32--Articles for Sale TELEVISION, 21 -inch Wi console, in order; alse baby. crib (natural wood), ped a 162 Grenfell Street. REFRIGERATOR, tabie and chairs, chaiz, radio, ironer, 725-5113. 27--Real hol For Sale|29--Automobiles for Sdle |29--Automobiles for Sale "61 AUSTIN 850 reasonably priced, PRIVATE sale, new room brick/+s5 INTERNATIONAL three-ton truck, : aa FE nds alow, $12,800. oApoly yon Dean Ave-| mission, two-speed axle,|S00d car for eity driving. aues Oshawa, 726: pas chassis. will accept trade. MA|Bill's Garage, 4 449 Ritson South, 728-0921 3700 DOWN, wince "$75 monthly for|3-3828, owmanville. 1958 CADILLAC four-door, hardtop, a ton "A clean, terms this spacious four-room bungalow five CHEVROLET °52 sedan, ry fi equipped, two e, \» fully years old, iocated on a half acre of or trade, $2,195, 725.4513. land) on Townline East. Hardwood! rye good iad sell cheap, Call after ite CHEVROLET dun, Sag Br floors, large kitchen, wit, living room. Low taxes. Full 'Ss FORD %4-ton, good body, motor and tires, $475. Telephone MO &-5631. price ony, 37800. Ernie og eoed Reator. = vt ------wmnwnenee-| 1960 PONTIAC, two door hardtop, V-8, VLA brick bungaow in north cast e¢-\Cordova brown metallic finish, radio, tion, three acres land, two bedrooms, city water. Telephone 7 725-4433, WHITBY King Street, ,~ spotiens ) brick bungalow with attached garage and three room basement apartment, $80 taxes, Excellent buy- ing terms. K. Chomko, MO 6.4606. Jo- seph Bosco, Realtor. OWNER built six-room brick bungalow with attached WE 4 North- west area, Paved drive and many other extras. Asking $15,800 with ex- cellent terms. Newt Joseph Bosco, Realtor ' 725-9870. SOMERVILLE | Street, brick purigalow,| large iy room, dining room, three bedroom: oe $12,500. Terms arrang- 27--Real Estate for Sale GM EXECUTIVE moving to larger home, will sell this spotless three-year- old, three-bedroom brick bungaow in Northwest Oshawa. Only $11,700 with terms. Joseph Bosco Reator 725-9670 CALL 723-1133 FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CARL OLSEN REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST, W., OSHAWA GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 FERNHILL BLVD. 4-bedroom, tri-level, large living room, dining room and family size kitchen, 2 bath- rooms. Asking $16,900. RESALE Owner leaving this 2 year old ----------_ Till OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 5, 1962 1% Ex-Liberal PM's Home Restored KITCHENER (CP) -- Wood- side, the boyhood home of Mac- xenle King, former Liberal orime minister of Canada, will be restored as an authentic 19th- century family home. O. W. Weichel, Conservative member of Parliament for Wa- terloo North, made the an- nouncement Sunday at a public --, in the Woodside Na- tional Historic Park. Mr. Weichel spoke on behalf of Walter Dinsdale, minister of Northern affairs and national resources, whose department is in charge of the restoration. Also at the meeting was Mrs. chrome _ kitchen chesterfield and rangette, piano. POOL table, Boston Brunswick, --_ tion, slates and pockets, good conditi Needs new felts and refinishing, fiz! or best offer. Must sell. 725-7202 GENERAL } Electric 42" range, good working wusr, $55. Telephone 728-4670 or 723-9603, GLASS lined 22 gallon galvanized water tank. Nearly new. Telephone 725-4678. ($12.95 muffler, $125. 560 Gane. 725-9329, 1964 PICKUP Fargo, one owner, heavy duty att fogs good condition. Tele- phone 7: white wall tires, back up lights, auto- matic transmission, power brakes, windshield washers, 38,000 miles, $2,400. After 4 p.m., 723-7947. 1953 i eer gr ge fully eq oe 1 A ee 1956 voam a sedan delivery, radio,|--- isix tires in excellent condition. Tele- phone 728-6841. good motor and body cash. Telephone 725- 'sedan,| 952 PONTIAC, new plates. #100" ain ae a rn a '59 OLDSMOBILE ee "power or brakes, |ORTB mattresses only pred d erfec value), All sizes, qT 725-7223 after 5. |posture board, pla THUNDERBIRD 1958, two-door hard- each baby crib sold, This week oayi top, power equipped. Good condition, |2270ns' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe 'Telephone 655-4516 afier & p.m. Street South. 