THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday. July 4, 1962 ]] KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN Enthusiasm, combined with a goal, generates an almost magic force. True will is in- variably connected with a goal. So, the secret of releasing the will for action is to have a def- inite goal and work toward it with joyous expectation. If you are many pounds over your desirable weight, you can sustain interest. by having a near goal. This goal can be anything you choose, 10 pounds off, or to be one dress size Sustain Reducing Interest By Aiming at One Dress Size number of pounds to your next size depends on how close you are to the absolute limit on your present size. If you are crowding the seams on the size you now wear, then it stands to reason you will need to reduce all the pounds between that size and owe SS " Se eae iene eR NI Ste - large sizes there is a 16 pound difference from one dress size to the next; in medium sizes 12 to 14 pounds difference, and in small sizes there is a 10) pound difference. Those are standard differ- ences. However, the exact num- ber of pounds between you and the next size dress depends on how close you are to top weight on your present size. There is a weight range within which you can wear a certain the next smaller, plus perhaps a few more--3 or 4--for a per- fect fit. This may seem discouraging, but actually it isn't. There are no more pounds between. sizes coming down the scale than there were going up! And know- ing the facts: about sizes can keep you from giving up when your goal is three-fourths ac- complished. If you reduce 12 pounds and still cannot fit into that coveted smaller size, you'll know that with six more pounds Catering to milady's/off you'll have :t made, neatly. Here's a morale boosting|vanity, the manufacturers'! On the measurement score, promise: You can slim down aldress size is within 2 tothe standard difference between full size in four to six week's|4 pounds of the ~ top limit|sizes is 1% to 2 inches through time. On the pounds between|at which a woman canithe figure control measure- the sizes, this varies from 10|wear that size without altera-|ments -- bust, waist, abdomen to 16, depending on stature. In|tions. This being the case, the and hips. KRAE . ." NOW at Lo 14 E BIRTHDAY GIRL CHEESE ONLY = AS IMPORTANT to the | and puff sleeves. A pink | a Z i pee : | satin sash ties at the waist. | : " g z | SLICES $5 DOWN $1_WEEKLY party as the candles on the | cake is this enchanting dress | Underneath is a_ separate | pink polished cotton slip that will delight Little Sister whether she's hostess at aj} which adds a delicate gleam birthday party or a guest. | of color. It has an attached The frock is of white organdy | full-skirted marquisette petti- with tiers of French val lace.| coat, piped for comfort. on the bodice, skirt, collar | By TRACY ADRIAN | smaller. size. FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 4,5, 6,7 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quontities CANADIAN - OLD ENGLISH GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS 8 IGA SALAD arcane | ORESSING se £4. _ Bayh, MARGARINE : ROYAL -- Ay 45. | INSTANT Saaz | PUDDINGS Look Fair in Foul Weather In Neat, Sailing Casuals | By ELEANOR ROSS a sailing parka and a pair of| eT a Lae gl 1-LB. It used to be a standing matching rope-belted pants. és 7 Ride 11 Nt -- joke among dock side humorists| It's even going to be possible " i that the larger and sleeker the to look fair in foul weather in OPEN FRIDAY "TIL 9 P.M. boat, the sloppier its female 4 bright orange waterproof cot- a ¢ 4 rom outo e¢ Tar ast "crew" was bound to be! ton poplin parka and elatsi- Dirty sneakers, faded blue cized-cuff pants designed for jeans and baggy sweat shirts Nor'westers -- or simply when made up the uniform of the the spray starts flying. lady sailor unless she was wear- ing a pair of disreputable-look- ne DUCK ee ing Bermuda shorts and an old aily-striped cotton duck is another popular fa'ric, and it's --_ from a man in the being used for pull-overs remi- niscent of ski