THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tarsday, December 12, 1961 ; and become a unit of one group GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES MEDITATION GROUP The Meditation Group of Cedar Dale United Church met recently. The meeting opened with a prayer by the president, Mrs. Frank Singer. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. J. F. Norton. Sentence prayers were given by Mrs. Fred Williams, Mrs. John Johns and Mrs. Earl Hoy. Mrs. Albert Porter read the minutes and the roll call. Letters of thanks were re- ceived from the Overseas Re- lief Fund, for the bale of clothes, and from the sick in the community for flowers and cards sent. Mrs. Frank Singer, Sr., gave a reading, "Age is a Quality of Mind." Mrs. Harry Mellow, vice - president of the Women's Missionary Society Presbyterial, sent a letter ex- tending good wishes' to the group for the future when the WMS groups cease to function President, Mrs. Roy Smith- ers; vice-president, Mrs. John Horky; secretary, Mrs. D. F. Morrison; treasurer, Mrs. R. J. Bowers; social convener, Mrs. L. N. Daniel; sewing convener, Mrs. R. J. Orr; uniform con- vener, Mrs. J. H. Snyder; Sun- shinee, Mrs, R. J. Wiltshire; phone conveners, Mrs. Kenneth Blencowe, Mrs. Ross Edmunds, Mrs, H. A. Pretty, Mrs. A. T. McLaughlin, Mrs. A. R. Tole, Mrs. G, E. Deegan. The meeting was preceded by a dessert luncheon and the ex- changing of gifts. ST. GEORGE'S AFT. WA The business and devotional meeting of St. George's Memor- ial Church Afternoon Branch, WA was held December 7. Roll call was answered by 26) members. Mrs. John Sawyer opened the meeting with pray-! ers and a hymn was sung. Pray- CRANBERRY-NUT-CHEESE CAKE No Baking Is Required How to Protect Your Roses Against Ravages of Winter Now is the time to protect your roses against winter in- jury, advises Professor J. C. Taylor of the Horticulture De- partment, OAC. A little care spring. Start by drawing up the soil arouno the base of the bush to a height of several inches. Then, after the ground is frozen, add an additional covering of straw or leaves. On top of this, place some cedar brush, twigs or | _|sion, be sure that the ground is) a ieeaen before adding these mate-| rials. SAVOURY BURGERS 2-3 cup (small can) undiluted evaporated milk \1 egg 1% pounds ground beef The covering against frost. also remain the bushes with soil. Climbing or rambling roses pro- -- tect. Tie the canes together and jbend. them as close to the are more difficult catches snow which drifts in among the brush and gives good protection The snow will longer Binow will pay dividends in the| would on bare ground. Frost heaving which occurs in the spring often causes root damage. Protective covering not only provides shade but helps to overcome this trouble. You may be in an area where \the winters tend to be severe.|, branches. To avoid mice inva-|!f 80. try completely covering than to the }ground as possible without dam- aging them. Then fasten to a |slake and carefully cover them |with soil. If this cannot be done, wrap the canes with straw and bur- Jap and leave them attached to their support. : PARTY PUFFS it A tempting topper turns rounds of toast or crackers into tasty tid-bits for the canape tray. Beat one egg white until stiff but not dry; then fold in a quarter of a cup of mayonnaise, a couple of teaspoons of minced onion or a dash of onion juice, little Worcestershire sauce and a cup of drained canned salmon. Lightly pile onto hot toastt rounds or similar canape base and broil a few minutes until bubbly and lightly brown- ed. Serve hot. ers for prayer partners, Miss! For This Glamorous Dessert | % cup fine cracker crumbs Connie Colpas and Miss Mabel| ' 1 teaspoon salt Jones. a read by Mrs.| Party foods are given a help-jed. Cool thoroughly. Beat cot- 1% teaspoon garlic salt Charles. Gibbs. A letter was|ing hand by the splendid whip-|tage cheese until creamy. Add| % teaspoon pepper read from Miss Connie Colpus. |Ping ability of instant pasteur-|pudding mixture and continue|1 teaspoon prepared mustard "\speaking of her fine leadership| Mrs. William Collins read the|Zed powdered skim milk. Whip beating until mixture is blend-| 4% cup finely chopped celery Get More for Less! Go by Train. given to the group for so many|scripture lesson. Minutes were|Ping quickly into light, anes ae ss 'i mo . | % cup finely chopped onion | PHONE: 723-4122 - 723-4512 years, and expressing the wish|read. Mrs. E. A. Seeley gave mounds that are both economi-. Combine skim milk powder) Biend all ingredients togetHer : 7 "Ps | veasurer's repor Mrs.