Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1962, p. 12

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12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seteréey, Merch 10, 1963 [=] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== . |11--Articles for Rent 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent PART-TIME sales girl required for @u-\ MARRIED man with car for sales and|ROOM and board for two gentlemen.|412 SIMCOE North, five-room modern , Dishes, cutlery, glosses, stem- | tomotive store. a See onan fervices in the districts of Ajax, Whit-|Double room, single beds, lunches|apartment, .stove, refrigerator, laundry nf £ i, |a@ge and experience, if any, to by, wa and manville, Oppor-|packed. Near South General Motors. i DIRECTORY || sits: Seti eee ome eee ome een ae service sets, silver can * | GIRL required for general office work|Party. te "4 wa FOR GENTLEMEN automatic percolator, punch |in Automotive Store. Please write stat-|giving age and former pague pean adie 'is share, hens teamaas cae ee ae bowls, voporizers etc, |ine age and experience if any to PO), MUsT baye help evenings, $8 per.,\very central, at 296 King Street East.) on tacilities. Separste entanes, Very Box_98, Oshawa. 23-30, write giving address and|near Ritson Road, central, 728-9632. 725-3338 |necrance Pe S io for phone No, to Box 50, Oshawa Times.|Fon THE BI BEST value in living' accon value ia ving accom #0 BALDWIN Sircal, Gry basemen . * . + ts at the lowe oe, ll ga Bapement, Accountants Fuel and Wood Optometrists ------esa--pum| CLASSIFIED AD RATES || SARGEANT'S RENTALS [marenusars experienced. Apply be|2eee, apramice, gon bencia, apply oP P.O, Want & chanee? Phone aben"ig 2. Get a . * a J ¥ mon! MonTErT, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and|FIREWOOD. ary. good, ror stove, tur Sos aceecae PA i sor conga 25 words or les w d [tween 1 and 6 p.m, South End Restaur-/J°hn's Garage, adh Celina street. ROOM and board for cae guatloman \pm, Toneae. Chartered Accountants, 728-7527,|nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele | Pi) Menormls ht funn Invalids exam- Cash Charge |/12----~Articles Wante jant, 5 Bloor Street East. FIBERGLASS laminutor wanted, Must|jarge furnished room, laundty, 10 tmir- {35 simeoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax|ohone CO. 32275 ined at home. [val 725-4587 6 CONSECUTIVE WANTED -- Used piano tn good son.| PART < Ume help wanted. Apply Eives bo exverianend, Pormasend vosition Set/utes trom south GM, bus service, Tele-| TeaTam, twee; Mem. sabersiaed hike Bie Rha athena FACTORY hardwood evitings. Suitable ly. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom: 4s INSERTIONS © «3.78 4. dition, 'Telephone 725-6188 after six|Restaurani, 922 Ritson Road South. /right_man. Telephone MO $4511. |phone 723-310. viring, sink, cupboards, $55 monthly, patti cwatal Se Poe iol psoralen fenses, 196 Glmeoe 'North ae Colborne, | INSERTIONS 2.28 248 |)/P-m. |RELIABLE jroman a Foweraeper for rinse i Mautby. #0 Jeroen' Tas: 22--Store Space & Garage: trly ait du . *. Ricken tecceees - | ' . j a testes i LY, unfu 184 Bond Street West, 725-0597. Res., PLANNING A SPRING MOVE? Use| ©¥enings by appointment, 723-4191, if not paid within 7 days the 1206, oume, Seis ater' e' >. acpainen. duties, Suitable for older person, Apply|Phine M a LARGE store for rent, very centta | partment, heated, main floor. Privste odin Classified to sell heavy appliances you . . Charge rate will apply. ees ccc oon ;|Box_716 Oshawa Times, Whitby, Ont./FLOOR man for Friday nights to act Immediate possession, in good loca} 2th and entrance. Close to bus. WILSON and BURROWS Chartered don't want to take. Dial 723-3492 now to| Painting and Decorating Above rates apply only to original ||WANTED TO BUY -- old coins, Camas) lig supervisory, capacity. Apply tition, Write Box 49, Oshawa Times, | vision outlet, 725-8982, Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh-|place a quick result-getting 94. PAINTING, Paperhanging, carpentry.