Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1962, p. 4

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avn) aa . Loony ws Setlipactings hemor p-omnecming SER Ord iil eager ern gy oe eee m2./ 0 ie et Bee PONE OW RZ PON DNL ENE EINE SINNER CIA, CORPO CM ROE Sal EPR TOL EDIE REDE AES A Oy UAT Rk i te SR aa Si a which means... * 1, Salvador Pancho de Domingo heve just heard about this Steinberg Food Sale! Quickly,t have put on my fur-lined Serepe ond now, with my trusty burro "Pable",.om 4' Pi 7 tt teeta a A STEINBERG SAVE 77c Get a genuine Wm. Rogers Silverplated All 4-H club members, club) ville. Lunch will be served to leadcts, parents 'and other in-|all paid up members and all terested persons are being in-| farmers are urged to attend the} vited to attend and to express) complete prog¥am for the day. GRAPEFRUIT SPOON with serrated edge for only 23¢ (reg. value $1.00) with the purchase of size 96 for WHITE FLOCK GRADE "A". LARGE , 3 oz. iE tome | 3 usey's BEANS wi PORK DEEP BROWNED IN TOMATO SAUCE 15 02. TINS 29: HI-C APPLE, GRAPE, ORANGE DRINKS +#%.1™m 3/$}, SURF "376" DETERGENT "ose $1.15 RIB END 3 18, AVG, DINNER 7% 02. 1 T ¢ PKG. KLEENEX|AQUA, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW FACIAL TISSUES 2° 2/35¢ NABOB "15¢ Off" 1C7ANT COFFE 89% RED BRAND |THICK CuT CHUCK STEAKS 69¢ SAVE TWICE...LOW PRICES AND "PINKY" $7 "PS SAVE 10¢ A TASTY ct TREAT iB. 'Wim Das COUPON AMO PURCHASE OF 4 24 OF IC BOX JAR AETTLE 20008 6 oz. JAR pac Re ins 39 : ee alts Big Butter sItg | 'witw nas COUPON ANO PURCHASE OF 49 OZ Jab oF 0, Smity PURE APmCOR ais cea tales) si Cleaner 29¢ COUPON wEPRts PAM. 10/62" Spe runcunse oe MoI hee Be SHORTBREAD. Snr ues Lestoil 85¢ ek | COUPON mxriees JAM. 10/62) PEARS~27¢ COUPON expmets JAM. wad Dave & NUT Cookies 39¢ COWPON exrens 1AM, wind Beef Stew 43¢ COUPON ExrmeS JAM. 10/1 DUNDAS STREET Dog Food 2/31 ¢ exes JA aa) ROUGE HILL COUPON UxPreRs JAN, 10/62 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. -OUN DISCOUNTS ON DISCOUNTS FOR THE GREATEST SAVINGS EVER! . . » ALL MERCHANDISE IN STORE 10% OFF DISCOUNTED PRICE. (EXCEPT FILM) 20% OFF GARBAGE PAILS DISCOUNT plier age tod om PRICE ON TOYS THIS WEEK 1.77 10% OFF PRESTO ALL COFFEE PERKS MERCHANDISE Stainless steel. 9-cup auto- EXCEPT matic, Retails 29.95, At CAMERA FILM COUPON expinns JAM. 10/69" ISLAND ROAD enon $ WHITBY & 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 3, LT esas ' ill M be faking a portion of the pro-|Hydro portion of the program.| Door prizes will be given for NOTHING LEFT 1"On @@ last trip to the White uture anetvl e an gram presenting the film, ihe Other speakers will be K, tltnowe =v are on hand at ten} GRIMSBY, Engiand °P)--!/Sea (arctic gulf) there were 200 mn | Fi $0 Cc" ts "Lend is Mone". Rex Walters|Lantz from the Field rons te page ee Sane gg at one-| Britisn trawler ogerators blame ge agp nag up ed OSTS | from the locai Division of the/Branch and farmers who have c . Mussian fishing "tleets for the)/@n@ down un ere were no Santa Rides Hor se | 4 H Cl b in ov Hydro will be in charge of the| completed projects ve| All farmers throughout the/noor fishing ir November. One| fish left. We call them vacuum ~ - u S BUWMANVILLE (Staff) --A P . |county are welcome. »| skipper, Bernard Wharam, said: | Cleaners. a $20 tine or six days in jail, was scars . . levied against Timon van) '~~ or 2 g 1an O S Ra 10 0 1c Halteren, of Janetville, con- : | victeé in absentia in" oovman- eo eer rr wnn, ; ' : ville Magistrate's Court Tues-4 sen" iter BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- pone ond betel: gh | UXBRIDGE -- The topiciday, of failing to