aaidh srueeaait rei ee sl ata Pl Aa Sg GE ee ee a na ee rnp AB Spe oD ; 4 ay Bi i - s ia Porat 2M mre oe : ore NM ens ve ae age a ule * a as 3 iti ier os eee Png ee See contributions . . . and if- parents Ma | |discard the old, weak central and children together plan tol Di an 1 |portion. The best parts to re- 4 Pp build home libraries and to go plant are the young, vigorous, ~ to the public library together, healthy, portions of the plant = CuuiiD GUIDANCE Spear mc «oat Del ATI CATED [gee an te oa Craze For Easy Living . 5 Your garden iris is in full] The best tool for dividi the ~ Causes Reading Neglect owes a a asa bloom during the first twojclumps is a pe sto secre: Gants. : a Fae eI weeks in June and makes a very|If you use a spade, you will By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. programs on the'air and scteen.|the family attractive sight in any gardén./have a lot of | wastage and the i st-|U j ' 'owever, if yo ia. ie Ter, and Ms. Garam © sia "cuemaiy Sally aale eaten. 0 TY Aas cree A. He supposes that hisibest pay ea peony ghles ble ne pare! ga se Crawford, of Whitby, to Wy-|°\aies of interests among high] Parents should plan family friends seeing him often going/lished clumps should be divided) Wh lanti : brand Lloyd Dekker, son of school students (reported in the recreational programs with places near home with the fam-|every few years when they be-|z, '2 silt ra aoe Se te Mrs. Wybrand Dekker of Whit- magazine Education). their children. ily well Siok he 18 preny eoeely caine 166 large and overcrowd- pre gpg fh ' 4 by and the late Mr. Dekker. He found that TV, among the)RpEADING FAMILY Hertha tece-nel and Papa and has rea ag fee hom eo with the On-/er it ciaplately with soil. suis Smi : ; ia. consumes * ' : ' ; hus ; |tario i iri nc 4 "he Revrend John Sith amass media, canounies the lr" Prowae chtren with the bent He might lke i beter if one commend tat ou de Ts eee of CDS LORIN organist, accompanied the soto- fhe Oth, 10th, 11th and 12th eet materials and help|of his pals went along. [July or early 'August S'I\fertile soil require to be dug * J U shebgche s 2) ac mere ; ist. ist, Mr. Harry Rammler. grades, radio next. Practica!ly| Kiljs, Make the family pagin Dividing your plants at this Given in marriage by her fa- |all have TV sets in their hones, ing family. 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 4, 1962 : | Lynda Crawford | Wybrand Dekker Married Recently Of Whitby interest was the marriage recently of Lynda Velma Diane Crawford, daugh- rn enmerernes oes seins seuss ing tea with the president of FRESH, CHOICE No Such Thing as Ghosts ? Hauntings Abound in Britain PIONEERS SUPPORT time allows them to establish a ther, the bride wore a floor-|99 per cent over a third have neckline, short sleeves and was} While the total mass media) <) Get a LOAD of the crown trimmed with pearls and/being read less often. tendants. They wore identical|BEST-LIKED SUBJECTS lines and short sleeves. They|OVer 78 per cent of the boys.) jlege. The best man was Mr. Leo| pyr. witty found less frequent) in alparents and teachers: Dior. blue shantung One of the most hauntedjcount the windows of Glamis,/Thursday. One person died and) Catskill Mountains in the Unit-|View and listen to, and how) One of the chief promoters of|good root system before the HISTORIC ARBA length gown of white peau de/two sets. jappliqued with Chantilly lace|eonsume two or more hours! sequins. She carried a cascade| Girls turn more frequently to| ie. / A of roses and lilies of the valley.|stories of romance; boys prefer) dj U Pry Miss Donna Harris was the|adventure and mystery storiés.