Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1962, p. 2

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CONSULTS CANADIAN CABINET Edward Heath, British Lord Privy Seal and key figure in Britain's negotiations to enter the European Common Mar- ket, consulted with Canadian and Viscount Amory, British High Commissioner, who sat in on the talks, --(CP Wirephoto) cabinet ministers in Ottawa Wednesday on the proposed move. Mr. Heath (left) is shown here with Finance Minister Fleming (centre) ction WASHINGTON (AP)--A spokesman said Wednesday the state department believes'an at- tempt was made to buy a coun- try's recognition of Katanga as a sovereign country and that Michael Struelens, who repre- sents President Moise Tshomb in New York, was involved. The official, press officer Lin- coln White, did not name the country to which the offer was made, but the context made it clear he was talking about Costa Rica. In New York Struelens issued a statement saying that "'as far as the allegation by Mr. Lincoln White pertains to me, person- ally, it is absolutely without! foundation. "Even if the story were true," he added, 'which it is not, I cannot understand why the | JUnited States would be so con-| cerned about diplomatic efforts made by another government."| said he was answering press re-| ports that "'Struelens might have been involved in an at- tempt to purchase recognition for Katanga as a sovereign na- |tion,"" REPORT 41,000,000 PAID One published report (by col- }umnist Drew Pearson) had said jan investigation was under way into reports that $1,000,000 had | | White, in a statement volun-| teered at a press conference,) Katangan Agent Denies Bribery activities in other areas as an agent of Tshombe The story said the offer was indignantly rejected by the Costa Ricans, and in effect White backed that up. Struelens, a former Belgian civil servants, is in the United States as an information agent for the Katanga regime. His ac- tivities have come under sharp attack from Carl Rowan, dep- uty assistant secretary of state for polittcal affairs. In a speech at Philadelphia last Wednesday night, Rowan spoke of big money spending by Struelens, and criticized the ac- tivities of the Union' Miniere du Haut-Katanga, the big mining group which controls much of Katanga's revenue - producirg properties. Union Denies Dropping Father Of 7 SARNIA (CP) spokesman denied Wednesday that Allyn Waybrant, unem- jployed father of seven, had lbeen dropped from the union for non-payment of dues while in jail in 1955. Mr. Waybrant, whose child- A union| , a fl FAVORITE FAN oe pangs rer 'Gambling Probe TORONTO (CP)--Mr. Justice D. R. Morand of the Ontario Supreme Court Wednesday or- dered suspension of a prelimin- istrate's court against 10 men accused of gambling offences. The hearing, which opened last Thursday before Magistrate R. C, Taylor over the protests of defence lawyers, was broken off after 3% days of testimony. The Supreme Court order, which set the date of resumption no earlier than Jan 19, means the hearing will start over again after that date. Mr, Justice Morand granted a motion of prohibition of the ap- | |plication of Malcolm Robb, law- yer for two defendants, on the ground that he did not have enough time to prepare his case. Mr. Robb applied for the or- der after Magistrate. Taylor re Legal Action For Alleged Discrimination ary hearing of charges in mag- jected a defence request for ad- WINNIPEG (CP)--Legal ac- tion for alleged discrimination will be taken against the Cana- dian Brotherhood -of Railway, Transport and General Workers Trial Suspended journment ana started the hear- ing last Thursday, The men, accused of con- spiring to operate common bet- ting houses and to engage in bet- ting and bookmaking, are Jack Weaver, Fred Gabourie, Harry Eisen, Arthur Larter, Benjamin Kuflowitz, Max, Silver, Hugh O'Gara, Timothy Buckley, Alex- ander Robinson and Phineas Goldenberg The case came before Magis- trate Taylor last Wednesday and a lawyer asked for an adjourn- ment on behalf of Mr, Robb, wh was in Florida on other bus- iness, The magistrate said the Pe must start the following jay. vy Evidence linking a Toronto company with a social club po- lice say was a gambling centre was introduced in court before the hearing was suspended. Crown counsel Lloyd Graburn introduced bank statements of Valama Holdings Limited ad cheques showing. $16,000 was paid from the company account to Eisen and Gabourie. Bisen was secretary of the Bellevue Bridge and Social Club. Detective John F. Leybourne said Gabourie and Weaver were behind the club counter during the raids and they used a damp cloth to wipe clean a shiny table top, shouting "dicks, dicks" at the same time. Police seized betting and pay- off sheets listing bets on horses Ontario's Byele (CLC) by Local 