Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1962, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 11, 1962 [3=| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== . Saturday 8 to 1 TV -- Radio Repairs ' 6--Auction 13--Business Opportunities |16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all POR SALE or rent .French Fry truck.| HAIRDRESSER wanted. Full or vart-|SINGLE man. to work on dairy farm, makes. Thompson Electronics, 157 Apply 66 Riverside 1 Drive North, time. _Telephone 723-3544 or _ 725-8375, Write to Box 116, Oshawa Times, Elliott A » 733-9792 (Fred). BARBER aor. pans neta ines q ESS S E ~ VV ( E | ) | R E( ( ) : hd lott Avenue, 723 red AUCTION SALE iP, one ma chain, fully equip- EXPERIENCED | saleslady, part-time SALESMEN, with building a 1elp, for depa ent store. Apply Pen-|j yy tions, good rye HARRY LOCKE TV SAT., APRIL 14th wy Lig pig A "Cuslomers, some nyworth's Department Stores, Ajax. {ear ees commission. 'Tele: 35 years. Long inom rental or lease. Phone 725-3189. -- Telephone 725-3420 EXPERIENCED waitr ted. No ii ond es, cen ae 1:00 P.M. -- SHARP aaeRe > ea Pree ger erg me fiving|Might hours After 730 pa. (Regular Vv! . i rag PO ee hours 8 to 4 and 11.30 to 7.30., 'Apply CLASSIFIED AD RATES. [osiuing Teedes Gardaning ond Supplin ___[Mertgogme_--___| ev pores" | Farm Stock __[iasepedat rt SC ct Sateen"! WELL KNOWN 25 wots rn ei» Rdaetpee,l Zgcm ae paae* (coe, Ae Tea | ~~ MA 3-2312 -- | and IMPLEMENTS "GOOD SUMMER [sit Wikies Sette) «~~ HOME 6 CONSECUTIVE te Insulation." Oshawa Frege | FIRS? | ana socnd mortgages. 8s Sale| 22 King West Bowmanville PROPERTY. OF Office, Whitby. Box 314. _ ot tae Since cig A ats Pee lr a oa BUSINESS" -- [Rextatus. Sit he"atieate"tle! [MMPROVEMENT INSERTIONS 2.23 248 |iworking, all floor coverinas. Free eati-|%85-7051_ collect Street ap se TOWERS STANLEY R. BLACK . "For Sole. 7, line Cen. |38,8¢¢2™modation provided. State full , tf not paid within 7 days the ; 0. ormant |OLIENTS' money to : Ba Pa: oo a s first letter, Box No. 118. Cherge rote will apo po Pg nF ony & i "iohAantilfartand Ria metanges avngee| pt GIPGONS ST. | 'Lot 8, Con. 6, Maripoan Town. | tis a, tht City ond throuoh luatparsen, sxeceaces o sees COMPANY Above rat ly onty to original 1) ee em iasulated siding King : ship. 6 miles east of Sundet- ? ease, 'Teaphowe. Mr. : ' orders tor "consecutive P soenpisred repairs. Free caimates. MO #9003 oF doch. Terms -- ree Evenings fond Co-op and 3 miles from = = "wld -- = iater dote constitute © new eriginal ||722-68 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE FIROT God second mortanees bought! = «OSHAWA TV, Little Britain, 50 head Here- |. fralfic Shopping Centre lo- 77s Wanted order. 3. 3. Van Heswerden, Mortg rably with direct selli ALL types of building repairs, roofing, yan Bet rn ping ay Sica Savey end Estiinnias ford and. Shartere egttte, dublly or as @ chain." poh Bobby ng Requires two men, pref- Protessiona! and Business listings || chimneys, | Crepleees: a itewalks G y re (new , it 4 : v , self - propelled, 2 tractors, $7.50 Ser ments to 3 ie M pene SHINGLING, siding, olown insulation, RAVEL - 'MULCH MORTGAGE T V TOWERS Cockshutt alr (nearly new, BOX NO, 940, ENROL NOW Salary, $4,000. per year. Each word, nto, abbreviation S$ LOANS ike Grain Drill (new), 144 FOR THE FIN Bonus and Over-ride before : ; charge Ie odditional wae you boy. Aiuminam i tiding, doors, win: STONE, ALL SIZE Money evoilable for immed- Antenna's ond T.V. Service G.M.C. Truck. ¢edor st FI AL iit I ag alae sin' he Gov be. |[Oshaws. 