|| orders for consecutive insertions, og g Pad AE gaa able g "toca ours later than 7.30 p.m. "i Jubilee Pavilion a et awa, Ronald F. er Bly oo CA; G. SHOP FROM your phone by scannng|Low winter Goulding, pepe slat hip hig oie iginel Penna. | (gare. Appoly Crystal Grill, 29 King browne = for to local pr printing f Ee.| Beens Peeees CA, Tee EET Oshawa Times Want Ada. You'll) Church Street, 'nam. peed are cone ' -- niet Street_Eas' a cive comieriable heme peo ing cecarianos 7 abet. Apety| YALE FRIEDLANDER BUNT tind hind Ae! you need, AL. CONROY, professional painting, | : URGENT, will give co able d., 87 Si South, id Co. Accountants and Auditirs. hanging, wood finishing, 1962 Professional and Business listings 1 mall remuneration to woman to|General Printers Ltd., mecoe South, Liosumed a ie maerreen, SS Sais Quolity valp pay Telephone 728-0086. || $7.50 per month yt 3 i Baa WANTED Itake 'care of two pre-school pita Att, Mr, D. A. 'tateraice| CA" F, Friedander, Comm. CPA.| "OX stove Qi." |EXFERE panting by Don. Work guar | F0cn, eddtioal ine $10 PH | Sage IRON poULTRY [nit BLE Soe "Sealed TGR rs atime nwa | S-. WOPNINY and_ Company. Cer MO 8.8441 DODD & SOUTER fr haere, Serveten | AND EATER TICKS | [Rca heme Saas is frian. per eh omit OFFICE IS - ; : . | in e et Tan Gieoe, ostne. 725- 3509" For your convenience stove DODD & SOUTER 1 p Mag Phagn'e! alg bie wee saa re re t) +g pions Wires uetuaen tvs aol ie Times. R. B. PROSSER CPA Certified Public) oi! may be purchased at our PAINTING AND DECORATING || All - Classified Advertisemente a R WEEKLY for wearing lovely|¥OUNG man for mailing division, me-| Aiéoeatant." 906 Centre Street North.) service station, Hwy. No. : CONTRACTORS. |] must be in by 5 p.m, the day a 1. TURNE |dresses given you as bonus. sua shew chanlesl ability. preferred. Grade 11) AVAILABLE Whitby. MO 48-5447. | Oshawe an f blication except Births, Hs |North American Fashion Frocks t ojeduca' in p ; Whitby, Open Daily, includ- Gye Tl Wer ts. | in. Memoriams, Cards of Thanks 723-2043--723-3374 | friends, No sanvassitg, der eon bo ex-|General Printers Ltd. 57 Simcoe South, Ro <i ten| (2 Sun. 7 ¢.m. == Midnight. r S ray Painting. g | Beadiine for Cost ond "Found "ond SHAW \pesense Frocks, Li. sas Toduata time -- llfetime security. Experience: é- ; , , |] Cancellations 8:30 a.m, ice Blvd. Dept, J- 'ontre: Sunday School; ministry helpful. Earn ; . : Betate NS gene and Broker, Whitby, FREE 107 ph fell Pe Pilla i] Hours Doily 6-5, Saturday 8+ 12, AUTO WRECKING CO. SeeRC NR: ibe wonky fen up. a Wert Madl| Newly Built soe Elevator Service eee Bright i m | d 1 es di- ° | Furnace cleaned every yeor. NIGHTS 725-7426 [ RESULATIONS =, it not bef] Wonts cors for wrecking, | ASSISTANT FOR son Street,Chieago 2 "nL. : Freshly Painted Tiled Floors | ow " A-hr, The Oshawa Times will no 0 | {so scrap iron Py eee cee . ' Auto Parts ue | "Round the Clock" 2 " 1] responsible for errors in advertises || Parts for sale, also scrap | DENTAL OFFICE WANTED young man, strong, "inteir| : : KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Gua burner service Personal Service j] ments submitted otherwise thon in || ond metals, etc., bought : du ith gent to learn trade. Must be meaet | Available in Few Days ray Moderate Rent teed parts and Automatic delivery, DRESSMAKING, alterations, piain|| Writing, not for more thon one Open Saturday al! day. Phone | Answer in own han riting to work hard. Bd 62 Celina Street : : ee mene West, DOAeWe| is "White Rose' Unified. leewtag anak ar ahiaven's Gear, Rea-|| incorrect insertion of any odver- ae | stating age, education, mari- | Lease Available Third Floor... Ask 728-1607-6-0, Five bays to serve you. Fuel Oil sonable rales, Telpehone 723-9563 any-|| tisement, nor beyond the price |! 