Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1962, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februery 26, 1962 BIRTHS Jim Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 1) Net | MINES j High Low a.m. Ch'ge 4 11 Net $5814 58% 58% + 14) $6 6 6 +% High Low a.m. Ch"ge %+% $95 + 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch"ge | 1300 Motorists 'Grievance Motion 'Rescued During sas i='. <=» Winter's Snows For Opposition 3600 162 161 162 --1 | TORONTO (CP) -- The On-, OTTAWA (CP)--The opposi-|rights of an opposition," said 500 . ® 9% +1 tario highways department has fon gets its first chance to hit|/Mr. Pickersgill. 650 19! 191 191 --3 /played the role of St. Bernard/the government with a specific') Mr. Churchill said that the spat w 2600 8 89 89+3 tg more than 1,300 motorists grievance motion in the Com- Commons will likely deal with pers ed ed po stranded along Highway 401 for mons today. the estimates of government Malartie 6 8 8S various reasons this winter. The mystery topic will be un-,spending on Thursday and Fri- |Marboy ie Mh Ws - The patrols are part of @veiled when the government|day, with Wednesday devoted to Maybrun 9 maintenance service on the moves to get Commons study of supplementary s pen ding esti- pie gen gos be y potted a spending estimates on the| mates unfinished last week. in areas ar z » first supply motion of th ss Hamilton, Toronto, Port Hope,|rent tie Ae ites CANNOT SAY ci a ston. \ : ro - i a iras conc core each section in ee aig allows the tion will be introduced, 1 caine 1000 11% 14 114 + leach direction at frequent inter-| any tonic of epee or eae Oe at this moment," he added. 3900 108° 102 a' 32 |Vals and to date have handed) ance that it chooses. 'The throne speech debate, ae eight sitting days allotted to 4000 s - out a gallon of gas to each of free-wheeling speeches on just il Net a.m, Ch'ge Stock -- \% Texaco Thom Pap Tor.Dom Bk Towers Tower wis Tor Iron A T Fin A T Fin Siw Tr Can PL ns-Mt us PPL Un Gas Union Oil Vulean Walk GW W Equip xd WCoast WCoast vt Weston A West A wis Wood J A Zenith TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press ' Toronto Steck E Feb. 26 nee: {Quotations in cents unless marked $ Ames) pleased to announce thei, Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr-Ex. birth of a daughter, Laura Alice, 6 lbs. | rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change {s 5 ozs., on Sunday,, February 25, 1962, \from previous board-lot closing sale.) at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sis- ter for Pamela. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murdock. Many thanks to INDUSTRIALS Dr. Miller and the staff of the 4th floor. 1 Net Ne! Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 390 $45 44%-- 4476 -- be 305 «$13 13 13 225 $22%% 22% 1100 260 255 200 110 HO 110 --5 480 $3544 354% 35% + } 10 $10744 10744 107% 260 $l4% 14% 14 200 $23%4 2344 23 $505 50% 50% $2744 27¥%e 27 $22%4 22% 2244 120 120) «120 $31%% 314% 31% $70% 70% $79.79 $5714 57% 57% $31 515 Stock L. Shore Langis Latin Am Leitch xd Lencourt Lorado Stock Bales E Exquisite pr Fanny F 4 Bales High Low $i2 12 Btock Sales ¥*| Acad Uran 5000 "| Advocate 100 +20 AmLarder 1000 Amal Rare. Anglo Her Ansil Area A Areadia Atlin-Ruf Aumaq Barnat Baska Bethim Bidcop Biack Bay Bulfad C Tung C Astoria CN Inca Candore Cassiar Cheskirk Chester 4 Chimo Coch Will Coin Lake ARNOTT -- and Doris 17 19 985 1h 109 5 $11% 11% $34%-- Mis 10 $102 102 500 $12% 12% $10% 10% Gatineau Gat 5 pe pr Gen Dev toe JACKSON -- Sam and Marilyn (nee Footy Hendershot) are walking on air with 'Acad Atl their new daughter, Nancy Dianne, 7 acagatl a Ibs, 14 ozs., at the Oshawa General! aia pist Hospital, Thursday, February 22nd.' aia mg Thanks to Dr. Orton and 4th floor ajtaGas vas AltGas B pr AltaGas w KURELO Bill and Helen (nee Alg Cen MacDonald) happily announce the ar- Algoma rival of Roddie, a brother for Ronald Alumini and Randy on Sunday, February 25, Alum 1 pr 1962, at the Oshawa General Hospital.