Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1961, p. 17

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'cerver ee er eN Cw VOU VeTwv General Motcrs, Union Reach Pact Agreement Local Unions Must Approve ONE OF THE difficulties facing members of Local 222, UAW-CLC, who have been picketing the Oshawa plants She Oshawa Gunes OND SECTION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1961 PAGE SEVENTEEN sioner's widow which presently are available only at age 69 will on March 1, 1962 be available at age 60 or over. Under the new option, larger. benefits to) both the pensioner and _ his} widow will result because the| Werner Company Workers 2, Mae el LOKke Strike Vote Friday of the cost of the option. Last ditch attempts to avoid contract proposal. The basic thank for forcing our members No Deductions from Pensions|a strike at the R. D: Wernerjhourly rate paid to male work-|to go on strike at this time of for Workmen's Compensation:|Company aluminum plant herejers at the Werner plant is $1.79,)year," the Steel Workers rep- Retired employees will receive|failed Tuesday afternoon and/Mr. Ross said. resentative said. ONE FACTION ABSENT for Overe er t.| v 453 v 723-3474. saad nM Ft d! {maximum number of weeks of \fied: The requirement that aniine total GM allowance and jreport in person each week to employee's daily straight time their full pension regardless of|workers will probably take} Union demands included the] Mr. Ross told the Oshawa and any Workmen's Compensation|strike action against the comp-jestablishment of a pension plan|District Labor Council the arro- they may be receiving. any early Friday morning, Keith}jand an annual improvement|gance of the Werner Company sss W. Ross, United Steelworkers of|factor wage increase. during negotiations is '"'some- HOSPITAL, SURGICAL America International Repre-| The Company proposed a 4.2\thing beyond any recognition." MEDICAL BENEFT : sentative, said Tuesday night. j|cent-an-hour contribution per| "Here," he said, "'We have a Full Cost Provided: The full Approximately 200 workers,/employee to a pension plan to|\company that is a strong sup- cost of hospita' and medical) ,ombers of Steelworkers Local|start June 1, 1962, Mr. Ross said.|porter of the present day po- expense coverage will be Pro-io7g4° will be affected by the|LEGISLATION BLAMED litical parties, but, when it is vided for active employees com-| strike. Mr. Ross said no further} He termed the company's of-|faced with its own union, it mencing in January, 1962. | meetings are scheduled with the fer totally inadequate and blam-|starts crying about competition Coverage for Laid-Off Employ-| company between now andied Ontario Department of Labor|and its inability to raise work- ees at No Cost to Them: Med-|nurcday midnight, when the|Conciliation procedures for thelers' salaries." ical expense benefits for an em-| inion can legally strike the|union being in the position it} "If this strike breaks, and in ployee and his dependents will) jane, now finds itself. all probability it will, it is going be continued during layoffs) wage poosT REFUSED | "We would have liked to de-\to last for a long time," Mr. commencing on or after March lies strike action at least until|Ross said. - ; Talks, which have been con- 1, 1962 at no cost to him on the seven|the Christmas season is over,| Aluminum extrusions, ladders, AND | dust," an increase in traffic, and a nearby stockpile of sand were a few of the arguments put forward by H. H. Arm- strong, Taunton road west, in asking for a reduced assess- ment. In this area, the north side of the street is zoned resi- dential, the south industrial. The court granted him an in- crease from 5 to 10 per cent in an obsolescence factor, in addi- tion to granting a further reduc- Boer Pegg +|tion recommended by the Board do these cases justice if we sit for too long at a time." of Assessors. After huddling with the Board)FACTOR INCREASES "Yesterday," explained Court} chairman Louis §. Hyman, QC, "we carried on long past the - hours we should have. We can't A $i tinuing for the past basis of a month pheg ojca fat | months, broke down when the|but we have only cumbersome|clothes dryers and Pontiac gril- gia ut weeks ti SUREae he company refused to grant ajand useless Ontario