Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1962, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 8, 1962 ee | ye '3 Party Leaders 'Begin Campaigns { By THE CANADIAN PRESS |subsidized hydro rates as Leaders of all three provin-|means of attracting industry, cial political parties fanned out)... across Ontario during the week- GOES TO TORONTO end to beat the drum for five| We have had one premier byelections scheduled for Jan, |@ffci another say industry must R |be decentralized, but we still \fiiud 80 per cent goes to Tor- onto," he said, 'Industry makes up its own mind and it moves whe1e the markets are." | Mr, Wintermeyer said the Liberal program included an in- 18, Premier John Robarts got off to a good start Sunday even be- fere he reached Kenora riding} to begin a four - day tour of northwestern Ontario, The Progressive Conservative| ™ \all summer cottage owners pay teyrated highway system that would reduce transportation costs from isolated areas, premier told reporters at Win-| nipeg airport that he plans a} President, Clay Agree On Berlin WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-; 'This meeting is one more ident Kennedy says he andiway in which Mr, Rusk, Gen- Gen, Lucius D, Clay are in full/eral Clay and I can keep in the agreement on how to handle ef-\closest touch and we continue fectively any possible future|to be fortunate in having him crisis in Berlin. as the senior American in Ber- The president's statement was lin," issued Sunday after he and) Salinger was asked whether Clay, Kennedy's personal rep-|the statement meant Clay was resentative in West Berlin, fully satisfied with the situation talked for an hour at the White regarding authority for the U.S. House. ; imilitary commander. Salinger Clay came to Washington|replied that Clay had read in amid reports he believed the|the president's statement and U.S. commander in West Ber- anproved it. lin, Maj.-Gen, Albert Watson, Late today Kennedy is sched- jiboard in the Clearwater Bay) personal investigation into a) ilispute between non - resident} cottage owners and a_ school) Donald MacDonald, leader of the New Democratic Party, Sunaay night attempted to short - circuit the Liberals' hy- ro-electric power policy. Speaking in Red Lake in Ke- nora riding, he accused the Lib- jerals of attempting to switch the burden of power costs from their industrial friends to the average consumer, | Six Children, Woman Die In f Blazing Home | area near Kenora. be Winnipeg residents, who maintain cottages in the area} about 125 miles east of the Manitoba capital, have com- planed about administration) methods of the Clearwater) sciivol board. Some of the collage owners elaim they should not have to pay taxes in Clearwater Bay because their year-round homes are in Winnipeg. But the Ontario premier said | | rf 4 HH 3 ' 4 ¢ sw school taxes. FE GOES H should have greater authority to handle unexpected = emer- gencies, | Clay met with State Secretary |Rusk Saturday and both men denied any policy differences. The president's statement read to reporters: by White House press secretary Pierre Salinger after Sunday's Ken- nedy-Clay meeting, said: "General Clay and I have had a most useful and satisfactory review of the current situation in Berlin and Germany... . an ee | REVIEW PROBLEM Sige: | "We have also reviewed the ig general problem of effective handing of possible crisis sit- uations and we have reached uled to talk to Ludwig Erhard, West German vice - chancellor and economics minister, hard is with V8. officials economic policy. TOUCHES BERLIN Er- here for discussions on foreign The Berlin situation was one of the subjects touched on by Rusk Sunday in a radio inter- view program (Reporters Roundup---MBS). Bulgarian Rabbi Jailed Three Years VIENNA (Reuters)--A Sofia full agreement on the policy to be followed during these months. court has sentenced the chief rabbi of Bulgaria, Dr, Asher _ Isaac Hananel, to 3% years im- prisonment on charges of "spec- ulating and smuggling," the Bulgarian news agency BTA re- ported Sunday, Dr, Hananel, whose age was not given, was released on ball for health reasons, the agency said, CLYDEBANK, Scotland (AP)| A frantic mother, screaming in fear and agony and with her |hair in flames, clung to the} \fourth-floor window ledge of al |blazing Clydeside apartment |nouse Saturday night. | | 'To people in the street below,| iste called: 'Please save my) children," | | The stunned crowd. stirred) jand men moved into the burn- 79-year-old Atlee said, 'I feel ., (ing building. But six children) During the debate, the