Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1962, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, April 24, 1962 BIRTHS CLASSIFIED | ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 'B. C. Mine Industry More Important Than Market | ; BARNETT -- Mr. and Mrs, Brian W.| 32-----Articles for Sale Barnett, 104 Pontiac Avenue happy | __ Spicy = saeensoneesetisianeternet to announce the arrival of a Monday, April 16, 1962, at Oshawa gs, 965 Ritson Road North, 723-4793 General Hospital. ns re eaaeeaioae fewest bee BEAUTY Line dejuxe belt massage RSON -- Cecil and Mildred (nee 'ood condition Original price $130. . a yin ney : due | Setting fo) thriving on Japanese markets. Kamloops. Scarrow) are pleased to announce the Selling for $86, Telephone 725-3783. y the » Terry John, born co i Paes af € say, Age '3. 1962. weighing 9 21° MOTOROLA floor model, walnu Ibs., 2 ozs,, at the Oshawa General |TV. Hospital. A brother for Gary, Randy offer. and Wendy * | BEES FICE -- To Morley and Anita (nee North, Whitby, Hart) a daughter, 6 lbs. 4 ozs., Monday, April 16, 1962,/swivel chair, duplicator, at Oshawa General Hospital, A sister|meat slicer, grill, safe, file ¢ for Tom. Many thanks to Dr, J..O. electric typewriter. Hamilton's, Anderson Brock' South. MO 88442, es pop coole: sell and exchange used furni- N' ¥ -- Brian and Maria (nee WE buy, i Seounanat) plonsed to announce | ture and appliances, for top cash offe the safe arrival of a son, David Phone 728-1131. Community Furnitur Brian, weighing 7 Ibs., 10 ozs., on Fri-/19 Prince Street. y, April 20, 1962, at Oshawa General TENTS, al. Mother and baby are both hard fine. Many thanks to Dr. Millar picycles. Best prices. Try \Tire, 48 Bond Steet West EN fas th (nee Gil-/ OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, 1 wees ane a get ing po volyers and pistols; also old cartridge Fival of a baby son, David. James (8) Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa camping supplies, doing and the nurses of the fourth floor. Ths. 1 oz.) on Sunday, April 22, 1962 at|ECONOMY water softener of Canada, B,C Oshawa General Hospital. A little broth-| 90,000 grain capacity, like new, $175 or er for Dianne and Debbie, Many thanks best offer. 728-5004 to Dr. Irwin and nurses of 4th floor. loom rug and pad, §30. Afternoons tel POWERS -- Teresa and Edward (nee phone 725-0213. McDougall) are very pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their daugh-|GARDEN tractor, cultivator and plow; |in ter, Jane Marie, weighing 8 lb9, 1) sump pump with pipes: 9 x 9 touri: oz., born on Monday, April 23, 1962, at/tent. Reasonable. 728-7120. Oshawa General Hospital, Mother and 7...) 5 = 40" WESTINGHOUSE electric baby both doing fine. good condition, reasonable, ROBINSON--David and Carrol (nee|/2-9000 after 5. 0 Cassidy) are happy to announce the PAIR single matching steel beds, m rang birth of their son, Kevin David, 7 lbs../hogany finish, springs and mattresses | panies 13 ozs., on Thursday, April 19, 1962, at)in excellent condition, $18.75 each com- a vi One of plete. Chest of drawers, walnut finish, $325,000,000 during the next the Oshawa General Hospital God's richest blessings. $18.50, Telephone 728-2868. : COMPLETE welded steel coal furnace a arenenenie . VILLA -- Jim and Jean (nee Dillon) Sith pipes, electric janitor, thermostat| JAPAN'S NEEDS RISE announce the are very pleased to ynthia arrival of their daughter, and transformer. Suitable for oil co version. $50. Also two large storm wi Louise, weighing 7 Ibs., 11 028» OD Gos, $3 each. Apply 699 Hortop Street. Monday, April 23, 1962, at Oshawa /+,).5), 725-6141. General Hospital. Mother and baby re ean 25-614 re ME both fine. Many thanks to Dr, Ander- REFRIGERATOR, stove, washing m gon and fourth floor staff. chine, new condition, power mowe: cabinet, A BAPPY occasion -- The birth of/ture, lamps, china friends and neighbors . The day of birth 723.3492. The rate is only $1.50. MO 8-8453, Jone season. Like new. |Apply 669 Shakespeare Avenue. joy (8 Ibs./ 71, LER, Gibson, with