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. | {ai status, experience, if any, W N ED oe ee | WESTERN OIL CO time. | chorged for a single bese tiers of | ond solory expected. Write | to - L Wilson | ----~~----|1 the advertisement in which error d r i 1 Borri -- Barrister, | 725-1212 oon Sal Visite Patlenie at their) occurs. And olso reserve me right 13--Business Opportunities BOX 102, AUTO BODY GREER and » Barrister, to classify advertising according to TORE offi street level | } tor, ete., ii4 King Street East, mei ; and Oshawa, MA 3-2733. ie ourt clesafeation lee ies hn space, st pareing.|___ OSHAWA 1 TIMES Pod REPAIR MAN 723-2278. Residence phones: J. | nstruction REPAIRS to all makes of sewing me-|| y, the case of display advertise. |j Western Tire Building, 145 King West, Greer, PA, Sc. 'gana Terence '| HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baion,\chines, Free estimates in advance. | ments The Times will not be held ||728-1607 days, 725-4555 evenings. FOR OSHAWA YWCA Must be fully experienced THE TIMES BUILDING Paes asa sacoad mortgages. Taie| ae kine a ee tags Ee it Al node Machine" Co. rhe a ed fn chet than \veny 'Central, six-chair beauty " galon,| and willing to work now, 4 ge Street | fn "il thet in whic the actual error |! doin excellent business, with three- Sepsomseate, Sereeies Sat OM. Se LILIAN MAN MAREN Daas es ba Mw lal il occupies. 'The publishers endeovour [eons & Fment. Immediate possession. | PROGRAMME Apply S$. Marian MARY & KING STREETS Se ee ee 21 ng palit Tap. Pre-School acro:|SEWING machines sales ad service|! to reproduce 'all advertising. matter |Telephone Guide Realty Limited, 723 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Street East. 723-7232. batic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic/to all makes, Parts and labor guaran-| correctly, but assume no liability }} 1121. SL OSHAWA HUMPHREYS, a TCaYN and WEE Femi, Centre Street, 723-7253. teed. 329 Stmeoe South. 728-9741. __|| of advertisement, if any inaccuracies lWweLt equipped grocery store, in good DIRECTOR MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, ne ee | RIVATE teacher, student counsellor, | SEWING machine rentals, by the In any form are contained therein, |ne.ghborhood with living quarters, for| YOUNG MAN | | pice Gey G8 Baschvn, A ac; |lo years experience, by interview Ses, ae Sa PO eg Sy io ghd (AUGUST) |24--Houses for Rent | 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent W. A. Hillman, LLB Telephones:|Act now. 725-1054. chine Co, 106 Ontario Street 725. t a ie 'Realty Ltd. 16 Simeo : $60, SIX ROOM house, 95 Nassau, Pau Wat, Mo dee. bs Re wre dicing aecemar®, BoA | OM CE eee S| University graduation requir si argc vant. Rtin"arer ats rt [nha Mee Roeser reel other 'mortgage funds avall- |Payne, Bowmanville. MA 3.2697 (aware machine repairs to any make,| 1 V = Radio Repairs | ed and some experience " MANAGER-TRAINEE ioato. Simcoe South. Call 7388136. pie |Estimates, Work guaranteed. Elna Sew-|-- anwar} SEWERS REQUIRED -- Work Group Work. Good Persona FIVE-ROOM, three - bedroom duplex,| 7 -ROOM furnish sicily ~ ' ling Machines, 728-2391 | TELEVISION, range, washer and dryer j licies. Apply. to: Executive Excellent one t me unfurnished, oil heated, downtown fe ge OM furnished apartment, gui oe nh Hg BD Insurance _ SEWING machine service to all makes, |pepairs. Call