Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Dec 1961, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 1961 T ape Industry ' |BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT satis | Lodays Toronto Stock Market Listings 'LeaderCharged Charge Economy. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FAIRHART -- Michael and Marion! TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS, 11 Net ) 11 Net | | 11 Net "Minnesota Mining and Manufac- announce the arrival of Jane Ann at By The Canadian Press | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge' Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch > MINES | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch' - |turing Co., a leader in the tape "> the Oshawa General Hospital on Mon-| Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 14 Dom Tar pr 250 $2244 22% 22% |Tr Can PL 626 $27% 27% 274 -- % * Peet late Ass 1000 54 «54 44+ Ow . V ax : 5 nt i an i 1N 500 49 4 49 1 |industry, 'was indicted Wed- day, December A, 1882. A sister for] of Quotations $s walters, © Du Pont 100 $27% 27 27 Trans-Mt 235 sive ie 1h y_ Sleek Sales Migh Low ate. Ch'ge Leitch 1100 153 1s 33 ar nesday by a federal grand jury ' daughter doing| rights, xw__Ex-warrants, Net change is Exquisite 160 $1244 12% 1244 + "Un Gas 440 $23% ahial hae in is _. 4|Lorado B00 183 3 Soa i ie : 2 of! : é : : Be nee eevee aire eines Fam Play 205 $16% 16% 16% Union Oil 200 18 15 io te oe [eprate wis, dope: Use 108 1m Ws pac a Ped jg Bird By FORBES RHUDE ing the long period of post-war Pa RMR Bee mc cng ary = Ae ES ag E 5 | Macfie 3500 44 the. ay (eee ri restrain and mon-| Canadian Press Busi Editor) reconstruction, but it has yet 'to MAJOR -- Mr. and Mrs, F. Major INDUSTRIALS Gat 5 pe pr 710 $102%4 102% 102% vi ete ot ee oe aa 300 114 114 114 41 | CONSpITing lop being debated to-|be proved that it can function gs detach lage ---epne nl me .., Gen Bake 225 $11%4 11% 11% wes Se Soe a ee Agnico ice Mie 750 235 235 285 | opolize trade sgt Ge RD et bgt ors ey eSl PORE fully duri of their son, Frederick Charles, on Mon-| 11 Net (GP Drill A 300 357 «5 57 : eb np ae 3986" 1986 Alba Expl 1000 -- Aim 3 , 2614 --1%4| . ye: t {day not only because of the bite|4 a success! ully luring peace- day, December 11, 1961 at the Oshawa! stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Goodyear 205 F 8 wand he a ee 800 eee : 85 --i | The justice departmen an: ut on individuals and|time conditions of full supply General Hospital. A brother for Joyce sy itin) 125 $40 40% 40% 100 $17% 17% wank ae ea aves % We le +1. (nounced the indictment. [ey Be ' and extreme competition." Allison. Abit pr 50 $25 25 | 25 @ y 220 : ween A ee companies but because of what petition. Aunor 200 5Q $2 ; r 15 Weston B 1 22 -- % Base Metals 900 8 8 8 ly . The charges involve the man- ; . MANDRYK -- Peter and Donna (nee ACATAM! | 305, . ns ae Wee Sew 100 495 485. 195 210 West A wte S63 311% 11% -- ¥ Baska 1500 su Mcintyre 3 \they may be doing to the econ-| He recalled that when he was 5 48! eet Ww 500 57! ; ; pressure sit Hughes) are pleased to announce the qra-ail A 100. $22% 22% 22 Grayvee seu 16% 16 Woodwa A $17%4 17% 17% Belcher 3200 ve pala ] oh Ge (enone bes ee WA ghisersieng y. a young banker in northern On- safe arrival of a daughter, Mary Anne, Ais bt, 100 255 255 25: GN Gc wt 500 300 300 300 Curbs 104 10% 10% -- 14 |UD td | Min. Corp 13% -- % Sensitive tape, magnetic | People have always grumbled|tario it was common for .a 8 Ibs. 9 ozs., on Tuesday, December|ais Gas) Son gang 4 or 360-60 60 Angie NOd Saute ase gate + Weipa Bay 13700 2 ey ae are 500 70 jing tape and aluminum pre-sen-| Pda d thé higher they|8toup of people to get together 12, 1961, at Oshawa General Hospital| AiGas B pr 25 $ | i $49%4 49% 4954 Potgaeca a . estopped 2 41 |Mt Wright cae 3 --3 |sitized lithographic plates. jabout taxes, and the hig y lta' 9 a , 214 4214 42\4 Broul Reef 4500 | to grubstake a prospector. If the The first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. 117 $16% 165% 16% -- %|Imp Tob 50 $17% C 'Paper a 4 _. | Brow |Murray M the more the rumbled Pp * J. Hughes. and the first_grenddsugnias Asst wo sles 1e% 16% ¥jtm hehe t85 4% Int Pap 318 $38% 38% 38 -- "4 Cadamet 500 vray |got Be: . 3 on FO > ye) hdl a ; 5 + 88 Nat Expl 5% 6%--%| Minnesota Mining sells vari-| ir effect ap |Prospector struck somethit for Mr. and Mrs. H. Mandryk. Many) ajimini 553 $26%e 26%s 26% I Ac 275p 4S MO Paper 710 $2 : AA jbut so long as their e Pp He Tha Ci 5 f f oy ead New Hosco ' s s such as cel- indi : thanks to Dr. Anderson lAlum 1.pe 900 $896 284 a3i¢ 4 ig | Ac wt $22 Thd CG In 25100 $8% 84 8% a I Notion + Se lus tapes : ag brand name Peated to be only on the indi- they =~ Scot for i : Alum 2 pr 570 $4814 4814. 