Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 7

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MOTHER AND SON Celebrating his first birth- | day today is Phillip Scott, son | Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Winsley, jinaugural meetings as well of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gour- ley, Stevenson road _ north. Scott is the grandson of Mr. Dandi Petherick and Mrs. H. W. Gourley and all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland SOCIAL NOTICES L. Robert Scott Wed At Northminster Northminster United Church was the setting for the wedding recently of Sandra Lee Pether-) ick, Oshawa, and Larry Robert Scott of Belleville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Winston Petherick and Mrs. Bernard Sharpe and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marylin Theresa, to Mr. Raymond Sorochan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorochan, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place at St. George's Greek Catholic Church on Sat- urday, May 19, at 4 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Eiled by Mrs. L. F. Richardson. | | spacious _|centre. The president, Mrs. W.\the Way", will be led by Mrs {now being prepared. Great in-/Mrs, | j OMEN Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 25, 1962 7 Bay Of Quinte Conference UCW Meets In Peterborough Ives, Mrs. Gilmour Smith and Mrs. R. C. Ellis were named as a committee to be responsible for the selection of the recip- ients of the bursary. Members were asked to submit such names to Mrs. Ives, together with full information, Donations to the Bursary Fund should be forwarded to the treasurer, Mrs. A. Lemke of Pembroke, ear- marked for this work. |AUGUST SESSION Mrs. D. R. Moffat, Dean for i i The Bay of Quinte Confer- ence United Church Women ex- ecutive, held in Mark Street United Church, Peterborough, was opened with the devotional theme, Our Easter Heritage, "Life is beginning all over again. during this spring sea- son," she said: "Easter is a time to celebrate life, not death." Members were remind ed that 'through death we also live; through the Cross we have ' | i : h lead- immortality: rough ou, 124 ipay"o¢ Quinie Sehopi for Ua ating controlling influence in alj/ed Church women, announced we think say, 00." |the theme "The Church's 'Task After : jundtieon served by ee a MUA 20a § the members of Mark Street|tarig Ladies' College', Whitby. United Church Women, in their! Bible study based on Dr. D. R. Christian Education| Mather's book "The Word and t Weatherhead heard SE partss, R. Collins of Angola. Miss from the seven Presbyterial| Reatrice Wilson, executive sec- |Presidents on the progress Of|retary of Board of Women, will jthe new organization in their/jead 'periods on mission study, enthusiastic attendance at their) Church Government and_pro- 4S/eramming in United Chure jplans for workshops for offic-)\ Women. ers, and rallies for all members| Among other leaders will be I : | F. D. Clark on G terest was expressed in the| Hymns of the Church; Visual new fields now opened to them| through membership church boards, WORKSHOPS Conference officers and port- ifolio secretaries were heard from in regard to the work planned by them for guidance throughout the Presbyterials It was felt that work for young it B Aids, Mrs. George Greer; The!' There is room in residence for 155, and it was hoped all jinterested members would make early reservation, as well jas delegates from all Presby-; \terials and Sections. | Satisfaction was expressed by the treasurer, Mrs. A. Lemke in the receipt of funds for the er groups needed first attention, fi | e rai '\first quarter, the annual alloca- jand the presidents were inform ton to Bay of Quine Confer- Fh pede gga Unite dene being $163,000 for mission | 'i : work, t cil League met Church auditorium to hold its annual report night and meeting. Mrs. Max Coleman presided. Weeks, Edward Chenier gave the trea- surer's report. The treasurer's annual report showed that the sum of $1847.78 had been raised other. atiop and resulting from the an- nual parish carnival and anni- versary dinner. From its own treasury the Council turned over to the Reverend Norbert Gig- nac $1652.86 in the past year. SCHOLARSHIPS made that the CWL ships will be presented at the May meeting. will convene a bake sale in the near future to raise funds 'for ual convener, reported that in the past participated Rosary on the first Saturday of each month and had held a corporate communion the first} Sunday of each month. July and August these spirit- ual exercises are discontinued. Members gathered to recite the Rosary deceased members and friends. The Council took part in the japrons were donated and sent reat/ vier and to a missionary priest in the/Book Room, Mrs. W. C. Ives.