Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Dec 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women' Women 's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 26, 1961 7 Mothers Auxiliary Of 8th Sea Scouts Gets Recognition The Eighth Oshawa Sea Scout Mothers held their December meeting in the form of a Christ- mas dinner party in the parish hall of Christ Memorial Church. The president, Mrs. George Fitches, introduced several new members. Roll call showed that many mothers of both Scouts and Cubs had come together to celebrate the festive season. LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE 222 The semi-monthly meeting of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222, was held in the local IOOF Hall, King street west. Noble Grand Sister Margaret Gray presided and conducted the busi- nes assisted by Vice Grand Sis- ter Elda Howard, who reported on the members who were ill or| [ in distress, 0% to 50% OFF Holiday DRESSES Mrs. Fitches spoke on some| Fojiiowing the opening cere- meetings she had attended re-|monies Sister Victoria MaGee ; : : Women's Misses, Junior, Petites cently in connection with scout-|;egg the minutes and corre- ing. | The members were pleasant- lv ° surprised when Mr, D. Hewitt, Skipper of the Star- board Scout Troup, came into the meeting and presented Mrs. ' |George Fitches with a present. '|This gift to the Auxiliary took THE REVEREND AND MRS. R. E. STERNALL ; |the form of a gavel and block, and was given to the members "in appreciation" for the help and interest they extend to the |boys of this troup, and to their |spondence. | Following the closing of lodge |a.l adjourned to the banquet hall where carol singing was enjoyed the piano and Sister Frances Cornelius as song leader. Sister Anne Coakwell vened a Christmas buffet. Prizes wre awarded at this time to Sister Dorothea Pierson, Sister Mabe: Parsons and Sister Ruth con-| } with Sister Gladys Morgan at! § Beautiful dresses for daytime and cock- tail wear in this season's latest styles, newest fabrics . brocades, chiffon, crepe, wools and double knits. Sizes 144% 22%; 10-20; 7-17, Reg. Values to 29.95, After Five & Afternoon DRESSES Wide selection in peau de soie, mat- tisse, lame and chiffon; afternoon and jacket dresses in blin and blin, ay and wool, wool jersey; Sizes 8- 518 ao CATHOLIC NUPTIALS At St. Mary of the People > Harry Lamers of Oshawa and | Roman Catholic Church re- | the bridegroom is the son of cently Anna Adrianna Lamers | Mr. and Mrs. John Taraboc- | became the bride of Lorenzo | chia of Italy. The couple are Tarabocchia. The bride is the | living in Oshawa. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Photo by. Mary's Studio leaders. | Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe spoke |to the members on behalf of Luncheon, Reception In Honor Of Pair Married Fifty Years etre err, Sut ae this group of older boys, will) The Reverend and Mrs.j|Labor. Congratulatory tele-| | Reuben E. Sternall, Quebec| grams were received from New) hold er dance on the 7. pal street, celebrated their golden|York, Pembreke and Montreal.|48v © January, at the Camp GROUPS, CLUBS wedding anniversary on Thurs- Samac Council Hall. All mem-| The honored pair were also}: Pn n 1 THERS day, December 21, at a luncheon|the recipients of many gifts and|bers of the Auxiliary and their) 6th SCOUT MO held at the home of their son-/floral tributes husbands are cordially invited! (the tegular ~-- pa the) ie ik i Mes le Mrs. John McPtee, drs.| : on Ge 'i é See _|by the boys, to attend this cout Mothers' Auxiliary|given by the secretary, Mrs./Evans, Mrs. John McPhee, Mrs. -- neve wnt pp etl ah ce Ween Boasts Were DOH evans: _ |met in Knox Presby te rian|John Calder and the treasurer, H. Boychuk, Mrs. F, Taylor, Hewcis court. "Siva PMA PhenaylVania Spring. After a brief business discus-|Church, Monday afternoon, Dec.|/Mrs. Harry Boychuk. and Mrs, John Calder. Following 'he luncheon an en-|field. Missouri, Willowdale, To-|Sion the meeting was turned 18 at 2 p.m. The president, Mrs.