\| 7 | 94 ah Many boys are also attracted| J " che a Py, | iF oy Sty ey 4 ' L ah Y gowns of French blue taffeta., As you and I have always i 4 Ss |but fewer girls, plan to go to} QUA LITY ME TS Doleweerd with Mr. sheath Look into the recreational) houses in Britain is said to be/poth inside and out, your num-jtwo.were injured as firemen /°@, States the bride donned ,|much time they devote to TV, ae am ihe threat of the|the early tobacco industry in|winter. Late. planting will great- Bogota, capital city of Co- soie with a bell-shaped skirt,|cHICAGO AREA - Witty pees ng egg tsk bs was Sir Wiens Gooch, |ly reduce the number of flow-|lombia, was founded.in a broad 3 s, s : caught at the back by a rose,| The data was gathered fromjand teachers can make positive a poe or 22 years ~ leg. = following June. valley of the Andes mountains . and falting into a chapel train.|ithe Chicago area, 300 pupils at pice n you dig up the clump,|in 1538. The bodice featured a ScoOD-| cach grade level. and sequins repeated on thelqaily, these pupils read only) skirt. Her long, tulle illusion|,pouyt an hour a day. Most re-| _|veil. was appliqued with lace] ported fiction as reading prefer-| and was held by a lace applique|ence, poetry, essays and drama maid of honor with Mrs. Wy:-} : sie brand Bayliss, Miss Brenda|'° sence hee vi : ad | Magazines read most often) Crawford, Miss Gaile Dafoe,/are Lite, Look, Saturday Eve-| Mrs. Peter Rammler as the at-ning Post and news periodicals.) The bell skirts were caught at ogi pee hnkg singe in} the back by a rose with the ae : e students get Mighes:| bodices featuring scoop neck.| marks are the best-liked ones, | wore matching headdresses and) ad lcarried a bouquet of pink and| College, vical 4 a nage te white carnations. parents want them to go to col-) | ) RINDLESS Frank a inmet | 4 ee z participation in outdoor sports} SOCIAL EVENT AT OSHAWA GOLF CLU White, Mr. Dietrich Wunder-\anq hobbies as reported by pu-| P aad 5. : Lesa Mr, Peter Rammler and) pijs than was revealed in earlier) 1-LB. CELLO The Captains' Tea at Osh-| Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite is the Ladies' Section, Mrs. |Mr. Roger Crawford as ushers.| published studies. | PKG. C awa Golf Club is one of the | seen taking her turn at pour- | 7©OTBe Taylor, left and Mrs. | The reception was held at the} Here are a few constructive} Z : Duncan Brodie, a guest, right. |Oshawa Legion Hall with the|suggestions Dr. Witty offers to] club's smart social events. --Oshawa Times Photo |bride's mother receiving | | | VILLAGE BURNS dress, matching jacket and ac-jopportunities of your school, e ee as cessories. The bridegragms|home and community. Try to| | WARSAW, Poland (AP) --/mother chose a navy blue shan-joffer boys and girls wider op-| C |Children playing with matches|fung dress witn matching jac kvt| portunities to balance the craze| Ib hati blamed for burning an en- and white accessories. for" sedentary activities. tire village in central Poland| For their honeymoon to the Knew the programs children RED BRAND BEEF, BONELESS ' Burton Agnes Hall, near Brid-|bers will never tally, and that} : white wool suit, tangerine ac- radio and MOVIS#- | lington, Yorkshire. It is a state-/somewhere within the cas'le ig Couey 20 Vain AD RAYE the 53/cessories and a corsage of tan- ved are 4 Se wun ly Tudor mansion, in the Great|the lost room where the doomed|¥00den and thatched buildings) gerine carnations. tion in outdoor activities. Find! Ih. C FRESH Hall of which is preserved, on card-player continues his end-|of Sekursko, the Warsaw Even-| The bridal couple are residing ways to stimulate more of such her instructions, when the skull)jess game. ing Express reported. in Whitby. Lead children in evaluating fe ' ce isis EE Bua if NO. 1 QUALITY BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA Ih. 29< of a girl who died three hundred|-- a z COMPARE AT 2 FOR 27c--AYLMER when the skull was moved from its niche behind the panelling, doors banged and such an un- holy turmoil broke out that it was restored to its rightful place with the utmost haste. But Burton Agnes Hall is a house where strange things tend to happen, even when the skull * * * KROEHLER * « x is in its customary