16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1961 <.. Scicoacatne BUILDING PIPELINE Building B. C.'s First Pipeline For Crude Oil VANCOUVER (CP) -- Britishjat a 250,000-barrel tank farmyauthorized the pipeline, says it Columbia petroleum fields will]/for relay to Vancouver along is a '"'milestone in the develop- soon be tapping the multi-mil-/the Trans Mountain pipeline, ment of B.C.'s oil industry," he lion-dollar crude oil market of|built eight years ago to link the|:urecasts it will spark the the Vancouver area. Alberta fields with the West!"greatest search for oil in the The long reach from the oil-| Coast. |province's history." rich northeast corner. of the 7 , | 7 INV aN : i 75,000 BARRELS DAILY HEAVY INVESTMENT oy a te fartihor go -- The B.C. crude line will be| A spokesman for Western Pa- made along B.C.'s first oride operated by Western Pacific|cific said the project has al- i nipell Ber: tioducts and Crude Oil Pipe-|ready touched off investment of sea cesar : _ lines Ltd., a company formed $100,000,000 in drilling programs With completion or the 505-|hy Mr, McMahon's Westcoast|by 15 oil companies in the es- mile line in November, B.C.| Transmission Company. tablished fields. | producers loom for the first) The pipeline follows the right} By the end of the year, he time as rivals of Alberta fields/of way of Westcoast's 30-inch|said, 200 new wells will have now supplying most of the) gas line. Ultimate capacity will|/been sunk in the fields north of crude used by Greater Vancou-|he 75,000 barrels a day. But| Taylor and from 400 to 500 will ver refineries. Western Pacific has pegged in-|be completed before the fields The $31,500,000 project,|itial volume at 15,000 barrels|are fully developed. launched under the sponsorship} daily, rising to 25,000 by the) .Imperial Oil Ltd., is the first of Frank McMahon's natural|middle of 1962 and increasing|of the four refineries to take gas enterprise, is carrying further as the oil reserves of the B.C. crude. It will buy 7,000 i crude oil from the Peace River|area are developed. barrels a day for its 22,000-\% oil fields along a 12-inch line} The pipeline draws initially|barrel refinery at Ioco starting from Taylor, B.C., 500 miles|from oil fields at Blueberry, early in 1962. | northeast of Vancouver, to|Boundary Lake, Peejay, Wili-| In addition to the develop-|% Kamloops in the B.C. central-/ mint, Milligan Creek, Woodrush ment of existing fields, Western interior. and Beaton River, comprising a|Pacific expects the pipeline to|@ About 40,000 barrels of oil) string of 100 producing wells ex-| prompt extensive exploration in were pumpe dinto the line Nov.|tending 100 miles north of Tay-|other parts of the B.C. north- 22 and were due to reach Kam-'lor. land. The Canadian Petroleum loops about the end of the year.| Transport Minister Earle|Association estimates reserves At Kamloops it will be stored|Westwood, whose department| at 10,000,000,000 barrels. ej) fiom the worlds largest stocks of rum* Got abel Captain Morgan ri Bleich toh Captain Morgan RUM Captain Morgan Rum emeted Ont pests sm manctonaa BLACK LABEL--Dark 'in colour with a smooth and delightful flavour in: rum & cola, hot rum toddy,- rum old-fashioned, planter's punch, hot buttered rum, rum egg nog, rum flip, Tom & Jerry. DE LUXE--A superb rum of unexcelled quality, GOLD LABEL--A robust rum--giving a rich Captain Morgan and full-bodied taste to your favourite rum drinks. EXTRA LIGHT Golden in colour. WHITE LABEL -- An -extra-light rum, for a delicious rum & tonic, daiquiri and rum highball with cola, soda, ginger ale or water, *CAPTAIN MORGAN HAS THE LARGEST STOCKS OF RUM IN THE WORLD BIC SMOKE DAMAGE r SALE Starts Tomorrow, [Thurs.] 10 a.m. | Our Complete Stock | Of Men's and Boys' Wear ToBe Sold at | USe Your |HUGE REDUCTIONS!! | CREDIT The Values are Gigantic So HURRY Teo... DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY!! - 36 King St. E. >. ee ae ae aay ee