Labor Legis-jles are manufactured at the gee teagan Bye oor 9 Song wage increase in its two-year lation conciliation procedure to|Werner plant here. The cost for this provision will be paid out of General Motors' ild S tf future contributions to the SUB Chi ul ers Lon ours atc Plan Trust Fund. | o Coverage for Disabled Em ployees at No Cost to Them: For! Head Abrasions e sick leaves. commencing on or d | With ourt lafter March 1, 1962, General) Seven-year-old Michael Mc- U Motors will pay the Full Cost |Carthy, ae ier eer street was| ins 5 or cent as atitaken to e Oshawa General; ; 2 ay oe for an em-|Hospital Tuesday afternoon fol-| ont ag aha pp He ployee and his dependents for| lowing an accident on Gibbons Seni a Oabawark Coart ot the first six months of total dis-|street with a pick-up truck driv- evi st rel hed haaelies he ability jen by Don Depalma, 329, ie sislttonel ms ol prey Bes Hospital-Medical Benefits for|Chadburn street. Ban onler Se ih ig nine wppel: Retirees: One-half the cost of, The child who was admitted ants ware stil waition hospital-medical coverage for a to the hospital for observation, oar The sana vanes a pensioner and his dependents suffered abrasions of the head, 7p ie iis ' will be provided. cheek and forehead. <i | Police said that the lad was GROUP INSURANCE CHANG-| wearing ice-skates at the time ES lof the accident. Full Cost Provided: The full|- ws os LS cost of group life insurance and ing the vacation shutdown will} sickness and accident henefits|pe eligible to receive SUBenefit. | ies |plos = Se |NEW WEEKLY INCOME jof Assessors Mr. Hyman ruled! A. J. Evans, Beatrice street, aera sed $50:| GUARANTEE that the remaining appeals|had a functional obsolescence | ane SeamenCe RECKeMben genes A new income guarantee to|would be heard next Tuesday|factor increased from five to 10 |The General Motors oe be supplement pay in short work|night, Dec. 19, beginning at 7\ percent. ee _|weeks is provided. Employees|p.m. | Four Hortop street homeown- by increasing ghey amounts) ith one or more yeat's senior-| In addition, the court willjers were given factor increases of life ight? DY een Eee ity, provided with work by GM hear appeals today, Friday|because of the proximity of a accident insurance by $250--Ir,,' jess than 40 hours in a week,'and next Monday and Wednes-|barn to their properties. The and Continued Life Insurance| ,i1) pe paid a new benefit for day. minor increases were an at- jafter age 65 by $75 to $150, ac: | cording to length of service. jeach hour that the total hours jtempt to equate the percentages {One new higher insurance brack- paid and made available by GM DECISION RESERVED |won not long ago in a previous B : are less than 40, The amount of, Last night, the three - man| assessment. et also will be provided forline benefit will be 65 per cent) court reserved its decision on a} Recommended reductions ac- jhigher paid employees and the!o¢ pay if a "scheduled" short|land assessment appeal byj|cepted by the court: J. H. \lowest bracket eliminated. Thus. work week and 50 per cent of|James O'Malley. Ralph Jones|Beamish, Simcoe street north; General Motors employees could|,.y if "unscheduled". The new|appeared as counsel for Mr./Samuel Durbin, Lot 6 and 7, jhave up to a maximum of $7509|henefit will be figured on the O'Malley. |Plan 413; Ada Waltman, Con. 4, jlife insurance compared. to the/pasis of the employees' straight) The assessment on the 18jpart Lot 13; R. E. Johnstone, present maximum of $6500 time rate plus the cost-of-living/acres of land on Taunton road|Glencairn street. | Longer Continuation of Life) allowance. west, explained J. P. Coombe,| Appeals confirmed: Gordon |Insurance During Layoff and) For example, an employee|Chairman of the Board of Asses-|Sloan, Simcoe - Lakefront east; Non-Disability Leaves: For lay-|provided work and pay by GM/S0rs, was based on a rate of|G. Burnett, Simcoe street offs and non-disability leaves|for three days -- 24 hours -- will|$6,534 per acre. An 85 percent| north; Gordon Reeson, Churchill lwhich commence on or afterlreceive the new benefit for the reduction was allowed for "'nojavenue. |March 1, 1962, employees will be|16-hour difference between 24 improvements" and a further) permitted to continue life insur-|and 40 hours. |reduction