725-5045 after wees 18-4370. Mortgoges, and Agreements lowest possibie prices. Best Scott motor,, Full line of iy STORE 100 SO. FT MI LITIA Apply between th, 725-9598, and i 5 --4 A scneal Ge tameiad vos 9 cm, |lcoben, T2eR proved property residential, mae) tty weary, ee Ses oF Pay Choice. focetion, Business SURVIVAL elgg nese oc gee Cance! | 4 i try, and t= Hours Ouily 88. Soturday @*12, Il mxened" turmces eaevumed: Pree eee} REPAIR SERVICE totes Keres Vast Define ville. Available July 1, 1962, 32 Park Road North The Oshawe T it not be R , Aucti s yi responsible for ares in odverise: | COTTAGE SPECIAL «POLISHERS, IRONERS SECURITIES | ; oe actioneer BOWMANVILLE 1.G.A, | ris, 15 your fost chonts-je WANTED Pring rot fer mare thon one | 29/0" x 18'0" 25 year' experience LIMITED | 171 BOND ST. E. --Treilers MR. MILLIGAN isle Whang Wecae insorrect insertion of eny edver- Formerly with THOR of Canada | 112. Simcoe Street North, 728-6781 Gass hart ie eee. ee "Pata " the advertisement in which error Phone: 725-3568 Well Drilling -- Digging phone 985-7580. Army Militia in oceurs. And also reserve the right : 14--Employment Wonted connection with its National uch MO mm sieazl wm aieeeud tans Massey-Horris Fertilizer ond OSHAWA _TIMES ri Fice, ae 723-3528 late loan.an First ond Second if you want to be sure of the boat (new in 1959), 16 H, e. FOR RENT Plus Company Benefits fore publicotion except Births, || BOWMAN, DAVID L.. Barrister, Sole |Household Repoirs for Sale,'on vacont and im- | Workmanship and quality machinery, Deadline for Lost and: Found and 11¥OUR local chimney 'cleaner. him: HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE} industriol, city, suburban ond TRIO TERMS--CASH section, main street, Bowmon- tages, Forty yeors experience. REGULATIONS--_ mates, 723-2997. RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, SUMMERLAND TELEVISION CARL HICKSON COURSE ments submitted otherwise than in tisement, nor beyond the price 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living TEL: 725-8296 Oshawa, Onteria seers bg on ore eee a, MA 3-234] sonal offered by the 3 A DAIRY : Instruction oaaeaee 1 te Gowity odvernmne according to Pre-Season Price Nursing Homes WELL dissing ge! ge ee igh wre 9--Summer Properties Li ilelied, PAN pay NUMSERY. All or| Survival role in the event .of SALESMAN charged for @ single insertion of room. Regular " built POFULAR piano lessons, adulte only, hone 728-0394. for Sele or Rent ut $30 am, until 5.30 p.m. 'f In the case of display advertise- $ 0 bo previous training necestary. 142 On-|SUNNYBRAE Nursing "Mone, "RN in|?° bessedlA fin «jn Bimneoe Street 'North, nuclear attack. The fiAal ments The Times will not be held ] 59 tario S| . MA 23-2697. | atten: Street Ni 728-2804. i treet, Bowmanville. dance. (No. 2 Highwa: COZY three-room le ini baa A cheat interning tes ai Whitby and Osha. a Call EXPERIENCED woman desires house-| COurse for the remoining new a a As Low As Ieuan expen. by intow ek BILL LEMON _ [istay. i rim Si Ranke Tr at 8, : fe : 16 years' experience, by interview only. 723-1487. fi Teleph 7 citizen soldiers needed by the pegen tial The aguerselorhs clay ec $105. DOWN Act now. 725-1054. Opts metrists WELL DIGGIN COTTAGE for sale on Lake Scufgog, or ae rr es erent Militia will be held in your CHAUFFEUR'S Scan, bia euune He teal Delivery free within' 100- |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,|c. TOOK, RO, Oviometiial Pleats G five rooms including three-piece bath-/MANDY man will tend lawns, gardens. : : eerrectly, but assume no. fiability nd. Register| ps i room. Winterized, heavy duty wiring, Gan do painting. Telephone MO 8:3077.