Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1962, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, January 3, 1962 BIRTHS BAKER -- Richard and Janet (nee Dryburgh) are happy to announce the/ birth of a daughter, Karen, Stephanie, | en Sunday, December 31, 1961, at the! Oshawa General Hospital. CRAWFORD -- Merton and Marilyn) Qnee Moffatt) are happy to announce that on Saturday, December 30, 1961, a 9 Ib baby brother was born for Gary) and Shelley. Many thanks to Dr. Mc. Kinney and fourth floor staff of Osh-| awa General Hospital. H BAMMOND -- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hammond are happy to announce the| birth of a daughter, Robin Glenda, 9 Ibs. 9 ozs. Saturday, December 30,) 1961, at the Oshawa General Hospital. | KNIBNISKY -- Mr. and Mrs. Alex} Knihnisky are happy to announce the) birth of their son, Steven Alex on Fri-/ day, December 29, 1961 at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Allan, | Nancy and Marilyn. Many thanks to Dr. Miller and Dr. Maroosis. \ KUDLA -- Les and Lorraine are) happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Lorraine (Lori) Angela, 7 Ibs. 10 ozs., on Saturday, December 16, 1961 | at Oshawa General Hospital. A sister) for Kathy. MecKAY -- Marianne, Kathryn and/ Carol wish to announce the arrival of| their brother William Burton, 7 Ibs. 8) ozs., born Sunday, December 31, 1961! at the Oshawa General Hospital. Proud parents George Happy grandparents are Mr. and Mri A. Robinson of Actinolite, Ontario an Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKay of Osh-; awa. McKNIGHT -- Dick and Marion are| happy to announce the arrival of a son, Teddy Lorne John, on Saturday, De- cember 30, 1961 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Darlene,| Diane, and Allyn, ic RYSER -- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert | Ryser are happy to announce the birth} of their daughter, Renee Anne, 7 lbs.) 12 ozs., on Friday, December 29, 1961/ at the Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks! to Dr. Miller and staff of 4A WILLISON -- To Peter and Margaret! (nee Compston) a daughter, Nancy} Elizabeth, 6 Ibs. 1 0z., on Tuesd January 2, 1962 at the Oshawa Gene Hospital. A sister for Alan and Ch tine. woop -- Howard and Barbara (nee Weekes) are:happy to announce the ar- rival of their son, Kevin Dean James, on Sunday, December 31, 1961, at Memoria! Hospital, Bowmanville. INTRODUCE your son or daughter with) an Oshawa Times birth notice. The} Rate is $1.50. Phone .723-3492 and our/ staff will assist you in writing a notice. DEATHS | | BISHOP, Gerald Robert At the family residence, 620 Richmond | Street East, on Tuesday, January 2,' 1962, Gerald Robert Bishop, beloved husband of Grace Curtis, loving brother} of Mrs. Gean Huggins, Toronto, in his 67th year. The late Mr. Bishop is rest- ing McIntosh - Anderson Funeral and Joyce McKay. lc pty Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronte Steck Exchange._tan, 3 | (Quotations in cents unless marked $.) z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net ch. 8 from previous boarl-lot closing sale.)/nom Text INDUSTRIALS = fim Fv U Net | Sales 135 Stock Abitibi Abit pr 200 Acad-Atl 210 Agnew-S 720 Alta Dist 100 Alta Dis w 200 370 150 725 265 | $39%4 39% 39% | $2544 2514 25% $12% 12% 12% 818% 18% 18% 270 «270 «270 120 120 120 $3754 37% 37% -- Va! 16% 16% -- | 20% 4714 - %a| -- | Alta Gas | AltaGas w Alta Nat 1 2844 46% Alumini Argus eee | 30% 30% + %! 