Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1962, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 11, 1988 | Orono Women Cop Bowling Tourney 'By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO On Wednesday evening, members of the local association of the Guide and Brownie leaders met at the home of Mrs. Ross Gilbart. For some time there has been no Commissioner in Orono, been done. However, the L. A. reported that Mrs. Kay Lycett has accepted this position and was present at the meeting. Guide Leader, Isabel Hamm, stated that she needed more as- (4 |sistants sinee she has a large group. Brown Owl, Joyce Simp- son reported that she had enough Brownies for two packs and needed at least two more assistants. The regular Guide meeting AJAX (Staff) -- After shav-ued Mr. Polak, 'and there is ing $20,000 from their 1962 bud-| nothing cuttable." get guy the ard gpose REPAIRS NECESSARY chool Board was asked once! ie pointed out that there iittle : ny ag -- &@ were expenditures in the bud-| a seta tbh oe etencil get ge for oh gga and re- 5 Cliinewal of equipment. oa -- yore ie Met "These cannot be deleted,' tion" of deleting the $20,000/"° sald. "for we Have. posts Planning and Develop men t|Pon® plait bette tye tem This year we are only doing} . what we can afford." | A resolution was sent to the ep board. will hold ital board asking, them 19 DostDOne commitiee meeting on Wednes| ditures for the good of the town [ony Crees ea ai an reel Pigg sve el --. requested! best to co-operate with the town e board to delete a stias a whole." $35,000 from their 1962 munici- pal levy request of $344,256. The board brought this down to $324.-| A S k 256 by pertponiae the construc-| rea pea ers Cut Budget Again School Bd. Urged | To Conduct 'Service 'YouthGroup By MRS. CHAS. CARPENTER COURTICE Parents of Grade 1 and. two who attended open house at the Highway School recently found the teach- ers, Mrs, Hoar, Miss Wallace and Miss Palmer had worked hard to decorate the rooms with the work of the children. An unexpected guest was Mrs. Myrtle Greer, former principal and Grade 1 teacher, who came to see how the pupils were get-| ting along with their work. Mrs. Mrs. Eve Bishop, members of Home and School, served lunch to the guests for the evening. The Young People of the Cir-| cuit will conduct the Sunrise! Carroll Mineker, and} Maple Grove Women Attend Party By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE -- Mr. and |Mrs. Fred Stevens were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Hicks, West Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Olliffee, Stouffville. Mrs, L. C. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. W. H. Birks Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt, |Mrs. Ted Hoar and Mrs. Fred \Stevens were among the invit- led guests at a birthday party given in honor of Mrs, P. Coyne, Toronto, on her 75th birthday by her two daughters, Mrs. Richard Whittington (Jean), Claremont, Miss Barbara Coyne, Toronto. Mrs. Coyne and her two daughters were former residents of Maple Grove. |awa, called on their cousins,.Mr. jand Mrs, #1. G. Freeman who 'accompanied the to Kedron |to visit the former's brother and jwife Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee last Friday. ; Mr, and Mrs. Sam Castle, and |sons, Peterborough, were recent ivisitors with Mrs. L., C. Snow- don and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. John Huband, Oshawa, were also visitors at her mother's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMil- lian; Mr. and Mrs, Clem Le- Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Al Flem- ing, Toronto; Keith Wilson, Kev- in Fitsgerald, J. Coyle, Ed Car- jruthers, Peterborough, Miss ;Ruth Smart and Mr. Brown, Osahwa, were recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mick Brown. Mr. and Mrs. George Mar- low, Miss Ruth Smart and Bob Brown, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mick Brown. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mayberry land family were Sunday '@in- jner guests with Mr. and Mrs. 20-YEAR-OLD TOWN BUILDING SPARKS Lions Club Den Goes For Tender AJAX (Staff) -- The town-| Speaking to his owned Ajax Lions Club den was/Councillor Devolin the subject of a hot dispute in|thought it unfair to put the council Monday when council|building out for tenders, "Other turned down an offer of $1 by| things the town has are not put the Lions Club for the 20-year-/out to tender," he said. old frame building. "We can't sell or orderly re- The club has been using the|move it until council has had den for its meetings for over|a chance to let the public sub- five years and last year's mit tenders," said Mayor Wil- council informed the organisa-|liam Parish. _ ; tion that it would have to be! "I am against selling the moved from its presetn location) building for $1," he asid. "It is to make way for the landscap- not the proper practice. ing of the Ajax Community Me-|parp TAXES morial Swimming Pool. He pointed out that the Lions The club's $1 offer was SUP' Ciyh had not been charged ported by a resoution proposed] rent for the building but had to by Councillor Delbert Devolin, ay the taxes on it but when put to the question," "7 tij} don't see why we resolution, said he Pat Sheehan "'until they get on § banquet in Cannington given by|spent the weekend the town to all players in the!Quebec. tournament, close to 400. halls. was met at the north end of the} opened with roll call, collection and inspection. Sharon Allin, Patti Partner and Mary Tennant read the story of the Haunted' Farm House which emphasized the Company good turn. Sylvia Sutherland passed Po- lice and Doctor. Sharon Allin passed knots. Geke DeJonge and Dale Challice passed salute, sign and handshake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Allin cele- brated their 18th wedding: an- COUNCIL DEBATE Orono Honors Atom Players By MRS. KEN GAMSBY I ORONO -- The Orono Atoms,|Miversary recently. although losing out in their| Mr. and Mrs. George Graham championship bid at Cannington|@2d Mrs. Harold Snell, Danny returned home recently to a|@nd Bobby, Toronto, spent the noisy welcome. The club was -- with Mrs. Ken. Gams- finalist in the provincial tourna-|Y- : ment and made a fine showing), Suzaane and Richard Bunt- for the many fans from the vil-|in& have _Teturned home after lage who were on hand to cheer|Peing patients in the Oshawa on their local boys. |Hospital for the past week. The Orono club defeated the| A group of Orono women Cannington Atoms' by a score of|Were the victors of the New- 3-1 in the first game. jcastle and District Bowling Playing a faster and better|league recently when the cham- |brand of hockey, the local boys|Pionship was decided. Those on routed Coldwater 6-0 in the/the Orono team are Fay Cor- semi-final round. All the goals|nish, Janice Quantrill, Gail in these two games were scored|Stapleton, Marg Winter, June by Steven West. Assists were|Cramer and Mrs. Ben Madill credited to David McGee,| The Orono Public School Randy Tennant, Mag. Taggart,|Glee club attended the Sun- and Harvey Partner. day morning service at Trinity In the final game of the tourn-|United Church. The Club pre- ament, Orono faced Elmvale for|sented two delightful numbers the provincial honors. Elmvale|during the service, joining in a outclassed the locals, taking a|third with the Newcastle Public 6-0 victory for the champion-|School Glee Club. The Glee hip. Club was directed by their in- Donnie Allen was a standout|structor, Mr. Collison, who is in the Orono nets and coveredialso organist at the church in many sure goals. |Bowmanville. The Orono players attended a! Mr, and Mrs. Ted Samuel skiing in who numbered All teame anapched from the cil accepted a tender recently Arena to the various banque heating system in the Township |Hall, Orono. Council accepted the tender of Carman Plumbing f : d Heating at a price of $3750. village by the Orono Fire truck sy : upon which they were transport- gy ed se cong ggg Is to ed to the Orono Oddfellows Hall|® % ot water system. On returning home, the team for a wart welcome home. A| The township of Clarke Coun. | ¢| for the insiallation of a new tion of a_ gymnasium in St.