|4 St Wire Atlas Steel PACK -- Ray and Flo (nee Shaw) are Bink Mont proud to announce the arrival of a son, Steven Raymond, 6 tbs. -12 ozs., at the Bevalae os Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, grazii February 25, 1962. Special thanks to BA Oi! Dr. P. Nolan and Dr, Miller and nurs-,BC Forest ing staff. Proud grandparents are Mr. BC Pow and Mrs. Cecil Shaw also Mr. and Burns Mrs, Harry Pack. Cal. Pow Can Cem VALENTINE -- George and Sylvia CCC Stone (nee Stezik) are pleased to announce C.Pack A the birth of their daughter, Sandra - Louise, 8 lbs. 14 ozs., on Friday, Feb- Can Brew ruary 23; 1962, at Oshawa General Hos- 6°. 4) @ pital. A sister for Susan. CBAL Bw Cdn Can A WORONA -- Michael and Eileen (nee C Chem Hopkins) are happy to announce the C Chem w birth of a son, Timothy Joseph, 7 lbs./C Gas In pr 11 ozs., on Saturday, February 24, 1962'CGE pr at the Oshawa General Hospital. Many C Husky thanks to Dr. Spragge. C Husky w 60 C Hydro 2225 SON, Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you - Imp Bk C ped will want to tell the whole town about | 2 the latest arrival in your home, An Can Oil nouncements are accepted until 9:00 CPR . a.m. for publication the same day for) (4 > only $1.50. Just telephone 723-3492. a DEATHS FEASBY, John B. Crush Int In Oshawa General Hospital on Sun-| Dale day, February 25, 1962, John B. Feasby,| Dist Seag beloved husband of Agnes Mae Linton/D Bridge and dear father of Mrs. Harold Clarke}Dom Elect (Lucille) Oshawa, and Gerald of Cali-/D Fndry fornia and brother of Robert Feasby|D Magnes of Toronto in his 78th year. The late Dom Stores Mr. Feasby is resting at the McIntosh-Dom Tar ~3 -1% 22% +2 0 6+5 9 9 $49% 49% 49% 6 55 2000 52 1000 72 1300 137 1800 120 1000 11% 11% 11% + 1000 72 136 120 7a 137 120 Mt Wright Murray M Nama Cr New Bid New Hosco N Kelore N Mylama N Senator Nickel MS Nor-Acme Normetal Norpax N Coldstrm Northgate O'Brien Oka Rare Osisko 13 Peerless 5 5 1 +23 --1 1 1 75 859 105 100 140 95 205 460 3» o 10 $11% 11% 4 4 29 2814 4 74 515 «505 3S Curb Anglo-Nfld Asbestos Injand C pr $178 CG Inv 4 Inland Gas : 5 C Paper Int Nickel Leb * Inc Int Util MO Paper Int Util pr § Ogilvie 40 $53 Coniagas Intpr Dis 5 7 Zeller's 50 $344 4a Con-Key $83 < " C Callinan coe OILS C Discov | Jefferson Con Gillies 250 7 250 50 320 235 103 83000 9000 900 2500 1300 7000 3000 150 1500 3000 500 100 2500 500 500 300 500 5360 2400 4500 16700 re . 200 motorists. Generally, the opportunity is 2000 SA Tow trucks have been called ga to the hilt -- with the ahout any subject, was con- 30 for 370 stranded vehicles and|lead - off opposition spokesman) iyded last week. The House set- nt +3, repairs have been made at the Starting out in scatter-gun fa-tles down now to study of the scene on about 350 disabled au-|Shion on a range of topics, then|<nending plans of the govern- tomobiles. |zeroing in just as the govern-| ment, legislation and some pri- The motorized St. Bernards Ment benches start to fidget. vate members' bills at allotted are department employees driv-| The topic could be unemploy- times. Que Ascot ® .1 -|ing trucks and station wagons)ment, foreign affairs, economic, ¢ ae i Que Lab 6i4 + 4/on routine checks of the high-jtrends, farm problems or al- sce ga es w ¢ Que Lith i | i i ways for winter damage. |most anything. i Realm" In London, about eight calls se |. It has been promised for this Realm Bio Alsen for help are reported diy. oe eee i yerr=-but so far no government 2/Rix Athab 4 |, (Maintenance engineer Ken Liv-| one ae ance motion then be- Spokesman has said whether it Ryanor **.