SPORT OUTDOORS -- By Jack Sords | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 19, 1961 10-PIN ACTION IF youre a duck hunter and want to be a real sportsman SHOOT ONLY DRAKES AND SPARE THE HENS TO NEST NEXT YEAR! Josie Gyurka, Roll Best-Of-W ;' i 47%, Jackson Sand and Gravel 45,)G The two outstanding bowlers |reeple's Clothing 44, Glen's Texaco at Eastway Bowl this week were| industrial Tools 42, Dunlops 39, Charl- "Josie" ; nett Paving 32, Millwork Supplies 25. Brabin. Leading Averages -- Ken Fisher 186, | 41, M. Gillard 439 and I. Cyr 431. Geo. Brabin eek Scores rant 454. M. Taylor 442, D. Coulter)A. Walker 407, J. George 406 (166) and |D. Vann 400, ye Team' Standings -- Cook's Body Shop|, Team Standings Dachshunds - | Terriers 28, Poodles 25, Danes 24%, Gyurka and George'ton Tractors 39, Team Five 3244, Ben-|63, Spooks 61, Auto-Magic-Carwash 57,| 7 : . af . |Sabyan Motor Sales 56, 300's 5v, Mc-|@0ofers 20, Boxers 174. Hupeel's 49, Stickpins 46, Russ' City) Leading Averages -- Mary Cole 150, "Josie", who bowls in the|mike DiCesaro 186, Frank Sobil 185, Service 46, Hyman Real Estate 44, Left-|Isabelle Cyr 146, Mary Mothersill 146, Ray Mi LEM, 200 ood Ean Pera a Ae eal ee eee nn ge oe nice riple woopvaew PakK |37, Aces 35, The Dillys 26. LANDER-STARK CLASSIC win the tlle, |» Leading Averages --' 0. Gunn 165.) CAP: ie acai George picks up the honor for| MIXED LEAGUE B. Grant Isl, J. Peel i80 and M. Taylor| nit the 600 euark te yen | the second time as he racked up| The Jets blanked the Selects 15° " ; : je taney 1 in the Lander-Stark| ve i inst Men -- G. Reid 180, G. Turner 173, s.|George Brabin, Mike DiCesaro a 617 set in the Lander-Stark|to move into a tie for first place youiding 169, D. Cole 165, B; McHugh and Bill Welsh turned in these Classic League beating out Mike/ with the Aces, who divided their! 16s, G. McCormack 163 and M. Johnson loutstanding efforts. .. The| DiCesaro by the narrow margin /four points with the Stickers. | 162. , Royals and the Regents picked | of one pin. Incidentally, Mike) Only two nights remain in the has been giving George some first section and a close race is EASTWAY jup three point wins and moved | f IN'S 7AGUE hint hree- j j | instructions during the past few anticipated to detarintiia | the MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE into a three-way tie for first) weeks so the tips must be pay-| winner. The Bombers and the Siap-jplace with the Jets . The} _ jing off. The Turkey Roll. is this Tues- sticks both garnered four point|Lions won one of their games. 8 king Wash- fr t oF s sli =| Unfortunately, the Tuesday day and everybody is urged to shutouts by blanking the Wash-|from the Eagles by a slim mar. \Men's League, Oshawa Mixed|pbe on time. outs and the Wahoos respective- gin of one pin ee _The Big League and Eastway Men's| High Scores -- C. Russell 494 rN gg ogg is = ed ra hee dear a We 'League failed to hand theirjand Marg Germond 427. Ni * St " jae ache ei D K Bob | scores in, due, in all probability, | Team Standings -- Aces 31, cregyg eb oe Mickey Di- Richarasia goon ay oe to the Christmas rush? 31, Stickers 22 and Selects cecaro' Mike DiCesaro and Wal-|Royals lineup this week due to/ MONDAY MEN'S LEAGUE ¢ /°- : ter Scott now have a 178 aver-/injuries, but Frank Sobil and | The league was divided into Leading Averages--B. Clarke| age to share the lead in that de-|John Houlding were able re- | eight groups this week as the|154; Women: Marg. Germond/partment. John Waldinsperger placements to help preserve the | annual turkey roll took place. |128. \is right behind with a 177. \feam's winning streak. | 1 itti | ~ High § --- W. Crystal 577 (217),! 'Results -- Regents 3, Falc 0; The Toys were hitting. beller] EASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE |, "yiyAtir sc snctiny . $Ov.