Lib-\under eight and a 38-year-old| erul leader outlined his party's|weman di | mt j -| jposition on sales tax, northern 4 a peogt pis Egy ng | I ) ace ar maging Cees ee ee lative and illegal trade : ae gotiations to enter the Common| SPecu jdevelopment and subsidized|outer Glasgow suburb. Market is supported by several|with valuables, in the transfer |hydro rates. | Dead are Mrs. Margaret Mc-- AMSTERDAM (AP) -- The,West Irian in Indonesian) {s Commonwealth countries," the/of foreign currencies, and in the | Mayor Simpson, who at one/Gowan and her four children--/pytch people kept calm last one-half of a poor, swampy, |newspaper's commentator, John) purchase of dollars which he lhe was being. considered for|seven - year - old twins Andrew|week tn the face of a war threat/tropical island in the southwest|Dickie, writes. ldeposited in his personal ac- Farl Atlee, former British prime minister, waves from | ambulance as he leaves hos- pital in Amersham, England, | yeesterday, for his home in nearby Great Missenden, The | fine." He had been admitted to the hospital early last month and had a heart attack as a complication of his gas- tric disorder, At one time his condition had been described as "grave."' (AP Wirephoto) Expecting New Try | At PMs' Meeting LONDON (Reuters) The Daiiy Mail says a new attempt to call a Commonwealth prime }ministers' conference in Ottawa is expected soon. He was found gullty of being Canadian pressure for a engaged for many years in "A TROUD' WE SELL ONLY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT SLICED 3 y Breakfast Bacon 29 STILL BEST KEG JUMPER | GROSSINGER, N.Y, (AP)--| World barrel jumping cham-| tpion Jim Waldo of Portland,| Ore., sailed over 15 barrels Sunday for a distance of 27 feet, 444 inches, to defend his title in the annual international keg hurdling tournament. Yvon) Jolin of Montreal was second, | clearing 14 barrels. =~ |DEBATES WITH MAYOR 5; Liberal Leader John Winter- em, |meyer Saturday night ended a , .@ : jtour of Renfrew South riding} Co ' . jwith a_ friendly debate with 2 i : |Mayor Robert Simpson of Arn- a ' nie |prior. ; es i 4a . a ; fhe meeting in the Conserva- SISTER DIES IN FIRE tive stronghold was billed as . non-political so the largely Con- servative members of council Dennis Higgins was to cele- 9 Saturday in their fourth-floor der the dead girl's bed, This |and town boards could attend brate his 10th birthday toda; ipartment in New York's mid- picture was made by New | without embarrassment, but instead of gaiety there is | town Manhattan area. Dennis | York Mirror photographer | tragedy. His 14-year-old sister, | holds his dog, Mickey, found | Marty Hanley. Joyce, was burned to death ! whimpering but unharmed un- | (AP Wirephoto) 'Man, Baby Di Two In Hospital Man. Baby vie nr as : '| Colli 8 the Conservative candidacy ofjand Robert Jr., Francis, 4 ,and|oyer West New Guinea. Pacific. It never has repre-| 'An Ottawa conference would) 'iss bank," BTA e n 1sion the riding, replied in a mata Psy Ming Sve Ragen Margaret| Both Dutch citizens and the sented a real Netherlands inter-|have two advantages for Mr,|count with a Swiss bank, : a way. and Ian Strachan, aged 4 and 3, hoping for ne- est. The Dutch gov t an-| Diefenbaker. |said, ' A (CP)--A y ! 3,/government were hoping government an ' eee From Train Crash isd s baby. are Ellon Norer ile questioned the value of|#/s0 died. They were the chil-|sotiations, Even anti-Indonesian nually covers its $30,000,000 bud-| 'By tradition the host pre-) as en SaaaaanSnnanD day night when a car contains igen ieesloetncee oon Airy woman on the win-|dichards did not come out op-|getary deficit, in addition to Singeb Pgpreon gh vou F.R BLACK re) D uN P) --Is3 ight he en ic ; ily vah's Wit: . [Gow ledge. lenly for a military showdown. |spending an equal sum on the be able to steer the discussion | * + "ve ve it EUGENE, Qut_ (CP) gi mht hve been ice om ig o family of Jehovah's Wi. Two Men Surprised is. ise siracnan, 2h peope here taw no oes defence, © thet impt atthe Common |, OPTOMETRIST CPR passenger train were un- another car on a rain-slicked jrecovering after sedation, said|way out than handing over the| The Dutch government last Market on the Commonwealth. | Sontnes Lome Career * der observation in an Ottawa|60 BY BUS niskoag 18 Guliee cael of Have Of S |Sunday that she and her hus-lisland-territory to the Indones-|year put into operation a 10-| 'It would also boost him at al BY APPOINTMENT . . . hospital today following the de- Some 114 passengers were Taaa, nes. Ronald Stuart Bar. By Owner tore