12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucedey, Jenvery 23, 1702 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | 25--Apts. & Flats tor Rent MODERN three bedroom bungalow on|NEWLY decorated three-room apart-|$8 MONTHLY, three room apartment, 7A Highway, with full basement, large|ment, private entrance and bath, sink|@ll newly furnished, private bath, vend living room and kitchen with built-injand cupboards, TV aerial, 325 Simcoe |!00m throughout. Utilities paid. cupboards, sink, hot and cold water,|South, 725-3243. abl February 1 lo. Telephone 7 raeseit, complete bathroom, oil furnace, near i UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or un- school. $70 monthly. Telephone 985-2339. Kitchen privileges. Parking. FIVE room three bedroom home, new-|Suit one or two, 139 Albert Street, tele. ly decorated, of heated, storms and|Phone 725-6662. screens, full basement. Apply 592 Drew Street. FIVE- ROOM house, all c "Telephone 725-4961, FIVE room, three-bedroom brick bun- galow, fully modern, $80 per month, Cajl L. 8. Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810. $40 MONTHLY, four-room house, 1141 Cedar. OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te Fridey Saturday 8 to 12 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 13--Business Opportunities |13--Business Opportunities THE KIND OF MAN you'd want in|INTERESTING JOBS are listed under your office will be reading the Oshawa|"Help Wanted" -- Classification 16 and Times Want Ads tomorrow. Place your|17, Turn now to that section to find the offer where he'll see it. Cai] 723-3492. job you want. MANUFACTURING AGENTS Melco Inc., of Michigan are introducing their new a ser hg products in Canada, We are looking for reliabie persons to act as Ontario agents. Must be able to purchase stock at wholesale level, We will assist you by national advertising, locating accounts, etc. We are members of the American and Canadian Chamber of Commerce and invite your most rigid investigation. Reply giving complete resume of back- ground to: RAL, furnished apartment, pri- vate bath, light housekeeping, heat and jhydro included. After 6.30 p.m. tele. ne 728-5916. RTH wesi area, ground floor, kitchen \diningroom, bedroom, bathroom, liye ingroom, electric fireplace, antennas Parking, stove, refrigerator optional, 725-1209 after 6. SMALL nicely furnished apartment im Whitby, well heated, sunny, with stove, refrigerator, television. Private entrance, suit one or two adults. 82 Dundas West, FOUR large room modern aj | self contained, heated, unfurnished, heavy duty wiring. Near school and Shopping Centre. Telephone 725-5363. THREE unfurnished rooms, heavy wir- ing. TV outlet, cupboards, heat an@ water included. $55 monthly, Available now. Telephone 728-. 5327, LARGE modern three - room m apart ment, private entrance, heavy duty siove, refrigerator, TV antenna, -- closet, cupboard space. West 725-8467, 'apartment, heat, lights, water, refrigerator and stove included, General BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Accountants | Optometrists | - Ape | BOB ~ CLANCY' 8 "ontario o Accounting FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable | lr. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom. | Service. Complete bookkeeping service.|for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele-jetry, the examination of eyes, Kaceiaaya | 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res.|phone 728-8535. lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. 723-7605. Evenings by appointment, 723-4191. | ---- --___-----| FIREWOOD. ary, good, for stove, tur- MONTEITH, MONTEITR, RIEHL, andjnace or fireplace. Free delivery. "Tele- Co., Chartered Accountants, 725-3527, |phone CO 3-2275. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax,| WH 2-0890. tT. THREE rooms, s, large living room and io yer kitchen and bath- tile kitchen ana room, aerial, heavy wiring, no vacant Jan-|children, telephone 725-2527. Two rooms, all conv ences, suit elderly couple or lady. Quiet home, no children, a Moder- ate rent. Telephone 725-2755. hee three-room eieenery Choice | jowntow! h Pug and school close, 'Telephone | Contre an micgenistaen: sore aa | 723-4955 after 3 p.m. refrigerator optional. Telephone 725- |Two- "BEDROOM. house, gpaltable | itt 434 jeouple with one child, Self-contained, | aprRac ACTIVELY decorated two-bed. oll heated. 67 William Street West. rogm apartment including range, re- Telephone 725-3968. _____|frigerator, TV antenna, washer, dryer |835 -- HOUSE five rooms and bath, oiljand parking, close to Shopping Centre, furnace, newly decorated. Apply to|/Apply 349 Frontenac Avenue. jowner at 238 Kaiser Crescent, THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, Sas type home, attached g ga. vicinity Wilson and King, private en- |rage, oi] heating, modern decorating|trance and bath, close to all services. 