Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1962, p. 13

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent [27--Real_ Estate For Sole|27--Real Estote For Sale (27--Real Estote For Sale|28--Reol Estate Wanted 29--Automobiles for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Merch 10, 1962 13 a | te FIVE-ROOM, two-storey house, Ci fur-|86,700 FIVE-ROOM home on spacious | BUILDING lots by Courtice public and| WE have buyers! W. McA: Realtor,|1955 FORD Fairlane, tutone, V-8, auto- FURSESRED trve 2 oom Basement LARGE housekeeping ee i iis vane inace, Oshawa North, close to main/lot, 62 feet frontage by 611 feet depth. \high school, 105 ft. approv-|28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or $-5765.|matic, snow tires, radio, good condi-\32_ Articles for Sale 3 rticl for Sale Cette roletashic vom! 16 good ted \fina 'Street or telephone a5 5358, stuset, bus, schoo! and Shopping Centre.|Low down payment 860 monthly On Aled lots, loans available. 728557. WATE p49 pay: ; ama tilts 1962 plates. Telephone MO 84953. 2--Articles for ant. Telephone 723-9800 after six p.m.) ep apo yay Pg Duner Waving tone, WES tlpohee eat 725-0670. seh WELL planned, $-year-old NMA bus-|for July or 'August. Please give tulll1958 CHEVROLET station wagon, ex-/SOUSEBOLD, furniture benutital tin Oe erat eet eee gtr ical fia , cosy furnishe pernenctach Sh caper as 4 " wedish sO "aquariums THREE-ROOM basement apart me | Puntieman, #8 weekly. Garage AvAll-|sio90, "THREE-bedroom bundaloy, 8) PRIVATE sale, fve-roor brick i bunge-|enlow, custom, nitchen, laetie, theve| particule. At is"Ounawa Times," |whitewsll tires, wheel, alacs, wil fr(aievisot engeient coaditioa) ebony} with Cars, ete Telephone MO 88476. sion, $65 monthly. Apply 472 Drew St.| pag Mary A gd ee cubes years cid, goed oondition. Paved drive ow Beverly Gizeel. north ost section, |f tes room, tied pices: bath, storms, MO 8-478, agrees Becca ger strollers | Sar TER Queen Sales and = 7 Street aa nta jul-| new . rhood. if aap ---- ' apes; con Service, ; eer neem | Street. \\ied. "sD D. 'ayman Realtor, 728-6286, rranged 725-6398 for appointment, screens. ag ag NR von Mg vvigase Thinkin of Sellin x Bom ae tutone ved and|tinental bed; lamps, tables. Reason. |¢ral, trade-in allowance, Free. demon THREE-ROOM partment, furnished or iPURNISHED toom, » it one lady "or! Whi SE ae page or pt nce gp (rm schools, bus close by. aneer Our ef g tires, Very clean./abie, 597 Grierson Street, stration, Telephone 726-4683, unfurnished, modern, very central, with|?U® Foo ul Biva.| |MODERN triplex apariment in it-/| $4500 L pric 5» 2. 500. Will discuss sale or rent to suit raiephane Tis-t90 after 6. Olk space heater with automate blow washer and dryer. Telephone 726-1131! [ga sg vd -- iv jy 12 per cent net on investment. Ex-|room house, 209 ments ve ig see responsible party. 725-6093 anytime. 'go CHEVROLET, standard, new blue TYPEWRITER adding machine, check\er, $70, used only four months; aero Te SF nse bods Mo 81008 bey Bosco Res io homko,| age, Thornton's rowgrile Station, |BARGAIN! Five-room brick bungalow, D. W. WILSON and "white paint job, good' tires, new] Wier electric time clock, file cabinet, |Coleman oll space heater, UNFURNISHED upper apartment, lawo furnished bedrooms, adult home,|MO_ $4006 Joseph Bosco Realior. __ae-_ Banana Mowe + /clean a8 @ pin, on Elgin Street East. Plates, Sacrifice $1350. Dial MA 3-5756.|7a34agee TP fF Sulek pale. |condition, pipes ine' pa gd are Sida er a co General Motors oflce, part. v8 Ken- |inands er sane aad school, Prieed REALTOR 60 CHEVROLET four-door, V8 stan- a rine rae ' » ator x T ' 725-6588 dard transmission, limited slip rear end,|W™ buy, sell and oo used furni- private bathroor, kitchen and ¢ hone 72% 2357. ; Pe: fooms, $78 monthly, Everything in-/Reth Street one Jat only $10,850. Carries for $65.35 PIT : Lb hs cluded. 