UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jenuery 25, 1962 NELLIE DEARBORN GROUP The Nellie Dearborn Group of St. Stephen's United Church met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Jewell recently. The topic for devotions was "Beginning Again". The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Stephen Saywell and Mrs. Robert Lang read a_ story. Mrs. Carson Heard led in prayer and Mrs. Stephen Saywell read a poem, "The Land of Beginning Again' The minutes were read and a yearly report. given. Mrs. John Cook gave the fruit and flower report and the Missionary re- port was given by Mrs. Lloyd Jewell. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Edward Gresik. Mrs. Stephen Saywell read the purpose and bylaws of the United Church Women and a question and answer period followed. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Carson Heard's group. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ar- thur Ferguson on Tuesday evening, January 23, at 8 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The Calvary Baptist WMS met recently. Some of the mem- bers gathered in the morn- ing for the sewing of quilts, in the afternoon the devotional iN TO PRESIDE Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite, president of the Women's Wel- fare League, will preside at the annual meeting in Simcoe Hall on Monday afternoon when the work of the settle- ment house in 1961 will be reviewed, The Honorable Matthew B. Dymond MD, CM, Minister of Health, Province of Ontario, will address the meeting. --Aldsworth ing with a poem, 'Another New Year," followed by a hymn. The devotional period was led by Mrs. Leslie Blair. Mrs. D. M. Polson, treasurer, gave her report. The minutes and correspendence were read. Mrs. Charles McLennan _re- viewed the study book, "The Mission to the Church in Brit- ish Guiana," from the begin- ning of the church in British Guiana until the present day. The president reminded the members of annual meeting of East Toronto Presbyterial on January 25 at Fallingbrooke Presbyterian Church, Toronto, meeting was under the leader- ship of the president, Mrs, Wil- liam Spencer. A song service was led by Mrs. Henry Mc- Ghee and prayer by Mrs. Spencer. The prayers for missionaries were offered by Mrs. Ruben Northey and Mrs. A. R. Allo- way. A message was given by Mrs. Grace Moncur, based on Psalm 119: "Open thou mine eyes, wondrous things are to be found in Christ if we but look to Him. It took Christ's death on the cross to free us from our sin. We have victory over sin if we keep our eyes on Him. May we Jook to Him in the coming year, and commune with Christ daily." Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. N. W. Aitken. Y'S MENETTE'S The January meeting of the Oshawa Y's Menette's Club was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Brandt. The President, Mrs. Clem Hewett opened the meeting. Plans and arrangements are being made for a night of cards to be held in March, The doll which has been a project of the club, will be raffled off during the evening The secretary, Mrs. Bruce Logie distributed the Y's Menette's pins and the Club decided the pins were to be worn at all meetings and Y's Menette's functions. The lucky draw prize was won by Mrs. Hewett. The next meeting will be held at the {home of Mrs. John Francom. on February 14. 16TH PARENTS' COMMITTEE The 16th Parents' Committee of the Girl Guide Association held its January meeting re- mently at St. Matthew's Church with Mrs. Roy Smithers presid- i to be held this year in the Salva- tion Army citadel. CHRIST CHURCH EVE GUILD The January meeting of Christ Memorial Church evening Guild was held recently. The new president, Mrs. Wolfe Miller opened the meeting with prayer, and then asked for the group's support and co-opera- tion for the coming year. Mrs. Stanley Gales, read the minutes and stated that the hymn books Burse, and Veil presented to Hillsdale Manor at Christmas were much apprecia- ted. Mrs. Richard Evans gave the treasurers report. Various items were discussed. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Garnet White and Mrs. Reginald Cooms. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Mary Parker Group) The Mary Parker Group of the Women's Guild of St. George's Memorial Church held its January meeting at the home of Mrs William Atkinson, Golf street, The minutes were read by Mrs. O. C. Richardson and the treasurer's report was given. Mrs. Richardson commented on the Christmas Party held at Glenholme School for retarded children. The turkey dinner ar- ranged by Mrs. Robert Shorten and 'the Ladies Auxiliary was excellent and the game of court whist which followed was en- joyed by all. Plans were discussed for the! It was decided that the next coming year. ; |meeting would be held on Feb- Mrs. R. J. Bowers will bejruary 21 at the home of Mrs. the new Brownie representative|Edwin Hoare and would be in to the Local Association. |the form of a social evening. Refreshments were served by - Mrs. L. N. Daniel and Mrs, | ITH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. 