Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jan 1962, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 31, 1962 UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES 8T. LUKE'S GUILD The Ladies' Guild of St. Luke's Presbyterian Church held its meeting recently. Mrs. Steven Melnichuk presided. Vis- itors from Knox Presbyterian Church attended the meeting. |D. Plans for a Congregational dinner to be held February 14 were discussed. Mrs. Steven Melnichuk presented past presi- dent Mrs. Dennis Abbott and past social convener, Mrs. Har- old Davidson with small mem- entos in appreciation of' their work, Mrs Melville Henry presented Mrs. Kenneth Matthews with a gift from the guild and friends on the occasion of her depar- ture from Oshawa The presi- dent presented the Reverend Kenneth Matthews with a brief case. The minister and his wife thanked the members and hoped that the group would continue Mrs. LeRoy Kellar; treasurer, Mrs. W. M. Rusnell; flower and card convener, Mrs. M. R. Elliott; representative to kitchen committee, Mrs. Har- old Babbington; pianist, Mrs. Mrs. C. C. Baxter, Mrs. A. A. Nicholson, Mrs. Harold Wright, and Mrs. R. L. Mowers. business meeting. It was de- cided to keep the name "Friend- ship', and the new unit will be known as the Friendship Unit, King Street UCW. The meet- ing night wil! continue to be the fourth Tuesday of each month and the February meeting will take the form of a pot luck supper. of the all-unit projects planned for 1962, which included the February Valentine Tea, Feast of the Seven Tables in assistant . R. Lander; group leaders, Mrs. Bell presided for the The members were reminded the bingo convener and Mrs. Gor- don Lane volunteered to look after them. Mrs. Edgerton Bauder and Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Hodgson will act on the committee. More help for the bingos and the booth in the North Oshawa Arena was requested. Refreshments were served by vin Donald White and commit- ee. ST, ANDREW'S UCW 4 The regular meeting of St. Andrew's United Church Women Unit 4 was held at Adelaide House in the form of a dinner, Mrs. Randolph Mark, the presi- dent presided. The secretary, Mrs. George Telford and Miss Mae Storie, the treasurer gave their annual reports. Mrs. A. W. Bradford submit- ted the nominations committee's report of the following officers |Telephone, Mrs. Lesile Evans, Mrs. Hubert Chase, Mrs. Fred Lean, Mrs. Arthur Crowe; Mrs. Alice Morphy; cards, Mrs. Hales Barker; flowers and vis- itation, Mrs. Robert Simpson, Mrs. Harry Blakely, Mrs. Frank Vice. CHRIST CHURCH WA The Afternoon Branch of the he held its first devotional meet- ing of the year recently. The president, Miss Florence Thomas, opened with prayers. Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon and Mrs. Arthur Barnett led in the study. Guests were members of St. Marks WA and Christ Church Evening and Afternoon WA's. Miss Florence Thomas closed with prayer. Mrs. Thomas Hopkins committee served tea. GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION (Adelaide District) The January meeting of Ade- laide District Girl Guide Asso- ciation was held recently at Guide House with Mrs. W. E. er co. and Daughters Of Isabella Night of Cards The Daughters of Isabella recently in St. Gregory's audi- of Christ Memorial Church| 0 WA of Christ Memorial Caurch! 'ne tan was decorated whh snowflakes and snowmen. The stage was accented by the gaily wrapped gifts in red and gold. The guests were received by Mrs. Frank Regent of the Oshawa circle, and Mrs. past-regent. The Reverend Alfred Ques- nelle drew the lucky tickets. In euchre prize-winners were Nancy Heraux, Mrs, Anthony Meringer, Mrs. Arthur Parkin, Mr. B, Ambrose, Mr. Wallace Laliberts, Mrs. J. Judge. Bridge winners were Mrs. Pe- ter ld a successful night of cards Copeland, conven- ; Mrs. Clifford Harper; co- nvener, Mrs. William Eyre, Callista Brennan, Riordan, Mrs. ~ Robert President of Toronto Voice of Women com- mittee and co-chairman for the Metro - Toronto