14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuoeday, Jenvary 30, 1962 : Honesty Sai d BIRTHS Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings _[ImportantTo | } } Net | TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKB | 11 Net 11 Net 11 Net | ul GEISBERGER -- John and Valerie| By The Canadian Press | Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch' Stock Sales High Low a.m, Oh'g Sales High Low a.m, Ch' s) Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge XC ange a e (nee Glendinning are very happy tO, 'Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan. 30 in Bridge 125 $244 24% 244 4 | Scythes 200 316 «16 1100 154 153 153 +1. |Kerr Add 965 960 95 +5 announce the birth of their darling) (Quotations in cents unless markel $.)p Fndry 39 $624 62% Selkirk A 200 «85 s. : : 16000 44 43 43 --1%|Lab } daughter, Nancy Valerie, 8 lbs. 14 0%.,:7-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-|nom Store 1075 $13% 13% h Seven Arts 300 $10% 10% -- | Wsburne 1000 69 67 67 45 725 --20 WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--The on Friday, January 26, 1962 at Oshawa| rights, xw--Ex.warrants, Net change !s|pom Tar 320 $18% 18% 18% Shawin 00 $2358 Ye | Wstates 1100 450 450° 450 2000 20 homely virtues of honesty and Genera} Hospital. Many thanks to Dr-/from previous board-lot closing sale.) pom Text 100 $16% 16% 16% Simpsons z10 $28 28 |W Decalta 1550 110 108 110 : : 5 Ss € Ferrier. | \De Pont 225 $28 2814 Steel Can 230 $79 34 + %!| Windfall 1714 15% 154 15% | Lan; +1 {courage are important parts of TT -- To Doug and Una (nee! INDUSTRIALS | Bama [Oe 188 Siem a Sat A ee ie ae " --5 la successful exchange - rate Sym) on 'Thursday, January 25, 1962.| si wi lehas ee S. Propane $14 144 MINES | Lencoert policy, Dr. A. N. McLeod, chief a daughter, Susan Jennifer, 5 Ibs. 15) sigce Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge|Fed Farms 250 $53 5% 5 Suptest ord $14% 1 |Acad Uran 500 it 11 -- %| Lorado : =} Jeconomist of the Toronto - Do- at Peel Memorial Hospitals! anitipi 182 $393 39\e 39% + Fleetwood 720 $22 22 © 23 Suptest com 325 3 lagnice 1500 to 80 --x |Lorado w 23 122 = |minion Bank, seid Monday Br » Proud gr are MI. /Abit pr 200 $25. 23 25 + Ww\Fr Pete pr 200 360 360 360 25 |'Tamblyn 5 $19 19 13 }amal Rare 1000 i ines Riek vp gol =i lileht ih 'at addons ats eaters and Mrs. J, Sym, Oshawa and Mr. and' 4caqath = 1175 $13 1313 | Gatineau 465 $35 34% | Tor-Dom Bk x19 $68 100 10% 10% 10% + %| MacLeod Ti [night in 'an adds : Mrs. Robt. Scott, London, Ont. |Acad-atl -A 100 $234 23% 2314 -- %4/Gat 5 pe pr 50 $102% 102% 10 Tor icon A sae : ul A 1300 12M 11 Varmiarie loo University College. | -s 17 |GMC 115 Ye 524 -- '4! Area Malart % A GAEFY socanss -- The bie ot Alta Dist ya mm ue |G Wares 725 $9% 9% 9% Tr Can PL $26% 25% M/A Arcadia 7060 72 $ | Seentieae 0 8: 3 +1 | Any country's exchange rate, your child. To tell the good news (0) ais nis vt 300 195 195 195 +8 [GL Paper 1190 $16% 16% 168 'Trans-Mt a | | Marti 3 rele a : : friends and neighbors ier fealty ita. Dis w 1100 125 120 120 G L Power 125 $18% 18% Trans PPL 22 " : 1 wen ee ae ea Dr. McLeod stated, must fit Times is as near as your telep! OA | AltaGas 2470 $3544.35 35 = %/Gr Wor G 100 $154 15% 15 Un as ie wae oa is i ae into the world pattern of rates, ie day of birth, just telephone RA) Aiocas B pr 710 $1074 107% 107% Gr Wpg vt $15% 154 15% + %/Union Oil 2 z 3 a Wbuag a. yjand no country can arbitrarily Th | Bi 723.3492. The rate {s only $1.50. [AltaGas w 430 $147 14% 14% -- Y|Greyhnd 17 Vendimat a | Bidcop Murray M 8% BA Walk GW 40 $55% 55% 55% + | Biuzan 16100 33 52 New Bid F 12 -- M4) set its own exchange rate to | Alumini 1135 $28% 28 28% + %| Hardee M Wainwr 3 12 +5 Black Bay 2500 234 Nealon } Alum 2 pr $50 49% 49% Hughes O B 75 i. ae ae : 1 ads) | : | : ' |New Cal E ; ; DEATHS ey 3 hy ey ee ee ae ee Wena ve Ree ee RS ke du ibis lee tence ae i -2 |please itself; it must take ac- jown 2 | im 3 | i bpd rs w iC te 5 10% 10% 1 pet! Be ee : {Atlas Steel $24 2414 2414 -- Yel Ind Actep 431, 63 Me + %iW C Brew 27 835% 35% 354 [Camp Chib $09 65s 650 680 (N stetame 37% --'y|count of the views of others or | Auto El $5%4 5% 5% -- %4| Inglis 0 Bo % . jC Tung 5 s $ jX My! | eae i i 4 Rey William |Bank Mont 296 $69%4 68% 68% -- \%/Inland Gas 145 M |W ! aoe ue |c Astoria 1000 e989 leet a4 3 lface retaliation, quite aside Ee ee eT RR 4, Bowmanville ae A : lint Niekel oan at ' Pest Suisn: topo ay dar N. Gollert 3 23 8 from the inevitable economic Sunday, January 28, 1962, Roy William) ye none a 56) |Int Util 50 $4316 4314 4346 + %| Curb ¥,{Can-Erin 1200 N Rank 3 5 45 | Jeonsequences of trying to main- Miata rec cloted fon of Mr, and] Brasil p70 325 : je ON pe OO A At See fg eae ; Opemiska 25 625" |tain an inappropriate rate. ) \Br Tnk 6 | ; $75 4 + eA a sp ae 1 an so S : Mrs. J. H. Alldread and dear brother) right ; , , . Hiro G pr 270 $1212 | Paper 5 4) Chester 1000 % 31% 31! pies e s oo 7 | Psychological factors, how- Sateen Cee cneral Chapel: Rew: |BA Ol ty 34% --YiJockey C 200 360 360 +8 1B Gu Cloth 10 $i, 25%--AlChip M1000 30 lOsisko" : 92 +3 jever, were important, an an es- ori * Sit an : 5 $11% 113 ! i 3 | Chi 7. | ' ? eave, Service in the chapel in Wed-| 5G Dow M 158% 15 Jock 'wis 300 +1 Price Br y -- %/Chimo 00 7 7 Paramaq Fe 4oy -- v4 |Sential element in any success- nesday, at 2 o'clock. Interment Osh-| F¢- 35 $52%4 523 14 | Labatt 825 H Coch Will 95 495 49: Roeriom 33 224 -- "| ful exchange - rate policy might awa Union Comevery, Bruck B 50 270 270 | Lafarge 100 { [Coin Lake 3 C ick C | o rg Oy Berlington $19 «19 %|LOnt Cem 300 385 |Coniagas 1 - Pros Air 3 84 ; |be a vigorous determination to BURGESS, Geert Neal on Tues-| Burns 2 $10% 10% . 10 Lau F 200 x10 $5 1, | Alminex 40 s 3 +2 PEP cay nite 0 4y Se ee 0 a +1 'hold a given rate; or, in the fay. January 30, 1962, George Abert ce Tee a a eae & w 380 320." 920 324 gE eggs 4s iol Hall" ©2000 42 42 4 | Rayrock 5 9 95 --1 |case of a fluctuating - rate pol- ns d Zella|Can_ Cem E : nie peng ' ley : ris le | 1S -- lie inati i Margate dane tuber of Zella cr Fndry _ 200 $224 22% 22% + Ye|LobCo B : 9% 9% Bail 5% p 215 $25 | Mogul ieee : jicy, a determination to hold it aan Charies of Oshawa, George of Bow-|CI F 44 4 9 ey x Ye a 21M 21% ml eeitaite a vce Nicbol 3000 : Rio Algom 19 935 935 within some resonable range manville, stepfather of Fred and Nel-|C Pack B 215 353 $3, "lM A ee le reins 100-475 475.47 lCons Que 4000 33 8 Rix Athab y 41 +4 |that would not cause serious in- soa Wileot, Oshawa. James, momes > Br Al A $10% 10° + 4)MB PR 270 sib 18% 18t4-- thi Cdn Dew y Cones 19 470 0 | veer * |ternal distortions. and' Bart Wiloon of Brockville, iw his|CBAL A w 20 3m 255 328 5, tit tres 20 80q 8S a ulin aa te +3 |Cowich 000 s | In the end it might prove to pcg eg Pa ping "street|C Cel $1 Br 2 +156] Mon Foods : - 4c 3 8 Reman R 4 1 |be worth considerable tempor-| ri ome, § lec d Trs ' - : . Oi 3 13 enison 232 1 Sisc 165 , | vv ci 4 Fast, Service in the chapel on Thurs-|¢ Chem a Eee Bas alte B13 rig tee ec ; ok 199 __s [ay sacrifice to achieve rate sta-| pot iombagld Lid 2 o'clock. Inter-/; Drege 2% -- % N Groc pr 204 $28 C Mic Mac 410 10 | Dome 2 +igeeti Steep R 33 5 735 735 --10 |bility. nee VE : |C Frbks A t Car S eS ; C West P 193 190 1 yen + ' Sullivan 173. --3 s pecan 'ace eal C Gas In w 375. +10 | Noranla 34 58% 58% - Dome Pete 8! y %|Ea . 