was allowed from the s lance for 12 months instead of} 'Thus an employee remaining 15 percent for lack of ational se 5 lis services. : er potcented yapeete The result: the revised per Oshawa and District Labor Council will urge the federal contribute PeT| cost-of-living allowance, whose|.., ; : |month for each $1000 of life in-\hours paid or made available $833, ype rorsin yg ge lsurance as at present during a "scheduled'"' ahott| os ccammnent of $14,994, |NEW AND IMPROVED BENE-|"Ork week total 24, will receive) 'Too high, said Mr. Jones. |FITS UNDER SUPPLEMENT- government to take all neces- sary steps to introduce a nation- al health plan. Douglas Lindsay, a National Union of Public Service Em- ja Short Week Benefit of 16 by) «ppic jand was bought for /AL UNEMPLOYMENT RENE-|°! or $24.64. speculative purposes," assert- FIT PLAN ployees delegate to the labor council and a member of its The new short week benefits/.q Mr. Coombe in defence of ee __|will be paid automatically with-|the assessment. "It is unfair for Substantial improvements in/out the need for an application.) <necylators to. hold lands for the existing SUB Plan have! The cost: of these new short! years at nominal value. You been made, including provision) week benefits will be paid from) would penalize holders of small, \for increased weekly SUBenefits|the SUB Trust Fund or deduct-|improved lands. with a higher maximum, 52-\ed from General Motors' future} wr Jones argued that five of week duration, larger separation) contributions to the Fund except|the 18 acres was valley land and payments, and liberalized per-|that the companies will reim-|coyjq not be subdivided; he |sonal reporting cg reagan needle va eI igo hag said there were no_ services The principal changes are as|"scheduled" Short-Week Bene-|anq development was in the|politj i ; : lfollows: \fits for pay periods when the | distant future." ripen ee Weekly SUBenefit Increased: amount in the SUB Fund is less} Ruled Mr. Hyman in deciding pointed out that only through a The weekly SUBenefit amount| national health plan and uni- versal health insurance, can all people of Canada enjoy a good standard of health. At the same time, Mr. Lind- say said, the labor council is "appalled at the tenor of briefs presented by the medical asso- ciations to the Royal Commis- \than $300 per employee. ito reserve the judgment; will be increased to 62 por centiNEW MOVING ALLOWANCE Other appeals of a_ similar ante aoe O15 | ; 4 nature are coming up. We do of before-tax pay, plus $1.50 for) A moving allowance will be not want to prejudice the each dependent up to four de-|provided to employees transfer-| court's position. We feel we pendents red as a result of the transfer should get a broad picture by For example, a typical em-jof major operations from one), sion on Health with their vici- ous attacks on 'state medi- leine'."" | This council, the PAC spokes- jman said, is convinced that \most doctors are dedicated men with an They hourly rate of $2.37, including rhe ployee with a wife and 2 child-'GM plant to another. The|Ooking at other appeals of like ren will receive SUBenefit of|amount of the allowance will be| ~ : approximately $27 a week in|relafed to the distance between|}OBSOLESCENCE INCREASED jaddition to his U.I. benefit of|the plants and the marital status} "Plenty of noise and cement $36 a week jof the employee up to a max- re re es Maximum SUBenefits Increas-|imum allowance of $580. ' ie ed to $40: The maximum week-| ong er " 1 -Ch ld I ed ily SUBenefits will be increased ae i 1 njur from $30 to $40. The present $5 per day -jury . | ¥ and women, willing to do any- SUBenefits for 52 Weeks: |duty allowance. paid by GM wail I Accident | \thing in their paver to raise ever " 4 \be increased to an amount equal) \the standard of health of this SUBenefits wil be increased), the jury duty fee paid to the| Karen MclIndless, 6, of 630/nation. from 39 to 52. , employee by the court. but not|Burton road, Oshawa, was ad-| "Oshawa and District Labor Reporting Procedure Modi-|;o<< than $10 ner day. However.