32--Articles for Sale ELECTRIC motors, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby, cPING { paper on sale, letter. size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots cy save. 4 ib pkg. ee pkg. $2.00. Dept.. Oshawa THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jenvery 24,1962" 23 NEWS BRIEFS ALGERIA STIRS FUSS LAGOS (Reuters) -- The for: eign ministers of 19 African states were reported to be dead- locked Monday night over the key issue of whether to invite the insurgent Algerian provi- sional government to an Afri- can summit conference gatban here Thursday. ISRAEL WOULD JOIN ECM JERUSALEM (AP)--The Is- raeli government favors joinin the European Common Marke "under suitable terms," Pre- ----|mier David Ben-Gurion told the Knesset (parliament) Monday. SETS VOLTA DEAL ACCRA (Reuters) -- Presi- dent Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana signed a series of agree- ments Monday with an Amer- ican aluminum consortium--the Volta Aluminium Company -- giving the green light' to Gha- na's huge Volta River project. The company is to build an aluminum smelter which will be the main consumer of elec- tricity produced by the Volte River dam. 32--Articles for Sale CHAINS and sprockets. Mitton Electric' and Machinery Lt Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street East, East, Whitby. V-BELTS and pulleys, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby. wy Times. HOUSE trailer, 41 foot, furnished in- SIMPLICITY washing mi achine, {eluding built-in auto. washer. Sell orjable, good condition. Apply 763 "Ritson trade on house, property, etc. 728-9714)Road South. or 735-4701. Mr. Martin. -- | BOLL hones and seals, Mitton __|CHAIN saw, Machinery Ltd,, 208 Chest. piece bath sets, sump pumps, iat nut Street Bast, Whitby. tubs, sinks, cabinets, piping, fittings, outboard motors, trailers, 723-7 STAUFFER redu VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes | | aaa attachments, brushes, Racg eos 29---Automobiles for Sale 1939 VAUXHALL Victor, four door, two tone, red and white, one owner car, 4m excellent condition, highest offer. Teleph 728-4536. 29--Autemobiles for Sale ONE % racing camshaft for a 1949 to 1934 V8 Ford, Like new. Felephone OL 5-4605. 27--Real ' Eetate For Sale\27--Real Estate For Sale|27--Real Estate For Sale $1,000 DOWN -- Spacious three-bedroom/LARGE, unfurnished ranch bungalow, Highland A' on large garden lot, just outside East BEST LOCATIONS jrgee meer, Saati Sus rarae Ci EStus oe cated Pu pic ely Only few lots. avoilable for custom-built homes at Mary eulate home has a paved drive plus/|$5,900. Joseph St., Finucane ond Bader, or Byng "32 CHEV. good body,. radio, heater -- peice and signals, mechanically perfect. Tele-|1958 PONTIAC station wagon; excel- phone 725-5555 between 10 a.m, andijlent condition, Laurentian series, auto- 2 p.m. Can be seen anytime at 621/matic, radio. Apply 59 Wilson Road King Street East. North. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Tradé up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. 'S, 723-9421 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA. SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 __ WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 24-Hour Special | $1099 at WHITBY AUTO 1957 Pointicc Laurentian; hardtop, two-door, two-fone blue, automatic, with radio, like mew. One-owner car. WHITBY AUTO SALES 701 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY MO 8-848] 24-HOUR SPECIAL $999 at WHITBY AUTO 1955. Cadillac, Fleetwood, Sedan,. fully powered, per- fect condition throughout. WHITBY AUTO SALES 701 DUNDAS EAST Low down many more Call Bob | Bosco, Realtor, 75 9870. Stevenson at 726-686, §. D. Hyman/paivaTE sale, five room brick bunga- Avenue. J. OCHONSKI (Teron north east epee aren, Py od finished |Te: * Peeroctinn " ernie room, lot Berg lappointment. 725-6031 CALL scaped and fenced, nicely deco PORT PEERY, a as by rly down or near offer. Telephone, M0 oronatly smaietiai Pyeng on <a rer 123-1133 'L100 FOR A COMPLETE Faven and ice cream bar site, facing PAUL RISTOW REAL ESTATE SERVICE REALTOR CARL OLSEN terms. Open to offers. Newt Hudson, 728-6408. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870. 522 SIMCOE ST. N 728-9474 REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA ADDING FLAVOR LONDON (CP) -- When ex- plorer Eric Shipton left to climb unexplored mountains in Chile OFF and exercising he took a bag full of thyme, couch in new condition $175. Tele. parsley, sage and bay leaves. phone for particulars 728-1461, "We have to endure such a hed buy and gell used furniture, ete, Hesale, 140 Simeoe Street/ monore diet on explorations like this that I wouldn't dream of Cal South, 728-4873. going without something to add TWO table lamps, brass and walnut, two years old, in -- condition, : a little flavor to the food," he said. $10 one. Telepnces. Tare ot! 35__Legal oe BAILIFF SALE CUSTOM (in the By virtue of on execution issued out of the 8th Division Court in the County of On- 'tario there will be offered for sale by public auction at ALEX NATHAN Sunoco Ser- vice, corner King ond Burk $t., Oshawa, ot 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Jonuory 31, 1962, a 1952 Chevorolet Coach. Terms: Cash, M.A, Cook, Bailiff. F. W. Stirtevant, Auctioneer. MERRY MENAGERIE mechanically, good tires. $185 1954 HALF TON pick up Chey. 'Telephone | 725-6121. "61 FGnD Falcon, fordor, sutomatic, deluxe trim, whitewalls, washers, new licence. May be poo gory Telephone 725-3744 after cash. Good '88 FORD custom V8, sedan, standard transmission, recent valve job, tutone blue. ,Good condition. Apply 720 Col- borne East 12 to 4 W ie. it Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair an ice, 728-0591 anytime. ------|B, F. GOODRION Stores -- Tires, bat- 56 METEOR, four door, "hardtop, V8, \teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- automatic, whitewalls, radio, good con-|vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, dition. Telephone MO 6-088 after 7 P../ETROTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, '3 OLDSMOBILE, Dynamic 88, radio, Schick, P Ronson,| rear speaker, white wall tires, fenderjetc, Cords, cutting heads in stock. Meagher's, 8 King Street West. mirrors, low mileage. $1,795. Telephone ee after! 4s 735-4738. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. '@ FALOON deluxe, black with red in- Cleve Fox, 412, Simcoe North. ferior, new condition, must be sold, terms arranged. Telephone 728-8300. JEEP with snowplow, excellent condi- tion, $895.00. Apply John's Garage, 226 Celina Street, Oshawa. 19; GLPSMOBILE V-8, standard shift motor and body excellent condition, brown color, new seat covers, radio, Telephone 728-8950. wire wheels, THREE bedroom house and garage in Brooklin, Ontario, oil heated, fully land- scaped: 5 per cent NHA mortgage, rea- sonable, down payment. Telephone Residential Farm Commercial industrial SPECIAL WINTER PRICES NEAR north GM plant, % bedroom brick home. Taxes $160. Around $1,000 Fiye room brick bungalow, with beautiful large kitchen, built-in stove and oven, built-in garage, many extras. down, one 'mortgage for balance. Ask- ing $9,500, Frances Hallowell, 725-4344. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 725-9870. EAST END LOCATION Down Payment $1775 -- Full Price $14,975 OTHER SELECTIONS ALSO Available, custom-built homes from $775 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,500 JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 BUYER'S VIEWPOINT ! ! } purchased my home in "Downsview Park' because it will save me having two cars in the family, due to it being so close to my work | can walk and also have no parking problem. You. too will be pleased with this aspect of buying your home in "Downsview Park" (Adelaide St. E.) For further information call exclusive ogent LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Ltd. 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 J. A. SHERIFF, Realtor OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH 3-room = 1 4-storey home, exceptionally clean and welj decor- ated. New garage 12 x 22 with cement floor and roil-up metal door. Lorge covered front porch and fully enclosed rear porch. Kitchen, living room and dining room down, 2 bedrooms up. Taxes only $159.00. Full price only $10,500.00.