properly dis- 1 we 4 ae How is Christmas spent in other/e' - _ er stmas Day How Can 4-H Be Improved"|play number plates on his ve- ; fr '. lands, such as amp Bel- ~~ si foun Satatanel eee be discussed coast to coast|hicle, and failure to notify the} / - ' gium, and The Netherlands? rs. yson h tivelo" Monday evening, January|Department of Transport of a / % y OLE! \ Well, it certainly differs from|that Christmas in her native/g, Tins will be the topic of the|change of address. / the manner in which English-jland did not differ too much| National Farm Radio. Forum,|-- ' cA VIBAT } speaking ag spend the fes- ae Papa Peso g i ea heard on the CBC radio net- ' PY F tive season, but as a group,| St. as > *'work at 8.30 p.m. | C I ' ' Hungarian, Belgian and Dutch|gium atop a black horse; the} As well as the regular Farm rop mprovers 4 \ HASTA LAVISTA ¥ people are also related by cus-|accent is on a big breakfast On/for:ms who meet to discuss 2 \ MUCHA ' tom at Christmas. - |Dec, 6;"and there is no turkey|the program material, a num- Annual Meetin NN Speaking to the Bowmanville served at Yuletide. ber of special groups are being| g Ne wen Rotary Club at the Flying] 'We do have soup, meatballs,|oreanized on this occasion. In| Dutchman Motel Friday were|jack rabbit, 'chicken and fruit,"|Ontario County, six _ special| On January ll Be ae wth pales eee cae ar eee May | ichailiuts, who arrive om|have no C mas tree. | These will be at the Udney) BOWMANVILLE -- The Dur- Hungary with her small son in| Boxing Day is visiting day in| Community Hall, the Township|ham County Soil and Crop Im- 1957; Mrs. Connie bbe pg rg cope an te Christinas| Hee Sunderland, the Por t| provement Association directors Belgian immigrant in 1953; an D agate nM © Michailiuts Perry High School, the Town-| have announced that the annual Mrs, Jan Sweep, who came here| Day on Dec. 24, Mrs, Michaliuts) chin Hall, Brooklin, the Town-| meeting wil! be held on Thurs- from the Netherlands in 1948. [told members. shi, Hall, Brougham and the|day, Jan, 11 irom 10,00 a.m. to EARLIER CHRISTMAS SECRETLY DECORATED De partment of Agricul-/3.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall, The three speakers made one} On Christmas Eve, children ture Board Room, Uxbridge. |Temperance street, Bowman- thing very clear: good old St./get their gifts from the Baby Nicholas (Santa Claus here) gets| Jesus. With great secrecy par- around 20 days earlier in somelents decorate Christmas trees about yeek before Christ- e pri 1a rolland a week before the sate ae as roth until at|their opinions on how the 4-H| The highlight of the program 10 Fi id le Ci WHITE OR scheduled feast of St. Nicholas|least Jan. 6. club program might be im-|Will be a talk by Donald Hart orida's Finest 'tusy xe on Dec, 6, the "Old Boy" dress-| On Christmas Day, father proved. : ; i. Woodstock in Oxford ed in bishop's garb, arrives by/plays the part of the Baby di rae ~~ ag i be| Mr. Hart is a young man who boat,\traditionally, from Spain. |Jesus, or angel, and dispenses} iscusse will be, Should 4-H), ne ieaderant '4 Good-will-man Nicholas, ac-|gifts for all the family; then at/Provide Services for Youn gi 18 Siving lea ths p in re | companied by a helper, Black/midnight, off to Mass. On gd ey ib Malye are They, How ca ions in xford Ss tn ts to weed een soit the ee Raga ig ("Should th ee ee more) 1, Bara on Mae gov ye of ¢ and symbolically, quirts (smal! What is Christmas like oe ee oe high school train-| tmprovement Association roa hag Pg Gaures Fagin go ag Been rgerey wt to attend|allowed for sone guniocta? *|also a graduate of the one water and carrots for St. Nich-|church. But most people, under; Should voluntary local leaders Retoce pathiain ea the eee FRESH JUICY IMPORTED olas' white horse get gifts --|fear of punishment go, Mrs.