| own community from April LICENSE of advertisement, if any inaccuracies mile radius. fap, RAD. pallet, Sighis: dr. 303 James Street, 16 to Moy 27 pe ite ti \ LILLIAN MAE MARSE Dancing School|ined at home. Dial 725-4567. ibe Pal k, septic tanks, | | Telephone 723-147. 5 poe ra ia ---- or a limited time only, your pga, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro|s gicHARD BL) instolle 'LAKESHORE property for sale, inci cies are limited, choice of two valuable prem- /batic. Friday and xaturday, | Masonie] Ph , RicmaRD Biack, bee er of ot Optom ing lots for developing. Fil available. 1}6----Femele Help Wanted Accountonts Temple, Centre Street, 723- Lovely spot for weekends, two hours During the course you will be iums, lenses. 136 Simcoe North a Camere drive from Oshawa, 728-2901. HAIRDRESSER hogy My Oe vo '] yo MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Lona Sault lavestiectors igs by 7 ----. nae TOT gry res oat ony given all-day training five RETAIL WSs i eT Cnasn mee Ltd : Painting and Decorating MACHINE DUG WELLs chacoma for sale. One has two be. | WArrAEas rewired to work --wigns| 4078 © week. You will lve ot ; Clean-outs, deepenin: \ in any form are' contained therein. Free Season Bonus Offer! | oametet Mine. Strest, Wost, 720-8 Bank or 74 Burk Sirect, invalics exam- , deepenings, com- Ipartly furnished. Cash price $5, for a well-estblished 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-4131 . ao rooms, the other three bedrooms. weekends. Top wages for reliable) home and receive th wi Bi haem Bene it. siona i ate : own. e same B. PROSSER, CPA, Certified Pub- 134 SIMCOE ST. §. ACME pee hanene, peo finishing. 1988 poceagig ate sts. 90!" AY fei: Balenes oo eaaetat eaeoek (Ee Sh Pee Teaver RGR! nos 0 regular soldier, plus MILK ROUTE Be. Aeomanan, Sa Contre eireet Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. INVESTIGATION BUREAU in stock Ti 738-0086. Found tion pete hk beret | |remcbene Teeans after 7|8nt $32 ce Bhs ro living elt ica e North Whitby, MO 8-5447, 728-4614 BRANCH OFFICE INTERIOR and exterior house paint mngeron @@rth boring isn Rice |BESPONSIBLE woman wanted to} © living allowance. If you ore | - .e t- ri ON the 1} front at Curtis Point, Rice 5 Fp MOPKING and company, Cari Domestic, General Investiga- _|{tée, "Window cleaning. Reasonable rates, -- Png ge } Lake, two-bedroom summer ostiage. frondan to Friday eechool children.) between 18 and 50, and mest | Remuneretiog pn saclary ena a ¢ Aceountan 7: in ic, Se ' " {Free estimates, Telephone 728-6879. ent -- -- hed, includ frigerator, stove, c bbe Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. Cartage tion Security Services. World speene 723- 1001 Heod Office El. large space heater, bunk beads ote, fen oe Bagge oe Save reameent Te enrolment stondords, you osp 1 Group Insurance BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Aceounting| JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa,| wide. DODD '& SOUTER mira, Ont Z cellent fishing, boating, Yara 9 \|6808 after §.30 p.m. af have the opoprtunity to help ptional pension plan avail- Service. Complete bookkeeping perviee, Whitby. Reasonable rates. muy equip- U -- Must sell. Sacrifice at only $3,000, Cagh|"--" SUSE °S" i 6 P rh Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res.,|ped and insured. Phone 728-366 100 mn St. East -- 728-7941 | paintiING AND DECORATING Br terms: Jr Ac Sheritt Rasitor, 720-1093, [RELIABLE middle-aged woman to| On a vitally important job' and able. Previous experience de- 523-7605. a Caterers ih chaos CONTRACTORS TED VEENHOF -- |Rortace, #y, sate, Semituralatet:|abeent, aloo assist with"Usnt nouse| €07" while you serve, pase ta) lr a mynd WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Pointi Paperhongin ive rooms, 4 work, im new home; once a week; ref- 5 Accountants, 114 King Lewn Mowers einting, Pp ging Cash price, $5,000 or consider terme, | %OhU | 'red. 728-9665. To be sure of a vecancy,, you portunity for the. right mon, Eamend Burrows Ch. WEDDING BANOUETS|~ we Big a aad WELL DIGGING. ji? pares, fons aks Seach' Picker SNORT ender atin reeuied Tor woa.| should oct right away. Get | to obtain steady, well-paid Burrows CA,_728-7 WE SHARPEN AND RENT Spray Poi ing, Ontario." é Term air eontiionsd Conte Shor" Anot'| full. details NOW. without | employment. Wte stating FALE, VRIEDLANDES, "HORT | RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, ALMOST EVERYTHING 107 BYRON ST, °. WHITBY Clean-outs and Deepenings : in person te Genosha Hotel. obligation, ot the address be- oge, expcrience, Telephone ore os cee in Ba ankruptey, 64} _ joyfully remembered when GIVE US A CALL... DAYS MO 8-5231 Compressor Work, SEASONAL CAMPSITES |MfTOHEN ieip and waitress wanted,| low thot Is nearest to your number, and oddress to-- King Street East, Oshawa :B. og Ponti | Cat ' NIGHTS 725-7426 part time enly. Must be able to work! home CAN. Friedlander, BCom, "¢ ontiac Inn Caterers STAN'S 728-3864 [Saturdays and Sundays. Apply Nick i " On 20-ft, lots. Cottages, Lakas Coffee Shop, 33 King' Street handle details expertly for you. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR pr 53 s » THE ARMOURY* ' BOX 114 Appraisers THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH CORNER KING AT BURK STS. ALL WALL Boats, Excellent Fishing. Sate ' PATRICK D. MoDANIEL-AACI, Rest at BLOOR 723-3224 AND CEILINGS ARE FREED W. WARD Swimming. BErERENGED = saiiress "wanted, be-| Simcoe Street, North OSHAWA TIMES Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby. PHONE 725-0078 from holes, erocks, and blis- WELL DIGGING by ville Hotel, 54 King Street East. Tele- Oshowe, Ontario, dh Money to Loon ters before pointing, to as- MACHINE Fot Information phone MA 3-3347. | | Dressmaki - m F Auto Parts ng sure thet new look to your | specializiNG IN 30" wae 728-2301 REGISTERED nurse, part-time, rear RENTS WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran.| DRESSMAKING, alterations, plain sew- "| Foom, Repairs of all kinds. | US R F toed aut pette sad rier, "é Fuch as children's wear. Reason- $s 725-0078 WHITEY,' ONTARIO ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE | SMerton, esses! or sssasis, R. M. P . INDUSTRI us Street West, Oshawa.