motor, one-row 2 02s.), Michael Andrew, at 2.40 p.m./ model, nearly new. Cost $139, selling Good working order. $75 or best; spending $5,000,000 a year on felephone 728-7734 after 6 o'clock. exploration, r sale. Apply 604 Centre Street bodies and defining those al-|tion and now is shipping copper|pichi of "ne Alice Leta Louise, KLEMCO OAK used typewriter desk, Japan grows for iron ore, COP-|six-yeam $63,000,000 agreement|SEE NORTHERN BOOM cabinet, | Per, coking coal, nickel, lead, with Sumitomo Mining a7 zinc, potash, asbetsos and 8YP- Mitsui and Co. Lid, and Mitsu-|future marine re, outboard motors, guns and {g Japan for 10 years, but Dominion the Jast three years USED 9 ft. by 10% ft. green broad- Telephone barbecue, garden tools, kitchen furni- sleeping your child. To tell the good news to/bags, camping equipment, roll away The Oshawa/bed, HO gauge electric trains complete ey bei reased Times is as near as your telephone.|with table, numerous other household tion--output 1s ing inc igth, just telephone RA articles. 705 Newman Crescent, Whitby. 16 FOOT cedar strip canoe, green, et production or which will do so 9,000,000 tons worth $18,000,000| Aided By Japanese Pity (CP) -- Viscount) TORONTO (CP) -- Success ee ; : : ,. Amory, United Kingdom highimay be in sight in the lon By JIM PEACOCK however, is the Craigmontythree years. And the Crow's)commissioner to psn ng shid|batele against a sea poe VANCOUVER (CP) -- British'Mines Ltd. copper operation Nest Pass Coal Co. Lid. coal/Monday night that entering the\says J. W. Spooner, Ontario js near Merritt, 35 miles osuth of --- Michel is working now) European Common Market is| minister of lands and forests largely because of an 800,000- jess important to Britain than] «yf iologi ot t 9 a 7° poy: ve "If our logists ye not ton, $12,000,000 \gne-year_con-/maintaining traditions of honor misinterpreted the sudeees a bg tb +pitract to supply coking coal to and justice ioe seeking nwe ore Craigmont spent $18,000,000 '0.C, T. Takahashi and. Co. Lid.) «There are some who say we roe orang. Sage ag a i |bring the property into produc-|anq Kishimoto Shogun Mitsu- must enter the Common Warlice gre gl ce Bing Vat : * jthe ast heavy sea amprey run! |Ket because there is no alterna-itrom Lake Superior. | * Columbia's mining industry x Fifty major companies are gpEN NEW MINE ready discovered as demand in concentratse to Japan under a | Soon Be Curb ed Heelaeaiietel lake trout year- in Lake Superior since' land provincial and state agen- Tradition Said |'Seq Lamprey May"... research board of Canada and the commission, Ontario ras than 000,000 rehabilitate the Lake Superior jai fishery, the Ontario government! 'The attack on the sea lamprey will plant half a million marked|js based on the fact that the lake trout yearlings this spring.|mature adults' spawn only once This is part of a multi-million-/and die, and hat spawning omg gp tebe lamprey con-joccurs in grav 1 - bottom and restocking started in|streams. Young lampre' 1958 by the Great Lakes Fish-|and work ther oy + in Pro eries Commission in which thelduring a period of four or five Canadian and U.S. governments years to the open ake. tive," he told the St, George's ; } Society*ot 'Toronto. slush width Gt. | spite of our best efforts, | i ay "Undeniably, Britain t ari However, it is extremely doubt- Suni fits! : holds great prospects) 4¢ Europe, as a ke a Phe | ful if sea lamprey can be com-/ ~ i ._|bishi International Corp. with four more iron ere bodies} e , | pletely limi GS | Many times that amount. is : : iesicommonwealth. We canjPletely eliminated from the are ieee. int : . 2»! Bethlehem Copper Corp. Ltd.