« ingston reported his men helped comes the pivot of a two-day will be before or after a gen- Sehrritt - 250 stranded people last month. | ate, : eral election. Sigma --_____________--| Liberal J. W. Pickersgill, MP Siscoe \for Bonavista-Twillingate, made Steeloy an attempt just before the Com- jmons closed Friday to find out {government plans for this week. "I will give the program for J js =" Prince Escapes % ' " Flooding City t% esire week ir'he wil an ooding Gity x cmite week i ne' wit an Sunburst Taurean Teck-H Temag Thom L Tombill i! j mone cuzco, Peru (Reuters)--|Ply motion which will be de- Prince Philip raced back to|Dated on Monday and Tuesday," 2 Cuzco Sunday to avert being replied government House 178 +3 | stranded at the Lost City of the Leader Gordon Churchill, vet- 58% -- % Incas by rising flood waters. oe gor minister. 15% ' rater A "The seductive invitation of princes rail car, in one 0 wee valley, was forced to|'™¢ hon. gentleman is of course Teibag 56 56 Trin Chib 5 gi entirely subversi t 1544 + 4\ crawl through water which was) _-- 5 rsive to all the Un Keno Upp Can 800 lapping up over the tracks. ' sg Prince Philip had been ex- Production Index 'i 1154 (166); Quebec 889 (853); On- High In December ari 1.258 (1,166); Manitoba 132 Vauze 4 Ventures Vespar ploring the deserted Inca city of Machu Picchu, set on top of a sheer cliff 2,000 feet above the | |(122); Saskatchewan 168 (164); OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's| Alberta 236 (290): British Co- industrial production index|!umbia 320 (294); the Yukon and Violam Waite Am Urubamba River. } Earlier the entire 80,000 popu-| based on a 1949 level of 100,| Northwest Territories 0 (2). rose to 180.5 in December from a Werner Curb Bulolo lation of this two-mile high city turned out to greet Prince Philip ith flowers and . confetti. ie ; le 179.3 the previous month, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics) reported today. Gaspe Cop Machu Picchu is believed to Unusually big gains included \have been the last hideout of \the Inca rulers when they fled len _ PP 7 i eae the Spanish conquerors IN| bber products, up 13 per cent, th textiles, nine per cent, and foods and beverages, three per cent.) 16th century. It lay hidden) By FORBES RUUDE public bodies have an excellent, 4mong Andean peaks for nearly The index for non - durable} goods rose to 165.1 from 161.5.) Canadian Press Business Editor|record in regard to wintertime 499 years until it was discovered A warmer attitude by people|work, in large vart because of|by American engineer seri would thaw out most of the dif-|financial inventives offered by|Bingham ia Smaller increases were shown) for paper products, clothing, and leather products. } ficulties of wintertime construc-|the federal. government and cer-) tion. \tain provincial governments for) A resolution passed by the | The mining index dropped by wintertime three per cent to 176.5, but this) This point was emphasized by the execution of pubiic projects. association says: W. G. Malcolm of Wianipeg,| The association would like to) 'The traditional chairman of the wintertiine con-|see tax incentives for privately-| slack in constructir» is both un-| was partly offset by increases of struction committee of the financed winter construction, necessary and detrimental to|1.4 per cent in over - all man- Canadian Constuction Associa-| It says most Canadians are in|the economy in that it causes|ufacturing and one per cent in 11 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA tion, at the organization's an- a position to 4) soinething tojunemployment, reduccs dhl ag 4 power gio sees Interdenominational al meeting in Montrea! last allevi ( hy shas yower, disrupts opera-| Metal mining and fuel mining) nu ting in al | lleviate the problem whether it} chasing al Aicpoes is va die shag i crs EVERYONE WELCOME week, is an individual }ouseholder|tions, causes material pro in r Speaking at a press confer- with a small repair or renova-|tion and storage provlems and/metal mining was higher. ence, he said the work can be) "on job or the head of a large|results in a drain ov the un- . 