26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 23, 1962 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) BIRTHS 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale CHASSE -- Johnny he tl arrival of his baby brother, Jeffrey Alan Douglas, weighing 8 Ibs. 7 ozs., on Saturday, May 19, 1962, at Oshawa General Hospital. Proud parents are C, and D, Chasse. DAVIES -- Jack and B (nee TRACTOR farm wagon, two wheel, l4-foot, heavy tires, $85, Telephone Brooklin 655-4659, OIL burning cook stove, with reservoir and oil tank ,good condition, Price $35. Telephone 725-8727 evenings 6 to 9 p.m. PHILCO Shave speed-fiex rotary elec- trie shaver, men's, used a little more than a year. $15. Telephone 723-4005 . BUNK beds only $49.88. Two beds, two mattresses, two springs, ladder, guard- rail. One week only. Barons' Home Fi Watson) are happy to announce the arrival of their son, John Scott, on Sun- day, May 20, 1962, at Scarborough Gen- CHESTERFIELD, two chairs, 424 Simcoe Street South. good condition, 3 years old, $25. Dres- er, like new, $20. 300 Pine avenue, eral Hospital. A brother for David and Barbara. DUFFIN -- Mr. and Mrs. H. Duffin are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Todd Graham, weight 8 Ibs, 15 ozs., on Monday, May 21, 1962, at Osh- awa General Hospital, Thanks to Dr. SEWING machine, zig-zag, electric, portable in case, take over payments on $95 balance. New and used m: chines; sales and service. Trade-ins cepted as down payment on new ma- chine. Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Sim- coe Street South, 728-2391. McLean. HAMBLY -- Bill and Jane (n ELECTROHOME dehumidifiers for sale or rent at Parkway Television ,918 Sim- coe Street North, Oshawa. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, foot, good condition, $75. after 6 p.m, 725-8738. FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar- antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- ment, package deal, $130. Telephone 725-4729. 12 cubic Telephone $1,000 Reward For Arrest In Beating TORONTO (CP) Upper Lakes Shipping Limited Tues day offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of men who beat up a company employee at his Fort William home Monday night. At the same time, company president J. D. Leitch sent tele- grams to the mayors of Fort William and Port Arthur de- KELVINATOR refrigerator, 8 cu. ft, i 50. =T 725-0587 after 4 o'clock. ee Trimble) are pleased to the birth of their daughter, on Tuesday, May 22, 1962, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. A baby sister for Mary Jane and Paul. Deo Gratias. WILBUR Lloyd thank God for the safe arrival of their son, Richard Lloyd (7 Ibs., and Barbara DRUM set "'Slingerland" 4 pieces, Ex- cellent condition, May be seen at 1033 Wardman Crescent, Whitby, or MO 8-4955, WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South, NATIONAL cash register class 21, in perfect working order. Apply Hayden Macd Oshawa Ltd, DOUBLE bed, walnut 54-inch, spring and mattress. Royal electric floor pol- isher, three kitchen chairs, autoharp, Telephone 725-1078. 8 ozs.) on Saturday, May 19, 1962, at Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. C. Russell. INTRODUCE your son or daughter with an Oshawa Times birth notice. The Rate is $1.50. Phone 723-3492 and our staff will assist you in writing a notice, REPOSSESSED Singer Zig-Zag portable sewing machine. Does hundreds of dif- ferent decorative stitches, $34 or terms arranged, Dealer. Apply Box 345 Osh- awa Times. 14 FOOT moulded mahogany _ boat (fiber glassed) mahogany planked deck OFFICE Equip. Service. Try a proven name that guarantees satisfaction. Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. MOTORCYCLE, 1957 Triumph, 650, new paint job, metallic blue, engine and transmission excellent, good tires. $525. After 9 p.m, MO 8-8632. DOUBLE bed, spring and mattress $35; Foldaway bed with mattress $10. Both like new. Between 9 and 11 a.m., 728-5526. and side rails, 12 HP motor. e DEATHS HALLETT, Eleanor Peacefully, at the residence of her niece, Mrs. A. Reimer, 120 Euclid Street, Whitby; Eleanor Hallet; beloved daughter of the late Edwin Hallett and the late Mrs. P. Creighton; loving sis- ter of Mrs. F, Barton (Edwina), of To- ronto. Resting at the W. C. Town Fu- neral Chapel, Whitby, for requiem mass in St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby, on