| within perhaps a year of coming) 19 jonoer tr at the cont t as Grat Lakes." e, rei cle on rigning mINeS| also has a major contract withjinto production on Vancouver|, ane yh one ont ag es an PIOMUC REN: .._|Japanese interests, to supply,and other coastal islands and DICE Meee wee Our BAY B.C. ores have been moving|}» : i : : ah jtles and spend our holidays. : ; i . |120,000 tons of copper concen- new properties being proven up) |, Z '24 inches, kills by fastening iNitrates worth $72,000,000 during/for various minerals in the, /f Wwe can get favorable) is.oir fish and i Japanese| ) : f tank: wh ganull " ; sp itself to a fish and sucking the ' oy ' iderably| {fe next 10 years from its High- interior. Sere, ee Sie enter) OSS" Hh nlood out. e.|demand has grown considera®'Ylland Valley property near Ash-| The prospect to which mining) We can't we shall continue 1 «, and many ge properties have! croft, 30- miles west of Kam-jofficials attach the greatest sig-\C@™" our living as we always been broug i into production in joon¢ Bethlehem is spending|nificance is the copner property have. for: centuries Aut nok tint' th Th to meet "at . o. a more than $5,000,000 to bring)of Granduc Mines Ltd,. 30 miles "Whatever we do, we must Welland Conal 7m ns ain Pret e new producrs ar ironitnis mine into production thisjnorthwest of Stewart in thejtake the course of honor, jus-|ooiig it py pened. naan ore and copper sites. Shipments year. [north coastal region near the|tice and maturity." could it bypass Niagara Falls.) to Japan of coking coal and)" ). f the new ir -e/southern tip of the Alaskan Pan-\~ J behbas Ge tidd ana taadiee nt) ed nicke] have prompted expansion) oats thev'rs ahaa: handle joey nearly 100 years to pass through 5 * 4 : Lake Erie. oldr opeartions in these trated near tidewater because| Granduc is spending $1,800,000) Packers Case | ake Erie st /ifelds, : ; Ava | It practically elimi : ; 'osts W in exploration and proving-up of} t practically eliminated the A survey made for the Ja shipping costs would eoahde | jlake trout populations of Lake . trade centre in Vancouyv Ontario, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. Only Lake Superior . has any of the original trout n anito a population and control efforts es have been centred there. WINNIPEG (CP)--The Bran- ' don Packers case flared anew PLANT TROUT in the Manitoba legislature, In a continuing program to |Monday with Labor Minister)-- ' eT eee ee ee John Carroll accusing the Lib- 'ox erals of running a smear cam- ma a ae = becca ig, paign against the government.|7°° 'OFmer Owners, were sen- Corp.,, Mining authorities say the that grows to a length of 12 to It has been in the St. Law- rence River and Lake Ontario) pan over-land : pat " gels 'make the low-grade concen- this ore body and may decide) er : how ; UVeT| ates too expensive for Japa-|by the end of this year whether| ares Anew eae ee. eee nese or other markets--is the (0 put it into production. If i @.| tracted to supply Japanese com- $40,000,000 Noranda Mines Ltd.|does so, a multi-million-dollar with minerals worth i : : : 19 Operation at Kennedy Lake on xpenditure will be reauired and Vancouver Island a boom will come to Stewart Noranda has a seven-year Kingston Men yea The lamprey, an eel-like fish' OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE Presents "THE CHALK GARDEN" By ENID BAGNOLD Directed by GILLIAN HEATH at McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE May 2, 3, 4, 5th 8:30 P.M. SHARP BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. MONDAY, TUESDAY APRIL 30th, MAY Ist--4:30 to 7 P.M. ON NIGHTS OF PLAY -- AT THEATRE -- 7 P.M. ' GENERAL ADMISSION -- $1.00 Mr. Carroll also denied oppo-|tenced to seven years for de- to triple. sition charges that the Progrés- frauding the firm, but are ap- The growing mining produc- contract to supply 5,000,000 tons o-| Of equal significance is the of iron concentrates with gross Attack On PC sive Conservative government pealing the charges had shown preferential treat-| Mr Thonsiaunb, who sold con- "survey's finding that by 1970) value of $45,000,000 to Mitsubishi |Japan's demand for copper and|and Gosho Co a-|lead probably will double while). 2 . ie inc j EXPAND IRON MINE * " >, e t/her demand for zinc is expected Jedway. Iron Ore LAt,,' sub- : roduc! Mh HULL, Que, (CP) -- Three/ment in not : i "y gg Ne an anak ingston men_ have been! Donaldson, a g 0 gpa lod - trol of the firm to Paton and a ' : : Y/ charged in connection with an) the meatpacking finn r Cox in 1956, later sent a letter attack on Hull Police Constable) 7... 