Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 8

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an te BS OOS GA Ne ence, Bal SOS urday, May 5 at Salada Teal © GRAIN SHIPS LOAD House, Exhibition Park. PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Ten Members displayed a_great!grain ships were under elevator UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES CENTRE ST. UCW UNIT Ijbers of all auxiliaries are in- WEAVER'S GUILD ard good: nroute, harbo The Aprii meeting of Eas tivited. Eighth Oshawa Portside}) The Oshawa Weaver's Guild die with seciiues acne taal oe bob a » F Unit No. 1 of United Church/parents night will be April 25.|held its regular meeting recent-|both cotton and linen place mats. shi a ue bes ~ grain Women of Centre Street United/Christ Memorial Church Guild/ly at the home of Mrs, S. J. Instead of a regular meeting ad year have aa phic toed the After Bride Proves N) e Can Church was held at the home/|pot luck supper will be Wednes-|Hillier, Brooklin. : of Mrs. 'William Chester. Mrs.|day, May 30, and all moth ey i jin May the members will meet|1,000,000 bushels down : 4 tea i ae oe president, Mrs. W. D. Ap at the Library on Monday, Mayjlakes, leaving Lakehead eleva- him to qualify for a $150 rebate) i jon his income tex. | ; : Wilbur Miller, group leader,|Scouts are invited from the 8thinold, presided. The minutes ; FOLKESTONE, Kent -- Nine-| After the wedding, Mr. Cairns presided. : |Oshawa group. On Saturday,|were read by Mrs. Fred Lioyd|!>, 8 7 p.m. to arrange the|tors still with about 83,500,000 teen - year - old Barbara Cairns|shook hands with the happy Mrs. Robert Kirk led the de-/May, 5, an anniversary dinner,|and Miss Mary MacLean gave|¢xhibit for the crafts display/bushels. The anticipated flurry cooked a splendid dinner for her|Couple and said: votional period, choosing "East-/marking 50th year of Scouting,|the treasurer's report. .|and meet at the home of Mrs.jof activity was expected to father. The roast beef and York-| "She could not cook a boiled er" as her theme. Mrs. Dean|will be held in Donevan Colleg-| Mrs. Arnold welcomed a new|£Ted Lioyd later for coffee. |dwindle the stock rapidly. pr 'pudding were just right./egs properly two months ago. Peel assisted by reading a/iate, at 6 p.m. member, Mrs. Raymond Pa- As a meal, it was a winner, be- Now I would say she is a pretty story "His Last Week." It was} Mrs. Robert Clayton and Mrs,|quette of West Hill. . announced that a lecture on the|stanley Gales will have charge| On Tuesday, May 15, during BAILEY FOODS LTD s OSHAWA AJAX WEST HILL THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA RETIRING, INCOMING PRESIDENTS @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 25, 1962 By M. McINTYRE HOOD... Special to The Oshawa Times aten it he|g00d cook. At least the roast 1 e n --_ por ee Nes you|@nd Yorkshire pudding were handling of food will be held in|of a small booklet of recipes to|Citizenship week, there will be can get married." And a week|lovely. If Eric has to live on) the church hall on April 25/be compiled and sold by the 8th|@ display of crafts from all later, Barbara and her fiancee,|that every day he won't do} with Dr. J. E. Watt, super-| Auxiliary. Mrs. Dwight Bunner| Countries in McLaughlin Library Eric Goldstone, also 19, were| badly." visor of environmental sanita-\read a paper on the Scouting|sponsored by the Lyceum! Club married, SECRETLY ENGAGED - ola Board of Health,!Crest, which had been designed of Oshawa. The Guild will ex- Behind this charming story! Barbara and Eric had been pgm the spring bazaar|2Y the founder of Scouting, Lord -- som weaving. | lies another story, that of thelsecretly engaged for a year| TS ge ll pall tine g