728 4166, lone LOVELY furnished room for gen- |with present mortage. For further) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Nicci wn Washers, new tires, excel-//nt6, 07 ee as a oe ae bond Fereg sgenes mee is boul "alt and FURNISHED clean, two-ro Ger|tewian private, Bemabe PO er" gelepbens Fes ty venings 7 Seth ash SE ee en cars haalar | uth amd 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. |Cireviation Devt, Oshawa 'Tim Boulevard or telephone A 7 i Coach custom Fa "y ' ree _Devt. ih 170. 29--Automobiles for Sole "Hag te ~g isso "EVINRUDE motor, 184i. mould-|BEPAIRS on istere, ment apartment, ae Real Estate. signals, periect motor, Beaty hydro. parking" Vacant, Tele-| wo" furnished rooms, close to bus |PRIV ATE sale, new brick|'34 BUICK American roadmaster con.|lires. Private, Must sell, | Mo" snsa. "| tew & times Telephone 125°791 ved phone 725 725-2974. _|stop, no children. Apply Ben Roy, 444 bungalow, $12,600. Apply 507 Dean Ave- vertible, 59 engine, body excellent and|i0s CHEVROLET Belair, two door, --= Enron wat eer wines |B) 03 ELLE DOWN PAYMENT -- mincex ace "iar ease ry gmen tne ie Cl hl ction oe ts ae Foot ue, ca Se 20 Car treeicta sie aa beaver pera, bath, ane 4 Ly a Ng Japartments, ail rented, in ouilding two|or Frank ae ie a a 'Telephone Telephone Faa-sa07 -- i ee a " "as 726-1559 __|bath, close to bus. Suitable for two to! Paw ne comets Ven Biggs ve ae: 2 Fureoure: nai fully equipr-|; a BORG Cede WE clslanl, dace |e: Roa ey sib08, ~jarticles, 725-3169. a MODERN jarge apartment, four girls. 735-2318. © $ Lansdowne Drive. Only $24,900, with D Special] 50.98 with the purchase of special { zi SerORE buy Toom, tile 'bathe hall, |CENTRAL, el clean furnished room with| FULL PRICE NLY 12,905 terms. Will consider exchange, Tele- aang Tia ee West Toll Motor Seles, 190 Bing ere four-seater chesterfield, only) (furniture, ne RB pH spans 4 79.95. Barons' Home and refrigerator, TV to and refrigerator. Suit} iphone 723-1133. Carl Olsen sealtor, 19 mw | oe Fu ers, ~ Pr peng ely Marina} Telephone 7 723-9225. Athol Street West. Z Te IGES coder, sisigmlions VE 6 stand- | wg Street 'cam ipsa sas 19s not dawnare So see pa. nis, Sime Seg ogy ag - ee Sera Me patra vnrnarad onl nannies | BOOM in bachelor apartment, for gen- |OWNER will exchang 5 A ' Sales, 136 Ki * SMOOTHTOP Matiress -- $i hardware. thoi ors, THREE large unfurnished rooms, rine ogee Apply between 9 and 11.30 a.m MONTH uy PAYMENTS $99.00 brick ranch gerne with poet Wie aie i ieee hee hai iea. ($50.50 value) with the boa | bieyeles. "pest pay pon cupboard, . 1 i, oe Bond East, 3rd fl lapartment end large lot, near public pickup ong a tealles With ares Pad ad bedroom suite on tale from $119 Tire, 48 Bond Street children welcome. 773 h North-W h- . Beas Ph t, 728; "lags farnigied 00 z 5 "facil PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND TAXES | ea6 Meparatn sehecle eine Apply 100 Bloor Street East or Wee Peaches th: Sites "ceeet veut, CAR, Fa radio, in the transiter, irtment, seit | tee, suitave Fe , large two-storey home in South-East phone 725-833 Paes 1 and installation extra. Yapartmen tral, bus at door, close to North GM. Aree Me Goole Martin 196-9714 3o- ii VoiREBAEEN, Eel ee DRAPES, xe ey me red cS) grees, Dominion Tire, 4 Bond Street contained, spacious th ao near bus Telephone 728-6890. he Realtor 725-9870. 