9. |throughout, at 70 Harris Avenue. For in-| Telephone days 728-627: |formation apply 76 Harris Avenue. --_-- | THREE room ground floor apartment, NEW, sun room, stove, washer, television | Fuel and Wood CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge uary 31. 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.48 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each word, initial, or figure: counts as a word charge 15c additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m, the day be- fore publication except Births, In' Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m, Deadline for Lost and Found and | 8:30 a.m Office 5. Satur 8-12, 2.25 Painting and Decorating AL, CONROY, professional painting, [paper hanging, wood finishing, 1962] | Wallpaper it in stock. _Telephone 728-0086, BEA B MAE MARSH Dancing School, 795.45 DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acr PAINTIN Street East, _ Oshay' » Ontario. 725-3509, jbatic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic|winter rates. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER) Temple, Centre Street. 723-7253. |Street, and Co., Accountants and bo page HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| Licensed Trustees in ves he. ge | RAD _ ballet, Highland Register| Rie Spe fa onuwet Negi laon. ar King test West rassiaa | N 4 BURROWS, saree | |THE IE DOROTHY NEIL School of Charm | WILSON sn ia ela en East,|has started evening classes at the Osh. | Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA;/4wa Business College. For information| G. Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7554. telephone 725-3375 or 728- 7016, |Instruction 8. HOPKINS and Company, Certi-| fied Public Accountants, 172 King papering, carpentry. Low G, Goulding, 204 Church VICE PRESIDENT MELC@ INC., 3049 E. Grand Blvd., DETROIT 2, MICHIGAN | 14---Employment Wanted '17--Mole Help Wanted DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-523) NIGHTS 725-7426 abbreviation Box -- a three - bedroom bungalow, $95 JRSE (practical) would like work. |MAN "wanted for dairy farm. Accom-|monthly, heat included, basement rent-| aerial, Sarage, adults, McLaughlin |Care of elderly .persons only. No ob-|modation available for married man,.\ed (completely self-contained). Steyen-|Boulevard. For further information jJection to light household duties. Live|Reasonable hours, good working condi.|son Road area. Telephone 725-9087. telephone 723-6115. jin_if necessary, Telephone 723-1623. _|tions. 'Telephone Blackstock 986-4424. | six-ROOM house, rented, private base- |TWO - bedroom apartment, equipped |PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or hall N delivery men, $1.50 per hour.|ment apartment, Apple Hill, two-year|with stove, refrigerator, and laundry Vv Shopping Centre. Children welcome, day, 830 to 5.30, 581 Simeoe North.Car essential. Write Box 910, Oshawa |lease. Available March 15. Responsible| facllities, on Simeoe North. Telephone |¢e5 monthly, Dia] 725-1674, : |728-2604 | Times. |party only. 725-7091 6343, 9 to 5 p.m. | wat MODERN 1 sion aka Wanted A5- -A FIVE-ROOM house. RN upper duplex, two bedroom: ERE. gents Ww anted "Immediate posses-|ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, private entrance, near schools, children sion, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-6304, washer, dryer, reasonable rent, heat,/ monthly. Riverside Drive South. Tele. party furnished, private entrance,| welcome, parking, available now. $80 FIVE-ROOM home, centrally located, lights, water included. Telephone 728. |phone 723-3218. arrangeents for new gas stove, if de- For 16 year old ornamental railing business. Ex PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, | 16 years' experience, by interview only | Act now. 725-1054. BASEMENT | rT pee Tae $55 monthly. Close to South otors, Telephone 728-6016. LARGE four-room apartment, wnful nished, heated, heavy wiring, near Appraisers PATRICK G McDANIEL, AACI, Estate Appraiser and Broker. years of appraisal experience. Thitby, Phone MO 8-2311. Auto Parts KENT'S S WESTERN | TIRE teed automotive parts and essories, 145 King Street West, Oshawa 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. | cecal ret te ttes "Real Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up Personal Service to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For belie service your home, call 25-162. MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 jing and Heating jay at - Guaran- mitted ott more Lawn Mowers not rrect | tisement charged for the advertisement in error And also reserve the right to classify adverti ording to its own classif 597: sired. Available immediately, Telephon® 728. | HREE - ROOM apartment with ~pr-|26--Rooms for Rent vate bath and private entrance, heavy| BUNGALOW with attached garage 'for duty wiring, near bus stop, reasonable|ONE large room, suit one or two per- sale or rent on Cloverdale Street, t. Appl . |80ns, close to bus and south General three bedrooms, large living - dinin, ing | = wt A suneee edible . ------e Motors, 841 Simcoe South. 