4814 |Ind Min ' : N Mylama 37 |lophane under the brand n vidual or the company, the ten-|&ain, and if he didn't they didn't NICHOLS -- Bob and Carolyn (nee | Analog $00 170 170 170 420 |Inland Gas 5% 58 OILS ae New Jason 7 7 7 --4%/Scotch, as well as other prod " he objecti worry too much anyway. Ryzek) are happy to announce the ar-|atian Ace 25. $9614 2644 26% [inland G pr 3 Can-Erin _ 3. 34% 54 SK + Kl dots jdency was to put the objections rival of Judith Ann Marie, on Saturday, Atias Steel 415 $28% 2844 28% --~ % Int Util 5 S44 44% 44% - Acme Gas 5 1 ie pear "> oa @ " 53 54 0C«"dGS$ O84 ucts, : down to human griping. PEOPLE ARE CAREFUL . December 9, 1961. A sister for Debbie| Bank Mont 260 874% 74% Ye + %/Int Util pr 5 $49 49 49 Alminex 30 5 41 Ch Ski Nisti 5 6 4% 4% The grand jury charged that Now, however. they are ac- 4 ey and Joseph, Special thanks to Dr.'Bank NS 235 $834 83 -- %| Inter PL 5S $83% 83 83% Am Ledue a Chester 3 ! # ; 22 21% 21% 42 3 t = , ' 4 With heavier taxes, however, Glazier. Bath P A 720 $54% 5434 [Int Stl P 165 160 160 --S8 | Amurex tye Voge gd 4 N $584 57.57 --1%, Minnesota abused paten Priv) cused of drying up the invest- people tend to be more careful Beatty A 100 $95, 98% jiny Syn A $60 58% 60 Anchor -- EP his 700 5656 860 WN 16% 16 °'16%4 -- %/ileges by compelling or attempt-| ont money needed for the with: whatiis tak ai PICKERING -- Mr. and Mrs, Mel/Bell Phone 279 $585 5814 + \ Jefferson $96 92 9% - Bailey SA +40 |Chimo . 3 \Nrtagate 93 11 1 7 '+3 ling to compel its competitors 0 aghea Miteso : ith wi is left over and less Smith thank God for the gift of a Bow-M 32 $52% 52% aj\Jeff B wts 700 450 450 Coin Lake 5000 3 5 N Goldert 21 21 (21 jing pi 5 | |country's expansion and grow- ready to go into such ventures Ania thank cod ee Bows pr -- 5 A Ms Zs "| Labatt 5 $16% 16% ee ed ae A ote y\N Rank $ 43 430443 accept patent licence agree- ing employment, Me McKinnon, 41k ther Pickering (nee Norma Smith), on Wed-,BA Oil 690 S$ 33% -- %|LOnt Cem 365 360 4/C Callinan 73500 14° 13% 14° 4 44 |Opemiska 2320 685 670 670 --10 ments. N. J. McKinnon, president of} "t+ 3 non, e othe ber 13, 1961, at Hotel/BC For %|LO Cem pr 215 $12%4 12% Callinan 73 P, 10% 10% 10! . commentators, sees great itm. coving lt oe pad ed gs Ae de = yitau Fin A 827% 27% 25 cao ie eam 143 13% 184-1 | The alleged agreements would|the Canadian Imperial Bank ot ortanes in the tae daar initic . i : 0 a 35% 358 Lev: $11% 11% 11! $20 0 + Ye/C Halli s Pine cates | Peerless 500 47 45° «45 i i Ic i t a re-| ; 4 TURNER -- Tom and Betty (nee Me-|Rurtington' 09 $a" 1 % | yltobco A 35 $10% 104 Camerina 183 3 48 [Con M.S 375 $2414 24% 244 -- %/Boerlens 11500 47 & @ +1 [enable Minnesota to dictate to|\Commerce, 2 Pegi 7 {-|ated by the Canadian Tax Foun- Caan) are happy to announce the safe| Burns' 100 $94 934 "\LibCo A «300 415. 415.413 CS Pete' 5 |C Mogul me | Placer $27 27 27 -- 4 the industry what prices could|cent press conference, drew at- dation at. Queen's University. arrival of a son, Sean Lamont, 7 lbs.|Cal Pow xd 285 5 55 $1056 ee C Delhi : ed yong 5; --4 {Pros Air 82 81 81 --2 be charged, what products could tention to another point. lHe hopes it will throw much + St, on Wednesday, December 13;/Can Cem 114 63 on yD. 810% pee 88 : Ga © Nichol ye ee Quemont _ be made and how they could be Oh ' ; 1961, at Oshawa General Hospital. The|Can Cem pr 55 |MB PR S18%-- 18% 18% ; a A han 595 390 | Rayrock ey oor 5 gare i rney- CAN WE AFFORD IT? light on the effects of taxation first grandson of Mr. and Mrs, A. W.{C Pack A 710 § : : Leaf Mill 325 $17%4 17% 17% Cent "gern q : o4 . toned li 109° 10% Realm 12 1 1 1 |made and sold, said Attorney- "Th is the possibility thatjon various phases of the ecgn- ausmar of Belfast, North ay aciche ne le Bh 9st iMerc fo 250° 950° 230" Mic Mac. 14 Coprd Ris 27309 44 4 his 'Atheb 35 38 ae ¢ | ceneral Robert Kennedy. Sovartuneat commitments madejomy. At. present there is a grandchi! ior Mr, and Mrs. J. lc- § s 93 3 3 * : z Paleo : we "eh ' f j , 3 y i fate 4 i $ ide; y- I i Cann. Many thanks to Dr. Ross. Can Brew 225 $57 S6le 56% -- %4|Met Stores Sasi as' Mine Gals Utne 1 iG 1k 4 ce . |San Ant ; 8 The indictment charged that) + boom post-war times, may in-dearth of information upon : C Cel 1 pr 5 , 2 ss ye| Mid-West Sani sen 46 A Fitio er 360.365 +15 | D'Aragon Satellite 3 as ,s |the assorted conspiracies com- volve heavier taxes than the|which to base enlightened de- VALLANT -- Mr. and Mrs. R. Vallant|C Cel 175p 4 "= "init Brick 255 255 255 --5 |Home 256 $13% 13 #|Deer Horn 2 2 4 : 25 525 525 10 |menced in 1931 and have con- age ford when times cisions. wish to announce the birth of their/C Collieries 6 ialsea' A $30% 30% 30% Home q $13 3 3 | Denison 1 c me 220 5 : 4 i as d to th resent economy can afford w e! " vite combee is. leah ut tee ekawe Genernl|C Frbke A 0 --%|Mon. Foods 1450. 