Thursday, May 24, at 9 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery, Osh- awa, Rosary will be recited by the Ca- tholic Women's League, Wednesday, 8.15 p.m. OITTINEN, Linda In Oshawa Hospital on Monday, May 21, 1962, Linda Vainio, beloved wife of the late Lauri Oittinen (110 Athol Street Fast) in her 61st year, The late Mrs. Oittine: i " . Service in the Chapel on Thursday, May 24, at 2 p.m. In- terment Union Cemetery. POGSON, Margaret Anne (Madge) In Oshawa General Hospital on Mon- ay, May 21, 1962 , Margaret Anne idge) Morrison, beloved wife of Ar- ' Pogson (1496 Simcoe Street North, awa). The late Mrs. Pogson is rest- if 52 King Street East. Service in the Chapel on Wednesday, May 23, at 2 o'clock. Interment Mount Lawn) Cemetery. THOMPSON, Adelaide Victoria At the Rosebank Nursing Home, Rose- bank, on Tuesday, May 22, 1962, Ade- laide Victoria Bullied, in her 88th year, late cf 219 Audrey Avenue, Scarboro (formerly of Raglan, Ontario), wife of the late Thomas G. Thompson, dear mother of May (Mrs. Hodgson), Ruby (Mrs. Moore), Hilda (Mrs, Jones), George and the late Pearl (Mrs. Coch- rane), William and Gordon. Resting at Sherrin Funeral Home, (73 Kingston Road (at Beech Avenue), Toronto. Ser- vice in the chapel on Friday at 1.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Osh- awa. GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me- morial, For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327, LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement loral requirements for occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING and all Viking ig nearly new. Reasonable. Telephone 723-7436. ELECTROHOME, RCA Victor and Ad- miral 19" portable TV's. Prices start at $188. Parkway Television, 918 Sim- eoe Street North. REX Rotary duplicators, Stenocord dic- tating, Olympia typewriters. The qual- ity names in their field, Backed by Hamilton's Office Equipment Service, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442, Whitby. BARBEQUE 30 Chicken Size Large and Small BE Cash Register Coffee Maker 723-7463 STEEL WINDOW SASH Various sizes Some opening types BEST OFFER 1370 SIMCOE NORTH REFRIGERATOR Hotpoint, 9.6 cubic ft., ex- cellent condition, $75. After 6 p.m., on Friday after _3 p.m. 728-9290, Ae VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis- isions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Phone 728-4401, SPECIAL OFFER SELF-STORING ALUMINUM DOORS complete with grill and lock Windows -- $15.00 Installed -- 728-5253 CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM DODD--In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs, A. H. Dodd, who passed away May 23, 1959. The depth of sorrow we. cannot tell, Of the loss of one we love so well. Sadly missed by son Grant, daughter- aw Wilma, grandchildren Glenna, Guy and Laurie, DODD -- In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away May 23, 1959. and smiling, always content, and respected wherever she Always thoughtful, willing and kind, These are the memories our Mom left behind, --S. y missed and lovingly remember- her daughers and sons-in-law A and Owen, Josephine and Clar- ence DODD ---In loving memory of my pa Jessie, who passed away Mz 1959. I have lost my_ soul's companion, A life linked with my own, And day by day I miss her more As I & through life alone. ~Sadly missed by husband, Arthur. DODD ---In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs, A. H. Dodd who passed away May 23, 1959. Those we love we never lose For always they will be Loved, remembered, treasured; Alwa in our memory. sadly missed by son Gordon, daugh- -law, Betty. DODD -- In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. A COOK'S TRAILER SALES NOW ON DISPLAY Glendales 14-ft., 16-ft., 17-ft. 2 LOCATIONS: Highway No. 2, Courtice, 3 Miles East of Oshawa, Landsdowne Texaco Station Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Open Evenings--Weekends QUANTITY OF i SIDEWALK pedal car, 38" long, like new, recently painted, has new wheels and fittings. Reasonable. Telephone 728-0489, TRAILER two wheel, for particulars. 725-6648, REFRIGERATOR, Norge, also General Electric 21 inch television. Both in good condition, Telerhone 723-7670. THREE-piece chesterfield, velour, in good condition. Baby's crib and high ir, like new. Reasonable. 