Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Dec 1961, p. 12

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ie Shah oe Dia he eae ae Ry Sig os 4 : A me m cn fia: RE OE ne ae Pe Se eee oul a a eg ee ee vine THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 27, 1961 |] $1,200,000 Suit tne aircrew. 'ne ground com- mand system would not take a nuclear-armed V&odoo as close to a target as a Voodoo armed only with a conventional wea- '\pon. Possible blinding of the pilot is a problem which has RCAF Trains In Nuclear Tactics through the defences into North Ameri¢an targets. For these reasons, officials consider that the manned inter- ceptor will be a major weapon OTTAWA (CP)---The RCAF is training its Air Defence Com mand in nuclear as well as con- "\centional tactics, qualified in formants said Tuesday. "| The RCAF had no officia! comment to make on the mat- a\ter, probably because it involves a political question: A govern- ment decision whether to ac- cept American nuclear war- heads, The first RCAF Voodoo jet in- terceptor squadron -- 410 at nearby Uplands--became opera- tional Christmas Eve. The four remaining squadrons will be at operational readiness with the American Voodoo by the end of summer. The Voodoos are being exer- cised by the air defence system 'n nuclear tactics--as if they carried the Genie nuclear rocket as well as the conventional Fal- con air-to-air missile. Sources said that nuclear tac- tics will also be applied to the CF-104 low - level jet bomber when it comes into service. The first squadron of CF-104s is scheduled to join the RCAF in Europe in November, 1962. Nuclear tactics for the Voodoo are more an exercise for the ground - control system than for' not yet been solved. BOMBER STILL A THREAT is seen as lasting well into the 1970s. The intercontinental bal- listic missile is regarded here as still a crude though powerful weapon and any missile ex- change between the U.S. and Russia would be, in the current description, "blind basketball." which Russian bombers are be- lieved to be equipped, is re- garded as less accurate than the intercontinental rocket. It is be- lieved it would be used by So- viet bombers to clear a way for at least another decade--if the interceptor carries nuclear warheads. FLOW IS STEMMED TORQUAY. England (CP)-- Every week for seven years Thelma Gush has travelled to London to fight one court case or another. She has brought 13; actions agains{ various people and made dozens of court appli- cations, Now an order of lord chief justice bans her from bringing legal actions without permission of the High Court. The threat of manned bomber The air-to-ground missile with By 7-Foot Girl COLLINGWOOD, Ont. (CP) Carol Hare, a_ seven-foot-six- inch girl paralysed from the neck down since she slipped on a sidewalk near her home here last August, will sue the town for $1,200,000, it was reported Tuesday. ' The 18 - year - old girl's father, Alfred, will sue for $100,000. A-writ was issued last Sep tember and statement of cl delivered to the town's lawyers last week. = Carol's size is attributed by doctors to a glandular condition. SAFE CRASH LANDING Neither the pilot nor the eight passengers were hurt. The pilot told officials the landing gear failed to fall into place, making the crash landing necessary. Tuesday. Firemen are stand- ing around the craft, which sustained damage to flaps on the trailing edges of its wings. A twin-engine airplane rests on a snow-coated runway at Greater Pittsburgh ~ Airport after making a crash landing Scientists Claim War No Longer Protection basis" on which the report was|be negated by a corresponding made, lincrease in the attacker's} He cited date reported by Dr.|power." Tom T. Stonier of the Rocke-| The committee called for a feller Institute, who was also/new science of human survival present and was to appear 'with| "which will apply the full Dr. Strope on a nuclear survival|strength and wisdom of all the panel. Dr. Stonier's estimates-of|sciences to the solution of the nuclear destruction and the cost| crisis created by the obsoles- of life in a bombing of New | cence of war." York City were used a --(AP Wirephoto) Cuban Official | Expected To Meet Frondizi BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)-- Cuba's undersecretary of for-| eign affairs, Carlos Olivares Sanches, is expected here later this week to meet with Argen- tine Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Carcano and, possibly, President Arturo Frondizi, it) was announced here Tuesday. | Although the trip has been) formally described as a good- will visit, Argentine officials claim