|Cal and low in calories, instant and ice water and whip until ynti) well-mixed. Form into six _|she continue in her office for ajthe treasurer's report Phi pasteurized powdered skim milk|soft peaks form (3-4 minutes).|patties and broil 5-7 minutes on CANADIAN NATIONAL [forms the base for a variety/Add lemon juice and continueleach side (or to your family's| of party desserts. Here is a deli-|whipping, while gradually add-|taste), Makes six servings. 63.61 '|{much longer period. \Charles Tuck read the gave the closing prayer. Mrs. H. W. Browne gave an cate cranberry nut cheese cakeling 4 cup sugar, until | 4\in the church. '| At the close of the meeting, 4\Mrs. F. J. Norton presented Mrs. Frank Singer with a ham- 4/mered aluminum serving tray, GOING WEST Ask about CN's "ALL INCLUSIVE" travel plan to Winnipeg and west. The Reverend John Porter|spondence. interesting talk the Study | S A (OSEROSHNE Ta OR. He. QUOT) peaks form (3-4 minutes long-| e Wonees Leacuuie ot Book. Mrs. George Puckett etl = * ger cers paarys er). Fold whipped skim milk) 'en 0 Dorcas report. Mrs. Thomas|\CRANBERRY CHEESE CAKE) owder. egg whites and 1 cu :|Knox Presbyterian Church met), d suits i f powder, egg , cup recently for a pot luck supper|<°st 2 ge rae ee, (Makes 8-10 servings) \chopped walnuts into pudding| with 24 members present. to. sick P| ee ad pray. Package (3% ozs.) lemon | mixture. Pour into ring mould) After supper the meeting Mrs. eh . Wo * rea ik pudding mix jover- cornflake mixture. Chill! opened with the singing of|r/* Or en i terne snaver 2 tablespoons (2 envelopes) until set (about 3 hours). Un- carols, accompanied at the nited pchage Ris dis I ced unflavored gelatin mould. | piano by Mrs J. L. Beaton. Mrs. Harry Campnel reported 9 cups cranberry juice Crumb Mixture: Blend %4 cup} | Scripture and prayer were ee ne living. cage Mavle cocktail crushed cornflakes with 1 table-| jread by. Mrs. L. S. Blair. A I at ee Ba Thala: 14 cup sugar spoon sugar and 1 tablespoon poem was read by the presi-| "Cal Hospital, Aangra, = incia, 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten |melted butter. Press crumbs| dent, Mrs. Jack Taylor. |Inglis House, Toronto, Beverly cup cream-style cottage over bottom of 9-inch ring The secretary and treasurer Lodge, Toronto, and the church- cheeed arbi: canary yellow or in colors to | gave reports. wardens, ; 14 cup pasteurized powdered match a child's room, decor- Volunteers for Hillsdale A parcel of household linen skim inilk ated with buttons and rick- |Manor on January 10 are Mrs./Was packed December 7 4 4 1% cup ice water rack, Kanga has five handy |Bert Montgomery, Mrs. E. M. burnt-out Indian family at Mon-'5" tablespoons Temon juice pockets and is irresistible to |Moody, Mrs. James Heath, Mrs.|'Teal Lake. cup sugar children of all ages. Directions |Malcolm McGregor. Next meeting egg whites, stiffly beaten for making may be obtained | The next meeting will be January 9. seting 96 members|{ CUP chopped walnuts by sending a stamped, self- |held on Tuesday, January 9, After the meeting 26 members ji Walnut halves : i 4 sjand six guests sat down to a rageieg Wal * | Socdieeork gg wart ee Payline uk kine Christmas supper. The guests. Combine pudding mix, gela-jtail picks and serve hot with a) Say Re ) ; : 3 : |were the Reverend C. D. Cross|tine, cranberry juice, 1% cup peppy dip made by blending} pion Made of dura | Kan mig Caddy greeted _ members of the OCVI|2"d daughter Barbara, the Rev-/sugar and egg yolks in sauce Caual parle OF ANCE ane: wool felt is turquoise and! ten canis for handling § Band entertained with several/erend and Mrs. Donald Wilson|pan. Cook over low heat, stir- chili sauce, with a liberal dash j J ge ge ee BIIPPI IIS IIIa Women's Welfare League Hears tie Counts! Cun of conve spiminiaiziziat m . monthly meeting in Church Sun- A C © S 2 ] f PARKWAY Progress Report of Simcoe Hal] zy sehoot att, with ts 'and hristmas Special from | presiding. : The Reverend W. J. Dickson of the Women's Welfare League.