725+ area, Property, 50' cy 185', fenced yard,| 65--THREE-ROOM apartment, clea ne: South. TEI. close to South Plant, school and bus,|Private bathroom and private entrance, FURNISHED 1 room with small kitchen, $100 monthly. Telephone 723-2819, _ iment hydro, water, gas stove. Ground |refrigerator and stove, separate en- floor, One small child welcome. Tele-|trance, central, for one person. Tele- SIX-ROOM house on Brock Street phone 723-3757 after 4 p.1n. |North in Whitby, bathroom, three bed-| |phone 723-2764. jrooms, $65 monthly, immediate posses.| WO-BEDROOM duplex (upper), close |NICELY furnished light housek |sion. Telephone MA 3-2636. o bus. Rent reasonable, eight minutes |room. Fully equipped kitchen, to share orn Soin EAIRE AIO) GREANO, DOE walk downtown. Telephone 723-4221. |with one gentleman. Parking. Close te 5, five room pt hicontbereAidssn dedeal Poles session February 1. Apply 451 Bloor|FULLY modern two-bedroom apart- |North General Motors, 725-2261. Street East. bireal in new apartment building, re- | LARGE furnished bedroom to rent with frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved all conveniences, continued hot water. Simeoe Street North, |FOUR - BEDROOM mocern split level, parking, school and shopping close,|Apply to 137 lattached garage, location Grandview, | 793.5989 725-3366. ion t eeks. Bill Miller 728 ----___---- i |Bt23° Lloyd "Realty Oshawa) Ltd. |UNFURNISHED 3 room apartment, |CLEAN, furnished room, use of Kitchen Realtor. |prtv ate bath, downtown location *(over|if desired, suitable for lady or gentle- store). $65 monthly. Telephone 723-4712} man. Park Road South. Telephone 728- |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent} tert nS | 5606 pm es |LARGE clean furnished room, central,|$9 1 PER WEEK. Breakfast included. heating and SINGLE furnished room for rent, close|cooking privileges if desired, reasonable!Clean hotel rooms, single or double. to bus stop. Telephone 723-7370 or 203) rates. Telephone 728- 8402. Nightly rates also available. Telephone salary and) cy treet. 373 Simcoe Street | aco Stree! COMFORTABLE clean roorn for gentle. |72°-0078. close to North GM. Apply 103)/TWO furnished rooms, orth lephone 725-1300. hen, 40 hours perjrefrigerator, built-in cupboards, si ln ee wee Sea gg yee se- ; Oshawa Times, lose to bus, adults preferred, tele-|THREE-ROOM, self-contained peas 723-4519. |ment apartment, Private entrance, nat- Suit two girls. Also one light 'house br _ rr ore gar jural fireplace, heavy duty wiring, Tv |keeping room. Telephone 725-5228, ata beep eter beige ge 'unfur. joutlet. On eity bus route, Central Park LARGE bright furnished front rooms jnished rooms, oil heated, sink and cUP/North, adults, Telephone 725-1326. jalso average sized room, both with LOCAL branch of world wide organi-(boards, garage. Suit business couple, |" : cooking privileges. Suit gentleman. zation require young man for sale and | 728-5665 before 2 p.m |THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, | Good residential area, Telephone Service Position, experience not neces-/THREE room apartment with bath,| water peopel heaty a Tes 7. sary, full training given, starting salary ne . | plus commission, car supplied, xeon: bartront feet, abenen sieueenes perkins, located at §22 King Street)ONE large furnished reom, cooking tional oppor y. for advancement si aca. Selephene ¥a8-Ghey, |East, at bus stop, available, Telephone facilities, sult two, gentlemen preferred, Apply in person at the Singer Sewing Hane : central, bus at door, close to north Machine Company 14-16 Ontario Street, MODERN heated upper duplex, self- |General Motors. Apply 387. Beverly _----- Oshawa *lcontained, kitchen, Hving room, bed- Street. | WOMAN or 'on wanted te look after --|room, dinette, bathroom, good location, MFORTABLE clean room gentle- |children during day. Live in or out. MIDDLE ated man desires job as care-| parking, reasonable. Available Febru man, close to North. GM. Assy aa " a e ephone 728-2312. ary 1, Telephone 728-8399. Ritson North or telephone 725-1300. Telephone MO 8-8438. SALES clerk for jewellery store. CHARTERED accountants' office re-|THREE-ROOM refrigerator, and laundry|FURNISHED or unfurnished bed - to Box 713 Oshawa Times, mires Junior students, Grade 13 re-jom bus beaaed modern, reasonable, 30 aelities, on Simcoe North. Telephone|ting room for one or two. Newly deco- quired. Telephone 725-6451. Britaell,|ayailable anytime, television outlet. 3017 ' lrated. Close te downtown. Apply 218 perience and refere Moore and C¢ 13 {position for suitable East * ympany, 130 King Street Gibbons Street, 725-1615. |Albert Street. WE SHARPEN AND RENT | LMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S JER KING AT BURK STS 723-3224 Money to Loan cL * money 'to loan on. first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of 'sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged -- Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur GREER and "KELLY, "Barrister, Solici-|doch > ae - a FIRST and second mortgages. Sale on the best Call |TV--Rentals vy |agreements purchased and sold. Hen. -- -- , and a 3i King |GUSCOTT PLUMBING| and Heating Limited --725-5132 Public _Stenography EXPERT typing, duplicating, copy. Complete stenographic services. Free estimates on church and annual reports; bulletin letters, envelopes Steno-Serv, Barristers N. DAY 1D he Simcoe South, 728-0264 HUMPHREYS, Barri which 725 er, Solicit ® 2. Resi- al 34 ace BOYCHYN and BILL" MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. O. Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA: Ww Hillman, LLB, 36% ng Street oa Phones: Office 725-1177. Res. 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. Money to loan "HYMAN, Qc, ary Alger 723-4943. | CORK In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actual error The publishers. endeovour c advertising matter assume no. liability , if any inaccuracies Plum ALL nev rates Foley perience in handling salesmen preferred. Excellent types of repairs and remodelling, and ysed materials, Reasonable Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J Salary, Bonus, Hospital Benefits, Travelling allow- Barrister, Soli- Bidg., 37 King Mortgage monies ance, etc. Reply in own hand writing as to quali- WELL But if fications. No experience in railings necessary. BOX NO. 612 OSHAWA TIMES 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted GIRL, 21, desires employment as| CANVASSE RS wanted. for switchboard operator (4% years experi-|#ir conditioning company, jence) Or as dental receptionist. Typing jcommission. Apply experience. Telephone 728-5300. South GOOD bookkeeper ends, immediately \ings available. you . Insist Residenc treer, BA, Sc., Kelly, PA, BCL RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS Sree King Stret East, Taneawe| ALL TYPES MORTGAGES | ARRANGED OR SOLD Terrence Purchase de-humidifier $10 down $7 per month Remove the dampness from your basement. Rent a tele only $7 per week MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. W. 723-3425 your eitors 207 Simcoe St. S Mortga BRUCF Solicitor, | Notary MODERN four room basement apart-| -|ment, floors tiled, bathroom Syagr or be Ritson vision -- E Barrister,| Publ Mortgage) King Street East.| from |WILL exchange $90 for wanted f week- maby ; |week, Write Box 811, photo Call 728-0811 even- | Two | men to work 5 jper week. Write | Times. 9 p.m Box 809, WAITRESSES, experienced, full or part-time, good working conditions. Ap-| Well Drilling- Digging ply in person to the manager, Oshawa Golf Club, Alexandra Street, between is WATER well drilling, Percy Buck, RR \7 and 9 p m re-upholstered and J; Omemee, Ontario. For information, See our ma- phone Whitby MO 8-5268 FE Dalton Upholster- WELL digging and clean-outs, Tile) sitt 5 Charjes Street, 725 supplied (cement or galvanized) |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| Phone 728.0394, . covered like TO Get the best for less Mea meso rie etme" W. WARD "re-built, WELL DIGGING by mice MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO ------|Rug--Upholstery Service \CHEE ERFIELDS lan nates ALE help wanted required, 8 to 5, steady. Apply Mrs. Reliable baby while mother Deeks, MO Tile URNISHED thr |ment, private bath, cownewe. loca' Be it store), $65 monthly. Telephone -47 P. 33-4697, on CRE STERF! re-covered Our rates Apply giving ex- Permanent person, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB,| 725-9870 West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Barrister and Solicitor, 4 King Street MONIES FOR 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- t Mortages .ct 7% per annum East, 723 Dial 2 angie ue ike - new basement apartment,| lene stove, tary Public k of Commerce Bi we: 1] N.H.A. and PRIVATE FUNDS funds available, 36% ' < CE DEPT 728-2331. Res. 985-7 JOSEPH BOSCO, MTGE. DE Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- : lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King| JOSEPH BOSCO, REALTOR _ond _Mortgage Broker available be ae aA -- RUSSELL MURPHY, BA, ULB.,| sBhcteoecble Mini MORTGAGES 'ING F_ : INALD MANNING F SWARTZ and RO Movies <avallable-. on. Flest s. Money to loan. Henry Block, King Street 7 Bel] without bonus six Monies also available CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN | ana] MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| ¢ Mortgages and Agreements [are reasonable for Sale purchased Mattre North, 723 x 7 N.C Fraser, QC; G K i Co:, 10 Bond Street West Dial Murdoch. NHA mort gages 3 arranged. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Solicitor, 26% King Street East Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi dence 728-5373 JOSEPH P Solicitor. Money to King Street East, Residen 5-3405. McGIBB 4 BASTEDO, Barriste Solicitors. Clients' funds available fo t mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; 725-3566; Charles C. MeGibbon, ac;) Edgar F. Bastedo, QC RIC HARD 5B wag tot , BA, Bar ~iasiso Office 278-8232 loan Oshawa Barrister, Solici- ete., "1344 'simcoe Street | North. Office 723-1101. Residence 7: FHOMAS M. RUNDLE Ba: THOMAS M. RUNDLE eitor, and Notary Public, Street East. Phone 728-1763. 