Olivares is canvassing for Argentine support at the forthcoming western hemis- phere foreign ministers' meet-| ing at Punta del Este, Uurguay) _|Jan. 22. | Tuesday's independent morn- DENVER (AP) -- Unlimited war has the power to end all human life and can no longer effectively protect national se- curity, a U.S. scientific commit- tee on human welfare said Tues- day. The scientists. urged a mar- shalling of all scientific resour- ces to discover new inventions) to replace war as a means * social protection. The report was prepared by seven of nine members of a committee on science and the promotion of human welfare of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The association opened its an- nual meeting here Tuesday. At a press conference before- hand, Dr. Walmer E. Strope of the Office of Civilian Defence said he found himself "at com- plete odds with much of the Fresh and Cooked Meats for Holiday Feasting - Fully Cooked--Skinless, Shankless SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION - igi t ae tata ea sit > DISCOUNT SPECIALS! "GIANT 25¢ ALKA SELTZER NOU Qe DECONGESTANT DRISTAN TABLETS - in the|--- bg ogy er fos | = r. Stonier had to reporters| A he estimated a 20 - megaton| usslan rms bomb dropped in the centre ofl rt New York City would leave at D IR p ed least 6,000,000 dead out of a) ea e 0 |population of 8,000,000 within a) py, Aviv (Reuters) -- I few days. Fallout, he said,/+aeji newspaper reported Tues-| might leave only the hardiest of|qay that Russia is negotiating|ing newspaper La Prensa de- the survivors alive after twolnew arms deals with Egypt|Scribed Olivares as a "commu-) inist emissary,"' saying his pres- months and these with shortened and seeking naval bases there| n i i ence in Buenos Aires 'cannot life expectancy. : |to replace those lost in Albania} "1 Dr. Strope said the problem| ince the Soviet-Albanian rup-\0€ welcome = eee ee -- ett ture. Olivares already has visited tion" He 4 criticized Dr. *Ston-| Official sources here refused|Brazil, Uruguay and Chile, and) ier's methods of calculating the|t? Comment on the reports, but echadlggd reaoe Regs seta ervers noted indications they | Bolivia, Ecuador and Mexico--} destructivity of fire storm s|obs which might follow nuclear at-\Were C2uUsing some anxiety tack. jabout the possibility of a new The committee's report saw a|@tms race in the Middle East. hazard in the use of electronic} The reports said a Soviet controls, such as computers,|naval delegation is negotiating s Children Spent ' hich might mak " ly E: ith th Holiday Apart {vnc snien, mate a. "wrong|to,surply Feypt with thee new SARNIA (CP) £& The. severdental or unwanted war. jof MiG-19 jet fighters, and that Seven Waybrant lall the countries which, on Dec. 4, abstained from voting when the Organization of American States, meeting in Washington, decided on the foreign minis- ters' conference. Political observers here noted that Olivares will appear in Ar- gentina only a few days after THE ECONOMY-SMOKED MEAT--FULLY COOKED Smoked Picnics » 59: 6 JUST HEAT & SERVE -- FULLY COOKED -- SMOKED Ham Steaks TASTY---TANGY--FOR PARTIES & SNACKS u/AS* u. 79° REGULAR eit RESDAN HAIR CONDITIONER REGULAR nt.Christ-|.. @ven a large-scale program of|naval units. recently delivered ae ne m bebe olen, Ad Carlie ters could not influence thelincluded new destroyers. rondizi met with President) roofs. . conclusion that a massive nu-| Kennedy at Palm Beach on Children's aid society officials clear attack would destroy the| Officials in Cairo declined to Christmas Eve. deciding a meeting would be social structure of a nation, the|comment on the type and num-| The observers believe Fron- "upsetting," kept the children report said. |ber of ships which the Cairojdizi has become the centre of apart. ee "Any shelter system short ofjnewspaper Al Masaa reported|pressure--from President Ken- if one that places the nation's en-|/Monday as having arrived in|/nedy, who urges action against) Ellen, 17, and Jo-Ann, 16, are|tire population and industry|Alexandria to join the U.A.R.|Cuba; and from Cuba, appeal- peo pt a Pret oo permanently underground can ling for non-intervention. Robert 13, and Sharon, 14, are iianioeen - in a CAS home in Courtright,| is ; in 0% o. seven miles away; Stephen, 12, Coming Up with... is with thé family of a Sarnia policeman; and Wendy 6, and FOR SPECIAL NEW YEARS TREAT-- ABSOLUTELY BONELESS Spiced Bee FOR THOSE WHO PREFER BEEF EXTRA CHOICE BRANDED Rib Steaks trick THICKNESS ANACIN TABLETs SIZE 30's REGULAR m= 43° FEATURE!--SAVE 4c!--WELCH'S : 35° s Grape Juice FEATURE!--SAVE 15cl--RED & WHITE GIANT c Instant Coffee 0... 