'GMO van. t condi: suite, pola a ley by tion throughout, including rubber, ideal only $: ary 95). Seger double dresser, chif- son South. 728- bed a into fish and chip Wa80D,|fonier 'and bed. Unbeatable value! cod goten, Can financed, Private. Tele-/Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe [8 CRRVROLET Brag ri Ai yet ieee Toa eat between 1 p.m, and 5) Street South. coon baa and tires, 's19s. T FURNACE forced air, 10 year guaran- |MO 8-5631. SA INTERNATIONAL half-ton truck)tee, $2.25 per week, no down poyment. FE CHEVROLET station wagons oxeel.|W' canopy, on yet nee condition, Package deal, $130, Telephone " 725-4729, lent condition, custom radio, new white./ Dew tires, $250, DRYERS -- used, one Douglas dryer, wheel discs, will finance. | 1960 YoLRSwaGen, owner 3 ry gem re $59.95, Bro te Jeanne Minhinnick, curator of MO 8-478, tire, 32,000 miles, one owner. slone Norge dryer re-condition .95. ; {and |$500 payments, MO 8-5425. $10 down and $2.50 weekly. B. F. Good-| furnishing at Upper Canada Vil- tires,|'s¢ PLYMOUTH 6-cylinder, good motor, |tich Stores 68 King West 725-4543. lage. 04963. body fair, runs good, $295. Telephne/OLD guns wanted, Rifies, shotguns, re-| Mrs. Minhinnick, who is ad- MO_8-5631. vising the department, said the jvolvers and pistols also old cartridges. 1965 OLDEMOBILE 68, hardtop, biack| 725-6189. restoration is i ed y and white, four new tires, battery, com-|MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, sent the a han iy c plete brake job. Radio, power brakes, showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder, PP washers, many extras. Definitely in ex-| grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger,| Victorian home occupied by the cellent condition throughout. Can be in- jmilk shaker, large safe, file ecabinet.isix members of the John King family between 1886 and 1893. Mrs. Minhinnick already has jspected by anyone. Original pines? desk, chair, Hamilton's, Whitby. acquired carpets, bedspreads, 48,000. Call anytime after VICTOR 37" Console television com- 725-5355. Can be seen at al King) pletely reconditioned, beautiful walnut pieces of china, folding screens and other significant articles of Street East. ---|cabinet, only $59. Meagher's, 8 King 1952 CHEVROLET coupe, radio, i #000! Street West. 723-3425, $125. T furnishings which emphasize the period and said she will wel-| lvacuus cleaner repairs, all makes, FARM MACHINERY "fells fast with afiparts, attachments, brushes, guaran- come suggestions for the loca- tion of other such furnishings. | Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial 723-3492/teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Mr. King was leader of the! Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- 30--Automobiles Wanted Is 728-0601 anytime Liberal party from 1919-48. He served three times as prime) nae greene arm Pontiac. ear|® 3 furniture? We'll buy it. Re- minister, 1921-26, 1926-30 and Can Port Perry. 'et VOLVO sport, 'Rew car 'condition, Don't miss this tremendous a Jake and aus Garage. yas ie Ritson South, 728-0921. 's VEERROW ARSON, | seheks motor, new paint and tires, tion, Jake and Bi's Garage, 449 Rit- le 723-95 2. LOoTs for "sale, cheap, | al services, in W. McAuley Realtor, 723-2512 er MO 8-5765. MASSON Street lovely five-room bun- rport. Has all the extras, ig eamat $2442 down. 725-9478 i tires, PRIVATE sale -- tour- id, three- bedroom brick bungalow, four-piece bath, large living room, modern kiteh- room Inga! r len, built-in oven, finished and divided o brick, bu sei gle recreaton room with three-piece bath./isj INTERNATIONAL pick-up. Cheap! 1,100 sq. ft. Corries for | Anminum storms and screens. Close t0/¢9) King Street East or telep for $78.00 pr month interest '|sehools and bus and South General Mo-/7a5.9555, meas and principal tors. Low down payment, T*~-------|i0s7 PLYMOUTH hardtop, tully equip- : |HOUSE for sale or rent, three Ded-|peq, low mileage. E FARM |rooms, finished recreation room, nice-|Needs body work, upholstery. $800. 60 ACR iy situated and decorated. For. further) Bowmanville, MA 3-473, Just east of Oshawa with @ information, Telephone MO 8-5463. 