|Manor, the members of the P 1 read the On behalf of the Cerebral Palsy/Golden Jubilee Chapter of the Mis.,2ean Feet t RCA VICTOR ao. 6UIN that requires no baking. A BEDSIDE HOLD-ALL KANGA BED CADDY de- signed by Prims holds just about everything to delight a child -- crayons, coloring or comic book, hankies, pencils, or even the contents of a young gentleman's pockets at bedtime. And Kanga the Kan- garoo's spacious pouch is just the spot to place~ surprise CANAPE CUE | Here's a quick fish stick trick to keep in mind for holiday} parties. Oven heat fish sticks ac-| cording to package directions.| Cut each into three or four| pieces, spear with colored cock- V4 will be held ,'? -' selections and Cathy. 'ring constantly, until thicken- of tabasco. street United Church held its Mrs. Harold Whitbread, Sr. Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite pre-jthe Golden Age Club members sided for the quarterly meeting/living at Hillsdale and Halliday| .,.qucted the devotional period. New 1962 Parent Council, the president)IODE for serving the Thursday FTO fs pl 4 thanked the members of thejevening refreshments for the| ra Bo Med gr seis League for their support of the)Golden Age Club; the West-| 4 chicken dinner, followed by recent bazaar. Mrs. H. F. Millen|mount Kiwanis Club for super- bowling was decided on for the reporting for the Property and/vising and sponsoring the Junior| December meeting on Saturday, Maintenance Committee com-|rish and Game Club; the Cere-| December 16. mented on the excellent service)} 74; palsy Parent Council for| Crokinole was played and re- er ols ean Mr- | assisting with the Crippled|freshments served. 1 and Treat- Mrs. C. M. Elliott, convenor| Children's School 16TH PARENTS' COMMITTEE of the welfare committee read|™Ment Centre. The 16th Parents' Committee the following reports for October Mrs. E, V. Lander, Mrs. Johnof the Girl Guide Association, and November: Galbraith, Mrs. C, Oke and Mrs.jheld its December meeting re- Groceries were issued to 20 iis vt " : t St. Matfhew's Church families and prescriptions ar-\: Davey for assisting with the|cently at St. : ranged for nine persons; ot paret Coliaren's ae: Ron ding, A, W.. Crowells 'pre: ; ing our| Heard for assisting with the)" r ° ' snr pg pong pnd gymnasium activities; Edward| Roll call showed a ---- welfare. Bus tickets issued to|Kolodzie for supervising the|and a surat ee he DE. two students attending op- Boy's Stamp Club; Bernard | Utes Mehdi soe ba oh 'We. portunity classes and arranged, Muzeen for supervising the| Morrison ang aise seeante' Gk. the purchase of shoes for stu- | Boss' Rien § ae = a gave the treasurer's re- tole lub; Walter Cole, Susan Fud- eee j Palins ction sod anced: ta ger, Merle Cole, Mike Childer-| A Visit to Hillsdale Manor i ib: tani Ghose Sepaited for hose and the many teen-agers | Planned by the Girl Guides, man and arranged overnight|{0r. assisting with the archery|When they . will entertain and accommodation for man. Ar-\"lUb; Alvin Tilk for assisting) Serve Lilie mrepeipny snaea'to have gas turned ontWil (he. Boys', Chess. Club; It was decided to purchase a pig, stg enti ' John Matthews, Fred Rowley,|gift for all Guides receiving for a family( to be repaid).' Gi) Graham, Bob Goddard, Ber.\their Gold Cord. Arranged purchase of school nard Muzeen, Andy Callison,,_ Mrs. R. J. Manning, District supplies for three students; | Bernard Derry, Ted Bathe, |Guider installed the officers for 2993 articles of used clothing; Dave Kelly and Don Brunt,|1962 as follows: were issued during this period.