4 hi s 1 Osco ator f2)- ate nommene ws guaran or telephone 725-07 . en {LARGE furnished room," sultable for| 3-BEDROOM CLAY BRICK i Ty ale {) brick house, six ee eet sow Can tinance., 7281303, one ELAKACHOR ear "outlet. lg aging Mag yO wn payment. eos single person, close to downtown, ye Ld lg Resins, a Laban garage, Your AUSTIN Dealer if DMEVROLET, black, padioy claud Cost $229. Will sell tor $160. Telephone} * Telephone 725-4729. me Deere aioe -- \Ouhewa, 113 Bell Drive Whitby Be| We have a good assortment |ard transmission, enow tires. E atand | WH 2-27 MODERN one and two bedroom apa ments in new apartment building, stove, é Re "eeagap om of Telrigarator, washer and dryer supplied,| =e. Telephone _7 ss or B N | W tween 6.30 and of Used Cars. mechanically, body ae good. "Asking $360,|DOUBLE bookcase bed, spring and|good condition $59. ico ieee parking facilities, Telephone MO 8-349. FU ee aa room, fi for a conby. MASSON Street lovely five-room bun- Dial 725-7247 eta, ane ont sigat table, Lghtione Norge dryer re-conditioned $99.98. THREE LARGE unfurnished room| $'! bus i te-£805 galow with carport. Has all the extras, 725-0331 'Si PACKAND, good mechahically, phone mis, condition, $75, Tele-'s10 down and | $2.50 pee B. F, Good apartment, ground floor, private en. 'en. | Telep! {walk-out basement, $2442 down. 725-9478 geen inside, needs some body work, teri sntel td amstaec i lsea Storer et 7 - trance, heat and hydro suppli inicinsalaai or best offer, MO 8-2744 after 6 p. BEAUTIFUL Singer Zig-Zag in desk|OLD gu sania -- otgun weekly. Telephone 728--1719. | 27--Reet Estate For Sale ; LOADED WITH EXTRAS | ie OLDIMORILE a Hhke console, slightly used. 'This one|volvers and pistols peg pre Me MODERN two-bedroom apartment Yin FO LEX -- Hot water | BETTER owner, power brak eS is o oe er is, but 23, new, building. Ali conveniences. 1070 with oll, retrigerator oF And stoves. aul) Stodewss Periect condition. Tetephows pyr pirgerage pele Bape yew' . HP electric Gale outboard motes, vine Road. Telephone 7 9. |apartments rented. income. Very! Pirections: Proceed along King Street East one block SED CARS 725-7223 after 5 o'clock. Dealer, Apply Box 104 Oshawa Times, |#00d condition. Telephone 725-0007. aGMELOR Apartment, ture Full price BACHELOR apartment, furnished,|central, paved parking. | ™ jartew 1657 CHEVROLET haif-ton pick up, top/GAS stove, solneh, Bick, 1a peed 0ba-| VACUUM cieaker rovain, all maton, h bru 7,500. P. rty H j oe fitshen aeons saa fe. Hie. Ee ty clear x 10%, Osbawal past Grandview, turn right on Rockcliffe TIMES : condition, $750. Telephone 655-3284. 3 jparts, att rushes, g monthly. Apt. 1, Marina Apartments, Times GAS SELLING 'or buying, "Siew" ia worth DISCO Ms at isar's oo Puss (Resale "Vecoun Cleaat' Reve See 281 Simcoe South $12,000, BACRIFICE sale of this year) : Leving. AMY Bisby; INOGS: BUN OF MONG EE Fee' while Gon te caine ah vice, 740-0881 an} 9 pals aad EAN ccif-comained small furnished old, 'bedroom bungalow with paved| EXCLUSIVE AGENT 36 9 $% down to reliable people, 725-1667. |gloss, latex in white and 20 colors at|¥ice, 748-0501 anytime, netable for working|arive, central location. Call Doug Bul-| WANT ADS | \g0 VAUXHALL Super, radio, windshield (20,,Pe" cent off. No limit to quantity, | HADE UP to & better used car i tley, (Get free advice at Edgar's Paint and from one of the many bargains offered S, a Hyman Realtor, 7%- washers, two tone paint, 17,000 m: lied. y, child in same home| He Telephone 728-1227. King Street Ww |daily in the Oshawa Times Cla: avaliable, Telephone 726-0797. $500 DOWN six-room brick 'bungalow, | e : L eS | CENTRAL, second floor, two-room fur-/finished recreation rooms. ge Fee PREMIUM OIL '#1 FALCON fordor deluxe om ~ bat | | Section. hed artment, convenient, reason- landscaped hawa jou 2 whitewalls, washers, new licenc e- able for quiet person, 'Telephone 728- schools, Telephone 728-4060. aust | 4 age 11,800, Will finance. Dial on, Thi 34--Lost & Found fou. | = i isn VAUXHALL 21 000, org sali. | "| WwE pay high F/ LOST :Pair of young boy's black shoes, a sara =~ r| ' ei RK E 'lused furniture. Pretty's Used Furnl- inside bi 'Osha: FURNISH' D three-room upstairs PRIVATE SALE | i CLASS "A" MECHANIC ply 98 Bherwood Avenue, 0: ture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. | \Goilaren's "Arshas Gh romiee b sue. v apartment, central location, cupboards,| | 39 PRINCE ST 72 2 59 7 yoy day, M 0 tna Adulte ely. APDY oT Ritson Toad | J Cc S 8. 