26% Bookkeeping _ L SCHAPELHOUMAN. COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING VICE: INCOME TAX RETURNS 6 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades INTERIOR trim work, kitchen cup- recreation rooms, ete. Call Wm. 3-1231 nights only ALL types of building repairs, mneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, 728-0394, Gordon May SPECIALIZNG in roofi ng and Also all types home remod esti mates Phone Harr t AND a ROOFING tar and g asphalt roofs, in ating siding repairs. All work guaranteed. Free esti mates. Telephone MO 8-8003 or 7%-6937 CERAMIC ing, all mates VOUR local chimne neys built and repaired, stalled, furnaces vacuumed. mates roofing, stoops. repairs, ling.. Free 723-2413. Specializing shingles in ~ plastic wall 'tile, woodwork- floor 'coverings esti- Work guaranteed 0 cleaner. Chim gas linings in Free esti- ESTIMAT REMOD DEL ROOMS BOARDS, Cail HARRY GRUYTERS Builder & General Contractor 728-5210 Businss Training "A. NEW Year's Resolution -- Insure your future in the business world. In vestigate 2 course at the Oshawa Business College. Telephone 725-3375. KITCHEN ETC CUP Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa, | Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully equip- ped and insured. Phone 723-3661. Dressmaking ALL alterations, coats hemmed, pants | cuffed, collars turned ng, ete. | Apply 216 Oshawa ns, children's an and} wear, sible skirts a spe-| s' ciaity, Reasona telephone 728-6706. DRESSMAKING and alterations of all| and children's wear.| ladies' 723-9148. kinds, on Telephone Barrister | NGAN, QC, Barrister, | 14%4| » Soli-| King and all kinds of} M. F. SWARTZ | Short-term and _ Builders' Mortgages at 'reasonable rates 261% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act "MORTGAGE LOANS 40 yeors experience. Res =| dential, acreage, apts., bus- | iness, summer properties. Members of Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc J. E. Harris, F, G. Harris ond R. C. Bint SUMMERLAND SECURITIES | LIMITED } 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA __PHONE 725-3568 NEED | $50 TILL PAY DAY ? ! IT COSTS ONLY A/c FOR TWO WEEKS | Surveyors arty Surveyors, ast B \Do and jing | TROLLOPE, Ontario 216 Adelaide Avenue FL ane 725 Phone ONEVAN AND F Surveyor. Comm » 11 Ontario Street . Ontario a] blue-print. 725-5632. '|Tailors" | | | LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) all tail require ments use our experienced services for both suit ond dress repoirs and alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 (next to Bus Station) for oring V- Radio Repoirs iTV, makes Ell WE bh p __| 140 | SERVICE WHEN . RADIO, car radio rey pairs, Thompson Electronics, fott Avenue. 723-9792 (Fred) all 137 cater shers, dr nces Su Simcoe TV. TOWERS ~ 361 GIBBONS ST 728-8180 Terms. Open evening OSHAWA T.V. Free Surv ond Estima to house calls on ranges, othe electrical ap. ce Service, South, 3 YOU WANT IT NIGHT! and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 All -DAY OR T.V Work Guaranteed OSHAWA _ELECTRONICS Ask for a MINI-LOAN| i V. TOWERS CRESCENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 728-7311 Mortgages MORTGAGES -- arranged, bought sold. Call Mr. Bolahood, 725-6544 725-8333. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar. ranged. W. Schatzmann. Mortgage Broker, 101 Dundas West, MO 86-3338 and or co | ANNOUNCES NEW 10-YEAR PLAN FOR Ist & 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS HOMEOWNERS CAN BORROW galvanized, no paint LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 |Trade School RE lit Classified Ad AD with TO SELL your dependable business? Sell Oshawa Times Dial 723-3492 now to start your ads MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN FOR THE DIESEL AND EQUIPMENT FIELD WITH GUELPH INVESTMENT |SPECIALIZATION ON TWO | OF THE WORLD'S LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT | | $1800 OR MORE AND| TAKE UP TO 10 YEARS TO REPAY FOR A CONFIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT CALL 725-2601 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Fuel and Wood POWER TOOLS gold fast when you use the Oshawa Timed Want Ads. Just dial Oshawa Times 723-3492 right now to) start ¢ cash coming | your way PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE OIL MO 8-844] YOUR C OIL JAILABLE AT SERVICE STATION FOR STOVE OUR Or Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAR NURSING HOME, AN in attendance. No, 2 Highway between Whitby and Oshawa. Call 725-2330. | Nursing Services |SENIOR CITIZENS' boarding home. Warm, bright rooms in village. Reasonable rates. 