|mitted to the Oshawa General|Council reports that official "hep re Hospital due to injuries received|medical association spokesmen employee claiming SUB must court fee will not exceed the}when she was involved 'in anjare more concerned with their | : / ' accident with a car driven byjown financial well-being than a jthe plant SUB office will belnay, |Robert Clark, 35 of 745 Margaret|healthy Canada,' Mr. Lindsay jeliminated and a mail applica-|" The GM allowance will be|street Tuesday afternoon. \said. tion procedure substituted. |payable for a maximum of 60; The accident occurred at the) "Just as deplorable,"' the 1962. All years of credited service payable out of the SUB Trust will now be .counted in deter- cent Fund will be increased 25 per| IMPROVED VACATION PAY | PLAN The victim's injuries include|its opposition to health insur- ja fracture of the left femur andjance. Perhaps the time has come for both the medical associa- \tions and the Chamber of Com- 'on. pay ranging|# bump on the head. vy for employees} mining the amount of the bene ~amnle, an eligible Gen-| Present var fit. Currently, credited service eral Motors employee making|from 40 hours prior to age 30 is not counted. | per hour with 20 years of|with one yea: seniority to 120) TO CONVENE PROGRAM | nerce to get together with doc- Additionally, employees will|service would currently receivejhours pay for those having 15) Miss Ella Bearmore,|tors from those countries where be able to commence benefits|a separation allowance of $1,469.|or more years' seniority, will re-| president of District 5, Register-|universal health insurance has : : jat age 60 instead of present age|Under this Agreement he would|main unch ~ged. ied Nurses Association of|become an integral part of the _year, Cadet Corps Command- |65. In such event the benefit will receive $1,837. However, the minimum num-| Ontario, will convene the pro-|way of life, the PAC suggested. 470 Philip Murray s yg ing Officer F/L R. Gilbank jbe reduced on the same basis| Benefits for Employees with|ber of hours which an employee|gram during the two-day con-| "They may find that doctors ip Murray street, was is seen right as he congratu- which currently applies to vol-|Three Weeks' Vacation Pay: |must work. during the year pre-|ference to interpret a schooljand patients alike are in full awarded his wings following a le ots 7 ' °*"~ |untary early retirement. Employees who receive' three|ceding the eligibility date wil'|improvement program at St.|support of government-sponsor- scholarship in flying that was | ated Keith on his achieve- | Jmproved Benefits for Surviv- weeks' vacation pay and wholbe reduced from 1,400 to 1,000/Michael's Hospital, Toronto, onjed national' health insurance," awarded to him earlier this | ment. --Oshgwa Times Photo ling Widow: Benefits for a pen-jare on layoff in the week follow-lhours. 'Dec. 14, Mr. Lindsay said. AIR CADET RECEIVES HIS WINGS The' Oshawa. (Chadburn) | Air Cadet Corps held its an- nual Wings Paratle Tuesday night at Air Cadet Headquart- | ers located in Rotary Hall, Centre street. Sgt. Keift Brannigan 17, son of Mr. and the new three-year contract be- United Automobile Workers, pany and the unions in the GM ; i awa opened negotiations Sept. been that of keeping warm | sential. Seen here is a group | ae Pl morning. The contract is sub- | WAGE INCREASES ment factor wage increases of rate, whichever is higher, in Pinas now. under way by the|_ Straight Time Hourly Wage and District will result in an|nual Improve:ccnt Factor In- Rt. Rev. Monsignor Cross Roman Catholic Church,| Donevan failed to appear He|per month per employee to the|\campus. Known officially as tor Increase, 7 cents per] ed at ending a two-week strike|peared at strike headquartersjin its demands and around)|project of Rotary" the building cents per hour. car-hauling industry by rebel Halle Hinds A rebel spokesman said he! In addition, union officials an-|\Convention of Rotary in|Ward the elimination of em of Teamsters, Ind The new International Centre|) .narite m Union members were mailed] witness a vote count at 2.30 p.m./the settlement, Mr. McAfe> benefits for an employee an : he Friendly Relations with) ,oejqe . ing settlement talks between the|was not known Tuesday after-ness representative, Dominion) ¢, orse¢ i accident benefits. 'he|per cent of the Ford Motor|cocks Street. Directed by Mrs.