6 86 _|MOST ANYTHING| Stewa rt Motors detrnatior tacennen breton like new. ee rg Wag ph GOLDEN. Labjado: "Reliever femata Can finance. 723-7970, Cleve Fox, 412 Bimeoe North. answers to name of "Heidi", lost vieia- 922 KING W. i838 BUICK, custom radio, automatic, ENCYCLOPEDIA jAmerican for |ity Courtice area, Telephone 738-0019, A-l inside and out, $275, Apply 58 Nas = books and booke: nused Lost -- German Shepherd, male, 94 ROWE STREET sara maa as ac ware ENISHED two- Foon apartment. | | private bath, kitchen sink and cup-| boards. $55 monthly. Apply 71 Thomas} $ix-room brick house, moder! {At Thornton) sau Street 725-7922 after 4 st $325. Telephone 3214, black and silver, vicinity of ogi 2 Sireet OF 725-083. | kitchen, tiled bathroom PAUL RI OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. 165 PLYMOUTH Bavoy, automatic, me-|MALL chain. overhauied with ex.|4nd Rossland Road. Answers to Chult, FULLY modern one, two-bedroom! chestnut trim hardwood chanically A-1, fully equipped. Reason-|tr@ chain also a tandem float trailer| Reward, Telephone MO bet hd apartments, in new apartment bulld- floors, three-section cellar, | REALTOR able, Telephone Ajax, WH 2-3124. for hauling a tractor and loader, Tele-/LOST Rhodesian Ridgeback mi Gog, ing, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, tn | -- phone 725-2156. lamtae' teowa, 116 ibe ret oe paved parking. School and shopping oi! heat, lined goroge : 1 i 1960 VAUXHALL sedan, like new, 14,-|-- ich init ¢ Whitby bh elle c 7 ; j j 3 , f 000 miles, $300 cash and take over|2!" CORONET TV good working condi-| M 8 y o y - Oshawa. Reward, ee ar i spection 5 p.m 7:30 Fe TIL 8 p M 522 SIMCOE ST. N payments, MO 8-5276. tion. Space saver, green, like new, | 72-2103. THREE-ROOM apartment, seli-cointain-| or by appointment eli 1060 AUSTIN Healey 9000 deluxe, ex | Bh soos sia door, f tes walk D y fe aonuwe. canis gts ng serviee WN pes a ey 728-9474 MOTO RS cellent condition, one owner, "wire WEDDING Gress, size 12, lect condi- 35 oe Legal Low rent. Telephone 723-4221 $3 000 DO FUTURAMA BUNGALOWS built by Leon Wollis, Builder. Years | wheels, overdrive, tonneau, low mmile-|tion. Chest of silver plate flatware, new.|7 will not be responsible for any debts UARGE new two-bedroom apartment, | , bi of experience in the custom home building field ore reflected Residential LTD. jage. Telephone MO 6-2479 evenings, _| walnut bookcase bed, man's three-speed 'contracted in my name by anyone om a " 1 , . t= 5 ' 'i Manowar, gare cuoagse' gent Balance Reasonable -- | jn ave homes, Check, blow for ut few f the extras in Fam BOWMANVILLE i MUPEacs> Bam, sl, | como, eawar oem 'wetencnsen" = ae 7 ri a ae 0! ne % * * 3 _ ae colored bath $100 Terms | ¢luded in these quality low priced homes with N.H.A. financing fl i L nin, hig dresser, chesterfield and chair Tele-|Gomersall, 105 Mary Street. - - a Commercial == phone 725-5113. ti iment, down tne " - Be SACRIFICING '58 V and '52 BRIGHT aitractive 'arin bath,/ DIAL 725-5519 Clay brick 15. Colored bath fixtures, nuustriel MA 3 3396 Chevrolet GAS stove, four-burner, oven anf 35---Legal pick-up, good motors, refrigerator, stove, reasonable rent to] ceramic tile bathrooms ltires, no rust, Trade accepted, Can be| Warming closet, good condition, $39. |~ good tenant. Telephone Michael Clay good ae, 8 tos pa, If you can't swing © New [tseseed. Teepe Meee maepnnse TE | NOTICE TO CREDITORS } mA esi Stylish vanity with ; eae NERS car this Spring don't feel | |; FORD, two-door, in good conditio Fos SALE: German Shepherd puppies, MODERN one- "bedroom | | range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, outlet. 