| Nort and South: Mr. and rs. W. A, Heron, 119%; Jack Wild, S. Sheridan, 104; Mr. and, Mrs. J. Goodwin, 97; Mr. and Mrs. R. Morris, 88; Mrs. M. B Clarke, Mr. William Cox, 89. East and West -- Mrs. -R. Drew, Mrs. S, Sheridan, 10514; Jack Patterson, John Miller, 105%; Mr. and Mrs, Frank | BROOKLIN WA Sunshine Group Bazaar Nets $72 16 PHE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 16, 1961 NOME OF THE WEEK Inns Full Once More At Holy Birth Place Christian churches celebrate 13-1091" LIVING 15-77% 13.4 DINING IF 15.5.0 & _jand violence barred many pil- By ARYE WALLENSTEIN JERUSALEM (Reuters) -- Many of the thousands of pil- grims expected here this year to celebrate Christmas will find, like Mary and Joseph, that there is '"'no room at the inn." Relative quiet reigns this year, in'the Holy Land, where strife grims in the past, and this eas- ing of tension is expected to in- crease the flow of Christians who want. to spend Christmas in Christ's birthplace. Hotels in the cites and towns around Bethlehem already have been solidly booked up for the Christmas season and innkeep- ers are having to turn away IN THE HOME WORKSHOP late requests for accommoda- tion. On Christmas Eve, throngs of worshippers and tourists will crowd into the usually serene little town of Bethlehem, which comes to life annually on- the anniversary of Christ's birth, The bells of the Church of the Nativity will ring out their Christmas message of hope and peace for 850,000,000 Christians throughout the world. MOVE TO CAVi= As they ring, the spotlight will shift to a small damp cave whose walls are blackened by age and candle smoke -- the cave in Bethlehem under the oldest church in existence, the cave where, according to tradi- tion, Christ was born, 1,961 years ago. Late onwChristmas Eve, a venerable prelate will walk down the winding, slippery mar- ble steps which lead into the cave. In his arms he will carry the life-size figure of an infant, carved in wood. There, in the ancient cave where a silver star proclaims lin Latin "hic ex Maria Virgine Jesus Christus natus est" (here, Christmas in Bethlehem, each with its age-old traditions and customs, Here the gospel of Christ's birth is chanted each year in Latin and in Greek, in Arabic and in the: Aramaic spoken in the days of Christ, and in the scores of languages of the modern world, Separate services mark the same great festival, though ow- ing to calendar differences, the celebrations are held on dif- ferent dates. Jan. 7, for instance, the Greek Orthodox and other sects who follow the Eastern calen- dar will hold their Christmas celebrations. ' But for Christians of the West- ern rites, Roman Catholics and Protestants, Christmas is cele- branted on the night of Dec. 24-25, A united carol service is held by Protestants of all denomina- tions at Shepherds Field outside Bethlehem, where the first news of Christ's birth was brought b the angels to the simple fo! Wells, 10414; Mr. and Mrs. Ken- By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- Mrs. Elwood Stevenson presided at the an- nual meeting of the Sunshine group of WA held on Tuesday 'évening in the Christian Educa- tion Hall of the United Church. The committee, comprising Mrs. Sydney Lockyer, Mrs. W. Fishley and Mrs. Morley Ross, presented 'The Story of the Christ Child," interspersed with Christmas carols and prayer. Mrs. Kenneth Holliday and Mrs. William Young each favor- ed with vocal solo. The secretary, Mrs. Fred Young, in her annual report, reviewed the activities of 1961. The treasurer's annual report was presented by Mrs. Dave Coates. The leader thanked all who assisted with tea table at the recent WA Bazaar and Tea, net- ting the sum of $72.88, to be for- warded to church treasurer. During preparation of refresh- ments, Mrs. W. Fishley con- ducted guessing contest entitled, tending their flocks. evening. Christmas dinner table." Mrs. R. A. Holman was nomi- nated as leader for 1962. neth Holliday, Bovay, Miss Bovay, 90%. 1004; M rs. BRIDGE CLUB The Brooklin Duplicate Bridge Club met for. a series of weekly games, in the basement of Township Hall, on Wednesday Highest scores resulted as fol- lows: BRITISH STAR Rupert Davies, pipe-smoking star of the BBC-produced Maig- ret' detective series, "best actor" land's guild of TV producers and directors in 1961, won the award of Eng- \ OUR GUA All "DUMONT" Aluminum guaranteed for « lifetime by | free from defects in material/and workmanship. They ere NTEE , ucts ere guaranteed te be I lier and by the manufac- end other de- | turer rust, ¢ ion, pi 333 SIMCOE ST. S. terioration, erising from notural causes and conditions, j-- ee ee eee ee eee ee IN COLOR TOO! THAT'S DUMONT ALUMINUM PROD. LTD. ; ng, ping PHONE 728-1651 "Naming an item found on a jwas born), is toid once more |'the gospel story of the Christ born in a stable to redeem BLD RM. 10-5125 a os 2% > goa, 48 £6 eB oe HOME DESIGN NO. 444! ~ Front éloset is an expedient approach to kitchen, living frea and center hall of sleep- ing wing. The room layout provides the fullest measure of privacy plus easy traffic circulation. The handsome Jiving-dining room with its sweeping window, wall, un- broken wall space, china built- jn and sliding door to kitchen permits variation in furniture ei sone Three substan- ial bedrooms with excellent closets and lavish window entry prea comprise the sleeping | section. Compartmented bath contains vanitory unit. --s equipment is arrayed n a step-saving "L." High cabinets near table space pro- Fide useful storage room. Sli- ding door leads to landing from which basethent stairs and service entrance are dc- cessible. Basement contains Javatory with stall shower, also recreation area. ' Standard Builders' blue- prints costing $9.75 a set are == t Ghd nh hake: with guest| KITCHE 10-8.9-2 EtNTRY 13-7. 9-5 N° CT r= _(¢) <|PORCHI ie Ree = the Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, of Plans entitled Name Address sce ereseneeeeseesosee eee eeeseeecesesess (J Enclosed please find $0c, for which send me Book} "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable te The Oshawa Times). COR eee reesereseseeesseesesees By ROGER C. WHITMAN REMOVING MORTAR QUESTION: We are going to tear down an old brick house and intend to re-use some of the brick in a future home. Is there any simple way to chip off the old mortar? Are their any par- ticular tools to use? ANSWER: Sorry to say, but there is no simple way to do this; it is a tedious job, at best. The .mortar could be softened obtainable in Canada for this Design No. 444 (Ontario resi- dents add 3 per cent Sales Tax). + Now available at this News- aper office (or from address elow) a new design book entitled "Home Planning Guide", price .50c. This book contains over 50 selected de- sigifs, including 1 storey, 1% torey, 2 storey, and split level, plus useful information on building, interior de- corating and landscaping. Or- der your copy today. Also afer in this design book s complete price list, order form, and full information on how to order blueprints. } EXPAND DOCK * VANCOUVER (CP)--A $350,- @)0 expansion of a wharf that started in 1924 as a small flour pore has been completed. The ck, which handles most of the flour shipped through Vancou- Ver, now can handle three ships at a time. GROUCHO RETURNS , Groucho Marx returns to net- work television as star of a new half-hour film series starting on CBS-TV in January. by moistening with a solution of one part muriatic acid in 20 parts of water (use a wooden container, and submerge several bricks at a time in the solu- tion), allowing this to act for a few minutes, then flushing off with plenty of water (rinse in another container of clear water). Then scrape off the softened mortar. After cleaning the brick, neutralize any acid remaining in the surface with| ammonia, followed again by) rinsing in clear water. Be sure to wear heavy work clothes, ample long rubber gloves to pro tect the hands and goggles to protect the eyes while working, because of the highly corrosive nature of the acid. UNPOROUS CEILING TILE | QUESTION: I want to tile the kitchen ceiling using furrin, strips, but I do not like the porous acoustical tile. Is there any ceiling tile with enamel or plastic finish similar to that jused on kitchen wall coverings? ANSWER: All acoustical tiles are porous; their sound absorb- ing efficiency depends on this quality. Some plastic - faced acoustical tiles are available to be applied with an adhesive. Why not use tilefaced wallboard, or hollow-core plastic panels, having a baked plastic. finish : IT'S DIXON'S ' For the BEST in FUEL end Heating Equipment DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS -313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 'PHONE RA 8-4651 T over a variety of colors and wood grains? Decorative, non- jacoustical ceiling tiles. now 'available in assortment of pat- {terns at most tile dealers. ment hardener, following manu- facturer's directions, will settle the dust. This is available at masonry supply dealers and some large hardware stores. Floors treated with this type of hardener. can be painted later. Or apply a rubber base floor or deck ename!, after etching the concrete surface with a con crete etching and cleaning prep- aration. RE-FINISHING WORN TUB QUESTION: We recently bought a fairly old house in generally good condition. One of the"bath tubs is badly worn and discolored and we prefér.not re- placing it immediately. Can this be re-finished? a | ) SANTA WAVES TO ALL from the roof top.~He is life-size and easy to cut from hardboard or plywood, Pattern 415 gives actual - size cutting and paint- ing guides {or this figure and chimney and 10-inch letters for Merry Christmas along the eaves of your house. Mounting} directions come with the five) large pattern sheets. You will) use this decoration year after| year. The price of the pattern) is $1.75. Send orders to The Home | Workshop Dept., The Timés,| Oshawa. FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE! "377 cs ab mom, Stage. PATTERN 218 A PILGRIM BENCH an extra seat or a coffee table. The early New Englanders used pine or maple for these benches. Fronts and ends were cut in simple curves. A drawer was often added. You may copy this bench exactly with Pattern 218 which gives actual-size cutting! guides and illustrated directions. Price 50c. This pattern also is one of four in the Early Ameri- can Packet No, 19 all for $1.75 Send orders to The Home Work Dept., The Times, Osh- awa. Grab-Bags | By MRS. LORNE JONES makes| mankind. The Roman Catholic prelate then places the figure of the in- fant on a heap of straw upon the manger hewn in the rock. In the milling crowd in the \little town, there will be native |peasants in flowing robes rub- bing shoulders with monks and Inuns if the medieval garb. of | Crusader days. in the throng of worshippers there will be silk- hatted diplomat and hawkers |peddling mother-of - pearl cru- cifixes. IN MANY TONGUES Worshippers at the Candy Needed For Childrens' many Balsam and Mt. Zion -- A lcombined White Gift Service | ' | The Active Service Class will \ jmeet on Wednesday evening. Dec: 20-in the church basement at 8.30 p.m. Mrs. Cecil Disney's {group is in charge. of the pro- gram. Candy to be packed in bags of treats to be handed out at the Chriz#mas tree should be| => handed in. There will be ah exchange of gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrott of Uxbridge celebrated their thirty- fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday. Those attending from here were: Burnett Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mandereson. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Errol Carson in the loss of her brother Mr. Jack Brignoll of Clarémont. Mrs. George Wilson spent a THE CHURCH POR ALL ALL POR THE CHURCH ANSWER: Porcelain fixtures| can only be re-finished by pro- fessionals for complete satisfac- tion. Consult the classified' tele- phone directory under "Porce- lain Enamel Repairing and Re- finishing". LANDSCAPING QUESTION: We want to land- scape the area in back of our house. Quite close to the house are a number of fairly large rocks (with fissures) which we would like to remove. Is there jany preparation that could be put into the splits that would widen and separate the rocks for removal? ANSWER: The rifts in the rock should be cleaned out to the bottom and packed three- quarters full with powdered un- slaked lime,-packing the rest of the fissure with earth. Dampen the earth. Pressure will be de- veloped on the slaking of the lime as the dampness strikes through. This. should be suffici- ent to split the rock; be sure to stand clear, as there may even be a minor explosion. Another method of splitting rocks having rifts is to drive in steel wedges, each with a slip of thin sheet metal on the sides against which a wedge will slide more easily than~against bare rock. Every two or three days, drive the wedges in a little deep- er. The rock will eventually split. few days witth her daughter| j Mrs. Les Smith of Prospect. The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good cit- This little dog is confused, Many of us are in the same dilemma. What is Christmas, anyway? What does it mean? Do Cibber Colley, English play-|% hig It is @ storeh of wright and actor who died in|% 1757, was a successful comedian| j cde Wake 4 tales Claed, woke the tinsel and decorations obscure the true meaning? democracy nor civilization can survive. after failing in tragic roles. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and SOULE - 4 -- ; =~ COPTEAAWANNS McLAUGHL Your Home Better % FUEL OIL! FROM | (@ division of McLaughlin Cool and Supplies Ltd.) | Telephone 723-3481 support the Church, They are: (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation, (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Day Sunday WITH Book Deuteronomy Monday Deuteronomy Tuesday Galatians 'Wednesday John Thursday Isaiah Friday Isaiah Saturday Isaiah Cpe Vee 6 +15 6 16-25 IN HEATING } Prompt Delivery! i 24-Hr. Service i "Turn To Modern Li Budget Plan--Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery ving With Oi! Heat" | APPLYING ROOF SHINGLES | QUESTION: Where can I get information on how to apply in- terlocking roof shingles? ANSWER: The type of inter- 'Douglas a Gower bos roof shingle varies from @ REALTOR @ | 'For all your Real Estate Needs | |manufacturer to manufacturer; jthere are a number of different shapes and interlocking devices. The dealer from whom you pur- chase the shingles should have the manufacturer's detailed in- structions. available for apply- ing his particular shingles. McLaughlin Heating for © FUEL Ol, © STOVE OIL @ Prompt Delivery 1104 King W. RA 3-3481 ' . . ' ' ' ' s RUST ON RUBBER TILE QUESTION: How can I get jrust off rubber tile? | ANSWER: If the rust hasn't penetrated deeply, try careful rubbing with fine steel wool and a rust-removing preparation that is available at most hard- ware, paint and variety dealers. Be careful not to allow the rust- IT'S RUGS...CALL | NU-WAY Weall-to-Wall Broadioom Cerpets -- Steir Runners, ete. 171 Mary St RA 8-4681 remover to remain too long in jicontact with the tubber tile to avoid deterioriation or damage to the tile. If the rust has pene- trated deeply, know of no way to remove the stain without damage to the tile. i D. W. WILSON LTD. ' REALTOR |CONCRETE FLOOR DUSTY .. QUESTION: We have a new concrete floor in our cellar. There is a iot of dust from it |although we sweep it off fre- quently. What can we do to overcome this condition? ANSWER: If the concrete GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St. E. LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 725-1044 * 758 Mary St. TAYLOR SERVICE STATION 728-2622 461 Park Road South A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 725-1764 1016 King $t. E. NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING 725-3715 52 Wayne Ave. ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE 723-7242 Courtice MA 3-3553 Bowmanville ' | Canadian Liquid Air Co, Ltd., have recently completed their 50th Anniversary Sales Contest. Shown in the photo is Mr. L. W. Payne, Toronto Manager of Can. Liquid Air Co. Ltd. presenting the Grand Aword prize to Mr. Ted L. Wildgoose, President of Fox Welding and Industrial Supplies Ltd., Oshawa, winner of the first prize. Left to Right, R. Les. Jorvis, Gene LaChapelle, Ted Wildgoose, Jim MacDonald, 'and Mr. | ah 5 Payne making the presentation. Fox Welding and Industrial Supplies Ltd. are the Authorized Dealer for Conadion Liquid Air Co. Ltd., serving the welding trade and Hos- | | N. H., EDGAR & SON LTD. PAINT AND WALLPAPER 723-7351 34 King West Sharing in the award ore '238 Edward St. Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, Christmas gifts have their part in this greatest day of all the year, but back of them is the manger and the Christ Child, God's gift to mankind, In the Church you will find the true spirit of Christmas in all its joy, beauty and sacredness. The Wise Men will become so real you will follow the star with them. With the shepherds on the Judean hillside you will hear the song of angels. You will go to Bethlehem where you will kneel before the King. Kneeling, you will find the true meaning of Christmas. Will you come? Copyright (981, Relster Adv. Bercten, Yos., Sratery, Vo. THIS FEATURE I$ CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N. DIXON'S The Robert Dixon Co. Limited FUEL OIL--OIL BURNERS--SERVI 313 Albert St. Phone 723-4 725-4704 MASTER FEEDS A. HEFFERING'S ESSO 54 Church St. 725-9892 No, 2 Hwy. & Thickson's Rd. 723-2229 HAMBLY TIRE LTD. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STANON | 728.6221 534 Ritson Rd. $. AND GARAGE 723-7822 67 King St. W. JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res, MO 8-5285 . Store: MO 8-3324 HARRY A. DICKISON 124 Dundes W.,. Whitby BUILDING CONTRACTOR 725-8213 WHITBY CLEANERS 150 Colborne St. E., Whitby MO 8-2345 STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby OSHAWA NATURAL STONE Natural Stone Veneer for Home Remodelling 728-1022 163 King West MATT GIMPELJ UPHOLSTERY CO. Reupholstering & Remodelling 77 Celina St, 728-5342 OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL 725-0232 877 King St, E. ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA. 5-6588 mixture wasn't too "skimpy" | pitols from Newmarket to Cobourg with headquarters in Oshowa. | (made with too much sand),| japplying a liquid prepared ce-) --Photo by Aldsworth Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities eo