723-2164. box, telephone 5 HP Johnson motor, 12 foot plywood boat and trailer, in good condition. Rea- sonable for quick sale. Apply 371 Glid- don Avenue. REFRIGERATOR, General Electric, 10 cubic feet, 7 months old. Large freezing capacity. Best offer. Telephone 728-0636. iF " cruise! T. CABIN cruiser, panorama wind- shields, mahogany finish, sliding win- dows, Sleeps two, $900. Telephone 728. PORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, call Elmer ilbur CO 3-2294, THI hay wagons with rubber tires. 800 gallon water tank. Telephone MO 8-2753. '58 SYLVANIA 21-inch television, in good condition. For further information call 725-7058 between 12 and 1 or after \4 4 ER accessories, gas refrigera- tors, hitches, water purifiers, safety heaters, awnings, jacks, Coleman camping equipment sale. Miller Heat- ing, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. WH 2-3491. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes , guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice, 728-0591 anytime. WE buy, sell and excnange used fur- niture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Stree! |South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. SF WING machine service and repairs, any make, any item accepted as trade- jin on sewing machines. Oshawa Sewing |Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South. Tele- phone 728-2391. fededed furniture, only $299 for three rooms, Complete living room, bedroom and kitchen ensembles. Pay only $3 00 weekly, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. niet --| KENMORE electric range, 24 inches,|all three burner, A-1 condition, phone 728-5079. GUNS wanted, old lever action rifles} sulated. Telephone 723-3566. TENTS, camping supplies, marine| hardware, outboard motors, guns and| bicycles, Best prices. Try Dominion! Tire, 48 Bond Street West. CEDAR picnic tables and lawn chair: Also free estimates on kitchen c¢ boards and furniture. Made to your spe- cifications, Dial CO 3-2573. NEW Magenta. colored coat, size 10 (teen) was $40, selling $10, Catalina bathing suit, size 12 or 14, $3; boy's summer clothing, new, assorted sizes. Reasonable, 725-2574. 15-FOOT lux: runabout, 35 Johnson electric, Tee-Nee trailer; all like new. Best offer, Telephone Bowmanville 623- 5078. BABY carriage, like new, detachable, convertible, blue and gtey, Very rea- sonable. Telepho: 728-6335. RANGE, Gener Electric, fully auto- m@tic, push-button, excellent condition, $90, After 6 p.m, on Friday after 3 p.m, 728-9200. TRAVEL TRAILERS: Come In And See The New Falcons In 13-ft, 15-ft. and 17-ft. models now on display at the SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND SALES 1010 Dundas St. East, Whitby MO 8-2866 BOATS UP TO 60% OFF Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Cruisers, Inc., Evinrude Motors, Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE Dodd, who passed away May 23, 1 gave me a wonderful mother, | memory will never grow old;| e fashioned her smile out of sun-| shine, He moulded her heart of pure gold. He needed a new star in Heaven, A beautiful light to shine So out of this world of sorrow He chose that dear mother of mine. missed by daughter, N jaw, Howard, grandchildren Lee » Gail and Grant, CARD OF THANKS BA K -- The family of the late er Baluk, wish to extend deep appreciation to the Armstrong Funeral Home and Reverend H. A. Mellow for his kindness and his consoling words in our bereavement. Special thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their cards, flowers and all other kind- fesses shown us in the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. --Tha Baluk Family HUNTER -- We wish to express our deep appreciation to all relatives, heighbors for the beauti- ful floral tributes, and kind expressions of sympathy received during our sad ment in the loss of a dear aunt,| te Margaret Ann Hunter. A most e thanks to the Armstrong Fu- neral Home, Rev. A. E. Lark, Mrs. N. Hodgson and Mrs. G, Alexander. ~--By Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgson, Moss and Mrs, T. Welsh. ~--We wish to express our ciation to relatives, friends neighbors for their kindness and » sympathy and floral tributes ed to us at the passing of our dd husband and father, Robert Steele. We especially wish to hank Dr. Rowsell and Dr, Brown and also the nurses and Rev. Cross. ~The Steel Family BANKING