183 183 pioalieet " suaieen Dr. McLeod spoke in one of FAUCHER, Aivery, Oshawa General| Husky 2100 7 MNO NGas 220 $21 | Dynamic 0 60 60 6 Ce a 2 a eae ae er f ' 42 _1 |\the weekly lecture sessions be- Hospital, Monday, January 29, 1962, € lor Bk C 282 $678 vege ars: Seen? lGr Plains 750 a 13% [Falcon t 64% 6414 + Ye\Temag 3 9 109 +4 {ing held in a course on inter- Albert Faucher, beloved husband of/C Imp BK © Be at ee aga ae i HomaA F + %/| Faraday 161 161 --4 (Territory 4 3% 13% 134 -- |national business management. Anastasia (Nettie) Marchin and father/C Ind Gas 1000 $94 94 & oan > 3 j HB OG 50 $1. 7% 1 + Y%! Frobisher 1800 15% 154% + % Thom L 3 s 125 7 4 ; i 13. 15 >¢ a ae : ef Victor Faucher of Oshawa, in his) CIL 100 $15 u LBS dni ; . &| Melal 261 7 --2 |Genex 15500 1 16 17 Tombill 80 +2 « rt | f 301 307 bit n4 . 7 7 1 52nd year. Resting at the Armstrong | Cdn oil 200 $31 30% a ° ot 500 2 Gnt Masct 6000 89 87 87 +2 |Tormont r 50 : ' : 75 $88 88 88 4 |Premium 2 5 275 275 --5 |Midcon 5 6 : i asct 6000 |S ! t Tormo | aeeriad sty Seen te ee CuenlOPR . 1055 28 2% 26 + WiQN Gas 1160 $ Nat Pete 305 304 Giant YK = 775 950 950 --40 | Tribag ce ee 2 +20 a enay aren ary 1 at 9 a.m, Inter-|Cdn Pet pr 600 $12% x2% 12 %/QN Gas pr 210 $57%% 5742 574 N Cint + Glacier 14500 19% 21 4+ Un Keni = i ere Te rag Comelety; |Cdn Tire 45 $49%s 497 YlQN Gas w 240 210 210 21 NC Oils 1 201 1 |Gildale 2500 2644 28 +1 |Upp Can 4 ment St. Gregory dd \C Tire A 85 1 |Revenue pr 100 $22%4 22 Pac Pete 53 sa 1 _ | Goldray $00 2 2 Ne ad rad ciik cg By THE CANADIAN PRESS THOMPSON, Ale) Erna: J | Gal Cell i: 3 i 5 Roman 200 $l0% 10! = %| Petrol é fe 41 IH of Lakes 1000. 1 eo at Wespar 500 15% +1 | Ogilvie Flour Mills Company At Hillsdale Sunday, Janu) Col te mollis say rae ; x 7 lac 5 : =" 5 5 j 255 30 830 --5 | - adi 1962, Alice Elizabeth Preece,| Conduits 375 $9 4 1%|Royal Bank 231 Place 50.50 3 1 | Headway 500 58 38 58 +1 |Waite Am 255.830 830 |Ltd., pfd. $1.75, March 1, re : ! : ' > 5 1 Y 1000 14% 14% 14% Ls roelle ' penny eee oe a0 Royalite Provo Gas 16 2 1 {Heath 9500 11 11 4| Werner 4 | Feb, 2. nel res lca etree) ee cellar ocin M's 220 2 23 Royalite pr 225 $23 2: Sarcee 12 2 |Hollinger 230 ; Willroy 8800 190 185 18 --3 bg South Cc any Lid rs Aiden, Ren, ree), red, gat con Cat 50 $18 felled sae . %|Secur Free $125 52 525 +20 |Hud Bay 25 $558 Wiltsey 9000 24 «23 «(23 e Southam Company - Mee Ader apeoh all of Oshawa, in her|Cirby vt 750 tL Cem A 200 $1586 15% 15% -- Yo Stanwell ed Hydra Ex 1540 3 Yk Bear 6300 100 9% 9% --2 (99 cents, March 28, record r i isiCoronation 150 $9% 9%% 97 StL Corp Ye 224 224 Trans Can Len _y [HY 3s | : Festing at Melntosh Mie. ison Fuoeral Dist Séag. 1025 $46% 46% -- ¥ Salada-S 16 18% 16 YiTriad Oi] 200 180 180 180 Jinsmith 6300 16, 15% 16. + 4 ales ti 11 m.m,.: 879,000. (March 14. resti 2 ag ist Sé it eal Home, 152 King Street East. Service in the chapel on Wednesday, Januaty 31, =" 1st Profitable Adventure Spirit (P8 Ne Eamins Merger Blocked | Higher Than 1960 | MONTREAL (CP) -- oa By Sh h ld Urged For Trade ncn om arenhoiders |to $37,650,849 from $33,674,670 in| it GERROW FUNERAL 'Pipeline Firm | 1968. TORONTO (CP)--A group of|the capital structure but CHAPEL : | TORONTO (CP)--Trans-Can-- TORONTO (CP) -- Cana-| "Should we not at least be Gross earnings. in 1961 in.