| Plans were made to hold the} An exchange of gifts was a joyable program was held.jronto, Walkerton, | Hanover,|0Ver to Mrs. Stanley Gales, who|Larry Ostrom, presided, A wel-jholiday party for the Cubs andjhighlight of the meeting and the Vocal selections were given by Peterboroush and Wellington. '\directed a program of gamesjcome was extended to the/Scouts on Wednesday, Decem-jevening closed with many) a trio consisting of a daughter,) 1, the aft ger and a gift exchange. The turkey|members. ber 27. Volunteers to jog te hyn for a Merry Christmas' n the afternoon and evening| dinner was well organized by| Mrs. Philip Bell read the|this party are Mrs. Williamlin every Scout home. REG, VALUES TO $45.00 Mrs. Earl Mallory of Detroit, Michigan, and two grandchil- dren, June and Gordon Mallory. A duet was sung by a son-in- law and daughter, the Reverend and Mrs. R. S. York and another by two grand- daughters, the Misses Donna and Hope Piper of Willowdale. The Reverend R. A. Bombay acted as master of ceremonies. Speeches were made by sev- eral of the guests including the Reverend Alan Swift of River- side, Pennsy!vania, a classmate of Mr. and Mrs. Sternall at Nyack Missionary College, New York, 52 years ago; Dr. C. M. Wortman of Toronto; Mr. Irvin Sternall, a a pel sey »Michigan;. The Rever 0 Bs Seaithe president of the Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, Peter- borough and Mrs. J. D. Piper, a daughter, of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Sternall made suitable replies. Congratulatory messages were received from the Right Honor able John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada; the Honor- Mr. and Mrs, Sternall held open| yy... Douglas Redpath, Mrs.| minutes, and Mrs. Ken Hann Berg of New| house at their home and re- ceived-many friends and neigh- bors. The couple were married in Berlin, now known as Kitchener, Ontario, on December 21, 1911, and came to Oshawa to live eight years ago. Mr. Sternall has held many pastorates in On- tario. There are four daughters, Mrs. Earl Mallory (Dorothy), Detroit, Michigan; Mrs. J. D. Piper (Aleta), Willowdale; Mrs. R, A. Bombay (Olive), Oshawa M.|and Mrs. R. S. Berg (Joybell),| New York. It is an interesting fact that the four daughters are all married to, Pentecostal min-} isters. i Also included in their family) are 16 grandchildren and one} great granddaughter, Miss Deb-| ibie Bombay, daughter of Mr.) jand Mrs, David Bombay of Peterborough Mr. and Mrs. Sternall are |both enjoying very good health. {Mr, Sternal! still ministers on lgave the treasurer's report. A round of games followed. ~|Prizes were won by Mrs. A. Griffith, Mrs. G. Hamilton, Mrs. Ken Hann and Mrs. A, J. Bar- cl Mathew Sutton, and their assist-) ants. Presentations rs enjoyable dessert tea end- At N. Courtice H-§ led a delightful pre-Christmas | get-together. December' Meeting; Next meeting will The North Courtice Home and\J@nuary 15 at 2 p.m. School Association held its) : {December meeting in the form LL ay beled lof a Christmas party, The pres-| ; ident, Mrs. Thomas Gladman,| The December meeting of the welcomed the 40 members and|St. Andrew's United Church guests, The secretary, Mrs. Wil-|Couples Club was held last Sat- liam McKnight, gave her re-|urday. port and Mrs. Barry Johnson,| While the men of the club set the treasurer's report. Mrs./Up the Christmas trees, and Lloyd Courtice was in charge of|evergreen sprays in the church, the program for the evening,|and illuminated them with and introduced Mr. and Mrs.|lights, the women packed food Jake Laird who showed slides|and gift hampers for several entitled "Quiet Places." Mr.|needy families ; Laird acted as narrator. Miss| After a short devotional Reva Tears played a group of period with a Christmas theme piano selections. Mrs. Lloy djled by Mr. William Siksay, the able John Robarts, Premier of|occasions and Mrs. Sternall is|Courtice then read a Christmas|club members gathered round Ontario, a.nd the Michael Starr, Minister of Honorable|a member of the choir of Sim-| message. coe Street Pentecostal Church, | Re edie eit, Wecuineanial TE 6 Mrs. Harry Gayjthe organ, to join Mr. E. thanked those that participated|James in a number of carols. on behalf of the Home and| The meeting closed with re- School Group. freshments. Mrs. Edward Hoare called) be held! ~ Annual Sale! April Showers Shin Bala SPECIAL DOUBLE SIZE 1120 the famous Baim that soothes, protects and beautifies the skin a. High-Fashion FUR-TRIMMED COATS Two groups from this season's collection . . . with famous "Bromleigh" trademark . . « finest domestic and imported | fabrics topped ith ali lupon Mrs. John Aldous and Mr.