14 HBOIG 3 BY -- %4) Dicknsa a il a P mom se a nine has its/2%e,not so good. He said: | In general, not much hope is cember 12, a ¢ Oshawa Ge en . Ben a a bs er 7s 3 $ + %|Dome 3 e " 4 . ; ote Mini as its '6 oS ry -onscious- A , % "Ht $ Hospital. es 6% 6 d 665 Se 5ine cong Point 3 8 38 --1 |Donalda 5 ; uw ou rhenthed 500 210 200 210 --10| Minnesota Mining There is too little conscious-| expressed for a reduction in the y 2 8 23 ' 3 ; ee main Canadian plant in London s that the present system of amount of taxes required. Gov- ILSON ry: . * Hus! st Cal $20% 2014 20%4 Medal 38 --1! |/Duvan 3 13 4 'am oS ee ck ; ness that tt resent system 0 Ss : FPealcons are 'Tisasea te peeigee © Hydro" 3 3% $20% 20% 20% Midcon ee ae Als Te ee "ae Sud. 'Cont sar ar eer Ont. _____ jeconomic organization, which is|ernments are being urged, how- birth of their son, Phillip Brent, 6 Ibs.,|C Imp Bk C 52: oe At Bie ee ty me ae ee ee gee ee ge as a ; Sullivan 175 173 175 «+2 Soc 'so heavily taxed, has neverlever, to refrain from commit- on Friday, December 8, 1961 at Oshawa i 50 $1tse 14 = BL 30 88 1%. 9 Dan Pets 5 $14% 14% 1 $26% 26% 26% -- 14 reree : a4 a Bd ve = . been exposed to seriously com- ments that would enlarge their General Hospital. CPR F< a! | Di 50 $613 3 1 Pac Pete w 50 975 m5 5 +35 Genex 5 sio% i wk ES in i? 1s us.) 'Await Po Icy petitive conditions in a peace-| requirements , Y 2 NG 32 y rmo 36 i 3 | 4 on ": 4 ' 'yl ' a OTe ear eel eines Qn $ 9 Petrol 70 Goldale La , |reroee 00. 304 80% 3014 time period It was born during) 'There jis widespread opinidn, -teeilh acai to know. It 1s easy. tovtels|Can Tire 5 + WiEape-G A be tare Lib alga moh a a lee i a de an ) | Tormont yo a7 the war and has carried on dur-j194 {hat some reallocation of aveipeos st ence through an Oshawa po ola ma ; : ue 14 | Rathone % 250. $1014 104 104 Hel 5000-7069 | Gwillim : My 3% Jt-Shaw erage par aa n ugar ee | taxes could be made that would serves ds vay eee aly $150 Jon Bldg 2 + %|Royal Bank $8454 84% B4ta Prairie Oil 5 240 240 |H of Lakes = K 990 990 2 < Seve & RRS Do wy 0 15) 14 15 ; +s H . s ive encouragement where it is 50.|Con Bldg. pr 305 4 Th 7% + | Royalite 39 $1184 11% 11% Provo Gas 350 220 220 220 Hollinger F - Jn 1 100 398 i03 4 me MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada cline laos required A friendly ad-writer will assist you in Con Gas 450 911, y 4, Russell $11% 11% 11% Quonto 15 15 1 Howey s ' $65% 65R 65% -- %'/and Dominion Sugar Co. Ltd. 1g e 19 af wording a Birth Notice. Just Telephone Coronation 300 $11. 1 " 4 a%/StL Corp $22%2c 2244 224 Sapphire 2 40 «40 0 +1%/Hud Bay f 56 * 300° 73. 73.73 ree ee Frid vhether it! 723-3492, ask for Classified, Gtr eb aoe ' |St Maurice 9 95 95 --2 | Sarcee 1200 107 107 a ey 5 825 a eee oe 5 4 hy . s iz = oad . 9 Nickel F $844 84% 84% -- ¥ i 379 825 825 825 = : ; PP agen beet op- . Cosmos 1 1 |Salada-s ' 1654 + Ya Secur Free 490 re alta ae wa a y 3300 160 156 156 --4 |wil) continue its sugar beet op S a S t [Grain BH, 250 Sia 104 144 Shiv isis See ae 3 ast ie ee a le ae iltsey amo 31 3M erations in Ontario, President n nau rl : iscoun Crush Int Shawin A - 25 $26% 26% 3 %|Triad Oil 189 2 | Jacobus 65 65. 65 iz ie Fy G. B. Foster told shareholders ITO (CP)--Industrials, Crush_ pr x5 $109 ; ; U C vt 185 5 Jellicoe 1000 6 6 6 ie ee ae ; 1 4 0 4 ier shan 34 4344 : Siverwd | A 3% 131 ut Capes ees ai Ga Lael 300 30 30 30 | lee at the annual meeting Wednes-| despite earlier strength and a) St e Pla ed COAST: Secrphien Sieve it Coal or 0 370 30 |8t Pav 7 ' Wayne 10 got et wie |Kere Add = 1480 900 800, 895. +5 ay ee ae (OY: new index high, finished the day| or N) nn eral Hospital on Wednesday, Decemver|D Fndry 3 64% 64% --_| Steel. Can 78% -- %)W Cdn OG 300 106 106 --8 |Lab Min 100 $26% 26% 26% + % ; era ospital on e scay, cem "4 . bod Bin! ; : : Hop 7710 75 +15 Yukon Con 50 50 «50 6+ %' He said the company has con-|on the downside during heavy| TORONTO (CP) -- Oshawa 5 5s 85-- 8%. 