AID The first modern - type bank clearing house for settlement of claims between banks is be- lieved to have been at Edin- Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin -- 655-3641 Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends Latest Modern Designs DRAPES and Drapery Fabrics Materials 79c yd., up DRAPES Custom-made, Reasonable Prices M and C Dry Goods _74 CELINA 728-7827 _ Busy Homemaker! Shopping A Worry? Food Expensive? Home Economics Food & Freezer Co. Ltd. Can help you take the worry and expense out of food shopping. $15. WEEKLY covers food plus freezer for a family of four, This in- cludes about 80% of normal groceries. Phone today, you wwe it to yousrelf. No obligation, burgh in 1760. 728-9141 OUTBOARD motor, 35 hp Evinrude manual start, excellent condition, $275 or best offer, Also 14-ft. cedar strip Peterborough boat, fiberglassed, $175. After five 723-9623, FORAGE wagons, Flexo "harrows, roof- spreaders, 100 and 125 bushel PTO. New and used car, truck and tractor tires. Apply Hoskin's, Blackstock, 986- 4971, SMALL cabin trailer, weighs 600 lbs Will sleep four. $199. Apply Hoskins, Blackstock. 986-4971, SKIN diving equipment, tank regulator, dry suit, finns, mask, weight belt, $200. Apply 81 Park Road after five, |REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, good condition, Apply 40 Duke Street, Bow- ma telephone MA 3-3904, Fi en les and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon stration, Telephone 728-4683. CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, $22.50, Aerial and installation extra. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. OODRICH Stores --Tires, bat- Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. BOAT trailer, light model, reasonable; also McClary electric range, automatic oven, window in door. Telephone 725-0483. AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. 34--Lost & Found LOST --Child's pet, toy pomeranian, ast seen Saturday in west end of Whitby. Telephone MO 8-5296, PICTURES family snapshots in plastic folder, lost Thursday, May 17, down- town Oshawa or Bowmanville. MA 3-3873. 35--Legal I will not be responsible for any deb' contracted in my name by any one on or after this date, May 23, 1962, with- out my written consent. ~--Sam Snowden, RR 2, Oshawa. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, May 18, 1962, without my written consent. --Signed, Leonard Chennie, 331 Arthur Street, Oshawa, Ontario. WHEN YOU LOOK for a trailer be sure to look in the Oshawa Times Classified section. Exceptional buys are offered every day. Check now! NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of KENNETH FRANK HENRY, late of the City of Oshowa, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executrix, on or be- fore the 25th day of June, 1962, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have been re- eived, ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, WLY built, small house trailer, in-|Chandise. trade ing (aluminum and steel); Kelly Ryan| di police protection for company employees and pro- perty at the Lakehead. Monday night's beating was one of a series of violent inci- dents attributed to rivalry be- tween the new Canadian. Mari- time Union (CLC) and the Sea- farers' International Union (ind.). In Montreal Tuesday a shot- gun blast peppered the car of CMU President Michael Shee- han, a former top aide of SIU chief Hal Banks, as he stepped from the doorway of his home. Sheehan was not touched. Some 400 men on 25 Upper Lakes vessels are meinbers of the Canadian Maritime Union, formed last October as a rival to the powerful Seafarers' Inter national Union. | SIU men have picketed upper| lakes vessels at ports from the Lakehead to Welland. Fights| and beatings have taken place. | with the CMU blaming SIU musclemen. | In Fort William Monday night Upper Lakes employee Alfie| |Scavarelli, 37, was beaten out- side his home by two men re- ported to have used an axe handle as a club. His condition) in hospital was reported Tues- day to be fair. | | Scavarelli, Lakehead freight iperintendent for Upper Lakes, jis a member of the CMU. | | Hees Foresees | | Export Rise TORONTO (CP)--Trade Min-| jister Hees predicted Tuesday jnight that Canada's exports will |rise by 10 per cent this year and bring about a surplus of at| least $400,000,000 in the coun- try's