323% ¢ a5 17% 10 170 6% 4414 él 215 5 1000 253 2000 1000 7084 1225 17 Jockey C | Jock wts Haili Labatt Morrison LOnt Cem Asamera Mosher Lambtn L. » Bailey SA Con Nichol Levy Bail 5% pr 200 $25 Ye 2 C Nerthid Levy pr 5 : € Regcourt LobCo A w 200 Conwest LobCo B 235 Cop-Man MB PR Coulee Mass-F Craigmt Mass-F 514 Crowpat Met Stores 7250 D'Eldona Met Stores p 100 Denison Mid-West Duvan Molson A $3 > Mic Mace East Mon Foods 3 $145 ' C West P East Moore 6 56 Dey-Pal Elder Noranda Dynamic | Eldrich NO NGas Gr Plains Falcon Nor Phone Home A Franceur Oshawa A Home B Frobisher Pbina HB OU G Genex Phantom Medal Giant YK Pres Elect Murphy OU Glacier Nate Pete Granduc NC Oils {Gunnar Pac Pete Hard Rock Peruy Oil Har-Min Pla ¢ Hastings Prairie Oil Headway Provo Gas Hollinger Sarcee Hud Bay Secur Free Hu-Pam South lt 4 Hydra Ex Spooner Inspiratn Stanwell Irish Cop Jacobus Tidal Trans Can Jaye Expl Jonsmith Triad Oil Un Oils 165 Kerr Ad xd 25 Lab Min Un Reef P 1 Wayne iM 32 3 1% L Dufault Holdup Suspect BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT on eo Winter Building owe vee Lhaw Predicted PLENTY, Sask. (CP)--Police | Alminex 38 250 Anchor 7 CG c C . 165 25 Wire B xd 275 392 250 220 720 410 100 100 35 520 > Delhi wt Dev Ex Gas Homestd ent Del ¢ « ( ( i ' ri Mal Sull 165 Traffic Fatalities Higher Last Year OTTAWA (CP) -- Traffic ac- cidents in Canada last year took 3,390 lives, an increase of 107 over 1960, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today. All provinces except Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Al- berta showed increases. Provincial totals, with 1960 fig- lures in brackets, are: New- 'foundland 50 (45); Prince, Ed- }ward Island 16 (13); Nova Sco- tia 152 (162); New Brunswick 4 4% 760 «+ 500 500 Mare 1000 300 365 40 155 100 96 8 1375 ire 300 CWN Gas CKP Dev +2 2 1 Col Cell 451 [Cin Bldg pr 100 Con MS 370 Con Gas 0 Copp Clark Coronation 825 Royal Bank Royalite StL Cem A Salada Fds Seven Arts Shawin Silvrwd B xd 7 Simpsons 450 Slater Steel Slat Stl pr Steel Can 354 Suptest ord 200 Tamblyn 150 28) 33 100 50 183 $25 33 Bales te it said Sunday that a suspect in a $20,000 bank holdup shot him- self in the head after his car overturned into a snow - filled ditch on a lonely municipal road Friday. . Police identified the suspect as Joseph Probe, 48, of the Wey- burn-Midale district. Earlier re- ports said it appeared the man was killed in the crash, The smashed car and body were found near Driver, 30 miles west of here, a few hours after a masked man in green suede shoes held up a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in this village 85 miles south-west of Saskatoon. A suitcase containing. $19,901 was recovered, police said. They ' ne ; also said they found a .38-cali- Fanfani's program aims A&tipre revolver in the car beside eeting the challenge of an age the body. | n which a 10-acre farm cannot) _ : provide the desired standard of TUESDAY, FEB. 27 8 P.M, ORANGE TEMPLE done, but many people still/Private or public organization,}employment insurance fund." think it can't. Wowever, he CAN HELP added, much of the prejudice is 'lt "adi t a disappearing and move work sf ' 25 per cent fewer construction probably will be avne this Individual Canadians,|men working in mid-winter than winter than ever before in their capacity as voters,|in mid-summer. There are problems, Mr, Mal- members of organ'zaticns, de-| The resolution urges the fed- com said, but many of them| 280ers: financiers and. so onjeral government to insist that ses : 4 stan ; can do much to infiuence the|products of Canadian imanufac- have been solved and answers p It adds that despite great Wednesday. February 28, at 2 p.m. En '------- HAMER D. Edgar ton, Mrs. Isengard (Margaret) of Pitts- P. his 8ist year. Resting at the Robinson means an opening to, the left. and for tightening up the tax Hospital on Wednesday, January 17. Christian Democrat party andItaly the highest standard 'of Matej, aged 66 years, beloved wife of they have been assured of con- dramatically than an internal 2 highway, Pickering. (Just east of |1 acres in Calabria, Apulia, Ab- strides in recent vears, there are . , beloved son of the. ; : pga ato gp i lian communism's bid Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Dom Text tombment Union Cemetery Mausoleum. e men tm Calculated Risk Saturday, February 24, 1962, D. Edgar Hamer, beloved husband of Carrie Wal- ker and dear father of John of Myrtle, se panies Vick ary) of Sear In Move To Left boro > am of Willowdale, Hugh vi , Pa., Mrs. Southwel! . vasa) or Witey nd dear brother of ROME (AP) -- It is called provides for expansion and im- Funeral Chapel. Brooklin. Service in illo the Chapel on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 2, Italy is stepping through that structure Soe. ne Groveside Cemetery, gnening, after 16 years of mid-| Social reforms in some ways " : die road government, in a new have not kept pace with the , February a eggnog ergy anday- neg ana the weaker Socialist party. living in its history. The boom Doreen Kehoe, Brooklin. The Roman Catholic Church, has emphasized the spread be- MATES, Catherine Italy's state religion, shows tween the prosperous and the : s conc ? Test.| Poor. At the Oshawa Genera! Hospital on signs of concern. Italy's West gh alley ne a idee tinued loyalty to NATO. migration--io the north from Nagy of Whitby and Joseph Matej of For the Christian Democrats the improverished south. Pickering Beach, Ontario. Resting at 4nq Premier Amintore Fanfani,, Hundreds of thousands of lit- tle farm owners and farmhands Harwood Avenue, North Ajax). Service Ht : in the Chapel on Wednesday at 2 = SOCIALIST VICTORY er Erskine Cemetery, Dunbar- For Pietro Nenni, the grizzled ritsl Cun bauia and Sicily | Socialist leader, it is a victory. bundled up their families and STEWART, Norman His political career has involved gone to Genoa, Milan and Tu-| in Osh en Saturday, February 24,,hm in the rise and fall of fas-|pjn, late James and Mary Stewart, resting t 1s | | at the Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral power. Now he and his Socialist Home, 152 King Street East. Service in whey , 7° ' eS! the Chapel on Tuesday, February 27, party will have the strongest OPERATED BY Street East. Service in the Chapel on Eddy Charles of Brooklin, Campbell of Hamp- Luella and Lottie Hamer, of Aurora, in "apertura a sinistra," and it' provement of the school system KEHOE -- At the Oshawa General Collaboration between the ruling post-war boom that has given Sunday, February 25, 1962, Catherine €rn allies are watching, though! Nothing has shown this more the Wm. E. Sherrin Funeral Home, No. gfe oh t is a calculated risk. have deserted their parched at his residence, 446 Centre Street, | ogm_ Spain's civil war and Ita- at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. SZEKERES, Joseph Entered into rest in St, Michael's Hi pital, Toronto, on Saturday, Februa 24, 1962, Joseph Szekeres, beloved hus- position they ever held in Italy, The new government will de- pend upon Socialist votes for) leverage to put across a broad} program of social and economic living Nenni has pledged his support Some are asking: "What's in it for Nenni?" A great deal. He and his party pana of Blanche Lawless, father of reform. The Socialists have 88! will ha able to claim credit in Kathryn, Joseph and William, son oi Paul and brother of Julius in his 37th year. Resting at the Armstrong Home, Oshawa, with high requiem in Holy Cross Church Tuesday, Interment St (President of mal February 27 at 9 a.m. Gregory's Cemetery. seats in the Chamber of Depu- crats' 271 seats are 27 short of a majority. Fanfani, who has long sought a' five-year program that in- such a program. That will al- Fu- ties, where the Christian Demo- most certainly be reflected in next year's general elections. Pope John has pleaded for Die Co. of Osh- social reforms