SKI MEET Local Racer Wins In Excellent Time An Austrian, who missed al-/Ski Club. Nishcan was timed in most all of ihe past five tase a tel ge F vat y of serious competition, due 0! third at 64.5 seconds. a skiing accident and a young). The performance of Heigels- teenager from the Oshawa Ski| berger, who hails from Bad Aus: Club, shared the limelight in the see and returned to competitive C Class slalom event, at Valley) skiing this season. will likely Schuss, near Orangeville, Satur-| earn him promotion to B Class. day. |Previously he was runner-up in Rudi Heigelsberger, 26-year-a race at. Beaver Valley and old Austrian whose racing ac-|skied well in the team cham- reer was delayed after a serious|pionships last week accident six years ago in the * Canadian championships, took a| OUTSTANDING TIME big step toward promotion in| Undoubtedly the second best skiing's rating system, by easily|Performance of the race was capturing the C Class giant sla-|turned in by the 16-year-old Carl lom race at Valley Schuss in|Campa of Oshawa Ski Club, near perfect conditions Saturday|The young racer won the boys- | afternoon. jover-15 title with an outstand- The Austrian Ski Club racer|ing time of 62.8 seconds, which |who broke his leg when he|Would have been good enough crashed into a tree shortly after|for second place in the men's arriving in Canada, dominated) Competition. the field of 165 racers. Officials|, Campa was well ahead of the said this was the largest entry| field, defeating runner-up Dave for a southern Ontario ski zone|Dobbin of Peterborough Ski meet. |Club, who had a 66.5 timing. Jim Mcllroy of Huntsville Ski |Club and R. Keene of London, THREE PAST PRESI- DENTS of the club were hon- ored with the presentation of honorary life ianatberstip | and Frank J. Grindley. The awards were made in recogni- tion of outstanding service to | the club. --Oshawa Times Photo. | BRILLIANT TIME | Heigelsberger slashed down/Ont., Ski Club, tied for third 5 the 20-gate slalom course in the|place with 67.2 seconds. brilliant time of 60 seconds,) Young Rick Brown, an Osh- |more than four seconds faster|awa clubmate of Carl Campa, 4 }than his closest competitor,| finished in fifth place with time H " ans Nishcan of Collingwood!of 68.1. ----= Trailer Club, Many Private Pilots Names Officers Receive Certificates one aa joyment of travel trailers; to encourage safe and courteous by C. R. Ivey, vice - president Cadillac avenue north. of the association, to Ron Mc- highway travel; to ascertain, de- fend and protect the rights of jtrailer travellers, to arrange ot ' The group, formed one year|outdoor fellowship for club Kenzie. Don Popert was the ago by seven enthusiastic trai-|members through trips and runpel Un ler families, grew to a member-|Sroup activities. ? ge nap ag slg bio ship of 28 during the year, and| Objective for the future is the he bombing chie stilton was prospects point to a full mem-|instruction of children of mem- Scowentad re Cc ail A Schofield bership of 40 for the coming|ber families in all phases of , Wilf Gilrette The runner-up season. The executive is proud|outdoor life, with the accent on Gas Tacky McLean of the fact that the organization fishing, boating, swimming, life- The Grindley Trophy was pre- in one short year of activity,)saving, wood-lore, etc., and the sented by the donor, F. J. Grind- ley, to Percy Griffin who had the best average in the spot plaques by President Gordon Coulter, Caught -by the cam- era, from left, are Cyril A. Schofield, Edward G. Storie (ae oy members of the club for out- | ed, from left, are Michael standing achievement during | Lawson, winner of the Osh- the year. In the upper picture | awa Flying Club Air Cadet are the trophy winners. Seat- | Trophy; Peter Wilson, winner | SECOND SECTION MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1962 THE OSHAWA FLYING.