|dissident shareholders of Rock-)needed a two-thirds majority. Kindness beyond price jada Pipe Lines Ltd. had its dians should meet the challenge'able so to order our affairs that peoatea $8.384.594 to $465,490,-|Win Mines Ltd. blocked an at- Following the vote of the sec- et within reach of all. \first year of profitable opera- of changing world trade pat-!a higher percentage of manu- 078 'from $457 105.482 in 1960,|tempt by the company Monday jond resolution the meeting was y |tion in 1961, James W. Kerr, terns in a "spirit of adventure,"|factured products used in Can- Worki eanke ? increased $4 'Ito secure shareholder approval immediately adjourned. 728-6226 chairman and president, an- says G. Arnold Hart, president|ada both by industry and final Ios 418 to 647 B39 297 ioin $423.- of a merger with Trans-Canada| Earlier in the day sharehold- 390 KING STREET WEST nounced Monday in a prelimin- of the Bank of Montreal. |consumers comes from domes-|439'g19 jr, 1960. "Explorations Ltd. jers of Trans - Canada approved |ary report to share-holders. He told the Toronto Board of|tic production? aioe f The group, led by H. L. Gar-|the plan by a vote of 2,077,626 LOCKE'S FLORIST | Net income was $2,075,886, Trade Club Monday night that] «Jf some significant move-| le-end A. D. Holt, both of Tor-| Shares against 402. be od with a loss of $2,911,-| py , if ' : } |v | lan announced last Funeral arrangements and |f¢5"n ggg" Or agventages iimany of ihe met cuer, of both of these) NET EARNINGS onto, were deteated on the firs ay. Rockwin would have te floral requirements for all | mans . Canada operates the products of farms, forests and|is difficul not be achieved it resolution of the meeting call-|organized its capital structure . 6 » ' 8, s jis difficult to see what steps are By THE CANADIAN PRESS |j impl jority. The! i sysipaee pen \2,340 - mile natural gas trans-/mines that should enable her to/ayailable to us to reduce the! ¢amrhal R ' =ee [ing for s simple MAsOrIy: 7 acon the basis of oye new share OSHAWA'SHOPPING [mission system from Alberta to| maintain her position in them in| present level of unemployment|7 (2™@Pbel!_ Red Lake Mines|vote showed 1,651,963 shares for/for each 10 held and then with CENTRE |Montreal, with an-extension ex-| world markets. to manageable propor tions|uitc, year ended Dec. 31: 1961,)the purchase of the assets and/the approval of shareholders of lporting natural gas to the| Along with this, every effort) whi |$1,830,268, 45 cents a share;|property of Trans-Canada by a/hoth companies would purchase GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-| morial. For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. | @ar a y ] i in-| 4 ; | at HOT 5S SERVICE | nited States at Emerson, Man.|should be made to develop new ltaining the same time main-|i960, $1,713,620, 43 cents. jsimple resolution and 1,144,319/the assets of Trans-Canada by fh 2 . the high standard of) I vi ; rati i faa i 6555 Revenue from natural gas|products based on Canadian|jiving to which we have bechadsl year hast Bae ah tae against. jissuing one of its shares for sales i totalled $77,000,000|raw materials, in an attempt to " | ee The vote was the same on the|each 24% Trans-Canada shares. lin 1950. The 1961 cha Mr. |achieve further fabrication ap ymanagae t h ; begory reed . pen 1960, $26,-| econd resolution calling for a|The new company would have IN MEMORIAM \Kerr said, resulted from a 32-|dovetail into later stages ofl ne Sacer ue en at ye oe wea $ ¢ aA gtd Lines|°hange in the name of the com-|been known as Transrock Ex- |Per-cent ent oS agg rovoraet wr" development possibility of gop Payh A ine Cage te ended Dee. 31 : 1961, pany and a reorganization of plorations Ltd. : | i Ss n Vv 7 " sap aint 9 cmmnnnnnne BOYNTON -- In loving memory of 8 , vg Paco fg Pyeng [ence yee would be bi on| Structure