residen- TO SPEAK ON VOW the Metro- | Fine Stewardship Seen in Reports By Welfare League Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite pre-| sided for the anuual meeting of the Women's Welfare League of Simcoe Hall and welcomed Her Worship Mayor Christine Thom- as, Mr. T. D. Thomas MPP, and the speaker, the Honorable Mat- thew B. Dymond, MD, Ontario Minister of Health. Reports were prepared by the following committee conveners. Mrs. C. M. Elliott, Family Wel- fare; Mrs. H. F. Millen, con- vener Property and Maintenance committee; Mrs. W. M. Shaw, convener Ways and Means com- mittee; Mrs, H. P. Hart, con- vener Personnel committee; Mrs. Gordon W. Higgins, con- vener, Crippled Children's com- mittee; Mrs. W. H. T. More-| house, Clubs and Program. Mrs. N. H. Daniel presented the audited financial statements. Revenues from grants, fees, which was adopted as follows: Past president, Mrs. R. E. Rich- ardson; president, Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite; 1st vice-president,, Mrs. A. P. Fulton; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. H. F. Millen; recording secretary, Miss Grace Burns; corresponding secretary, Mrs, Leonard Wakeford; honor- ary treasurer, Mrs. N. H. Dan- iel; Counsellors: Mrs. A. P. Fulton, Mrs. John Harris, Mrs. C. O, Miller. * Advisory board: Messrs. T. Dz. Thomas MPP, -E. F. Bastedo, J. H. Beaton, Graham Coulter, Lyman Gifford, J. E. Harris, W. A. Hillman, S. T. Hopkins, F. N, McCallum, William Smith, A. G. - Storie, and Chief Constable Her- bert Flintoff. Resuming office, Mrs, Braith- waite thanked her evecutive and the staff of Simcoe Hall for their co-operation and invited those in attendance to stay for tea, Mrs. R. G. Mills and Mrs. A. P. Fulton presided at the tea-table in ~ lounge of the Go'den Age Club. 3 DAYS ONLY! COATS Reg. $49.00 and $39.00 Gardner presiding. Roll call showed 13 members present. Mrs. Gardner welcomed three new representatives, Mrs, R. J. Bowers, 16th Brownies; Mrs. N. H. Gemmell, 24th Guides, and Mrs. A. A. Nicolson, 24th Parents' Committee. The minutes and correspon- dence were read by Mrs. D. J. Bowler and the treasurer's re- port by Mrs. John Bowers. Mrs. Blake Walls, badge secre- that one All- to grow. KING STREET UCW (UNIT 7) September, the fall bazaar, and the Christmas dinner. At the close of the meeting, The Cheerful Givers Unit No.|Mrs. Bell was hostess at a so- 7 of King Street United Church/Cial hour. Womens met recently for its| sop SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. January meeting. Mrs. Clarence} The January meeting was Scott, the leader, opened with a ah Frank Gravelle hymn and the devotional pe-|0Pened by Mrs. Frank Gravelle, iod president, who led in prayer. Me, L an ae Two new members were wel-|Bradford and Mrs. A. E. Yeo. ; spt 9 Bg ec qjcomed to. the auxiliary and a Mrs. Mark thanked the group Vision'. i as announced that|Visitor, the new committee |for its fine co-operation during the ea reekitanal ects chairman. jthe year and then turned the} ary reported a be held on February 3| Mrs. George Floody read the|meeting over to Mrs. Reginald Rind COME: tio Maat o would be held on February 2) ninutes and correspondence.|Burr the new president. Com- ee eee and the Valentine Tea on Feb-lm., treasurer's report was|mittees were set up for the|Dadges, two second class a, intealZiven by Mrs. Ronald Ellsmore.|oming year's work and follow-|Padees and seven proficiency gf Tsong paride ng - Visiting reports were given by ing the meeting an evening of|?@48es ii gaa: by Guides oe ce Scotts assistant. Mrs, How.|Mrs. Rowland Arnold and Mrs./cards was enjoyed. "tete a ie ard. Brown; secretary, Mrs|Anthony Flontek. Euchre re-| yng grrepr ucw 8 |Reports wee wan tek Cecil Quantrill; assistant, Mrs.|Ports were given by Mrs. R.) me gry meeti : eports were given by the ; , 'lCox, Mrs. J. Black, Mrs. F. > firs eeting of Unit 8)representatives of the 11th, isth a. bay Oe gee Mack and Mrs. Gordon Varnum. + Sion Street United Churchjand 24th Brownie packs, the + 'sching.