band William were ending ajjans, Others, admitting that the year development plan and cre-|time when he is considering al PHONE 723-4191 railment of three diesel locomo-| brought hed rine iy by bus fol' icon, 24, - of Sarnia, and 10- STURGEON FALLS, Ont ist 4 gd McGowan home eventual long - term outcome|ated a council of elected and|date for a general election in] 136 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA ; lowing the accident biel apm yd : ' ' if 4s, -/when fire from an upset kero-|wj » the same, hope that ne-|appointed Papua Canada.' & toe 'passenger "cars near this CPR crews were at work gig go Fear tig (CP) ~ A bullet cracked the|cene heater spread through the|yotiations 'wil lead to a transi-|with a view piaine at rec = community 45 miles west of Clearing the railway's mainy | oer aon jwindshield of store owner Henri/apartment, The Strachans and|tional period under international ple to self-determination. link between Montreal and Ot- Guin of London. 5 .,. |Levesque's car as he fled Sa-/Mrs. McGowan's husband Rob-| ; wee Montreal. Mr. Prud 44, his wif : A jauspices. Australia controls the eastern Engineer Harold.Greenlaw|tawa, but there was no imme- | a be nat thei hilar ®\turday night after surprising/ert smashed windows and called) West New Guinea (called/half of New Guinea. There have| and fireman Frank Alexander,|diate indication of when the Mane ve * P s c + fag two men in the store. \for help. a --|been suggestions that the two| both 46 and residents of Ot-|work would be completed. -- | Vargare', tt, fake" ®, and 2°) Ppulice have detained two Tor-| 'When I turned around to get ss ' halves be combined because the| 7 A CPR spokesman said trains ren, 4, are in fair condition in rper| hold of my t : 5 ' bd cause the tawa, were the only persons s hospital onto men for questioning. | y two little ones they 1e 0 1ce island's people are mainly Pa- injured when the CPR Domin- arf rein ele' Ont a tte tamily wan returning) Mr. Levesque said he found) had vanished in the smoke and| puans of the Melanesian race, jon, bound for gah mm "Sheaneay poet ly ys ent to from a circuit assembly of the|{wo men attempting to break|flames,' use "e yee Sh t T D th not particularly linked with the! bs rong > gy MB veel one estimate damage immediately, |Jehovah's Witnesses in Sarnia. i pote "-- when he Snares iene but inet have pantowan| 0 0 @a Indonesians, | ee ---- ------=| The baby died in hospital/the store. He ran out and) Paki : ne . N.S. (CP)--| West New Guinea is a left- a sti . » |thiec hours after the accident,|jumped into his car. As he sing the wicies rh age d cierto chief Soropn|over issue frd% 1949 when the Greenlaw suffered a badly Three Children Die Mr. Ferguson, only occupant of|/pulled away a shot was fited| Se ote ge to ap | " raed death Sat-|Dutch surrendered their East brulsed right Mey shpok ant lthe second car, died at the/at him, cracking. the windshield pig the pkey: ee | eee A tor wou pari the|Indies colonial empire to Indo: g cuts. Alexander esca 1 scene lin tront of his head. |people street called tha lnesia, No a : I 'ee : | , ; spect was|nesia. greement was with a slight concussion. Buried Under Snow Provincial police said a rela-| Provincial police detained one pep ogger ie Bly bt bon or ite ga ss reached on the West New Guj- A CPR spokesman said sev} QUEBEC (CP) -- Three chil-/tive of the Prudhums, whose|man seen hitch-hiking Sunday badiy harned , Kendrick, 78, was standing on|"@@ area. 5 eral gris were shaken dren of one family were killed| nan e was not disclosed, or-|near a roadblock on Highway Mis. McGowan was not seen{the bridge of the pulpwood ship This was 'partly because the up a bit" when the train de-/Sunday when buried under 10)dercd the hospital not to give|i7. Another man was picked up| .j;., again after she ran to her|Marguerita 'supervising pulp-|Dutch government considered it -- -- up aoe heen feet of snow while playing near|the baby _ blood transfusions later in this town 22 miles west children. She died with them. |wood. loading when he was|t0o underdeveloped to make it| or undreds yards and fell-'their home in suburban Beau |which are forbidden by the Je-jof North Bay. . eae --_- |struck in the side by a .22-cal-\at that time a federal part of ing several telephone poles. port. hovab's Witnesses faith. The) pojice said $100 was taken ibre rifle bullet. ' Indonesia. There are only about The passenger cars remained) Their father, Jean-Paul Cote,0aby was almost dead on ar-/from one safe. The other was| Wi d An intense search through|3,000 Dutchmen, mostly admin- upright