jackets with their NOTED BY DESIGNERS V-necks and mess-jacket styl- At any rate, the lack of sea-|ing. going fashions was duly noted) Just about everything is by sportswear designers who,\hooded -- to save that. pretty too, had become boating enthu- hairdo for moonlight sails or siasts. So they did something!coming ashore in the evening. about the deplorable sea-going clothes, CHIC OUTFIT While keeping in mind that) One particularly chic outfit sailing togs must be functional Foie eke ce gees! : ; é rycloth pull-over with strete! and practical, designers have sail-cloth pants which have flar- COMES THIS VERSATILE RATTAN Match the relaxed and contented moods of your leisure hours with this luxuriously comfortable Rattan ensemble. The gleaming golden finish will add brightness wherever you place it . . . on the patio, sun deck, living room,guest room or play room. Hand woven in the Orient of Palembang-- the most durable of Rattan-- ENSEMBLE surprisingly inexpensive Set consists of: 2 Chairs @ |. Settee 1 Coffee Table 30: FIRST OF THE SEASON TASTY ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE MAGIC LIQUID DETERGENT a turned out a crop of separates * bell bottoms. it will endure for years as 24.02, CONTAINERS FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT FRASERVALE FANCY -- NEW PACK FANCY PEAS _ isi 43° which should make even the "8 diehards surrender their ill-| All of these go-to-sea togs fitting sweat shirts. are safely washable in plenty of sudsy water, and naturally the TWO DENIMS stretch fabrics have the added Stretch denim is one of the advantage of needing no iron- stars--and another is the plain, ing, non - stretch variety. Stretch So it's a good guess that a denim is used for slim, elon-/jot of Jandjubbers will be just! gated toreador pants and alas intrigued by sailing clothes matching sleeveless top, while'as are the newly - chic lady plain denim's used to fashion sailors! you live with it proudly and easily. 154 SIMCOE EXTRA ; $34. 00 3: RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES SHERRIFFS 12-0Z. Instant Mashed Potatoes PKG. REGULAR 12c OFF 5 BAR Palmolive Soap pinx on Green 5 BARS PACK LICORICE ALLSORTS 7KG. CREST TOOTHPASTE eee RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES -- Redpath Granulated Sugar BAG. RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES . ROZEN -OZ. Orange Juice sure mai TINS 1 Sliced Cooked Ham vacuum stauro 'xa. CELERY HEARTS *° ' "SF HEA®rs FREE PARKING 49.05 POTATOES: a oe TAMMY'S Summer-Time SUNKIST -- CALIFORNIA VALENCIA Doz. ORANGES 2 sixes 69° NO. 1 GRADE -- TENDER GOLDEN Gon 39" ! SWEET CORN CRISP LETTUCE 2 1:01 9° SALE NO. 1 GRADE -- GARDEN FRESH BIGGEST REDUCTIONS IN OSHAWA! BALL HIGH AND ILLUSION White, Bone, Pink, Green, Orange, Blue, Gray, Black, Brown and Patent REDUCED TO FLATS Reg. 5.90 SWIFT PREMIUM SMOKED PICNIC w SHOULDERS 2 ae TABLERITE WIENERS -- SLICED SIDE BACON | FRESHLY GROUND Now Only 3.90 JETS Reg. 7.99 CHECKED CHARM | By ALICE BROOKS Different! Use rose design again and again -- work from chart, color key. Cross-stitch -- on checked cot- tons! Size of check determines stitch size. Pattern 7284: chart of 7% x 9%-inch rose; band 5) inches wide. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks; care of | The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft | Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario} residents add Ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRES. i NEVER - BEFORE VALUE! | 200 designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider quilt -- in our 1962 Needlecraft Catalog. Beautiful Bulkies in a complete} fashion section plus bedspreads, toys, linens, afghans, slipcovers, plus 2 free patterns. Send 25c now. | Now Only go bo ; : s FASHION | Lansdowne IGA SHOPPING CENTRE PORT PERRY | Beckstead IGA EEE Hope IGA Store SHOES yj Secksiea ONTARIO Bilsky IGA 120 WILSON RD. S. OSHAWA » B * ' | South End IGA ee Motor City IGA RITSON ROAD S, OSHAWA 79 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728-2491 §] COLLEGE HILL IGA Dyl's IGA CUBERT STREET, 166 ADELAIDE ST. OSHAWA OSHAWA