position. There are a number of ghosts at Levens Hall, near Kendal, Westmorland, an ancient gabled house whose earliest part dates from the 12th century. These) phantoms have no taste for! moonlit nights--they usually! materialize in broad daylight and have a normal flesh-and-/ blood aspect, though they have} an uncanny habit of suddenly! vanishing. The most notorious) is the Grey Lady who haunts| the drive and whose appearance does not seem to bode ill or to) have any particular -- signifi-| cance;her main activity is to alarm visitors by stepping in} front of vehicles as they ap-| proach the house. | When the driver draws UP, | aghast and quite convinced he} has run over an elderly lady, there is no one there. The Grey Lady was last seen quite re- cently when a member of the Bagot family who own Levens Hall) bicycled through her! An-/ other Levens Hall ghost is a woman in a mop cap and pink Kit Stge Sop Cherney's Presents Smart New Kroehler Suites in Your Choice of Three Different Sizes 74" SOFA and CHAIR 51909 if V -_----._ 88" 88" SOFA and CHAIR ja 619 A ~ 96" SOFA and CHAIR 10-02, TINS TOMATO SOUP ....... COMPARE AT 2 FOR 25c--HEINZ TOMATO JUICE....... SUNBRITE, COMPARE AT 2 FOR 49c MARGARINE ........ NEW SPOON SIZE, BUY 1 AT REG. PRICE, GET 1 FOR 5c, 45c VALUE ISHREDDED WHEAT .... COMPARE AT 2 FOR 39c STOKELY'S FANCY CREAM STYLE STOKLEY'S CORN .... 10: 19 29 13 TWIN PAK COMPARE AT 23¢ Whatever the size of your living room--whatever the wall space problem, | COMPARE AT 2 FOR 27c CATELLI'S you will find the perfect answer to your problem in these beautiful new M ' & Ch living room suites by Kroehler. Call in. . . look them over... . see how | acaronl eese easy they are to own, Take advantage of Cherney's Budget Terms. Ln DINNERS wero e ] C : KG. : y, printed dress who is often seen when children are at the house; and there is a small woolly black dog which appears sud-| denly and trots about the house! quite happily -- but has the dis- concerting characteristic of be-| ing visible to some and not to others. Glamis Castle, Angus, ances MOUNTAIN. VIEW, FANCY QUALITY tral home of the Earl of S'rath- more and Kinghorne and the TOMATO birthplace of Princess Margaret ie en pA ee eB ee : : SUPER SAVE, COMPARE AT 29¢ hie of Wt Peanut EE ee B within C of mystery. Here the spirit of! utter Jane Douglas is said to ream, } the unhappy woman who, in the, 16th century, was burnt as a' witch for alleged complicity in COMPARE AT 1.49 # : : oe wees ee matching chair. ' Pee: : COUNTRY FRESH, GRADE A" MEDIUM . is ee te ee ee . a ae Nylon Fabri a ee | ? ee ee ee ux-1-Foam Cushions "{/* 1S | P| opened at Framingham in 1839. | ee oz. "| Should it OPEN ' Have Boos Ki ! | N 'TIL 10:00 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ave n illed... TL cease me REA ee a LE TALL "Pat" Tremblay of Chicoutimi, dz He learned to fly in a hurry! SPROULE 5 * Man's Lena feta Rete . : ler's . e Digest rel lit drama with Corner King at Ritson Rd. ETS Reader's Digest today .. . 39 articles of lasting interest | a plot to murder King James V. Que., had never been in the | Ample Room for Parking LIBBY'S Deep Brown BEANS HOUSE & GARDEN INSECTICIDE, This handsome 2-pce. Suite, with 4-cushion sofa, is beautifully tailored in attractive nylon fabric. The trend setting design combines the comfort of Lux-l-Foam Cushions with Kroehler's Cushionized construction. It's the perfect match of quality and Juury at a very reasonable price. Come in today, Take advantage of this great THREE STAR VALUE. Jhern "ys DOWNTOWN OSHAWA,,. STORESIDE PARKING Another ghost of Glamis is the tormented spirit of Earl Baerdie. | said to have staked his soul in a card game with the devil, and. | having lost, was condemned} - thereafter to play for eyerate . . . 96-inch Sofa and cockpit of a plane before. Then on his first a ge with the pilot an i found himself at the control over enemy territory, raci full speed toward Red Chinat | e by