Superior Appliance, 180) at home doing simple sewing Direc or, YWCA., 199 Centre i atl Roa ee adel SY |area, garage. Teens Te. ay. 193. Albert' street eee ae Sura 360 ing Street East. 728-6246./ALLSTATE Aulo Insurance. Save p| fee nae ah vice duaranteed, |S4mc0e South, Dial 728-4873. We supply materials and pay | i Onowe, " advancement -- company MODERN six-room house, all eouven: Mortgage loans available. to 20 per cent, six months to ot /new and used machines bought and| } i ~ hide AERO -----| with world-wide affiliations. {tences, hot water heating by oll, close UPSTAIRS front room, turnished or us- THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli-| Personal service at your ho call| sold. Full warranty and lessons in- g V TOWERS shipping both ways. Gueron Full employee benefits, i _ Apply 562 Drew Street, Parking. citor, and Notary Public, 264 King|72°-743._ ded. 728. td eat te teed high rates of pay. Piece | YOUNG LADY | RY three-room basement ap apart. a om "tae Albert treet, tele 728-1763. spt Mi Fi | pow Phy eated, water and hydro, priva' RAND TV COL Save $20.00 on Auto License | MODERN GRILL 361 Party ned work. Apply Dept. D48, | Apply entrance, tile floors, television outlet.|FOUR- OR SIX-ROOM flat, equipped icues a mesOONAEB BE S| p.°"" "tragitrry INSURANCE | 8 fee, Torre In Getaie "| Receptionist - Typist | LOMBANK FINANCE [intr tnsedity oe E ten ue nda Barrister and Solicitor and ore Pub-| aslo Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey fice, Toronto 1, Ontario Pp os ILY bungalow diva doom, |PuoMe 725-5236 lic.. The Commercial Building, 286 King) Premiums as low as . 1 Chee Terms -- Open Evenings BPE ad FOE ie eR Bade. ; . (Eastern) Limited $80 MONTHLY bungalow, five room i West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking} $24.00 per year. | Dinners, Fish in Chips, Home OSHAWA T:V Ability to meet the public. and bath, oil heated, vicinity of High- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living eranexe: GEC DRYNAN cea) SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED | Made Pies ond Desserts, ' "GOOD SUMMER | Neat In appearance. Full Brsck Building bho Ba Apply to owner at 238 Kaiser room, dining ioees, -- bs. Ws . q | , ' ploy _-- ' $$$ SCRA, scrinatae aalaines. We @| See... . Oshawa's Largest WE DELIVER Free Survey ond Estimotes '7 gs atnaderalel I adams) | FIVE-ROOM three-bedroom house, new-|TelePhone 725-2001, © tary Public, Bank of Commerce dy. Insurance Office 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH | BUSINESS | | 101 Dundas St. W., jly decorated, oil heated. Three-room|THREE rooms, bath, dryer, TV out § simeoe Street North, 733-3446. TK) 360 King St. W. 723-2265 725-3887 | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT | LOMBANK FINANCE | ' |one-bedroom apartment, private en-|let, garage, centrally located, $76 Creighton, QC; B, C. Fraser, wait -3 --DAY OR NIGHT! "For Sale, Trampoline Cen (E t ) Li t d Whitby | trance. Apply 592 Drew Street. monthly, available April 1, Call 733, oT pe de MA | Investigators __|Plumbing and Heating T.V. and RADIO tres in this City ond through- astern) Limite | $12 |FEREE-ROOM house with back Kishen $081. 