Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1961, p. 9

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. proauced by the gruelling task THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1961 9} Women Advise of pre-Christmas shopping; the . jaangers of icy roads; the step-|... +9 ne} ee A | Fett] b p achieve this goal: {and others' are not worth the To Allay Fatig ue eg schedule . Whether you are driving a car"few seconds gained. | ae are Se eee or not, avoid overtiredness by|; When entertaining at home| : sites sae AUXILIARIES Honoring District Commissioner By Rest Breaks minutes off at regular intervals taking regular coffee or tea|during the holiday season, be} - : iy ss CHALLENGER GROUP | | Entertsiament was gon og been ones ---- The regular meeting of the! "If we took as much care of eee on iar caver ac een, |ovre to serve coffee or another] by the executive at the Chatet- Ee moe 7 1s ¢ ei gee aq | Challenger Group was held re-|ourselves as we take of OUT|oine hot beverage. Organize your day's activities alertness beverage before your| Saat meeting of the eo Girl Misc M ee a: Wallon tobe at Cently at Albert Street United|automobiles, we'd probably live! «tinjoss we take these breaks|2head of time. Aim to do what | guests leave. pe' Ppceie od Cn oe i eye leh was narrated |church with the president, Mrs.|much longer," today declared|ie rest and revitalize our sys-|YU Plan to do, and no more. honor the new Parkwood Dis-by Mrs. Frank Ball. A presenta-|""ed Coleman presiding. Mrs. S. Hayes, ape can |tems, whether at home or dur-| If you are driving home, par- MORE DOGS | trict Commissioner, Mrs. F. M.|tion was made to Mrs. Jamieson} Mrs. Edward Holland had|tional Council of Women of Can-ling a shopping spree, the dan-|ticularly during rush hour, don't} VANCOUVER (CP) -- Police trict Commissioner, ers Owilat the conclusion of the skit. Two|Ch@?ee of the devotional period.|ada, in a statement supporting| gor of accidents increases," sheltry to pick up a few. seconds| be! George Archer wants more| s > . ; \Mrs. Harry Longbottom|Safe-Driving Week. y Pp ip con *| police dogs in 1962, He says the! rownhi . ' I | ; a f |says. Se sctaiaae ountat or os mn cede, sey ded! read the Scripture lesson. Mrs.| "As we get closer pig She calls on all women to/bY beating a red light or pass-|force's dog section should be) this leader. With the announce-| The president, Mrs. C. E jErnie Sargeant sang two solos.;mas we are inclined 'to force make every effort this year to|ing on the right-hand side. The|boosted from its present six to Gael "ts ie Year Lith, \Cccoclicn orecidad for the brial eee glee tay _werejourselves Devons Gur, nie, (reduce scogeue toth oa thelchences you take with your life|20 for next year. Noreen Jamieson", a surprised Subinwds taselan Sarentarse read by Mrs. Stewart Graham, |she says. We know that a cal qnen highway and on city streets Goinmilasionet was led to thélrenort was given by Mrs. Arnold Mrs. _ Victor Phair and Mrs.jneeds gasoline to keep it run-lhy making sure that they keep| seat of honor while members of and the sgegpihen "Mrs. Douglas David McCann. jning, 1a I've yet rag se alert and maintain their| the Committee, by pantomime|Kirki : he fi sachal te.| Mrs Harry Longbottom readjone admit that under heavy |officiency. | oe Kirkland, gave the financial re \the minutes, also a yearly report|stress and strain the human] wrs. Hayes offers a few point. and words, drew a yes - port. of cards, flowers, and fruit sent/system also needs refueling." ' rd Mrs. Jamieson's ~_ eal yy' Mrs. Cornelius introduced the |to the sick and shut-ins during} Mrs. Hayes appeals to all) tS ing, as it centred around the|,.. Brown Owl, Mrs. Victor |the year. Mrs. Clayton Lee gave|women across the country to! LET'S HAVE A PARTY In 2nd. a is 4 Brass and Miss Marilyn Weldon, |the treasurer's report. jrealize the dangers of fatigue, | From a prow mot 'ai hewng ed Parkwood District Guider was, Birthday greetings were sung|particularly while driving. She § piace your order for punch bowls, 8) t ing her ge get ment in| aiso welcomed. for Mrs. Stephen Salmers. |warns against depriving the sys- [lice buckets and other, party items ; a Brownies, the wor gee Pro-| arrangements were made for| All members are reminded of|tem of much needed broaks at /§"™ me ree : ns big] gressed through her offices in rownie Christmas party on the Christmas party at eal time of the year when the! Sargeant s Rental } ° | 3 i to : * | pe bcc ol leas ween Oni Monday, December 18, when|home of Mrs. George Ford,|daily routine presents additional 725-3338 "het tabi Mrs. H. L. Kells, Mrs. Harry|Huron street, December 20, and| hazards. oe et | eee ae Bays, Mrs, Douglas Kitkland|*xchange of gifts. __In order to combat fatigue' au man oam rea Ss Parents Present Playlet GROUPS, CLUBS | | | intme id Dis- | omer pent Be egy + do C. Eland Mrs, C. E. Cornelius would! | help serve the refreshments Cornelius, Mrs, H. L. Kells, Mrs. The Guide Christmas party was scheduled for Wednesday, De-| ' IODE Announces |cemer 13. | D c Mrs. Cornelius announced the} vy, nex! rummage sale would be! tok Graduate Awards Wednesday, February 21 at the \ $26,000 for thirteen overseas|CRA and bundles will be put : > scholarships has been awarded|aside for the giant rummage ? First and Seer sale to be held by the Oshawa er ea Pan ~~ Division later in February. of BUEHLER'S LOW, LOW PRICES War Memorial Funds, Peter L. Robinson, president of; Mrs. Cornelius expressed her the National Chapter IODE an- thanks to Miss Shirley Temper- z ; 3 | nounced today. __ {ton who has been helping in the|} § i; rig é : « Junior Sandman. Put these in the Two of these scholarships Guide Company. Mrs. R. J.| Y os PL see Pe | youngsters' stockings! They'll love the valued at $2,000 each have been|Manning, Adelaide District es : ' ' colourful corduroy, the bouncy foam rubber granted to Ontario students. |Guider has also been generous| : RRS see : midsoles. Non-marking leather outsoles are Embroidered John Alexander Wilson Gunn, jin her help. oe i 66 Barrie street, Kingston, On-| The next meeting of the Com-| a oe | oN "GET THE PICK | en ne ere Snow-W hite tario, who is at present a lec-| mittee will be -held the first! graduated from that University|pe 9 sewing project night. iene te ; A; % Blouses a ® turer at Queen's University,| wednesday in February and will] ; f OF TH E FLOCK wih ist class honors in 1959) ; ' i 4 5: | The meeting concluded with Dh es Oo d y and in the following year ob jpot luck refreshments and an Caf : r er our tained his Master's Degree in Political Science at the Univer- exchange of Christmas gifts. -| me : 3 sity of Toronto. He intends to| . ' : * enroll at Oxford University NEWS IN BRIEF g where he will work towards his Doctorate in Philosophy. | Ny ' ate ai : | | ; Th i Joan Templeton Honey, 467 TEST FOR RADIATION : 3 : a Princess avenue, London, On-| HULL, England (CP)--The ' itp '4 ' : tr tario, graduated from the Uni-| port health authority here has a i 4 versity of Western Ontario this|decided to test for radioactivity ie Tae Chatelaine. She'll get style plus comfort spring with 1st class honors and/a!l vessels that arrive in port ie ee : when you give her these dainty wedge-heeled also received the Board of Gov-|after sailing through areas that W | | satin slippers. The woven pattern is beauti- ernors' Gold Medal in English|may have been affected by ; 3 as fully accented with gold thread. Washable and History. At the present time |atomic fallout. $4.98 she is enrolled in the Graduate} School of the same University MUST BE REAL where she is working towards) BOURNEMOUTH, England iy her Master's Degree. Next year|(CP)--People have been told i she plans to attend the Univer-|they must not put artificial sity of London, England. flowers on graves in cemeteries eo Mrs. R. C. Bennett, Hamilton,|at this Hampshire city. Offi- War Memorial Secretary, Na-|cials say these are an excuse tiora) Chapter IODE, will pre-|for people not visiting regu- Boneless Round Steak Roast lh. / 9 sent these scholarships to thir-|larly, and that plastic daffodils teen students across Canada. [regularly "blossom" in mid- These IODE Scholarships are|summer. E ] R R tenable at any British Univer- oneless ump oast their loveliness sity and: are offered for post-/ SCARCE FEATHERS S : é ' -- study to Canadian stu-) LONDON al sig Legs these delicately ents. |\fanciers are awaiting the death . ves Many of the former winnersjof a condor, a South American BONELESS POT ROAST . LB, 49¢ ' . £3 ; detailed ot IODE War Memorial (Over-|vulture, at the London Zoo. : Sigic . g bl . seas) Scholarships 'aré now/|Condor feathers are used in the --_---- ouses will recognized leaders in their re-|18th-century instrument, and re-} spective fields of endeavor. (placements are hard to find. | Freezer BEEF SIDES . Executive. Please the men.on your list with Fi raft put stars these sturdy corduroy house shoes, Made va in Nef CYS oe | » i j Special a CUT AND WRAPPED Ib without nails or stitching, the foam rubber @ Easily. cared > : ay 3 ie ir ear FREE! | | Lmpeccable in soles are welded on, can't come loose! r bc, Washable. $3.98 for with little or no ironing, a Prices are DOWN! | SHORT RIB ROAST ema itntet (Fue no concer a~. csatucae BONELESS, SHOULDER Ib. conntort ond tone iver. \2 NO STATCHING tiful you can During ~ : pick th | POT ROAST CRAFTED BY KAUF blindfolded... i » | | ; Makers of Snowbelles, Kingtreads, Packar Is and sil S a P FH F i S 0 K S LEAN, SLICED and waterproof foorwaas i lak de , ' COOKED HAM v. 89° | Gigantic... | DANCEY'S aaa SELL OUT SALE | BACKBACON ™ »55:| 7") as % or Whole 65° © Sliced .79¢ || gM 21 siémcorst.n, DIAM | ee bone coh SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS uv 39* | st BURNS NeNNawwWeaauw for a heavenly Christmas... Yshawa 725-4611 1 1 ' ; i, to p OFF! See What 1.00 Will Buy J J "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded' 10. 14> 18k GOLD sigeeyer rane OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 TO CLEAR ao 23.95 5.00 WITH ANTENNA .. 29.95 LOOK !! Men's and Ladies' yy Price Off I z : 55 KING E, (Corner of Albert) OSHAWA iamon atches Be / z | PHONE = Inudes 39.95 10 39500 7 FREE Bf BUY 4 LBS. SAUSAGE MEAT didn maly/ @ AT REGULAR PRICE .... 1.00 1 Ladies' and Gents' WHITBY | ot PRICE | BIRTHSTONES | WHITBY PLAZA PHONE Mo 8-4901 If eee " Feeee '. 56.89 iCatingt ned, Y) PRICE PHONE MO 8-3412 8 4 J, JEWELLERS : | oNor Z, wey V4 KING ST. EAST === -- 723-4822 \ Sc me tp | co LLI nN S SH OES | BREAN 5 BORNE 25 'lie | 119 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY MoO 8-3476 RIB STEW BEEF WEDDING RINGS LAMB' STEW EXCEPT SATURDAY RADIO SPECIAL LAMB STEW. | sox | es | style - Lite Shovs. PATTIES | pe pik hl SAUSAGE 107 eat ST. WEST WHITBY WATCHES on SHOULDER PORK CHOPS a ONE MO 8-488] és SMOKED BACON SQUARES SLICED BREAKFAST BACON FLATWARE! 1847 Rogers Bros, : | Agnew Su rpass Shoe Stores | A JOHN NORTHWAY GIFT CERTIFICATE -OPEN ALL ADDITIONAL SHOPPING HOURS UNTIL XMAS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KING AT SIMCOE Value to 30.00 Nationally advertised mekes. --~S y . , UPTO ; ANY OF THE ABOVE ONLY - $1.00 MODEL SHOE STORE = al re) uston S hoes a, Peter Pan collar, pear! button front. Carritice Value G E T : 4 L B i ; F R E E 3b, Johnny collar, pearl button front. 5. 98 ea. |} DOWNTOWN : es ( ST F a Fe EN S 0 i | S DWNTOW PP re DOWNTOWN OPEN DAILY 9.30 TO 9... . SATURDAY TILL _ | | 3S ,SHCOE ST. 8, owe 725-c671 122 BROCK ST. $. ®

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