1041 Ravine Road 728-1310 or GUIDE R ALT 728-3034 | | Forced oir oil furndce . Laundry tubs 12 #t, mirror good tires, radio, il, re bred, reasonable; glass lined hot Copper plumbing " $ 10,990 hone MO GSU 741, AND OTHERS IN THE THREE-ROOM self "contained, ground| LIMITED ? : blue! Pick one of our like lees Telephone MO 6-5497. |water tank (Inglis), MO 8-3032, lahogany wood trim with FULL PRICE new, used cars |'@ CHEVROLET @-cylinder, fourdoor|SPEEDKING hair dryer and ;| ESTATE of PAUL CLARK Divided bosements satin finish throughout |sedan, automatic transmission, white bef 4 por 4 Rote vd ae aed DECEASED - 6 RA wi ag t hand), irons ie oor apartment, newly decorated. | Heat ducts in basement } Exhaust fon in kitchen $550 with eo hi ~ One mort- 1961 aris ST TO |Seohe "strect 'Base goog 4 yous No, 3 wood, #25, Dial MO ALL havi loi heavy wiring, washing facilities, rent! ar p P ; 3 ; gage with monthly payments | time weekend ENGHT Gumwood show cases, glass persons ving claims i ag og Na me 4 Park Road RET 5 Fruit cellar . Built-in china cabinet of 7.00 carries interest, laeere CHEVROLE motor 1 |fronts,, wired | for, Mehts, am te against the estate of the said | : Ecchi - Heo tove ¢ ub| ainl t ptincipal and taxes -- 'For a PO LAUR. [cently reconditioned, new carburetor,| bac ust be sold, store discontinuing; PAUL CLARK, late of th FOUR-ROOM duplex, ground floor, col- Ny ve Rene Double stainless steel , 1961 NTIAC UR> eters vias, Sat Grierson, 725-0029, _ |Dusiness, Telephone 723-7683. Viste en yh City of Oshawa, in the , sinks 3-bedroom bungalow in ex- onsite ve -- ered bole Sem. ate, "teamcasbie| ASKING $6,400. -- oe cellent location In Whitby, sae le a ET As HF Monarch ORENEEE, O25", MVbacinia| County of Ontorlo, Retired n t+} if r conve! 0 a Fast Kila sonar rbd Hardwood floors gid orcad tad id Take advantage of this offer 1960 VAUXHALL itlon, matter + 5 Jo st. é Merchant, deceased, who fort' two-bedr ' " ns Lorge broom ond storoge Only a limited number left " y aes DUPLICATORS, hand and electric,| 'died on or about the 20th $45 MONTHLY -- three - room apart- low in good condition. Low closet In kitchen Choice of colors SEDAN vine on DUPLICATORS, hand nd slectne,| died oe ae wiettatnnoom. Dulltin cupboards, Bear I and kitchen floor UYING OR SELLING SEE fice Equip., 137. Brock St. 8, MO ; ° the Paaeeenl' Vimmediste " eceupeney. tana, gee aah ta one Sie gle 14, Walk-in closets T I ho 1960 PONTIAC LAUR- oe eee ts ARP at Rs are required to file with the Immediate occupasey.! extra lot 45' x 160' facing Banc J eR o close © view model house TED CAMPIN undersigned solicitors for the ; the town line : b ¥ nee! peanee 25. fron. roiling Call ENTIAN T WO- 5 to executrix, full particulars in OM i apartment, mt, equipped | ay w' We . R HARDTOP : rg execu ; | be | % rket, 9 of such claims, on or yg td GRIERSON STREET Custom crofted netural Sidewalks OLIVE HOWE MOTORS Hampton, CO 3-2241. endear before the 31st day of March, | | | North, Telephi on Simcoe No wiephene! Eourcbedroom brick' home, siainad atwoely oun Crushed stone' déive REAL ESTATE 1960 PONTIAC PARIS- | 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | WEE buy, sell and exchange used furnt A.D. 1962, after which dete | rent, Available immediately Telephone Kilmour Avenue Townline ~- So DON OWA WN = Vinyl tile in bathroom Nn 7 128-6343, --raralihed; pat| barge family kitchen 12 x ee i IENNE TWO. ; ni appliances, for top cash offer). the executrix wil proceed to FOF ah sal ccintes beet and 'hyd. tae Full size dining room. boards » Sodded front vard 130 BROCK ST. N., ekg hh 9 a ty mom aig grees ioral Furniture,| distribute the said estate, Apply 730 Simeoe Street Routh 23-2318.) Large entrance hall. A per- Gloss divider in bathroom 29; Deep lots WHITBY---MO 8-5853 AA Ret, 725-5978 