7. -weRcURY, threeton truck, five: 7-90, A-bearoom brick speed transmission, tires. New home, modern conveni- PRIVATE SALE [reg as Boars Boe ences. 725-4513, ({NCOME HOME IF YOU i0ss CHEVROLET coach, V8, auto- $12,900 FULL PRICE WISH! Attroctive 3-bedroom home matic, radio, red and white, Excellent condition, Telephone 7 3838. 1954 CHEVROLET ~eonvertibie, jie, fully hos a large 24 ft. living equipped, new custom three-quarter, room th fireplace, lorge jwhite top, diamond shaped rear cur- Ege ds sndas"O ltain, fifty-two thousand original miles. fomily size kitchen, finished recreation room extra 3-pe. both. Fer apple trees id STUDEBAKER, two-tone dark blue, automatic, whitewa in good condition, Telephone MO oll 1%-storey --- 2 baths Located at 63 Highland Ave Substantial down payment Immediate occupancy: 725-3169 trigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, -- Telephone 723-9911 after 4) stoves, ete. For top cash offer vontact| PERRO OES Ft Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. j LAK Auto Wreckers want yr omega ea | |fBM electric time-clock; Inoleum top cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. |desk, 60 inch, with five file drawers: 725-1181. . secretarial filing cabinet. Bowmanviile with nced yard with Carries for {Can be seen from 8 to 6, at 62 Bond) jStreet West or after 6 p.m, call $79.00 interest, ond taxes, 728-7829. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE principal! TRADE DO YOU OWN A LOT? WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW HOME? We will take @ lot as the down payment on o large two-storey home, feot- For full porticulars coll 723-1121 va 9 am. to 9 Phyllis Jubb, Irene Brown, Leon Manitius, Roy Flintoff, i Jean Peacock, Lloyd C p.m new 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? $ell your used Cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 __Res. 725-5574 MA 3-347, FINAL week. Tremendous savings on smooth-top mattresses. Three price groups: $28, $38 and $48, $89.50, Don't miss this sale of sales on eed mattresses. See the "Mattress King", Ed _Wilson, 20 Chureh Street. 1962 paar carflages now on display jnew styles and new colors, freg mat- tress, Hurry down and see these beau- jtiful carriages, Priced from $24, Ed 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 ick Young, Lucas Peacock c YOUR. GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING two bathrooms, oil heat, storms and screens, large carport. Over 1300 squore feet of gracious living area uring BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 _ Res. 725-5574 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited BOLAHOOD $ ALL CASH $ For cleon cars we deo! up or down. Liens paid off. NICHOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. MUSKRAT back coat, size 16, full length, only worn a couple of times, Reasonable, Telephone 725- 1928. ONE Easy washing machine, in excel- lent condition, $45. Telephone MO 8-5277. | FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- ere) trade-in allowance. Free demon- | stration. Telephone 728-4683. |MeGREGOR golf clubs and b bag, 655. Whitby, MO 86-3321 LTD Reoltors $ Oftice Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ~ MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought ond Sold PRICE REDUCED Owner says sell! Can't wait Two-storey brick home with 8 rooms, 2 kitchens, extra insuronce THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD 146 BROCK N _WHITeY MO $474) TOWNLINE Near Taunton Rd. N. BARGAIN Modern 167 Simcoe St le bunga three ranch sty low, fully decorated, large bedrooms 13' x 13' 31--Automobile Repairs" HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pald off | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 723-942) Living room 18' x 13', din ette oreo, excellent kitchen African mahogany cupboards copper tile. Parking, finished besement, cleor brick just laid. Back entrance to base- ment. Patio with planter in front stool In basement, very cleon end well . decoroted. Any offer will be considered, Call Bill Roteliffe, 725-6544, $ $ INCOME $ $ Yes, you con be the lond- ford! This modem income home hos 512 rooms for you AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 ~|for sale, ECONOMY water softener of Canada 9,000 grain capacity. 