and a more even cl the turn to the left, speaks of distribution of wealth. It is no secret that the church would GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-|cludes nationalization of nuclear prefer to see this accomplished morial, For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. ORIST and all LOCKE'S FL Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 _ GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST May We Suggest for memorials for Spring installation be made now. Eternal Bronze by Matthews ore the finest made anywhere. We exclu- sively install ond represent this 100 year old Company. arrangements Please call Mount Lawn standing co-operatio 723-2633 IN MEMORIAM BILCOX In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Cecil Bileox, who passed away February 26, 1961, His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past, And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last Sadiy missed by wife, Alice, son, Roy, daughters, Sharon, Carol and Bev, son-in-law Ron and grandchildren. KASHUL -- In cherished and loving memory of a mother, Paraska Kashul, who passed away 12 years ago today. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, Her weary trials and troubles past In silence she suffered, In patience she bore Till God called her no more. -~-Ever remembered by son, Michael, daughter-in-law Hazel and girls home, to suffer SIMPSON -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Bob, who passed away three years ago today, Feb. 26, 1959. Upright and just in all his wa Loyal and true through all his days, Silently suffered, patiently bore, God took him home, to suffer mor ~Lovinglytremembered and sadly miss 4 by bis wife, Ethel. no and electric power. The Fanfani_ platform Snowdon Joins Journalists Union In U.K. LONDON (Reuters) -- Prin- cess Margaret's husband, Lord {Snowdon, has joined Britain's junion for journalists, it was learned Sunday night. No member of the British Royal Family has been known previously to be a card - carry- ing member of a union. Some Royal Family members have been honorary union members also Snowdon is artistic director of Pulsory signal lights for naval General the Sunday Times, owned by Ca- nadian Roy Thomson. He took up the post this year as his first paid job since his 1960 marriage to Margaret. Snowdon, former society pho- tographer Antony Armstrong- Jones, applied to join the 15,300- member National Union of Jour- nalists last week. The NUJ national executive approved the application during the weekend but Snowdon's 'name was not immediately put on any union branch's roll Tne NUJ is a member of Brit- ain's giant Trade Unions Con- igress. It is bound by TUC de- icisions, including those on strikes. Snowdon will be required to pay his 12. shillings ($1.68) |monthly dues NATURAL CLEANERS Manatees, rare acquatic mammals that can devour 100 pounds of underwater plants daily, are used to clean canals in British Guiana. IN MEMORIAM SIMPSON dear brother-in-law and uncle, Mr inson Simpson, who passed away ruary 26, 1959. Three years have swiftly passed away But still we don't forget, For in the hearts that best Your memory lingers yet Sadly missed and always remember- ed Irene, Sam, nieces and nephews Marilyn D. Samm$, Aureen, Vern and |Marilys &. In loving memory of a Rob- Feb- loved you without socialist co-operation but Vatican sources say the church has adopted a wait-and- see attitude Overloading Said Grounding Reason MONTREAL (CP)--Canada's river pilots claimed Sunday that overloading has caused most of the groundings by ships operat- ing on the St. Lawrence Seaway system. The 22 delegates at the Cana- dian Merchant Service conven- tion here called on the federal transport department to ensure there will be no more overload- ing. The pilots also voted for com- vessels 'Sitiming of consiruction projects|ture be used on ail projects fi- to the others won'd be found if . ; BY ' s