to provide greater in- $2,075,886; 1960, net loss $2,911,-| dear father, Frederick Boynton, who 54s che 'la much larger: scale: than at\Centives for expansion in those|148. passed away January 30, 1953. | With permission granted in ide \industries, including export in-| Canada Permanent Mortgage Calm and peaceful, he is sleeping, [December by the U.S. Federal/present in order to sell abroad) : Sweetest rest that follows pain; lPower Commission, allowing|s0me products not usually ex-|dustries, that give greatesti\Corporation, 1961, $2,276,-) --Alway bered by Norman, | 4 : - : Fee enero eestty ang Norme,(company to import Canadian/ ppogr em NOT NEW countries, Mr. Hart », ' ' ras aie n- ol ea passed Kerr said this authorization is/242°; problem of a small dom. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT We offen sit and think of him lexpected to result in additional (4s. market and nevertheless I E Y Wh ne, | ' 6 inet s eless | For memory is the only thing jsales in 1962. Permission had|p,o¢en into the international | « Si cusses Sead Simaey Meknight) Trans - Canada has applied to\should not be able to do the| Only those whe have lost Lapse 6 and eared i" appropriate degree of co-opera- npviekelandoltel cena men. New compressor stations |tion among management, labor M : PEAT EE pital edece tre al ches BD ; ; : 1 seem to. Bee your iearious tears,|are to be installed near Falcon|and government? Canadian Press Business Editor)study which indicates that over Giant TCA DC-8 Jets to five major gateways to Europe Lake, Man., and, in Ontario, at} -- ESSN __| The seemingly limitless de-|the next two decades municipa We wh 4 him, sadly miss him, owl : | is vidi , in- y ; 2 We who loved him, sadly mie \mennessee Gas 'Transmission|Ported from Canada. [pemaien of oer ding, useful in-|470, $2.84 a share; 1960, $2,109, : jnatural gas on an interruptible | Other ' DODSWORTH -- In loving memory basis at Niagara Falls, Mr./oommented, have faced Ca lready b ived from the ® 'That grief can call its own. already been recei : otavedte panieabecel by his family.| National Energy Board for ex- ee ane dntarent: peas ar lI 1SOI l aw } mS x pees a MEA n. - Cannas pnb get eat ade Parra \ fl 3) BM SERV ICE TO ALL THESE Sixteen years ago T had to part __|the National Energy Board for/same if our economic problems| : e d-* yi With one I loved with all my heart.|approval to carry out its 1962) ae approached with foresight! n e od S a oe lconstruction program costing/and imagination and with an By FORBES RHUDE roads and quotes a 1958 Ontario z Ai 5 Gd eS ee Dryden, Upsala, Orient Bay, mand for road facilities within) road expenditures are likely 0; - and only TCA can fly you to them all - no need to Now a beautiful memory dearer than |), : F; ® municipalities may lead to other|rise so steeply that they --will , § Rock Falls and Pi ) n J ) | Of h eekan's worth can never be tpi tigtag a High School solutions for the transportation'amount to about twice the ex-| change planes or make connections. Step off your told. of people. jpenditure on provincial roads--! | TCA jet-and your holiday is underway - explore the Alone, unseen, he stands by my side.) Additional compressor equip- hls is bavisaned be. < # j A | fs : S is saged by the Ca-|the reverse of the current situa-| 2 ' ; ANY, And whispers "Don't grieve dear |ment is to be installed at the Stud H tae ible iu byways of Europe with TCA's Extra Cities Plan - for Death t divide." 