|nayte'S, Mavi finch Fie ONLY DUCK DIFFICULT TO IDENTIFY AND SEPARATE i \TERFOWL RECOVERY, 'THE ear ie iN yes 'VULNERABLE TO PREDATORS DURING ING SEASON AND TO SHOOTING IN THE FALL. ALL SET FOR CHRISTMAS DRIVING WITH AN MALLARD MARKINGS, MALE* CHESTNUT BREAST, GRAY BODY, WHITE TAIL. FEMALE! BROWN, ORANGE BILL, ONLY SOME WHITE iN THE TAIL. © 6), KDVO PRATURES STRDICATR OD T THE DUCKS COME IN CLOSE BE SI AND DON'T FORGET THAT CANVASBACK AND REDHEAD DUCKS MAY NOT BE SHOT AT ALL Ig ANY FLYWAY. BIDDY LEAGUE USED . Mi t 4 oe this |534, W. Scott 532, F. Sobil 530, G. Reid |Jets 2, Colts 1 and Lions 2, Eagles 1. winners emerging--Ken Fisher, week and 'the lucky winners 527, M. DiCesaro Sr. 523 (206), €.| Top Ten -- George Brabin 617 (216, | ec gees : : r aa Andor 518, J. Zambonelli 515 (201), F.|215, Mike DiCesaro 616 (216, 209), Bill | Ralph O'Reilly, Bill Markus,|were Gord) McCormack and O'Neil 510 (226).and V. Trimble 510. | Welsh 602 (221, 211), Ralp O'Reilly ms Gord McCormack, Jim Loge-| Josie Gyurka for the high triples) Team Standings Corvettes 45%, |(202), Gord McCormack 570 (208), | man, George Taylor, Harry! with handicap, while Marion ogg on eer ig Wie ae Lawrence 545 (216), Bill Joyce a . i. ers . ahor a» ashouts i. 3, i i Hedrich and Gord Rideout. |Peake and George Turner turn- : ws 539" and Harry Hutcheon 330 ee? _Kenny Fisher is setting a tor-led in the high singles. In addi-| LADIES' CLASSIC LEAGUE | standings Jets, Royals, Regents, | rid pace as he posted his third|tion, there were sixteen chick- | . 8 Parts-Service End Famine 2 ' By Nosing Out Bolahood S } ] S i With a big 204 game, Mary|Eagles, Colts, Chiefs, Flyers, Falcons, : consecutive 600 series, this week ens and five special prizes won|Cole led the Poodles to a three|Mons and Hawks. Biddy Basketball League ac-|Boivin, Bill Melynchuk, 2: Bill a sparkling 612. set. : \to complete a festive night. to one win over the Danes, de-| yiantine Averages -- George Reid 188. MIGore Gusplee be dackele Atad | Top scratch bowlers for the|spite Mary Mothersill's excel-|an OR ws Pepi tion Saturday morning at Sim-/Swindell, Brad Barnoski, 6. MIGCEL Basalind Or Jackals head ban \ el-|and Ralph O'Reilly' 180. night were George Reid and lent triple of 490. Berenice Dif-| | coe Hall Settlement House saw/Total 16. A NS Gravel 7, Charlton Tractors 0; Kinlochs | ri i ir fi SKLB ------ e ob, ja 5, Sheriff's Tailors 2; Tuck Tapers 5, A i . i F Parts and Service win oom ooo Mose fan Co Tadustrial Tools 2: Glen's Texaco s,|J0sie Gyurka, fer made the difference as the} FINAL FOOTBA L | game of the year, as they e Ren Niet, 4) SOUR eS *s | *?|Team Five 2; Union City Body Shop 5, Results -- John's Garage 7, Dillys 0;|Lerriers took three points from} | Bolahood Sportshaven by a 15-)/Mario Cortes, Nick Melynchuk,! Bennett Paving 2; Dunlop Tires 5 "ws Spooks Zs Aces 0; 300's ih Doreen's the Goofers. The high triple of} ; | ay. Spr: and Country Wholesale 2; People's\Gang 0; Automagic-Carwash 7, Mc- ; ia : ; | TANDINGS-U gc og eta ac eat Raymond Spratt Clothing 4, Youns's Sporta'3. |Hupeel's 0; Leftovers 6, Hyman Real the night - mg turned in by} S fh, | Nee eine hase cit thei:| . ANOTHER SURPRISE High Scores --- K. Fisher 612, (217,|Estate |: Cook's Body Shop 5, Stickpins ae Cyr, & neat 500, help- | atbers 'ty falling behind near|_In another big upset, Mun-|70) Fi, Satis S78. (aed), W. Layton 2; Sabyan Motor Sales 5, Collpeel's 2. he Pag Foes: wean je pas ire | By THE CANADIAN PRESS 4hke' beairint with the half-|dinger trounced first place's6z (207), B. Joyce 559 (234), J. Waldin-| High Scores (Men) -- G. Reid 3a2)°20N8 Dachshunds two points) National League | pe veginning wil Jaycee Blues 17-9. |sperger 557 (202), G. MeCormack 550,| (213, 203), G. McCormack 577 (202, 205),|apiece. Dot Brabin topped the Final time score reading 8-5 for)"® , onig tag in| H- Hedrich 545 (203), W. Scott 542 (211)/G. Turner 553 (224), J. Houlding 513,|league leaders with 454. Eastern Divisi Sportshaven. However, a big Fdggth iy penniless see thee F. Geary 542 and M. DiCesaro 536 (208).