| ALLOWANCE The letter claimed the com-jhas heard rumors that union chewan ' anmitin a i "4 : ; and Canadian students studying 1958 agreeme ; be con- while the men were back at!Teamsters office rather than ° 81958 agreement will be ¢ per cent of the Ford Production)ipe University the need rast-of-liv allowanc ll be fusal to count the ballots, re-/business representative termed contasliving AMOWANES. WA settlement with the western 4; ; saannnel 3 a TTT gr 5 creat " 2 7e ac- kept his part of the bargain. | scabs were trying to cause re- discussion groups and recreation' after the 1961 improvement fac peiveen ine See uate ant te a large extent financed by the|tive pay basis, the eight cents showed up at the church hall to|sion over religion, the 'scabs y |assistance from Trust Funds and| remaining five cents of the cur- - ; ., ; , I S t jis : vote, Monsignor Coffey turned| Rebels said the vote was de 0 uppor lwiderstanding and good will| adjustment. ment. to get them there had been an adjustment counting was postponed a half-| Meanwhile, Mr. McAfee an- | jCentre Board of Directors, the creased pensions and toward Teamster strike headquarters to) between the union and Dominion aila | Oshawa and District Labor building pensioners and their dependents. e ~ Au ud Chest Campaign support to the Oshawa Fire|SeTv¢ on the Board of Directors:| IMPROVEMENTS jers Association, in its attempt Art Kingsworth, Rotary Club of|ing with benefits commencing | red 1 week Governor and a member of the) year of credited service begin- pledges was subscribed in the} The ladies associated with the labor council, it was pointed out and member of the Leasidejuntil age 70 of $1.80 per month ard Fairthorne, campaign chair-|Ladies' Auxiliary performed the| Work week, between eight and/Member of the Aurora Club;|year of service. The present : cents per year of credited serv- He said that while this anount °f Commerce also undertook), 1n addition, by working a 42- CELEBRATING For example, an employee expected of an industrious and aking the campaign a success. | "quest for support pointed out 2 | $141.80 a month before age 70 % ,. |Ployees delegate, said firemen ; ;../committees and to my Co-|; The remainder of Mr. Fair. ; wishes to the following resi- |+ . I express imy|t re increased benefit will be $96.80 sincere thanks. "ieee 7 ier ach otiadlbada é ; th He birthdays today: itt if i 70 will phere, with more appreciation|;..., ' ' with a wife also age will re- brought the campaign to a working 48-hour weeks. Board of m Phone: largely due to " ; | Old Age Pension equal to $206.80 a e benefit will be grateful. 48-hour week he added. oni ' : story to the public. Informative} with benefits commencing prior CKLB supplemented the more) mt Gt 4s. Cenle. per year paign. Thanks are due to these! Early Retirement Benefits: and of time on the air: and to tirement between ages 60 and 65 sdvertienients aut fish € oa. conditions will also be increased dcive GH wake laineua te ce mentary benefit payable to age : Eligibility for Disability Pen- widespread acceptance of pay- from 15 years of credted serv- ably in excess of last .vear. By ; Improved Vested Pension come from all sections of the seniority with GM on or after those who had given time and| x. ice, will have his deferred children took part in a public year of credited service forjcreased 25 Per Cent: The Harold McNeill has for some efforts is demonstrated by the their luncheon meetings to pre- ren's public speaking contest! Mrs. Vernon Brannigan, of campaign workers to an infor- Following are the details of tween the Canadian companies of General Motors and the CLC, Representatives of the com- of General Motors of Canada , Bonfires around which they | wood pile near the South plant (panna 18 inter, one Limited since last Friday, has | warmed their hands, were es--| Tyesday afternoon. : . A : chi --Oshawa Times Photo /12. Final agreement was reach- during the chilly night hours. of pickets replenishing the * ______ ed in the early hours of this ject to ratification by the mem- pers of the local unions. 