| Ld bd Service for Easter at Courtice In Provincial Andrew's Senlor School. |United Church on April 22 at THURSDAY DEADLINE |5.15 a.m. Reporting to council on Mon-| Fi ] day, Edward Wetheral, chair-| ina § | man of finance, stated that the board was being requested to postpone some of their esti-|\Oshawa district youngsters ad- mates and to submit the fig-) vanced into the Canadian Legion ures to the town hall by Thurs-| provincial speaking finals as al the leadership course at Five! Oaks, under the auspices of} with Mrs. PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Two Courtice United Church Women.|° rae | J | Mrs. Raymond Barber and {rom "Come All Ye Faithful".|and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Roy Dunn recently travel-|2€ fourth Monday of each/her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. led to Detroit, Michigan, for a|month was set for the meetings.| Westaway, Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott, Jack McGill, Harmony road, |Goderich, and Frank Lee Osh-|Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison, Mrs. Bruce Johnston attended|eader Mrs. Vic. O'Neill in the Billie, and Donna, Blackstock, chair. A name for the Unit hasen as "Cum-all", | visited her parents Mr, and Mrs, was/Allin Snowden. taken} Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Russell day, April] 12 at 5.00. p.m. : vy holiday Dunn's! He said that council would|tesult of the Legion districts F) mother. hold a special meeting at 8,00/and G finals in Port Hope re-) 4H. variety Night for April 6 \p.m. that same night to unveil/ cently. at Courtice United Church has jthe Ajax 1962 budget and strike} Ave Lycett, 10, of 88: Queen|heen cancelled due to previous the mill rate. The public is ade Bowmanville edged tra | engagements of the performers. invited to attend this meeting,|another competition in the df rig he added. Grades 1 to 6 class with her ot an Cast Maan pe fg When contacted by '"T he speech on "My Pets'. Pa Pal RENE alas 3 fe Times" after the council meet-| Allan Fraser, 16, of Hampton ing, Henry Polak, chairman. of/captured the Grades 11, 12 and |the Ajax Public School Board) 13 category with his speech on jsaid that the town's request)wijliam Shakespeare'. He would be studied at the regular) oysted an Arnprior entry. {monthly committee meeting on 5 |Wednesday of this week. |; "I see no reaosn why jshould cut the budget Miracle Cushion Holds False Teeth Tight -- Eases Sore Gums Snug® brand Denture Cushions, a sen. | The provincial finals will be held in Toronto on Friday, May} we '+ | 18. Five area winners will com- even) No. 1 Fine Grass Mixture CONTAINS: 50% KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, CREEPING RED FESCUE, POA TRIVIALIS, RED TOP. 1 POUND COVERS 250 SQUARE FEET. THIS MIXTURE IS FOR THE PERSON WHO WANTS A TRULY LUXURY LAWN, 1 Ib. 95c 10 Ibs. 9.00 |more,"' he said. pete at that time. | "In fact the Industrial Com-| Judges of the speaking contest jmission deputation indicated to|were Malcolm Wilson, of the |the board last week that the| Port Hope High School; A. J. R. town istelf was in sound finan-/Dennys of Trinity College lcial condition." School, Port Hope; and Lewis) "We have worked on our bud-|Roberts, principal of Dr, Powers get for three months,"' contin-|Public School. sational new plastic re-lining, keep wob- bliest plates firmly in place. Basesore gums, give perfect comfort, Eat, laugh, talk -- plates "'stay put". Applied in minutes -- last from 2 to 6 months. Stay soft and pliable, Harmless to dentures. Peels right out when replacement is needed. No daily bother with adhesives, 2 liners for upper or lower plates $1.50. Money-back guar- antee. Get Snug brand Denture Cushions todayl At all druggists. Cooper Ont ca 16 CELINA ST. PHONE 723-2312 "GARDEN SUPPLIES SINCE 1909" 'FRASTEINBERG Easter Bonus Just For You EXTRA "PINKY" STAMPS ) > J CLIP AND REDEEM VALUABLE BONUS COUPONS EXTRA"Pinky" STAMPS with this, coupen end « $10.00 ORDER OR MORE of assorted merchandise purchased at ene time! | COUPON PER FAMILY EXPIRES WED. APRIL 18, 1962 POPULAR SPORT BIG DOLLAR SALE EXTRA' ca, after a short illness. London, Ont. -- Ray Roach, tack. Aluminum Company of Ameri-|to the