24 base accordion Telephone 728-5004. WASHING "machine, Weatinghouse wringer, like new, $40. Telephone 723- j4u17 |AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, lfree estimates: Chair, table rentals. |Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. |DISCOUNT prices at Edgar's on Para paint 'and varnish. Gloss, flat ,semi- |a} joss, latex in white and 20 colors at 20 per cent off. No limit to quantity, Get free advice at Edgar's Paint and ~~ |Wall Paper, 34 King Street West. KEMP MOTORS | |REPAIRS on any make cash registers, adding machines, typewriters. Also sup- | plies Work guaranteed. For free esti- |mates, J, Burk, 516 Leslie Street. \pU PLICATORS, hand and. electric, |spirit or stencil; supplies, Hamilton Of- jfice Equip., 137 Brock St. 8. MO 8-8442. |USED parts and repairs for all makes jof wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned and 412 to rent out. Feotur- 72 os i coe 4 ee For Sale by owner 32----Articles for Sale |washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, ;Hampton, CO 3-2241. ~ WILLIS MOTORS kitchens ond all for only $13,250, Full price with a low down payment and easy terms for balance. Coll Bill Swarbrick ot 725-6544 or 725-8342 MARY Full Price $12,900. ONLY $2,000 DOWN For Appointment After 5 p.m. Telephone 723-9743 Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars, 75-0331 @eees °° ° co 68 8 eo °°? e ° 60eo e 0 % WILL YOUR CAR GET THRU WINTER? IF NOT BUY A NEW ONE NOWee WITH A LOW-COST LIFEINSURED | ST yungalow, oil and tile 2 - bedroom heat hardwood floors, paved drive. Fenced- in lot. All for only $95.00 monthly. Immediate posses- sion Coll Bill Swarbrick, 725-6544 or 725-8342 ! ! BARGAIN ! ! 2-storey, 6-room brick neor north G.M. office, tastefully decorated, spacious lot with poved drive and garage. Ideal for young executives. Only $12,000. full price with terms arronged. See it to- day. Call Doug Gower, 725- 6544, 1300 SQUARE FEEY TWO-STOREY HOME, BUILT-IN RANGE AND OVEN, TWO BATHROOMS, STORMS AND SCREENS, CARPORT, This truly large two-storey home is planned for spacious living and comfort. The huge: living room is equalled by a big, big kitchen with full-sized dining oreo, Extre two-piece bathroom. on main s e %o ° ° N.H.A, $-room brick bungalow. xx at reasonable prices. TAUNTON ROAD EAST |furniture, |bicycles jTire, 48 Bond Street West. 815. Gent's grey top coat, 42; two|tion, $50. Telephone 655-314 dy's navy spring coats, size 42. Tele-/ CHESTERFIELD | me | phone 725-1450 2- piece, clean condi- jne ° store. refrigerators, stoves, camping su ipplies, Best prices. Try » in the dash, wash-/| ers. call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. |TEN marine |PRIVATE hardware, outboard motors, guns and|century Dominion | #0nable GOOD selection. of reconditioned TVs|WE buy, sell and exchange used furnkk Parkway Tele.|tire or anything you have, The City! vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your|Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street color TV BEFORE buying or selling televisions, |FOR SALE -- Two Goodyear suburban- South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-167 lite snowtires, 760 x 15, excellent condi- 1935-48, He retired in 1948, having held jthe office of prime minister values to/ longer than any prime minister before him in the English-speak- ing world. He died at Kings- mere, Que., July 22, 1950. Two Associates Of Racketeer Shot, Dumped BELLEVILLE, Ill. (AP)--Two of racketeer Frank to death in gangland style Sat- urday night and their bodies try road less than 10 miles from Wortman's home. Elmer (Dutch) Dowling, 56, considered by police to be Wort: man's top lieutenant, was shot in the back of the head with a .38-calibre pistol. MelBeckman, 32, was shot over the right eye, behind the right ear and in the back of the neck with a similar weapon, Sheriff Daniel F. Ring said he issued a pickup order for every "hood known to have any con- nection with the two victims." Officers took Wortman into with a dozen other men. Wortman, Dowling and Greg- 1,| gory