| Mrs. Varnum and Mrs. Del- en_ was held recently with|2nd, 10th, 11th, 16th and 24th seit' iin erotaen Motte. bert: Kirkpatrick reported from|Mrs. ~_ Clemence, presi-|Guide companies and the 11th, Kitchen committee, Mrs. Ar-(Group Committee and Mrs.| weal pening with a hymn and/i6th, 17th and 24th parents thur Brown, community friend-|George Floody from District |PT4yer. committees. : It was announced that the an- i | Mrs. Wilfred i i iq: |Committee. | Ts. ilfrs Harris had =, gpore io Langmaid; |") was decided to send $5.00|charge of the devotional period|nual meeting will be held on SUPP'Y February 8, at Guide House committee 4 : leas : "4 oP yea "Ito the National Building Fund.|with a reading, "Your House Mrs. bong Pahang Ps Red Cross awards are to belof Happiness" and "Our Lord|and the appreciation dinner gram, Mrs. jarence *|presented on February 2. Mrs.|In So Many Churches". Mrs.|will be held on Fegruary 15, at haves ~~ Bex PAA Stanley Painter is in charge of|Joshua Kinsey read the scrip-|St. Gregory's auditorium. Mire Frank Thenepene. Mrs, A'|January 26 aie bipeng re --_ Mrs. Harris read) The Oshawa Division pro-| W. Brown. Mapplebeck. an _ Mrs. re djfrom the study book, "The Ur-|poses to hold a gigantic sale of . Mack, February 2; Mrs. Charles|ban Life'. used articles and clothing 'un KING STREET UCW Slater and Mrs. Rowland Arn-) Officers elected were: Treas-/March 9, proceeds of which| (FRIENDSHIP UNIT) old. February 9; Mrs. Anthony|urer, Mrs, William Ward: as-|will go to assist the Sea Rang- The inaugural meeting of the|Flontek and Mrs. George Floody|cistant, Mrs. Jack Chamber-lers on their goodwill tour. The Friendship Unit of the UCW of|February 16; Mrs. James Black|jain: secretary, Mrs. Frank\conveners for Adelaide District King Street United Church wasjand Mrs. V. Coolidge, February|James; pianist, Mrs. Hales\are Mrs. R. J. Bowers and held in the ladies' lounge of the!/23. ._, |Barker; assistant, Mrs. Frank|Mrs. R. J. Manning. church. ee Mr. Charles Anderson, assist-'Hortop; social, 'Mrs. Leslie) A church parade for Ade- "Willing Servicc" was the sub-jant district commissioner, in Guy and Mrs. Harry Blakely: \Jaide District will be held on ject. of the worship service con-|Rovering, gave a talk on First| ducted by Mrs. Douglas Red-|Aid at work and in the home. path, president of the King] Refreshments were served by} Street United Church UCW. Mrs.|/Mrs. Fred Mack's Six. Jeanette Redpath also presided for elec-| tion of the 1962 officers, who|/NORTH OSHAWA PARK AUX. | were installed by the Reverend| The North Oshawa Park Aux- five pounds of delicately perfum- 88° rentals and donations; $37,922,- 46. Expenditures, administra- tive, welfare, clubs and main- tenance, $37,774.28, leaving a net operating surplus for the year $148.18. The Cerebral Palsy School and Clinic balanced its -$7000 budget with a surplus of $2.57. Mrs. J. G. Dancey presided HOUSEHOLD HINT for the election of officers. Mrs. Be it metal, glass, wood, or|N. C. Fraser presented the slate) fabric, a cellulose sponge is safe urface. It i ee ows _ First tuberculosis clinic especially useful as a pin cush- } ion in the sewing room and) ita, in 1025. ae pisemmiadd nursery. Dionne, Mrs. G. Williams, Mrs. Joseph Bell, Mrs. John Brady, Stella McLaughlin. Lucky cup winners were Miss Joan Brady, Mrs. Kenneth Rob- inson, Mrs. L, Levesque. General draw winners were Mrs, P. McEvoy, Mrs. J. Sea- ton, Helen Adams, El Wrona, Mrs. R. Bligdon, A. Lo- zier, Mrs. E. Brent, Mrs. Jack Gearin, Helen Corrigan, Fran- ces Sadler, Joan Rowe, Gail Paterson, Joseph Jordon, Mrs. J. Brady, H. Cardinal, Mrs. Joseph Callahan, Clare Konar- owski, Bertha Clancy, Wallace Laliberte, Walter Dixon, Jean Dickson, Mrs. Donald Leach, Roberta Gates, Mrs. Etta Ding- man, Mrs. G. B. Shaw, Mrs. Keith McDonald, Mrs. J. Fial- ha, Door prize winners were Marilynne Konarowski, Mrs. Fred Rese, Mrs. J. Prender- gast, Mrs. Paul Chartrand, Mrs. K. Matthews, Mrs. R. Vanderwort. } Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Lawrence and com- mittee. for 1962: Past. president Mrs. R. I. Mark; president Mrs. Reginald Burr; recording secretary Mrs. David Low; corresponding sec- retary Mrs. F. J. Darlington; telephone convenor Mrs. Walter Famme; assisting committee Mrs. Ewart Nichol, Mrs. A. W. tial campaign for the Cana- dian Peace Rearch Insti- tute, Mrs. Armand Aymong will address an epen meeting next Tuesday afternoon in St. Andrew's United Church, under the auspices of the Women's Christian -Temper- ance Union. 