|20¢ rates. Telephone 723-9565 any time. ss MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 Lessee Moo insite dental ne He-secr-e. Five bese to uve phy INVISIBLE PR and ye-weaving. 8 s Personal Service 204 CHESTNUT ST WEST. LOTS, COTTAGES ae nea, hg mg Lo i 'ibe $ Barristers re Avenoe. a : '3 : P.O. BOX 329 Steenburg, Paudosh ond Glan- [Mrs Russell Hateh, 301 Byron Street REQUIRES TWO EXPERIENCED ¢ --_ ; (AKING by pattern, allera: ' CRESCENT 7 mire Lakes Reasonable prices, -- \ by ae, ts Tyas brent East, aoe bsg a reg agg "Fo clothine: 7. Pe s DRY CLEANING SERVICE 1--Women's Column terms, Ken Matthews, 583 Saeue hon Dae, Geicns sapeeil, SPECIALTY SALESMEN Li naig Residence phones: J. M.|Stcet Weer min, % William ° | COLD WAVES on speciai. Page Hair-| | Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 725- |invoteing, telephone and public con- PAY Bei, 7a 6, Terence VSR ESSMAKING, allaration ;° $ oe So ttn" Oe Irasaven' 7% Pine Avenue. 7740. Mckee, caledations profarran, "Weise ely. PA, BCL, 728-58: » alterations, reason- c and Delivery, Cash |725-5363. ro preferre rite} : ae able prices. 104 , ' | " Gaerne Tibociiie Birrutere and Salt Telephone 723-7963. 'ine Te y iaeerepmmeemen and Cory Store DISCOUNTS Artistic Hair Styles, oppo- For Rent -- Furnished cot- = i, Omens Timer oe 19 coven for managerial POSIT, Osh eltors, 130 King Street East, 728-6246. Fuel end W 5 $sssssss 22 BRUCE ST. waves, fe sad ut ne ieee teges'on Balsam Lake by the R awa to Belleville area -- $125, per week sot $85 CASHIE | Mortgage | ilable, x half- ith : SAMED A, WscbONALG, BA. 1B |PAOTORY bastvoed cuttings. Suitable . 4 ; 3 . $ ai Fae. one TS TB eg "bpareomé, Sone' tre salary to selected applicants. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-|for stove, fireplaces, furnace: SSSSSSSS $ J & LEES SERCIALS on perms and bleaches. Ex-! place, heavy. duty stoves and lc. The Commercial Building, 286 King | phone 728-8535. $ >. $ pert hairdressing service by Mrs. June) °'°°*: vy. duty stoy Weak 'Oshawa, Ontario, Client park- 3 . < Wilkinson, Lake Vista Beauty Salon, refrigerators, hot ond cold NC ION MUST HAVE OWN CAR ing available. inace or Brepiace, Free Goinerp"ame | -- sssssssssssssssssssssssss_ =| AAODERN GRILL [== vee 22s 6s, Warnes, CRE! . ASE N job ne CO ns shes, cutlery and cooking ' i . as ae Is Your Dinner Fthn Chips Home [aeomeertenee borin." Brew "sees BAR ee nae c, Ban Bt reali ality i, ips, GENTLEMAN wishes ride to Saskat| 'SUPPlied, Beautiful indy : 3 Glmeoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K.| Made Pies ond Desserts, chewan, will help drive. Persons intex| bathing beach, large play- ATTENDANT CALL: MISS MATTHEWS gg SE 5 Ni DX STOVE OIL 2ND OR 3RD WE DELIVER seied, write to Box 712, Oshawe Times,| ground and a' safe harbour E NTS mortgages arranged. MO 86-8441 _| for the boots. Also two l- Full time, i DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrivter| For your convenience, stove Mortgage te yaa WANTED -- Trained majorettes to| ler cottages, o Se fm Saad 728-449] gnd Solicitor, 26% King Street East.) jj may be purchased at our perform at Oshawa Hawkeye or pred , Telephone; Business 723-2201, Resi- 4 i fame. wil Apply 'To: a | Caw chavs ae COMING DUE ? Plumbing and Heating Eager cat Contes. er 45 Francis Street, Lindsay m@r's office between 7-9 p.m tee ney 19 oan. tfce 18 Whitby, Open Daily, includ. . CHINN'S plumbing suppites, pumps, |2¢ North, or Phon 324.5308 : ---- ; 32. | ing Sun, 7 am. - Midnight, Before Renewing See Us Preasure systems, sae used, repairs. Se ae eer Z e | MANNING ¥. SWARTZ and RONALD ABOUT A ve ae RAL Remove! of superfluous hair, |11---Articles for Rent WOMEN WITH | e-| Gardening end Su ia ALL PLUMBING on posting supplies. Marie Murduft will be in taries. cage 4 to loan, Henry Rick, d PP 7 1d Stark, Kin, Phone 725-3521, Haro Oshowe, April 17 K ; Resi-|MANURE for sale, will deliver, rea Ltd., plumbing, heating and en wo, April 17th and 18th. | Dishes, cutlery, glosse: - | SALES A [FURNISHED three room apariment,|"" EK wa-tod. Apply Toronto-Domige S eeabe gi ee |sonable. Telephone Brooklin 655-4650. Low Cost ing, 255 Simece Street So ner. -- Genosha Hotel on med wine, gf ory } = LE BILITY yi resent bollding Washi ng acts, oot eek WEY, . apartment buildin; ashing facilities, BON and BASTEDO, Barristers, CLEAN-UP job, lawns ,cottages, hedges ALL types of repairs and maaaling ese dates for appointment, cahdelobra, table cl i Vacant 725-3214, $60 MONTHLY, 428 Perry Street. @ MeGmmB On Laas O, Dae na lntnake Bak aoe TRG oem Mortgage Loan * le cloths, buf- Steady income. Pleasant |parking. Vacant now.. 725-32 --|rooms, newly decorated, unfa: new and used materials, Lag tet pieces, trays, | ' » 20. Bi Street|* to 30. Monday to Friday, All day rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J. ys, lazy susdans, a IN, fi b for|modern kitchen, telepho: ye ane North: "rabies: Charis C. MeGibbon, Saturday. Foley. ELECTROLYSIS coffee percs end urns, 10-44 work, chance for advance rent, Hardwood floors, built-in cup-| heavy wiring. Adults, MO ) 8-5 sia QC; Edgar F, Bastedo, Qc. |WERFING Be gh De 7 "| Low Monthly Payments 723-464} cup ond 75 cup. ment. preg pbgee Partly | piteianed. WHITBY -- Upper « duplex, | ee bed Sica q . 5 , ie ms, Ter; iy Seceans E Bonin. 3 Bes Saat. salias, sok Laces petection, undies No Bonus ALL WELL eee SARGEANT'S RENTALS FOR INTERVIEW Nice residential area, $95 per month, | chen, tile, Dardoond. Gouin ieee North, 728-2001, Res. 723-2765. jGarden Centre, King Bast ,728-1764. No Extra Charges But it 3--Pete & Livestock 725- 3338 Telephone MO 8-9037, 00 |tion, 725-1841 or 272 Ritson Road South, ZT. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici-| ut if you insist ey" Sea oreee ' FOR RENT -- Bild threeroomed|Ofnawa ' C North, No Legal Fees on the best. ,.. Call BLACK poodles, sseiepered for sale. artment, centrally located, heavy|MODERN bungalow in Whitby, three Dates Tia-1i0l: Residence 725-5542. CALL GUSCO @ best. .. Call Apply 200 Huron Street, 12--~Articles Wanted CALL AVON wiring, $57 monthly. Adults preferred. | edrooms. large living foom," dising | BATHING, trimmi ere fleaing, b = atin MO 8-3727, jarea conveniently located near high sauce ¥, Mackey, na. marcsier' SANSENG BROS. PERIOR (eS RT NELUMBING Reins Raat toant ane Sehr! 7 BAe MANURE forse, Soper panel 0s schol and public schools, #1) ment vailable. 'stre t. 4 and HEATING LIMITED [gcisteren ~< German Shepherd, Ti [in 685-3774. re Athol Street. Telephone MO Fe _Telerhone 733-1303. e ' ' Bring own containers. 'OR RENT -- One bed modern Fiestas, Sb Ties. 728-3755 DISCOUNT LIMITED 207 Simgog St. $=725-5132_ ial to 'or'nest oer: "elephoie MA|Kuiny: te Hadhoeas "maw 1 cual. RENT = two ena eaters © 2 fe | Telephone LOUIS &. HYMAN, GC, Barrister, Solici- City Cartage, FOR RENT -- two single sina iy Heated MO per . I 7 (KS aT ; qT 725-2621, tional, all conveniences pce Sree pace, ries. 'aang monies| We specialize in garden | "The Fastest Growing All. METTE me baby budgies, ready for available. Telephone MO 8-5149, |LAWNMOWER repairs. Power and : PIANO vgs gee small size |hand, Free blade sharpening and ba available service. Conadian Loon training, talking strain, Apply Mré./and must be im good eondition. Tele STUDENTS A super value, approx) ppg my! le rue: BOYCHYN and HILL- Cornpary PLUMBING fee) Ltd Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. phone 725-1035, MEDICAL mately 630 sheets of letter size typing jones. ad x! $y. Paris oxic: Pres clalee WAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King 17 SIMCOE ST. N. . * |PHEASANTS golden, $4 each; trio F , paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap | and delivery. Phone Spoken, 4 Street East, Oshawa. R. D. Hum- CHOICE DRIVEWAY . Furnace. Installation Service. Black African rose comb Bants, Mille ply Oshawa Times Office. Whitby |yiq 9.4511 Commer s, @C; G. 8. Boychyn, BA, QC; Cl tigind Rebel Fleur boarded and booted cockerels, WANTED 111] Dundas Street West. A. . Hillman: . LLB "Telephones: GRAVEL OSHAWA 725-6541 eonout and Repairs. King pigeons. MA 3-3430, SECRET ARY ca nee Vitae Teta eee nO RENT -- Unfurilshed fourroom TaSeu177 725-1178; Residence, 23 CELINA ST. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY |service for small businesses, 'weekiy.|00irimen' ghg onmnie' renee suite MHA 4 Whitby. morgage finds aval LOAM PHONE 725-3279 5--Farmers Column AND FEATHER TICKS monthly or as desired, Statements Pre! hone MO €-2780 after 4.30 Pi Mortgages 1, |MANURE, de 7 ed, 66 joad. Tele. jpared; income ta, returns, MQ 8-825: : FaOMAs WBUNDLE, Darinar, Sar] | CEMENT GRAVEL se has Upheliees erting [Gee eeme | Ome Miles ond Rew Furs REQUIRED FOR peo ebb ita sol cael Kin: YOU DRESSMAKING suite, coats, dresses, eitor, and Notary Public, 26% | . Phone x M foe bape co ie at tre eae arm Paid ' | Pore oe ot 725-5279 MORTGAGES [eear feeetanga Sar Rat nt CR jog ada! URNER 4 [DOCTOR'S OFFICE) westiNGHOUSE [era die aaa Bookkeeping ' | LOAM, GRAVEL Monies available. on First |'@a. 2 Charles Street, 723-7212. "|Mewnce 14." i. -- In Medical Arts Building LAUNDROMAT TpDiONe: alterations, painting, rood. Mortgages at 7% per onnum CHESTERFIELDS 're te-bullt, re-covered|SEED GRAIN -- Clover and sag | SHAW Oshawa, ing, chimneys, concrete work, rec. new. Why pa ? Ow de. We hav , 10 DUNDAS ST. W. : i L. SCHAPELHOUMAN WASHED STONE, without bonus, sraceamenale,shigation eutranens quali "Government" No. One ieade| AUTO WRECKING CO. | short hand not required. a0 WHITBY puntanahn, Peg enunaie, COMPLETE a Monies also ayailoble on te-built. Oshaw 0 Upholstery seeds of the above species at co: d Sons. MO 8.3724 MULCH FILL Second Mortgages. Co., 10 Bond Street West 1 Dial 725-0311. |tive or better prices. Contact. ne LE a Me Tractor and loader work. GHESTERPIELDS ahd Gl cihcinc ny |Goode and fon Limited, Whitby, MO Wents cars for wrecking. : WRITE HE DRUDG.. |SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Lots levallid: Rhassable totes. clue peg ges mig org ag My | ieee | 82917 or Brooklin 685-3021, is Parts for sole, also scrap iron BOX 320 ean THOSE BIG: as Saunt Shee West. Telephone INCOME TAX ee 725-2156 ol F, SWARTZ _|aoutnCall retest Pres estinann""* | 6--Auction ol See ii dey, Pete re LOADS OF WASHING AT OFFICE equip Sages! ak areaed LER STREET rt = ti id Builders' ' PRING C vice, wit Sos ca ef ices, us, eM es OSHAWA GARDEN | Moroooes" et" reasonable UPHOLSTERING 725-2311. 