130 of the un- been offered to Costa Rican of-|ren were left homeless in a fire ion's porters' division, it sion, it was Ificials to recognize the seceS-|the week before Christmas, said and baseball games in raids on Canadian-born singer Mor- | in the opera, "The Tales. of | sionist Congolese province. That|;, an interview last week he Preparations Begun poll captains for a pep talk. ir TORONTO (CP)--With Onta- Renfrew tonight. Friday he wil rio's' Little General Election| just two weeks away, the three|start a tour of the riding witl provincial party leaders areja meeting in Killaloe. He'l' either on, or preparing for, the}leave Renfrew South after a Sa- hustings. turday - night meeting in Arn- At stake in byelections Jan.|prior. 18 are five seats in widely sep-) Liberal Quilty will be opposed arated parts of the province.|by NDP-candidate Len Laven- The results are expected to pro-|ture, a farmer, and Conlin S. vide a fairly accurate sampling|Mulvihill, a 34-year-old lawyer of initial public reaction to John|who will try to return the seat Robarts' succession to the pre-|to the PC fold where it lay prior miership. d to the death of its members, All five vacancies in fhe, le- Mines Minister James Maloney. gislature were produced by neans 2 p.m. EST in all ridings ut Kenora, where Central Stan- lard Time is observed. Returning officers have until 2 p.m. the day following nomin- ations to decide whether any nominees should be disqualified, The election campaign has been quiet so far, with candid- ates concentrating on personal contact with the voters. Liberal candidates have been backing party leader John Winter- meyer's demands for a wide- open probe on crime in the prov- ince. Premier Robarts recently | deaths of the members. Liberal Leader John Winter- meyer was packed Wednesday night for flight today to Qt- tawa. He'll leave the capital by GOES TO BRANT announced a royal commission Premier Robarts will spend|would be held on the subject . the middle of next week in|. The Progressive Conservative, Brant, where manufacturer|Liberal and New Democratic Garnet Brown, 34, is campaign-|parties plan to field candidates ing to wrest the seat from the|in each riding but the Social car for Renfrew South, where farmer Leonard Quilty has the Tiber neminntion: Harry Nixon. The late Mr. Nix- TWO IN KENORA on's son Robert, 33 -- like his NDP Leader Donald MacDon-/father, a farmer--has the Lib- ald, campaigning in Brant rid-jeral nomination, while farmer 40 years under former premier ing today, was to leave Friday|Robert Good is running for the printer, NDP; Jack Harris, 43,| night for Kenora. Premier Ro-|NDP. barts expects to be in the same| Following his Kenora tour riding Monday. Mr. MacDonald plans to spend The premier will be accom-|next Thursday in Brant before panied by his wife on the north-/heading for Renfrew South. He western tour, which will start/may return later to both rid- at Red Lake and end Tuesday |ings. in the town of Kenora. Mr. Wintermeyer will reach PC and NDP interest. in Ke-|Kenora Jan. 11, returning to nora is spurred by the fact the|/Renfrew South before finishing) seat was last held by Albert/his campaign with a meeting at Wren under a unique Liberal-|Paris in Brant riding Jan. 16.| Labor banner This time their|He plans to spend some time in Liberals, who held in more than| Credit party has so far not nom-) jinated anyone Advance polls will be held Jan 11, 12 and 13 Nominated so far are: Beaches: Stanley Bullock, 34, department store department head, PC; Donald MacGregor, 53, stockbroker, Liberal. Eglinton: Eamonn Martin, 36, transit commission inspector, NDP; Mrs. Jean Newman, Housewife, Liberal; Leonard Reilly, 49, businessman, PC. Brant: Garnet Brown, 54, manufacturer, PC; Robert Good, farmer, Nixon, 33, farmer, Liberal. NDP; Robert! | account did not name the agents said to have made the proposi- was not able to get work as a bricklayer because the union tion, but discussed Struelens' Pay For Time Lost During UAW Strike DETROIT (CP) -- In a far- reaching decision, the appeal board of the Michigan Employ- ment Security Commission Wed- nesday upheld the eligibility for jobless pay of 52 United Auto Workers members for time lost because of a UAW strike here in 1958. The 52 were employed by the Cadillac division of General Mo- tors corporation. The strike was at another GM plant. | The ruling could touch off a} flood of claims for unemploy- ment benefits by thousands of Michigan employees of GM who had dropped him from member- ship. He said he was unable to jpay his dues while serving a |two-mont | Robert Ewart, business repre- |sentative of Local 23 of the terers International in such a situation. Mr. Ewart said Mr. brant was seven months in ar- rears when he was finally dropped. Last summer Mr, Waybrant approached Mr. Ewart to