99 FEATURE--SAVE 25c!---AYLMER or WAGSTAFFES J Jelli us ® ams or Jellies 5 »» *] FEATURE! -- SAVE 25c " a | Pineapple CRUSHED or 45° SLICED FEATURE!--SAVE 14c!--10c OFF PACK 39 Nesile's Quik nt 43° 1.50 = SLICE 6-0Z. Salami ve Oa® SLICED Summer Sausage "> 39° FRESH Taare uw. 79* Salami Chubs 207. 49* ht ay a Sas a R gSF 8 oF Be fas. ie ¢ of $s eh . regrets BBP 8 BF 8 BEE EY t (FOR PARTIES & SNACKS uw. 89° Navy. ay 4} a} <j 4 BEST BUY!--SAVE 8c!--FANCY QUALITY--YORK Cream Corn 37% 55c TINS BEST BUY--SAVE 26c!--MAPLE LEAF Canned Hams 1.39 29- 47- BEST BUY!--SAVE 4c!--FANCY QUALITY 39- Grapefruit Juice "* 69- TIN BEST BUY!--SAVE 2c!--SOLO Ib. Margarine 2 pape gt are with a -- fam- 24-OZ. SIZE ily at Alvinston, 35 miles away. . The seven children were BOTTLE forced from their rickety house by fire 11 days ago. Six weeks earlier, their mother, Mary, died of cancer. Their father, Al- lan, left the family five years ago. Mrs. Waybrant's dying wish was that Ellen keep the family together. She had been making ends meet on slim welfare pay- ments until the fire destroyed all the family owned. Each day the family receives offers of adoption. The CAS is studying at least five. | A fund sponsored by news- papers and a radio station has swelled the family resources to more than $3,000, and Ellen and Jo-Anne have received almost $200 in cards and letters. DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS New York -- Dr. Otto Loewi, 88, winner of the 1936 Nobel Prize in medicine for his dis- covery of the chemical trans- mission of the nervous impulse. Kingsgate. England -- Frank Richards, 86, an author who de- lighted British children with his stories about a fat school boy named Billy Bunter. Montreal -- Catherine Smith, 84, prominent Montreal district piano teachet who published two treatises on piano playing at the age of 80. Ottawa -- Dr. John Robert O'Brien, 87, prominent member of the medical profession who established his Ottawa practice in 1902. Houston, Tex.--John Vincent Murphy; 66, one of the eight FBI agents who shot and killed John Dillinger in 1934. . Montclair, N.J. -- Donald A. Savage, 42, tormer third base- man and outfielder for New| % York Yankees; after a year-| @ long illness. | jj Tarzana, Calif--Al Jennings, 98, pint-sized badman of the Ok- lahoma Territory who claimed he robbed 15 or 20 trains. Lisbon--Jose Dias Coelho, 38- year-old noted Portuguese scul- ptor, by shooting. Boston -- Reinhold Ruden- berg, 78, renowned electrical en- gincer who invented the electron microscope. _, Sydney, N.S.--Harry Jacibson, 66, prominent Sydney business man who owned and operated a ladies wear store. Toronto ~ Alfred Ward, 73.| commissione>- of the Toronto Parking Authority and Toront labor executive. af Quality New Year's 20-02. TINS POULTRY FARM and PROCESSING PLANT <TSTH14.BLOOR ST. EAST 3-4722 SIZE FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! -- WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE BIRDS EVE PEAS & CARROTS 1-LB. PKGS. 6-0z, Tins FEATURE!--SUPREME SWEET MIXED Pickles SAVE 10c on this Giant 48-oz. Jar FEATURE!--GRIMSBY'S SWEET Gherkins SAVE 10¢ on this Giant 48-oz. Jar GOLDEN HOUR EARLY RISER Chocolates 146. gge Coffee FANCY Polat Ch olato Chips Mixed Nuts BEST BUY!--SAVE 10c LIPTON--MIX VE 10 Onion Soup ul TREND piTenasnt 22-0Z. PLASTIC CONTAINER 2-Ib. Poly Fresh Killed /TOM TURKEYS .... .. Ib. 50° ; HEN TURKEYS Ib, 55° | CAPONS ' Ib. 65¢ ROASTING CHICKENS Ib. 55¢ ¥ GEESE lb. 55¢ New York - Dressed Weight STUFFED TURKEYS | STUFFED CAPONS PRE-DRESSED DUCKS PHEASANTS 1.25 eis ree oe ' FINEST FLORIDA--RUBY RED--GOOD SIZE Grapefruit 10 = 39 CALIFORNIA ICEBERG y 2 for 33° \ . LETTUCE "° | 2" 19¢ " ~~! Ets, os. Be Ye Noi Bay Bota NeW 69° 59° ; GARDEN FRESH ROSY RED RADISH CRISP JUICY -- FANCY McINTOSH APPLES i. NEW GREEN -- NO; 1 CABBAGE FINEST ARIZONA | GREEN 0 iD eo 2 art 10-Ib. 2 Poly Bags Cello Bag lb. 79° Ib. 79° Ib. 59¢ 3-1b. Celio Bag w 9 ,25° 2 tr 30° 49 SUPREME Fruit Cake Ib. 59 * 244b. 1.15 GOLDEN HOUR 19¢ Popping Corn SUNSPUN Ice Cream ae Minh iy White McKEWNA'S MARKET 948 Simcoe Street North p "Raised" on Litz's own farm. ' even ready Ib. ........ vs Ger, 89° ° (licensed to sell pheasants) Fa - _ Al ie SPECIALIZING IN COOKING STUFFED TURKEYS AND CHICKENS AT AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE -- HICKORY SMOKED TURKEY y AND BARBEQUED TURKEY AVAILABLE IF ORDERED IN TIME -- "ui PRICE FOR FACTORY BANQUETS AND BOWL- eaanton BROWN'S MARKETERIA | MAPLE GROVE MARKET -- Brooklin, Ontario Maple Grove, Ontario © N 5 SPROULE'S Corner Simcoe at Mill

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