| Club, at its annual Members' Dinner and Wings Presenta- tion Saturday night, honored of the A. G. Storie Trophy and John Hodges, winner of the Fraser Memorial Trophy. --Oshawa Times Photo The first annual meeting of |the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club Private pilots' certificates highest/marks during the RCAF and wings were presented to 47|\Course, was presented by W. members and air cadets when'(Pat) Paterson, president of 420 the Oshawa Flying Club held its Wing of the Royal Canadian 10th annual Members' Dinner Air Force Association, to in the recreation hall at the Michael Lawson, a member of Oshawa Airport Saturday night. No. 72 York Air Cadet Squad- Of those who received theirjron, Toronto, whose average licences 24 were air cadets who mark for the private pilot's took the course at the local tests was'82 per cent. airport last summer. In addi-|, x tien two instructors' certificates RCFC A TROPHY cen were presented: Receiving his _The Royal Canadian Flying commercial pilot and instruc-|Clubs Association Trophy, for tor's certificate was Don Mc- the best average in the forced Ilveen: while Grant Stonehouse !anding contest, was presented and includes among its mem-|its many realms. bers families from Peterboro,| lette was the rurner-up. Scarboro, Toronto and Oak-| President Bill Kent, in his received his instructor's certi- The Hayden Macdonald Tro- HhegeM to the meeting, reviewed a4 shah FIRST IN ONTARIO It i Move : -y Griffin who had the 4 ermed it a success beyond The presentation of the wings Liberal Leader to Percy G ; is ; ain F f and: capiticates was "iade By closest estimate in the pre-| Travel trailer clubs are coun-|expectations, but forecast bigger ieee : course competition. ted States and other countries|1962. Bill pointed out that the air services, department of "4 |of the world, but are comparati-|club had travelled more than transport, who was assisted by WINGS RECIPIENTS : wi HELMSFORD, Ont, | (cP Members of the club who re-|lieved that the local club was|from May to October. the club. he results of last week's prov-|ceived their private pilot certi-\the first to be formed in On| The entire executive of the A feature of the presentations ' fF ehet lien ini at . Calon of wnat tes in store 0r/Rarkey, Gordon Biddle, . F-d.|to follow, ecclamati i A ; i i cea > . on and is as follows: the Liberals, Ontario Liber! dawson, Wiltam Debosky, Paul) The OTTC, a non-commercial|Bill and Flo Kent, president; He referred at a Nickel Beltitarold Her: | ss : tdi " gott, Tom Houston, ; 2 i tificates and wings to their NOminating convention Saturday|ctanjey &. Johnson, John Kemp, ald chien or Aon coceGretieenaie mee sons, Peter Wilson and Keith Ae d R. G. Geen Speaks Wilson, respectively. Peter |Wilson's grandparents, Mr. and has become known far and wide|teaching of conservation in all landing competition. Wilf. Gil- Port Perry, Whitby, Agincourt,| YEAR REVIEWED ville ficate. phy was presented by the donor the first year of operation and fhe t 4 ny : D. P. Glen, regional director, 0 B El cti determined cross + country |ted by the hundreds in the Uni-|and better things to come in n By-Election ete vely new in Canada. It is be-/1,00 miles to rendezvous sites S. Cowley, chief instructor of : t incial byelections are an indi-|ticates were: Ernie Bolton, Eric|tario, although others are sure|club was returned to office by was that Al. Wilson, of Scar- leader Winterm Says. : tate | ' pele a. a NE Diederichsen, Douglas Graham, | association, lists among its by-| Norm and Joan Cook; vice- to the Liberals' victories in/ceci) Kosak, William Leathers, and. Preba' Gitier, Gaaahae wings by their fathers to Peter | boro, who made the presenta- ; awards from his father, Wilson and Keith Wilson. From | tion to his son, Peter; Keith | George Roche, of Oshawa. left are Al. Wilson, of Scar- | Wilson, who received his --Oshawa Times Photo A FEATURE OF the gather- ing was the presentation of private pilot's certificates and borough and George Roche, of Oshawa, were accorded the three of the five byelections. . sans ; The meeting nominated. Don |ce™y Lowden, William Marts, privilege of presenting the cer- ald Couture, 36-year-old Sudbury} COMMITTEES NAMED Mrs. Flying Club Honors Three Past Presidents The presentation of honorary life memberships to three past presidents was one of the high- lights of the annual Members' Dinner held by the Oshawa Flying Club at the Oshawa Air port Saturday night Honored with plaques for their outstanding service: to the club since its inception 16 years ago were Edward G. Storie, presi dent in 1948; Cyril 'A. Schofield president in 1949 and Frank J Grindley, president in 1956 Gordon Coulter, president the club, presided at the gather ing which was largely attended by club members, their wive and friends. Following the pre sentation of trophies, pilot's cer tificates and wings a pleasing program was presented by Cam Warne. The evening closed with a dance. A delicious hot dinner was served by the Westmount United Church FLYING REVENUE UP In his remarks Pres Coulter said another succ year had been enjoyed by club. In spite of the fact that the Royal Canadian Flying Club Association