R. S. McLAUGHLIN J. A. MORPHY E, H. WALKER A.G. STORIE _--OWz«. A, WECKER, O.B.E. T. L. WILSON MRS. T. H. EVERSON Hon. President Hon. Vice-President Hon. Vice-President Hon. Vice-President Hon. Vice-President ier seten diel Snartrtie = ow 1° AnNuaL REPORT TO THE PEOPLE iu is the desire of the Board of Directors of the Oshawa General Hospital to keep the public as well informed as possible regarding the operation of the Hospital, which -- in fact --- belongs to all the people. . . As a result of this desire on the part of the Board this financial picture of the Hospital for the year ending December 31st, 1961 is presented It is our hope thot the citizens generally will take pride in this statement and in the further knowledge that their Hospital is ever striving to keep epace with the demands made upon it --- to render the best possible service to those who are indisposed and in the need of Hospital services. The year of 1961 was a very active yeor for all of us associated in this great work .. . It was another building year . . . A year when an untold number of 'decisions had to be made by the Board of Directors ond the '4 management of the Hospital constantly realizing that it was public funds that were being expended. However, one can look about the grounds, A. E. McGILVRAY the parking areas, the renovated residences and many other completed Hon. Vice-President activities and realize with little difficulty that a terrific amount of thought has gone into the Hospital development during the year 1961 We are happy to be able to acquaint the public with the fact that several floors of the new wing are now into' operation and more will be put into operation as soon as the necessary equipment is received and put into place and the necessary staff found to operate the added areas. As president of the Oshawa General Hospital, | should like to draw to the attention of the public the valuable services rendered by the chairmen various committees, the individual members of the Board, the ! statf, the Administration staff and that host of people who ore engaged in caring for the sick both directly and indirectly Special mention hould also be made of the continuing excellent service to the Hospital rendered by the members of the Hospital Auxiliory -- their work is invaluable Loter, but during the early part of 1962 the latest addition to the Hospital will be officially opened, but those of us who form the Board of Directors realize that this is not the end of our expansion -- For as jong as Oshawa continues to grow, so will the demands in proportionate meosure increase so far as the Hospital is concerned, and every effort will have to be continually put. forward to keep abreast of these conditions, i : ; Therefore, on behalf of the Board of Directors, | extend the hope that f a a P Pa ae A the public generally who have been so generous in supporting their 'e vt i P j ; > Hospital in the past will continue to give * their kind on thoughiful i G. STORIE s. % ' i - ae a : c deraticn since it can only continue to thrive with the goodwill of Vice-President cll the people. T. L. Wilson, President of the Oshawa General Hospital : ALL DEPARTMENTS CONTINUE W. A. HOLLAND TO OPERATE AT CAPACITY Administrator and Secretary 1959 1960 1961 COMPARISON of OPERATING RESULTS for the YEARS ENDING DEC. 31 Nunber of bosinbie sce ys e < e Number of Patients Admitted snes 2,517 13,232 14,021 Number f Births Raa. ) 2 2,604 2,469 REVENUE Patient Days (Adult and Children) ..+ ps. 114,318 117,353 Daily Average Number of Patients .. 342. 358.2 367.7 1959 1960 1961 Number of Out-Patient Visits ...... ; 32,674 33,745 $2,438,122. $7.705 540. Services rendered to patients .... $3,020,521. piles a teeeees role: eae 91,091. 