E. (Red) Moore were con- victed last week in East St. tion. 329 Ritson road south. collection of 18th and 19th! ' Canad Louis on charges of conspiracy to evade federal income taxes. » also Rea- 725-6754. |OTECO pressure system in good condi-| DEATHS tion, suitable for cottage, $25; kitchen transistor,|chrome set, grey, 4 chairs, $20. Tele-| Aerial and installation extra, Try Phone 725-0604, |Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street Went. THREE-piece covers, $65; chesterfield suite, Gene VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location, 16% Bond Street West. Top prices paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Telephone 728-4401. |1989 EVINRUDE motor, 15-8. mould- sizes 12 to 14, dresees| jboth summer and winter, also co: in excellent condition. Telephone 723-2685 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ottawa--Senator Cairine Wil- |son, 77, Canada's first woman wlip|¢d huil, in excellent condition, only used senator. ral Electre four burn-|# few times, Telephone 725-7917, er range, $4. All in excellent condition.' Ginis' clothing, oo mae. London -- Herbert Gunn, 37, jone of Fleet Street's best-known jjournalists, Chicago -- Dr. Maurice H. LARGF living room rug, 18° x 95°, din- |Goldblatt, 77, director of art gal- ing room rug 12° x 15', rose colored! |broadioom, good condition. 723-3215. |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, jterles, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-| vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. COLEMAN space heater, natural gas, in good condition, Telephone MO 8-4617, WE pav highest aia "in the city for floor, recreation orea, three large bedrooms on second floor with double closets. All aluminum storms and screens, and storm doors, Forced air oi! heating. A spacious car- port entronce excellent area, on a sodded and land- scoped lot And "Look" N.H.A, financing $1,000 down ond $12,900 full price. Large lot, oil heot, notural trim throughout. Divided basement. Close High, Public ond Separgte schools. Don't delay, call today, Doug Gower, 725-6544, MAKE AN OFFER! Blok | FI PL sd | LOAN to in GOOD RECONDITIONED Refrigerators Ranges And Washers All ports and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX ---- WH 2-6410 used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- jure Store, 723-32 71, 444 Simcoe South, | \leries at the "University of Notre |Dame and internationally-recog- 'inized art authority. Saint-Jean de Luz, France~ ipierre Benoit, 75, one o Reasonable 'price.|France's most successful roman- ----jtic novelists. Hamilton--Dr. Jamie H. W. Hutchinson, 46, a former foot- lT¥PING paper on sale, letter size,|ball player with Winnipeg Blue |white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and) save. 4% lb pkg, $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. {Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. |34--Lost & Found LOST: Rhodesian brown, male, 110 Ibs. Vicinity of Whitby) land Oshawa since Tuesday, Reward, | 728-2103. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Only $1,000 to 1 NH.A Mortgage Estate to be settled. $900 down, $11,000 asking price 5 spacious rooms, oi] hea, notural fireplace. Lot 50 x 170, fully londscaped. .Mod- ond only 4 yeors old Terms. orranged Shown by appointment only. Call Doug | Gower, 725-6544 $4,800 FULL PRICE Handymon's chance, 6-room clapboard bungalow at corner of Elgin and Church St., large lot, zoned R-3, must be sold at once. Call Jock Appleby, 725-6544 or 723- 3398. Full price only $13,615, 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE LTD | 28--Real Estate Wanted WE have buyers! W. McAuley pears 28 Prince Street et. 723-2512 or MO 8-5 ern OUTSTANDING COMPLETELY CHECKED USED CARS 11954 OLDSMOBILE '98'! ee beautiful Thinking. of Salling D. W. "WILSON WORRIED ? Then see us and find out for yourself how a food freezer service can toke out the wor- ries and expense of food. A family of four spend with us approx. $16.50 per week for food and freezer. Includes approx, 80% of normal groc- eries, PHONE 728-9141 for your own personal analysis. NO OBLIGATION |LOST: Glassea in brown case, school girl's, on Monday, near Duke of burgh and Eulalie district. 