bs ld Baden-Powell who always spoke n Menawyag™ _Wwas extended appearance of Barbara and\when she asked her father for! vote rea 7 s S/of the Scout Organization as be- from Toronto Spinners and Wea- Eric before a magistrate's court|nemission to marry. And when fe in sonic tian. ae ie ing one of peace, and he chose|Vers to attend their May Day at Folkestone, with an applica-|he refused it they teak 'the teesar ar ae Rye nite the crest, the French emblem /Tea and Fashion Show, on Sat- tion for permission to wed. Her|matter to court to ask for per- By tea by ise, at a taietinne ic on, oe The father had refused to give his| mission. reed Byarvons se aa inded Scout Motto, of "Be Prepared", consent. He told the magistrates} There, the magistrates' chair-| E : was adopted from the South | of the date, May 3, and asked i i that he had refused consent be-|man, 70-year-old Percy Gurr, to help make this a ae ton, who was refused entry to cause his daughter could not/told 'Barbara: Mrs. Robert Ross, was thelcansda after writing a book success. cook, "You can't expect young hus- auctioneer for the. disposal of tas : ' Pa fe atl J J J : : about atrocities committed by THREE MONTHS' TEST bands to live on sardines. UAW AUXILIARY NO. 27 smail items brought by the|UN troops in the Korean war,| Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday DELICIOUS DEVIL'S FOOD LOAF CAKE 39: FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. ee. DELICIOUS FRESH MRS, WALTER BRANCH MRS, JAMES NOONAN BLUEBERRY PIE INDIAN SETTING | LONDON (CP)--Monica Fel- bazaar a President, Executive Installed ' CW Py ith Made sure before I eid At ot. Gertrude 5 L Meeting The regular meeting of the, hare and sold ¢ fit thelh Wished Wer first book The magistrates agreed wit lthat my wife could cook." UAW Women's Auxiliary No. 97/mem ers and sold to oe oe Pee - a. Rei " the father, and gave her three : ere aes Mrs. James Noonan was in-;communion monthly _and their |Auxiliary funds. Mrs, months. to learn the way to al,.,.iter the wedding, Eric said: stalled as the new president a example in leading a spir- ait yvobl yeser fy) with Sie_{thanked Mrs. Fitches, on behalf|about Chakravarti Rajagopal- man's heart, And they left it to} P2">ara's cooking is still not| st. Gertrude's Catholic Women's|itual life was of utmost impor-| ee ethel 'Thomson presiding, |0f all the guests, for the plea-lari, former governor-general. of| the father to decide if his daugh- 4 da ' she is improving. Mrs. Walter B ~h tgoing!| ter by that time had learned to|® n Mrs. Walter Branch, outgoing) Mrs. Roberts moved the adop- 3 * inc And Mr. Gurr expressed de-| president, presided for the regu-|tj i utes read by Sister -- cook sufficiently well to cater light that everything had turned ae sone The | Rev. jtion of the following slate and for the needs of her husband's) " jout so well. 'tl know that I am Myers opened with the League| Neil: quite as good as mother's, but t,o; a i i ? jar, League at the April meeting.|tance. Roll cal' Wak taken EAA Hin sant evening. tania deg J Frances |F ; radley. Treas "s yas ior Oe sees mer bubend's Johniit was cer oe ba ig Fn given by Sister Marjorie. Me_| pa ceatae Page Rogar when I say that cooking is] prayer, followed by the minutes,| Noonan: Ist vice-presidet, 7 Di Neil. Sister Mary Turner report-| aIng lan important factor in a happy! rez >, Pig t } ed that flowers had been sent favorable decision after twol nporta PPY read by Mrs. John Polman, sec-| John Poltz; 2nd vice-president, to Sister Elizabeth Jenki d months. And Eric and Barbara|™@!Tage," was his comment. retary. Mrs. Polman also pre-/Miss Eva Bruckner; 3rd_vice-|> * -piarieasg 4g unettony , in ti eos ee Pie --|sented a resume of activities,| i kc .