7 i, ie on to Mr. Guttormson challenging} beral charge was made|him to repeat his statements) sidiary of Granby Mining Co Ltd., is spending $4,500,000 to Gilles Froment Sunday night. lby 25,000 tons a day through)>ring its Queen Charlottes prop- mines which have just begun within the next few months--has been felt to a large extent on !? Sumitomo Shoji, New York} iO i eae A Double Dose Of Inc., during the next ifve years.) i : > . 5,.|last week by party whip Elman si ; Texada Mines. Ltd., shipping Brothe - Kenneth George Pe Guttormson. outside the House. He threat . senate ters, 29, and James Alexander ened legal action for defama-|; iron ore from Texada Island in}, cc' 95 and Hal Neigh-/ He suggested that Mr. Don-'tion against Mr. Guttormston if] = Sa group to Jepay |bourly, 29. were charged after aldson Should have been|he repeated his statements out-| ns $4°000,000 underground mining the policeman was admitted to charged along with Hugh Paton' side the House. | Grant and Sylvia Goldrick, dear brother|GUNS wanted, old lever action rifles '-lexpansion at its property to hospital with a suspected skull A. war of Glenda, dear grandson of Mr. and|and hand guns. Telephone 728-5574. producers and exploration is meet a hew 10-year contract! {racture. WHAT A TEAM! be x ; f St. C ines me - * ' " ' . Mrs. George Fenwick o atharines | Fipio couch, converts into bed, $is;/Deing carried out on at least with Mitsubishi calling for ship-| Police said s onst E roment THE vRte nel pulled one of his assailants into AND "THE APARTMENT" MAN! and Mr. and Mrs. Williard Bryant of aes ' |Electrohome televison, 21 inch screen,'two other iron ore properties Petrolia in his 16th year. Resting at/ walnut cabinet modgl, $65. Ideal for which may become producers) ments worth $45,000,000, Texada will complete by the the courthouse but two men fall "@f next year an earlier forced open the door and con- the Hulse and English Funeral Home,/ within the next year or two. three-year contract with Mitsu- tinued to assault him DEATHS | THISTLE baby carriage, beige and brown, very good condition, metal body, sell half price. Also baby swing MO Two new iron mines and two age ig ge tag a 8-5918 after 4. new copper operations have oor ee di 'April 23, 1962, Ron- ROTO tiller in se erty ar Telephone | been undertaken, expansion has vid Grant Goldrick of Whitby (formerly |#fter 5 o'clock, 725-1634 for further in-' 4 .-red at two d oleri ronreo Ai . ni formaton of St. Catharines) beloved son of - occurred at two older iron ore Vancouver Island. &t. Catharines, for service in the Chapel/ cottage. 725-5223 These have brought nearly) on Thursday, April 26, at 3.15 p.m. In-|31* PHILLIPS, floor model televison, terment Pleasant View, Memorial Gar-|wainut with doors, A-1 condition. Tele- | dens, St. Catharines. auinister the Ber phone 725-2257. $20,000,000 in d velopment /*" h arpaae pi DO Ee aL We " ie? CUSTOM made yanabout vuibost,|spending on Vancouver Island|bishi under which it is shipping) The Peters B rot hers are |40 np Evinrude Lark, electric starter,/ alone. Another $10,000,000 is/400,000 tons worth $14,000,000. (charged with breaking and en- ler, loaded with extras, $1,25 niuog Fe rtyot | , i ; ' ae arcradiatel asain $0. Se€ being spent to bring in a new| Giant-Mascot Mines Ltd. hasj tering with intent to assault and Suddenly at Woodstock on Sunday, Killer Given | == SSE) rin eOLIO "THE MAGIC SWORD" in COLOR "THE MIGHTY URSUS" in COLOR BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! every admission A2 sTOOGE MAGIC - MOTION TELESCOPIC ~*~ RING! 4 HE'S ON YOUR PAYROLL... ee Bowmanville, Service in the chapel at 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. } ADDED HIT! | j | | | LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement ond floral requirements for ail occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 INEMASCOPE Md" rr NOW PLAYING! {he can not be tried again." | NOT THE NEWSPAPER'S who passed YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in business to serve you and the mony other customers-- on his newspaper route, quickly and dependably each day. A TECRWICOLOR® CARTOON » CONTINUOUS DAILY -12:45 - 2:55 - 5:00 - 7:10 - 9:15 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays lives his most electrifying role as Ira Hayes... hero of Iwo Jima! 