- Just listed Call now' and be first to inspect this one. NORTH-WEST GEM po 6-room brick ranch-style bungalow with attached heated is one .of the sweetest homes in town. Large lot Poouritully landscaped. and close to public, separate ond high schools, churches, buses and shopping. Natural. stone fireplace, built-in china cabinet in dining room, large kitchen loaded with cupboards, ond mony other extras. To see this home is to love . Owner must sell. 'Reduced to $16,500 cash or terms. Coll now for full details. Open to 9 p.m 25. ONTARIO STREET METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 THICKSON'S RD. N. Attractive 3-bedroom bungolow, lot, beautifully landscaped. New FA. ai furnace, Modern idtchen. Full pay only $10,000. LASALLE AVE. Two-bedroom brick bungalow, in excellent condition, well decor- eted. Aluminum: awning, wired for dryer, T.V. cericl, ideal location for schools, shopping, ete. Full price $10,750. LIST. PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE AFTER 3:30: CALL Dick Baerrioge 725-6243 Joe Maga 725-9191 Marion Drew 725-7610 Everett Elliott 723-9290 John Kemp 728-2392 WE pay hig pay "eg "prices in the used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 | Simeoe South. APARTMENT size upright, Nordbeim- er, with bench. All new action installed, Like new. $300. Telephone 725-2557. 34--Lost & Found MAN'S 21 jewel wrist wateh, 'Felt Bros.', silver band, lost January 15 in Oshawa, reward, telephone 723-9653. 35--Legal ASK FOR OSHAWA TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS CHANGE. OF NAME ACT UPON the Application of DAVID ROSS SAVAGE, and upon reading the Affidavit of DAVID ROSS SAVAGE filed. | HEREBY APPOINT Friday, the 23rd day of February A.D. 1962, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon before the presiding . Judge in Chambers at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, for the hearing of the application. by DAVID ROSS SAVAGE, 128 Cadillac Avenue North, Oshawa, On- tario, to change his name to DAVID ROSS REID. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 16th day of January A.D. 1962. ALEX C. HALL, JUDGE. Z, T. SALMERS, Solicitor for Applicant, WILL trade, Asking $9,000 for this 3 bedroom brick bungalow near south GM. Owner interested in four bedroom sper outside city. Newt Hudson, 28-6408. Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. NEW &room brick, 2. bath east section pnly. $12,500 with $1,500 ian. W. McAuley Realtor, 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. POOL table, snooker balls, cues and rest, in excellent condition. $120. 207 mre. Street South. Telephone 725- 616. it, |CARRIAGE, crib, wedding dress, atrap- less formal, both size 12, brown winter coat, size 14, all in good condition, 9, THICKSON Road, large lot, close to King Street. Telephone 725-8953 for fur- ther information. LIVE ff UP! Buy a home of your own from the great big selection in Classi- fied under "Homes for Sale." $10,800, $1,000. Income home, seven rooms, two three-piece baths, lot 57x 322. Rolande Tierney, 725-5207. Howe and Peters Realtors. BUILDING lots, limited number, Went- worth Street area, one half mile from General Motors south plant. For fur- ther information telephone 723-3876, ii only $175, 1962 JAGUAR 3.8 sedan, wire whitewalls, overdrive, radio, safety) belts, windshield wasbers. Smith Sports Supertest, corner of Conlin's Road and jSimeoe Street North. 728-5912. '5) VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, one owner, like new. 24,000 miles. $950, Telephone 723-7940. *58° CHEY., outstanding condition | guar. apartment in central Whitby. Write to Box 845, Oshawa Times. 38 PONTIAC, four door hardtop auto- matic, whitewalls, beautiful two tone, frigerators, TV's, washers, planos,} guaranteed. $1,595. _Telephone -- 728-5179. |stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact} '68 BUICK two-door hard top Century, j19. 