495 495 --5 | Pine | + %! r Atlas Steel Auto El n Bank Mont Bank NS Bath P A xd 23 Bell Phone 416 Brazil 2S BA Oil 480 ---% BC For xd 1150 | BC Pow 2565 4+ BC Phone 166 $3 --% Brockville 200 «$9 4 Me + 34) Build Prol 75 $3 + %) Burns 173 $s 9 i Cal Pow 75 210 § CSL 50 Cdn Brew 268 Cdn Can A 1720 Cdn Celan 110 C Cel 17tp 200 C Chem w= 1300 C Colli pr 200 C Dredge "400 § "F Prod 1 pr z5 CF Prod 2p) 25 CGas Inw 90 C Husky 1990 C Imp Bk C 305 CIL 350 34% 36% + %| 20 48 | + %| | 250 «$6 6 | 125 | C Mare Cdn Oi} CPR xd 885 $ Cdn Pet pr 231 Cdn Tire 25 C Tire A 25 200 850 %| 55% -- %4) 43 | 17% + %/ 16% -- %/ 5 +3 | | 'on Bidg 15% + ¥! Con Bidg pr 400 "% %% Con Bidg wt 850 835 5 +25 Con Gas 2190 i" | Coronation z15 ' ' | Crestbrk pr 250 4 7] Aa | Crown Tr 5844 Crush Int Crush pr Dist Seag { D Bridge 24% | D Gen Ins 5 | Dom Elect 84 ' High Low a.m. Ch'ge|¥ 4 {Imp Oil uN Stock High Low a.m, C D Fndry D Fadry pr 15$101 101 Dom Stores 215 $14 14 Dom Tar 1615 $18% 18 400, $16 pf Sales 101 4 150 Fanny F 1380 Fleet Mig 500 'nitn Gatineau +2 -- | Wainwr Gr Wpg G 815% 15% Gr Wpg vt 275 $154 15% 15% Gr Wpg Séw 220 550 480 480 100 $11% 11% + 100 $17%4 17% + 449 $50% 505% = 630 $17%4 17% 1920 $33% 145 $21 Harlee Hard Carp Imp Tob Ind Accep I Ae wts Inland Gas Inind G w Int Util 20% + 450 $6 Se 6 + 200 175 «(175 5 720 $45% 45% 4 Inter PL 245 $82% 824% Int Stl P 1615 180 180 Jamaica PS 100 $44% 44% wt 700 250 230 Jeff B Jockey C Kelly DA Labatt 2379 LOnt Cem 1200 Laur Fin A 65 LobCo A 600 LobCo A w 400 LobCo B 540 Milt Brick Molson A 150 Mon Foods 2100 Mont Loco 725 Mo 5 Nor Phone Ocean Cem 200 Oshawa A 26 Page-Hers 461 Pbina 150 Phantom 200 Pow Corp QN Gas M5: QN Gas pr 720 Roe AV C 2100 Royal Bank 263 Russel] 1275 St Maurice 1325 Salada-S 1065 Selkirk A 100 Seven Arts 2500 Shawin 285 Shawin A 100 Silverwd A 100 Simpsons 125 $29 St Pav 210 $14 Stedman 185 $14% Steel C xd 435 $79% Steinbg A zi0 $24 $1156 $2658 $26% $13% 114 $64% 64% 64% + 14/8 Propane -- %| Tamblyn 18% -- 4| Texaco 0 16 70 +%M%|\T Fin A + WiT Fin 57 w + %|Tr Can PL 1845 Nig 3314 33% + M% Vy --1%4 +15 -- %| Strcee 1 Net Sales Ch'ge 500 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge, Stock High Low a.m. 250 $15% 15% 15% Amal Rare 100 140 140 140 Anglo Hur 135 21 5 Stock |Switson $21 Area $58 A Arcadia |Tor-Dom Bk 210 $7344 300 1 710 224% 224-- % 8 $ 144% 13% 134--% 235% 23% 2 52 --2 2614 26% Betnim 744 + VW Black Bay 100 120 120 --19 |Bordulac 246 59-5944 + %| Bralorne $ 20% 20% -- %/Broul Reef | Buffad Camp Chib \Camp RL Tung | Trans-Mt 4535 %|Un Gas xd 735 U Corp B 5 138 Un Steel 100 ™ 4 Walk GW WCoast Tr 220 | Westeel 250 10 10 |W C Brew m4 $35 35 35 {Weston A 110 $19% 19% 19% West A wts 105 $11% 11% Il%e-- %/C \%|White Pass 100 S7% 7% %|Wood J A 210 $37 37 $17% 17% 28 12% 12% $20 20 20 +1 19% +% $434% 43% 43% --. %|Chrom 5 ' SBits Bl% Bla' (Coch Will 5 +10 $122 12%c 124 -- ¥|Coin Lake 85 .. & +1 $54% 54% 54% + %/Comb Met |Coniagas 'C Callinan OILS C Discov C Fen $00 12 12 12 Bigaral 1775 30 30 30 Ee uercue, | Alminex 200 245 #245 245 +5 C MS |Bailey SA 420 90 935 940 +5 [C™bey 3 1 > Paper "\D Glass {Lob Inc Price Br 240 Acme Gas |All Rox +% +3 oil, --5 890 2900 4000 600 1000 2500 J +4 350 174% 1714---¥% 5500 20 20 1100 27 7 1000 . 10 10 1000 «(44 44 44 500 § 10% 10% 300 3 375 375 210 27% 27% 7000 10% 11 500 500 5500 220 2800 245 250 2 285 +10 1000 10% 104+ % 2 2 --7 47 10% 10% -- % PA 14% 14% + "/GF Mining 2000 1 17 17 |Pac Pete w 10 10 =+50 |Grandby 250 18% 18% | Place 28005 1 |Grandroy 600 23 3 8 |Provo Gas 220 «218 Granduc 100 3 380 ©6380 114 (112 Gunnar 400 845 845 100 515 515 | Gwillim 4500 7 7 13000 12% 12 Har-Min 1000 10 10 5100 7 +4 |Healway 1000 46 46 400 173 Heath 3500 9 9 300 149 149 --1 | Hollinger 420 193000 19 20 +1 Howey 85800 70 70 70 +1 iInt Moly 2000 5 410 410 10 [Int Nickel 215 sa 8 --h 3% «3% Irish Cop 900 15° 119 --4 J Waite 1000 2 23 23 «+1 1500 7 WW -- % Kenville 4000 5 5 5 MINES Kerr Add 175 945 945 Lab Min 120 $2644 26% 26% M L Dufault 4445 640 600 640 +40 S/Acad Uran 3500 Il 11 ll +h Agnico 600 104 103 103 2 |Lamaque 100 Bail 5% pr 200 $25 25 25 f ely | Banff 200 138 138 138 +3 |C Morrison (Calalta 1100 2 8428 B + |Cal Ed 400 $22% 22% 22% -- 4 310 310 310 415 415 415 385 385 «385 160 160 160 300 114 °114 114 125 415 415 415 1500 50 50 50 200 335 335 © 335 Dicknsn 200 370 370 370 Dome 400 $14% 14% 14% + %4|Donalda 455 $134 13% 13% -- %|Puvan 300 $13% 13% 13% East 345 $182 18% 18% 7 7 |Deer Horn |D*Eldona | Deinite Denison \Charter Oil = |C