'GurTSIDER costanmma JAMES FRANCISCUS . 1 seals wremstei vere PLAZA thi: oe Tes -- 1330 him for serving you. AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment each collection day. Thus, he is on your "payroll", not ours, and appreci- ates being paid promptly-so that he can pay his own paper bill and en- joy the full profit he has earned ! THE OSHAWA, TIMES Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Sudden 1962, Charles Russell Silver, |REFRIGERATOR. Cold Spot, in first TON ore mine in the Queen| expanded its opreations at Hope Neighbourly is charged with as- in his 67th year, beloved husband of class working order. $25. Telephone |Charlotte Islands ad to expand|to meet Japanse demands-- saulting a police officer. oe Edna McArthur and dear father of | 725-4328. another in the Gulf, Islands. 72.000 tons of nickel concentrate! Police say they are searching Skinner (Shirley), Mrs. J. Fallis (Fran- ' uted ces), Mrs. J. Hart (Helen) of Wood- oe ne ee Tee pepe ak ea, wit stock, and Bruce McArthur of Oshawa, |" 4 e of .Calgary, Alta, and Mrs. N.\month at Parkway Telev Lavender (Marjorie) of Galt, Ontario,'coe North 723-3043 ] James Silver of Oshawa and Gilbert of is. FT. moulded hull, fully equipped. the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King | 79)7 Street West for service in the chapel on | ee labisiloaaseads Wednesday, April 25 at 2 p.m. Inter- TYP TERS, lers, ren- jtals, terms, service. Hamilton Office tipme! ock South, MO 8-84 we servi In the Oshawa ig? ee att free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Monday, April 23, 1962, omas | Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. liam Tite (65 Aberdeen street), d A AAC Sun says it paidjway the confession was ob-/paper quoted Judge Manson as and Mrs, T. L. 'Tite of Bishepton. Coe | . ; I ag og AP 773500 f \ sitained and the fact that Heath- avine : s : bec. Resting at Mcintosh-Anderson Fu-|PAY envelope containing large sum of Charles Heathman $5! or hisit : th-)saying. neral Home, 152 King Street East for/money urgently needed. Lost vicinity|confession of the killing of ajman was given a 12-hour} Mrs. Simma Holt, a reporter, ¢ April 25, at 3.30 p.m, Cremation at St. | Telephone 728-6002, Reward. : Ade , cs ea ' James Crematorium, Toronto. In Se a wala 2 ome ng not to publish it or inform we a ji ae Pirro omg folumnist C : "But after ours and onejcollaborated on the confession elety. would be appreciated. | Restaurant. Sentimental value. Reward... The newspaper in a state-| minute t WILLIAMS, Frank LOST: Large Walker hound, male, ment explaining its actions injhave been in the hands of au-, The judge, who first sen- ©n Sunday morning, April 22, 1962, at black, white, tan. Wearing collar. Vicin- he of|thorities and it should not .have|tenced Heathman to hang for liams of Bowmanville, in his 7ist year |Heathman's confession' of how|been published.'" \the Ottley slaying, said The Sun (retired Bell Telephone), husband ot | 35--Legal he smothered 10-year-old Don-| nHINKS NOT SUFFICIENT ache Er rilibadiesieiunccrenioscaheocces NKS ! s a) Mrs. L. W. Kleinstiver (Helen) of/I will not be responsible for any debts Labor Day, 1960, said it did not! seers to go free sfter he Dashwood and Donald of Guelph. Rest-|contracted in my name by anyone, on y, A 1 police sergeant had been told of CO esse and Smith, 53 Division Street North,|out my written consent len ; the confession at 7:30 a.m. Sat- eamons, Box 527 Ajax, Ontario the country Heathman was ar- day but that this w t suf-;away would have been stretch-| Bn