rejoin and paid three months of his back dues and a $10 initiation fee. "He was sent to see a con- tractor and was hired," Mr. Ewart said. "Waybrant sent his tolls to the job but never did were idled under similar cir- }cumstances during 1958 and) 'again last year. | INTERPRET ING THE NEWS show up himself for work and the contractor finally hired someone else," Portugal Threat Dangerous To UN | Bu JOSEPH MacSWEEN l | Canadian Press. Staff Writer | Premier Antonio Sala zar's| threat to take Portugal out of| candidates will run against al straight Liberal in 30-year-old) lawyer Robert Gibson. | Railroad conductor Pete Ro-| seat for the Tories and 35-year- old teacher Emile Blouin for the/erals 20 and the NDP 5 In the/ture, farmer, NDP: Conlin S.|during India's recent conquest NDP | Mr. Wintermeyer will meet! The 2 p.m. nominations close/ard Quilty, farmer, Liberal. Toronto before heading to Ke-| nora, part of it in preparing for) a CBC provincial-affairs televi-| sion program. is: Conservatives, 68 seats, Lib- 98-seat legislature. | |Robertson,. 47, ra bertson, 47, is contesting the} Present legislature standing|tor, PC. Kenora: 'mile Blouin, 35,|the United Nations is ominous) teacher, NDP; Robert W, Gib-|because he can be sure things son, 30, lawyer, Liberal; Petejare not going to get better for ilroad conduc-|his country in the world body. Salazar referred particularly Renfrew. South: Len Laven-|to the UN's hands-off decision Mulvihill, 34, lawyer,.PC; Leon-|of Portuguese Goa but new ver- |bal attacks are due to fall on nd WEATHER FORECAST Cold Arctic Air Sweeps Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto weather office at 4:30 a.m. Synopsis: Northerly winds swept cold arctic air down across Ontario last night, drop- ping temperatures to 20 and 30 below zero in northern regions of the province. In southern On- tario temperatures are dropping this morning and are expected to range in the mid-20s_ this afternoon, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara regions, London, Hanuilton: Cloudy with sunny intervals and turning colder today. Cloudy tonight with snow and risk of freezing rain late tonight and Friday morning, changing to snowflur. ries Friday afternoon, continu- ing cold. Winds northerly 20 to 30, becoming east 20 tonight. Lake Ontario region: Sunny and colder today. Cloudy with occasional snow late tonight and Friday. Continuing cold Friday.) White River, Cochrane re-|indicated an interest in joining) Winds northerly 20 to 30, be-/gions: Mainly sunny but very/|the league if it turns pro. Th coming east 20 tonight. Torgnto: Sunny and colder to- | Ontario day. Cloudy with occasional snow late tonight and Friday, continuing cold Friday. Winds northerly 20 to 30, becoming east 20 tonight. Haliburton; Timagami re- gions, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny but cold today.' Cloudy and continuing cold with snow Friday. Winds northeast 20 to- day, east 20 Friday. and cold today except cloudy with a few snowflurries along the southern shore of Georgian Bay. Cloudy with snow begin- ning late tonight, continuing cold Friday. Winds northeast 15 today, east 20 Friday. Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie re- gions: Sunny but cold. today. Cloudy with snow likely tonight, ending by noon Friday. Continu- ing cold Friday. Winds -north- east 15, jcold today and Friday, Winds | light. t Portugal when the 16th UN Gen- ccopreormmrecemmmmmcnrerem |eral Assembly resumes sessions 4 Jan, 15. | The assembly is scheduled to debate charges against Portu 'gal of oppression in its big Af- rican territory of Angola. Since about half the 104 UN members ._|are new countries of Africa and Asia, a decision in favor of Portugal would indeed be sur- prising. The change in complexion tland size of the UN--there were only 51 members when it was created in 1945--is one reason for the recurring question as to 'lwhether the global forum will '| survive, and if so in what form. '| CRISIS EXISTS UN orators--imbued with this or that cause--tend to invoke! the future of the UN on com-| 1|paratively trivial issues but it is iclear that a real crisis now is| at hand, involving the most| | powerful founding members of| '|the United Nations. "| The United States in recent| jiyears has sided with the Afro-| |'Asians on colonial questions but| Ambassador Adlai Stevenson said the Goa incident could --|mean the beginning of the end \for the UN | | Apart from the merits of the | case, India's resort to force was ja direct violation of the UN jcharter, he said, and for the \first time the security council |failed to condemn such action. | In fact, four members of the 1l-country council -- the Soviet Forecasts temperatures: Low tonight and high Friday: Windsor ....... 5 28 St. Thomas 25 London .... 20 Kitchener . 20 Wingham .. 