Ne a ace | 1960 CHEVROLET NORTH Oshawa, two bedrooms =r fect home for a large family Thistle baby Ri waae sae ave, claims of which she shall refri, tor, sto' fre her and : dryer, paved parking. ra8:3977 | 136 COLBORNE ST. E ' i' PAUL RISTOW TRUCK, % TON D C Q 4, N. on Annepolis St. ern apartment building, four.piece bath,| $14,300 FULL PRICE VOLVO exciting colors and patveras, Free, u atl pela notice. ress. ure, urch| A at Oshowo, this 7th ie -- to + Street, | § <SAWGMENGS, Ghoreing 'Cone ond $500. down. Lorge two-storey | To see these homes turn left off Park Rd. N f 1959 B | THE FAMOUS P.V.544 | : doy of Morch, A.D. 1962. Ossie Martin, 728-9714.| 7-room brick an excellent | to St, Christopher's School and tur North on Rosmere Street UICK,. FOUR- | CREIGHTON, FRASER. -_138-8670,__]twosfamily home, nearly new | REALTOR DOOR SEDAN sue bk Hey OLD GUNS WANTED | DRYNAN & MURDOCH, NE . bedroom apartment, very cen- forced air furnece AA i ! a 5 Simcoe Street North, 2a aig omens |. Teel gorge | JOSEPH BOSCO WHITBY 1959 PONTIACSTRATO | Joke & Bill's Garage | Yomed ns! vcctor, nies | OSHAWA, Onono," ASKING $14,900 % REALTOR 31 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA. |_ Nearly new _ three-bedroom CHIEF FINA SERVICE Top prices for other old rifles, Solicitors herein for the | 26--Rooms for Rent : a bungalow, large kitchen, nd : executrix ne For this newer 6 room | Va- brociicom in fving oom, | 1958 PONTIAC. LAUR. ppiclbor te _Helen, CLARK. Gireat 2 apacious RIO | Oey home with large gore |------------ ences --------_| recently decorated. Owner ENTIAN SEDAN | cpoTCASH _--|--_PHONE 728-5574 | transferred, Inspect and moke your offer 1958 VAUXHALL PAID FOR GOOD RECONDITIONED Se C ; pe] tip' vii, | Te cca cee neaee| Cotas ad Fg Micigatia SPORTSMEN SEDAN | Good clean' car. Trade up | REFRIGERATORS RANGES out amp Parking. Apply % Centre Street. | | AND WASHERS 3 with broadioom and natural People Say "List With Lloyd 55 s, woods and creek, 19 or down, Liens pald off 09 PER WEEK. Breakiast included. fireplace, 4-pc. tiled bath up P Then Call Your PY ce ' sh ie lek ponds, close to 58 gad 88 DODD MOTOR SALES All parte: end -Garvice xX i ited In Clean hotel rooms, single or double. Nightly rates also available. Telephone and 2-pe. down. 3 good sized aC he eae lek D MOTOR SAI AJAX 725-0078. cael bedrooms. Call todey for . rom Oshawa. Hunter' ra- | | PRIVATE 24 Cpe oppointment to inspect NOT JUST LISTED die. Listed ot $5,500 Pyith 1956 on ek SEDAN |-- THE renin OF cones a aes Greenwood j | AJAX ---- WH 2-6410 or_single persons. Teleptone 725-0161. For full porticulars coll but over a , COMFORTABLE furnished room, for 723-1121 | HIGHWAY FARM Many other older models | GOOD USED CARS sere: By MAY E. BROWN gentleman. Ample parking Apply 70 GREENWOOD -- The First urke Street, Telephon | ian' Sal onc: to select from, Ett HR gem wren | QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS -- fisvicrcttunttinwe | Ngrgcietigieees | BILL WHITTICK | "fuRNiTURE [ita's Stes teh | ny room, room, kitchen, closet space and cup- age and poved drive, only @ eS W H y boards. for one oF two. 960. stone's throw from Dr. Phil- RACTIVELY Pee Ney ee bedroom brick b low, i ; | arr : MS ' ge Miia rng j barns painted a gg Responsible Parties MOTORS LTD. In @ new location. 16% jstore window recently. FURNISHED ROOMS a HaaeWAk Lined Conan, of Real Estate was condition. Listed for quick 146 BROCK N. Bond Street West. Top price Unit I of the UCW met at the Availoble in private home, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock SO 1 D ROBSON | WHITBY MO 8-474] oe - ie -- selevie- home of Mrs. M. Minaker ree Coll between 5 on p.m. oble terms | ons, furniture and applian- y. YOUR GUIDE TO : 0. ces. We buy, sell and ex- The second meeting of the 82 PARK i iat BETTER LIVING CALL ~ MOTORS LTD. \3 i tc 08 nge. Telephone 728- |Women's Institute course -- 148 72B- : oi 0474 o : : |Pounds of Meat -- was held in through ---- vAT4 © BOWMANVILLE ma ne ~~ the Kinsale Church basement. 