Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 31

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 25, 1962 3] 4 W.Germany Economic Boom Reaches Finish | LONDON (CP) -- A British,shown remarkable wage re-jin outside capital investment. journalist, reporting from Bonn|straint during the last 10 years,| And the wholesale destruction of not so many months ago, wryly apparently are in no mood tc ndustry turned out to be a ¥ blessing since German factories observed that there hadn't beer| "espond. : a strike in West German Said one of their leaders at a|today are the most modern and 'os / auer was a boy o'| nass - meeting: 'Never minc efficient in the world. m" -- : what Erhard says. You take| Still, the Germans have had| But now the 86-year-old chan, vhat you can get." the reputation as the most dis- cellor and his able economic:| It is possible the rolypoly ciplined work force in Europe) minister, Ludwig Erhard, arc| 'igar-smoking economics wizar¢ and, ironically, this is due in showing signs of concern tha |was, for effect, painting the pic-|Dart to the fact the British were| industrial discontent, amone]| ure darker than need be. Late: able to set up union legislation) other things, is slowing dowr]1e conceded, "it was necessary|ihere that was not acceptable at) the steamrolling German econ-|:o give the German nation @ home. | omy. shock."" Where Britain herself has a However, British business anc] The reasons for West Ger-| mixture of 651 trade unions, finance observers are inclined tc} nany's enviable post-war recov-}Germany--under the system or- interpret what is happening irj>ry are many. ganized by the post-war British West Germany as more the enc] George Vine, writing in Thc|Control Commission--has only of a boom than the start of ¢|Daily Mail before the shadow 0'/16 basic organizatons. Inter-un- slump, nflation started to move acros'!on strife over who should dc The bomb thaNshocked the} 7e™many, said: vhat job is almost unheard of the "The Germans have not hac/All wage agreements are legal G ealizatior that the soon was pore wavja_ strike worth talking about,|contracts that cannot be broken dropped by Erhard, architect of nana le ta eis Bh ngiet without court approval. 'anning the -onen |Wwork-to-rule, wildcat, tokne or ee HOES NE ahaa Agger a we any other variety, since Aden- ILLEGAL TO sebiinrsce : probably: to the most stable jauer was a boy of 70. Tt is ag ge "4 economy in Europe This fact perhaps more than fine--to strike oy t 1€ on 4 pee wic ae Wand ta' ve any other has helped West Ger- time of a pes ius crepe cently warned fia Bundestag nany outpace Britain, almost ag and the like are unheare (lower house), and wage anc). identical twin in that they)! ree price réstraint were neceneary have about the same population For years Erhard--whose pol oid inflation, To add punct same land area and same size icy in the post-war years was to i waraing 'he imposed a of industry. \basically one of no price con hel isting Nee ete les at pee "trols, the survival of the fittest ban on the building of luxury NO DEFENCE COSTS A ot! saeanilé office blocks and other such But three is more to it than in business LAS, RUCHERSE buildings and threatened more|that. The Germans have not had been urging the German worker saienne eaawites Unlese he Bol the datenhs eat tovalon ada to pull his weight, to make his results 25 ane b by the B ed q|patniouc contribution to the re- s 5s. costs borne Dy e nus an | building. But the workers, havingihave enjoyed millions of dollars) |. -| Now the worm has turned The workers, aware that an e ® ] awful lot of people, oo by 4 , j Ancient Airplane iris tem c| | Mye tee) pics ran ene ices) 17D | Ome a Cowhide Travel Bags Takes Big Loads vis seseu0'| CUS (ROU al a ) g ment is virtually unknown in H 4 i Ordinarily 13.95! 25% off usual price WINNIPEG (CP)--A study in,Northern Airways in 1956 and Germany, where there are two | jor more jobs chasing every un- contrast is presented by ajtoday flies the northern skies} sinloned Worker. BECATEe Of Av ' $ a. 3 i) f , pi "i ady"" a TransAir Limi -o}.\employe yorker ca i bo ee , 4 : -zi j i i j tately "'old lady" of the north| under the TransAir Limited col-/( Pre ors recently| oe. : j 4 a Four: zipper bag of grained cowhide lined with washable vinyl plastic . . . a style BSS ee ' i Bey : + that is growing in popularity with travellers, stay-at-home, business girls, and against a background ofjors é hidped lagen peers, screaming jets at Winnipeg's) Th aircraft is far from a pi-;|WO" an 7 a PeECOnY WARE cu: ' ; crease, slightly more than the homemakers. Endearing features include two outside folders for maps, folders, etc., International Airport lot's dream, having few of the) i tkers got a few week i : y 2 >-engine r r , stru-! worker few ad . j i i j insi j mci tient. singl angie nears refinements or -- earlier. ; two outside zippered pockets, roomy zippered inside main pocket, plus smaller ; : : 4 a j zippered inside pocket! All this plus new Spring shades of coffee cream, light as her. sleeker, faster sisters) "You wouldn't exactly call ss wicolen < <aneniinen STARLINGS FIVE CENTS Ye brown, bone, bright red, bright navy and black, 10 46 e flash down runways and hurtle/her a pilot's airplane and she f 4 into the skies, secure in the/certainly predates the intercon-| VERNON, B.C. (CP)--Fruit- ' p EATON Special Price, each be chur Otintec euler yet: po tad that the ~~, they |tinental ballistic missile," said) growers. here will pay a bounty ' 4 'ollow were pioneered by herself) one of her pilots, "but she getsion starlings