foreign trade. | Addressing a dinner for visit-! ing Un merchandise jmanagers, he said: | "Our (trade) program is al- ready bearing fruit. Our over- balance on merchandise } | $40. Tele-ltrade has been converted from ja deficit of $729,000,000 in 1956) and hand guns. Telephone 728-5574. jto an over-all surplus of mer- in excess of $179,000,000 last year." | Mr. Hees told the U.S. buyers} \the government is on a drive to} fi ind new Canadian export mar-| kets. He was confident they would find many items of inter- est in their Canadian visit,| which was sponsored by Ottawa to promote purchases in Can- ada by U.S. retailers. "We are going to do our best! to give you superior quality and! superior design," he added "We are prepared to meet com- petitive prices and we will do our best to give you a standard of delivery that you will find hard to equal from any other supplier." New Members Received At St. Paul's By MRS, A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE--At the Com- munion service in St. Paul's |Church, the following new mem- bers were received on Profes- _|sion of faith -- Albert Adams, |Valerie Adams, Sheila Allin, Gordon Boyd, Gary Clark, Don- na Cole, William Eby, Robert Cuthbertson, Elaine Highfield, Lester Highfield, Penny Jef. fery, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey| Jones, Alfreda Jones, Thomas Jones, Ian McQuarrie, Nancy} McRoberts, Kenneth Miller,| George Moore, Heather Moore, | Marilyn Prout, Gloria Purdy,| Jennifer Purdy, Roger Roberts, Sandra Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Donna Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers, Gail Sellers, Carrol Taylor, Murray Taylor, Mr. aid Mrs. John Verbeek, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Virtue, Brenda Virtue, | Loyne Walker and Fred White-| and, The following joined by Cer- tificate of Transfer: Mrs. Albert! Adams, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Bry-| son, Miss Karen Clarke, Mrs.| Lester Highfield, Mrs. Kenneth) Hooper and Mrs, J. T. Middup.| A get-acquainted dinner was hed! for the new members by} the Elders and their wives. The] dinner was convened by Mrs.| Allan Cuthbertson and Mrs.) George Graham. DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto--J. Alan Savage, 53, manager of the radio and tele- vision department of the Cock- field, Brown and Company Lifn ited advertising agency;. ofa coronary thrombosis, Vancouver -- W. BP. (Bill) | Heald, 79, who in the 1930s was one of Canada's top distance runners. | Montreal -- Mrs. Zora Lazic, | 70, widow of the former minis- ter of the interior for the Royal Yugoslavian government under King Alexander I. Bearsville, N.Y. -- John H. Striebel, 70, creator of the syn- dicated cartoon strip Dixie Chic Summer Senarates! C--Sleeveless Overblovse Combed cotton sateen. Ab- stract floral print in predom- inating pink, aqua or beige. Scoop neck. Casual bow at waistband. Sizes 12 to 18. EATON Special Price, 99 EACH E--Bordered Linenweave Jacket --Cardigan style blouse in white only with turquoise, green and orange in the floral border. Short sleeves. Sizes 12 to 18. F--"Arnel" Triacetate Skirt -- Knifé - pleated all the way around. An "'easy-care" fab- ric. Sizes 12 to 18. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 203 PHONE 725-7373 aM Carnation-Printed Cotton Pretty carnation print in pink or turquoise on white grounds. 'Drip Dry" cotton, little or no ironing required. White eyelet trim at graceful V-neckline. A lovely wardrobe for Summertime dream- ing! Sizes to fit 34 to 40. A-Sleepcoat -- White cotton eyelet design edges the elasticized puffy sleeves; buttons right down front. EATON Price, each B-WALTZ - LENGTH SHIFT GOWN - Full styling for cool com- 2.99 ¢ / a EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 PHONE 725-7373 EATON Price BOON ooo cs i + 'Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 Dugan; after a long illness. Summer Roses In The Mist! Lovely roses, printed on silky textur- ed rayon and seen through a-mist of chiffon! The effect . . . most desir- able for Summer evenings, Slender sheath with lightly blouson bodice, scooped and sleeveless. Radiant in primrose yellow, peacock blue, beige or red. Sizes 7 to 17. ror 19.95 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 PHONE 725-7373 .m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9