16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 1961 Canada Olympic Assoc. Takes Realistic View By hag: take SULLIVAN Sports WES The ce Olympic Asso- ciation has operated like a women's sewing circle at times in the past. But now it deserves a pat on the back. Instead of hopping on the bandwagon for a good slice of the government's $5,000,000 - a- year aid to amateur sport--as many people thought it might do--it has issued a stern warn- ing to sports bodies to get crack- ing or miss the boat on Olym- pic Games jaunts. REMEMBER WHEN .. « By THE CANADIAN PRESS Max Baer and his brother, Buddy, enlisted in the US. Air Force 19 years ago today. Max, who died in 1959, had won the world heavyweight title from Primo Carnera in 1934 and lost it to Jimmy Braddock a year later Buddy twice tried unsuc- cessfully for the title, losing to champion Joe Louis in 1941 and 1942 SPORTS BRIEFS MAY MISS BIG GAME PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP)-- Green Bay end Max McGee has a cracked rib which could keep him out of the Packers lineup in the National Football League! championship game, which probably wiil be played Dec. 31.) The hairline fracture, suffered! in last Sunday's game against | th "49ers at San Francisco, was} disclosed in x-rays. Coach Vince Lombardi said he| is not certain whether the in- jury will prevent the star pass- receiver playing in the title tilt) at Green Bay against the East- ern Division champs, who are yet to be decided. FAVORS FOOTBALL CUT CALGARY (CP) Coach Bobby Dobbs of Calgary Stam- peders has spoken in favor of|f li-man football, indicating that his club may favor the proposal! at the Canadian Football) League's annual meeting in/ Vancouver Feb. 16. Dobbs said in an interview Wednesday the) Ottawa Rough Riders sugges-| tion to abolish the 12-man game} would mean two things: More| scoring and a narrower gap be- tween the "haves" and the "have-nots" of Canadian foot- ball. ORDER EXTENDED MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--A federal judge agreed to a government request Wednesday and extended a temporary restraining order tying up former heavyweight champion Ingemar Johnsson's) titlefight purse. Judge Emmet) C.gfhoate extended the order for 60 days or until 10 days| after federal Judge Frank M.| Johnson Jr., of Montgomery, | Ala., hands down a decision in the government's suit to collect| $1,000,000 in taxes from the Swe- dish fighter. i MAY DRAW AGAIN NEW DELHI (Reuters)--In- dia scored 253 for the loss of only three wickets Wednesday, | England. The two previous tests! the first day of the third five- day 'cricket test match against | ended in draws and this one) seems likely to follow the same} pattern. STOREY TO REFEREE QUEBEC (CP) -- Red Storey | of Montreal, former National Heckey League referee, will act as referee-in-chief for the week- long international pee wee ho-| ckey tournament to be held in} There is evidence that the COA no longer is a group of fuddy - duddies who emerge every four years to organize safaris of athletes who haven't a hope of getting here in Olympie competitidn. The COA has taken a hard look at re- sults of Olympic Games since the Second World War and de- cided, on a provisional basis, to lop the basketball, cy cling, fencing and gymnastic teams from Canada's national team. ONLY THZ BEST At first glance, this appears to be a backward step, particu- larly when the federal govern- ment said its money would be devoted exclusively to amateur sports to emphasize physical fitness, But COA president Jim Worrall of Toronto has a ready answer, "Amateur sports governing bodies now must realize that if they are going to represent Canada at the Olympics, stand- ards have to be improved all around." In other words, Wor- rall says to start preparing now for the 1964 Games in Tokyo and if young Canadian athletes tional calibre, they'll go to Ja- pan. If not, they can stay at home. It makes sense, Since 1948, Canadian Olympic teams have been overloaded with athletes who knew they'd be lucky if they survived preliminary rounds in most sports on the program. The latest decision on the basketball, cycling, fencing and gymnastics teams is long over- due. OUSTED EARLY Last year at Rome, the bas- ketball team didn't even make it to the opening ceremonies, They were knocked out in pre- liminaries held for the first time pr'or to the Games, Can- ada won a second-place silver medal : this sport when it was introduced to the Olympics in 1936 but in each successive games -- 1948, 1952 and 1956-- Canada finished ninth. Canadian cyclists and fencers never have reached the finals and the gymnasts have finished as low as 120th in individual in the history of the Olympics. It won one medal--a second- place silver by the University of British Columbia eight - oared, crew -- and finished 26th in the unofficial point standing with 16 points based on the compilation of 10-5-4-3-2-1 for the first six places in each event. The COA remembered this when it sat down to assess the country's 1964 chances. Worrall and his associates probably will be the targets for criticism, but they have facts and figures to C8 rege ee Colts' Veteran Figures Game Is 1 Too Rough , Calif. (AP)--} The Ni Natioeal Football League's leading pass receiver figures professional f is getting too rough. Raymond Berry, seven - year end with Baltimore Colts, said Tuesday the !cague is overlook- ing too many. rule infractions. "I can't say anything speci- fic, but in every phase of play it (the league) is letting every- thing go," he said in an inter- view "I hate to see the thing go this way. I think the general fang would rather see football] played according to the book. All these aren't dirty things; some are just minor rules in- fractions. But the rules are put there to make the game a bet- back up their decisions. ter game." x placings. Over-all, in the 1960 Games, Canada made the most dismal can prove they are of interna- showing of any Canadian team A | ee anencdiaaialiiasacine EXTRA Y i "GREY CUP" NEWS a i NOW SHOWING AT THE i PLAZA THEATRE PLUS "DENTIST ON THE JOB" Zs DY ISO FELT BROS. SENSATIONAL JEWELLERY =e' CONTINUES! DAILY, 12 noon & 7 Pm. atari: @ DIAMOND RINGS! "NAME" WATCHES! conjunction with the Quebec) Winter Carnival Feb. 24-March| 4 and will referee some of the) | games. CUBAN LACKS VISA NEW YORK (AP)--Billy Pi- ckett of New York, winner of; 24 of 25 bouts, will replace Flo-| @ SILVERWARE! @ DINNERWARE! rentino Fernandez of Havana as' the foe of Dick Tiger of Nige-| ria in Saturday's nationally tele- vised fight. Fernandez was un- tere to get a visa for his trip e. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | | All Are Being Sold By Auction Miami Beach, Fla. -- Virgil Akins, 149, St. Louis, stopped Vince Bonomo, 149%, Béach, 4. Phoenix, Ariz. -- Gaspar Or- tega, 147%, Tijuana, Mex., + knocked out Bobby Brown, 149 % Los Angeles, 4. g Beach, Calif. -- Johnny Newman, 146, Los Angeles, out- exico, 10. Miami, | | inted Sergio Rodriguez, 145, @ FLATWARE! : @ JEWELLERY, ETC.! What's Your Bid? 'OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES | LONDON (Reuters) -- Re-| sults of Scottish Soccer Associa- | 7, BE Rangers 2 Falkir! Céltic 5 Cowdenbeath 1 Dunfermline 5 Forfar 1 East Fife 3 Gala Farydean 1 Motherwell 4 Dundee U 0 Partick 2 Hibernian 2 Queen's PK 1 Raith 4 : PROVIDES POWER The Abitibi River in Northern Ontario provides 370,000 horse- power at hydro developments at the Abitibi Canyon, Island Falls, Iroquois Falis and Twin Falls. tion Cup first - round games| | No Reserve -- Nothing Held Back! | PLAN NOW TO ATTEND 12 SIMCOE STREET S. YOU'LL ENJOY DEALING WITH SPECIALISTS! 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