NEEDED VITAMIN Diet of the expectant mother Newell-Barton | Bis include a daily amount Nuptiais Held ese The marriage of Marion Mar- lene Barton and John Alfred Newell was solemnized recent-| ly in the chapel at King Street! 74\United Church. | The bride is the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W: Gordon Barton and the bridegroom is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newell, all of Osh-' awa. The Reverend George Telford officiated. The wedding music, was played by Mr. Rhyddid Williams. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street- length dress of white satin fea- turing a round neckline and a full skirt of unpressed pleats. A jewelled headdress held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations. - Miss Marilyn Scott was maid-| of-honor in turquoise blue with) a matching petal hat. She og ried pink and white carnations. | Seagey. : Mr. William Newell was best' Rae i man for his brother, y A reception was held at the| |Hotel Genosha. The newly wed-| jded pair are making their| home in Oshawa. -- 2 nee Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1961 PERSONALS The 7th Scout Mothers' Aux-|ten, Mrs. Allan Shortt and Mrs. iliary held a very successful|Leslie Bowers. Mrs. Wilson| bazaar. The president, Mrs.|Stauffer, president of the aux- John Jenkins introduced Mrs.|iliary welcomed everyone and [Rae Stephenson who officiaiiy| thanked those who donated gifts. opened the bazaar. Thanks were|The proceeds are to go for the) expressed to conveners Mrs.|building fund. Refreshments) § Harold Armstrong and Mrs.|were served by Mrs, Adrian |Jhon Kitchen. The attractive tea,Grothenuis and Mrs. Clifford lroom was in the charge of Mrs. | McQuarrie. | Robert Cilchrist and ger tes, were Mrs. A. F. Blyth, Mrs. W. ding anniversaries, coming and) V. Peacock, Mrs, Harold Davis| coings of guests are always of| and: Mrs. R. A. Lloyd. Mrs. interest in this column. Write, rm dl \George Judgeon had charge of|iejenhone or visit the social ;: se #4 s en gg i airs James oepartment with your items ge TO LIVE IN PETAWAWA Married Teas, birthday parties, wed-| for which there is no Allen abd the Touch and Take| charge. Telephone 723-3474. Table Mrs. Ernest Thompson.|-- 'Mrs. Eric Cooper was Kitchen 'convener. "Seven Winds' Supreme Purse, Pertume 4 00 s Gift Seto... Mz recently at St. | is the daughter of Mrs. John Paul's Anglican Church, Ux- | Irwin Sheehy, Uxbridge, and . bridge, were Mr. and Mrs, | the late Mr. Sheehy, and the Te 1 Tarabocchia Thomas Arthur David Midg- | bridegroom is the son of Mr, d | ley. Formerly Miss Catherine | and Mrs. Herman Elgin Midg- PAIR OVERSHOES and Mr. Andrew Yurchi of |Kinette Club of Oshawa was Anna Lamers We Isabel Jean Sheehy, the bride | ley, Port Perry. Your children will be teachers' Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba. lheld in the main dining room; In a recent ceremony in St. pone tg od ariel peti they --Photo by Mary's Studio |of the Hotel Genosha. It was ajMary of the People Roman L E AND OCIETIES sape 0 keep "g -- er over- Christmas party with a buffet/ Catholic Church, Anna Adrianna s ug i pairs at school. Give styled dinner. Mrs. John Mac-|Lamers and Lorenzo Tara- a selwult oun "oe Vean won the main prize of @/bocchia were united in marriage pr. pyILIP CHAPTER, IODE Glover, Mrs. F. N. McCallum|be either a colored plastic peg decorated Christmas | cake.Ipy the Reverend Norbert Gig-|" he monthly meeting of the and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell attended i el |Other prizes were won by Mrs.