54 |Suptest ord 200 Wsburne 62 62 6 L Dufault 20840 770 750 770 \ Le : I has | eipipt 4 po Megat Pic ye eG raid Dom 'stores 705 14%, 14% -- %| Tor-Dom. Bk vit: ae U ahoee ioe a6 Ss es len be ttn 880,000. tinued buying Ontario sugar|trading on the Toronto Stock Wholesale Ltd. announced Wed- Soni, bad coats" of Mrs. John/Dom Tar 773 $18% 18% 184 -- %4IT Fin A 25 $38 «(3838 Yan Can 500-3 we sant 4 ------- |beets with the aid of a subsidy | Exchange Wednesday. nesday that it will open five dis- Makarchuk Maney) of 'Toronto, ma % ae from the Ontario government; Industrials Ngee oe Fe 'count supermarkets adjacent to ichael Korchynski (Elizabeth) an vhi i | - 1613 i er settin, | ' isc aa Nicholas of Oshawa, io ber soth year. Firm To Export |while a federal inter-departmen-|613.75 on index, a : rae Tower's Marts discount depart Resting at the Armstrong Funeral IN MEMORIAM | |tal committee has examined the/new high of 614.27 at the noon! ont stores in Ontario next Home with High Requiem 1 in Base | | | Pre-Fab Houses |problem. leompilation of the 20-stock iN-| vear. Gregory's Church, Saturday, December > ¢ A 4 ie A ld i" Ss ; , CP} -- Tradin The committee will present its/dex. e Cemetery. pee aces: ete laine a . padi ther Took {Continued from Page 19) wai aoete aaa ' prices fully BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- report in Ottawa Friday, to-| The decline was the result ota be kngira we ge agen lear father an . bs ¥ alliidayv ' ild- . 7 * . Sal 5 e COLES, Julie Lynn McMullan, who passed away December 3 Articles for Sal (32-_Articles for Sale steady on all classes and grades | Halliday Co. Ltd., home build |gether with proposals concern-| widespread on lo 5 8 ¢ i lkets, will-open adjacent to Tow- In Hospita} for Sick Children, Toronto, |14, 1959. ~~ 2--Articles for Sale : eta ttle of slaughter cattle at the On-j€rs, announced 'plans Wednes-|in¢ 4 national sugar beet policy.|among refining oils, papers and) ee in Hamilton, Lon- on Monday, December 11, 1961, ae Beside your grave Dad, we often) scares, new and used. sold and ex-/WE buy and sell used furniture, ste, tario public stockyards today, {day to export its pre-fabricated) 44, Foster said, "We welcome banks and financial nioigerpagcinel ft St, Catharines 'Dixie and Lynn Coles, aged two days, belove: | stand, changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204/Call Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Stree' f homes to Germany. 3 idence that. the vern-|Bank of . Montreal lost 14% but} daughter of June and Joseph Coles, of| With hearts both crushed and sore. | ,inSee. | MBDIY South, 728-4873 Veal calf prices were steady. , _ {this evidence tha govern-| Dominion reached a|Toronto. 420 Woodcrest Avenue, dear sister of|: But. in. the gloom, the sweet words/--O0 Street Fash South, 728-4 'FER instruction in any|Hog numbers were too few to| G W. E. Gordon, vice-presi-| ment has decided on a policy for|Toronto - Dominion 5,.| The first, a 20,000-square-foot Jo-Anne. Private service was held at} come, : TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add-|IF YOU OFFER instruction pal 4.58 sth oe ; d lamb/dent and general manager, said|the industry." new high of 743%, ahead i ae e vhseg ' ' Gerrow Funeral Chapel on Thursday,| Not lost, but gone before. ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill field -- tell people about it everyday/establish prices and lamb) é nis : M . Texaco dropped 1% in light|store, will open in St. Cathar- Decomber 14 at 11 am. Interment was) As angels keep their watch up there, 'Hamilton, Ashburn, 'Brooklin with & low cost Oshawa Times CBE neicas ware stenly. pond egy Pod gag Frio The company had reported in- leading ' ines in January. in Union Cemetery. Please God just let him know lee unc Wie hae ba a es - : slit . - Choice|Herbert Atmer, a rankfurt areas rofi | ' y : f F That we down here do not forget, |WE pay highest prices in the city for TYPING paper on 'sale, letter wie,| Slaughter cattle 917: Choice}, siibabnih, "and: (aeeal pays reased profits in the year| Speculatives were sparked'by| Oshawa Wholesale is # food ELLIOTT, Malcolm R. (Mal) We loved and miss him so. used furniture. Pretty's Used. Furniture|) 00" nal buy in bulk tots and steers 26.50-27.50 with sales up/0USimess » al 1 ended Sept. 30. | ¥ ; ' i ; white newsprint, bu; 5 P| orov 1 officials Ited in Lake Dufault's gain of $1.25 to|distributor of 129 IGA markéts Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-| rovingly remembered 'by his son|Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. _ save, 414 Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 lb pkg. $2.00 to 28.50; good 25-26; medium|PYovincial officials resulte | ta a { 04,000lin Ontario'and slob seamehies 44 eral Hospital on Tuesday, December 12, Drew, daughter-in-law Ruth and grand- ELECRIC heater, cedar chest, desk,|Circulation Devartment. Oshawa