|J. Wallace 511, W. Vervynck 509, D.! High Scores I. Cyr 500 (190, 161). ste wT , ~ ~ k place in the second Pning : d f Fs change took pl h 1 368 220 21 0 361 297 20) 1 319 270 17) Standings Kinlochs 67, Sheriff's|Cole 508. M. Cole 488 (204), M. Mothersill 490 half as they began to pass the iotor 0 279 267 14} scored the first basket but after) Tailors 58, Youngs Sports $6, Tuck ron - 2 Gyurks 56, -: reake Gm, D. Brapia 654 (ATV), B. Difter iz hed Pboaicd : 3 * r ' " 7, \Tapers 55, Ontario Sales 54, 5, O. Gunn 492, M. Cole 479, S, Craggs 2), L, Gillespie D iCesaro 41 i i 04 ball eter and eg pervet pele gyorg +B rai ga UP| town aiid Country 50, Union City Body'478, J. Peel 464, F. Bouckley 463, B. Oe re haa e their edge with a total of|4 y. 0 295 287 12) 1 236 380 9) (165, F. Bouckley 410, D. Barnes 407,|Cjeteland 3 10 points scored in the last half} Mundinger were ahead at the 1174 392 3) St. Louis 7 while their opponents were held we on arctan prc OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Western Division etroit Pittsburgh 6 % Dallas 4 LA D SPORTS -- Gary the final 17-9 : i so ogee Ricky Corby | BLUES -- Charlie Pace, Bill T i it Chicago . . : Baltimore set Real Madrid =": |Los Angeles | Washington Brian Sayers, 2; Alan Boivin, Wayling, 9; Dave Manser, Earle John Jessup, Bill Rajkovic, 4;|Colin, Randy Jackson. | Minnesota vs Raith Rovers; Vale of Leith-| rom ONTARIO MOTOR SALES NO PAYMENTS TILL FEB. '62 1961 PONTIAC 1959 CHEVROLET 2-door model with 9145 Impala Hardtop Coupe. V8 engine, custom radio. (B7455) . . automatic, power steering, etc. New 1960 CHEVROLET | rise" 2" 7°" (97134 41995 Custom radie ot (eisas; 2145 | 1959 VAUXHALL Super Sedan, One owner +1045 Custom radio. (A95906) 1957 OLDSMOBILE 2-door with automatic and $ radio. (822182) 945 5 ONLY BONAFIDE CHEVROLET DEMONSTRATORS With Full New Car Warranty! NOTE: New Car Finance Rates With Low Interest Still Available on 7. 1960 OLDSMOBILE 2-door Hardtop fully power equipped. Radio, Hydramatic. Exceptionally good shape. (A94969) 7 8 9 2 Paul Smith, 4. Total 12. MUNDINGER .-- Ed _ Luke, PARTS AND SERVICE --jMilt McKean, Don Sugden, Andrew Kit, 2; Kevin Sawyer,/Mike Zimmy, 2; Ron MclInroy, 5; John Sagan, 4; Gary Manser,|4; Brian Lynch, 4; Nicky Cor- 4; Dennis Myles. Total 15. ar 9. hogs af Officials for the morning in- WIN FOR FIREFIGHTERS jcluded: R. Goddard, M. Aber- Firefighters showed a well-\crombie, G. Nelson. Bolahood Greén Bay 1 Detroi 1 270 258 17! 0 326 302 16} 0 302 307 16 1 346 272 15) 0 263 333 8 0 285 407 6/ American League | Final | By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Sheffield Wednesday, playing in Rome in thé second leg of an balanced. attack as _ they WONn|Sports new coach will be D. their second game in a row by Grosebeck, who has recently upsetting CKLB, 16-4. |moved to Oshawa from the) This was a close - checking United States. Correspondent To The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Manchester Unit- Inter-Cities Fairs Cup series, lost by 1-0. en vs Hearts; Dunfermline vs| Wigtown and Bladnoch; Dum-| barton vs Ross County; Hamil-! ton vs Third Lanark; Brechin} The only goal of the game was turned into the Eastern Division WLT F APt Houston 10 3.1513 242 21) 1961 Cars. game from the very beginning with the halftime-score read-/ FUTURE GAMES ing 4-2 for Firefighters. Biddy League players please The second half however wasjnote that there will be no games ed sprang the soccer sensation|net by their own centre-half, of