7 | Mrs. Howard Allan introduced nen sere IMr, Glen Shortt, Scoutmaster of KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WMS |the B troop, to the members of The regular meeting of the|the 11th Oshawa Scout Mothers' Afternoon Auxiliary of the Wom-|Auxiliary, at their January en's Missionary Society of Knox|meeting. He showed two films Presbyterian Church was heldjtaken at the Jamboree held in recently in the ladies' -lounge;Ottawa July 1961. Also Scouts of the church. \Edward Winacott and Calvin Mrs. A. H. Dancey, president,|Burton outlined the highlights of presided and opened the meet- the Jamboree, and how a ng. Roll call showed 12 members and one guest present. The minutes and correspon- dence were read by Mrs. D. E. Morrison and Mrs. R. J. Bow- ers gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. D. J. Bowler gave a summary of the Local Associa- tion meeting. and the World Day of Prayer] § at the parish hall on Monday, February 5 at 8 o'clock, and hope was expressed for a better' attendance of members, as it will be Election Night. HELPING HAND UNIT The Helping Hand Unit, UCW of Simcoe Street United Church, met in the Sunday School for its first meeting of the New Year. After a buffet supper, members retired to the parlors for the business portion of the meeting. The newly appointed leader, Mrs. Irvine Cowie, pre- sided. One important item dealt with was the vote on the nomina- tions for the executive of the United Church Women. The slate of officers, as presented, was accepted unanimously. At the conclusion of the business, a social time was enjoyed. MITCHELL'S CORNERS H-8 The regular meeting of Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association was held at the school recently with Mrs. Henry Alstein presiding. The minutes were read by} Mrs, Arthur Peeiing and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Mil- ton Fountain. The room count was won jointly by Mr, Murray Grif- fith's, Grades 7 and 8, and Mr. John Copp's Grades 5 and 6. ; ,..| Plans were made to have a/ typical day was spent. On dis: | play were souvenirs and badges| Pazar and bake sale at the etc. the boys had brought back|°P€® house in March. with them: The guest speaker, Mrs. R. D.| Mrs. Patrick Winacott will|Heard of OCVI, was convene the father and son ban-| duced by Mis. Lionel Hart and| quet to be held at Camp Samac| thanked by Mrs. Peter Shmyr. on February 17, 1962. Three ti Page Price Tidi- . ness," "Bedtime Blues," and ST. GEORGE'S JR. CWL | «TV Invades the Dinner Hour,'"'| The first meeting of the St.)were put on by some of the| George's Ukrainian Catholic|members of the Association. Church Jr. CWL for the new/This was followed by .a lively year was held recently at the/discussion guided by Mrs. parish hall. Heard. The Reverend J. C. Pereyma| It was-the fourth anniversary opened the meeting with prayer.|of the Association. A cake ap- The president Mrs. Edward|propriate to the occasion was| Hyrcanuk thanked all the mem-/cyt by the past-president, Mrs. bers for their support and co-| William Nemis. | operation in the year 1961. | ; The secretary Mrs. James|{6TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX, | Planeta read the monthly. re-| The 16th Scout Mothers' Aux-| port and gave the yearly re-|iliary held its regular meeting| port. * if Knox ia oy Church. | The treasurer Mrs, Michael|-J President, Mrs. Korchynski read the monthly|?Strom, presided. report and gave a summary of} The minutes were read by, the year nnd poe Mrs. Philip igo Plans for the 'social night out'|AN@ Me treasurers report by) with members husbands andj"'S: Kenneth Hann. | friends were discussed and it| Plans were made for a Valen- was decided to have a bowling|tine tea and bake sale to be night to take place on Saturday,|held in February. Plans also} January 27 at the Motor City;were made to commemorate | Bowling Lanes at 9 o'clock|Boy Scout Week. | sharp, with refreshments at the) Refreshments were served by) parish hall after bowling. Mrs. Kenneth Code and Mrs.) Refreshments were served by|Ralph Coburn. | Mrs. Michael Karas and Mrs.| The next meeting will be held} James Planeta. 'on Monday, February 19 at 2 The next meeting will be held'p.m. TEACHES SAFETY Nell Siemens plans a cross- Canada jaunt te interest women's groups in promoting traffic safety. Miss Siemens, a native of Saskatoon, was hired by the Canadian High- way Safety Conference. three months ago and has already met with women's groups in Montreal, Toronto and Otta- wa, ~--CP Photo Larry) -- a ant ad onl NN" = NN WD 25% OFF ALL TABLES IN STOCK 20% OFF ALL LAMPS IN STOCK 20% OFF ALL Original OIL PAINTINGS @ MANY OTHER FIRST QUALITY ITEMs . .. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION @ ~<a . FIRST <Aulty MERCHANDISE BRAEMORE SOFA ....... 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A beautiful suite, custom built with all the best in construction and finish detail. Note the serpentine curved woodwork and the cabriole legs. Available in your choice of cover and colour. This suite usually sells for $400.00. Mid-Winter Sale Price for 2 pieces ..........4+ 06 OL OEIOM 3 3 '| Slightly smaller in size but with quality construction and styling. Your choice of covers and colour. You will save $50.00 on either the regular size sofa and chair or the four seater. Mid-Winter Sale Price . .. -+++ 279.00 --+. 299.00 Regular sofa and chair ... . 4 Seater sofa andchair oe. We took the shipment "as is" right off the factory showroom floor! i if we were to order any one of these chairs for "regular stock", the price would necessarily be double! These are the original display pieces, not to be te-ordered! Fine French Provincial and Traditional. Offer good only while supply lasts! FURNITURE COMPANY 63 KING STREET EAST 4 SHOWROOM FLOORS @ OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS @