| @ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, y "ines IND Ron Edgar, chief of the 50- member Mississauga tribe on Seugog Island listens closely té6 NDP Candidate Aileen IAN CHIEF TALKS POLITICS June 13, 1962 By ELSA STORRY BROUGHAM -- Two Golf Club \proprietors appeared before Pickering Township Council on two different issues on Monday. W. K. Cherry asked about Council's hestitation on naming the road which leads to his course, now under construction. j. Myles Leckie, stated that his taxes had increased from $2397 to $2963 over last year, and be- cause of the reconstruction of the Brock Road, his income over the short summer months was being depleted because his customers refused to use the torn-up roadway. Mr. Cherry told Council that he was building a champion- ship calibre golf course, and was running into great expense. He wanted no favors, he said, but saw no reason why the side- line should not bear a name, even if it were not the name he recommended Cherry Downs Road. "It is a fallacy to assume that we can do a thing like this be-' Hall's campaign platform. Miss Hall, candidate for On- tario Riding, spoke to the Chief on her campaign tour through Port Perry and area. Waterworks Land Price Unsettled BROUGHAM 'Two eet ing Township brothers appear- ed before Council Monday with an out-of-Court submission for the release of their 10 acres at the foot of Brock road which the Township is in the process|property by construction work-|the been told to come to the coun- cil meeting with their 'out-of- court settlement, and had done so at considerable expense. They had suffered, they said, over $12,000 damages to their|County of Ontario, which urged| fore forming a policy" said Councillor Milton Mowbray. Reeve Scott agreed that names were far better than |numbers for roads, but that the policy regarding naming roads should be established be- | _|fore any one side road was named. He repeated that nam- ing a road after a commercial enterprise could establish a pre- cedent, The problem was turned over to the Street Naming Commit- tee to propose a suitable name \for the road. RESOLUTION TO COUNTY Mr. Leckies problem concer- |ning the access to the Pickering |Golf Club resulted in a resolu-' tion. being forwarded to the renovation of the Brock of expropriating for the water-|ers and the public and that they| Road. works plant that now occupies} it : 'Stating their proposal to Coun- cil were Alex and Michael! Picov and Alex's son Norman. negotiation, a price which Reeve/Picov. "It is not for a public} -- J. Sherman Scott and Township| sdlicitors felt more reasonable| than others which had been sub- mitted, that of $32,500, was con-| tdined in the agreement. The} brothers were prepared to ac-| cept One problem remained. Con- sdlidated Building Corporation, the developers of Bay Ridges, were obliged to pay for the} water plant site in their agree-| ment with the Township. A let-|cause disaster to the township.| ter from them refused the price} of $32,500, and Council was in- formed that they would pay only the original offer of $20,000. | 'The reeve pointed out that if] a settlement was made out ofjlars, which the township was) court, the township may be left)financially unable to provide,| with the $12,000 difference to pay. But if the amount was) settled by arbitration, the de- vélopers would be responsible) for the cost, whether it be more of less, and including the cost of negotiation. The Picovs claimed that they were not officially consulted) about the original price of $20,-| 000. They stated that they had| 4-H Homemaking Clubs Schedule 1963 Program UXBRIDGE -- The 4-H Home- making Clubs in Ontario County have just completed their spring program. A total of 135 club} members finished the project -- Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed -- at the two recent Achievement Days held in the County. Nine girls received their Coun- ty Honors, on their completion of six Homemaking club units. These girls were: Mary Lynn Blackman, Brougham; Pamela Warren, Quaker Hill; Carley Seymour, Brooklin; Sheila Dis- ney, Mt. Zion; Helene Brown and Ruth Brethour, Sunderland; Ruth Ann Carruthers, Altona; Gail Cockburn, Beaverton; and Bernice Finn, Udney. Provincial Honors are award- ed after the completion