THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 22, 1962 Widest Buyers The 1962 automobile season now is in full bloom, and this year the automobile manufac- turers are offering the prospec- tive buyer the widest choice he as had since the freewheeling days of the early 1900's when an idea, a work-shop and a modest financial stake were all | Cars; Choice Given Of New Autos the |functionalism, technical andj} assembly lines. mechanical advances, and val-| Hand-in-hand with the almost ue, with a capital "V"., comp 2te spectrum of cars is Withal there are some swank|the stronger than ever empha touches, too, for the bucket seat | sis on quality control. This is brigade shows no sign of dis-|one reason why it is taking a appearing. little longer to get delivery, fer, The 1962 lines comprise more! cars are getting more tender, that was needed to compete in the car market. From small cars to big cars there is a dazzling array of : cok : ' sedans, kardtops, sports-type R FAW NUECT Geri tat wil ' vehicies. NEW CAR FAMILY INVESTMENT Whether your choice is to let yourself go or you are econ- than 300 different sizes, kinds ;and shapes under no less than |30 nameplates. New for 1962 | is a new dimension, the so-call- | ed medium-sized car. The sil-| houettes are smoother and crisper; the color tones are muted. | TAILOR-MADE MODELS Today's concept is for mass- ; produced cars but tailor-made ;models. The buyer can add ivariety by fitting regular pro- showing up in the finished prod- uct. Value is obviously the key~ note as auto makers strive te make cars more competitive 'than ever vith the other items and services that seek the con« sumer's dollars. Neither horsepower, styling, |size, diversity, luxury or econ. | omy alone seems capable of do ing the trick. It is believed ae care these days and it is Stainless Steel Buying the new car js a | link between manufacturer : : family affair. After the home, | and consumer, spends more |°™Y Minded, there is a car to the car is the family's big- | to protect his customer's in- |S¥it your taste, your specializ- gest investment. The franchis- | vestment than any other mer- | ¢4 needs or to match your ed dealer, who forms the vital | chant. pocket-book. The car buyer, rightly enough, is in the driver's seat. The manufacturers have gone to extreme lengths to suit even the most finicky potential cus- | : ; 9-! some solid combination of those duction options to. the basic things hold the key to win- vehicle. In a sense the buyer | ning the new car buyer, and can, within reasonable limits,'the industry is pulling out all design his own car. stops to whet his appetite for And with the touch of spring | the 1962 models. in the air, several glamor mod-| All of this boils down to the /els that were held back to take! fact that the customers can pick advantage of the lure of the open road sans snowdrifts and') CONTINUED ON PAGE 1@ tomer, KEY WORD IS VALUE Styling is simpler this year; dead weight as been cut from Fine Car Metal The automobile metal of the would damage other materials. future is here now. The char: | Looking to the future, engines acteristics of stainless stee])may follow several trends -- which make it so desirable on | from refinements of today's rec- 1962 cars are expected to be | iprocating types to gas tur- even more jmportant in the) bines. Whatever the type of en- future. gine, the trend is to lightness These characteristics of stain-, 4nd more power. Stainless steel Jess steel include great strength, | Seems sure to receive increas. | tolerance of high temperatures, | ing use because of its strength | resistance to corrosion and | and its resistance to heat and / gleaming beauty. | corrosion. Whether stainless steel is ont One example of stainless ed functionally or decoratively, | Steel's exciting possibilities is its good qualities overlap each| 4" experimental engine with ether. For instance in auto-|thin, strong walls of stainless Truly as Canadian as its name! CANADIAN OIL © me Fe Rte its WHITE ROSE Two Great Names In The Automotive Industry! ELLMAN MOTORS | "RAMBLER" LIMITED motive trim stainless steel's| Steel which has produced one main attraction is its rich gleam) horsepower per pound of! --which can't wear off and| weight. needs only the wipe of a damp | You will get greater value cloth for cleaning. Stainless}/and satisfaction if the acces- eteel's bonus in trim is that it|sories you buy for your car resists dents and scratches that'are stainless steel. ; You're Invited to See "RAMBLER" for 62! WORLD STANDARD of COMPACT CAR EXCELLENCE e New Style! © New Savings! °® New Safety! SEE and DRIVE These NEW 1962 RAMBLERS on Display at ... WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. NONQUON ROAD OSHAWA DIAL 728-7351