we Pann ; urday but that this was not su rested Monday in Seattle g duty a little too far," he scscuicsioue eee erence | iCromie: "Heathman had ex-|H€s. 3 eye | - | | > i re GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me \tracted a promise from us and The Sun says that retired Su The Sun said the RCMP had director or phone 725-2327 | REQUIREMENTS l cenke hin" son praised the newspaper and/hours before it was published. i ® 1 j = re ef r 0 + ° " GERROW FUNERAL | 'The Sun said an undertaking its reporters in the handling of, Attorney-General Bonner was) : NORTHMINSTER [fore informing the authorities] ee ay seseeves ice ordered Vancouver city po-| Kindness beyond price was the "only way the confes-|# 801d medal for the wonderful lice to move yet within reach of all. 728-6226 JULY 1, 1962 | The Sun statement said: "Sun . to JUNE 30, 1963 editors decided, supported by Aply in writing to 'lawyers, that the confession is| , 1020 Somerville Street, | ™ade public Oshows In publishing it, The Sun | se slashed through legal red tape} j | » pe t I |forever. The man who made the} | AFL-CIO President jconfession had already been! \judged not guilty of the crime) NEW ORK (AP) -- AFL- most legal authorities believe CIO President George Meany)", lwarned foreign trade-unionists|, The Sun sald the $00 va) --------$$-------- = handed to Heathman's cousin' rman Meany directed his warning to pena 7 ' The geo 4 as TRY beatt wtill Rehes with sorrow, |HeWIY. Independent nations while een aid aes ie He " ba DOORS OPEN DAILY AT 12 NOON And secret tears still flow, * \addressing members of 23 dele-|_ es shed | ' Walt Disney No one will ever know. sPet ; bate | The newspaper said that when TOMMY SANDS ross VICTOR HERBERTS Each time I see your picture j of < boggy rnng fOr\cun reporters left Heathman ANNETTE ou seem to smile and |trade unionists who are U} + | ed lr ; gS wf Te-/Friday night he said he would : sleeping, I'll meet you again some day." The new office will be oper | pital for psychiatric treatment You are with us always lated jointly by the AFL-CIO ex-/7, ids a : eo WYNN ecutive council and the UN Pub. (ins ead he disappeared, slong . si ' with Mrs. Willoughby ADDED om wm mae Menace a Kd Pe DTN Sydney Howlett, who passed away A ATTRACTION lot Disneys 24, 1954 ie ner said The Sun was right-tn e decoren "memento SRT) OP THANKS 2% wore to Heathen) Gig TE | | 35. father, Edward Lee, who passed awa: pie | ; 'April 24, 1960, Y| FISHER I wish to thank all my) e m FEATURE AY. The flow relations and friends for the gifts and ae ~-- we place upon your grave|cards I received during my stay at the, iy wither and decay, hawa General Hospital. Special F s es basin ne. sal on 1E, Doctors Guselle, Smith, Man- rom S. Africa tet A dren by Cliff, Doreen and |iewicz, Dillon and Antonevych, Rev s lidren Lynda and Gordon Cross for his many visits, and flowers!) PORT ELIZABETH, South PM ond pet abhor memory of our dear --William J her and grandfather, Edward Lee. F nist "4 ; . lexecutive in : who passed away April 24, 1960. HALL -- 1 would like to express my ' the South African We 4 ? ;motor industry has decided to fo bring you to our mind, jneighbors and friends for the many|Tesign to return to Canada pid the save we do not think of you \cards, flowers, gifts, and acts of kind-| ery hard to find. |ness received during my stay in hospi-|4¢ ¢ ; if all the: wort, Special thanks to Dr. H. C. Hail,/0f South African Motor Assem- TS ius tha fags ak ce ---- special nurses and other nurses on 3A. blers and Distriubotrs . which! sever femembered 'by son Ralph, KELLAR -- The family of the late debaker autos at nearby Uiten- aughter-in-law Marion and grandchil- Mrs. James Kellar wish to express our/hage, said he probably will dren. gratitude to each and everyone who J ' y i a8 return to Canada at the end of cE --- In loving memory of my/|sorrow, with spiritual offerings, floral| the year husband Ed, who passed away April 24,|tributes, messages of sympath: ird, oD 5 pathy and a 7 1960. }many acts of