had reported a lf per cent decrease in revenue flying across Canada; the Osh awa Flying Club had sho increase of 6.5 per total of 3,295 hours One blemish on the club record was its accident report which showed five minor accidents which easily could have heen of a serious nature. The club should strive for an accident free 1962, President Coulter said Following its policy of ma taining a modern fleet of craft, the club last June chased a Cessna 15 MUJ had been flown over 300 he BREAKFAST FLIGHT The most successful event of the year was the club's break fast flight which topped al! records with 325 aircraft and 1,150 breakfasts served. - The success of the event due to the co-peration every member of the club The opening of the clu and canteen facilities the club new presti the flying fraternity. Pr Coulter expressed ay to Mr. and Mrs. their work in operation of the canteen. The president voiced the opinion that the spirit of tt club had reached a new h during the year. Thi of dent ssfu the flown of f € was due to the efforts of the first f and . combe n of executive committee headed by Al. Wilson. Tribute was also paid to the flying committee, headed by Wilf. Gillette, which organi- zed 10 breakfast flights, various contests and many other events. \ppreciation was expressed to the entertainment committee, under John Evans, for their many fund-raising activities and particularly the children's Christmas Party. Mr the Coulter also noted that in past the club had _ had several aircraft built. by the members. One of. these was a North American first an Iimeraud, built by Dennis Craw- ford. There are now 20 private aircraft owned by the members. HEAD TABLE GUESTS Among those at the head table wre Al. Wilson, chairman, members' executive committee Mrs. Wilson; W. (Pat) Pat- rson, president 420 Wing RCAF \ssociation and Mrs. Paterson; D. P. Glen, regional director. air services, department of tran sport and Mrs. Glen; Ald. John Dyer and Mrs. Dyer; Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Stories Mrs. Ede Fraser, C. R. Ivey, vice-pres de Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association; Hon. Micjael Starr and Mrs. Starr; Frank 1 Foley, Eastern Ontario zone di- Royal Canadian Association and rector, Clubs Foley xtending his congratulations and, best wishes to the club, the Hon. Mr. Starr commented that the increase in revenue flying hours is a tribute to those who promote club activities. He paid glowing tribute to George. Slo- secretary-manager, for s leadership Mr. Starr referred briefly to the fact that Nordair Limited had found it necessary to cur- iil its Oshawa service tempo- It was his hope that the ervice would be revived as he knew Oshawa is an air-minded ity and would continue to be in the future Ald. Dyer, a member of the ity council's property commit- brought greetings from Flying Mrs so tee, » Mayor Christine Thomas and the n council pledging all possible support the club He voiced alarm at the lack nierest among the younger to for| generation concerning what city council: is doing for the com. munity. He urged the club in the conduct .of. the city's rs e enteftainment was in that for the club mémbers con, of iterest lime tributed instrumental and vocal selections Jack Bateman, of Toronto kept the gathering on the edge of their chairs with his sleight of hand tricks; while Kathy Mc- Bain, of Toronto, delighted the gathering with her vocal selec- tions Club members' contribution to the success of the program were Phil Baldwin, Syd. Cowley, Al Wilson, J. Evans, P. Mulkins, W. Leathers and Al. Ingram Phil Baldwin and S. Cowley sang a duet; while Al. Wilson played the Theramin. Trio num- bers were presented by J. Evans, P. Mulkins and S. Cow ley, club instructors.. W. Lea- thers, trumpet; P. Baldwin piano and A. Ingram, saxophone, presented instrumental trio se- lections; while A. Ingram pre sented a comedy pantomime Plan Classes For Square Dancing At a meeting of the Woodview Park entertainment committee, it was decided to start square dance instruction for children 10 to 14 years and 14 years and up James Allen will be in charge of instruction, which will begin Friday evening, Jan 26, at Woodview Community Centre at 25 cents per lesson. Any children wishing to regis- ter are asked to contact Mrs, J, Major at 5-4546 Family skating will be held at North Oshawa Arena, Sunday evening, Jan 28, 7 to 9 p.m New Party Leader For Canadian Reds TORONTO (CP)--Tim Buck, 71-year-old head of the Canadian Communist party, is handing over some