97,680. Cafeteria and Residence ee 103,642. Le di lima ee ae ' a7 ao9 4916. 6,101. Miscellaneous beaks 5,554 Surgical Treatments os 4.104 4.280 $2,534,129. $2,809,321. Total Operating Revenue os $3,129,717. Number of Blood Transfusions .+.+es 165 2,253 2,419 Laporatory Procedures seeeee Number of X-ray Films a i 62,605 E. MARKS, Q.c, EXPENSES AND EXCESS OF REVENUE Number of Prescriptions Dispensed teens 204,300 Number of Meals Served: -- Potients scanbeokiss MO6G80) S17.978 (491-150 $1,694,208. $1,907,251, Salaries and employee benefits . 'cs $2,198,683. hab sei ee aia ieee aye 51,878. 54,681. Administrative supplies and expenses .... 68,177. S 183,575. 197,984, Food and kitchen supplies . . ee 207,678. COST PER PATIENT DAY FOR THE YEARS Housekeeping, Power Plant, Loundry and Salaries and Wages $isi4 $16.29 siso3 308,289. 299,735. Depreciation ; 306,128 Bhd ad? Ailton : 67 73 177 Drugs, Laboratory, Radiology, Medical and Laboratory, X-ray, Operating and Delivery 289,156, 338,639. . Surgical. Supplies f ; 343,671 aa ee and Medical ond Surgical a ne le 9,112, , 7,058. Nursing School . 4,070 Maintenance, Plant Operation, Housekeep- 12,491. 11,702. Provision for Bad Debts ....... oe 6,863 ing, Laundry, Bedding ond Linen 2.81 2.62 2.61 Administration, Telephone, Nursing School $2,548,709. _ $2,817,050. Total Operating Expenses .... ; $3,135,270 and Employee Insurance Benefits 86 1.04 1.38 C + ) 23.12 26.64 26.72 $14,580.) $ 7,729.) Operating Deficit ..... $ (5,553.) Recovery on Meals and Room Supplied to Other Income Stoff A 83 85 88 Donations, investment income and non recurring Average Cost Per Patient Per Day 22.29 bk BY if 25.84 debits and credits applicable to prior Average Cost Per Patient Per Hour 93 99 1.08 years ' $ 9,014 : ce WHERE OUR PATIENTS CAME FROM IN 1961 Excess of Revenue over Expenses : > 3,461. Nonber Percentage ee Oshawa ST rere ee ey ° 10,030 71.5% Whitby Town cen 1,385 9.7% East Whitby Township .... 187 1.3% Ajax é Veen 197 49 NOTE: The statement for the year 1959 has been adjusted Whitty. Towaskis 489 to the same basis os the 1960 and 1961 state- Pickering Townsh , 330 ments which have been prepared in accordance ther Townships in Ontario C unity: 254 with the Onterio Hospital Services Commission Darlington Township 693 Act. Other Townships in Durham ond Northumber- land Counties ' 202 Al Other Counties in Ontario .. eve 229 All Others ce cececeeccee 22 OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL he BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 1962 Honorary President -- Colonel R. S. McLaughlin, LLD Honorary Vice-Presidents---A. E.\McGilvray, J. A. Morphy, H: P. Schell, A. G. Storie, C. Waite, E. H. Walker, W. A, Wecker, O.B.E, Honorary Secretary -- Mrs. T. H. Everson President and Chairman--Mr. T, L. Wilson Vice-President--Mr. E. G. Storie Treasurer--Mr, G. B. Miles Mr. J. H. Beaton Mrs. H. B. James Mr. T. M. Moore Mr. T. D. Thomas, M.P.P. Mr. J. G. Brady Mr. S. E. Lovell Mr. K. Ross Mr. H. A. Washington Mr. T, K. Creighton, Q.C Mr. S. F. Everson Mr. E. Marks, Q.C. Mr. H. M. Smith Mr. E. H. Walker K. ROSS Ex-Officio --Dr, B. G. Doherty, President, Medical Stat# Mr. E. Paul Coath, Representative, Town of Whitby ~Dr, H. Roy Rowsell, Vice-President, Medical Stoff -Mr. W. R. Branch, Representative, City of Oshawa Reeve Neil Smith, Representative, County of Ontario Mrs. A, W, Armstrong, President, Women's Hospital Aux Mr, W. A. Holland, Administrator and Secretary to Board of Directors DR. B. G. DOHERTY W. R. BRANCH NEIL SMITH E. PAUL COATH G. B. MILES ARMSTRONG President Medise!l Steff City Council Corporation ef Oshewe County ef Onterie Tewn ef Whitby Treasurer Bresident of Wemen's Auxiliery