723-9434. LOST in vicinity of main Fire Hall and Ritson South Saturday, man's calendar) wrist watch, Solar, white gold. Reward.) 725-8303 to Angus, in Brooklin area, Gone since | Thureday, March 1. Reward. 655-3768. |LOST: Beagle Hound, thoroughbred, jblack with white and tan face. In the vicinity of Starkville and Oshawa. Re- ward, Telephone 728-7982 or Mrs, P. Farrow, Newtonville, RR 1 35--Legal |Bombers. Tunbridge Wells, England-- Pauline Chase, 76, American- jborn actress who played the title Ridge back ~ dow, | role in James: Barrie's Peter |Pan more than 1,000 times, Toronto -- J, Bowman Gal- ibraith, 43, assistant Crown at- Edin.|torney in Toronto since 1950. Toronto -- John Allen, 50, a mining executive in northern |Quebec for many years until his jretirement 10 years ago. LOST -- Biack Scotch terrier, anawera| Toronto--Lt.-Col. 'Newman C, Hoyles, 79, well-known engi- neer, associated with the build- ing of the tunnel under Niagara Falls. Kansas City -- Nelson Stude- baker Riley, 79, retired auto- motive industry executive and I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, March 3, 1962, with- out my written consent. -- Mr, Jack Gordon, 325 S. Street, REALTOR 725-6588 | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |29----Automobiles for Sale |ia60 RILEY 1.5, Lc Se condi- jtion, best offer. 2.93, eve |nings. 27--Real Estate For Sale 1953 CHEVROLET COACH New motor, not rebuilt, eut- standing and so smooth. 1956 BUICK CENTURY Four-door hardtop. Go, go, go cor. Really nice. 1956 MERCURY Half-ton pickup. A Jim dandy. 1958 EDSEL Hardtop coupe. A pip. 1956 DODGE HUMBER AVE 6-room brick with 6% mort- gage. Mahogany porelled halls, work bench in bose- ment. Lovely lorge kitchen. Owner says must sell. Inspect today ond moke your offer, Call 'Steve Zurba, 725-6544, METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-4678 T.V. TOWERS Antenna's and T.V. Service if you want to be sure of the lowest possible prices. Best workmanship ond quality material try TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. 728-6781 A Mr. Cleon cor 1954 MONARCH Lots of pep 1957 CONSUL A lovely second car for your wife 1955 MERCURY Station Wagon, four-door. A good car and low priced. Several Vehicles from $50 to $100: 'SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST SIMCOE AND CONLIN RD | 728-5912 j Open 24 Hours! GREET: SPRING In this modern 6-room, 3-bedroom ranch bungalow -just outside Broadioomed living room, finished recreation room, decorated, lot (107° x 168') well landscaped. All $14,500.00 with $2,500.00 down. Calj to see city limits. tostefully this for this at once SUBURBAN BUSINESS arge 6-room home on landsceped 2 ocre lot chicken and eaq business. Just minutes from building with all equipment included os a sideline to your reguler work. Coll information ond details, Lots and Lots -- In most areas of Oshawo, as low os $2,200.00. LIST PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE Everett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Borriage, 725-6243 Joe Maga, 725-9191 Marion Drew, 725-7610 plus thriving Oshawa All A thriving in for further modern business OE | NEW SPRING DRAPERY Custom-made, latest colorful floral ond abstract patterns, Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined and unlined, up to 4 widths, 54 to 95 inch lengths. $17.95 up. Kitchen Drapery Fabric, at- tractive colors in polished cotton, .79c yd. up Don River Dress Cottons, vor- lous colors, poterns. 