and their eggs-- \ 2 and others like her. there and back with impossible | five cents a bird and two eggs EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 PHONE 725-7373 CF-BTW Airbus No. 721 is on joads."' for a nickel of the last of her breed. In 1956, for exampl & a 6, ple, one of a Delivered from her Delaware jhe Mid-Canada radar line sites The First Step ew em erg as ions factory to Canadian Airlines|was in critical need of a fuel! here in 1938, the gull-winged|; >. ; ° N E R V F D E A F N E S S Ku biplane sill can cay * P8"sbape and foat planes avaiabie| LOWard Faith : ' ' cee oad on a pounds - per - horse-| couldn't she london th re a rl { rinte r : couldnt cary Oe | lent it hypocrisy to pray when Hearing Consultant explains new approach to Hearing Problems ! a -- today) CF.BTW did the job. you don't believe? A prominent i : minister says "No"' in the May Every hearing problem is different and must be treated With a cabin a man can stand| Now Many Wear Reader's Digest. He tells how er in Specialized and Women's Sizes ia , : individually, Through the many years we hove dealt with faith -- like science -- begins upright in, the Bellanca can| | pack a 3,000-pound load that with experiment. 'Try it,' he : FALSE TEETH says and explains why even if a : --. the following facts have been confirmed could include anything up to a a ; : ' P caine Hellkn. The vlane is Dow: With More Comfort you feel like shaking your fist Perennial fashion favorites for Spring and Summer . . . supple ered by a 900-horsepower Pratt! FASTEETH, a» pleasant alkaline!" 'a face, talking to Him r j : @ Some people can understand a conversation with one ayon bembergs are washable, packable and comfortable to wear. : ee person; but ore confused in larger groups. ahd Whlthey. enciie. (non-acid) powder, holds false teeth | Will give you added sirength. hitney 5 more firmly. To eat and talk in more, Get your May Reader's Digest @ Some hear men's voices clearly but cannot understand those of women and children. CF-BTW went to Canadian) comfort, just sprinkle a little FAS- sites H i ' Pacific Airlines when Canadian| TEETH on your plates. No gummy, | today 37 enlightening, enter- | A--WOMEN'S SIZES . . . softly draped 'V' neckline, gracefully gored skirt Airlines was absorbed. Then she| fois Banc' tavntrre tassiny ces f lasting i an se ee taieu buttons to waist and short cuffed s] Shad fb i i ' © A ee ee aoe yout vse cue aka ores ty Conceal eae Op ile ai, oO ing interest. a , wget ort cuffed sleeves, ades of blue, pink turquoise or ee in church or at lectures, meetings, etc. ik cnbeinnacidelsoppncictis : ti . ilac; sizes 0 44, f ; a: ae These observations would seem to indicate positively that : no one instrument can correct ell hearing difficulties, That B--SPECIALIZED SIZES . . . figure-flattering coat-dress style has pointed y ____ 1s why we suggest you come to EATON'S . . . and discover 4 the wide range of hearing aids we offer, each designed to collar and revers, three-quarter sleeves. Choose it in lilac, blue, aqua, pink; overcome the individual hearing problem. By testing your sizes 12% to 26%. hearing scientifically (the audiomertic way), W. E. % EATON'S Hearing Consultant, con custom-fit the instru- ment that suits your needs precisely. And remember . . EATON'S policy hos alwoys been . . . GOODS SATISEAC- E h d TORY OR. MONEY REFUNDED, ac & ; -- . Phone Today 725-7373 For an Appointment EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 541 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S HEARING CENTRE UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 421 Finer taste is a Seagram tradition SUMMER CHAIR | Manutacturers' Special Offers RE-COVER KITS Pond's Cold Cream Cleanses, smooths and softens your skin when used regularly. 1 73 3.00 value! Special 16 oz. jar a Covering sets for metal chairs requiring 2 or 3 piece sets, or for wooden deck chairs. Woven from sturdy cotton duck. Solid colours "Ban" Lotion Deodorant Helps guard against perspiration odours and helps pro- tect your clothes. Special 1.5 ozs. 3-piece lows " ° 2.99 =. 3.99 | "Adorn Hair Spray Available for two hair types ---- regular or hard to DECK CHAIR 7 9 hold hair, comes with 4 styling rollers. 1 4 ? KIT r) & Special 7 oF. tin 0... cease cece re saresnecre of blue, turquoise, yellow or coral, all with white trim. Now is the time to re-cover your Summer furniture for patio or cottage. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 222 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 PHONE 725-7373 radialiessuad PAINT TRAY AND ROLLER KITS EATON Special Price, Make this simple, inexpensive test at home: CANA vives Pour an ounce or two of Seagram's "83" into RIAN: WIMEBY: M ; ; i be a cc ae "tue sana or ont / ohair roller , . . gives your wall area an all-over even weten? (slsin <6 soactlnes ania teas 6 ous Sos finish without brush streaks . . . cuts down on the time the vight ibadle of pili: Kiaben. Mow 18 the dams aad snore aches required to paint. This roller is suitable for any paint base s a' T aretan in that on are Seren ... like fields YN J/ and comes complete with 7/2" heavy duty metal tray. of golden rye in the sun. That is Seagram's "83" | : EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 * as Seagram's and Nature made it -- with nothing added but honest, all-revealing water. If it tastes better than any oiher whisky with water, then you'll distinguished new decanter. ee EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to9 p.m. Saturday 8:30 to 6 p.m.

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