3 jnadian Tax Foundation in thejtion. | ee inna Scar, the memory is station already operating at ents ave ifirst of a series of studies of the} In such a situation, it add | WE HAVE EVERYTHING example visit 15 of Europe's famous cities for the North Bay. jdivisions of responsibilities|a province might correct the i ' kept, : ne hee : RSE eT Skating Party |among various levels of govern-|balance by shouldering full r | YOU'LL NEED! price of your Canada-Vienna return fare. You can | S t L ] |ment. It also sees the possibil-| sponsibility for the cost of high- save up to $128 on TCA's 17-Day Jet Economy Excure CARD OF THANKS uppor veils BLACKSTOCK---No. 1 Unit of|t@if. important functions ag a Make use of these long Winter evenings sion Fares, available until March 31st. And you can 'But it is well fo note," the} --_ | CW performed by municipalities. . A ' ' : . Give Limited phil Sey oe | The apparent trend of thought|study adds, "that municipal] to do those repair and fix-up jobs that convert some of those savings into foreign currency DART -- We would like & Heng ; {in various provincial-municipal)road building policies could| i i : ; ; our thanks to all our friends and neigh: | Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Rus-lstudies 'the Foundation com:| change; It ts becoming increas-| make all the difference in the world in the ...when it comes to travel pleasure a little mark or ; ° we bieghy : | a hed Me Muahesnes sown as whet Incentives wh eo ag c appointed ments, is that any adjustments|ingly apparent that enormous | way a home looks. Come to BROWN'S for schilling can go a long way, crevary and pits. Var Wright jin the functions of local govern-| expenditures on roads in and] quality materials at low prices © reas toneale By MRS. OLGA HILL lity of provinces taking over cer-|ways passing through urban} was in the hospital. | tr --Jack and Jean Dart | CHATHAM (CP) -- Growers -- ' jment are likely to be in the| through urban complexes tend| lare given limited incentive by next meeting is to be on areas of social services and|to follow a Parkinson's Law of| Feb. 20 at 2 p.m. at the home|road financing. their own: traffi stion in-| | Market Closes the, support levels, of the new Hod. EERE, ee re adds,|creases to meet road. expendi, A NEW LOGKSET () 'TORONTO/HAMILTON $ 86 ' now will be able to stay in bus-| Tuesday evening Unit No, 2\that demand for new services|tures, ce | s Sli htl Rhead liness until better returns are of UCW met at the home of and improvement to existing) "This could lead to a realiza-| 'PARIS or BRUSSELS DOWN ghuly ie | available the annual meeting|Mrs. Harold Kyte when the foi-| ones in the fields of health, wel-|tion by the provinces that finan-| dresses up any door. i S lowi icers .|fare and education will require|cial participation in alternative) 2 : s | s jh she Canadian Sugar Beet mg CHEETS Were Pree: ite assumption of greater finan-|meahs of moving people, such} Choose from our big | 17-Day Jet Economy Excursion Return Fare $408.60 TORONTO (CP) -- The stock|Producers' Association was told) President, Mrs. Romeril; sec-|cial participation at the provin-|as rail commuter and road| selection of Builders -| Monday. re an pr ; vi bre dees edt tek: L n Jinsen of McGrath ected sar a oer cual and possibly the federal lev-|and rail rapid-transit systems, | Suk your' trevel ageat or ash. THAI ing Monday before closing|Alta., association president, | son Surer, Mrs. ivan omP-/els if municipalities are: to con-|could be a cheaper and better| Hardware. : RST +80 Bleos St. Wank, Toluis slightly ahead. said the association and the) 44. path Larmer gav PA hia responsibility of per-/policy in the long run. CK Industrial issues, which S9vernment differed on a fair 1.042 p Pr gave me) nce. distant tas cee stabilizing the indus.|2¢Votional paper and prayer.