|nac. The bride is the daughter|p.. sen bi gok dai 3 lhe Ga ifs Agee or a wooden one with the name) 4 'TS./nac. The bride i ghter) --- 2 | Ernest Wotton Ronald Wilson, Mrs. Jack Rise- M d Me Hany 1 -|Prince Philip Chapter, Imperial! the commencement exercises at/inked on. As overshoes are re- brough, Mrs. Steve Dyl, Mrs. . Shea and the bridegroom OMe Daughters of the Empire|the collegiates, representing the|moved they can be clipped! Wed In Columbus Anthony Goepfrich, Mrs. John|i, the son of Mr. and Mrs, ma recently at Adelaide chapter. |together. | St..Gregory's auditorium wasjers, Mr. Ray Scott and Mr, Wil- i Bondaruk, Mrs. _ Boris Melch, Tarabocchia of Italy. : : Mrs. Alfred Austin, Mrs. A. S. ablaze with the old fashionéd| liam Boissoin. _In the parsonage of selponirdind by te Peter Canning, Mrs. Ken-| Mrs, Philip Lesley played the| The regent, Mrs. Alfred Austin! W hattam, Mrs. W. B. White and| Christmas colors of red, green| The red and green cloths,|United Church, recently,!neth Wright, Mrs. James Hen- wedding musi¢ and the soloist/opened the meeting with a/Mrs. K. R. Wagg. will staff the and white for St. Gregory's|centred with snow figures, lent\L.oraine Audrey McKenzie,|derson, Mrs. Jack Menzie, Mrs.) was Mrs, Keith Holland. repetition of the official prayer,|tuckshop at Hillsdale Manor, CPTA's annual Christmas ba-|a festive atmosphere to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan|Donald Cullen, Mrs. Richard) Given in marriage by her|followed by a salute to the|January 19. | zaar and penny sale. jtea room. Convener, Mrs. Har- McKenzie of Columbus and Ern-|Bowers. All around the Christ-|father, the bride wore a full-| standard. Membership convener, Mrs. s, The Rt. Rev. P. M. Dwyer, | old Duquette. Mrs. Frank Don- est Leslie Wotton of Oshawa mas tree were placed gifts and) tength gown of silk chiffon over] wrs. K. R. Wagg read the/C, Larmer introduced Mrs, C,H. PP, officially opened thejald, Mrs. William Clancy andjwere united in marriage food stuffs which will be given|taffeta. The bouffant skirt with) «1... 1 Mrs. Wesley Piattil Jacke . , | bazaar and a warm welcome|Mrs. William Boissoin, past) The Reverend R. H. Love|to Simcoe Hall for distribution.|pystle effect was appliqued with) "Utes and Mrs. Wesley Piatt! Jackson from Yorkton, Seskat-| was extended to all patrons|presidents; and teacher, Mrs. officiated. After a short business session|jace motifs and the long-sleeved,|gave the treasurer's report. A\chewan, where she was active "DO THEY HEAR JINGLE BELLS?" Mis. Noel Lodge of Oshawa Bonnie young sons of Mr. | one year old, and Kevin John, The general. meeting of the and Mrs. Victor Yurchi, Glid- | two years. Brian and Kevin don avenue, are Brian Victor, | are the grandsons of Mr. and St. Gregory's CPTA Bazaar Reaches All-Time Record DRUGS 28 KING ST, E, 723-4621 Open Evenings Until 9 P.M, Loraine McKenzie and friends as they entered, by| Margaret Smythe, poured tea. The b the president, Mrs. G ordon| John Burke, auctioneer, kept Dignem. the evening crowd in jovial and Four to five hundred little) generous spirits as he disposed) people whispered their Christ-|of every article that had not mas hopes in Santa's ear andj been purchased. if under six, were given a prize} The president started the A re by the little helper, Tom Sim-|penny sale draw for 29 prizes, bride's mons, assisted by the general and|Columbu The convener of the Fish)penny sale .conveners, Mrs. | Pond was Mrs. Kenneth Broad-|B. C. McAllister and Mrs. W. A. east the bent and her assistants were)Clarke. Mrs. Kenneth Franklin, Mrs.) The 1961 s J. P. Collins and Mrs. G. and penny sale of St. ' Miljour. ory's CPTA reached an all-time re The discount store (white ele- high of four figures -- Wotton. phant) with convener, Mrs.|and most important was the John Brady and helpers, Mrs. record attendance of friendly James Conner, Mrs. Harry Ben-| Patrons eso son, Mrs. Robert Clancy, Mrs Special Guest" in Easing Pgs ge pens seph's CPTA. Compliments and/hostess. ness their counters collapsed. |credit for the much admired) mics ¢ acted a brother. bazaar Greg- Christmas A mis her sister, Miss Kathryn Mc-|Mrs. A. O. Pollard, entertain-| with pearls. A pearl tiara held|.aq by Mrs. F d Kenzie and Mr. Stanley Wotton A reception was held at the| rs Richard Bowers, Mrs. Ron-| After a wedding trip to points| visit, games were played. Eve-|),.ich abd Miss Ann