and the last unit on the|told police he last saw his chil- Tival, police said not opened. in sor réa snow - clad woods east of this|istrative personnel and a few train, a sleeping car coupled on} dren--Michele, 13, Jean, 10 and! Hospital officials would _not}----- - ---- Minas Basin town of 1,900 ended/Planters, in the area. at Sudbury, did not leave the|Touise, 9--about 4 p.m. They;comment. Coroner Douglas Mc- ' ili ina i | rails | : fh oe 0. or ars when William Leonard Moore,| Behind - the - scenes interna- i. had been playing near a cliff)Kiniey said only that any in- h d behind|ti ; | i y uroma arm 19, was. found shot dead behind|tional consultations, in which Cause of the accident was not/about 400 yards from their/formation would come out of a small summer cabin about a|the United States government is| enneunced 'oMicialiy: F611 ¢ ejhome an inquest, if one is called. ) li M . Broken Down |mile from where Kendrick was|playing a leading role, may| : : | shot. show the wa | 0 Icy eeting | TORONTO (CP) -- Tradt-| Kendrick, Parrsboro's one: |~ a jtional color bars in the Windsor):an force for about 20 years, i IL ks P jarea have been broken down|js survived by his wife, three ac. rogress |through prompt action by the la-|qaughters. and two sons. | jbor movement, Eamon Park, yas scri s BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- 'Thejchairman of the Toronto andl iedekens bef Po og hock ao \foreign and agricultural minis-|District Labor Committee for] :u)pwood shipping town. ters of the six European Com-/Human Rights, told a confer-| Two coroner's juries jraon Market nations, once again|ence here Sunday empanelled and inquests into! under the shadow of a dead-| Mr. Park, speaking to the an-|both deaths adjourned until Jan. \line, Saturday adjourned their/nual labor conference on human 99 |discussions until today with nojrights, added that on the other| police declined to comment progiess made toward a com-jhand there has been one com-|on motive for Kendrick's killing, iven farm policy. plaint of racial discrimination in|pyt said it was presumed Moore The ministers met for only|Windsor on file for five months|tock his own life three hours Saturday and one|Without any progress being} ----------_-------- French official said unexpected|made. He called for a pubeic| \difficulties had come up on/hearing into the unsettled com-| ] In 5 Residents | |several points considered al-/Plaint. . : | Sick With The Flu' ready solved, | Mr. Park said that In August! When the ministers failed to|the Toronto and District Labor hale | reach agreement on a farm|Committee for Human Rights| .YALMEYER, Ill. (AP)--One| y five residents in this ity of 2,500 has the flu! SKINLESS WIENERS LEAN RIB (Braising) STEW 39 LEAN, TENDER C (LUE steaks 99 LEAN BUTT P PORK cHops = «"&9% BEEF 3 Ibs. 1.00 Has cen JANUARY SALE . Obs UALITY FURS REDUCTIONS 0% to 50% ON REGULAR STOCK Don't confuse regular stock. quality furs with "'End-of-line" clearance or so-called "Manufacturer's Clearance" usually on sale at the large department stores. COMPARE PRICE & QUALITY MARTEN'S FURS 75 KING ST. EAST (opposite Hotel Genosha) "Makers of Fine Furs For Over 50 Years" Cart Poss COLD IN WEST. CLOUDY IN EAST WEATHER FORECAST | Cloudy, Cooler, Snowflurries Forecasts issued by the Tor-,becoming west 10 to 15 tonight onto weather office at 4:30 a.m./and Tuesday. Synopsis: The storm which| Lake Huron, southern Georg- moved northward across Onta-/ian Bay regions, London: rio over the weekend is centred|Cloudy with occasional snow east of James Bay this morn-|and some drifting today. Cloudy ing and is gradually blowing it-|with clear, intervals and scat- self out. Winds are expected to|tered snowflurries tonight and continue to decrease in southern Tuesday, turning a little cooler Ontario and a slight drop inj|tonight. Winds southwest to west temperature is expected. Little 15 to 20 today, becoming west change is forecast for northern'15 to 15 tonight and Tuesday.| Ontario. Haliburton region: Mainly Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni- cloudy with occasional light agara, Lake Ontario regions, snow today. Partly cloudy and Windsor, Hamilton: Cloudy a little cooler tonight and Tues- with occasional light snow to-/day. Winds southwest 15 to 20 day. Cloudy with clear inter-|today, becoming light tonight vals and scattered light snow-|and Tuesday. flurries tonight and Tuesday,} Northern Georgian' Bay, Ti- turning cooler tonight. Winds /magami regions, North Bay, southwest 15 to 20, today, be-/Sudbury: Cloudy this morning, coming westerly 10 to 15 tonight |clearing by mid - day. Mainly and Tuesday. clear tonight. and Tuesday, a Toronto: Cloudy with sunnyjlittle colder. Winds west to intervals and a few light snow-|northwest 10 to 15 flurries today and Tuesday,, Algoma region, Sault Ste. Ma- White River turning a little cooler tonight.