the season when, at old Traf-|Peter Swan. Wednesday, how- ford, they humbled the world-jever, go into the next round City vs Kilmarnock Stranraer| Boston vs Montrose. | a completely different story with the Firefighters breaking the game wide open and firing home 12 points while the only reply from the radio boys was a single basket by Walt Hubar. FIREFIGHTERS Paul Sargeant, 4; Dave Lee, 4; John this Saturday, December 23, however, during the Christmas week, December 28, the follow- ing games will be played: 1 p.m., CKLB vs Jaycee Blues; 1,30 p.m., Firefighters vs Parts and Service and 2.00 p.m., Bola- hood Sports vs Mundinger. Oshawa Sterlings Defeat O'Connors Saturday afternoon in the To- ronto City Major League saw Sterlings, come up with their high score of the season, when they bowled a total of 6,239 against O'Cunnor's 5,738. Even with this big score they were only able to win by a 3-2 de-| cision. Sterlings got away to a fast start in the first game but al- most lost it when they were only able to nose out O'Connor by a score of 1,142 to 1,139 winning the game by 3 pins. Mike Paulo with 286, Ron Swartz 254 and Orval Brown 233 were the big guns with Lefty Reid 250 and D'Orazio 247 for the opposition. The second game was taken quite handily by Sterlings with a score of 1,242 against 1,118 score of the season. Orval bowl- ed ten straight strikes but with all the bowlers looking on and game, Orvan just missed on his eleventh shot by taking a 35 | count and ending the game with a spare for a 425. This score enabled .Orval to be high on the day with a total score of 1,412 (233, 286, 211. 425, 257). Ron Swartz was next with a 1,264, which saw Ron come up with one of the better days that he is capable of, rolling very consistently for his five games | (254, 269, 261, 217, 263). Harold |Ballam bowled 1,102 for his 42 | frames. He just could not get going in the first two games but the third game saw the big fel- | low come up with a 285 followed egging him on for the terrific' tantly led in attack by David famous Reaj Madrid and won by 3-1. Five times before these! teams had met, and each time the Spaniards had won, even when the Busby Babes were at the height of their glory. Now| Manchester United are only a} shadow of the old Babes, and lie| third from the bottom of the) English League first division. But they put on a perfermance in the old Manchester tradition, subdued all the skill and finesse of Real Madrid, and produced an attack that was irresistible. If Manchester United produc- ed this same kind of football in league games, they would be ichallenging for the champion- |ship. Sound in defence, and bril- |Herd, their Scottish internation- jal centre forward, who scored] \two goals, they tamed the Ma- \drid tedm, and delighted the crowd of 43,000 spectators. It! |was a victory which nobody ex-| pected, and all the more sweet) Twin-Bill | Tonight At for this international trophy, by virtue of the 4-0 defeat they|s administered to Rome in Shef- field, the aggregate on the series) being 4-1 in their favor. | looks as if there is not much} would be safe to predict, that! san Diego 1 at least 10 or 11 of the first) Dallas division teams will go into the| Denver 9 4 1-413 313 19) New York 7 7 0301 39014 On this line-up of games, it| Buffalo 6 8 0 294 342 12) ' Western Division | Ch Tor AP 0 396 219 24) 0 334 343 12) 0 251 432 6) 0 237 458 4/ cope for giant killing and it be | 6 8 311 212 1 'Oakland i SCOTTISH CUP \third round. There were no surprise results when the weather finally made it possible to play seven post- poned Scottish Cup first round) games. One game, Partick vs Hibernian, was drawn 2-2, but in the others the favorites went through to the second round. These were Celtic, Rangers, East Fife, Dunfermline, Mother:| well