10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 1, 1962 Gardening Speech By OAC Professor By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Horti- cultural Society met Tuesday evening in the Odd Fellows Hall with 175 members present. The annual meeting started at 7 o'clock with a pot-luck supper. Rev. B. Long offered grace. The tables were decorated with artistic bouquets of yellow and white baby 'mums arranged by Mrs. Fairbrother. The president, W. J..Caldwell, welcomed the audience, follow- ed by a good old-fashioned) sing-song. Mrs. Fred Yeo as- sisted at the piano and Mrs. Raymond Chapman directed. Mr. Michael Blythe of Guelph also assisted with the music and sang a few solos. William Davey was presented with a Diploma of Merit by E. J. Hamm on behalf of the Orono Horticultural Society, in appreciation of his services he has rendered throughout the years so willingly. Mr. Davey thanked the Soci- ety for this honor and stated the diploma would have an honored place in his home. After making the presenta- tion, Mr. Hamm welcomed to the meeting two of the first presidents of the Horticultural Society in Orono, started forty years ago, Mrs. O, W. Rolph and Mrs, Fred Tamblyn. Mr. Caldwell then introduced the speaker, Prof. John A, Weal! of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. His subject was gardening. His method of presentation of his subject was talking and demonstrating on the black board, He stressed keeping the larger sized evergreens at the ends and at the back of the house and. planting Japanese Yews in front of the house and under the front windows. The Mahonia (Canadian Holly), he said, was a fine orna- ment for front bed plantings having good contrast. For the centre of the front lawn, some suggestions, by the speaker were the Mountain Ash, Canadian Shade Bush, Flowering Plum or Flowering 1Amond. His motto was simpli- city (simple display), propor- tion (scale), harmony and per-| sonality. Norman Allin thanked Prof. Weall for his interesting talk. Mrs. Fairbrother gave a re- port of the Junior Horticultural Society which showed great en- thusiasm on the children's part. The new slate of officers for the year 1962 was read by Nor- man Allin. They are as follows: President, Mr. John Caldwell; 'Ist vice - president, Mr. Carl Billings; 2nd vice - president, Mr. Norman Allin; secretary, Mrs. C. Billings, treasurer, Mrs. N. Allin. At the close of the meeting bouquets of 'mums were pre- sented to the following honor- ed members: Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn, Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Mr. Wm. Davey and Mrs. E. J. Hamm. PERSONALS Mr. M. J. Tamblyn returned home from hospital in Toronto over the weekend. Mrs. K. Gamsby spent last weekend in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Graham and family. Mr. and Mrs. mond are_ spending months in Florida. Mrs, John Armstrong return- ed home after spending the hol- idays with her son, Mr. Geo. Armstrong and family in Tim- mins. Miss Jo Armstrong has re- turned to her home on the East Coast after spending a month's vacation with her relatives in Orono. A. A. Drum- a few |charge of worship service at the} ¥ general meeting and two units| © BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE -- On Tues- day evening, the women of Tri- nity United Church held their first meeting of the United Church Women with over 100 women in attendance. The President, Mrs. Earl Osborne, welcomed the ladies and said it was very inspiring to have so many attend. Mrs. Lyn Oke sang a solo and accompanied herself at the iano, The President announced that an evening meeting will be held every other month at 7.30 p.m. and on the alternate month in the afternoon at 2 p.m. An executive meeting will be held on the third Monday of each month at 2 p.m. Mrs. W. C. Ives, Program Club met on Monday evening in the Orono United Church with sixteen couples present. evening had previously to be a tobeggan party weatherman greeted the idea with a drizzling rain thus can- celling the trip to the hills north of the village. held with Ainslee McGee acting as were elected to office: Mrs. B. Long; presidents, Don- Orono Couples Club Names 1962 Executive Officers ald and Jean Staples; vice- presidents, Ainsice and Mary Lou McGee; secretaries, Charles and Kathy Armstrong; treasurers, Bruce and Kay Gus- ter; social committee, Orville and Betty Chatterton, Leslie and Gladys Aslet!; lunch com- mittee, Bil! and June Arm- strong, Gary and Marilyn Han- coek, The grcup will hold the tobog: gan party in February, the date to be announced. Many of those present on Monday at the meeting. ex- pressed the desire and need for' such a group in Orono. The By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Urono Couples The lanned ut the The election of officers was