Times | ore 17 21: d the decision to export. ' $7.55 on a volume 0) 900 jin ar' 1961 Malcolm R. (Mal) Elliott, beloved | chiidren, |kitehen table, portable radio, record| <=. ~34>> ep Gy ia Brit. 22-24.50; commons 17-21; good|"") hice F sh non-affiliated food stores. d ie Bush and fath " ki table, p le » GE television, $50; Encyclopedia Brit : : s The first home, in the $10,500 it fe) 1 shares. ose -- Fh ae ryan la of Gahai = MA microscope, wicker chair. snnica $50; Encyclopedia Canadiana, 37 /heifers 22.50-23.50 with choice to olsia ill be » three-bedrooni y g On index, golds gained .40 to in his sath year. Resting at the Arm:|, PRICE -- In loving memory of a Phone 725-3276 after 5 p.m. ____|volumes in attractive bookcase, $280/94.50: medium 20-22; commons waral ad ith jota 'ohimdl : 114 ead weateny oa Nt strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with|dear father and grandpa, ber 14,/ALUMINUM boat, like new, complete|new, sacrifice $100; Remington saver |16-19; choice fed yearlings 26.50-|Dungalow with complete plum-| To Take $1 Bid $48 B tals fell 91 tol NET EARNINGS ¥ memorial service in the thapel on Fri-|Price, who passed away December 14,/,itn- steering wheel and windshield, 18 rifle with 4-power scope, $100. 728-4062. 27.50 with sales to 28.50: good bing, wiring and oil - fired,| a 115. . Base metals fell . day, December 15 at 2 p.m. Interment seek bi jhorse motor, controls, upholstered.! orp guns wanted, will pay $100 for/oo*, | 1 18 ith 1 forced-air furnace heating. It| PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A/214.02. The volume was 4,116,- Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. BA teri t jrempnone MA 33077, lbrase framed Beaty lever sie De rie ge ait '5 i. rine will be set up on display at/city official said Wednesday/000 shares compared with 3,-| py THE CANADIAN PRESS ae h OIL furnace (forced air), clothes dryer,|and top prices for other lever ac' 0 ou; mediu * > a po a * "ps é 1G : : Pg hg otiingge Dh carmagl wg | You ave always vase. automatic washing machine, Very rea'|rifles and hand guns. Telephone 728-| 4. "t4'15- canner and cutter|Frankfurt. : night council is unger pb oe aye Fuceday tals were down) B: ©: Forest Products Ltd., ronto, on Wednesday, 'December _I3,|--Always, remetabered by Alice,|so0able. Telephone Tae, (SSI ing invita: |COWS 10-13.50; good heavy bol-| Mr. Atmer said he hopes to|gation to accept a $1 bid from) Senior base me lly pained|Year ended Sept, 30: 1961, $3, 1961, Isabella Hanna (formerly of Cat |George, Teddy and Doreen. SPRING snd mattress, one double bed|ALL kinds of printing, wedding invita,| | 1s 19 - 19.50: common|Market 100 of the Halliday|Percy Dunford for demolition of|on index, but actually gained] 39 399, 98 cents a share; 1960, mus, Ontario), dearly beloved wife of size and one % bed size. Good as new.|tions our specialty. Telephone 723- 8 ' ee cin P ho i sees: a é lo Ba the late Robert A. Hanna, and dear] tayLOR -- In loving memory of a|Telephone 725-3339 anytime. and medium light bulls 16-18,50,|homes in Germany during 1962./his own house. \ground. Ventures, Hudson Bay $3,535,000, $1.03. tetera | Council wants the house torn|Mining and Smelting, Gunnar mother of the late Helen G. Hanna,/dear wife, Merle Taylor, who passed| FRIGIDAIRE rel Replacement cattle 400: Good | ; ; oe i i | emiska all rose as much dear sister of Mrs. A. Lannin of New| away December 14, 1960. at reasonable prices. Parkway 'Tele-| . i : | down because, it says, it is anjand Op é U MERS Jersey. At the chapel of Morley 8. Bed.|""rtough hee simile is sone forever, (Renate, "Sueke Aope 1ae rase eed vision, 918 Simeoe Street North. Your\light stockers 22 - 25; mediums} DIVIDENDS leyesore. If either of two other|as 5. Falconbridge lost a point. EAGER CUSTO! ford, 159 Eglinton Avenue West at La-| And her hand I cannot touch, IN er 6 4.0: color TV store. : and commons 16-21, : A . trading was light and} LONDON (CP) -- The Cana- salles Blvd., Toronto after.7 p.m. Thurs-| < hav ny memories jNosth after 6 p.m AERC ER < a _ K bids is accepted Mr. Dunfor Go : 1g as lignt . 4 te Garfield day. Service on Friday at 8 p.m. Inter-| Su 4,5 Day® f° many men WINE and cider barrels. Solid oak. Ali|LLOYD convertible baby carriage. pink' Calves 97: Good vealers 29-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Will have to pay the cost. sporadic amid rising prices.|dian-born food magnate + vhi , vellent . j i Cc " sizes. Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church.