|rie: Variable cloudiness with oc-|Kapuskasing ..... Winds gouthwest 15 to 20 today,'casional snow/lurries today andiNorth Bay .....005. 2 e@ WILL BUY 2nd MORT- GAGES SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING W. -- '723-2265 |) od -- TRAVEL AGENCY : * ° Requires Ambitious person (male or femele) with sales ability, capable of interviewing top business and professional men and women. Must have courage ond self-confidence, the urge to step. forword both in position and earnings. Other languages and knowledge of office management and accounting desirable, Unusual opportunity. Apply by letter to MRS. DONALD stat- ing qualifications. An appointment for interview will be ar- ranged. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY 10 fax. 38 50 15 8 M Dawson : Victoria Edmonton Regina Winnipeg .....ee00 Fort William poucy by Jan. 1--the first dead-|filed a complaint with the On-|of ever and|and an urgept appeal was made} they agreed to extend the dis-|Country Club in Windsor. This} ja week away. |Lakewood club to allow golfing) America on vacation, extend. the 'meeting still tur.|AUg: 16, 1961. It is now Jan. 7,)away. A five - inch snowfall "It now is time that our said: "We'v 3 |Tuesday, a little colder. Winds were haggling over technical Oe ta: "re ve had te death ang ture. The limitation perio . " |gions: Mainly clear today and|progress. Liab lag jdactor, 2 | Mr. Park reported that the! | | Forecast temperatures : has apologized and offered use| Windsor vceves Lower Than 1960 MONEY ing beaches also have signed) Wingnam .. 18 1.4 per cent last year from 1960. ponies. No bonus or finder's Toronto 390,781 units comipared to 396,- HISTORIC EVENT Killaloe despite a 14.4 - per -- cent in-| burned in 1916, was laid in 1860 Sudbury "lyear earlier: to 38,996 units White River .... - jrise in December, passenger Observed temperatures from 325,752 in 1960. FASTEETH, an improved powder | S.S. Marie in place, Do not slide, slip or rock acid). Does not sour, Checks 'plate line for passing into the key|'ario eee ee labor Suman second phase of the market--/4gainst Lakewo ol 4 eqcond piss © y Sawurday for medical help. Val- cussion until Jan, 13, less than|@Tose out of the refusal by the|meyer's only doctor is in South \privileges to two Negroes, State police brought a doctor | They were pect t Spares ; , ; vate : hisedey ge This complaint was filed|from East St. Louis, 25 miles | ther 1962, As yet, no settlement has|added to the town's misery. d : a been reached. | the Ms George Andres Observers said the ministers) vy aoe eee ee | minister of labor, Hon, W. K.| le think sh 1 \light, variable. details which prevent them|Warrender, stepped into the re Lae people think she could | White River, Cochrane re-\fromm making any substantial Px (have been saved if we had a ires within a few weeks." |Tuesday, not much change in ------------- en |temperature. Winds light ' . |Roseland Golf and Country Club! | ] A Auto Production scene of an earlier complaint, | MORTGAGE |Low tonight, high Tuesday | bee ; beset |Windsor ....... BO 2 | of its facilities to the Negro complainants, i = | RONOOR Ascccises 20 4 | OTTAWA (CP) -- Motor ve- Plainants. He said two bath Ist Mortgage funds available Kitchener . 18 'hicles production in Canada fell). Heotoy ; from Trust & Insurance Com- ptr affirming a fair ac- col ions icy. iamilton The bureau of statistics re-| anal mHOns Daley. io St. Catharines ... 2 ported today that output totalled Peterborough ... 2 321 in 1960, Corner stone of the original Treuton ss. The year's decline occurred) Parliament Buildings at Ottawa, Muskoka ...+-00s crease during December com-|p ; i | . jby the then Prince of Wales Nort Shas y é orth Bay jpared with the same month &| who became Edward VII. | Hariton :....00s from 34,081, ens apuskasing .. Spurred by a 17.9 - per -. cent srg os 5 car production edged upward) sant ote Marie . - for the year to 327,897 units Min eemmunesussie ; 45 : poFALSE TEETH | Rock, Slide or Slip? to be sprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds faise teeth more firmly No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. FASTEETH is alkaline (non- odor breath". Get FASTEE at drug counters everywhere, i 4 D.

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