THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1961 29 TELEVISION LOG iis sie OSHAWA. CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto AH, HERE COMES ANY SON SAWYER-GAN, THIS IS HIGO, NY SON, AND WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo __ AND HIS GUEST» ' DR. IWAKI, ONE OF THE TEACHERS FROM BOWLING NEWS CATHOLIC LEAGUE THE UNIVERSI WKBW-TV Cha~~e!l 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channe) 5--Rochester : RSITY. CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie we we CATHOLIC TEAGUE 5 =| WEDNESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 1i--Family Theatre 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 7--Popeye 5--Kukla 4--A Visit With Santa 2--Captain Bob 5:15 P.M 4--Popeye's Playhouse 5:30 P.M. 1--Early Show 6-3--Huckleberry Hound 4--CH 4 Theatre 5--Theatre 2--Felix The Cat 6: .M. 9--Man From Cochise 6--News 3--Nation's Business 2--Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M, Weather 5-3-2--News: Weatnert Sports 6:45 P.M. li--Family Theatre 6--News, Sports 5--Huntley Brinkley 7:00 P.M 9--Bachelor Father 6--Seven-o-One 5--Real McCoys 4--News; Weatner: Sports 3--The Law and Mr, Jones 2--The Pioneers 5 P.M. 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M 9--Twenty Questions 7--Steve Allen Show 6--Provineial Affairs 4--The Alvin Show $-2--Wagon Trait %--Bacnelor Father 7:45 P.M. 6--Mr. Fix.It 8:00 P.M. §-3--Playdate 9--77 Sunset Strip 4--Blue Angels 8:30 P.D 9:00 A.M. 11--Romper Room 7--Cartoons 5--Movie 4--Popeye 2--Funny Funnies 9:15 A.M 2--The Debbie Drake | Show 9:30 A.M. |11--words and Music | 7--Romper oom | 4--Burns and Allen 2-Yankee Doodle Time | bie. ee ON li--Hobby Time 5-2---Say When 4--Calendar -- Harry Reasoner | 10:30 A.M. | 9--Free and Easy | 7--Our Miss Brooks | 5-2--Play Your Hunch 4---I Love Lucy | 10:45 A.M. | 3--Salvation Army 11:00 700 A.M. 11--Bob McLean 9-Free and Easy 7--The Texan | §2--Price is Right | 4--Video. Village 3--Romper Room 11:30 A.M. 7~Yours For A Song | 5-2--Cencentration , | 4--Your Surprise Package 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny and Friends 9-4--News | Sports | 7--Camouflage | 5-2----Truth or | Consequences 3--Popeye and Pals 12:15 P.M, | 9--Free and Easy | 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 7--Make a Face Weather: |. 5 4--Search morrow | 3--News: For To- Weather: | 4:00 P.M. | 9--The Hideaway | 7~American Bandstand 6--So Grows the Child | 5-2--Make Room For Daddy 4--The Brighter Day ll--Popeye with Capt. | Andy | 3--Women's Show 4:15 P.M |6--Valley of Yester- } year | 4--Secret storm | 4:30 P.M. 6-3--Let's Look | 5--Here's Hollywood | 4--Edge of Night | 2--Three Stooges 4.45 v.M. 6-3--Alberta Farm | 2--Captain Bob | THURSDAY EVE. | 5:00 P.M. \\U--Family Theatre 7--Popeye | 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 5--Kukla 4--A Visit With Santa 5:15 P.M Game 4--The Mischief Makers | 5:30 P.M, | 7--Early Show 6-3--Dick Tracy 5--Theatre | 4--CH. 4 Theatre 2--Huckleberry ound 6:00 P.M. 9--Man From Cochise t--Metro News | | 3--Man From oN | 2 -Highway Patro | 6:15 P.M. | ACROSS 6--National Velvet 3--Farm Report 6:30 P.M. | 1-5-4-3-2--News: Weather Sports 9--Sports--Annis Stukus | 6:45 P.M. l11--Family Theatre 6-2--News 5--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 9--Real McCoys | 6 -Seven-o-One in Features Syndicnin Toey 'Werld rights reserved oa, BUZ SAWYER CROSSWORD . Knights, | 1. Canadian | peninsula | 6. Aforesaid | thing Foreign | 12. Mistake | 18. Fragment French river 15. Inquire 16. Scorches as addressed . Peer 5. Finis . Portray . Manacles . Neat . Ripped . Native metals . American FST! STH BAIS | Op VIAL IE] Goddess [RGINiTIO} AIST of ven- geance 3. Genuine Hardy, Ameri- can boy . Indian mul- Yesterday's Answer ZAI TIEISISHEDIETYIS] eo o r - © 1961, King Featares Syndicate, Ine, orld rights