1 Prince Street, Phone 728-; '1131, power steering, power brakes, auto- |'56 | FRIGDAIRE, nine "euble "foot, and| matic, radio, heater, four good tires, inja Danby rangette, two burner. eas | good - ¢0 condition. Telephone 725- 1456. jin good condition, Telephone 723-9686 1964 BUICK two-door hard top, radio,|*ter six. heater, snow tires, low mileage, excel- WE buy, sell and exchange "used furni- lent condition. Apply Jan's Garage, 40\ture or anything you have. The City Albert Street. |Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street 19st FORD tador, ay i running |South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. order. good tires, standard transmis-|/HOUSEHOLD furniture and "furnish. | sion. Telephone 728-3978. ings; lady's golf clubs, cart and shoes,/| GLEARING '61 Chev, hardtop, rebuilt # lke new. 'Telephone 655-1829 after | motor; °52 Chev.; '53 Pontiac; '54 na sy at Ford, all in certified safe driving con- |[seAUTYREST, ~ Marshall, Simmons dition, No reasonable offer refused. $23|and other spring mattresses repaired down to responsible adults, bank fi-|just new. Medium or extra firm. hance. Stewart Motors, King at Thorn- | ton, 725-1667. '#1 CHEVROLET convertible, four speed transmission, 350 horsepower, 32) |barrel, 10,000 mileage, positraction, radio, other accessories,' limited slip/i," differential, 4 or 8 carburetor. Tele- phone MO 8-2167. '60 FORD, four door, metallic Blue, radio, heater, 6 cylinder, standard, $1750 --|or West offer. 725-5125. 1960 AUSTIN 850, perfect shape, must gell this week, can be seen at 304 Stevenson's Road North. TXPEWRITERS, adders, buy or rent. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. Free delivery. |BEFORE buying or 'welling televisions, |furniture, - refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, oil heaters, vacuums, dishes, cook- Ing utensils, call Elmer Wilbur, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2294. FUBNACES, forced air, 10-year. -guaran- tee, $2.25 per week, no down payment, Package deal, $130, Telephone 725-4729. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD Reoltors LTD. Insurance | 167 Simcoe St. S. | Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAVE $2,500. AND UP Buying a home? | can show you-how to save $2,500 and up on purchasing your home, Call Mr. Swarbrick ot 725- 6544 or 725-8342. TECUMSEH ST Simcoe North ot A.&P. store, modem (2-bedroom brick bungalow with extra 2-pe. bathroom Silent switches, vanity in bathroom, exhaust fan in kitchen. T.V. rotor. Privately built, selling to settle estate. Call Bill Rat- cliffe at 725-6544, $600. DOWN $600. Split-level. 5-room brick with rec-room. Newly decorated. Selling for $11,500 with one N.H.A. 6%2% mortgage. To Inspect call Tony Siblock ot 725-6544 day service. Eiderdowns recovered. |Ontario. Bedding Co., CO 725-4189, |SHOP FROM your | phone by scannng the Oshawa Times Want Ads. You'll| |find everything you need. | |% PRICE furniture clearance on Kroeh-| ler chesterfields, continental beds, oc- casional chairs, coffee and step tables, |mattrestes and table lamps. (Limited supply), Also drastic reductions on all jbedroom, kitchen, dining room suites, Pianos, cedar chests, room dividers, cribs, mirrors, etc. Don't miss these| unbelievable furniture values! While| they last! Barons' Home -Furnishings,| 424 Simcoe Street South, USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's.Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's| at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele-/ vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your) color TV store. CASH registers, showcase, meat slicer, grill, milk shake, Monark marker, bil- ' THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N. WHITBY MO 8-474] BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust Eost of Wilson Road) 723-4494 = Res. 725-5574 ___:|30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto reckers. want Wi cars for wrecking. Highest pricea paid. 725-1381, 1949 TO 198% Chevrolet. Willing to pay $100. "728-3864 between 8 and 10 p.m. CARS WANTED Buying « New Car? Sell your used Car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer. and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ~ "MO 8-8001 GOOD CLEAN CARS WANTED Highest Prices Paid