and Raith Rovers. The draw for the second round of the cup provides most of the top teams with a fairly easy entry into the next stage of the cup series. Only three of the 16- games find first division teams oppos- ing each other, even in these the results can be predicted with some certainty. Dundee are at home to St. Mirren, Mother- well at home to St. Johnstone and Stirling Albion at home to} either Partick or Hibernian. Ab- erdeen have drawn a tough as- signment in having to meet, Clyde away from home, and! with Clyde running away with the second division champion-| and for Sterlings it was Paulo|by a tremendous 388 in the 288, Orvan. Brown 286, Ron! fourth game. Mike Paulo had Swartz 269 and for O'Connor it/1,110 for 45 frames (286, 288, was Lefty Reid 253 and Herrick) 273), Harry Gillard 880 for 39 222. |frames (268, 258), Herb Donald- The third game was taken by! son 246 for 12 frames and Man- O'Connor with 1,115 against/ning Swartz 225 for 12 frames. . 1,104, Sterlings losing it by 11! For O'Connor it was Herrick/ pins. It was a tough one to lose with 1,220 for five games and| and was decided in the very last; Lefty Reid 1,118 for 45 frames.| frame when the two anchor Sterlings are now four points bowlers bowled one another. In|out of first place and with any ship, the Dons, showing in and jout form this season, might have yYouURE ' WELCOME TO . OUR MONEY! Zee. avalon , the gifts, and the sprucing up that help make a good holiday season can upset the best of budgets. are available from 'The Associates to fill these needs or any others. Remember, you're welcome to our money! LOANS $50 to $5000 City Arena Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc-| iation will be playing the role of 'Santa Claus" to-night (Tues- day) at the Children's Arena. City-League officials, under ail- star convener Bob Heard, have) lined up a gala hockey night! at the Children's Arena with a} big double-header exhibition On-| this game, for Sterlings, it was|breaks at all, would have won Ballam 285 and Ron Swartz 261/all five games instead of three and for O'Connor it was Her-! and should have been within two| rick 309 and Bob Green 245. | points of the leaders, McGuin-| The fourth was taken quite| ness tario Minor Hockey Association and twelve big prizes. Trenton Flyers will supply the Motor City with the opposition in the Midget and Juvenile easily by Sterlings, when they ran wild with the tremendous score of 1,479 against O'Connor's 1094. This game was highlighted with Orval Brown's high single score of 425 and Harold Bal: lam's 388 and for O'Connor it was Bob Green 296 and Lefty Reid 266. It looked as if Sterlings were going to take the fifth game but O'Connor's came up with one of those tremendous finishes when Ernie Reed and Herrick struck out and both teams ended up in a*tie game of 1,272 each. Even at thai Sterlings should have won, when their anchor bowler hit the head pin on the side, but instead of going side ways the pin went upwards, which, therefore, ended in a tie game and in the extra frame roll-off, O'Connor won." For Sterlings it was Paulo 273, Gillard 268 and Ron Swartz 263 and Orval Brown 257 and for O'Connor it was Reed 296, Her- There will be a lay-off until| series. At 730 p.m., Oshawa's the Saturday before New Year's, when Sterlings take on the powerful Seagram team at Ace Bowl. REMEMBER WHEN | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ernie Schaaf pounded out a 10 - round decision over Max Baer in his first big fight in New York 31 years ago tonight. Three years later Schaaf was given a terrific beating by the Italian heavyweight Primo Car- nera, and was carried to his corner while 20,000 fans yelled "fake."" Schaaf died in hospital four days later. . 