of 12 Homemaking club units. Pat- ricia Harden of Brougham was the only member to receive her Provincial Honors. The results of the voting at the two Achievement Days for the spring project in 1963 was for the project --The Milky Way. The selection of projects is made by the members one year in advance, The Milky Way will begin in the county around Feb- had lost funds in selling their cattle, which were cut off from their drinking supply at the lake purpose like a road or a bridge. It is for a subdivider to make money." _ Mr. Picov said that if he felt it Was contributing to the good of the township, he would not mind having his land taken away. "So why should I help a sub- divider make lots of money?" he asked. He warned council that the development would Reeve Scott explained that the subdivision was only permitted because the developers paid for the sewers and waterworks at a cost of more than a million dol- and they needed these services to get industry into the munici- | pality. "As far as your land is con- cerned," said Councillor Milton The resolution read: 'That the County of Ontario be advis- jed that this Council protests "0, ' ee |strongly against the conditions| Consolidated Building is not|which have prevailed on the} Atfer more than two years of|/running our lives," said Alex/Brock Road during the past two| weeks, with particular refer- ence to the fact that portions of the road have from time to time been almost impassable to many cars by reason of loose sand and large stones, and that the County be requested to take immediate steps to im- prove this situation.' Mr. Mowbray, who proposed the motion, said, "I think the Township has been rather ill- served by the County. The at- titude seems to be to build a road and not worry about the traffic.' CHARGE FOR ILL Reeve Scott advised that since the Township Road Department was reconstructing roads in the West Rouge, he and other Councillors were receiving many requests fr fill, along with complaints about some not get- ting enough. ' He advised Council that he | SCUGOG ISLAND | BYLAW STUDIED TORONTO -- Scugog Island's first zoning bylaw was given partial approval by the Ontario Municipal Board it was announced to- day. The bylaw was set up to control residential develop- ment in the Township which is an island in Lake Scugog -- for which muni- cipal services are not avail- able. The release said that the Municipal Board agreed with the Township Council on the need for restrictive bylaw, but felt that some of its provisions were too strin- gent and required further | study. One such clause was the requirement that if a sum- mer home was to be used as a permanent residence, it must be provided with a basement. Caution Improper Driver Acquitted BOWMANVILLE | (Staff) Police said in court here yester- day a vehicle went on a pole- \breaking spree on Martins road | June 2, breaking off a telephone land hydro pole on opposite sides lof the road. Robert Leonard Butler, 26, of} 97 Queen street, Bowmanville, was aquitted of a careless driv- ing charge when Magistrate R. |B. Baxter refused to allow But- ller's statement to police used as levidence against him in court land there was no proof that he | jcould not be submitted as evi- dence. He said that only after this report is completed can an lofficer say, 'now my report is Jcompleted would you like to give a statement," and give the person the proper warning. Magistrate Baxter did not re- leeive any argument from De- fence Counsel Richard Lovekin j of Newcastle in reaching this |decision. | Wesley Fice of Waverley road, |Bowmanville, who saw the acci- jdent occur while inspecting a Pickering Protests Brock Rd. Condition told the Road Superintendent to put the fill on Township proper- ty only for the time being. The Reeve stated that there had been insinuations that "someone was getting paid off for fill", .and suggested that a charge be made to stop the com- plaints. Councillor Hubert Wank said that one person called him to say that the Township was us- ing equipment to level fill on private property, and felt that he should make these allega- tions before Council. Councillor Ross Deakin was concerned about how a charge for fill could be administered. He claimed that accusations could start coming in