5 gs. |'s3 10 787 Chevrolet or Pontiac, cat NEW SPRING The leaders, Mrs. Wm. Young § i e St. N., Oshawe MA 3-3396 or wagon, Telephone 723- oot che " d Mrs. C. McT: rt, 'i HITBY CLASSIE IED sensi REALTY (Oshawa) LTD. Members of Oshawa and [ee- DRAPERY demonstration and dscusson on District Re Boa a " ithe cookin cuts | : Seti Srow'aoes_HPRoaT ewe orBale | § ALL CASH $ | Seremtamctat! meat tO er | For clean cars we deal up or Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined The summary day {1s to be | | | sole at $18,500. with reason FOR RENT -- Large house, good con-| COMFORTABLE modern three-room dition. Spacious grounds and central./ apartment, stove, refrigerator, parking.) April i _MO 8 8-3715 |laundry, Located on pleasant landscap | ed grounds, Available for rent immed- hs 2 FOR SALE: : Beds and springs, $5 com-|jately. 305 St. John St. West. MO 8-4728. | plete, in good condition. Salvation Army) = oa -----y iting «| + West, -- Large bed-sit ing 3 rooms, Thrift Store, 301 Dundas Street West kitchenette 'optional, three blocks from| | | down. Liete paid off, and unlined, up to 4 widths i at Port Perry on March NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. | 54195 inch lenathe. $17:99 "Ross Tindall of Carbe §12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY |Manitoba, with his brother, M 360 KING ST. W. i MO 8-8001 Kitchen Dropery Fabric, at+ (vin of Oshawa, called on Green: Sold 112 Buckingham Ave. $$$$$$$ | <--isoionenensnieenieriigerspeeeeieseinnneineniants a ee - polished | wood friends recently. a At the-Farm Forum meeting from January 15th to February 15th Whitby, four corners, bus at door, For infor | DEMOLITION nose. "iio {Coorne mation telephone MO €-3151. e rath $ | Street West material for sale. FOR RENT: Three room apartment,| : jouse in Raglan , . $$$$$$3 | Apply on job. mB? . ground floor, | very central, available Sc 109 Gibbons Street ' $$$$3$S 723-2265 50 CARS WANTED | Dan River-Dress Cottons, vars jat the church recently. H. R. FIVE room house for rent, newly dec. si ol 212 College Avenue .. getzate i Buying a New Car? | jous colors, paterns, 98¢ yd. (Hare of Whitby showed pi trated, nice for elderly couple, no chil-|STUDENTS A super value, approx! | 540 Phillip Murray | Sell your used Car to "Ted" F a dren or animals. Call in evenings on/ mately 630. sheets of letter size typing 137 i 5 sh . Talk Cash" to the New jtures of the Middle East. weekends, mornifigs on Monday and paper 'news print) for only $1.00. Ap! Harmony Road North Cor Dealer ond "SAVE! M & Cc DRY GOODS | He outlined his work as a UN if iC or on agricultural prob- Tuesday. 73 Green Street. ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby | Poplar Street 4 ¢ > sd cae | 2, Dendas Street Wes ld 797 Eastbourne Avenue 5855 BUILDING SITES | TED CAMPIN MOTORS |74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 lieme to the Inee sereremen' FOR SALE: Quantity of Dated straw 'SEPTIC tanks Walter Ward, 77 Telephone Pickering, WH 25437. Ba" Chestaat 8 Mant temas i egg pal aoe Se. Proposed 5 - 16 and 23 lots 723-4494 -- Res, 725-5574 ROOM AND BOARD. six-day week, MO & ae on > . $ j : - ead remem afentiemen, preferred. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rest tae By ag -- vs $$$ Close to Public, Separate ond High School, shopping ond |31--Automobile Repairs | MERRY MENAGERIE Binses terms, service. Hamilton Office +4 treet + . ? it | ; ¢ i Whitby. Telephone MO 6-4508 "197 Brock South, 'Mo 8-8442| ° 213 Highland Avenue $$$$$ transportation. All services evoilabie. Terme N.H.A. end | HOUSTON'S GARAGE FOR RENT -- Cory furnished room, FeesemaKING sults, co 5) Sth Kdstatly Sk Bee 4 wiiae! eens } - elean and comfortable, housekeeping bmi Loge een coats, drentes, » Tle Fabien St. East : $$33$3$$ is ¢ and SERVICE STATION Distributed by King Features Syndicate, vers. G er ui sees . privileges if desired. Private home. iin, our specialty. Mrs. Toms. MO 5 House in. Newtonuill BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM tings, | Jewtonville For further information call Dom Stradeski at Schofield-Aker P ' 2 | PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. Telephone MO 8-5765. TWO 0 ith two bed- A 131 La Salle Av ge greg cr celleaggee ood 2. "Loren Wien Road N, Ltd., 723-2255; residence 728-8423 MOTOR TUNE-UP AND $75 5 : service for small businesses, weekly,) 4 vi tees > ' Street Fast, Whitby iy Dundes monthly or as desired. Statements pre- c 586 Cortier Avenue GENERAL REPAIRS WARNING Mi. t_ pared: Income tans returns. MO 6-8252.| Sold 572 Mary Street ; $$$$5 ----~| 67 KING ST. WEST FOR RYNT -- Three-bedroom house, |-- | 407 Rossland Rd, Eas living-dining room, walk in basement, cop RENT =< Chain Sows, | 07 Rossland R 'ast $$3$$35 | 723-7822 : SPEED CHECKED ag I lL rt Rg ts a SCHOFIELD- AKER LIMITED '(, | BY RADAR NEXT THREE-ROOM self-contain partment FOR SALE -- Used Boats, : ) House to be built, Somervil bSSSSS ! KEMP MOTORS : FIVE MILES working couple or elderly couple, no! ren, Available 1 n Motor: roller ¢ 215 Nassau Street $ ; ; See le old 129 Wilson Rood North' |. § 360 KING ST..W. 723-2265 | _AUTOMATIC bus lines. MO 8-2932. Tents. MOTEL suites $7.50 if shared, | Sol Lot 3 Montcalm Avenue $$$$$$5 H TRANSMISSION ant on premises Pov Pare chal WILDE RENTAL | GEARED FOR ACTION oe | SERVICE AND SALES |. TOTAL VALUE OVER Every phase of our activity in the field of Real Estate is de- | SPECIALISTS ce aEiE, Gee bedtoem apariaiol signed. to produce the greatest possible results in the shortest WwW Fe a, bath, $62 monthly, adults, MO) ears Des ST. E., } if possible time. In other words, we ore geared for action. The HITBY MO _8-4932 8.2796 evenit t ITBY f you plan to see oF buy past two months have been extremely active. We do have a |32--Articles for Sale FOR RENT -- 860 monthly three and MO 8- -3226 Look to Oshawa's number of good prospective buyers . |MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, four room apartments, balcony, resi: : Sorel ei etcntag aloes 6 och ee auhl Gace coo. ey Busiest Real Estate Firm A phone call will bring an expert evaluator to your door; who is showoase pop cooler, ooltee grinder, taolltien eyerousd. Apply "300, High + thor hiy. awore of the pr a , ; jgrill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, saren's playeround. Apply 3%" High) YOUR WESTINGHOUSE oug wore of the present market value of your property. [Think shaker, large. safe, 'ile sue Seve Ape th ___ LAUNDROMAT | LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LTD. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD mara he oy a WHITBY MO 8-5942 hi [moots at Parkway Television, $18 Sim [Pps vg ator go trretll 101 SIMCOE NORTH, TELEPHONE 728-5123 Daytime: 723-2265 Tawene fay ---- | plus the gentle thorough tum E SHARP STUDIO ble action of. our laundro FOR THIS SERVICE CALI ae After 5 o'clock Tatton gray. ot. 16; Pegg ag i mots. Guaranteed the perfect Benes j : = ters 725-1726 Don Strodeski 728-8423 | Phone _ 723-2520 Walt Dieer es PHOTOGRAPHY -- rep aveen if 7 : : ary Stinson 725-0243 | 728-5513 . |ORIB mattresses only $2.88 ($12.95 value World Ri Rights Reserved 3-10 > NARD A AMA AR i Les Hal 101 DUNDAS ST. W.) | 310 ouNDAs st. west re ee Reg Aker 725-020 Seni, alagiia cavenea Shes caah take SUITE 203 | OPEN EVERY EVEN ING ss 7 ler oct Tea' week. cay! Barone "Let's give this radar the acid test!" WHITBY @. 424 Simcoe Street South.

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