1] t B * ntre For | There will be annual improve- nopene e| O OX e six cents per hour, or 24% per cent of the employee's wage ' { e Students each of the three years of the Is n O 1ce usto agreement, as follows: y Rotary Clubs in Metro Toronto|Rates -- Less than $2 60 --An- Philip|Jerry Donevan to witness thejsion car-hauling firm, he said, International Centre being built) Crease, 6 cents ge" cant Mv Coffey, pastor of Oshawa's Holy|counting. has agreed to contribute the $12/on the University of Toronto|$2-99 Annual Improvemen Tuesday afternoon refused to|said-earlier he would aot go un-/Ontario Teamsters Welfare International Centre -- hour; lng "ot _ a ha count vote-by-mail ballots aim-|less. rebel representatives ap-/F'und, which the union has asked|University of Toronto «,alprovement Factor Increase, " i } . i F ich t strik ains ' "i Two cents an hour of the against the Ontario and Quebec\and extended him a personal/which the strike against the|wil] be completed by June 1964) 7 - : : linvitation. leastern division firm hinges in time for the International|!961 increase will be applied to- factions of the striking Local seach coetere bs 880, International Brotherhood would personally invite a dele-|ticipate at least 100 new drivers Toronto ployee oe a, gation of Local 880 members to will be put to work because of, surgical and medical expens will make possible an expansion|};. family ¢ ; letters, containing a ballot, ask-|today. Who will conduct the! said tae the. cll nie. Halk pauls his family, or oa ot ing them to return to work dur-|count and where it will be done) According to the union busi- 9, py insurance a : : sta Sch : seas Students (FROS) ie ae? eastern division car- aga ERE eee Auto Carriers will haul about 95/it, temporary quarters on Will-| COST-OF-LIVING auling firms. e rebel spokes ' Company of Canada production);,, Riddell. F.R.O.S. provides! The cost-of-living ¢ a panies were willing to negotiate|)members were advised to turn assigned to Alberta and Saskat- = Mi nattne place hty Ri ges i on the 'union's wage proposal|the letters and ballots into the c ' Until now, he said, rail and}+ the University With "ore tinued 4 ot Coffey, in his ml Atay Wohin, Leal Oo¥eloor char hs ford boone ane ee erent eee | ey cele ot the. Cannes ' t t the" j ; é { to the west. . nate: ae ¢ i unt 7 lee v . : manent quarters with adequate| transferred to the wage rate for cavasions poet hag A nupigrer aot ts ad "eerke beats Mr. McAfee said he hopes the facilities for social gatherings,Jeach day work classification p ae gal. $2 ' - g division company will be bene- facilities is very pres ¢ <a A ; "ee H 'as acilit s great r wag crea S$ a | He said, if both parties of the|ligious dissension among the ficial in contract negotiations . -- ne eid ab Ke i ee page ions alba soag es Bae union were represented, heunion membership by asking Sponsored 'by Rotary, and to vie fnigat would count the votes in their! Mon. Coffey to count the votes."}eastern division car-hauling in- : 4 ; a ke ; payee ; Rotary Clubs of the District, the will be added to the earned presence. Only the rebel faction He added by causing dissen-|dustry. <2) lpentact ta. attracting " financialirates. of: such employees. The witness the counting. were trying to cause a split in ; r sca ae ivi vance will i Companies who feel that this| rent cost-of-living allowance wi When he refused to count the|/the union. a venture in international|be' continued and subject to the ballot box, unopened, overjinitely a legal one and they Pp stage : of -livi "4 to the Oshawa' Police Depart-|were asked by several strikers| |that merits support One cent cost of living allow 'to do something Loc 1 465 | Through its President, Dr,| ance increase otherwise due if Slated to begin at.2 p.m. the|back to work for Christmas. a |Claude Bissell, who is honorary) --" 4 chairman of the International) 2S rg woona" 15, mg ig > hour while rebel faction repre-|noanced last night a contract I H salle pore ever eer ae sentatives sent a telegram tojhas been successfully negotiated| nh our ut ben said Aaa tortie onee the payment of one-half the cost invite union representative! Auto Carriers. The western divi-| | of hospital - medical benefits for Dime pea gk yun alloy Se Pee cae pags aes se Council voted Tuesday night to The following prominent Ro- eT i : | sand a letter of ghiotiation and) tatians head up the project and| PENSION PLAN Fighters Association, Local 465,28" Tupker, President, Rotary) Monthly Benefits Increased: of the International Fire Fight. Club of Forest Hill, Chairman; | Employees age 65 or over retir- |to have city fire fighters' hours Downsview, Secretary-Treasur- on or after November 1, 1961, epor resen e uced from 48 to 42 hours a(@': J- A. Turner, Past District) will receive $2.80 per month per . In a Fire Fighters communi-|©9Oksville-Dixie Club; Maurice} ning March 1, 1962, plus a new A total of $218,428 in cash and in getting the campaign started.