Mie Mac | Dynamic y, | Fargo "'lFr Pete pr Gr Plains y,|Home A y,| Home B | B Oil G y,|LI Pete 7 Marigold § 9 9 5 Mal -1 --1 + %& --l"% +2 9 --% 24% WU%-- % 250 255 +1 $s 8 Secur Free Spooner | Tidal | Triad oil |Un Oils ee ee aie ie de i ak i ee la a al iil Aa Cockshut Company Change Expected Guatemala Deal Of Diet Vows +c] | Maftin Denied By U.S. WASHINGTON. (AP) -- The state department denied Tues- day that the United States made a deal with Guatemala on Brit- ish Honduras in return for Gua- temala's help in last spring's abortive invasion of Cuba. Press officer Lincoln White issued the denial following re- ports that Guatemalan Presi- dent Miguel Ydigoras, in a free- wheeling radio-TV New Year's |Eve speech, had: 1, Said, according to a New York Times dispatch, that in re- turn for Guatemalan help' in providing training sites for Cu- ban invasion forces the United States agreed to use its good offices in settling the Guatema- lan-British dispute over British Honduras. a 2. Admitted for the first time that Guatemala trained anti-Cas- tro exiles- for the Cuban inva- O'Leary ; i 3. Indicatea President Ken- DSi nedy should take further action |Pick Crow \against Cuba's Castro regime. agg Guatemala long has sought |Q Metal British Honduras, a neighboring ; Quemont Central American 'territory the' Misneol Guatemalans call Belize. The' British first settled there in the 17th century and recently have} been moving the colony toward independence. White declined general com- --30 |ment on Yaigoras' remarks on |grounds a fuli text was not yet | available here | .»| HANGOVER FOR ~ | THREE-YEAR-OLD --}"| GLASGOW (AP)--Jimmy | Nicholson, 3, woke up this morning with a man-sized New Year hangover, There he was in Royal Hospital foi Sick Children, Zenmac 4000 feeling terrible after a stom- ve 1000 ach. pump operation. ey all | Bulol } because he polished off one ee aa of daddy's bottles of whisky. 1,007,000. Jimmy thought the stuff was lemonade and he 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 50. 65050 2 +1 +l +10 --% +2 Fee | Stock Langis Latinn Am Lorado Loradi wt Man Bar |Marcon | Maritime Matatch Mattgmi McIntyre MecMar McWat 50 Mentor 00055 Min Corp $14 Moneta 5 Mt. Wright 152 Murray M New Ath New Bid New Jason 7 7 N Kelire 8 8 8 Newlund 16% 16% 16% N Mylama 3000 39 39 39 | Newnor 5 5 |N Senator a ae Nipissing N-Acme Noranda Normetal N Coldstrm 1575 Nthgate 123984 150 136 «132 «134 27% 27% 274---- % 8 8 8 -% ---%* +% 22100 1098 Rayrock Rio Algom Rix Athab San Ant | Satellite | Sherritt _ |Silvermaq 27 +h | Sil Stand 2 jStanrek |Steep R 805 800 | Sunburst 15% 15% Taurcan 0 4. 41 | Teck-H 160 +4 | Territory 134 + % Thom L 144 140 1 | Tombill 64 | Tormont Tribag {Trin Chib iv Asbostos }Un Keno |Upp Can | Vandoo Ventures | Waite Am Willr 240 800 154+ % 41 | Wiltsey |¥ale Lead Young HG 2600 | Sales to 11 a.m.: Woman Appears BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 1962 Expansion On 17 Charges LONDON, Ont. (P) -- Mar- Home. Service in the chapel on Fri-|jorie Joyce Stone, 20, of Wind- day, January 3, at 2 p.m. Interment/sor caught in a London depart- Union Cemetery : ment store in December, ap- FORDE, Greta Margaret Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, January 1,| 1962, Greta Margaret Hodgson, be-) loved wife of Cecil W. Forde and} mother of Mrs. John Kerr (Gwen) of Oshawa and Ronald W. Forde of Toron-| to, in her Gist year. Resting at the) Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Thursday, January 4 at 2 p.m. Inter. ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, FRISE, George In the a Genera] Hospital on Monday, January 1, 1962, George Frise, beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Jeffery, and dear father of Gladys, Olive and Nora, 'll of Oshawa, in his Tith year. The late Mr. Frise is resting at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, for service in the chapel on Thursday, January 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. | BALLIDAY, James Harold | @uddenly at the family residence, 653 Masson Street, on Tuesday, January 2, 1962, James H. Halliday, beloved hus- band of Mary B. Cardiff, loving father of James and John Halliday. The late Mr. Halliday is resting at Mclintosh- Anderson Funeral Home. Service in the ehapel on Thursday, January 4, at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions to the Heart) Fund will be appreciated. MULLEN, Mary Lillian Entered into rest in Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, on Wednesday, January 3, 1962, Mary Lillian McEvoy, widow of the late David Duncan Mullen and mother of Mrs. A. Turner (Margaret) of Scarboro, Mrs. M. Ayres (Rita), Arthur, and Edward, of Oshawa, in her peared in court Tuesday while eviacnce was heard on 17 as- c stried charges. fhe girl earlier pleaded guilty to charges involving cheques, bonus and money orders, some stoien and some forged, with a fave value of $12,000. Miss Stone rereived only $6,700. | he charges were laid in} Lonaon, Aylmer, Owen Sound,; Wirdsor, Galt, Dundas, Brant-} ford and Exeter. Magistrate Donald B. Menzies 'Corn Producers By FORBES RHUDE | dian Press Busi Editor} Canadian business activity in 1962 will show a moderate ra-| ther than a vigorous expansion,| says J. Herbert Smith, presi-| dent of Canadian General Elec-| tric Co. Ltd., in a review of de-| velopments in the electrical] manufacturing industry. t Mr. Smith's forecast, more re-| strained than many other year-) end statements, adds: remanded her until Jan. 10 for sertence and completion of ev- idence, Two cheques, both for $1,850, | were forged on cheque forms of| Westminster Township and cashed at Brantford and Hamil- ton under the name of J. D. Culeman. Miss Stone posed as Mrs Coleman. | the also passed $1,200 cheques} at London, Owen Sound and Ayl-| mer last April. Once, she passed a $500 savings bond, us- ing as identification a liquor permit she had bought the same day Her system was the same with al) the larger amounts. Af- i 73th year. Resting at the Ar Funeral Home, Oshawa, with high re- quiem mass in St.. Gregory's Church, Friday, Jan. 5, 10 a.m, Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. OEMISTON, Greta Entered into rest in Port Perry Memor- fal Hospital Tuesday, January 2, 1962, Greta Bryant, beloved wife of Irwin T. Ormiston and mother of Arthur of Moncton, and George of Raglan, in her 74th year. Resting at the Ar ter establishi identification, she deposited about half the "There is still existing over-| capacity in many heavy indus-| tries served by electrical manu-| facturers which will be over-| come only when the total econ-| omy moves forward in dynamic fashion. Only then will expan- sion plans already formulated in these industries be implemented, with a resultant rise in demand for electrical capital goods. "Demand for electrical con- sumer goods in 1961' has re- mained soft. No major change in this sector is expected in 1962, although sales of televis- ion receivers and stero-hi-fi rec-| ord players are expected to} show some improvements. REFLECTS VIGOR value of the cheques and took the remainder in cash. | | Miss Stone cashed in London bonas stolen in Elmira and Kit-| Mr. Smith comments that since electrical manufacturing serves all sectors of the econ- omy, its activity is necessarily a reflection of the vigor of the} chener and traveller's cheques) stolen in Stratford. j Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel Thursday, Janu- ary 4 at 3.15 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-| morial. For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all _IN MEMORIAM MARNIEN -- In loving memory of a jdear wife and mother, Delia Marnien. |who passed Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of mother Your loved ones would never forget. --Lovingly remembered by husband| Lawrence, daughter Nora and sons| Cecil and Norman. | | MARNIEN -- In loving memory of a| dear mother, Delia Marnien, who pass-| ed away January 3, 1953. | A cherished smile, a heart of gold, | The dearest mother' the world could hold, | With loving memory, fond and true, From us who thought the world of| you. --Lovingly remembered by dau, Dorothy, son-in-law Allan and ter, | occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING | CENTRE | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE [jens Marien, who passed away Jan-|15%. It y, a children, | MARNIEN -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Delia "lerty. It began to move (Market Action | Overshadowed | zou: |By Northgate | 'Tobacco Board | TORONTO (CP) -- Northgate Explorations Ltd., a Canadian company with Irish holdings, overshadowed action on the stock market Tuesday with a/ gain of $1.23 to $2.59 in heavy turnover. The stock turned over 719,967 shares as rumors spread that the company had high lead as- say reports on a second drill hole on its Calgary County prop- last week, | Cockshut Plow advanced 14 to} had earlier struck a} To Be Moderate 'Urged To Unite TiHAMESVILLE, Ont. (CP)-- {Grain corn producers must junite to solve their problems or |the Ontario livestock and com- : mercial corn industries will suf- over-all economy. Historically, fer. Purvis Littlejohn of . High- he adds, business levels in elec-;gaie told East Kent: cornpro- trical manufacturing expand or|ducers Tuesday. contract somewhat later than! wy 1 ittlejohn, chairman of a any over-all expansion OF CON-\.amnaign committee for the traction in the total economy. |Ontario grain corn marketing He estimates that factory) ian spoke at the first of 21 shipments by Canadian electri- pees Pine ; . or aed ; 4 information meetings to be held cal manufacturers in 1961 were in five counties, Batlots for a at about the same level as the : - : rd se vole on the plan will be mailed Sey ae 1960 and $1,166, to 12,000 producers Jan. 15. He said Ontario produces a oniy three - quarters of the do- Harding Carpets Ltd., Brant-|mestic requirement, yet produc- ford, Ont., says in its annual tion has stayed at one level for report that the average price of carpets in Canada has de-| creased about 20 per cent in the} last 10 years--"the result of in- troduction of new fibres and) newer and more economical gulped down glassful after glassful. Then he lay down on the carpet and passed out cold. His parents found him with the tell-tale bottle by his side. Jimmy was rushed to the hospital, pumped out and told he could go home jseveral years. He criticized jprice fluctuations, which have jranged from a high of $2.70 toa 'low of $1.05 at crop time. | He claimed part of the United |States' corn surplus is being |dumped on the Canadian mar- ket at $1.12 a bushel and pre- BRANTFORD (CP)--It is ex- pected changeover in manage- ment will take place early next month if shareholders of Cock- shut Farm Equipment Limited approve acquisition of the firm's farm equipment division by the White Motor Company. An official of Cockshut said Tuesday the work force which usually runs between 1,300 and 1,500 has been trimmed to 750 in anticipation of the change over. Peak employment was 3,- 200 shortly after the Second World War. Brantford Coach and Body Company, a subsidiary of Cock- shut and not affected by the deal OTTAWA (CP)--Liberal .MP J. W. Pickersgill said Tuesday he has written to all'the prin- cipal asking help in compling "a rec ord of the unkept promises of the Diefenbaker government." newspapers of Canada Mr. Pickersgill, who repre- sents the Newfoundland ri of Bonavista-Twillingate, sai he is asking readers of the news- papers to send him reports, with references, on promises made by Prime Minister Diefenbaker during the 1957 and 1958 elec- tion campaigns. He said in an interview he has temporarily stopped work with White, will continue to op-on the biography of the late erate here. It employs about 500. : t A cockshut spokesman said Cockshut lines and those of White's subsidiary, Oliver Cor- poration Limited of Canada, would be marketed separately