reserved. JANE ARDEN [you HUN "RE LOOKING AT Saeed IT ALMOST MAKES ME SICK TO THINK THIS IS THE WORK OF COPS ITLL TAKE THE DEPART- MENT YEARS TO RECOVER FR THIS SCANDAL/ GOSH .»T FORGOT ae 4 LAUNDRY OUT ON THE LINE LAST NIGHT! OKAY-OKAYE PLL LY BE READY AS SOON AS I GET THIS SOFTENED UP ENOUGH next week for the turkey and chicken draw. Next week will be the last bowling night before Christmas so all come out and do your best. Bob Lavergne had a good night when he bowled the men's high triple of 663 and the high single of 290. Teresa Halik rolled a 595 game for the ladies' high triple while Doris Wood- ward rolled a 256 for high single. Team Standings -- Houston 12, Bure rows 12, Korkush 12, Helik 8, Ekker 7, Watts 6, O'Malley 5, McKenna 2. + Over 200 games B. Lavergne 290, 214, B. Houston 226, M. Koster 209, K. Hen- ning 209, 211, T. Halik 209, J. 0"! 227, H. McGuire 252, H. Moore 226, H, Burrows 240, J. O'Lesky 233, C. ning 241, M. Ekker 205, D. 245, J. Wrubel 209, D, Woodward 228, 256, J. Martell 220, 273, M. Melnychuk 264, R, Brooks 218, T. Powers 234, 205, J. A. Cardinal 216, 205, J. Dockison 206 and B. Wetmore 202. Lemon Leagues -- M. Rigley 89, L. Cardinal 95, E. Ekker 86 and C. O'Malley 83, 82. WEDNESDAY NITEES This week the Lemons and the Slow- balls took four points each from the Orfins and the No-Nods, leaving the standings as follows: No-Nods 21, Orfins 21, Lemons 19, and Slowballs 19. High Triples -- Our women's high triple was taken by Betty Ann Groat with 669. Didn't know you had it in you, Bet. Our men's high triple was taken F) by & newcomer, Harry Gillard, 736. ow's that for his first night? Over 600 -- We have quite a few over 600 -- Betty Ann Groat 669, Harry Gil- lard 736, Ellen Densmore 648, Yvonne Duguay 604, Jack Worsley 602, Deb Tilk 620 and Fred Hayward 691. Over 200 -- Fourteen of our league scored over 200 -- Fred Taylor 227, Laura McKinlay 235, 213, Ellen Dens- more 241, 228, Betty Ann Groat 328, Harry Gillard 290, 248, Aj Kinsman 222, 237, Yvonne Duguay 260, Jenny Kins- man 226, Jack Worsley 221, 240, Deb Tilk 214, 244, Jack Van de Vin 211, Fred Hayward 224, 223, 244, Ed Franklin 258, Elizabeth Van de Vin 203. x 2 High Singles -- Betty Ann Groat took our Women's high single with a 328, and Harry Gillard took our men's high single with a 290. Lemons? -- We report no Lemons. | 5--Top Cat 4--News, Weather 17. Gram e.g SORE (abbr.) . Barbed 30. In Japan, | 2--Royal Canadian 18, Boy's name spear a song Mounted Police (poss.) 18. Anincrease 31, Confronts 7:15 P.M. 19. Lack insalary 33. Portion re PM, Sheik's 20. Polish 34, Armadillo : sleeveless river 35. Fleet of robe 21. Half em ships . In Paris, acoin eS ie S 8 ]9 fio . Moses' brother . Cooling device . Vermont city Festival ) 11--Cheyenne 7--Top Cats $-2--Joey Bishop Show 4--Checkmate 9:00 P.M, $--Elgin Playhouse 6-3--Background 7--The Hawanan Kye 4--Meet the Millers 5-2--Bob Hope Show | 3--Movie Mid-d Matinee | 3--Showdown 9:30 Pao. he ers 7--Ozzie and Harriet 1:30 P.M. | i Songer aes SG $--Playhouse | 6--Toronto File Faaenie | 5-2--Outlaws eons | 4-As the World Turns | * "Leonard Bernsiels sbse9 Ot a Philharmonic oe wan 2:00 P.M. | 3~Real McCoys $--The Detectives 7--Number Please | 8:00 P.M. 7--Naked City 6-3--Chez Helene 4 "oe 6-3--News Magazine | 5--Home Cooking eee 4--The Steel Hour |2--Jan Murray Show --Donna Reed 5-2--Bob Newhart Show | 4_ Password 6-3--Sir Francis Drake 10:30 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 8:30 P.M. Sports 12:45 P.M. 