1308 Call Orono Optomet c. &. ts TUCK, RO. accounts at oo or 74 Burk Ine lined at home. Dial 725-4587, Optor downtown Street picturesque | Men are being selected this area by Tractor Train ing Service for Specialized Tra.ning. Programmes devel- oped in co-operation with, and approved by the Service Divisions of 1. Case and the Service _ Divisior of Massey-Ferguson, If you are between the ages of 18 and 50. mechan ically inclined or hove a background in agricultural or 'heavy equipment are interested' in a future in a specialized field that offers growing oppor- tunities For free information ogg obligation, writ TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE, LTD in ond 8 O NTARIO, FOR SALE: farm stock | collect MO 8-2563 MO 8-3809 204 CHEST |neat {UT ST. WEST | Restaurant, 5 Bloor St. East |EXPERIENCED waitress, réliable and South End Apply to manager, P.O, BOX 329 1--Women's Column DO YOOU poor blood circt nsion, head you. Call WAVES on special. Page air | 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone | rheumatism, | arthritis, nervous | MASSAGE may suffer from ation 725-8575, COLD 2--Personal REWARD for whereabouts ard or .Mary Box 704, $10 ing Hoy dential information concern- of Herbert (Bert) | Burton. Strictly confi-| Oshawa Times | dance. | Capable of Write Box MUSICAL Tri pla 702 wanted . for preferred music combo or quartet all types Times ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Oshawa superfluous hair Marie Murduft will be Oshawa, Jan. 30th and 31st Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock in Rabbits for pets and n For information telephone MO 8-4602 DACHSHUND for sale, eight) weeks old $40 with papers; | $35° without; and female. | 728-1875. BEAUTIF : L tre ning Broad, puppies registeret both ma for Mrs "ready Apply East budgie, g, ta B ain, 4 gin Street \17--Male Help Wanted WE NEED RELIABLE MEN with proven. salesability to represent the fastest-growing food company in Whitby orea, For appointment CALL MO 8-5875_ Are you interested in estab lishing yourself in a selling career with a long establish- ed Oshawa industry? This not e door to door or night calling job, but a position with a bright future, if en thusiasm and initiative are applied in the right propor tions Wr Bo Oshawa giving background age and previous selling ex High school educa on essential te Times perience AN OPPORTUNITY For the Individual Who Looks Ahead Career Position with Weill Local Known Company PUREBRED Scotch Collie dog with} AS SERVICE SALESMAN for a 723 A beautiful pet Telephone papers for sale child in the country 9518. 4--Market Basket APPLES, bushel. Glenosha Farm, % mile south of Taunton 723-6089. Spys, graded fancy, for $2.50| Townline North,} Telephone} 5--Farmers Column ' TOP MONEY for dend and disabjed| R. Vivian, Markham, 1169J, 24-Hour, seven-day service. |11--Articles for Rent Cutlery, Glassware | sizes), Silver tea service , Silver candelabra (single, ible, triple), Bun baskets, Bud vases, Ash trays, Auto- matic percolators (all chrome, 10-44 cups capacity), Punch owls, Ice buckets, etc, SARGEANTS RENTALS, 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted USED apart ment 478, Telephone Dishes, (all 'size piano wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wonts cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also serap iron and metals bought Open Saturday all day. Phone | 7 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. ladatostunts a | WANTED AP IRON, POULTRY ND FEATHER. TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) 1. TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 13--Business Opportunities | |GROCE RY and étc., variety store with| living quarters, garage and vacant lot, jgood residential district and will con.) sider trade on house with large lot in| suburbs. For information on this pro-| | fitable going concern eall | Ossie Martin! 2 or 728-9714 evenin Howe and s Realtors omnes 3339. BLOOR STREET WEST BEAUTY PARLOR for rent, furnished, sem! TORONTO 1 central locetion. For further informa 'tion, telephone 723-4807, anytime. Must be now employed, age 25 to 40. Matriculation or equivalent, car essential, Starting salary $100 week- ly commissions following training give unlimited earn ings to qualified applicant Reply stating qualifications Box 909 Oshawa Times ABILITY AND AMBITION These ore what count with us, not age. or education Our well established local business has grown to the point where we con now offer steady, permanent employ- ment to four more men. Must have good' character, car Sales experience helpful, not essential. Our stimulat ing training program will lead to excellent earnings with other benefits. Telephone MR. CARNIE 728-7331 for confidential inter- view. Evening appointment if desired. YOUNG MEN 17 TO 24 who desire a career in sales to assist manager in circu lation and advertising depart ment Must be neat, single, and free to travel in Ontario, $45 per week.quaranteed sale ary and bonus plus a daily draw for qualifying applicant Car supplied, only those de- sirous of steady employment need apply, MR. J. P. LETROS APPLY GENOSHA HOTE! NEDNESDAY MORNING 9:30 AM. TO 11:30 A.M is | RELIABLE, rant, | } | } | WILL exchange $90 for 40 hours' work. | apartment, Apply