but how long this situation would continue he would not say. prime minister Mackenzie King 0 devote time to-the new task. "As a historian, I believe this will be of some service to the country," he said. Mr. Pickersgill said that "%t least.70 promises' have not been kept. Youll be seeing MORE of me this week... Peter Arne - Sarah Branch prin coo DISTRIBUTED BY WARNER =~ PATHE dicteo livestock prices will crash if stock production is in- creased as producers buy cheap once the way, INI hangover gives Mil U.S corn. HEPBURN FEATURE AUDREY Leo GorcEY - HUNTZ H ond BOWERY BOYS "Bowery to Bagdad" LL Extra! New Color Cartoon manufacturing techniques." The over-all Canadian market) for carpeting continues to in- crease, the report states, with) Canadian manufacturers taking) a greater percentage of the) market, but per capita con- sumption is still well below that) in the United States. Increased use of synthetic) fibres, the company comments, | makes it less exposed to the| fluctuations of world markets in, raw materials. In the fiscal) year ended Oct. 31 fibre con-) sumption for pile fibres was ap-| proximately 57 per cent wool and 43 per cent synthetic fibres.| DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS B.C, Sugar Refinery Ltd., common 70 cents, pfd. 25 cents, | Jan. 31, record Jan. 17. Released thro UNITED ARTISTS e HIT NO. 2 ¢ re AO" gman © HIT NO. 3 @ £0 GORCEY wuntz HALL Favors Move TILLSONBURG, Oft. (CP)-- Directors of the Ontario Flue- Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar-|! keting Board voted 12-3 Tues- day in favor of a proposal to process and store unsold to- bacco and pay its growers the minimum grade price. The plan would be financed by federal support and a levy GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS --$150,000,000--1 YEAR 2} MONTH 21% NON-CALLABLE BONDS DUE APRIL 1, 1963. ISSUE PRICE: 99.15% YIELDING ABOUT 3.47% TO MATURITY. Interest payable April 1 and October 1 Two and one-half months' interest payable April 1, 1962 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. --$100,000,000-- 6 YEAR 41% NON-CALLABLE BONDS DUE JANUARY 15, 1968. ISSUE PRICE: 99.50% YIELDING ABOUT 4.35% TO MATURITY. Interest payable July 15 and January 15 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. i Si Nr Na ERE MES |new 1961-62 high of 17 following | disclosure that White Motor Co. jhad purchased the Brantford | company's farm implement div- oe Bank of Canada has already agreed to acquire the $100,000,000 of the new 43% bonds due January 15, 1968, in exchange for $50,000,000 of 3% bonds due May 1, 1962 and $50,000,000 of 3% bonds due June 15, 1962. The $150,000,000 of the new 2% bonds due April 1, 1963 on growers of two cents a pound, The board decided to ap-; In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. 728-6555 | IN MEMORIAM BROCKMAN -- In memory of a lov- ing daughter, Mary, whom God called to be with Him one year ago today, January 3, 1961. | The golden gate stood open One year ago today. With farewells left unspoken You quickly slipped away. God knew that you were weary, The hill too steep to climb, He gently took your hand in His and whispered "Peace be thine". --Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten, Mother. BROCKMAN -- In memory of a dear sister and aunt, Mary Brockman, who passed away one year ago today, Jan- uary 3, 1961. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping | So peacefully, free from pain, } We could not wish you back To suffer all that again. Lovingly remembered by sister Lor-| raine, brother-in-law Allan, nieces Shir-| ley and Mary-Lou. | BURCH: -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Burch, | who passed away January 3, 1961. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. i But when we saw you sleeping, | So peacefully, free from pain, { We could not wish you back fo suffer that again. --Sadly missed and ever remembered | by wife Betty, daughter Doreen, son-in- law Bob and grandson Bobby. | But when we saw you sleeping, So peacefully, free from pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that again. --Sadiy missed and ever remembered } law Wilmer and Cecil, and grandchil. dren. MARNIEN -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Delia| Lena Marnien, who passed away on} January 3, 1953, j Saad who gave the best of her/ le, Who cherished our secrets, rows, our strife, Who taught us to love and taught us} to pray, | Dear mother in heaven, | God bless you today. Dear God take a message To our mother above, | Tell her how much we miss her, | And give her our love. | our sor- by daughters Jean and Anne, sons-in. | metals advanced .27 at 216.68. ision for $8.960,000 On index, industrials moved ahead 1.59 at 620.38 and base Golds dropped .34 at 90.80 and western oils .30 at 119.06, Clos- ing volume was 3,378,000 shares compared with Friday's 3,305,-/ 000. | Steel Company of Canada's two-point gain was one of the largest of the day. Algoma Steel dropped 5%, Abitibi % and Alu- minium 4 Base metals were strength- ened by gains of % to Hudson Bay Mining and Consolidated. Western oiis were weaker. --Lavingly r ed by ug! | Violet, son-in-law Leonard and grand-! | children. PROCTOR -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Jane Proctor, who passed away January 2, 1961, There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. | --Lovingly remembered by the family, | Kenneth, Lorne and Bernice. CARD OF THANKS LAWTON -- I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards, flowers and kindness shown in the loss of my mother. Specia] thanks to Dr. Volmer, Armstrong Funeral Home, ang the . DANCE Right now you're invited for o FREE dance lesson arid a get-acquainted party ot your local. ARTHUR MURRAY. Studio -- so you can see for yourself how quickly you learn to dance ond gain new popu- lority and fun. Consult your phone tiook for the nearest ARTHUR MURRAY licensed studio. proach the federal and provin-) cial governments with the plan, which would have to be voted on by Ontario tobacco growers. The board's three auction ex-| TODAY ONLY changes have huge amounts of'THE MISFITS" -- (Adult) tobacco that has been refused) "FOLLOW A STAR" by the buying companies. FEATURE TIMES! 1:50 - 3:45 - 5:45 - 7:45 -- Last Show 9:20 ADULT? ENTERTAINMENT ee, a You'll five every wild wonderful minute of its brash excitementi TOUISARMSTRONG DIAHANN CARROLL' § Meieased thru UNITEDPEJARTISTS. § hon PLAYING a pallbearers. Mr. J. C. Lawton. | @ will be offered for cash. The Bonds will be dated January 15, 1962 and will bear interest from that date. Principal and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada. Principal is payable at any Agency of Bank of Canada. Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank without charge. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest. Definitive bonds will be available on or about January 15, 1962 and thereafter in two forms: bearer form with coupons attached (this form may be registered as to principal) and fully registered form with interest payable by cheque. Bonds of both forms will be in the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to denomination and/or form without charge (subject to Government transfer requirements where applicable). The new issues are authorized under authority of an Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. he proceeds of the cash offering will be used for general purposes of the Government of Canada. Subscriptions for the new 23% Bonds, subject to allotment, may be made te Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through any investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor or through any bank in Canada. The books of the loan will close at 6.00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, January 3, 1962. eo An official prospectus may be obtained from any Agency of Bank of Canada." Ortawa, JANUARY 2, 1962,

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