|8 card to Brother 0. Burgoyne. were married just in time for : *}president, Mrs. Frank Flynn; - ----_-- panic speakers at meetings, and other| secretary Mrs. Frank Doreen: Letters of thanks were _Te- items of interest, during heritreas urer, Mrs George ceived trom the Oshawa Society term as secretary. She reported|Rogaard. Councillors: Mrs, Neill-°" the, Deaf and Hard of Hear-| lan. incease in membership,!Rosie. Mrs John Byrne. Mrs,|28 and the Mental Health Asso-| which is 120, and an increase| Steohen Stauitiac Mre' Cleo|Siation for the financial dona-| n attendance at regular meet:l Ou stieite aa John Dolman tions rendered them. ings. Mrs, Patrick Roberts, Mrs. Wil-|, 1t Was decided to send a | Mrs, James Kraemer gave aliiam Clancy, Mrs. John Adams |donation of $25 to the strikers of financial statement which show-| yrs goods Melynchuk. Mrs.|*0¢, Shoregas Company. led the council had contributed|Bernard Lefaurichon. '| Members were reminded that| $16,000 to St. Gertrude's Church} Ber : _ |the next regular meeting would lsince receiving its charter in| After reciting the Act of Con-ihe held on Tuesday evening,| 1952, Annual reports of all con-|S¢¢tation with Father Myers,|May 1. At this time nomina-| veners were turned in to the|Mrs. James Noonan presideditions for executive positions lsecretary, to be compiled, mim-|0F the rest of the peo Mrs. | would take place. The Misses Elinor and Linda eographed, and distributed -to|Bernard Lefaurichon conducted) Following a short business| Wilson were co-hostesses at a ' s/the membership at a later date. the bah cg draw ann "a WaS!meeting Sister Thomson intro-| linen shower at the latter's ' A spiritual bouquet} was won by Mrs. Le page tal anyl./ duced Mrs. Helen Tucker, presi home on Glencairn avenue. ? solicited by Mrs. Frank Doreen Mrs. Cleo Oullette and Or aha |dent of the Voice of Women, Mrs. Reynard Boyle enter- ace the ev. Leonard 4. Wall, poe ghee hall of the/also Mrs. Gordon Conant, a| tained at a miscellaneous show- Archdiocesan Director of the| ; |member of the national board of er at her home in Ajax. CWL. Mrs. Patrick Roberts ask- jSIESKSOrS: | Mrs. Clarence Butson enter-| ed for Catholic papers and | t the conclusion of Mrs.| Fe ff ie : ht tastefully decorated. There is no doubt ebout Ht, tained at a miscellaneous show- |magazines, for the residents of| |Tucker's inspiring speech, a : ee CHERNEY'S have the key to smart living-- er at her home in Port Perry. |Hillsdale Manor, in answér to -- , was gee Re- te eae j selection, quality, style end price. cor 2 dato joerg mereg their request. Miss Eva Bruck- peapeweriids bbhin, Yes everything is yours--the entire y presentaion of gifts. ner, convener of the annual card 1TH SCOU zRS JX. lige oe or i 1 Mrs. Joyce Redman and Mrs.| CONVENER lparty, gave a splendid report. lhe Aoi cheating of the tei a gabe of prides peeaga disposal Murray Geer assisted in serv- j .. Several favors had been re-| The Oshawa and District Sil-|gegyt Mothers' Auxiliary was| ROG TRY OSG A ere ing. Mrs. Robert I. Werner is | ceived and 35 prizes had been|ver Cross Women held theirlneid at Albert Street United custom tailor It to your budget, Mrs. pgp -- bige and oo ae pang in donated, to date. monthly meeting at the home|church r on @ friendly, personal basis, ess at a miscellaneous showe w to be he under e i 7 i 4 ; : i at her home on Montrave Med auspices of Piyah Chapter Sidney Cope, Leslie , ueik, Baa Siatciees, wocicent a We Caras te te cae a A -- dents who had _ helped "und| The president, Mrs. Herbert/read by Mrs. Wilfred Hubbard. | bett. Mrs "Milton Fice. Mrs secutive evenings of May 9 guided her during her term of|Brailey, presided. |The treasurer's report was| Jack Corbett and Mrs. Robert| and 10. Assisting Mrs. Werner |°fice, and to the treasurer and; Mrs. Jack Hogan read the/given by Mrs. Charles Cowle. Boneham : | with ticket sales are Mrs, |Secretary who had been so com-jsecretary's report and Mrs.