Room 210, Genosha Hotel, Wed- jand |nesday, |p. ™, January 24, between 4 and 7 he dairy farm, near Ajax, ges, Te} ephone WHitehall YOUNG boy, ness, good chance Apply to manager, 5 Bloor St 2-3437 for East. WANTED TWO MARRIED MEN Between 25 and 4] for sales essential while in management average training week. Apply in person Gen Hotel Room = 212, Jonuary '24th, esday, between 3 and 7 p.m middle-aged man required | wiring, live in privil- to learn restaurant busi- advancement, Sough End Restau- to train car edrnings $80 per FURNISHED three room basement three piece bath, washer dry included. Near bus. Tele. 7,30| phone 725-4391, THREE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty kitchen cupboards, heat, light and water included, $65 monthly. Apply phone 725-5304. NEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT | Built in china cabinet, color- | ed bath, fridge and stove, |. free automatic washer and | dryer, paved parking, TV out- let, bamboo drapes. 723-1424 119 Central Park Blvd. South er tele. | HE: ). ane stove and refrigerator, bus stop at door, five minutes walk downtown. Reasonable rent. Telephone 723-4221. THREE-, or tour-room apartment in apartment building, large stove, refrig- erator, ary in cupboards, laundromat, | park 8 Wayne Street, 725-3938. in private home, all conveniences. Reasonable, suit couple. Apply 303 Pacific Avenue or telephone 728-1778. MODERN four-room artment at 385 Mary Street, equipped with refrigera- tor, stove, washer, dryer, Adults only. Telephone 723-2511. |ONE furnished bedroom, in private |home, for respectable gentlemen, close to downtown and hospital, home privil- eges, very central. Telephone 7: ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in' private homes. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 | DOWNTOWN area, two - apartment, private bath, rated, hardwood floors, parking. One child , welcome, ~ quiet private home. Tel 28-406: TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS 20---Room and Board |FOR THE BEST value in living accom-| tele-| |phone 725-0078, Want a change? Phone " COMFORTABLE land private | | |home, WEEKLY > share, Ty 53-9087 -- two gentlemen, single beds, privileges, central, modation at the lowest prite, | now and get the bes* for less FURNISHED room or room and board, | central location, in clean, quiet home, at bus stop. Telephone 725-3879. home for man, TV Bus at door. 725-3342. spectable young bath family. Telephone TWO single rooms, close to North ,General Motors, |downtown, home cooked meals, |packed, Apply 292 King" FOR gentiemen, lunches packed, room r_ Ritson Road, |FOR YOUNG GE NTL EMEN, tral, near North borne Street East {SINGLE room GM. 725-7687. and board for |man or lady, close to downtown, |stop at the door, Seyen-day week \Ritson South .|ROOM and board for gentlemen, single TV) Tele beds, laundry and mending done. | privile : to downtown \phone /22---Store Space & Gorages | | |storage {pot BLE will three meals Tele- clean, re.| privileges, | English suit two gentlemen, and | lunches Street East "and board singles or to ove Meat central at 296 King Street East friendly | good cooking, single beds, cen- 51 Col- young bus 173 All conveniences, In apart- ment building. $89 and $95. Apply: 280 Montrave Ave. Apt. _725-9341, 1 and 2 BEDROOM | | APARTMENTS $85 and $95 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | All conveniences, parking, adults. 5 _|tate entrance. Heat, newly deco-| |27--Real Estate For Sale THICKSON Road, large lot, close te King Street. Telephone 723-8938 for fur- LOW rentai coartapiae $87 two bedrooms, four-piece bath, refrig- Jerator and stove, in new apartment building, Telephone 728-3377, PRESTONVILLE Road South -- unfur- nished four rooms, bath, fall basement, private entrance, TV antenna, garage, garden available. $60 month. After 6.30 P.m,, telephone 728-3379. $60 -- FURNISHED apartment, sepa- lights and water supplied. Apply 369 Drew Street. Tele- phone 725- 8132. THREE unfurnished rooms, stove and refrigerator optional. Private bath and entrance. Utilities paid. Parking. Reasonable. Telephone 728-6108. THREE clean furnished rooms. Private bathroom, heat and utilities paid. TV joutlet. Private entrance. Available im. |mediately. Adults. Apply 271 Drew Street. 