2 Hamilton .. St. Catharines . man ¢alls it the "'Disunited Na- tions." The British foreign secretary, the Earl of Home, said some assembly resolutions om colon- ialism are "reckless and care- less" and he pointed to The Congo where bloody events proved inability for self-govern- ment. He castigated this reso- lution, passed Dec. 14, 1960: "Inadequacy of political, eco- nomic, socia! or education pre- naredness should never serve as a pretext for delaying inde- pendence." It is an issue causing sharp cleavage and some UN dele- gates feel the departure -- or expulsion -- of even one mem- ber such as Portugal from the world body would be disastrous precedent at this time. The majority feeling appears to be, however, that Portugal would be unwise to leave the UN since that would not solve the colonial problem but per- haps make it worse. U.S. Space Orbit Delay Announced CAPE CANAVERAL, F 1a. (AP)--An attempt to rocket the first American astronaut, John H. Glenn, into round-the-world orbit has been delayed until Jan. 23_at the earliest, it was learned Wednesday. ley Meredith has backstage visit from his wife after he made his Metropolitan opera debut in New York Wednes- Hoffman.'"' A Royal Canadian Navy veteran from Winnipeg, Meredith has sung with many symphony orchestras and in h sentence for assault-| roles he plays as'a baritone ling his wife. -- - -- - Bricklayers, Masons and Plas-| Union (CLC), said no man is dropped} Way- | | | | 'ae jea | | day night. He is attired as "Coppelius", one of the four opera in many parts of the U.S, as well as in Canada. --(AP Wirephoto) Bordeaux System Called Outdated | QUEBEC (CP) -- Attorney-, Mr. Lapalme said the riot General Georges Lapalme said|could have been quelled in 10 Wednesday the detention sys-|minutes if the public works de- tem at Montreal's Bordeaux|partment had granted the pris- Jail is outdated and a group ofjon's request for a new genera- experts has been appointed tojtor and an independent spot- find out how it can be changed.|light system. Speaking at a press confer-| Prisoners had hacked a deep ence, Mr. Lapalme said nothing/hole in a brick wall at one has been done to improve con-|point and cut electrical wiring. ditions at the jail during the) With the prison in darkness and last 16 years. jautomatic doors jammed, Mr. | | ' | : --! Mr, Lapalme's announcement|Lapalme said, Bordeaux was "goofballs."" announced Wednesday. Toronto apartments rented un- der assumed names, police said. Teamster Local Books Probed DETROIT (CP)--Armed with a court order, three-man teams of government inspectors moved into the headquarters of two De- troit area locals of the teams- ters union Wednesday for a long- awaited look at their books and records, One team from the Bureau of Labor - Management Reports showed up at the home local of Teamsters President James The porters claim they are prevented from being promoted to sleeping car conductor status under the existing wage and work agreement, ' ; | Lee Williams, chairman of |Local 130, said the report of the human rights committee of the Canadian Labor Congress, which recommended a merger of the porters and dining car groups of the Brotherhood, has not brought satisfactory results for the porters. Board Upholds Dismissal Of 20 Employees Hoffa. The other team went to work at a Local I Pontiac, The federal court order that opened the records to the inves- tigators was issued last week \cial police officer, who agreed to act as interim governor of Bordeaux until a permanent ap- He said there is no way of how barbiturates got into the jail. Most of the prisoners who took part in the riot were under the influence of KINGSTON (CP) -- The On- tario Labor Relations Board has upheld the dismissal of 20 Teamster - union employees of Gus Marker Block and Tile Company, the firm's lawyer, W. J, Henderson; said Wednes- day. The employees, members of Local 938 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Ind.), had appealed their dis- missal, claiming it violated the Labor Relations Act. The employees set up a picket line at the company's plant here Oct. 10 in what the union local president Edwin Banks, said was an illegal strike. When the men reported for |work three days later, they jwere told no work was avail- able, Later the manager sum- moned them and dismissed them for being absent without leave and' taking part in an il- legal strike. by Judge Thomas Thornton. It climaxed a 'egal battle that be- gan in September, 1960, when the U.S. department of labor ob- tained subpcenas for the rec- ords of the two locals. } The department said it was trying to verify annual reports on finances and organizational activities which the locals had filed. The investigation is ex- pected to contnue for several weeks. RATS Let George Do It! Expert Typewriting, Mimee- graphing, Photocopy and other Stenographic Services. Church reports, letters, envelopes. Fast and efficient service STENO SERV 10 SIMCOE ST. N. Ph: 728-6348 bulletins, Cliff M with Lt.-Col. Leon Lambert, in-|and a half. she situation ldacing up 0. investigator will be appointed to Likely ble-makers."" |Col. Lambert, a former provin- TORONTO. (CP)--A Hamilton, repeat a request made last year used in Metropolitan Toronto. the government will probably | by Hamilton, | for pedestrians at all intersec-| fic' director, told the meeting Crosswalk legislation should be} Mr. Rowntree promised an the Metropolitan Toronto sys- walks are marked and in the| came after a four-hour meeting|'A veritable hell" for an hour terim governor of the jail, in|» ~ piegn which the two men discussed| WILL stesoay eenaral acid en riot there New Year's Day: ._ the jail on a permanent basis to thwart the activities of "trou- To Use | Mr. Lapalme said he has c | "someone in mind" to replace For Hamil or aml ton |pointment could be made. delegation met Transport Min-|finding out ister Rowntree Wednesday to} that the Ontario government abandon the crosswalk system But after the meeting, trans-| port department officials said) continue to endorse the Metro! system instead of one proposed| Under the Hamilton system cars would be required to stop tions, W. E. Ewens, Hamilton et that 1,400 North American mu- nicipalities use this system.) uniform throughout Ontario, he said. rly decision. "The only difference between tem and the Hamilton system) is that in one (Metro) the cross- other they are not," he said. CLIFF MILLS 230 KING STREET WEST ills 48-Hour Special 1958 FORD Deluxe 2-door MOTORS LTD. 725-6651 The shot had been scheduled| for Jan. 16. Reliable sources re-| ported the postponement was the result of trouble with the Atlas booster rocket. The Nationa! Aeronautics and Space Administration had no comment. The agency has never announced a definite date for the shot. STADIUM TO HAVE DOME "HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Gen- eral manager Paul Richards |Union, Liberia, Ceylon and the | United Arab Republic -- sup- ported India. This raised the |prospect of an alliance of the {Toronto ...seeeee 2 | Peterborough ... Trenton ... and city and county officials blasted holes in the ground with \Colt 45 revolvers Wednesday| b= rel Soviet bloc and Afro-Asians be-|at ground-breaking ceremonies |hind a forceful solution of all|for major league baseball's first |colonial disputes. all - hb ag er og Excava- | : tion work got under way at the | COUNTRIES ALARMED site of the $22,000,000 dome-cov- |, Such a course would placelered stadium that in 1963 will |Britain, France, The Nether-\pe the home of the National lands and some other Western|League Houston Colts. North Bay . Sudbury .....05.. Earlton Kapuskasing .... White River ..... -3 Moosonee .. zero zero -10 -10 -10 -10 FOOD MARKET 34 SIMCOE e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND LEAN, MEATY FRESH PORK BLADE SHORT CUT. (Ist 4) Cc Ib C FRESH PORK SHOULDER Goergian Bay region: Sunny| IHL MAY TURN PRO ST, PAUL, Minn. (AP)--Re-- countries in an impossible posi- tion. The trend of events ex- plains harsh criticism of the UN by President de Gaulle and Watch Out For resentatives of Inter national] p..,; > Hockey League clubs will meet| british spokesmen, The French: today witi a possible switch to} % professional status within or-| Ease Cold- misery ~ ganized hockey the main item on the agenda. Mentholatum Ointment used in vaporizer eases cold A number of IHL clubs favor the switch, which might mean fast. Medi poe [i aleve sy Wd cape organization of a 12 team and miserable mouth breathing. Soothing Comforting Mentholatum Ointment Phony Repairmen To know how they operate is your best defense against these owners of more than a billion dollars a year. January Reader's Digest ex the schemes used by phony salesmen and re} n to defraud you. Read what to do (and what not to do) when your home needs repairs or improvements. Get your Reader's Digest today: -- 40 league. Winnipeg, Cincinnati, Tulsa, {Kansas City and St. Louis have articles of ing interest, a long book condensation. e | inate | | 2. IHL currently is characterize jas an amateur league, | Swindlers, who cheat home- | BUTT FRESH PORK END LOIN PEAMEAL 79 39 69 39 69 PRIME RIB ECONOMY--6 & 7 PRIME RIB LEAN, MEATY SHORT RIB BONELESS PLATE Pot Roast BONELESS BRISKET POINT Ib C Ib MAPLE LEAF Wieners < ROASTING & FRY! Chickens 1 Cottage Roll 1. 2- ST. NORTH NO. 1 WHITE Mushrooms GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE IN YOUR CONTAINER FIRST GRADE BUTTER CHRISTIES' 24-0Z. BROOKSIDE BEEF 49 J9 39 49 49 39 49 39°: 67: BREAD 2°37 @ EXTRA FEATURES @ TURKEYS OVEN READY 6 TO 8-LB AVERAGE Ib, ello NG 3 bs, i

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