7 : 3 ouple only, m m: B SaaTEDOT Barristers, | -------- Bert ae out Ontario, completely set | i | 12,500.IN A YEAR Street South, side entrance. Apply 14 Nectar "casate® tends vanbie fo] ACME Inew ad used' materints, Ressonet| §$CALL 728-5286 | 12 2nd seody to go in high See la RIGHT MAN Wiiing -Avense "afters: ""¥ | ADELAIDE TERRACE Tae "Chars Be eeainboa ac, INVESTIGATION BUREAU [ics Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J, traffic Shopping Centre lo- | 101 Dundas St, W., ty Mebitest ene ; NEWLY decorated modern three bed- Modem 2-bedroom luxury Eager fF. Bastedo, OC. : oley | All Work Guaranteed cations. Con be sold indivi- Wiking that moaislead you Into room bungalow, ofl heated, 980 month-| suite. All conveniences ond Eager F. Bastede, QC salinities BRANCH OFFICE ae ge gre rg | ily hata! _Whitby thinking that making $15,000 in lly. Apply 836 Simcoe Street North. | throuphou RICHARD 4. | m4 [ALL PLU nd heating supplies OSHAWA dually or as a chai MEANT comoueamamad (to Is as easy as falling off |------ broadloom throughout, ond Solicitor, Notary Public, 82% Simeoe) Domestic General Investiga-~ |Pnone 725-3521, Harold H manuel a log... but we do pay our men |TWO bedroom one and a half-storey} porking. All ot stondord North, 728-2991, Res. 7: y | tion Security Services. World ing. "288 simess Street South engineer- _ ELECTRONICS BOX NO. 940 DENTAL from $8,000 to $15,000 in o veer hiya Beiseng Me puis cit gees oportments t without hid- ? 72 ---------| wide, 2 A Silerarg (een nahasnniutietaiainitiitie Ww € | and we want the same kind of « pe 4 £7. SAL a rrister, Sotiat- 100 King Street Eost 728-7941 | ______OSHAWA_ TIMES 1 mon in the Getta eres, ne aso ba oe C3 5. den extras. Ottce 73-1101, Residence 725-542 24-hour Service ALL WELL... | TV. TOWERS ASSISTANT -- ° | ver a5 \"wittng torectenr "2° |ftover TV serial tite' sn tena] +329 ADELAIDE W, BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solicl-| ik yeu inutat FOR LEASE | sponsibility .", . able to make |shower, in oatutonae residential area. APT, 2 -- 725-8923 tor, 344 Simcoe South. 725-9592. Rest! Lawn Mowers | f | All galyonized, no paint, outo trips to surrounding territory | Telephone 723-3366, dence, 728-0264 iain Sar } on the best... Call | LEN & LOU 'S MODERN O BAY YOUNG LADY 2 eH mag vi sing Ad |MODEEN ~~ Boe) "ie bung: meal id AVAILABLE NOW -- ? |. HYMAN, QC, B: a | W. his. is a full-time jo . it pays [nicely decora month, availa é eitor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King | Wier been GUSCOT T PLUMBING} AGE 17 TO 30 pigatly well. it is stimulating and fees ~ ' oe Bes close to MODERN APARTMENTS Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies us ied with big rewards for honest scnools. Telephone available, GIVE US A CALL... and HEATING LIMITED ANTENNAS SERVICE STATION Grade 12 education, must be | effort. If interested, rhe Nw: i a id ag BRUCE V. MACKEY BA, Barrister, S TA N ' S 207 Simcoe St. $.---725-5132 | 728-5804 or 725-7844 typist. To act as chair ossist- | ie oben Plow Fresh et Texas |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent} ties, locker, T.V, outlet, low Solieitor, Notary | Public. | Mortgage ant ond receptionist. |_Worth 1, Tex, "|" °°" liivecooM apartment tro bedronma;| rental. Call Coote evekstts: 50) Ene "| CORNER KING AT BURK STS. |Radiator Service 'Well Drilling-Digging WITH | Apply by writing, stating | ase [dining room, ving room, 10 noi MO 8-3092 AKE DODDS, Barrister| : . seme ieee complete particulars os ta | ly. 287 Division Street. Apt, 2 Avail-| of 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. $ sun' panei, 26% King Street Bast | 723-3224 Catch Trouble Before It Starts peace ire a sett nie. LUNCH ROOM age, education, marital | CAREER able April 1. 723-9017. ch Atter 5 p.m. : Telephone: Business 723-2201, Resi- : as Se oe SEVER ENG). Tem status. Previous business ref- | |HARMONY nes nfurni dence 728-5373, Drive In Today phone Tae _...