Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1962, p. 10

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FREES GOLDFINE Credit party in 1961. He was|he had resigned when the fed-)Credit party. He said the move NEW YORK (AP)--Bernard . s Social Credit later nominated to contest thejeral and Ontario governmentsjindicates that "the element 0: federal riding of Toronto-Broad-|decided to help fi pipeline/free enterprise is all but gonc'>oidfine, Boston industrialist |view, now held by Trade Minis-jconstruction in Northern On-|from the Liberal party. limpri d for income tax eva- ' 4 1 Of C d A gu i d iter Hees. tario. és anada s eague Lea er He resigned from his provin-| Mel Rowat of Elmvale was) RIVER FILM Oe released sas pate 4 nd . LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Philip/cial government portfolio Julyjelected deputy leader at the en¢} LONDON (AP) -- Moscow's Friday from a public hea' st in ine |Kelly, at one time minister of|17, 1957, and his seat for Coch-jof the two - day convention;|Gorky movie studio is making 2, ~'er hospital on Staten Is- mines in the Progressive Con-|rane North the following Janu-|George S. Mallory of Cayugalcolor documentary about Eu- 'and. The government announced OTTAWA (CP) -- Two Carle-|servative government of Leslie|aty. Later, he was the central/was elected president. |rope's largest river, the 2,290-/Tuesday the 71-year-old Gold- ton University professors are in|Frost, Saturday was elected pro-\figure in a legislature storm) National Leader R. N. Thomp-|mile long Volga. The plot cen-|fine was being paroled on con- the midst of a project that may|vincial leader of the Social Cre-|0ver stock sales in Northern On-|son told the convention that 'he|tres on an old captain whojdition that he report to a pri- lead to the development of Can-'dit League. |tario Natural Gas Company. defection of Hazen Argue tothe sailed ships on the Volga for|vate hospital or convalescent ada's first tin mine. Mr. Kelly joined the Social) Mr. Kelly said at that time!Liberals has helped the Socialimany years. jhome. Dr. J. E. Riddell, former head |-- cg Ruri of the university's geological de-| * partment, and Dr. W. L. Young, y +N rol K. 2e9 present department chairman, are the moving force behind we try to be a little more human about tt 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Februcry 26, 1962 Development Mount Pleasant Mines Limited, which holds a block of 371 claims in Charlotte County, N.B. At a press conference Satur- day, Dr. Riddell, president of the company, told how the property had been won back last year from an American firm, Kennecott Copper Corporation, to which it had been optioned. Kennecott had done some ex- ploration, then decided that it would "sit on" the tin-molyb- denum-tungsten claim and put its money into exploration in the western United States. Dr. Riddell managed to regain the option for Mount Pleasant so that exploration could be re- sumed. Since coming back into its own, Mount Pleasant, which Dr. Riddell label 'an attractive speculation," has been exploring the main 131-claim block of its holdings. The ore structure already is, unfolding, and drilling has From |Shown ore shoots occurring in 15 or more parallel, elongated apnea een tene go emenat tt ® ae I AMO PMN, ay: corte aime gets Am BR ao marcy ren ee need "RONAN MO ON A AABN Ras LARGE HEROIN HAUL Other officers of New York's | in the United States. a -- It. oe | narcotics squad exhibit the | left are Fuca; Hawkes; Chief | 1.0. zones of widths from five o50. 0007000 oat Suet Gs haul which they described as | Inspector Edward F. Carey |to 50 feet. ra yo hg clay in New | the largest single narcotics | and Sgt. Joha Fleming. . Dr. oie Sade he -- there rah i : ; --(AP Wirephoto) |i8 @ Possibility of a whole new York's borough of the Bronx. | seizure ever made by police (A irepho! 0) tin 'belt being discovered. Once! ; |the current exploration program jis completed, he hopes to inter- Anthony Fuca, 31, left, is Back in the old days, bankers were pretty fearsome people. They had Dignity, a Cold Eye, a Thin Ghandi's Philosophy | est the department of mines and technical surveys in a 200-ton- per-day pilot plant, with even- Mouth, Mutton Chop Whiskers, and a Ruthless Tendency. to Foreclose Mortgages (or so we read!). tual expansion to a large scale ee 5 m operation. The banker today is as human as you are, and just as businesslike. Drop into your branch of The Bank and see. You'll find that The Bank really has the Aids British Guiana GEORGETOWN, British Gui-, premier to investigate ways Ca-jfeels that if British troops had s | Afro-Asians -- ana (CP)--Erhart Regier, CCF-|/nadians could help with the de-jarrived 24 hours earlier there| NDP member of the Canadian'velopment of the country, now) would have been no rioting and| House of Commons for Burnaby-|seeking its independence from looting. He dismissed as un- erate n Coquitlam, believes recent dis-|Britain. founded rumor talk that Cuban orders in British Guiana could) WITNESSED RIOTS troops had been lurking at sea! have developed into a bloody' Mr. Regier witnessed the,While the riots were in pro- revolution were it not for the Black Friday riots which cul-|8Tess. * s Colonialism THE SAVINGS ACCOUNT fact that the East Indian and/minated a wee of demonstra-| 'Basically both the Indian and} Negro populations are generally|tions and strikes, called to pro-|the Negro populations of this)! wnyrED NATIONS (CP) -- This is the first account most people open at The Bank. opposed to violence. test new taxes proposed by Pre- country are non - violent,' said/ppe United Nations General And for the wise ones, it is the last that is closed. Not too "The power of Gandhi's phil- mier Jagan. British