'Gale Kerwin Meets Champ Wed. Night. MILAN, Italy (CP) -- Gale Kerwin of Ottawa meets Duilio }classy Midget "Stars" under }coach Bob Dionne, play host {to Trenton Midgets, while at B p.m., Al "Beef" Bathe | Juvenile Generals, who are in la mild losing streak, entertain |Trenton Juveniles. Members of the executive players and hockey fans' have been selling tickets for to-night's twin-bill, which includes ten! lucky prizes with gifts donated| from various business firms in} the city. Prizes include five} jbutterball Turkeys, one case of case of Birdseye Frozen Chicken} dinners, one fisherman's lan-| tern, one electric clock and one} cold wave for the lady hockey| | fan, from. Rosslyn Beauty Salon. | Earlier yesterday the Bad Boy Appliance store added two at- tendance prizes. The lucky draw will be made between the Mid- get and Juvenile games. All minor hockey fans in the area, and lovers of the game their hands full to get through to the next round. The other games in the draw are: East Fife vs Albion Rovers; | Morton vs Celtic; Rangers vs' Arbroath; Inverness Caledonian! vs East Stirling; Queen of the/ South vs Stenhousemuir; Alloa| "111 Simcoe St. S., ASSOCIATES BUDGET PLAN, LTD. Phone 725-6531 | FLY Sunkist Christmas Oranges, aj % REAL- WINDSOR/DETROIT SARNIA - KINGSTON Windsor/Detroit + Sarnia Dep. 9.15 a.m. -- Kingston + Montreal Dep. 9.30 a.m. | 1960 CHEVROLET 4-door d with cust radio. Really. sharp in smart 2-tone $ finish! (B12371) 1695 1959 OLDSMOBILE 88" Sedan. Power steering and brakes Hydramatic (Funeral Home Car) 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. A spotless beauty with fam- ous Powerglide transmission. It's truly "Just Like New". 9295 (A97564), 1960 VAUXHALL WAGON Super Station Wagon in "neat-as-a-pin" shape. 4 245 (65523X). 1 ONLY -- CORVAIR DELUXE SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR "DRIVEN BY COMPANY PRESIDENT. COME IN AND TEST DRIVE. YOU'LL BUY !! 1956 FORD (A82764) 2-door model. Here's a good running 6 cylinder Ford priced $ to sell at 595 1955 PONTIAC Deluxe sedan with 6-cylinder engine, custom radio. Spotless $745 11955 CHEVROLET Sportal Closrence brice GOD 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door. Good body. New brakes. Emer- ald green metallic. 5995 (B10744) CONVERTIBLE 2-tone Black and Ivory. -1955 FORD Custom radio. $695 (B7577) 4-door sedan, good looking. Good riding, good performer $ good riddance at ...... 195 (H2828) Special ........ 1955 DODGE (B9555) 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-door sedan in 2-tone blue and ivory. V8 engine. Radio. $ Powerglide. (B29974) .... 645 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 2 to choose from. Real 4495 good transportation. From 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA Convertible Everything you would want in a good car! Power steer- ing, power brakes, custom radio, "348 V8 super turbo thrust engine, super turbo glide automatic trans- mission, sharp white with red and white interior. (594310) 2695 FOR THE BEST CHOICE... CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION AT... ONTARIO MOTOR 140 BOND W. SALES LTD. 125-6507 rick 270 and Lefty Reid 267. ' Pathe Loi of Italy, world junior wel-|of chance, are urged to take cs ORVAL BROWN 425 terweight boxing champion, in a|in the doub'e-header . to-n ght. ss ag rey of eh ahmed 10-round battle here Wednesday!A capacity crowd of 500 fans| Wa, was Orval Brown's 425 gamejnight, It will be a non-title, af-| is expected. Tickets may- be tag ad which gave him the high single/fair. * |purchased at-the door. a. e See your Travel Agent, or 'phone NORDAIR 728-9011 é ; ordain: SERVING THE FUTURE Thig service operates by authority of Class 2 Licence; days and | tim#s are tentative, subject to change or cancellation without notice. || FROM SOUTHERNMOST CANADA TO THE FAR NORTH ea,