| Loceted In busy orec, moder- Tvpl eee 1 OPPORTUNITY faces ty " oy rel JOSEPH P, MANGAN, G0, Bartister,| Money to Loan j R il B ate financing required. |m- | oe tS islands esac Ee ant bation Ample cup- 2 BEDROOM cog ot East, og pol a a | | usse ryant WwW. WARD mediate possession. For fur | c to | in. Life Insuronce Soles with jpoarce, Seren aerial, Adults, Gar. APARTMENTS ee » : age 7 7 erg rey MONIES FOR RADIATOR SERVICE WELL DIGGING by ther particulars. BOX 847 | one of the world's largest life ia MENG Wee Ma we cae 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No MORTGAGES 900 Brock St. N., Whitby MACHINE TEL EPHONE 725- 0807! OSHAWA TIMES _ Insurance companies, Com- | modern three-room apartment, stove, $80 MONTHLY taries, Money to loan. Henry Block, | 7 | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE a plete training programme, refrigerator, washer, dryer, TV outlet. % King Street Pata Ta-4607, Hes} Monies available on First | MO 8-2506 WHITBY TAR It ee Be All benefits ond pension, (Adults only. Immediate possession. 374 EULALIE ST. dence, dial 723-4029. | Mortoges at 7% per annum | BY, ONTARIO 1 Ample parking, All conveniences, Parking. | oibeor bonis ~_Unholit $ MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 Applicants should be between |"™ Bookkeeping eee ene pholstery ve 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST 25 ond 45, married ond own PHONE 723- 3096 Onies also available on TESTERFIELDA re bully cocovenes | | cor, Ineo om t 2 BEDROOM | Second Mortgages, ihe news Way pay "more? Our" Ba Bll ith ability, |) APARTMENT | 0 q ; ' L. SCHAPELHOUMAN | Mortgages and Agreements are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, | 1--Women's Col bathe ccd OSHAWA'S FINEST | for Pig urchosed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery sa mens olumn WRIT B $95 COMPLETE j y 3 Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial 135511, /Oors waves on special, Pane Hon. SERVICE STATION LOCATION E BOX 45, | PARK LANE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE SWARTZ CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- Grossing. 396 Pine "Avenue 'Telephone OSHAWA TIMES SIMCOE ST. N. i Pit ~term ond Builders' |covered like new. Get the best for less| 725-5063 } All conveniences. Parking. APARTMENTS WNCOME TAX RETURNS | Mortgages @t reasonable at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe gs ~~! Adults 686 OSLER STREET | rote: CHESTERFIELDR repivleed wa 2--Personel GRESSIVE BUSINESSMAN EATON'S 725-3302 | BEDROOM SUITES 4 725-9953 | 26% King St, East a |re- styled. Free estimates. See a-| FOR AGGRES | z BEDROOM SUITES | Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster. ELECTROLYSIS i in OSHAWA | Building Trades | Registered Under Mortgage . |ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, | IRED | | APARTMENT --Elevotor Service uilding Brokers' Registered Act. FARM MACHINERY sells fast With an Removol of superfluous hale MIN, $7,000 CAP TAL REQU | REQUIRE A | --Private Baleony CARPENTRY, age ge ag freming,| Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial 723-3492) 4 bas ' } ONTARIO STREET ¢ roofing and repairs of reel M -- a | Marie Murduff will be in | | } ~--Paved Parking Sotimates. Phone Harry's. Tzaiia, | Mortgages UPHOLSTERING | Oshawa, Mar. 13th ond 14th | FULLY EXPERIENCED, | 4 fooms ond bottom Re YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim.| CLIENTS' money to oan on first mort. | Phone Genosha Hotel on APPLY c/o PETER R. MOORE | frigerator, stove. $80.00 | TOUS ney built and repaired, gas linings] «age. Mortgage and agreement of sale FURNITURE REMODELING, siete dates Pte eppoihinaent c/o ' RETAIL | monthly Contoct installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-| Purchase Mortgages arrang' REPAIRING : 24 € a | '= Installed, furnaces v [Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and | tity seins eis Lae 723-464) | SHELL OIL CO. OF CANADA LTD HARDWARE | PHONE 723-4523 MR. DON HOWE 5 can sees ce ca WUEREE Saks War Tail "salcisad|. free ettimotes given in your | | AFTER 5. Willian Wikine, 722-1291 "nights oniy.| Mortgages, FE eS aera Ren Be] home 3--Pets & Livestock 316 SAGUENAY AVE. SALESMAN ; fanthis a 1 CERAMIC, plastic wall tle, woodwork - ee Satisfaction Guoronteed |weien Corgis puppies, thoroughbreds, OSHAWA WANTED 23-9692 evenings tng, all hoor a, 20088, oat TJ, Ven Hecwetaen eee Boag | CALL 728-9526 TODAY itive veeks old. Telephone .Brookitn inde Busness couple to shore fur- Howe & Peters, Realtors mates. Work guaranteed. 7 741 King East, Oshawa, 723-4471. TALBOT UPHOLSTERING 3365. es ive- week, | es ier yhoo rs Sree, Poe emer 7 ND SECOND mortgages IS Ineavrire ing eee cae ee Apply Personnel Offi py ll "Tiewse Wan Wellington Street e ining, i i } stoops. 728-0394 Gordon May. Broker, Ti a ie as cae eee el ~pcerecaaKN oe | Brreads 114 Eigis Sear caneey Mee 14--Employment Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted Pply ice North. References required. ellingto Besicncodl | | MORTGAGES -- Arranged, bought and|tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blu Hambly Concrete -- sold. call. Mr. Bolahood. "725-6544 Or printing, 11 Ontarlo 'Street, 725-5632, 725-8333, John A. J. Bolahood Ltd, -- PRODUCTS LIMITED |. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue! BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, / PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS PETER PAN DAY NURSERY, All or/ WOMAN who can drive. If you would A Between 6 p.m, ond 8 p.m. j [RURRIA broader selling eff ali stoek half-day, 8.30 a.m, until 5.30 p.m.|enjoy working three or four hours a T. EATON CO. LTD Whitby jand. pens, 34 greenianders, eight Sad te ihee. We tana Bal_Btmnooe ee {troup ot Sti Gin "Coemeteeens| OSHEWA Shopping Centre | 728-2228 \Nos. 105, 107, 109 ephone 725-6007, |°% & Toute to be established in an | East. Phone 725188}, DOMESTIC RABBITS ry. Telephone ret oo tant Whitby, and are will MORTGAGE Fe | 2 ya dn, of bracing 1S--Famale Help Wanted ts? ntact] © REAL ESTATE SALESMAN _| TWO-BEDROOM Telephone | - LOANS meneame! G 9g, from selected stock. [AMBITIOUS active woman, for custo. (340, Lafleur, Ba ce kee ee A e 10 Ibs, ond |mer service work. Full or part time. RT al 40 years experience, Resi- LEN PULLAN | verag HY over, | | | | Variety of colors, Also good |Must be able to meet oe ue ©|17--Male Help Wanted We have immediate openings for 2 aggressive young men to APARTMENTS dential, acreage, apts., busi- (ENGLISH TAILOR) | breed of bucks on hand. Have spiny paso ie ees ema sell_real estate. These men must be experienced, self-starting HARLEIGH Members, of Ont, Mortgage | fry, gg MCrG require, | You 'can raise your own lawman wis olsaimg"oortnally Tor (or parcime, wort ase set "eed rrag| 9nd willing to work, In new building with bel € ° | t $ ° ft. t: ime w ev 5 lo 10 " urdays ged S17 u OZ sf iT a i vit ' MFG. eg - iby torr © Gu | ich ag te Wi a oat hes ne fo Sales experiance oi ath ion Mirae, Ba pric nd Room 11, 11 WE PAY 70 70 OF TOTAL COMMISSION pea Pity end Wdichere House modell tehen larris, F. orris j } ing full particulars to Box Ishawa| ON waked Be Mid cake = and bathroorn plarving. Walt | and R. C. Bint | SOPRINGE Sie sae aati \473 RITSON RD. SOUTH |fimsw "* CLASS "A" FOR INTERVIEW CALL Sod tars poreenes oatuet tiling, moderntold doors, | SUMMERLAND | (next to Bus Station) | | Bo Par - | i eek & "i j --Farmers Column es | wall, ¢loth drapes, private etc. Free estimates any time. | SECURITIES | CLERICAL HELP | MECHANICS WILSON Realtor both, garbage disposal, PHONE 723-7589 | : |T¥--Rentals EMD collects Hampton, COWS Sa washer ond dryer, (not eoin= - l112 SMcce ern OSHAWA | |Marawill Fur Farm, Tyrone Lid. 115," REQUIRED REQUIRED BY 725-6588 