89 BLOOR &, | OSHAWA TIMES | SERIN Uc Brock Sot Wo oth Building Trades SERVICE wn a6 V4 Kina St Bos mRNIT REPAIRING NS USE THE, [13 --Besiness Opportunites ata ena dori outer Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 | Fabri les sh ind A . |FOR RENT -- store, 4 ew SPRING SALE __[taciities. Parking ciose to schools ehii- CagrENTEY, remodeling, "traning. |(SARDEN CENTRE meen Under Mortgage tiey-Glketan aver fe Fost OSHAWA TIMES awa, corner ioeation, main fos, 2008 CLERK TYPIST First Come, First Served ee Peng tag Placid 300 High females 'Telephone Harry's 12305, 993.3292 rokers' Registered Act. | home. a amas USED EQUIPMENT 1259 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | TINJEED MONEY!! CALL 728-9506 Tt TO; AY CLASSIFIED RESORT, Scoommmodaion Gly, otis: dealin' gx 9 Tourist Tents j 22.50 GRAVEL ane ei UNITED -- Fertilizer, oll bronds, " us TALBOT UPHOLSTERING ° Ia, plckerel season, To be seid mime. 9 x 12 Tourist Tents 35.00 | DRIVEWAY GRA (Free loon of spreader), YOU HAVE HIDDEN CASH COLUMNS tae eeatty tee ie Gls ee FOR LOCAL Sleeping Boos 5.00 & 6.50 CEMENT GRAVEL = Peek '/Surveyers DOWNTOWN OFFICE} Coleman Stoves ond FILL AND LOAM -- Perennials -- IN YOUR HOME PAVING CO. | = pint" "8" | Get LOW COST tat or |sceiael Arne econ ae see BEAUTY SHOP | Must be Accurate | 22° Geren Tillers. 75:00 | _ ERIC BRANTON 728-4801 -- Evergren Flowering | 2nd MORTGAGE LOAN |e rom a> TADLLGrE, uate AUCTION SALE | 395 SIMCOE ST. S. hid a hn MOQ_8-2660 shrubs. EXAM : Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue mas: hey baler * can be assets in this position. 14-ft. Canoes East. Phone 725-6681. | Flagstone -- Rockery Borrow Repay Monthly Bal, or we rectors For Rent by the Month Paid benefits including ate Mil Phoe beat a} 35 GOT A yw ioe) N. D Patio -- Wollstone Syrs. 10 yrs eY =~ Rosie Rapetes on a oe on PLETELY EQUIPPED . . -_ le rd p ine, u in or m Wm it s Gorden tools end Lewn $1800 $42.40 $28.55 Nil a eon waive. The eee COMPLETE! Q ey veg etd i i te Fibressioss cee $33 a MUDDY DRIVEWAY ? EXCAVATING mowers, $56.54 $38.07 Nil H Ay TOWERS ty of Mr. Rowland Coombes FOUR CHAIRS PLEASANT WORKING New & Used Outboard We have the answer to your GARDEN SERVICE $3000 $70.67 $47.59 Nil : Lot 5 oCncession 5 Darlington CONDITIONS. $75 Pen Ne' alt All galvanized, no paint. T h il Kot STEADY CLIENTEL up problem. We deliver stone, Basements Londecope design, : For @ confidential interview ; ' aside af vol te arti ae Apply in writing | WILDE RENTAL mulch, gtavel sold by weight. i res estouron ve TTiry T Spring sy CALL 728-4684 LEN & LOU'S Saturday, Apri! 14th, Sale be Established 25 Years SERVICE. & SALES PHONE 668-3524 op Soil oe tae Guelph Investment Co. ANTENNAS forrher sotewioe i EOF 1° Retiring due to poor health BOX 213 sakes Fe hs say SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LTO, ee ney WHITBY, ONT. 1B Brock St.,S., Whitby, 723- 3898 Power rolling. : me ; Ano Sone woke ef Mae ee Aan | 728.5904 or 725-7844 | Jer eesticsN ag tne 725-3243 OSHAWA TIMES MO 8-3226 er Ontori,

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