|get further recognition. ne worked with United Coanen MEXICAN doz: others get the short end of the|Michailiuts said. ._.. |. A number of 4-H club leaders} atives of Ontario and later th ORANGES "tse size Z 002: ¢ stick, . vee kage! agar eae Los cca a. wig ners yey indi-)the Farm Economics Branch TAPORTED U.S, Family gatherings are tl "tt ri e ite Png pe eir interest in the proj-| and now is owner and operator NO, 1 SNOW WHITE 25 Cc order of the day on Dec 6, with| They forbi e cul ang of ho ject and plan to invite young|of Hartholm Farm at Wood- CAULIFLOWER EACH on carol singing and feasting. grown trees, the speaker said. |felk as well as parents to their] stock. Zz 10 os. " -- : rere, ae Facey to the farm The farm is a large operation pelt tate TOMATO SOUP: T1N 4/45¢ |forum. Following the discussion,|anq Mr. Hart is known for the . GREEN 6 C DOWN 76 IN 1961 jit is hoped that the club lead-| efficient job of management that CABBAGE AusHUS ASSORTED FLAVOURS ers or others taking part will) he is doing. They milk over one DESSERTS 3/2% e send in reports to the Provin-| hundred cows in a loose housing seisshanensataneaien Population Drop. [isin it meres ce | ae occa Mh © torwar hem to e De-|management on good pasture, i \ : ' p partment of Agriculture, they| high eaallty hay 'and wings to : TOP QUALITY e in turn will pass them on to the! produce a high yield of good ? Prov.ncial Secretary of the quality milk. . : LEAN and TENDER or OWMANVILLE [222 Forum The Ontario Hydro will also BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Six be fine. This will of course mean | old and three new members of|a saving on maintenance", May- oe? al Bowmanville Town Council met|or Hobbs said | at the inaugural meeting at the| ia saan ae Town Hall Tuesday night, and ISSUE $450,000 DERENTURE | LOIN END heard Rev. H. Turner, of St. Financially in 1962 we have} Paul's United Church, as part|0"¢ major debenture to issue; | 3 18. AVG. of his divine blessing advocate|the new sewage disposal plant, "sober, yet inspired and impar-| MC wt $450,000. LB. tial municipal government" for} ,. e only debenture to be re- their new two-year term. tired this year is the $25,000) RED BRAND . Firs: i . inet wddeaee t needed te provide artificial ice| + FIRST QUALITY Following a short address '0)fo> the Memorial Arena," said| ¢ his new council, the incoming}i,,. wayor Ls Mayor, Ivan Hobbs deftly Coft+| In ianbliain Mayor Hobb ee : ¢ Se " eeting f the ee 4 » May obbs SH 1962-64 ig eT {reminded Council: "We will still ON ALL MERCHANDISE eh Bnere "Phonan were: Reeve Sidney nAYe <0 he AS conkervative In SAUSAGES Little, who was returned by Pes balls agree. Hasg mga rm w COATS clamation; Deputy-Reeve ROSS| people of this municipality vd -SUITS Stevens, another member = Municipal houd bon he sail fvant 7 ctUL0 8408 oe Crencitior Roy Michel, veteran thers in care | chambers | ge municipal campaigner, getting| iad s hd | =_, ae Bap: 'manville| agreed Bowmanville had prob- ro ghalbenodtd prope ikea lems in 'common with other mu-| er, Councillor Jack Brough, who|"icipalities, but was "sure this STORE-WICDE CLEARANCE SALE AT | eae ran again last Deccan, has| Council wili be a healthy one. . been on council before; Coun- cillors Annie Oke, Glenhomle| (By tonne, Hughes, Wesley Fice, who re- Y, est rosea dat gained their seats after the Ne | ONIONS - $ votes were counted; and former e SS carom rare tan tore Bowmanville Ratepayers Asso-| Congestion 