| "On the other hand, the prov-/TO REACH BIG FIGURE | STUMPED ON WHAT T0 Do ae OR TRANS:CANADA AIR LINES try. Mrs. Romeril led an interesting|inces may eventually prefer to; Engineering and Contract| : . ' ; ; | | losses all day, showed closing) "Both recogniz but "discussion on Bible study. _. |take over the performance/Record, a Southam - MacLean) | , gains. The strongest groups|we felt. the as ei We the Next meeting is to be at the] themselves, A ee i bere Apaimgaioaed -- he HOW TO DO IT! AIR CANADA fh. y. home f Mrs. , . m nt in some provinces with) put-in-place construction in Ja Q were Pipelines and ; foods. + ee St ped Pei pe Feb. 20 pi P ge Thompeon tthe establishment of provincia!|ada wi!Lreach $7,400,000,000 this ~ 5 | terprovincial Pipe Line climbed) ct ut of the federal treas.' The first 'general meeting of|M¢alth units." Y year, a figure about $40,000,000 Call on us! We're at fi] 800K YOUR FLIGHTS THROUGH ... 1%, Trans-Canada 1% and Osh-lyry," he said. the UCW i fe-be Welt on gan.) Sut finds, much the Nboye genera) predictions fH the) : our service with free awa Wholesale A %, Mr.' Jensen added that Cana-'30 at 2 p.m. in the CE Cabkee, (CSE SUean en. 1D Remerd. 10 SURAT ESI LIGHANEY pana : : = Howard Travel Bureau The biggest losses went tojdian consumers should not ex-| There was a good attendance | oS aa eye 4 4 4 advice and isha diel Canadian Tire and Canadian|pect to eat the Western world's/a1 the LOBA euchre Tuesday| | tions AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE WH 2-6690 Tire A, off 2% and 2% respec-|Cheapest sugar and at the same/night, Prize- winners were: | YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED | : tively. jtime enjoy 'its second highest/high lady, Miss Cora Crozier: | On index, industrials rose .12/¥@8e level. ; low lady, Mrs. Clark Williams; | to 600.83 and western oils 2.55| 1 see no reason why the peo- nigh gent, Helen MeLean: low H (@) @) L Improve Your Home Now... Pay Later BOOK THROUGH .. . to 120.31. Base Metals declined|P!© re is nation -- expect | cent, Mr. Hardy, Port Perry; : | \ .35 to 207.56 and golds .05 tolwe farm people to be satisfied door prize, Mrs. Charlie Smith. Are invited to write for a.FREE booklet -- tells how you FIRST PAYMENT DUE JUNE 1, 1962 D ld T ] 4 Bat the relame fasion marge me RO haw pute ary fh con on vrs Shel De | | Donald Travel Service 1 sonineara tap Mette emer erta iollay MeLaughin, Mrs,' Carilgn AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME UF ' | Pnadcsaisesod dembl Marsal isis: Plo = er the meeting that severe drought McLaughlin, Mrs. John a) AMERICAN SCHOOL, 100 Dundas St., Deseronto, Ontario BROWN Ss LUMBER cut heavily into sugar beet|3%an, Mrs, Gienn Larmer, Mrs, Please send me your $5-page Hich School Booklet. | en Nickel gained 1% and) vieias. Cecil Hill, Mrs. Arnold Taylor, I Te ee nem Rey, cara ir date ot Sore ME RANE S) & SUPPLIES LTD. |[ rr | one's outiee yg igo oes Ontario Sugar Beet Grow. |Roy Taylor and Mrs. Richard/ ADDRESS | : © ® ip 25 cents to $5.10 after\ers' Marketing Board, reported|Van Camp, attended the' Pres-| x cabanas - ae M d T ] S 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH eacows iravel »ervice Fie eicrgdy -- as -- ry an average tonnage of 17.05 an|bytery United Church Women's} ed 49 cents al $/.40./acre for the 1961 crop, although inaugural service in King St.| a se ke ee . Western oils were strength-|the sugar content was only|United Church, Oshawa, on DIAL 725-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO [i] 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9441 ened by Dome's % gain. 14.74 per cent. 'Warnesday. | ~ Pets