about a Township employee taking the money. "I don't like leaving Township employees open to this", he said Reeve Scott said that the fill could be ordered and paid to the treasurer. A resolution was passed that where it was not economically feasible for the fill to be used by the Township, it be sold for $1 per load. SCIENCE LIBRARY OXFORD, England (CP)--A message from Prime Minister Diefenbaker was among those read at the opening ceremony of a new Commonwealth library of science, technology and en- gineering. The library will be a 1,000-volume series of origin- ally - written textbooks. to be completed by 1967. The first six titles are on view at Oxford, and another 251 have been commis- sioned. Zoning Bylaw Infraction Costs $25 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A Darlington Township man was fined $25 and costs or seven day in jail yesterday for living in a house with only 1000 square feet floor space when it should have 1500 square feet. John Lyzanchuk of RR 2 Osh- awe had a further charge of building his house without a' building permit withdrawn when it was noted that a charge of this nature must be laid within a year of the offence. | Township Solicitor Alan Strike) of Bowmanville told Magistrate R. B. Baxter that Lyzanchuk| applied for a building permit! and was refused. | "There's no sense having by-, laws and regulations for the') people of the community if) some people aren't going to| comply with these laws," said) Mr. Strike. Defence Counsel Richard Lovekin of Newcastle said Ly- zanchuk hoped to put an addi- tion on his house in the near. future to bring it within the by- law requirements. | He noted that an agricultural| worker in the same zone only| 'members. had to have 1050 square feet. "My client is guilty of a tech-' nicality," said Mr. Lavekin : "He's a baker, not a farmer." Magistrate Baxter told Lyzan- chuk he would impose a reason- able fine this time with the war- ning that if the bylaw is not} complied with and the township} sees fit to lay the charge again,| he would impose the maximum} $300 fine. SCOUTS' CENTRE i The Canadian Boy Scouts As- sociation, which in 1962 com- pleted a new $850,000 headquar- ters in Ottawa, has 300,000) ' ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 FRESH LUSCIOUS STRAWBERRIES |perience in his present occupa- SPINCAST ROD FIBERGLAS 5 97 . We Reg. 9.95 .. Sportsman"s Corner ARE EASY TO GET AT SUPERIOR FINANCE without endorsers or bankable security *: | ford was convicted of having an: Burketon Farmer | ransport loverioad of $300 pounds" ands | 'fined $20 and cost or distress. aos daecaieeiiay | Remand | c : [Leslie L. Solty and Sons Ltd.,® NVILLE (Staff) -- {of Scarboro was fi +4 further two weeks remand was) ompanies leosts or dist as aeytie ant given a district farmer in court) i - ee BViNg Ay here yesterday awaiting sen- hd 14 foot six inch overhanging: tence on an arson conviction. in trailer with no lights and Clif» ha ae Mor coe? ot Be i pete ford Taylor of 32 Church street, urketon pleaded guilty May 19) BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Ri was fi to setting fire to his barn which Three transport companies Pe er aig "his Be carnal destroyed a number of sheep on'a lumber trucker were fined in|load of lumber in excess of the April 5. |court heré yesterday in absentia 9 feet 6 inches required width. Defense Counsel Terence V./for violations under the Public 2------ pass euler Bade 2) Kelly of Oshawa requested the|\Commercial Vehicles Act fol-| adjournment because a_ higher) lowing recent.checks at the Bow- Court appearance in Whitby pre-/manville-401 Highway Weigh! vented him from attending. Seales. ve * ee | Fined $50 and costs or de-| . ' jfault distress, the Rafferty.) History Group 'Smith Co. was convicted of! . having a 44-foot trailer with no} '" signs on the rear. Plans Meeting Federal Farms Ltd., Brad- | . By ELSA STORRY Kingston Youths BROUGHAM eg large num- D Pp b ber of Pickering Township re- sidents are expected to watch a Taw Fro ation highly recommended film. "Pio-- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) neer Village at Black Creek", Two Kingston youths, Gary Har- with sound and color, at the an- pell and Iva Jack Emorey were) nual meeting of the Pickeringjeach placed on a