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 25 Ma raaees ciation President, Councillor | CANADA GRADE N00, 9 Ken Hooper, another . first-|Speed relief from chest cold congestion 68 SIMCOE STREET N. OSHAWA Potatoes timer. i Garack wiauon Wool creation sao compin wreaisi sn SGPULATION DECLINE =mmmeaer ae | B57 KING STREET W, © BOWMANVILLE at , a INK Soothing Comforting After traditional congratula- Mentholatum BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED tions all around, Mayor Hobbs) @Qintment "™2-~ turned to statistics to demon-| __ i ee The town suffered its first population decrease in 14 years in 1961: 'With an official esti- citizens." Another drop pointed out by Mayor Hobbs was the resident-! versely, the commercial and in- dustrial assessment stands at 30.52 of the total assessment; i ye to go to the people; Wisp pe mabe Lagarde years, Mayor Wilfrid Car-| strate the town's posifion: en mate of 7242, we have lost 76 ial assessment -- down .76. Con- this represents an increase of) id | This is the highest it has been} for 12 years", said the Mayor. | "For the past two years we| have tried to establish a pro-| gtam of road repair and re- surfacing. We have averaged 3% miles a year. If we can keep this up for the next two years, it would follow that the surface | of most of our town roads will| Youth Jailed 30 Days For § ---- Intoxication. PORTABLE BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- 1/ STEAM IRONS don't like to stop drinking, but I can stop any time I want," rus werx 9,99 % OFF 10% Thomas Tendam, 16, of New-| castle, told Magistrate R. B. | OUR DISCOUNT PRICES SUEDE DESERT BOOTS Green, black, brown. All sizes. Retail 7,99. THIS. WEEK 5 4, ONLY 9-VOLT TRANSISTOR BATTERIES 3 99° METAL CHEST with 4--400' Reels for 1962 OMEGA B 6-TRANSISTOR POCKET SIZE RADIOS Complete with case. and earphones. Retail 29.95 13.95 i THIS WEEK SEABREEZE COMPATABLE Record Players Model RP100. Retails 39.95 27.77 PROCTOR-SILEX TOASTERS Boctier Ccbles 6 volt or 12 volt TABLE LIGHTERS Ceramic potterns. 10% OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICES ! 10% OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICES !! SHAWL COLLAR FLUFF LINED SWEAT SHIRTS by Monarch--Retail 3.98 vas wee 260 10% OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICES shapes with colored Retatls 2.49. THIS WEEK 88° MODESS 12's TEEN AGE CARE FREE--REGULARS Oshawa Discount House 16.66 MEN'S THERMAL Underwear Shiris By Monarch Mills THIS WEEK Baxter, in Bowmanville Magis- trate's Court Tuesday. | Tendam, after pleading guilty | to charges of malicious damage | and public intoxication, drew 30 days in the county jail on the first charge, and a $20 fine or an additional five days on the/ latter. } An Ontario Provincial Police Conustable said' Tendam told him he had consumed one quart of wine prior to his arrest Dec. 29. The other charge arose after) the accused had been drinking | in a Newcastle home. Tendam was thrown out, and returned to attack a door with a bench. Acting Crown Attorney Har- | vey Brent said that in the light of vrévjous offences involving drinking e feared "the lad is beeomit, an alcoholic." an WESTINGHOUSE VACUUMS Retails 16.95 movie film storage. Retails Sle THIS WEEK Retails 2.29. THIS WEEK 8.88 dem 29% 20x 49.99 7.77 Yon Wer 1.33 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE = A 1038 KING ST. W. ABOVE MT. LAWN CEMETERY CLOSED MONDAYS Open 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. REST OF WEEK PHONE 728-0311 290 ALBERT ST. OPEN ONLY THURS. TILL 6 P.M, FRI. TILL 9 P.M, SAT. TILL 6 P.M. PHONE 728-7071

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