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. \1--Movie Matinee | 7--Day In Court 5--One O'clock Movie this week! WED. NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE There was only one triple this week, and that was rolled by Flo Bracey 64 (223, 220). A number of good 26 games this week: D. Judges 266, S. Powers 255, J. Bell 237, 231; T. Brown 233, 204; M. Rogan 226, C. Konaroski 223, B. Danial 222, M. Kelly 221, G. Davidson 216, J. McLeod 214, J. Scott 213, G. May 207, J. McNab 206, N, Hooper 202 and C. Misztak 200. Lemons were really getting around this week: B. Danial 98, J. Pritchard 97, 85; G. Sheridan 96, 68; C. Konaro- ski 94, S. Konaroski 94, T, Biddle 93, 3 B. Grennon 90, E. Therrien 84, M. Wilson 80. Points taken -- Strikes 4, Dreamers 0; Hemajos 4, Oddballs 0; King Pins 3, Lulus 1; In and Outs 2, Pickers 2. Team Standings -- Strikers 14, Odd Balls 13, Hemajos 13, Lulus 12, Pick- ers 11, King Pins 8, In and Outs 8 and Dreamers 4. ' Indian berry 36. Wicked 37. Narrow roadway 39. Mr. Landon (affec.) 40. French river MICKEY MOUSE ; myiety = |L1--OHA Junior Hockey LISTEN T' IT'S GRANDMA BAKIN' AN' WITH US KIDS ALL IN 6-3--Explorations 1i--Cooking Party | i Yes vote a 7 $-2--Brinkley's Journal | 6--Nursery Schoct-- ee (var) SINGIN' LIKE A LARK / 6CHOOL GUE SHOULD 11:05 P.M. 2:30 r.M. | 5-2--Dr. \.§ 38. Fine hand- tie {1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News j\l--Jane Gray Show 4--Bob Cummings Show laited hat Weather: Sports | /--Seven Keys :00 P.M. P 7--My Three Sons Sprite 1:15 P.M. pe eects pd Sports; Weather 52Loretta Young =| 6-3--The Defenders 38. Swiftly 7--Late Show | guiStouss Party 4--The Investigators 39. To benefit 11:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 41. Blackbird li--Late Show 7~Queen For A Day =e Pour Pleyback 42. Spirit of Better Late 6.3--National Schools | aoa St. Louis ic. 3-2-- > @ $2--Jack Paar a rae as 10:00 P.M. pilot (affec.) 3:30 P.M. | 7--The Untouchables 43. A meeting | 9-5-2--Mitch Miller $--Science Fiction 44, Runs from Theatre | 6--Ben Casey 7--Who Do You Trust 4--Can We Disarm? T--News, Sports 6-3--People and Places | ies in Popa 4--Captain Kangaroo 4--The Verdict Is Yours/ 10:15 P.M. 2--Dave Garroway 5-2--From [hese Roots|!1--Jim Coleman Show Show 3:45 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 8:15 A.M. | €3--Rope Around the |11--Bob McLean ¥--Buffalo A.M. Sun 3--One he eve" = =~ Gate Rolie vsev car Dog rum... ! M-MUST BE, MADAM --BUT 1 CAN'T STOP!! BEEN * DOING THIS. SINCE NOW GHE GETS T' LICK 'TH' ICING GPOONS AN' DISHES HERGELF/ -- SALLY'S SALLIES GRANDMA, @ r86t, King Ponteren Syrticate. the Worl cichts 4-----Starlight Theatre 3~Highway Patrol THURSDAY 8:00 A.M, 4 OF> ea > n &) ES (on ~ WS CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 723-4634 AVAILABLE WED. AND FRI. For Private Rentals CAPACITY 837 RED BARN 725-0028 725-3093 "THE SHERIFF AND HIS DEPUTY APPROACH THE POWDER RIVER BRIDGE. TONTO AND THE STAGECOACH DRIVER! WHAT HAPPENED? WHERES THE LONE RANGER ? SweE SWEETBODY SOAP COMP'NY 2" LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER USED TIRES Y2 PRICE 750-14, 800-14, 850-14 B.EGoodrich 88 KING WEST 725-4543 'Cope. 1961, The Lone Ranger, Ine. i Distributed by King Features Syodicsto Sel Ny < We, 7) Fl G te IT'S THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS THEY VE GONE OUT TOGETHER! / Wey, TS MR.AND MRS. SOURPLISS! MUGGS AND SKEETER features Syndicate DONALD DUCK For Holiday =CASH , HAVE YOU SEEN MY BATONG Z WANTED strate | WANTED 10 SHOW NUBBIN Ks Pe ale I{ MY DEXTERITY 10 THAT CLUMSY OX/ AS FAR AS WE KNOW, THIS 1S THE SITE OF THE ORIGINAL TRADING POST SET UP pp s By YOUR ANCESTORS. J yoy Ape HOW CAN YOU BESO I'M SURE, MISS VAN SURE, MR, GREER? IF ) EVERY. YOU'LL FIND OUT You ARE SURE, MORE ABOUT THAT BEFORE THAT IS. YOU SHAKE DEVON, inher leita tei nse JULIFT JONES \ << THE TRADING POST WAS LOCAT! ABOUT 100 FEET DOWN THIS STREET, IT WAS ATHREE-ROOM AFFAIR. BOTH MEN LIVED ON THE PREMISES, We have cash available for. all your Christmas needs! - JUST PHONE 728-6283 29% SIMCOE S. WAIT--THERES A MISTAKE! THE TICKET ON THE BOX SAYS;TO LULU THAT WONDERFUL | DAGWOOD SENT ME si LARRY BRANNON @ 1961, King Features Syndicate, tec, Word oes