| It was decided not to have a Miss Diane Mallon entertain-| Harry Greene and Mrs. Mor- |Petent at their particular duty./Charles Gibbs the treasurer's/family picnic this year. Also,| ris Segal. She thanked the executive for/report and Mrs. Arthur Wegston|that there would be no June the quality of leadership they|read the correspondence. meeting. ed at a personal shower at the ~|had shown and the members for) Mrs. Cope, Mrs. Herbert Brat- Sth SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. Dianne Rollins Feted By Friends Prior To Wedding Miss Dianne Rollins, whose marriage to Mr. Earl Redman! will take place in St. George's Memorial Church on Friday evening April 27, has been feted at several pre-nuptial events, y the bade It's more than a Toast... It's @ wish that becomes @ Reality where the Bride, like her friends starts her married life with the totifaction of knowing that practically every piece of furniture in her new home came. from CHERNEY'S. And If you will notice, (as if you haven't elready), everything is beautifully arranged and LODGES AND SOCIETIES SILVER CROSS WOMEN Mrs. Branch expressed her|of Mrs. appreciation to the past presi-|street. --Hornsby Studio AFTER EASTER SALE! ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT Once again we invite you to the last 3 days of our tremendous clearance of good quality merchandise at low, low prices. Merchandise is still coming but hurry as this is the final week of the "Big- gest Sale Ever" at John Northway's DRESSES SILKS, JERSEYS, CREPES, CHIFFONS, KNITS, CASUALS, AFTER - FIVE AND PARTY DRESSES. Something for everyone . .. for all occasions. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 ¥Y4-SIZE DRESSES 99 6-99 .99 REG. VALUES REG. VALUES REG. VALUES TO 10.95 to 25.00 35.00 25.00 eCHILDREN'S WEAR e ¢ SPORTSWEAR e Winter gloves, mitts and leotards. Values to 2.98. Clearing 49, .99, 1.49 se Coats, borg lined. Reg. 2995)... 3. 6 Only . . . Snow Suits, size 2 and 3. 4 "pula Bacar bs borg lined. Value 10.95 Clearing 5.99 eg. 27.95. Clearing ........ 5,99 Children's Stretchy Socks, value 1.00. 5 Only--All-weather Coats. Clearing ee. value 15.00. .Clearing ........ 5.99 Odds and Ends Table 1.00 to 2.99 2 Only--Black laminated, Rain or Shine Teen Dresses less than 7% price Coat. Value to 49.95. Clearing 12.99 a et home of her parents, Mr. and | i a : ville avenue. Mes. Mallon as- ' posed fine attendance at meet-ijey and Mrs. Jack Hogan will Whe Avett wactine of te Sh sisted her daughter. QUEBEC (CP) -- Flying Of-| the meeting over to Mrs. Pat-\hohvcuion held at Fredericton ' Of! rick Roberts, chairman of the| : *|Auxiliary marked the 32nd) entertained at the home of her/the RCAF, who is also a regis-|nominating committee. N.B, in May. birthday of the organization, Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley/tered nurse and graduate of/Roberts presented the retiring| ' l vi the date to be announced later.|tainment. Mrs. George Fitches, nue, Oshawa, at a kitchen/the first woman flyer in Can-|president's pin. | The next meeting will be heldjpresident, introduced the| shower. Assisting was Mrs. Mil-|ada to receive a flight dis-| in te oe Thi-|, : y | cana, a aa spit rad J i ; "ya, (briefly to the members on the} president of district committee, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rollins,|beault received her pilot's li] value of the council's work tol URGES SLIMMING and Mrs. Frank Gravelle, vice. tain the wedding party at their | ; ee i ai home following" the 'vanwares! ' ane |and how much a priest depends|couturier Claude Riviere, her-|President of the 21st Auxiliary, AID TO CHILDREN upon the efforts of the league.|self a diminutive size 10, saidjintroduced her treasurer, sec- sisted by Mrs. Clarence Butson of Port Perry, sister of the|Fisher, assistant general man-|tive for their co-operation and|Chanel is one of the greatest|group. Many 8th Oshawa Scout ri has|wished the new executive con-|designers 'but her clothes are|Mothers had brought guests and) ------|been elected the _ first |president of the Montreal Chil-|He reminded them again that/is not really kind to the women| It was announced that May agency's 92 - year history. He fund-raising agency but that|dresses that tell them not to|supper will be held by the dis- succeds Mrs, E. S. Jewett. their attendance at corporate'eat too much, she added. trict committee, and all mem- DURING ALTERATIONS! ' * ° If you don't mind a little incon- these great alteration saie days and you will find truly great savings on chandise is all brand new, but has to be cleared rather than be- Mrs. Russell Mallon, Somer- EXPERT AIRWOMAN i * ings. Mrs. Branch then turned) coresent Oshawa at the annual Oshawa Sex. Scout Mothers' Mrs. Uwe Trulsen of Toronto/ficer Madeleine Thibeault ; Mrs.| : P a S A tag day is being planned,|with special guests and enter- Norsworthy, Roxborough ave-|Laval University, has become! president with the customary! + . | ton Simpson, Oshawa. fatchers fitedce Mins | Father at Simcoe Hall on May 18. guests; Mrs. Gordon Varnum,| Rossland d eas i - ; 7 ssiand road east, will enter-|cence here in 1954. ___/both himself and to the parish} MONTREAL (CP) -- Paris|president. Mrs. Robert Fraser, this evening. Th lt bi - . ee MONTREAL (CP) -- Guy S.|He thanked the retiring execu-jin an interview here thatjretary and others from_ her rospective bridegroom. ager of. Southam Press, ] =i wid male|tinued success in their efforts.|so kind to the figure that shejintroduced them. dren's Service Centre in that|the league was not primarily a|who wear them." Women need|24, at Camp Samac a pot luck At AN bby P71 | a y | _ <a '| | venience visit our store during all Frigidaire appliances. This mer- ing damaged in the process of the alterations. NEW "FRIGIDAIRE" PRODUCTS SPRING BEAUTY | BY ALICE BROOKS Garden - fresh beauty for your bedroom - little expense for you when you embroider this spread. Beginner - easy embroidery adds a dainty, colorful touch to a bedspread for spring, summer, all year. Pattern 7298: motifs 15% by 18 inches and 2% by 23; directions. | Send Thirty - five. cents| (coins) for this pattern (stamps| cannot be accepted) to Alice Brooks, c/o The Oshawa Times RCIG-39C-62 4 a R AS 169.90 Fridge's % 199.00 Ranges Values to 10.95 Clearing 4.99 Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. | Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, | PATTERN NUMBER. | NEVER - BEFORE VALUE! | 200 yes, 200 designs to knit, cro-/ chet, sew, weave, embroider,| quilt in our new 1962 ' Needle- craft Catalog - ready now' See Beautiful Bulkies in a complete fashion section plus bedspreads, linens, toys, afghans, slipcovers, plus 2 free patterns. Send. 25c now! Ontario residents add Ic sales} tax. @ SERVICE IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT @ HOME APPLIANCES =» 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-5443 4 Values. to 18,99) 3.4 oes orth Sorry No Mail or Phone Orders JOH Clearing 6.95 on these Sale Items Ladies' Winter Coat Special...... 9.99 ay ALL SALES FINAL Open Daily 9:30 to 6:00 Friday to 9:00 p.m. Oshawa Shopping Centre SALE ENDS Seturday, April 28th

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