year's pro-! Township Historical Society on|bation in court here yesterday} Thursday, June 14 at 8 p.m. (after they were convicted of Albert Colucci, director of the|/breaking and entering a 115 Pioneer Village, will address|Highway restaurant about two the meeting. Mr. Colucci, born months ago. and educated in New York,) The court was told that the joined the staff of The Metro-\two youths damaged coin ma- politan Toronto and Region Con-\chines owned by the Toronto servation Authority in 1957, and|Coin Machine Exchange and became director of the Village|stole about $10.50 in change. in 1960. Dedicated as he is to| The damage amounted to about Museum work, and with his ex- $30. tion, and formerly as Curator of Fort York, his remarks will provide interesting entertain-| ment. Election of officers will take) place at this annual meeting,| and reports will be given. One of the representatives) from Pickering Township Coun-| cil on the Museum Committee, | Milton J. Mowbray, will address) the gathering. MONOFILAMENT FISHING LINE 6 and 8 Ib. test. ¢ Compare et 1.25 49 Sportsman's Corner Whitby "The fastest-growing all- Canadi Loan y- 17 SIMCOE ST..N. 725-6541 Doily until 5:30 p.m., Wednesday until 8 p.m. Seturdays until 12 noon Other evenings by appointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO DISCOUNTIF ATURE '& _FRESH STEINBERG MONARCH BANANA, CHOC., CHERRY, WHITE, YELLOW CAKE MIX GRADE 'A' GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 5-9 LB, SIZE 9%4-10 OZ. PKGS, 4/596 33 QUART CUP CORN OIL fi O9G AUNT JEMIMA BUCKWHEAT BUTTERMILK 1 1B. PKG. 23¢ OR REGULAR PANCAKE MIX t Mowbray to "qy_i|was the driver. : | > é had to have land at. the' lake | Constable Tracy Davis of the iy te sc aon eae of the It has to come from some.|Bowmanville Police Department) 4: tance he said body. The reason for the 1i0/$aid that when he arrived at) ur pave every reason to sus- acres (the Pivocs declared that|the scene there was nO vVé@-)..4 14 is the man," said Ma- one acre would be sufficient)|hicle in sight. lgistrate Baxter, 'but. when the was simply that our consulting) He said Butler telephoned thé|onus is on the crown to prove engineers thought it necessary|police department about three} pis guilt and the accused is not to ultimately service that end of|hours after the accident and re- required to give evidence, there the township." agreement unsigned, but two resolutions passed -- one that their fences be repaired, and the other that a water connec: tion be made for watering Mr. Picov's cattle, free of charge until Dec. 1, 1962. Negotiations about the expro- priation price will continue. Detour Crash Costs Youth BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A careless driving conviction in court here yesterday cost 18- year-old Richard Budd of 211 Kingswood road, Toronto a fine of $25 and costs or five days. Constable James Schultz of the OPP Bowmanville detach: ment told Magistrate R. B, Bax- ter he found the Budd car up- side down in the median of 401 "detour" May 19. Budd claimed he didn't lose} control on the road, but after} his car had slipped off the! road while coming out of the detour. He said he was only) driving about 35 miles per hour.| about 5.15 p.m. on Highway near the Courtice road| ported he had been involved in The Picovs left the meeting at/an accident on Martins road ear-| q \1 a.m. with their proposed | |lier that same evening. | Constable Davis testified he) went to see Butler at his home) and then went to-seé a grey) van that was locked in a barn) about four. miles west of the) town. He said the van had been) damaged in the front end, the) | windshield, doorposts and veel | A Hthat anything he said might be| taken down in writing and used is nothing left for me to do but ismiss the case." SLEEPING BAGS Waterproof Nylon Reg. 12.95 9.87 Sportsman's Corner Whitby FAMOUS RED COAT VARIETY TOMATO 10 OZ. TIN ywice six, 2/196 LIBBY'S HOT DOG, IMPORTED NO. 1 CAROLINA FRESH SWEET, HAMBURGER 39 PEACHES 25¢ RELISH:2 Oz. JAR CHAMPION 150Z BEEF, CHICKEN, LIVER 2 ib. 29 ° CHERRIES BING 49: against him if a charge was laid. Constable Davis said Butler |wrote down his own statement in his notebook and signed it. This is where Magistrate Bax- ter explained to the Constable that if the purpose