 ---20 GAMES AT $20 Ist No. 55, 2nd No TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 50, $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door Prizes s Chuldren Under 16 Not Admitted

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