| 14TH SCOUT MOTHERS yt bib est Mervin Hobbs to speak on be- half of the teachers in paying tribute to Mrs. H. 8. Greer, who has retired as a teacher due to A delicious pot luck supper preceded the December meet- CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY ing held at Holy Trinity Church Hall with 13 mothers present. | 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST.S. | | puone 723-2245 OSHAWA 'prone 725-3546 FUR - TRIMMED .. . in luxurious pastel and [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA ill health. Mrs. Greer was prin-|Mrs. Fred Taylor, president,| cipal of the Highway School for|opened the meeting with Scout| some years and will be missed.|Mothers' prayer. Reports were All wished her a pleasant time)---------- -- in her retirement. Mrs. Edward] « Hoare then presented her with a gift from the teaching staff. Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and Mrs. Jack Gay, on behalf of the Home and School Association, spoke a few words and present- ed a gift in token of apprecia- tion of the work and co-opera- jtion given during her tenure of| {service to the community. | A presentation was made to |Miss Gloria Eaton, a teacher at the Highway School, in honor of her forthcoming marriage. Mrs. Edward Hoare on. behalf of the teaching staff and Mrs. Thomas Gladman for the Home and School. The pennant for room count went to Mrs. A. J. Campbell and Miss D. W, Palm-| er. Mrs. George Moss, vice- president of Oshawa and Dis-| _|trict Home and School Council,| brought greetings on their be- half. While refreshments were being served by the Grade 3, mothers, Miss Reva Tears play- ed Christmas carols. : wild mink, deep brown china mink (dyed),, per- sian lamb. now $60 FUR-trimmed and UN- TRIMMED .. . ranch and wild mink, persian lamb, shina mink (dyed). vow $50 Rich fabrics in 100% camelhair, wool and camelhair, wool and mohair, wool and an- gora, wool and alpaca and Scottish all wool plush. PETITES 4-12 MISSES 10-20 HALF SIZES 1442-2442 4-day treatment $135 One ORNAL capsule brings you 12 hours of continuous relief from stuffy nose, weepy eyes, and sinus pressure. AFREG, Con. T.M. Off, SAVINGS FROM CHILDREN'S WORLD GIRLS' COATS . . . great assortment, some fur trims; 7-12 Reg. to 29.95 GIRLS' COATS . . . fine quality; mohair, sealskin, shag Girls 7-12; Jr. Deb. 8-14; Reg, to 45.00 ee JACKETS . . . corduroy & suedine, quilted lining BOYS' & GIRLS' 2-pc. SNOW SUITS... . tiger tuff, nylon & cotton; Lined hood and ski pants 4-6x. Reg. Values 17.95 to 19.95 GIRLS' 2 & 3 PC. COAT SETS... 4-6X. Reg. 27.95 to 34.95 You Can WIN... A $50 Canada Savings Bond Simply fill in the coupon below and send it along with your dry cleaning order to any of the qualified Dry Cleaners Listed below. You could be a winner! Draw for December winner to be made January 6th. "SWEATER WITH SPARKLE A touch of glamorous glitter; skirts and sleeveless dresses. | is sprinkled throughout this | The cardigan comes in a wide | waist-length cardigan. Styled | variety of luscious shades, as | in woolknit interwoven with | well as in black and white, all | supple, non-tarnishing spark- | highlighted with gold, silver | ling threads, the sweater is a | or jet. dressy topper for evening --By TRACY ADRIAN Vo PRICE! | SALE of XMAS CARDS XMAS DECORATIONS Starts Wednesday, Dec. 27th WALMSLEY & MAGILL 9 KING E. OSHAWA velours, sealskins, wool & mohair; lined; 24.99 2-3X. eRg. te 29.95. SAVINGS FROM CAREER WORLD 20% TO 50% OFF CAR COATS--SLIMS--BLOUSES--SKIRTS---COATS--DRESSESSWEATERS Limited Quantity! Shop Eerly for best Selection! @ WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. Tel. MO 8-2345 @ ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Tel. 725-1812 © BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS Tel. MA 3-5520 @ CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. FRIEND | | => --_--=_ SE ee Te as ee a a ee es iC @ HARWOOD CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-4443 @ PICKWICK CLEANERS Tel. 728-5133 e@ AJAX CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-0310 $50.00 CANADA SAVINGS BOND DRY CLEANERS DRAW Sorry! No Mail, €.0,D. or Telephone Orders Please { OPEN DAILY 9:30 to 6 FRIDAY TILL. 9 Northway Oshawa Shopping Centre ee ee ee | Sponsored by members of The Dry Cleaners & t and C i R hy Insti ry ie) Telephone No. ......... ers & Cleaners

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