| members of the Y's Men's Club,|~~ eee Mrs. W. H. T. Morehouse re-|for supervising our basketball|teryiews with children, 50; ) 16,916, an basketball Brady for supervising basketball) increase of 1,347 over the same = 4 with approved trode COMPLETE WITH LEGS Model 237382 RCA VICTOR delivers the best picture you've. ever seen! The ex- clusive RCA VICTOR "NEW VISTA" Tuner gives you up to 45% more picture-pulling power . . . brings in distant or hard to get stations. Why say more! Prove it to yourself! COME IN and SEE the DIFFERENCE for YOURSELF! @® 6 MONTHS FREE SERVICE @ "Your Color TV Store" PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Se ee ee ee ee Mee ae Mae ee Mae perted that over 40 groups met}teams, Frank Leblanc, Jim|fice interviews with adults 4 at Simcoe Hall in addition to)/Rowden, Marcel Boivin, Eric) November: Attendance 6,565: Nursery School and Crippled|Burke and Terry LeBlanc, mem-' visits to homes, 30: office Children School. Mr. Harold Mc-\bers of our Junior Leaders|terviews with children, 48: Neill, Director of Simcoe HalljCorps, for their assistance with| j : stated a tota! of 18 teams par-|day to the 3 in- of- 33. . v +0 sagt! ete ot ge orl a * . * * eh fice interviews with adults, i DIAL 723-3043 Total day programs; Jim attendance ae to! ont WER oF ticipated in leagues, Miss Madeline Kelly for) period last year. GROWING MEMBERSHIP stance in craft work with) ----------- 5 The attendance at the Golden the Teen-age Girls' Clubs; Miss Age Club has been very good,)Gail Armstrong for her help with an average attendance for|with the senior girls' groups; the past three months of 91. The|Neil McRae, Sr., and Neil Mc- membership in the Golden Age|Rae, Jr., for supervising the Club has doubled in the past\boys' drum and bagpipe class- five years. The Rotary Club of!es. Oshawa plans to hold the Gol-| Special htanks were extended| den Age Club Christmas Dinner|tg Mike Karas for assistance] at the Hotel Genosha_ on/with after school programs and Tuesday, December 19. The'to the many service clubs, or-| Club's Christmas Party will be) ganizations and individuals who held at Simcoe Hall on Thurs-/have assisted from time to day, December 21. time. Mr. McNeill expressed sincere $8 thanks to the many volunteer STATISTICS workers who assist with the, September: Attendance, 3/645; work at Simcoe Hall Settlement) Visits to homes, 65; office in- House. The members of the! terviews with children, 52; office Women's Welfare League for|interviews with adults, 33. their help withthe used cloth-| October: Attendance, 6,706; | ing; the Women's Pilot Club for|visits to homes, 55; office in- Old Spice Gift Set Travel size bottle Shave Lotion, Men's Cologne, Stick Deodoronf. Na --_ ee Spray Colognes ..3.00 (as in Desert Flower, Early American Old Spice, Escapade, Friendship Garden fra- gronces. Fragrance Fling ..........cccccceeeeed. 00 Toilet Water in four fragrances: Desert Flower, Early American Old Spice, Esca- pode, Friendship Garden Old Spice Gift Set essere Lorge sizes Alter Shove Lotion, Co logne, Body Talcum, Karn's presents Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special) --For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve gra and itching. Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort or inconvenience. In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve- ment" was reported and verified by doctors' observations, Pain was promptly relieved. And while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction. (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all--this imp' was maintained in eases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough Old Spice Pro-Electric 75¢ and 1.25 The belore-shave lotion, that sufferers were able to make such statements as "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" And | among these sufferers were a very | wide variety of hemorrhoid con-..| ditions, some of even 10 to 20 years' standing. All this, without the use of nar- cotics, anesthetics or astringents of any kind, The secret is a new heal- ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous scientific in- stitute, Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the Body. This new healing substance is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H_ Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special applicator, Preparation H | is sold at all drug stores. | Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Old Spice After Shave Lotion....1.50 and 2.25 nets 2G Sk oh Friendship Garden Fragrance Basket .............000.. 3.00 Toilet Water, Hand and Body Lotion, end Dusting Powder. Desert Flower Dusting Powder ..............2. with luxurious pulf Jt AD eS eg OPEN EVENINGS 28 KING ST. EAST DIAL 723-4621 bd " OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS EXCEPT SATURDAYS "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED"