held in Peterborough on Nov- ember 18. The group decided that they would |, Weancel the Good Age Party of December 19, and the individuals concerned would be visited personally be the rangers as their Christmas con- tribution to the community. The Rangers had a successful excursion to Toronto, recently. They went to see the musica! production of "Bye Bye Birdie"' 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1961 WMS Groups Now Known By Number By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The final meet- ing of the year of the Lend-a- Hand Group of the Woman's Association of Brooklin United Church, was held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, at the new resi- dence of Mrs. Horace Grills. An article, "'Keeping Christ- mas Everyday" concluded the Christmas worship service. | The secretary read numerous Thank You notes for fruit, flow- ers and cards sent during No- vember to sick folk. The treasurer's report, by Mrs. Lioyd Bradley, revealed Prince Albert Sunday School cation Hall, for the purpose of receiving the report of the nom- inating committee. They will also elect officers to serve in each of the six units. Mrs. S. J. Hillier agreed to serve for a one-year term as leader of the Lend-a-Hand group as it is now known until Dec. 31, 1961. A decision was reached to send Christmas cards and re- membrances to sick, shut-in, Orono Rangers To Visit Aged By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO --The regular meet- ing of the Orono Rangers met on December 5 at the home of Sheila Barraball. Margot was contacted by the district com- ! $ missi with her apologies on é hospital patients, and residents|the failure of the trip to the|which was presented at the} Education Hall, and approx-|of Fairview Lodge. Provincial Rangers conference|O'Keefe Centre. imately $70 from 'Country & Store" booth supervised by) PRABARABIBABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABEBELIBABABABABABABABABABAB! S members of Lend-a-Hand Group) it's from Bl RKS for Christma at the Woman's Association) Lipp IT'S FROM BIRKS 2 8B bazaar and tea on Dec. 2. td op the sum of $119 gained from catering to banquet for Teach- ers' Federation at Christian <=] ed appreciation to all who as- sisted with the above projects, to raise money for work of United Church and debt against the Christian Education Hall, which is steadily diminishing. Tentative plans were formed to hold a farewell tea at the home of Mrs. N. Swanson, Prin- cess street, in honor of Anne and Katherine Howden, for many years residents of Brook- lin village and now residing in Oshawa and Toronto. At the beginning of 1962, the Woman's Association and the Posts Record Woman's Missionary Society Hewat ay le BEACOCE |will merge into one body to be aharstics tundey 8 god oo | known as United Church Croxall, Manchester, who sang| omen. ihew : two vocal solos accompanied on he six groups of the woman 5 the organ by Mrs. G. Hunter Association, who for over 25 era *_\years have been held under eae Sunday Schoo! atendance|name groups, will now be class B, Jeffs expressed the privilege Be or ee Ape Snowe oy im having a missionary to speak : ' 4 on African experiences. A special business meeting of vais missionary nartated for| United Church Women will be har own. colored film, which in-(Deld, on Tuesday evening, Jan. trpduced to us the leadership in) : : a the daily life of a capable mis- EBEBEBEBEBA BE PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 13, 14, 15, 16 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES! IBEBEAB Et The leader, Mrs. Cook, extend-| "i! ,, Jb 5 . be 2¢ c B PABABIBEBEBABABABABABABABABABaBaBaBABA ABABEBABABABABABEBABEA BaBEABE r k on bers. TOMATO JUICE sibnary. The following had birthdays: Miss Wilson, Mrs. R. Butson, Pat Thompson, Jim Martyn and Douglas Blain. The GNS Club party will be on Monday, Dec. 11, at the home returned from a three-week holi- day visiting friends and rela- tives in Sarnia and Montreal area. - Mr. and Mrs. Don Hubbert and family, Peterborough, were jrecent guests of Mr. and Mrs. |F. Gibson and Ronald. IGA FANCY C 48-0Z. TINS "CAN WE COUNT ON YOU" OSHAWA JOINT BUSINESS of