troops fin- no neg "At the been of assembly debate that ended Fri- many years ago the Savings Account was a general catch-all osophy and the non - violent/ally were called in to resotre or-/ nsion, wien any \anadianiday showed the Soviet Union where you deposited money and paid it out almost immedi- jeor i Afric 4 P ¢ . prime minister of any party) satiy y ' philosophy of the African have/der after some $30,000,000 dam cannot count on a tame major ately by cheque. Today, the Personal Chequing Account s d. this country from a age had been caused by fire and would have been firm and usedlity among Afro-Asian countries ' heads bovdlition,* said Mr. looting. ; does the job--and the Savings Account should be used for Savings only; savings at interest! Get in the habit. Save for brute force, the premier of this where colonial questions are Regier, who came here for a the rest of your life. Open a Savings Account at The Bank! people who make the happy difference in banking! | A TORONTO-DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: The loss translated to the Ca-\country made concession after! concerned. three - week visit at the invita-\nadian scene where there is 30/COncession and retreated from) Jn six weeks of discussions, tion of Premier Cheddi Jagan.|times the population, said Mr,|the budget proposals to the ex-|/jargely on \colonial questions, al- Mr. Regier was asked by the Regier, would mean a loss of|tent of practically ruining any|most every Soviet proposal was : ---- |$90,000,000. It would take many|hope for real development, but/yoted down with the aid of the s = arc = ne British Gee Snead ee Ga conaait 5l-country Afro-Asian bloc. ack to where it was before | This was in line with state- Engineers Trigger Black Friday, of the people to the point where| ments by External Affairs Min- Spectacular Blast He made his comments in an they would return to work." | ister Howard Green and Ambas- linterview. "The people of this country|sador Charles S. A. Ritchie of | With Mr. Regier as he spoke'. . . have had political and eco-|Canada 'hat Western proposals PORT ELGIN, Ont. (CP) -- was Dr. James Endicott of Tor- nomic dictation for so long that|will find support among Afro- Engineers building Canada'sjonto, leftist chairman of the Ca-|it is difficult for them to decide|Asian countries provided they first nuclear - powered electric/nadian Peace Congress and ajthe cause of action to advancelare carefully thought out. generating station at nearby|vice - chairman of the World|themselves. . . . But while they) Much of the Afro-Asian con- Douglas Point set off a spec- Council of Peace. {want independence, I do sensejcern over the Soviet Union's| tacular explosion on Lake| A guest of Dr. Jagan, Dr. En-jthe inability to meet the prob-|active role in the colonial prob- Huron Saturday in blasting out)dicott said he came here to in-|lems of the day, and hence ori-/lem appears to be based on the a 400 - foot channel in the rocky terest people in the World Con-|ginates the great plea for inter- feeling that the Russians are lake bed. gress for Disarmament andinational aid and assistance." |using the problem as a device Almost six tons of nitrone ex-|Peace planned to open in Mos-| Mr, Regier said he believes|for launching cold war attacks plosive, tamped into 1,192;cow July 9. "the best interests. of worldjon the West. charge holes drilled through the} Dr. Endicott looked on the de-|peace would be poorly served if| Some Afro-Asians also share e ice into the lake bed, hurled|monstrations and riots here as/British Guiana had to depend|the Western view that the Rus- rock, ice and water high in the'a "well - organized, pre - de-|on either Washington or Moscow] sians are trying to push too fast , air. termined plot to overthrow the/for aid." \for the final liquidation of co- The channel, cut 15 feet into government by force and vio-- Recent charges of commu-|lonialism. The Afro-Asian group} the lake bed, will return heated|lence." nism in British Guiana are|has largely backed a more mod- water to the lake from the sta-. Mr. Regier did not indicate he "completely false and poten-jerate approach. | tion's cooling system. shares this view. He said he tially dangerous." ee ee oT Where people make the difference W. R. SINGLETON, Manager 566 King Street East Branch H. J. HISCOX, Manager Whitby Branch G. B. MILES, Manager King & Simcoe Branch 1. E. ERWIN, Manager South Oshawa, 532 Simcoe South Make sure that you provide for yourself in your Life Insurance program... - for business... for pleasure FLY TCA TORONTO to NEW YORK ® most frequent service ® up to 8 flights daily ® $50 Economy return See your Travel Agent or contact TCA at: 130 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ont. Your life insurance should, first of all, provide for yo wife and thildren. But the job doesn't stop there. I sure that you also include INCOME FOR YOUR: You would need it, if you should become disabled. you will need money to live on when you retire a your earnings stop. Life insurance with savings va can then provide you with a guaranteed income w: you can't lose, and can't outlive. At the same time, of your protection can be continued on a "paid-u basis . .. And during your savings period, if you should need cash in an emergency, it will serve as the best kind of collateral. oe Build your savings program with life insurance--and_ i make sure of money for the future. . Today is a good day to talk to a London Life represent. | London Life ' Insurance Company -- Head Office » London, Canada ' TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (@) AIR CANADA TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA 723-9441

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