98c¢ yd. M&C DRY GOODS grand of Peter Studebaker, founder of Studebaker Brothers, which later became the Stude- baker-Packard Corporation. MERRY MENAGERIE | | | | | © 1963 Walt Disney Prodactions World Rights Reserved Lo GeTiyeo.4 Bury Aq = = pi i, | "He b out ers!" | 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 | Cieredetes -- (Buster) | Wortman's associates were shot| were dumped on a lonely coun-/ custody for questioning along KISS FOR BROTHER Bela Takacs had to stay behind when his parents and sister Mary fled Hungary dur- ing the 1956 uprising. After six years of negotiations, Willam Takacs finally succeeded in bringing his son to Canada, Mary, now eight, had a big kiss for her handsome brother, now 10, on his arrival in Cale gay Saturday morning. (CP Wirephoto) Remarkable Reception For Essay Collection | By WILLIAM 8TEWART MONTREAL (CP)--Montreal critics consider that Jean Le Moyne, winner of one of the Governor - General's French- language: literary awards, has earned a top rank among Cana- dian writers with his prize-win- ning Convergences. The book is non « fiction--a collection of essays written in the last 20 years, Possibly be- cause it requires attentive study rather than simple reading, re- views in Montreal newspapers did not appear until three or four weeks after its publication in late December Its title might - translated as "converging deas," The book's reception has been markable. Gerard Pelletier, editor « in- chief of the daily newspaper La Presse and a director of the in- tellectual monthly Cite Libre, devoted the leading article in the February issue of the mag- azine to Le Moyne and his book. 'INDISPENSIBLE MAN' Pelletier wrole; . Le Moyne understands and comes profoundly to grips with the greatest works of human spirit and our most dee pairing weaknesses, . . . Con- vergences brings us the cer- tainty that we have in our midst an indispensible man, this writer we need." Jean Hamelin told his read- - in Le Devoir that Le Moyne s 'what we have been search- ine for... a master of thought, above the push. and pull of everyday affairs..." Roger Duhamel, Queen's Printer at Ottawa and member of the French - Canadian Acad emy, wrote in the weekly news- paper La Patrie that Conver- gencies is "'nobly distinguished among practically all Canadian works," Le Moyne, 49, wrote the 28 essays collected in the 324-page |volume during a period he worked as a newspaper man for La Presse and the non-vanished Le Canada, later edited the Montreal magazine La Revue Moderne, and during time. free of his work as a script-writer for the National Film Board which has employed him for the last three years. In 1951 Le Moyne was a mem-| bi: ber of the original Service in French staff of The Canadian Press in Montreal. ROLE OF WOMEN The subjects of his painstak- ing writing are wide - ranging. They include the religious at- mosphere in French Canada and the role of women in the Roman Catholic church and in Quebec literature. He discusses works of the world's great com- posers of music; Negro spirit- uals; Henry James, the Ameri- can writer and intellectual; the late U.S. writer F. Scott Fitz gerald: the Marx brothers; the late French - Canadian poet Saint-Denys-Garneau. Philip Surrey, in the Montreal Star, said of Le Moyne: "His thought and his style are bibli- cal but we are also reminded of the virile piety of the early explorers and soidiers."' Since most of the parts of Convergences were published, broadcast or given as lectures when originally written, some readers are astonished the au- thor has not become embroiled in controversy For example, in 1951 when some opinions in Quebec were expressed only with caution, Le Moyne wrote about what he considers to be a I7th-century style of Catholi- cism in Quebec vocation to become that of the immense majority (of students) Woman did not exist."' "From the litérary. point of view . ... teaching of English' consisted in a generalized warn- ing that practically all the au- thors, alas, even writers of the classics, were Protestants." "I no longer have any on of encountering in (the wor of a French - Canadian writer the surprise of a real woman.' "Love is forbidden because - o » it is @ sin. "By love I mean: Love of one's self, then love of others and love of things." Hamelin, Le Devoir's critic, said the author, having made himself familiar with the great stream of universal thought, ar- rived at his own "'christian, re- ligious and virile ideas of great- est purity." Duhamel said that Le Moyne is "surrounded by admiration. and respect."' PLAN TRANSLATOIN "He speaks a theological lan- guage in which many clerics, who are less thoroughly nour- ished by the Bible and have meditated with tess passion on LOVE FORBIDDEN He says in the article in Con- vergences: "Our only religion is a psycho- e| logically - contaminated Cathol- isism."' Some of his other judgments: n Never a word of em lightenment about ma the the mysteries, of he atta 2 would lose themselves." Convergences appeared at @ time of widespread discussion in French Canada of the idea 'lof political independence for Quebec. In a recent conversar tion, Le Moyne expressed the view that the direction of hur man affairs is toward integration of racial and lan guage groups and it is a -- wide tendency. Le Moyne, a dark, six-footer, has been known to a limited circle of Montreal ac uaintances. is reputation has growa gradually and it was at the gestion of friends that his wi was collected BS ~-- B 4 two - paragraph forewoi Notice, Le Moyne said Conve: ences represented what he to say "until now---and may please God that I never pA anything else to say!" Convergences was pub! by the Montreal firm of Hurtye bise, Mame and Hatier and the first printing of Le Br oo exhausted. A second 2,000 be pen available F Feb. mired The publishers are considering a translation of the book inte English. FOCUS ON HEALTH By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Topics this week: Baby teeth, private dream worlds and athletic prowess. TEETH TOO SOON Doctors have been report- ing babies born with teeth since the Roman Empire. In fact, say researchers, it was considered good fortune in France and Italy to be born with teeth -- probably based' on the fact that such notables as Louis XIV, Cardi- nal Richelieu and N were reported toothsome at rth. In a report on 12 current cases, a British researcher says the condition is probably inherited. It is probably due to a near-the-surface position of the tooth germ from which the tooth develops. DREAM WORLD All of us, like James Thur- ber's Walter Mitty, have a small secret life--a dream life, a private world we dart in and out of while we're asleep. Scientists now are con- vinced that everyone dreams --as many as five or six dreams a night, each lasting perhaps 20 minutes. And we dream because our waking world is too small for our emotions and tensions which we let free without harm while we sleep. A new book on dreams-- The Science of Dreams (Dou- bleday) -- charts the history and the sum knowledge of man's dreaming. Some inter- esting dream statistics, de- tailed by author Edwin Dia- mond: Even if you dream a below- quota three dreams a night, you pile up more than 1,000 dreams a year. Yow remem- ber few of these, and mostly in fragments, since dream memories seem to break up on waking "'like a frozen river during a spring thaw." To best remember a dream, Teeth At Birth Said Good Luck one scientist said, don't stir and don't open your eyes. when first you awaken. TOO MUCH MUSCLE It now seems possible that athletes are born, not made,. It all results from research on a stomach problem present" at birth and caused by a. muscle that is too strong for. its own good. British researchers began. investigating some 600 per-> sons who had the problem. A muscle, larger than normal, tends to close off the sm opening between the stomach and the duodenum, the pas sage way for food from the stomach to intestine. By checking into patient. histories, researchers found that it tends to follow family lines. Most of the patients, show remarkable athletic abil-- ity, indicating that this toa. may be determined at births: HICCUPS a3 Some current methods of" treating hiccups: Deep and- rapid breathing, or inducing. nausea, or pressure on the. eyeballs. or on the carotid ar- teries in the neck. One others" Converting hiccups inte: sneezes by tickling the nose. ° FRISKY FRIEND : CAMPBELLFORD, C:.:. (CP). Al Oeming of the Alberta Game Farm has a lively travelling companion on his Eastern Can- ada tour in which he is show- ing a film entitled "The Land of the Black Bear." Mr. Oem- ing is accompanied by @ cheetah. GOOD SEASON WALPOLE ISLAND, Ont. (CP)--Trappers on this Indian reserve have captured 6,400 muskrats so far this season. Ford Soney, veteran Indiag trapper, says this has been the, best muskrat season in five: vears and the best for mink 25 years. Mink figures. are available,