type). Fully decorated. Sree cc cnt warge-pamer PHONE 725-3568. | pp RCA VICTOR |ror MONEY tor dead. and cnbic BIG 3 DEALER TELEPHONE eh mg | RECORD PLAYERS | |eicaStnse, mrenday sevice "| Junior, for invoicing, poyrol 18--Male or Female Help (25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) | MO 8-8751 ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 GUELPH | Both Stereo ond Monaural |GRrop field and pasture, 12 and eight typing and general office | Good working conditions Pp --Apts. ats for Ren | types at very reasonable eare*, stream, aul road 0" iiide work. | Paid annuol vacation. Wante: | Caterers INVESTMENT CO | prices. Terms to suit you Drive "Teteste &. HO 3427 u Hospitalization, COOK wanted for Camp Samac, Osh- is | | » Toronto sae APPLY Top wages awa for the period of June 28 through K OOD MANOR PONTIAC INN | OFFERS THREENEW |g d/scwe nuboias Sater MER SING NATIONAL ALUMINUM | G5 "S24 chr ened [STAR Set Bat PARKW , PLANS ing |shade. 30 Hillside Drive, Toronto 6, PRODS. CO. LTD | apply. Write 'stating quali- |Sooute of Canada Box 293 Oshawa, Ont, | WwW ba ema bs + | FOR Ist & 2ND |TV - Radio Repairs sedate HIGHWAY NO. 2 PICKERING. | fications to: Bere | APARTMENTS in eddin eceptions le Bg egy mmo eigen oa . ambitious young men on | : nrertve vot an NOW! MORTGAGE LOANS | Scher aetiasins arm a 9. a -- WH 2-6980 | Box 46, Oshawa Times women, to take specialized Attractive Bonquet Hall with PAID Rid wnan Bs ib aE 2s gee pos business training, at the (KING AND PARK ROAD) Catering Service for 150 IN [Port Perry, three-bedroom cottage, Reasonable tuition rates C shi completely fin or two fen, | $, Guess 725-0078 _| rut | T.V. TOWERS ing ewe beans, Cater 8 PROGRESSIVE UTILITY modern equipment. " Place jab, RA 4, Woodville. Manilla 24R2i ; ment service for graduates Dressmaking OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS enna ae Monthly A d T.V.. Servic j P Ask for full details. Act now Sraitratons and'ropain hesnessne| Borrow AB if you wont to be sure of the 'Tacs for Ren i REQUIRES CLERK - TYPIST 725-3375 IN TOWN fates, Call Mra. Marshall 723-7913. $1700 29.94 40.05 42 58 lowest possible prices. Best |SUMP pumps, to rent or buy. New or | | | ~| LAKE 8CUGOG -- two miles north of Oshawe Business College | { j | | | oe | : nt © aGiIRLE Teena ad re-wenving $2300 40 io 54 18 57 6} | workmanship and quality used. 'Telephone 725-8563. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum two years General Office Expere |20--Room and Board a T 725-97% or opply Dun- js } mMoterial try A : 4 1d bo ee 4 % te | kirk Avene, Pilon A. Paid in Full in | WHEEL CHAIRS lence, Must be competent typist with sound banking or cashier [SOSH saa spare fee gentleman ia Modern 2-bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved prompt service. Telephone Tm-0M,) po, 10 Years és TRIO Hospital beds, invalid wolk- | background. 507 parking, T.V, outlet. / : 7 end C in 5 Yrs. Open | ers, bedside commodes, senaamacina" sorclats Tease | After 6 Months crutches also slenderizing SALARY RANGE: $51.00 to $61.50 in semi-annuol increments. P vee: FOR INFORMATION . ' 4] } ines : mn ' «ele atin ritel } able prices. 104 Brock Street East CALL 728- 4 TELEVISION thachines and roll away | Full employee benefits. Rey writing stating og¢, marite Telephone 723-7963. | shi | beds |. Status end busnga perience to Box 43, Oshawa Time FOR YOUNG genileman, fiendi moel 125-7272 DRESSMAKING ahd alterations Of a) horpan. | 171 BOND ST FE FOR SALG-OR RENT «| et ee ee , Oshawa Times louet soaking. Ghee Co ee kinds, on ladies' and children's wear, T 723-8 R rates. 728-6781 725-1644 | [Fa BeEaNcet Ogneral Motors." Tas 728-9217 Brok

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