club and fans. 50, well-known Hamilton sports- man, apparently of a heart at- Authors! CONCERT Oshawa Symphony Orchestra HERBERT GENTRY, Assistant Conductor @ Guest Artists © VICTORIAN SINGERS OF COBOURG Concert Hall, Oshawa Missionary College Saturday Evening, April 14th, 8 p.m. | Tickets $1.00 and $1.50 | HENDERSON'S, WILSON & LEE and ALTO MUSIC STORE he was the only councillor who) should let tenders for it," said voted yh jeg Councillor Herel. ong one Jouncil fe atl : i esn't do so for other prasuea" not to let tenders for| tinge" ' the publicly owned building and| "It is easy for people to criti- passed a resolution (eight iN) aise council and say that it is favor and one opposed) to this) two-man show," replied Reeve effect. FORMER BANK {council themselves. Originally the den was the! "The den is owned by the property of Central Mortgag¢/taypayer and should go out to and Housing Corporation and tender." was a bank located = the a tersection of Harwo aven and King's crescent. It later) DEATHS served as a library. In 1957, CHMC agreed to let) By THE CANADIAN PRESS the Lions Club move the -- tii toe a ing to its present site for their); angrill Lewis, 84, widow of mene". vey. |Alexander Cameron Lewis, who A gla hota was clerk of the Ontario legis- ecg 3 the iene. eat ges lature for 28 years, and mother ange: on. tue fo gg RP Roderick G. Lewis, present town and this include r clerk of the legislature. -- | Pittsburgh -- Norman R. Alt-|cayalcade of cars followed the| jhauser, 65, former vice-presi-\parade to the hall where the} More than 300,000 Canadians Pp, k A Grou dent and comptroller of the/Orono Police Trustees were host|are registered in curling clubs IC fi x P across the country. AJAX (Staff) -- The Pic-Ax Players, formerly the Pickering| Township Little Theatre, is run-| ning through final rehearsals for their presentation Friday and| Saturday of The Poltergeist. -- | eading book publisher seeks mon- The three-act play will be put |uscripts of all types: fiction, non- on at the Ajax Community Cen-/fiction, poetry, scholarly and reli- tre on April 13 and 14 at 8.30\gious ag el ew vile 3 |comed. Send for free booklet - Teale of the cast include|23 Vontage Press, 120 W. 31 St. Pauline Browne, Pickering Vil-/New York 1. lage; Suzanne MacGregor, Pick-| ering Village; Carol Carr, Ajax; | Enid Roberts, Ajax; Don Clarke, Pickering Village; Marcel Brun- elle, Ajax; Bob Hightower, Pick- ering Township; Alan Aldridge, Ajax and Don Hightower. Cynthia Haggitt will direct the lay. The Pickering Township little theatre was formed in 1957 by the Pickering Township recrea- tion committee to create an out- let for drama talent in the Township area. Through grants from the Township and money received from productions, the group managed to become financially secure, With the co-operation of Ajax's recreation committee, the group shifted its base of, operations to) Ajax and changed its name to} Pic-Ax Players. The group can now serve the Township, Ajax and Pickering Vilage. Plans for next year include two major productions (three- act plays) in November and February. Also a one-act play will be entered in the Orono Festival in September. | A children's workshop (ages 10 to 16) will start in Septem- ber and end with a produc- tion in December. An adult workshop will be set up in Jan- uary, 1963 and end with the pro- duction of three one-act plays in May. Workshop Readies 3 One-Act Plays | BOWMANVILLE -- Mrs. Ed- ward Samuel chaired a meeting of the Bowmanville Drama Workshop held in the Lions' Centre recently. The evening's business began with the final arrangements con- cerning the. production of the three one-act plays which will be offered on Friday and Sat- urday, April 13 and 14 at the Bowmanville Town Hall at 8.15 .m,. The remainder of the meeting was concerned with the first presentation of the workshop's constitution to the general mem- bership. The next general meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in the Lions' Centre on Thursday, May 3. WHISKY KEEPS ITS FLAVOUR Even melting ice cubes can't dilute the true taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep its flavour to the very bottom of the glass --the mark of a great whisky. THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD. Toronto, Ont. ORCHARD KING PEACH 20 oz. rm HALVES cvorer Corn Relish'ssn" McLAREN FRESH Wafer Picklesoz J \A CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK % OZ, TIN LANCIA READY CUT MACARONI , .,. SPAGHETTI LITTLE JOHN TOMATO 15 oz. KETCHUP *™ ORCHARD KING CUT GREEN = WAX BEAN CHOICE 13 OZ. TIN ST. WILLIAM'S ASSORTED JAMS WITH PECTIN MONARCH SNIP DOODLE CINNAMON OR COCONUT 16 OZ. CAKE MIX "" 9 OZ. JAR ORCHARD KING CREAM STYLE CORN 15 oz. 1 CHOICE WHITE SWAN PINK OR #2 WHITE mous TOILET TISSUE ORCHARD KING CHOICE TOMATOES PKG. 28 OZ. TIN KRAFT 7% O%. PKG. FIELDS O'CLOVER CHEESE SLICES GREEN GIANT MEDIUM SMALL, PEAS FANCY 15 OZ. TIN 8 OZ PKG. CHOICE QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF -- FEDERALLY INSPECTED ond PROPERLY AGED BLADE BONE REMOVED RED BRAND TENDER 'N TASTY SHORT RIB ROAST uw. 096 STEAKS SUC GnUCK" 0G 19¢ uw IG SAUSAGE" 036 BolT Tondor he BRISKET = "iv. is. DONALD DUCK SWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-0Z. TIN SEABROOK FARMS FROZEN FOOD SALE CUT CORN 12 02. pkg. MIXED VEGETABLES Ml oz. PEAS 12 o7. PEAS & CARROTS !! o7, li DEMPSTER'S HOT CROSS BUNS Your Choice EA. ase 8: NEW ARRIVALS FROM SUNNY ISRAEL SWEET ORANGES $1Z€ 123 SIZE 90 Pinky" STAMPS t with this coupen ond « $20.00 ORDER OR MO of asserted merchend| purchesed et one ti 1 COUPON PER FAMMY EXPIRES WED. APRIL 18, 1962 EXTRA Pinky" STAMPS with this coupen and « Ouro! EXPIRES WEO. APRIL 18, 1962 EXTRA"Pinky" STAMPS with this coupen and « $40.00 ORDER OR MO of asserted purchased a 1 COUPON PER FAMILY. EXPIRES WED. APRIL 18. 1962 JAFFA 4 i IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 SNOW WHITE __ CAULIFLOWER extra tarce HEADs IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 FRESH GREEN ASPARAGUS -- tenoer IMPORVED U.S. FANCY FRESH FL ORIDA CORN on the COB sweet tenoer 'WITH THiS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PINT TIN OF ALROWAK LIQUID WAX -- 55¢ ape tala WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 2.1 U8, PRGS. OF SOLO SQuPETE 846 tA Margarine Ite COUPON eapines APRIL 18/620 ~ Alt 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF TIN OF CHOCK FULL O COFFEE 99¢.c COUPON ExPines Apan 18/620 nurs 2. 20.07. TINS OF TWO PKGS 0! SEACLIF CHOICE WHOLE WHITE POTATOES COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 18/67! WITH THIS COUPON AND.PURCHASE OF STEINBERG. MEAT COUPON EXPIPESAPRIL 1. 2/31 PIES WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ANY VARIETY OF FERTILIZER COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 18 62 aaa WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF \ 'WITH THIS COUPON 2% AND PURCHASE OF 6 OF. FARM HOUSE BANANA Cake 79¢ 5 || very Pa COUPON sxPints Apa COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 18/67) >) -- COUPON C) WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A TENDER RED BRAND ROAST COUPON EXPIRES APR 18/625 Prime 'WITH THIS COUPON ANO PURCHASE OF 2 CELLO PKGS OF COUPON PxPIRES APRIL Te TOMATOES ' WITH THIS COUPON. AND PURCHASE OF ~\ ANY PKG OF ROSE BUSHES SHRUBS ¢ 0 COUPON ExpinEs 'WITH THIS COUPON = 'WITH THIS COUPON CHASE \ IN COUPON EXPIRES APRIL (8/4? ' menieieseey Beef Ste COUPON exrinEs Arai 18/620 OF Claan's sit WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A TENDER GRADE "A" FRYING CHICKEN AND-PURCHASE OF 2 CELLO BAGS OF CRISP CLEAN SPINACH COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 18 WH THIS COUPON \ OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TO 9 P.M, DUNDAS WHITBY o) 'WITH THIS COUPON 'WITH THiS COUPON or AND PURCHASE OF ANO PURCHASE AM It OZ. SARAH Lit LLB. PE CREAM CHEESE 20% CAKE 69¢ Margarine 52¢ COUPON exPIRES Aran: eS COUPON Hepines Apen 16 2) 'with THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 11N 'WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PKG. OF TASTY RUPERT BRAND RAINTOW TROUT COUPON exPiRES apni ie io GRASS SEED COUPON ExPinES AP iA 4 SHOPPING AJAX Rouge Hill PLAZA ISLAND ROAD s

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