of the leadership du- ties to a younger man At a session of the 17th na- tional convention of the party Sunday night Leslie Morris, 57; of Toronto, was elected general secretary and national leader Mr. Buek will remain as na tional chairman Mr. Morris, who will -be party candidate in the Toronto riding of Trinity in the next fed- eral election, has been in charge of party publicity and has been active in movement for more than 38 years. a a the Sicliinse Park Names Officers At a meeting of Woodview Community Centre committee officers. were elected to various committees under General Chairman R. Germond. Other officers are: A. Leavitt, secretary; R. Cornish, property chairman; N. Boddy, facilities chairman. Anyone interested in rental of Woodview Community Centre is asked to contact Norm Boddy for booking at 5-0276 Woodview Neighborhood Ass- ociation had asked that anyone knowing of death or illness to any park member contact Mrs.| J. France at 8-9542 so the sick convenor can carry out her duties to the fullest. Reginald Usher, who re- cently arrived from the British Isles, were also in attendance for the ceremony. PRESENT SEVEN TROPHIES Seven trophies for outstanding achievement during the year were presented. The A. G. Storie Trophy to the club member, who attained the highest average marks on the test for a private licence, was presented by A. G. Storie to Peter WilSon whose average mark for the written and flight tests was 87 per cent. The Fraser Memorial Trophy, to the club member judged to be the best all-round member during the year, taking into account his flying, general air- manship and continued interest in safe flying, was presented by Mrs. Ede Fraser to John Hodges. The Oshawa Flying Club Air Cadet Trophy, awarded annual- ly to the air cadet obtaining the Oshawa Accidents An Oshawa child suffered seri- ous injury and five other adults suffered minor injuries with damage totalling $4,350 in seven weekend accidents reported by the Oshawa Police Department, Seriously injured, in the Tor. onto Hospital For Sick Children is four-year-old David Legere, 384 Drew Street. who suffered a fractured skull when he was struck by a car near his home at 5.45 p.m. Saturday The tot, witnesses said, tan from behind a car into the path of a car driven by Norman B. Lowry, 50, of 302 Kitchener av- enue, His head struck the right front fender of the Lowry ve- hicle, David was rushed by civic ambulance to the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospita! and later rushed to the Sick Children's Hospital. His condition today was. repor- ted as "'satisfactory'. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Legere. Edward Jones 38, of 18 Di- vision street, Bowmanville, suf- fered a cut lip and chin when his vehicle came into collision with a car driven by William Boddy, 76, of 40 Quebec street, }on King street east at 7.45-p.m Saturday, Damage in this mis- hap was estimated at $1100. Diane 19, 206 Gorr, Eulalie street and William E, Barton, lawyer, to make his second at- tempt to win the provincial rid- |Kenzie, John Tamblyn, Tony) {Vandervoort, Al. Wattman, Keith Wilson, Peter Wilson and To Music Teachers Committees for 1962 will be as follows: membership, Ron ing. In the 1959 election he was K defeated by 453 votes by the progressive Conservative win- ner, Rheal Belisle. ay P hey Mr. Wintermeyer said there|ted Aitken, Chris is no reason why the Liberals| ¥'c?, Pcrclaaps® ggg aig could not win all four of the)Prannigan, John Chambers,} : federal and provincial seats in Leonard Chilcott, Don Coates, tay rer of the Osh- the Sudbury and Nickel Belt|Douglas Duggan, Chris Franks,|2W@ and District Branch of the areas. At present they hold|Dale Fraser, Paul Gilbert, Mark| Ontario Registered Music Teach- Reginald G. Geen, who has travelled extensively throughout ig : i .| Canada for the Royal Conserva- te m . $ M private pilot Cee Kecteten, OY of Music of Toronto as an Keith| ©x@miner of piano, violin and voice candidates, was tlie speak- urt Zimmerman. Air Cadets receiving their and Bev 'Thompson, Jack and Rose White, Bill and Flo Kent; publicity, Frank and Ferne Ball; grounds and locations, Ted Chapman, Forbes and Bev Mc Ewen, Ron and Bev Thompson, Ed and Clara Lavalee; bulletin, Norm and Joan Cook; refresh- ment and Social, Harry and Pearl Blakely, Garnet and Vera three. 6,000 Woadents In Clash With Police TEHRAN, Iran (AP)--About 6,000 students clashed with se- curity police on the Tehran Uni- versity campus Sunday in a me- lee of flying rocks, clubs and bayonets. Police said more than 180 per- sons including 80 policemen were injured. They arrested about 200 students. Authorities said the students jplanned a demonstration to pro- Six Injured In| test dismissal of three students, then were stirred to violence by elements opposed to the shah's land reform program. A govern- ment spokesman reported some of those arrested were not stu- dents. 32, of 103 Mill street. Damage | was estimated at $400. €arl Phillips, 21, of 620 Olive avenue suffered a cut lower lip when his car was involved in a rear-end collision at 4.30 p.m. Saturday, on Wilson road south, south 'of Vimy -avenue. The other car driven by Lily Stevens, 54, of 312 Wilson road south. Damage was estimated at $1800 Damages totalled approxima- tely $250 when cars driven by Bernice Carl Grant, 26, of 247 Arthur street and Harry George Zosik, 39, of 637. Albert treet, | came into collision at the inter-| section of Albert and Emma| streets, at 12.35 a.m. Sunday.| A Willowdale man_ suffered! cuts to his right eye and lip in a two-car collision at the inter- |section of Mary street and Bond Street east at 7.30 p.m., Sun- day. Robert Mann, 21, was injured) when his car struck another, driven by Fred Charles Major, 24, 139 Grandview street, Osh- awa, in the intersection. Dam: age was estimated at a total of $400. A Whitby man reported to Oshawa Police at 16 a.m., Sun- day, that his car had left the involved was } | § : \ avenue, suffered a cut left leg,) pavement and run into a ditch); at 8.25 a.m Saturday, when she was a passenger in one of two cars involved in a accident at! the intersection of Simcoe and Mill Cars involved were driven by |Leslie Beeston, 62, of 54 Greta streets on Champlain avenue about 2.30 a.m.. Sunday. Damage was estimated at $450 to the car Driver of the car was Samuel Greer, 48, 211 Bowman street Whitby. No injuries were re ported. k THE MEMBERS OF the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club, at their first annual meeting | at the Woodview Park Com- | |Krueger, |Roger Pelletier. Gilding, Spencer Grey, Albert) @t'S Association held at the Hanlon, Allan Hubbert, Jim|home of Miss Ruth Skinner, Jamieson, Murray Kot, Gordon| Sutherland Ave., recently. Johnstone, Bob and Betty Cook; entertainment, Murray and Phy- Pierre Lachappelle,; Mrs. Charles Naylor presided|!lis Beadle, Jack and Muriel Michael Lawson, Gary Mie: and announced that the stu-|alsh, Mart and Phreda Ostler. Gregor, Richard O'Connor-|dents' recital would be held| Good fellowship has become Fenton, Wayne Parton and Saturday evening, Feb. 10, at|the password in this organiza- the McLaughlin Pulbic Library.|tion and what better way to ------------ |The secretary's and treasurer's|Plan the coming trailering sea- reports were given by Mrs,|S0n or reminisce past exper- 14-Year-Old Boy | Joseph Wilkins and Miss Helen ences than over steaming mugs | Willard respectively. of coffee and "'Dagwood" sand- Stabbed In Chest | Throughout Mr.- Geen's ad-|Wiches. ane ~ po WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- A| "ress Miss Elizabeth Dyer, Miss se get Pag oy ad 14 - year - old delivery boy was| Beverley Gibson and Miss Mary| Meeting. were, ye Y omit stabbed in the chest Saturday|0U Lockwood, students of vio- Files Harry and Pearl Blakely night after he became involved| in, voice and piano, respective- Garnet ond Vera Johnstone, |in a street. fight while riding his|!Y. Performed. Mr. Geen men-\p ong Betty Cook ; bicycle home from work. |tioned the low standard of ex- At) doce a Hospital authorities said Wil-|amination candidates in areas of|, To add a "First Birthday liam Desmarais is in serious|Canada where registered music|festive note, a huge birthday condition. One of his lungs was|teachers are not available. |C@ke, complete with a lighted pierced and his heart grazed.| After a social half hour enjoy-|taper, was presented by the It is believed a letter - opener|ed over coffee the meeting ad-|S0cial committee with presidents {was the weapon used. |journed. Bill and Flo Kent officiating at 3 ee anc the cake-cutting ceremony. Pheer onoocpes wa 835 munity Centre Saturday night | and Mrs. M. Ostier, histor- elected their executive for the | ians; Mr. and Mrs, Norman ensuing year. Members of the | Cook, vice-presidents, Mr. and executive, from left, are Mr. | Mrs. William Kent, presidents, } Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball, secretary-treasurers. The club was formed last year and car- ried out an extensive program. --Oshawa Times inte