chairman. The following Honorary presidents, Rev. and Chairman said there would be a program convener in each unit. Mrs. C. Barrett, chairman of finance, said the budget for the year is $3,850. The community friendship| committee will have one repre- sentative from each unit who will work with the minister to arrange visits to the sick and shut-ins of the church. In the new organization, there will be 18 units, made up of groups. A letter received last fall from the local Red Cross group asking for women to sew or knit, was left .to the supply commit- tee to deal with this matter in the units, will be charged in each unit. All unit leaders are to bring their membership lists to the February meeting. units and a Spring and Fall Thankoffering will Membership cards will be trans- erred area. to the ladies and said "this will be a year of adjustment." He nine afternoon and nine evening all the help each member can give. Rev. Houslander recom- mended that 13 women be ap- pointed to the various church boards, He commended the work of the provisional committee in organizing the United Church Women of Trinity church. meetings will be held the first of each month. MISSION BAND MEETS Last Wednesday, the Orono United Church Mission Band met in the Sunday School with 26 members presert. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Envelopes will be used in the be held. rink. The boys have been di- vided into two groups and will practice at different times in order that the boys will get more ice time and more coach- ing. Newly-Weds Honored At Prince Albert PRINCE ALBERT -- On Satur- day night, local friends and out- K period from 5.30 - 6.00 has been allotted for team B on Tuesday nights with team A fol- lowing at 6.00 o'cluck. Team B practices every Saturday morn- ing at 900 o'clock while team A continues at the regular 10,30 period. The Midgets will now start their Saturday morning prac- tice at 8.00 rathe: than 8.30. This Friday evening an effort is being made for two hockey games. The first is to start at 6.30 and will feature the Orono Atoms, This game will be fol- lowed by the Orono Midgets. The following Friday the Orono Pee Wees and Bantams will ar- range games with outside) teams. home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson to honor their son Ron- ald upon his recent marriage to Miss Marilyn Reesor, Port Perry.. A cousin, Lois Feaux, pinned a corsage on the bride, while Don Beacock pinned a bouton- niere on the groom's lapel. Other parts of the program were provided by Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs, L. Feaux and Mrs, B. Jeffs. Three young girls, Jean Snel- grove, Linda Forster, and Dian Paletier formed a busy trio in presenting the presents. Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. L. Bea- cock, Mrs, A. Brown, Mrs. M. AWARD FOR ED The U.S. Navy has given a distinguished public service award to Ed Sullivan for his contribution to --_ and morale, to the inaugural service for] Harry 'Keizilirink, Torontr Presbyterial of the UCW in King) Teacher's College was a trial St. Church, Oshawa last Wed-|teacher at Manchester, last nesday. last week. Grant Beacock enjoyed the| Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay have re- kend with his ins, Bar-jturned from visiting their son bara and Neil Devitt, Oshawa.'in Montreal. of-town relatives gathered at the WEIGHT WATCHERS! Guernsey Gold Milk ee Low In Calories As High or Higher In Food Value ! Gain Energy! Fiat Dairy Lia QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS Pugh accompanied Mrs. B. Jeffs if moving to another! ie Challice with the collec: tion bein» taken up by David Manning. Doretta Challicc scriptures. Joyce Rev. W. K. Houslander spoke read the Long then CHANGE ATOM GROUPING Due to the large number of boys whu are turning out for Atom Hockey, over thirty at times, a change has been made in this grouping at the Orono Two units a month will be in will look after the flowers each] livering them to the shut-ins, A membership fee of 50 cents| ; p.m. THE OSHAWA YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION announces its SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING ADELAIDE HOUSE Thursday, February 15th, 1962, -- 6:30 p.m. (Dinner Meeting Tickets -- 1.50) GUEST SPEAKER Miss Henrietta Van der Puye of GHANA You are cordially invited to be present for this dinner meeting, but if it is not possible to come for dinner, please come for the business meeting and to hear the guest speaker, ot 7:30 pore month and will see about de-| © . 4838888 8 8B: | TALK 'ABOUT DELICIOUS FLAVOR! Delicate, sunny- sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine makes just about everything taste better. Good for little people... it's nutritious because it's all vegetable. 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