Mrs. Wm. Peel. Bring a doll,; * toy or children's clothing | oat gal Mrs. na ag ic agwor Wak held in. thee (eo ee ne ee church parlors Monday night Mrs. J. Doupe to Toronto and when relatives and friends|sttended church services. Also assembled to honor a recently a ag ge Rie ona Soeeat Doak Mr. and Mrs. undergone three major opera- First number consisted of sev- po etal guitar selections by Bonnie Pugh; an interesting contest by Mrs. B. Smith; piano number by Mrs. B. Snelgrove; and a réading by Mrs. Wm. Peel. | 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Chambers, | Brooklin, have purchased the! Mr. Mev. Gerrow new home. It ig reported they will move in, in the new year. Mr. and Mrs. Huott and fam- ily, Blackstock, are residing in the Mr. Ben Smith house. Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson have/ the Premier Egg Cup by ROYAL WORCESTER A charming and original gift idea for the gourmet-cooks...or, treat yourself. The secret is in the fireproof English porcelain container (with recipe attached); choice of three attractive designs. 4-75 boxed set of two BIRKS JEWEA LER S FANCY PEAS cneen 35° BICK'S PICKLES 45° TEA BAGS 93° BUY ONE PAIR CAREFREE SEAMLESS NYLONS ONLY 98: PAIR GET ONE PAIR FREE! PRODUCE DEPT. POTAT ONTARIC NO. | 50-LB. BAG BUBABUBUBABABABIBIBABABABABABEBABs ABIBABABABEBABABABABABEBABE BEAUTYREST AND MARSHALL REPAIRS |: SPRING MATTRESSES COM- PLETELY REBUILT LIKE NEW. TWO-DAY SERVICE. AND OTHER EIDERDOWNS _ RE-COVERED. DAY -- 728-6451 NIGHT = 723-8191 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3511 SWEET CNT AnS Deere oe ABABEBABABABABABEBEBEBEBEBABABABABABABABABABBEBEBABABAB aBaBaBaBaBasi MIXED " 32-0Z. LAST OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE '150 | SPECIAL ALLOWANCE to the customers of (Gonsumers' ("las For our customers who use gas for cooking, water heating or clothes drying but not for home heating this is a golden opportunity. You can replace your present heating with economical modern gas --at a saving you can't afford to miss -- IF YOU ACT NOW! JEBABABABABAIBABaBa BaB wo EVERSWEET RINDLESS MAPLE LEAF IGA ORANGE PEKOE PKG. OF 60 2-LB. TIN 2-LB. BOX IGA ROYAL GOLD 8-0Z, PKGS. SWANSON'S FROZEN 8-0Z. PKGS. TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS $ 00 150 allowance on the purchase price of any gas-fired forced air furnace, conversion burner, ¢ravity furnace or boiler. id) ~ ---- EXAMPLE 1: FORCED AIR FURNACE Regular Price (approx.) $625.00 Less Allowance 150.00 $4750 WEEKLY ON YOUR GAS BILL Completely Installed ONLY '2.50 "EXAMPLE 2: CONVERSION BURNER SAVOURY TROPICAL FLAVOR BANANAS TENDER GARDEN FRESH NO. 1 BROCCOLI NO. 1 NEW CROP CALIFORNIA CELERY Gant 2 ws. 29° LARGE ¢ ORIG, BUNCH 29° OCEAN SPRAY NO. 1 GRADE 2 CRANBERRIES 29° College Hill IGAssiawa 1-Ib, Regular Price (approx.) $249.00 Pkgs. Less Allowance 150.00 Completely Installed %99-9° o N LY & 0 WEEKLY ON YOUR DO IT NOW! PAYMENTS CAN BE DEFERRED UNTIL APRIL Ist, 1962 * Consumers' ("as Oshawa Expects Every Citi to do his D h i 48 SIMCOE SOUTH ryt PHONE 723.3468 T1-oz, Pkg. 12-02, Pkg. 3-Ib. Cello LARGE STALKS ° Completely insiotied in your present furnace, with all controls 1-LB. CELLO NO. 1 GRADE EXPIRES DECEMBER 30th, 1961, 166 ADELAIDE ST. OSHAWA, LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE COURTICE, ONTARIO. BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY. " OSHAWA. Hope IGA Store rorr rerry Bilsky GA 9 osawa * Moior City IGA TABLERITE BLADE" 3.32" 55 ROAST ». C ROASTS 0.09 SIDE BACO | re. Pure Pork SAUSAGE ». 45° COFFEE saxcon mm @5* COLA CRUSH or AMERICA tox 79° 1.59 CHRISTMAS PACK 1 PIE CRUST MIX xcs, QS CRACKERS ">. me, OO" SLICES MACARONI 69- OES EXTRA * "3! $32 sont Shs MAZOLA OIL 22, C SUPER FAB ™*" ing [Tce oe wees ,ROTHMAN'S CIGARETTES ! rage BOLOGNA "a COOKING ONIONS Lansdowne IGA Beckstead IG CANADA'S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF SHORT RIB ne, 9 9* CHOPPED SUE MINCEME A MAPLE 43° 4c OFF 1-LB, CHOCOLATES =. 'mae' QQ* CHEESE 27: & CHEESE RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH... SERVIETTES Wi" Be = King Size Filter Ctn, of 200 | BANDED TV. DINNER Dyl's IGA South End IG RITSON ROAD S. OSHAWA