f ; ah nkanin : wit pd there were enough cemand. If d therefore increase winter nanced under its winter works} ; ; employment." work were offered in sufficient) -- ployment." scheme. ith UN Deals Wit C b C 1 . Elacers ype aie nei a ld ff aire g u a omp ain if aha conibettion woul Sp UNITED NATIONS (AP), -- Prices down The United Nations Security, One of the Council is to meet Tuesday to|Wintertime -- work deal with a new Cuban com-Completion and plaint alleging that the United earlier revenue. States is preparing to invade Cuba U.S. delegate Adlai E. Stev- enson cailed the meeting Satur- day as council president for February Cuban delegate Mario Garcia- Inchaustegui had asked Steven- RED CROSS HOME NURSING COURSE STARTING: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1962 PLACE: OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL MAIN. ENTRANCE time: 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. @ THIS COURSE IS AT NO CHARGE @ FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-2933 arguments for; is earliest consequent In one case cited by Mr. Malcom an apartment building was ready for occupency three months sooner than c'herwise would have been the case The estimated extra wintertime cost was $6,000, but the owner was much more than compensated by the added three mantis' rent CANADIANS CANADIAN OIL companies timiteoao WHITE ROSE GASOLINES*MOTOR OILS 3-2 son to call an immediate meet- on 110 'suites -------- ing. Garcia - Inchaustegui charged that, beside planning an inva- sion, the United States had got "enforcement action' against Cuba from the Organization of American States and was try- ing to involve the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization in it He argued that this violated the UN charter. The Communist countries failed to get action on similar Cuban charges Tuesday in the Assembly, and last week in its political committee. ernments in SUGGESTS COMPILATION Mr. Malcom's committee sug- gested a compilaiion of in- stances of this sort so (hat oth- ers would be convinced. Mr. Malcom said certain types of roadwork cannot be) done in winter, but on the other} hand it was the best time of} year for work in m: swamp areas. At the new of Thompson, in northern Mani- toba, it had been found that ex- cavation was as cheap or cheaper than in summer, The committee's report com- ments that by and iarge gov-| Canada and other} Need another bathroom? It's a big, handsome and 15' x 17' bu mirror BASEMENT. . hos lighting, built or, new 40-gal. Hyd end big work area t-in vonity and hug brick firep Oil heat Lor ° 100° frontage x d rear. WAS $23,900 REDUCED *2200 modern home within § minutes d calm, quiet and pleasant @ street as yo complete with stone fireplace . . 3 bedrooms, with moster bedroom a big 15' x 15' approx finished Re: > water tonk, wired for dryer, plumbing in for Call HENRY STINSON; daytime 723-2265; evenings 725-0234 SCHOFIELD AKER Limited ...and longing for the day when you can afford to go ahead with it? Or maybe you need an extra bedroom--a modern kitchen--a paint job -- anew plumbing, heating or elec- trical system... Chances are you can have it right now, with the help of a Royal Bank Home Improvement Loan, repayable by instalments. See any branch of the "Royal" about this con- venient, low-cost way to get the cash you need to make your home more liveable, more valu- able. Or pick up our handy booklet for details. ve on os 6 big room huge living room approx. . kitchen and breakfast nook 'round with from downtown Oshawa ou'll find anywhere . separate dining roor bathroom tiled all-way DO IT NOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN & plenty of cupboard space! with recessed equipped with . plus fruit cellar Ro floor tiled ace wails panelled tiled and fixed big 30' x r ar poved d oped, front vow §21-700 goroge ... 360 KING WEST 723-2265 _ ROYAL BANK

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