of the state- ment was for the purpose of fill-| ing out an accident report, it PICNIC i] THERMOS JUG Bnae'sos "3.97 Sportsman's Corner Whitby ruary, 1963 The Homemaking club pro-) gram in the County is finished! for this season and will begin! again in the fall with the proj-/ ect -- The Club Girl Stands on| .Guard. Training school dates | have been set for Sept. 12 and 13] fot Ontario South and Sept. 18) and.19 for Ontario North There will be no bus trip for | Ontario County Homemaking | club-members this year. | Mrs. Wilda Waldron will be| thé Home Economist in charge of the county program after July 1. Further information about the 4-H Homemaking clubs can be obtained from the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture office in Uxbridge. LAWN CHAIRS Aluminum frame. sar- an webbing. : 4.97 | Reg. 6.95 .. Sportsman's orner Whitby NOTICE TO PROPER TO DESTR Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the weed control act 1960, section 3, 13 and 19, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the municipal- ity of Darlington are destroyed by June 30, 1962, TY OWNERS OY WEEDS , the and throughout the enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against the land in taxes as set out in the act. Wee The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Inspector W.R. Pickell, Municipality of Darlington icipality may Hear PERCY VIVIAN FRESH - PICNIC 3/38 Roasts SCOTIAN GOLD APPLE JUICE DELICIOUS KAM LUNCHEON MEAT TULIP MARGARINE _ AYLMER Tomato Soup FATHER'S "[\ @7 DAY R 48-02. TIN SAVE 6¢ 23: 33< 19- 12-02. TIN SAVE 12¢ 10.0Z. TIN SAVE 4e Pale id siztS & COLOURS COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 20/6' WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A CARTON OF 200 CIGARETTES 1 = J COUPON EXPIRES JUNE saan 10: | ~* BONUS ~~ ~ DISCOUNT - THURSDAY ONLY AVBIAGIGIINIIAN IAAT SSS) COUPON VALID ALL DAY, THURSDAY JUNE 14 ONLY! BIG CITY RRS AD SLICED wu COURON 20¢ EA. LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER WITH COUPON EA, COUPON MUST BE CLIPPED TO BE VALID! HANIAIISAIIOOIIIANIAION SSIS) FRIDAY ONLY geggs) eo A COUPON VALID ALL DAY, FRIDAY JUNE 15 ONLY FOMOGENIZED MILK a CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE DURHAM RIDING -- OVER -- Radio Station CKLB. Thurs., June 14 | 9:30 A.M. .. on nine comreine snes |QPEN THURSDAY & ramay! ro 9 P.M. - SPECIAL! nicl 'Wit TH AND PU! AND or A PRG OF EXTRA LOAM GROUND CHUCK COUPON Fxpiees/UNE J WITH THIS COUPON $) with On FORK COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 20/6? N§ COUPON IRCHASE OF WITH A ONE 18. PKG. OF SHOPSY ALL-BEEP, no Ponenase 213 O8, TH ORCHARD | stamps COUPON expres iUNt 20/6 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 412 02, TIN OF PRAY BENT CORN 57¢ COUPON exrines JUNE me 'wih THIS rere Eira Ant or BABY FOODS 4 STRAINED BANANAS, ESAUCE. swier' Panesar 3/90 PEACHES, VEGETABLES Ree! WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PKG. OF 15 GILLETE siabes COUPON EXPIRES JUNE ae COUPON CLIP and REDEEM TODAY ! LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER WITH COUPON WITHOUT EA. COUPON MUST BE CLIPPED TO BE VALID > COUPON PES AIITISIIIIO9s}s)S1c)s16)5)5)5)55) | 23¢- tveRyY 2 CELLO PACKAGES OF TOMATOES COUPON Expines JUNE 20/4 AMD or 2 BUNCHES OR MORE OF CALIFORNIA BUNCH CARROTS COUPON exPINBSJUNE 20/67 AND PURCHASE #VERY 002, OR ORE OF ORANGES ANY VARIETY COUPON exemessune 20/69/ 'witt THis COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ANY JOMNSON'S INSECTICIDE A CRYOVAC SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL COuPON'expints JUNE 20/6 INS OF ING COtam 2/316 ¢ CHOICE 'rien Tras COUPON AND PURCHASE RESTS Por, nes $1.07 50 SPST 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 2-15 O2. TINS OF AYUAER SLICED BES 2/310 COUPON EXPIRES AINE 20/62 AYUMER ASSORTED PEAS 7/39¢ COUPON expines unt 70/67 OI $) 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF AN 8 OZ. PLASTIC JAR OF CHEF MATE MUSTARD 19¢ COUPON expres Suet 20/62 WITH THIB COUPON AMD PURCHASE OF A110 OZ. JAR OF CREAM. INSTANT COFFEE "20¢ OFF" 8 'wint Tus COUPON ANO or A 12 OF JAR OF PFEIFFER COLE SLAW hain A? OF JAR OF £0, SMITH CINNAMON LAND ROAD DUNDAS STREET SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX 6 WHITBY @ KUUUL MILL