kindness received, in the Hurd, a native of Parry To walk the road alone, grandmother and great grandmother.;Queen's University in Ki : 4 sU nK a in memory's garden dear, We thank you all very sincerely. Ont said he E ay ith happy days we've known --James Kellar and family. | "i 5 made e | decision because of his children. wen see ae --_ do, MAW 'alk slowly down the path of death,|Arthur M vish }t 7 For soon I'll follow you "|heartfel! thanks, th neianbors. ang inclination to return here and That I may walk the same pathy and flo ceived he | t ec > ar nei - | or sina dic, Gown Guat laoiy rosaler aint Jag H gestn beter to become an enginee,r to take} You'll hear me call your name Rev. Mr. Hillier. his degree in Canada a --John, Kay Maw.|INSIDE--Tokyo Section | Harold, loving stepfather of Mrs. N.| Cage tractor with 3 furrow drag plow, Most significant new mine,| worth $9,200,000 during the next for two other men and ecient arta che olbe~ te : dear brother of Brigadier Merle Silver|TV RENTALS, by the di Bala. The late Mr. Silver is resting ati; ixe new with trailer. Telephone 725- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. | Equipment, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8442.| TITE, Thomas William AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt | VANCOUVER (CP) ~-- The} 'I have no objection to the/job of work she did," the news- of Betty Ford and son of the late Mr. 34--Lost & Found service in the chapel on Wednesday, of four corners, on Thursday afternoon.| nawehoy and gave an undertak-|break," the attorney - general|Jack Brooks, city editor, and of flowers, donations to the Cancer 80. TADES Dit, i vicinity of Bo-Peep|the authorities for 12 hours. | that confession should story. Oshawa General Hospital, Frank Wil-|ity North Enfield, Telephone 728-8958. Saturday publication ' was not negligent. in allowin Chrystobel Murdoff (Belle), father ---- ald Ottley in Vernon, B.C., on! : ir e Mr. Bonner said he knew a Northeutt|or aft A » 1962, with- : y peices am ; ing at the Funeral Home of Northcutt/or after this date, April 21, 1962 . h-ipay the man the money to flee} To inform authorities right eee , : ; "j-/ in TENDER | "Said Sun publisher Donald fiecient warning for the authori said {g morlal. For placement contact funeral | FUEL Oil: we were not going to double-iPreme Court Judge A. M. Man-jbeen told of the confession 214) CHAPEL ito give Heathman 12 hours be- the confession. advised later in the morning. lsion could be obtained." -------------- 390 KING STREET WEST K ja social document that should be} |which could have kept it hidden} Raps I iali | aps mperialism |by the B.C. Court of Appeal and| } IN MEMORIAM |Monday that colonialism should : | That hen wed'o me tae eae YOUR HAPPY EASTER SHOW! CHESEBROUGH--In loving memory umane Soviet imperialism." |Tif he! cone Wak . of Norman Chesebrough, For what it meant to lose you, Norm,| gations at the formal opening got psychiatric treatment. "Don't cry, dear Mom, I'm only! presentative prese '. |probably enter a veterans' hos pay BOLGER \ a5 E --Mother and brothers "TECHNICOLOR* HOWLEIT -- In 1 c ti : In loving memory of lic Information Office. Attorney-General Robert Bon-' LEE -- In loving memory of a dear But love for y: h a you who sleeps beneath |thanks to all nurses and girls in blue from St, George's Church Fisher.| Africa (AP)--A top Canadian We do not need a special day thanks and appreciation to relativ Roy Hurd, managing director If all the world were ours to give, tal Cothe agaiting' Gsegh the deor Ella Hall. assembles Volkswagen and Stu- has helped us through these days of Since you've gone first and I remain bereavement of a dear wife, mother, 50UNd, Ont., and a graduate of Since you've gone first and I remain, -- The family of the late/'Two now in Canada have no I want to know each step you take, |ffiends for their expression of sym-/he wants the third, who plans ~Sadly missed by wife and family. j 3:30 -- 5:30 7:30 -~ 9:20 \

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