1 RACK Reg. up to $19.95 \ SKIRTS Reg. to $12.95 6-66 KAYE'S SPORTSWEAR $3 SIMCOE STREET NORTH © BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED FIRST TB CLINIC in GOODBYE ODD SETTINGS | Hello to identical settings for that important Dinner Party you're §} planning . SARGEANT'S. RENTALS 725-3338 DANCEY'S Self-Serve SHOE SALE Will End Tomorrow At 6 p.m. Sunday, February 18, at St, George's Memorial Church. A Lecal Association training for Local Association members and parents' committee presidents will be held on February 26 at Guide House. The next meeting will held on February 28. be .. . at BUEHLER"S! SPECIALS! THURS.-FRI.-SAT. CUT-UP CHICKEN! ¢ LEGS and BREASTS» 39° ¢ NECKS 2s. 19° <ceaiaten a CHICKENS 28: EVISCERATED--FOR FRYING OR ROASTING BONELESS RUMP ROAST 45 BONELESS ROUND cs: 89: LEAN, SLICED Cooked HAM SEE WHAT 99c WILL BUY !! HOT WATER 4-LB. PORK HOCKS 3-LB. RIB STEW BEEF BOTTLE i} 4-LB. COUNTRY SAUSAGE ga BUY 4-LB. SAUSAGE MEAT FOR 99¢ ' GET 4-LBS. FREE! AN Aa L. Herbert. liliary met recently at the home| The executive members whojof the president, Mrs. Gordon) will assist the new unit leader|Lane, with 12 members pres- Mrs. -H. L. Bell, include the/ent. | following; assistant unit leader,| The minutes were read by) Mrs. 'L. G. Glover, recording|Mrs. James Masterson and the} secretary, Mrs. E, C. Wilson,|treasurer's report by Mrs.. Mel-| assistant secretary and press,|ville Hodgson. | Mrs. H. S. Myers; treasurer,! Mrs. Everett Fice resigned as/| BAILEY FOODS LID. OSHAWA AJAX WEST HILL THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday PUMPKIN PIE toch 49° JUST LIKE MOTHER'S DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 2 to 27° FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. Decorated Juice Tumbler with every 88c sale item. ed luxury at a very special pricé:; is. 6seKe ss BELT and, TEA POT TIE HOLDER six-cup §§* SODA TUMBLERS & HOLDER 4 ron 88° PHILLIPS OF LONDON LAVENDER BEAUTY SOAP 3 cakes 88 es, 3-LB, VEAL PATTIES 3-LB, SLICED PORK LIVER 2-LB. SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 2-LB. SLICED SIDE PORK ANY OF THE ABOVE--ONLY-- FREE! BACK BACON SHANKLESS, SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS SKINLESS WIENERS 3,100] "OLLS BOLOGNA .P7.c%cr 4.1.00] u @9° BUEHLER: Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF | 12 KING ST, EAST Every home should have several et this low price. 88° ASSORTED COLOURS ABSORBINE JR. REG, 1.25 ADORN REG. 1.89 ARRID REG. .55 : BRYLCREEM REG. .73 .. BUFFERIN REG. .79 .... ENO REG. 1.19 ....... HALO REG. .69 ....... LAVORIS REG. 1.25 ... ONE-A-DAY REG. 4.49 . SALE 3.49 TONI REG. 2.00 SALE 1.69 We have been able to describe only a few of the 38 attractive items on this sale. Please drop in and see our assortment, : SALE .99 SALE 1.59 SALE .43 SALE .59 SALE .53 SALE .89 SALE .59 SALE .99 THURS. ONLY ! LEAN, PEAMEALED COTTAGE BY THE PIECE w, 59 w, 39° The Talk of the Town BATH TOWELS 20" x 40", gay assorted colours and stripes, <M akg BLUE BONNET MARGARINE IN THE THRIFTY '3 lb. PACK and I] Three pounds individually wrapped, Thrifty way to buy the 1 finest all-vegetable margarine with. famous filled with resilient shredded sunny-sweet flavour, es sponge _ rubber. Colourful! \ Comfortable! Assorted 2 48 2 we oo oe oe ee oe ot colours TELEPHONE INDEX with perpetual calendar &e° 88° LOUNGE PILLOW -- Remov- able zippered corduroy cover BON .BON DISHES-- Plastic *.. :. = oe oe om oe oe om an oe == DIAL 123-4621

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