WHITBY AUTO SALES | 701 Dundas St, East, Whitby PHONE MO 8--8481 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 "Well, pardon me! I THOUGHT seemed rather warm for an ice 99 Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold. ___ Members of O.D.R.E.B, ~ CARL OLSEN REALTOR 19 Athol St. W., Oshawa | VLA PROPERTY Four-bedroom, 114 + storey home, modern _ family-size kitchen, o 25. x 13 combined living ond ing room, 4- piece bath, oil 'heated,' gar- age, paved drive, V2-ocre landscaped fet. Located on Darlington Blvd. Only $11,500. Call. Jack Cornish at 723-1133 or evenings 723-4545. COMMERCIAL Six-room brick home on Sim- coe St. North Lot 64 x 165 with Cl zoning. Only $12,900 with terms. NEAR ST. GREGORY'S Six-room, two-storey -- brick home in excellent condition, new forced air furnace, gar- oge, aluminum storms and screens. Only. $12,900 with $1,2000 down ond $75.00 monthly. Call Jack Cornish ot 723-1133 or evenings 723-4545. LOTS NHA approved lots, alj ser- cies prepaid in restwood Subdivision, south side of King St. East. Only $3,200 per lot on Builders' terms. CALL 723-1133 for these 'ond other properties. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 NORTH-WEST SECTION $12,900 ling machine, small safe, typewriters, Hamilton oe eguenee 137 Brock 8. Whitby, MO 8-8 LADIES' winter coats, two 'Galde uni- forms, size 14, new; pair white figure | skates, size 5, new, $5 each. 728-4018. ' | BALL bearings and bronze. Mitton | Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chi nut Street East, Whitby, Use the handy reference guide offered daily in The Oshawa Times Classified Business Service Columns HERE ARE A FEW OF THE SERVICES OFFERED Auto Parts Air Conditioning Dressmaking Driving Schools Plumbing & Heating Building & Supplies Carpentry Eavestroughing Electrical Work Lawn Mowers Monuments Movers & Storage Mattresses Nursing Homes IST YOUR SERVICE NOW In This Profitable Classification. Put Your Name in Print, Where Thousands of Prospects Will Read It Daily. Get Your Share Of The Profits! Phone 723-3492 Use The OSHAWA TIMES BUSINESS SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADS DIAL 728-1673 pool Age heater, tg size, good » $20. Apply oe Centre Street South, W Whitby. MO 8-2344. HEAVY duty four Sanne electric stove, \32" wide, good condition, enamel] un- | marked, Telephone 725-6757. | AIRE refi 1985 model, | rice, Mortiy, must sell, telephone 728-3954. GENDRON baby carriage, never used, os ap 3 factory sealed carton. Telephone WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY It NOW WITH 4 LOWCOST LIFE-INSURED be r x i ax mares new and used, sold and ex- changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204| Bond Street East. | able for cottage in good Telephone 725-3103 after MEN'S SUIT SALE: Entire stock of all wool English worsted suits, Reg. $59.50 now $47.50. Good range of shades and 8, sizes 36 to 46, Also we have '3 all woo! sport coats, including Harris tweeds, sizes 36 to 46. Reg. $32.50 and $36.00, now only $15.95. Mercantile tore, Whitby, Ont. | contents of a two bedroom | apartment, television, chesterfield! suite, end tables, vacuum cleaner, etc. T 725-0604, VIKING refrigerator with large freez- er, Viking range, apartment size; also one double wardrobe with two full length mirrors. Telephone 728-2754. VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell exchange used furniture, washer, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. 4 fi XXXK XX $350 down poymert§ includes | oluminum --storins" ond screen, | storm doors, ond of heat. Thete new N.H.A, homes have only one mortgage, so why rent? Feature _ forge recrection area and solid brick construction. Yes! Only $350 full down payment, H you qualify. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD 725-1186 EVENINGS Mr. MeMulion 725-0104 Mrs. Hondson 728-5075 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 5 GOOD BUYS _ at Nichols 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Seafoam green, four door sedan, power glide transmis- sion, One owner cor $2,395 1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Four - door, custom ~ built radio, back seat speaker, wheel disc, two-tone Gothic gold and beige. One owner $1,795 1957 CHEVROLET COACH Whitewall tires, two-tone blue and white, in exceptionally good condition. $1,175 1957 DODGE Four door sedan, green and grey, miles. One owner car. $1,075 1955 CHEVROLET V8 engine, standard trans- mission, no rust, clean inside and outside. we... Roy W. Nichols USED CAR LOT Telephone 728-6206 Plastering Painting & Decorating Radio & TV Service: Rental Service Roofing Septic Tank Service Heating Specialists Fuel Landscaping Surveying Typwriters Washer Repairs Welding Upholstering Ww. GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS, RANGES AND. WASHERS All Parts and Service, AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 Nice. two-storey brick home, hardwood up and down, complete with storms and T.V. antenna. Oil heating, Will accept low down pay- ment. Long-term open mort- gage for the balance, For appointment call today. BUILDER'S MODEL HOME Brand-new brick bungalow with carport on Central Pork Blvd. North, spacious plan, on nice lot, BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST.£. 725-4701 or 725-7732 TIRED OF LIVING IN TOWN? GO SUBURBAN 3¥4-ro0m brick and stone ranch bungalow with dttached gorage, beautiful view of the country side with 2 ocreg of land. $15,- 500, and this con't BE BEAT. Call Bob Johnson, 728-2548. EXECUTIVE HOME 1700 square feet of living crea in Whitby's most SELECT DIiS- TRICT, with double attached garage. This tome comes com- plete with built-in stove and oven, broadicom in living room, , beautiful stone fireplace, illuminated valance, many other extras too numerous to mention, and good financing. Cali Ossie Martin, 725-4701 or 728-9734 evenings LOW DOWN PAYMENT 3-room brick bungolow with lome kitchen, nearly new furnoce, herdwood and tile floors, located in east end and asking only $10,800. Call Rolonde Tierney, 725-5207. 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW WITH CARPORT 3 yeors old with 5% ~N.H.A. mortgage, low down faymerit, separate dining room, asphalt drive,' beautifully londscaped. Com be bought completely furnished if desired, close to bus line. Coll Earle Allen, 725-4701 or 725-7782 evenings. MASSON ST. NEW LISTING $-100m brick home in exceptione! condition throughout with. 4- piece bath, ultra modem kitchen, forced gir with of! heoting and very nicely landscaped. Asking $13,500 with terms. Call - Joe Crawford, MA 3-3672 or 725-4701 ICE ON YOUR DRIVEWAY? SIDEWALK? Remove it with rock salt or calcium chloride from: BATHE AND McLELLAN Building Supplies Ltd. 81 King Street West For Free Delivery Telephone 725-4761 KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 32--Articles for Sale T.V. TOWERS 40 - ft. structure with all- channel. antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. E, 728-6781 DO IT NOW FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE AVAILABLE AT McCULLOUGH BUILDING SUPPLIES 728-4688 "e } FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion, ZEnith 9-6100. Asking only $14, 500. INCOME HOME Just, off King Street E. on Highland Avenue, 5-room, 1VYa-storey brick home, 2 rooms and private 2-pe. both upstairs, now rented, leov- ing. Modern kitchen, living room, bedroom ond private 4-pc. bathroom for owner downstairs, Has oil heat, Laundry tubs. High dry cel- lor, Paved drive, gorage. Fully landscaped including fenced-in rear yard. Asking only $12,500. FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL 723-1121 Open 9 om. to 9 p.m Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacock, Dick Young, Roy Flintoff, Lloyd Corson, Lucos Peacock. We Lsit Photo Co-op, 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED three bedroom brick house, vicinity North Toronto - Willow- dale, ete., in exchange for three-bed room brick (three years old), Oshawa two-tone 20,352 Gell our office for information on lots, smo! porceis of iond end forms. Many to choose trom within 50 miles of Oshowe. Not over fifteen thousand. Ne trifjers, pleage, 728-9553, 1 COURTICE '---- NO. 2, HWY. | 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (WEST SIDE)