|SOCIAL ACTION Harry Lack, visits had been made to the |sick and aged and clothing had been provided for two children j\who were making communion. been spent at the Red Cross blood donor clinic dressing at Hillsdale Manor. form convener, St. Mary Of The People CWL Holds Annual Report Night of films was posted each month in the vestibule of the Church. Letters of approval and dis- approval have been sent to Radio. and T\ stations as well as local theatres. Mrs. Leonard Weeks gave the press report for the year. As the Council has lacked an immi- gration convener for some months, Mrs, Larry has consented to undertake this convenership with a committee to assist. MEMBERSHIP Mrs. Leo McCarthy reported on membership which was up to a total of 80 last year. It was announced that _mémberships for the year were now due. Mrs. George King, telephone leonvener, reported that mem- bers had been contacted by her and her committee for all meet- ings. Mrs. Donald Branch, altar and chancel convener, reported that there was a need for more flower vases for the altar. Mrs. Branch displayed a_ beautiful linen and lace cloth for the side table on the altar which had been worked and donated by Mrs. Peter Gagnon. Mrs. Frank Maloney, corre- cass secretary, reported on St. Mary of the People Coun: of the Catholic Women's recently in the The secretary, Mrs. Leonard read her report. Mrs. n the past year as well as cash proceeds raised ointly with the French Feder- Definite plans have now been scholar- William convener, Mrs. Dionne, education he next scholarship -award. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, spirit- year members had in the Perpetual cards} sent out and regular cor- respgondence dealt with. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Mrs. Larry Ddds who has been convener of the religious ar- ticles room asked for a commit- tee to be formed for this by September as she will be per- forming other duties in the Council and cannot carry on. Father Norbert Gignac, Coun- cil director, spoke briefly and congratulated the members on \their good work. Names for the special prayers on April are Sheila Knapp, Lu- cille Chenier, Florence Byrnes and Pat Maloney. As the coun- cil now Jacks a first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. McLaughlin consent- ed to be telephone committee to secure nominations. In in the presence of 'Rosaries for Chile' campaign. Proceeds from two travelling o the Sisters of S. Peter Cla- n Guatemala. Social Action convener, Mrs. reported that 34 their first Thirty hours had and some) ime had been spent at hair- Mrs. Walter Atherfold, report| é asked that all Mr. Edward Douglas Sulli- | Mr. and Mrs. T. Ross Mooré van and his bride, the former | of Sillery, Quebec, and the Miss Betty Millicent Moore, | bridegroom is the son of Mrs, are pictured following their | John Sullivan of Saint John, marriage recentlv 2' § Grev- | New Brunswick and the late ory's Roman Catholic Church. | Mr. Sullivan. The couple are The bride is the ddwghter of | living in Oshawa. St. Andrew's UCW Thankoffering The April thank offering meeting of St. Andrew's United Church Women was held recent- ly in the common room with Mrs. J. L. Pegg presiding. The meeting opened with prayer followed by the worship service conducted by Mrs. W. G. Watt and Mrs. A. T. Cain of Unit 5. A solo, the very beauti- ful. "Holy City"was sung by Mrs. L. G. French. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. E. Grose. The treasurer's report was pre- sented by Mrs. H.. V. Trew. ance work held at Simcoe Street United Church. The next meeting will be held jon May 16 at 8 p.m. when Dr. J. E. Watt will speak on the proper care and handling of food for catering purposes. Nees, Pegg announced that the baby care service was in operation jand more assistance is re- \quired, The guest speaker, Mrs. Booth from the Victor Home for Girls gave a talk on the work done at the Home and of the many activities in which the girls participate. An invitation was extended to the members to attend fhe garden party at the Home on June 20 and see the work done by the girls. Refreshments were served by VAN " --Photo by Ireland SULLI Mrs. C. D. Russell reported on plans for the flower fund tea] Units # end §. on May 23. Mrs. Reginald Burr} reported that tickets are now LAKE MARKER available for the tea at Stone-| Gibraltar Point lighthouse on haven on June 6. Mrs. J. G.'the islands enclosing Toronto Dancey presented a report onjharbor, oldest light on the the missionary and mainten-'Great Lakes, dates from 1808. exclusive fresh-brew flavour! Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mc. Church Women, will be avail-| The president, Mrs. Weather- Court of Oshawa wish to oe bebe hang tobe planned).aq stated she would attend soon as possible. nounce the engagement of their|'F : the first full meeting of the daughter, Carol Anne, to Mr.|coymMUNITY SURVEY Board of Women in Torono this|RADIO AND TV | Hugh Andrew Neill, son of Mr.) 4 survey is being made to;month, and would report on the) Mrs. Gerald Reid, radio, TV _ ee, ie acs =e duterming where the Church|Progress of work in this oe a Nogptye bg : ahe mar ace} fer a ithat a "legion of decency" on Saturday, May 19, 1962 atjcould come into community) 05 sd : ee 3.30 o'clock in St. George's Me-|work with new Canadians, the} vst Cth onset ea te" "es UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES i SEND ee ak il e lorder that competitive work and} bell skirts, cap sleeves square necklines. They Scott of Belleville annual reports be turned in as The Reverend H. officiated with the John Robertson, playing wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full-length gown of bridal lace with a fitted bodice, lily-point. sleeves and a long train bordered with rose appliques. Matching roses were clustered to form a bustle. A pearl and sequin crown held her waist-length veil and she car- ried a white Bible crested with 'red roses and streamers. Miss Patricia Matthews of Belleville was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Grace Brendzan, Oshawa, and A. Mellow organist, the | and|overlapping will not ensue. Spe-| wore|Cially recommended books for| ST. JOHN'S UKRAINIAN WA given by Mrs. Barry Johnson white floral wreaths with white Study were "The Split in the} The April meeting of the St.|Now that the situation has been accessories and carried nose-|Sky", dealing with the Indian|John's Canadian Ukrainian|straightened away at the Roya gays of white and pink carna-|duestion and Canada, also "Sig-| Women's Association (Barvinok| York, two tickets to the conven- tions. nals for the Sixties', which|/Branch), met at the home of|tion were purchased and Mrs. Ae Hee Parks was best déals with contemporary prob-/Mrs. Peter Siblock. The vice-| Arthur Bishop and Mrs. Barry)f man and the ushers were Mr, |/ems- |president, Mrs. Robert Sholdra,|Johnson will attend, to. repre- : i " presided, sent this association. Miss Judy Scott, Bellevi pana. Sore ses mi Lorne Cor-/STUDENTS BURSARY 5 The minutes and correspond-| On May 17 oral polio vaccine|f j Jud; , Belleville. nell, all of Belleville. It was decided to continue|,..6 were read by Mrs. Johnjis to be given, at the Courtice Miss Vanieca Petherick, Osh- The honeymoon was spent at/this year with the annual bur-| Gore: lad. Mrs. Peter Zakarow United Church. Mrs. Bishop in- awa, was junior bridesmaid.|/Niagara. Falls and the couple|sary for students from tis ob gees financial report and|troduced the guest speaker of They were all gowned in gold are making their home at Belle-|Conference entering full time re , Pe th i M Roy L peau de sole, fashioned with ville church service. M ee See Wmaek Seve © Pe aay aud aawal ics oe Me red wit lle. _jehurch service. Mrs. port on the treasury. who spoke and showed films on A Double the Money commit-|the pioneering community, and ltee was chosen for the follow-|>rought a few articles from the _ ling month consisting of these|Bowmanville Museum to dis- lmembers: Mrs. Peter Zakarow,|Play. On behalf of the mem- Mrs. Donald Sadoway, Mrs. bers Mrs. Keith Minnaker Paul Plishka and Mrs. Peter thanked the guest for a most in- lSiblock teresting and enlightening talk. | Mrs. Peter Dobroshinsky and} _It was moved that the asso- Mrs. William Iwaskiw will: be a assist in furnishing a in charge of the Easter baskets Bchool. tic "oe ge nar d which are to be distributed to}; SP age ria aga hora Ab ot lthe sick on Ukrainian Easter bell and Miss Marian Palmer's : rooms won the pennants for at- |Sunday following the mass and i ithe blessing of the oaaka, tendance at the meeting. Miss | On St. Thomas' Sunday, the Pauline Hutchinson's room was 1 jeighth day after Easter, the in charge of refreshments. }members of Barvinok will serve a traditionally prepared dinner | jin the church hall. Mrs. John} \Kostuk, Mrs. Nicholas) Semeniuk and Mrs. Paul Plish- | ka will be in charge of the ar- rangements. Mrs. Steven Gonta and Mrs. Ann Stezik were to make all the| purchases for the communion |breakfast that is prepared every | jyear for the children of the Sun- day School. | The Mothers' Day concert is to be held on Sunday, May 13, with the dancing students under the direction of Mr. Robert Sholdra participating. Mrs. Wal- ter Kuch and Mrs. Dmytro Lu- chak are in charge of the pro- gram. BRIDE-TO-BE A Maytime bride-to-be is Miss Marylin Kelly Reg. N. who graduated from Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing in 1960. Miss Kelly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly and her fiance, Mr. Raymond Sorochan, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorochan, all of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place in St. George's Greek Catholic Church on Saturday, May 19 at 4 p.m. PRR --Le Roy Toll Everybody SHOPS and SAVES at Yue MEAT MARKET ae ae Ot. ani 46 Our Newest Location... 909 SIMCOE NORTH - 728-7041 Mrs. Alec Smykaliuk was wel- TRIMMED LEAN BOILING or POT ROASTS comed as a new member to the a BONELESS PLATE ,,. 35° fe next meetin e he az davai "© | BRISKET POINT ee etre and § wa] CENTRE CUTS or SLICED PEAMEALED sine ecten eds"! BACK BACON uv. 65° OUR OWN FRESH MADE SMALL LINK SAUSAGE 2.; 73° FRESH MILD SEASONED BOLOGNA u 3o° u v7" OUR STORES WILL BE Mrs, Thomas Gladman presid- ing. The secretary: Mrs. Wil-} NIAGARA RINDLESS BREAKFAST CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY DURING MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST liam McKnight gave her report, and the treasurer's report was OPEN TUES., WED., SAT. 8 A.M. on P.M, . . THURS. & FRI. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, in the thrifty ONTARIO HOT HOUSE NO. 1 ib. PACK TOMATOES » 39° | Thrifty way to buy the finest all-vegetable } | margarine. Three pounds individually wrapped y G 4 Go es | +. delicious sunny-sweet flavor. "Meat Makes the Meal" Shepherd's Makes the Difference in Meat! RA 5-3564 SIMCOE ST. N. @ OSHAWA Free Baby Pants 698 | yours for 24 labels or cereal box tops from Heinz Baby Food* Heinz Baby Foods have a gift for every baby in Canada. Famous KELTON Soft Band baby pants made of special Vinylite film. Kelton Soft Band baby pants stay soft, even after countless washings; they 'have double rein- forced sta-flat seams that will never split; and waist and leg bands are trimmed with delicate rayon for baby's comfort. They're durable. They're waterproof. And they're yours free with 24 labels from Heinz Baby Foods, Offer limited to one pair per baby. HEINZ BABY Foops@ =~ Peesesseaeeane = OFFER EXPIRES MAY 15 A NEW FLAG FOR CEREMONIAL OCCASIONS The Ladies' Auxiliary Cana- dian Corps was recently pre- sented with a new flag by Unit 42 Canadian Corps. Ser- geant-at-Arms George Homes is seen presenting the new colors tothe auxiliary Ser- geant-at-Arms, Mrs., Leonard Fraser. --Oshawa Times Photo 1, 1962 om Just send 24 labels or cereal Box Tops from any Heinz Baby Food®, with this coupon to: HEINZ BABY PANTS, Leamington, Ontario. ¢ i Size wanted amall [] large [] medium [] extra large [J (cllow two weeks for delivery) Blue Bonnet MARGARINE (please print) they do your baby now- lasts a lifetime Xs The good 7 City, Zone, Prov, *Any combination of labels or Corea! Box Tops, totalling 24 Is acceptoble, -- = a oe oe oe my picrmm cimtsalcteursneninaiemainiincuil

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