725-1563. SUBLET four months, balance on lease, PHONE 725-3302 Block to Simcoe | 2-BEDROOM _ | $90.00 725-4218--725-8680 AVAILABLE NOW--. MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker T.V. outlet, low MODE RN office Burns Buil |sim< oe Streets, | Appl y Burns /Shoe Store, | $43 5--SPACH basement space, ding, corner King 725-4611, 12", for rent, 30' x © 728-4420 garage for rent as 548 between and 5 OFFICE SPACE TO RENT 950 sq |a.m, Approximately ground floor, le. CALL 725-3579 WE ARE VACATING A RE- SIMCOE ST. FOR LARGER QUARTERS. TAIL STORE ON REASONABLE RENT LEASE AVAILABLE CALL MR, SHERIDAN 728-7333 2,000 square | -- and Available May 1, 1962. with for light repair or storage ft, Parking avail- or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. two bedroom apartment, in modern apartment building. T 728-1934, SMALL APARTMENT 1 Bedroom, Stove, Frig., all facilities, Apply: LOGUE APTS. 795 King St. E. 723-9292 $10,500 $2,000 DOWN For six-room one- and ene holf storey, located. os Alona Street. Consisting @f lerge living roomy spacious kitchen, one bedroom, 3-pc, bath on main floor; two lorge bed- rooms upstairs. Full size div- ided basement, oil heated, fenced yard, garage. Coll: LES HALL, EVENINGS 728-5513 Schofield - Aker Ltd. 360 KING WEST 723-2265 WHITBY CLASSIFIED THE PETS you want are offered in the Oshawa Times Classified section. Check '. TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX 549 Lansdowne Drive, 20 foot living room, two large bedrooms, plenty of cupboard space, hugh kitchen with table ond chair area, tiled bathroom. Immediate poss- ession. Open for inspection, three blocks north of King | Street on Wilson Road North | to Lansdowne Drive. Call | il collect or write: Frank Haz- lett, RUssell 7-9387 Toronto, or Douglas Gower, 728-4651. : ~ | ply Oshawa's Finest classification 3 right now. LOST: female German shepherd, brown and grey, piece of chain hanging from collar, answers to Heidi. Reward. Tele. phone Carol Conbdon. MO 8-5145. 820 Centre Street South. FOR RENT: Furnished. apartment,' self contained, private entrance. Apply 505 Anderson Street, Whitby or telephone MO 8-3276. B.C, SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared; income tax returns, MO 8-8253. SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Wal Ward. _ nico ea Street West. 8-2563, iter Telephone FOR RENT: Apartment, two nicely far- nished rooms, consisting of bed sitting room and kitchen; refrigerator and stove, heat, ight and water supplied. ABN entrance. Apply 231 Palace treet FOR RENT: Three room apartinent, adults preférred. Heavy duty central location. Private entrance, heat included. Telephone MO 8-3725. FOR RENT: Two rooms, self-contained, heated, heavy duty wiring, near four corners, apply Art Clothing Store, 125 Brock Street South, Whitby. FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment in apartment building, close to schools and shopping, parking space, in Brook-} lin. lin. Telephone 655-3611. STUDENTS A super value, 'approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 1111 Dundas Street West. DRESSMAKING, sults, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- PARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITES |24--Houses for Rent | Five room house for rent or sale, jheated, bus close: large a 638 Albert Street South or 725-029 DOUBLE house, rooms, i2 Bloor Street East, ate oil furnaces, clean condition, jphone 723-9417 | SIX-ROOM, three Oshawa Bivd. South, oil age. Immediate possession. 723-7854 after 6 p.m MODERN fix bedrooms, full large lot, $90 monthly Telephone room bungalow asement nace, e February 1 75: oll} Apply four rooms and three separ- tele- bedroom house, heated, gar-| Telephone three with oi! fur available | 1 BEDROOM SUITES | 2 BEDROOM SUITES | | adults ---Elevator Service --Private Balcon --Paved Parking Controlled Ent; Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings "4 owe & Peters, Realtors jtings our specialty. 8-2372. rs. Toms, MO |REPAIRS, watches, clocks lery, 24 hour service. 35 years in making business, all work puaranteed: Midtown, Furniture, Brock Street North, 981. ce heater and 40 gallon tank; also two burner electric rangette. Telephone MO 8-3588. |FOR RENT: Three roomed tained apartment, heated, ground floor, only. Immediate possession ARE YOU SATISFIED | WITH YOUR PRESENT FAMILY INCOME ? Why not let your ability supplement the income by doing contact work selling Avon Cosmetics. Cal 725-8466 .} able by |decorated FOR RFNT. Three bedroom home in Whitby, near shopping, school and |buses. Newly decorated, storms, screens, immediate eer reasom® "ent, Telephone 655-3657. FOR RENT: Three room -- rt yochrane Street, $65 monthly por Hog ished, heat and water ineluded, park- ing. Telephone MO 8-8435. THREE room apartment, b conveniences, in Whitby apartment building, $70, washing facilities, park- ing, available February ist. Telephone 725-3214. FOR RENT: Large bright three room h- | apartment, heavy duty wiring, natural fireplace, Available February 1. Tele phone MO 8-4864. LOST: Lady's wrist watch, 3 yellow gold, Whittneur, on Monday morning on Arthur Street between Centre and Brock. Reward. Telephone MO 83576 -jafter 4 p.m, room house for rent. wiring, all conveniences, Close to schools. MO 8-5645. Mrs, Sobczak, MODERN apartment in Whitby residen- tial district, $75 monthly, hydro, heat included, adults, on bus line, Apply 907 King | Street, Whitby 'morning nings. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rent- als, terms, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442, EL ro $7.50 to share: private vremises. NEW 5 n Hea duty Ml newly Telephone |MOTEL rooms, $12. Free parking: meals on Telephone MO 8-5823.