|4nd white, also mattress, in exce' 31: 5-28: mon 20- & , 3 eles ; , e 11% to| Weston is desperately trying' to wet Cadmus Comotery on Saterday at} id rire nA en cageeoe a 723-7624. condition, Telephone 725-4175 31; medium 25-28; common 2 General Steel Wares Ltd., The alternative bids are for|Campbell Red Lake rose 1% - -- a "er size 1; 24; boners 14-19, oe : $1,535 and $2,250. Mr. Dunford|17 preserve the antique furniture ' God has her in His keeping, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes,|SKATES, girl's, white, figure, size 1;/ common five cents, Dec. 30,/1,039 bw wag : ; : ; i m sewEUNS, bina Wien RE leg tog | Neg hon \varea,"' aitertetteite. tricks guaran-|man's CCM tube, size 7. Both brand] Hogs '44. record Dec. 19; pfd. $1.25, Feb,|accompanied his $1 offer with a} Western oils advanced for the|in en bs Cd a day, Dera a ee --Sadly missed by her husband Erie. |teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. a ee een oe Sheep and lambs 111: Good)1, 1962, record Jan. 10, 1962 $1,000 certified cheque as a per-iseventh ----, F pages: and eything Me pte sale." Visit * r 12, * |Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner 'Repair Serv- | 8-8600. gi Z 1B . i M sent? gd ia acess 7 Bailey Selburn A reached a new|"eve ing is for . 14 a th Mi b: m : . 7 .. formance bond. ailey Pi ', bad Tare, F. Renauente thereat tan | TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a|ice, 728-059 = Se AOD bears ibe Fo pr te ro 7 hee pod ph si ae or aga a Council is seeking legal ad-|high of $9.15 with a rise. of 15/ors insist on trying to buy the awa; son of Mrs, William J. Jenkins |dear daughter and sister, Mae. who COMBINATION 2 , radio and teri mere, te on. io conve poled odd sales to mth eavy an Fret poo Sige rage 'en b i hie anti oaken tables and chairs. } d away December 14, . cord player, RCA Victor, mahogany in , he gd 4 € wi ommon downi|cents, Jan. 2, ' ec. 5 "e. ste ot Mrs, is i te 'Samn| Om year bas gone since you departed good condition, $225. Telephone 728-59: Bll ge a a aad shin Band sag el ae "i Mrs. Margaret Reynolds, Toronto, John| Left us - ge Hh gpg crt AWNINGS. canvas. Prompt service gy ti aight "Hill 10 ' = Mervyn heaarrengg Oshawa, in his ete ee aciny ae eel oo dear; free estimates. Chair, table renta ELECTRIC eight-section radiator auto. ne Hh ager Satie Aadece einen We know not why the Lord He casa | Pree ers Smite honed a matic control neater, like new, never} S ellin Reform Home. Service in the 'chapel on. Fri-| To draw life's final curta' \8' MEAT counter, used refrigerators! heen used. Selling for reasonable price. | p g day, December 15 at 2 p.m. Interment; But our loss was Heaven's gain, jand ranges, new hot water tanks, new Telephone 725-8188 Mount Lawn Cemetery. ay Of that we can be certain. combination Thor dish washer, sink and * Ever remembered by father and(clothes washer. Home Appliances Osh-|MANGLE-iype ironer in perfect condi- To Be Discussed | i . $35; also Singer treadle sewing PEEL, Clifford mother, Alvin and Audrey, Blair andjawa Limited, T 725-1508. og ee j At Oshawa General Hospital on Tues-|prothers Wren, Lyle and Gerald. |SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- machine, $15. Telephone OTTAWA (CP) Should day, December 12, Clifford Peel, in his |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos,|TWO smal] Coleman space heaters.| Johnny be taught a new form 56th year. Beloved husband of Grace| TAYLOR -- In '-ving memory of oir) stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact | good condition, $25 each. Telephone of spelling in Canadian ine, ang loving Rgrne al " aes, D.\dear niece, Mevie Taylor, who passed|19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. |725-0298 anytime. ----- | shools? re Chure! (Leila) of Oshawa, rs. H.) rs gene ata spe Seo rg Rk, " - 7 rele- ' sag, |away December 14, 1960. \BSA "Winged Wheel" Motorbike.|DRYER, 110 volts, like new. $60. Tele L G . » 3 | } 7 iow "t y ¢ * brkewins Walon Gl eee "ana Re, year has passed since that sad)Reautifull metallic blue, 180 miles gal-|phone WH 2-5082. The question of whether : : : | ' ib ; ras es =| «6 " t lied Jim, all of Oshawa; dear broth ft) day vay; |; $65. "Kelton" go-kart, brand new,|rypEWRITERS for students. Guaran. night" ought to 'be spe Deas, Lloyd of Bexley "and Garnet of| When one we loved was called away; |cost $200, sacrifice $120. Four bicyctes, tee standards at low prices. Bill Ham- "nite" or "through" written Balsouer. Mr, Peel is resting at the, 0d took her home, it was His will, |partiy dismantled, $7.50 each with parts. /ijton, Ashburn, Brooklin. ; \ i J ; Fi King Si | i ill. |Child's "'Sifvertone" portable phono. . -- -|'thru" is one of several special : G w Funeral chapel, King St: | Within our hearts she liveth sti! } 's r Po! Poggio 3 : r 4 . : West, lok dervieg: ie the gheealun pad Always remembered by Uncle Bert|gtaph, new condition, $10. MO 8-3155,|GIRL'S junior gi a Epo projects to be reviewed at the SAY day, December 15, at 1.30 p.m. Inter.|and Aunt Violet. LECTRIC razors iaboai:|dere chan, one year old, "$25. Telep! : RRes |ELECTRIC vazor service, Sunbeam,| mo 9.4375 for more information Canadian Conference on Educa- ment Bexley Cemetery, Bexley, Ont. | Remington, Schick, Philishave, Ron ~ son, ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock.|MAN'S gray topcoat, size 42 - 44. Like tion in Montreal March 4-8. ROBERTS, Aune Maude | : Meagher's, 5 King Street West. jnew. Reasonable. Telephone 725-9322. Spelling revision, listed in the ~ / , be \ The news of the year in smoother, At Hillsdale Manor on Wednesday, De-| A IDRICH Sto |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat-|BROWN Alaskan seal, new condition, | vance program re- > - of H \ f F 's ighter-tasting rum, Maraca is ghey Both ace Baki aoe pet | teries, Kelvinator refrigerator 5 ores 42, full length, modern styling, rea-| conference advance prog ligh val bd f n | | vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, | sonable. Telephone 725-6865. leased Wednesday 'will be dis- " ty ii ' ; sun-mellow and distinctively dry. Carrie Oxford. Mrs. Roberts is resting | = ; a so S-piece (cussed in a two-hour assembly Z : 7 at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel for serv- '69 WRINGER washer, in A-1 condition, | CHROME chairs $..88; also 5-piece | CUSS fe e GAT : } j Maraca Rum adds a touch of tropical ice on Friday, December 15, at 3 p.m. with automatic pump, new rollers on|chrome sets $29; large selection Lane|session devoted to the new Z 4 Y sanpieawe ie aay, |$16:88; continental beds, spring filled " -§ - Z - 4 . " Z A SMITH, Mathew Edgar jo lll ly ig tize S'. BeW| $38; desks $18.88; floor coverings, many| The discussion will focus on a Z ~ As : : 4; two delicious varieties--MARACA Suddenly at the family residence, Hop- | $40. 'Telephone 923-b0ps afters; *) pretty patterns, 25c per ft. Tremendous |renort of some of the pros and . oy : , White Label and MARACA kins Street, Whitby, on Wednesday, De- Tne ee |SAVINES. Ed. Wilson's Discount Furni- f 11i reform, ex- j , . 4 4 cember 13, 1961, Mathew Edgar Smith, TO YOUR CHESTS of drawers for sale. Four|ture, 20 Church Street jcons of spelling n, \ f ' Black Label Rum. beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs.| LOVED ONES drawers $12, five drawers $15. Tele-| i; TELEVISION, radio. record piayer/Pected to be issued early in the ; : eeties or sestiar aan Wl Sorc | eaene Tere. jcombination, picture tube guaranteed/new year. The report is based wucetta, 3 . s | ; | |WATER softener, hardly used. 90,000|for 60 days. $69.50. Telephone 728-6780. | wo-year study project by Bird year. Resting at the W. C, Town| Nothing is more befitting or a |grain capacity. Apply 69 Fernhill | so sousraraa aaa g --------jon a t o-yea y pro} Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in| har tilbuta to the | Boulevard, : | |a committee representing the the chapel on Friday, December 15, at| 9reate u Bete a - FREE TUMBLER Canadian linguistic association 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Osh-| memory of the loved ones {LIGHT meter, tripod and gadget bag. | 4 ; ere f awa. Minister Canon W. J. M. Swan. | who have passed on to jAll in good condition. Phone 725-9767 and the Canadian Association 0} ¥ thot. bourne from which no ~ |for_further particulars. WITH $3 GASOLINE University Teachers of English.| The FINER Rum TAYLOR, Mary | 7 5 Bs = - | : ; Suddenly at Oakland, California, on| traveller returns, thon a lead' booweabe bectionine, natenes | ot the The conference is expected to in the exotic Saturday, December 9, 1961, Mary Mac-| memorial verse at Christmas jtriple dresser. General Electric auto-| be attended by some 1,800 dele-| Caribbean netting Donald, beloved wife of the late Wm.| | tic washer and dryer, matched pair, it O itecle "Taylor, dearly loved' mother 'ai| time, |saatie washer aad Give, ractched patr HILLTOP gates from Canada and abroad. Edna (Mrs. J, Starkey) of California, James and William. Resting at the| '!t is o beautiful gesture of - | §=6Open 10 a.m. till Midnight Aa f I chael of McDermott - Panabaker, Port; love and devotion to the SPIRE J --|32 Articles for Sele Perry, from Thursday evening untij Interment Union Cemetery. TRIBUTE wringer, $50. Telephone 728-0122. |cedar chests, from $39 up: mattresses| frontier" fields of education. ep : : . <4 4 Ale, magic to every rum drink. Try the ys and sells used televisions, chester- | ) prices, everything in the time of service on Saturday at 2 p.m.| [Memory cf @ mother, father, fields, dining, bedroom and Kitchen fur-| Don't Wait! Just a few left | itore reductd," exesticn' ection oF Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. | Wife, husband, doughter or [aiture,. ranges, oll a one | at this greatly reduced price. | chesotenna gifts. Hassocks? $2.99; card Se eh nnn WOR yy, (hele beyond the 'ius newiag caine "Giekes, goncg The few fantastic Cal-Jet tables, $2.99; cedar' chests, $39; plat- GERROW FUNERAL | immediate family circle, jware, mirrors, hand sleighs, electric! Outboard Motors, Regularly gil oe "Sula ikea) toclteee CHAPEL | @ foithfui friend or kin. tools. Be ee is pices Je) $209. Now $165. Also jchairs, $38; table lamps 'from $3.88. In the sincere hope of |MODEL railroad ect Bargain} mited number of demonstra- | Furnit . 20 cur n'stree ead ikeoiss i Ss 13 railroad equipment. gain} | Furniture, c Kindness beyond price rendering helpful service to |prices. Perfect Christmas gifts. Owner! tors $150. All carrying new ORDERS take a: 4 ih aig ithi was train enthusi: Equipment in : motor warranty. Telephone RDERS taken for wood rm gas) DED AND BOTTLED FO! yet within reach of all. those who wish 'to select an [sect candition. Telephone ene Per MO 8-45 |No. 1 quality, Measurements, estimates ' WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS 728-6226 appropriate memoriam notice |= MO 84514 | free. Terms, 723-4989, TORONTO, CANADA 3 | - at Christmas, The Classified | GOOD RECONDITIONED | |LADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 120 ' : < om sac eee RING STREET WEST | Deportment of The Oshewe | Geremmoone RANGES =| T.V TOWERS -- |." * Ot See Be GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-| Times will publish Special AND WASHERS | oe morial For placement contact funeral | i i Girectse of paces Tasmaer | Memorial tribute in the IN MEMORIAM A0-f h sf | |LIONEL electric train, wads of tracks, All parts and service, O-ft. structure with all- | switches, 90 watt transformer, In ex, CHRISTMAS AJAX | 'eek ponent) GO": [Saat ies ea ew BARGAIN CENTRE | - TRIO TELEVISION |) HORSEPOWER Johnson outboard | | jmotor, 14 foot plywood boat, equipped, EVE EDITION deg E ane' hav ee 171 Bond St, East, 728-6781 trailer. Best offer. Telephone 728-4269, MeMULLAN -- In loving memory of ABY SETS | and ad, i y j a dear father, John Henry "McMullan, To ensure that your message | ail typen ee kellie bulky Maik rents F : es | Bw ZO who passed away December 14, 1959. appears at this time, call © J | H CH ESTERFIELD ers, ete. Telephone 725-2428. | ¢ Be a polars saa Gone, dear father; gone forever. | befo CORN S | a= _ a ; bep'al How 'we miss your smiling face 20th. P geo poise = , [FILTER Queen Sales and Service, ih WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS But you left us to remember. Q re convenien SUITES Salen Taine tea | TORONTO, CANADA pr None on earth can take your place, to you, use the mail to send JEWELLER Ns Staton, Xenon 10-008. -- A happy home we once enjoyed-- our copy to The Times. USED 17" Admiral TV, $30; used 22" How sweet the memory still-- y 299 KING ST. WEST We are overstocked, Hot Point range, $20. Telephone 728-6449, But soak has left, a Jopeliness | TELEPHON E RETIR F Gigantic. Reductions. TWO drs Pop coolers in good condition, ~--Lovingly remembered by g0n John, 7 3 ING ROM THE We must raise cash, peeelaeenendton al Peseoerinomeiinine: Bernice, Penny and Rickey. 23. 492 | JEWELLERY TRADE SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- MeMULLAN -- In loving niemory of | DECEMBER 3ist | SALE 8 FROM $84 [oad 7° Sot ee ee my dear husband, Jack McMullan, who| | } pagent anny, pecerver 14 188" CARD OF THANKS) SALE WILSON'S --_34----bost & Found Since you were called away * ILOST: Small grey beagle hound, ear So many things to share with you BROWN -- 1 would like to than! SE . tatteo W.M.D.. vicinity Oshawa Boule. | Had you been left to stay Doctor Campbell, Doctor McKinney, the' ON ALL MERCHANDISE > FURNITURE Yeon Mime Strect. Telephone Evety day in some small way, jnurses and: staff of Ward 2C; also my AND FIXTURES a M c M ends, i ty v 7 ee nee se | Thoagh abel you are ever eat tee lund i me" during m7 Pond | - PLEASE CALL DISCOU NT STORE lee at ak tae Hag me an " Stil) missed, still lov ever dear, shawa Geni Hospital. AS t ado: ~Gadly missed by his loving wife Anza. . ne --Harry Brews. | FOR YOUR REPAIRS 20 CHURCH STREET |Denaie_male, to Cindy and apis ye &

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