| cation seeking support from the Rector, Past District Governor! supplementary benefit payable 1961 Greater Oshawa Com-|several Chest agencies and with) that if the association was suc-\Club; Fred Forrester, member| of credited service up to $55--a munity Chest Campaign, Rich-|the United Automobile Workers | cessful in obtaining the shorter of the Toronto Club; Bob Gundy,|total of $4.60 per month per amn. told the board of directors|arduous tasks of canvassing.|12 new jobs would be made Terry Moore, member of the! supplementary benefit of at a meeting Tuesday. Members of the Junior Chamber! available Whitby Club, ice up to 25 years will be con- is $3,428 in excess of the target, canvassing assignments. The re-| hour week, firemen would have |tinued after age 70. it is not beyond what should be sults of these added much to) Compatibility with industry, the ) a ed | with 31 years of service will re- enterprising: city the size of| To those who made up the oun : aoe; 5. Matanal BIRTHDAYS jceive a GM pension benefit at Oshawa. various campaign sub-| ubic service Em- ; : ' t tS t : Congratulations and best gaa ae $84.72 a a j ; Te n a strong labor city such as at present. ter age 70, the thorne's report follows: "ac gga gag ao Walter | this should certainly be entitled| dents of Oshawa and d:strict . The appeal was launched this : : Th : who are celebrating their |4 month year in a better informed atmos-|time and efforts of e personal) He said, however, there are i At age 70, a retired employee me and efforts of these people! still some workers in this city Mrs. Doris Ovenden of the services rendered by the|.....°. : zs : 5 } Ritson road north ' ceive total retirement income participating agencies. This was successful conclusion, for which) education school caretakers, of ; |from both GM and Government I am sure those who reap the which he is one, are still on a publicity and an excellent job a month. done by those who presented the For pensioners who retired itmes in The Oshawa Times,| to November 1, 1961, there is an The Oshaworker and over! additional supplementary bene- drect press and radio adver-| credited service. a tising originated for the cam-) Improved Disability and three news mediums for their Monthly pension benefits for generous contributions of space| disability retirement and re- the many firms and organ- . ee bp grein izations who donated newspaper! FS palcas pica Mhagos maa A their radio programs. to $2.80 per year of credited arly Sexpouces" Harkd Ga Service, plus the new supple- : D 70 of $1.80 per month per year couraging re sults from S0- of credited service up to $55. licitations and canvassing. With 1 Sion: Eligibility for disabilty peinthop nye py, op pee eroune pension benefits will be reduced a w otals consider- i Max ts Gene ice to 10 years of credited | E was service. finalized the support which had c of t Benefits: An eligible employee, eT ce oe age 40 or over, who breaks his ae eply 2 Vy November 1, 1961 and has at effort to the appeal. least 10 years of credited serv- More than 3,000 school monthly pension benefit in-|"°" --------speaking contest, based on the creased to $2.80 per month per| Separation Payments In-\ working days instead of the|crosswalk situated on Simcoc|PAC felt, 'is the Chamber of merits of the Chest appeal. j | é |present 14 working days in ajstreet south, near South Simcoe|Commerce rush to come to the service on and after January 1,/amounts of separation payments) calendar year. \School. jaid of the medical profession in years, directed this large under- taking and the success of his interest shown. The Rotary Club of Oshawa gave over one of sent the campaign story, with the winners of the school child-} taking part. General Motors invited all mative and inspiring kick-off dinner, which was a big assetl MS bs y '

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