Horvath. of thanks from the pupils .for live in Oshawa. : e Several parties were held in Would be no executive meeting} of Miss held at the home of Mrs. Lorne! Oshawa Little Theatre on Satur- red was Thompson, Mr. Robert Fraser of St. Jo--Lorna Thompson ride was attended by the meeting was turned over to|jace bodice was embroidered|letter from Mr. Robarts was in the educational work of the! ment chairman, and her com-\her chapel veil of illusion and - N. McCallum order. The regent welcomed her his|Mittee of Mrs. Lloyd Pigden,'she c oO ried a cascade)Stating that the water situation as a new member of the chapter, | "| Mrs. Bruce Caverly, Mrs. Boris|of red roses and white chry-/at the chapter's adopted school) Mrs. J. L. eaton read an| Melch, Mrs. Harold Roughly,| santhemums. at Eau Claire, Ontario, was rang we --_-- : _-- af-| Miss Nellie Lamers was her bein ape as fairs from ri . McIntyre : ; g taken care of. Mrs. Me | "Miald Wilson, and Mrs. Archie) sister's maid of honor and the|Callum read a number of letters|!1004. | Hubert. Santa paid his annuall)iqesmaids were Miss Ann Sob- s best man for parents' home 1s The meeting closed with the newly wedded pair will/ning closed with carol singing./ they were dressed alike in lilac|"*" Plson og sg a national anthem and the mem- It was announced that there) cin" chiffon over taffeta and siti sail he sonegarati yang bers enjoyed afternoon tea as nina a ite ia cea and Mrs. McCallum thanked the|the guests of the regent who ed skiris and their headdresees members for their co-operation.|\was thanked by Mrs. F. N. ware nylon crowns with pearl It was reported that Mrs, Leo|McCallum. drops and small veils. They, 'i carried nosegays of mauve and white chrysanihemums. | Mr. John Rerecich of Toronto was best man. Martin Lamers and Anthony Tarabocchia) Loraine Mc-\in December The next general now Mrs. Ernest meeting will be January 9, 1962. Following the final perform- cellaneous shower was ance of 'My Three Angels" by Oshawa. was Miss day night, members of the cast, the backstage committee and mem- bers of the board of direc- irace Webber was host-| 'FS held a party at the home |ushered. when MONEY the logical « «« Hate are three a BofM ways to say "Merry Christmas" ' : ; woth a wo le Sometimes a gift of money is the only realistic answer to a Christmas shopping problem. If money is the answer to some names on your list -- see the B of M. "My Bank" can provide you with a way to give that takes the chill off cold cash and trims your gift of money with festive decorations. SAY... | Merry Christmas + t -.. WITH | NEW!N°5 SPRAY PERFUME CHANEL T.YOUNGSTERS/AND BABIES' PASSBOOKS make a delightful extra for some of the small fry on your list. Your gift of money is entered in a special passbook and enclosed in a Christmas cover guaranteed to make young eyes pop with glee, 2. MONEY ORDERS purchased for Christmas- giving come in gaily- decorated envelopes or folders that clearly spell out your Yuletide wish. Ideal for those "hard-to- buy-for" people on your out-of-town and overseas gift lists, 3. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CHEQUES are ayail- able in two colourful holiday designs -- one for personal and one for business giving. They are "gift-wrapped" in a bright cover that glows with the spirit of the season. Cnitinas§ McNeely, Mrs. Rob-| Stade 7 and 8 boys. Webber, Columbus. The bride| A successful night of cards| ind Re jackpot, the cash register |held in the lower hall of Col-|of Southmead Park Ladies' Aux- Mrs. Alex Knox, Mrs. H. Le; he Oshawa and Districtinity. Mr. Frank Simpson, the Charles Musgrave. Door prizes) A beautiful Yuletime picture,! Memorial Hall proved to be a William Macey, Mrs. Harold|followed, consisting of a piano|™ Spencer and Mrs. Bernard Thomas, who congratulated the/\Norma Harper, Mrs. Walter\read by Mrs. Ernest was won by Mrs. H. C. Coll,ideayors. The bazaar was under| Mrs. Peter Boyko assisted with the opening of the @ SLIP COVERS aprons in every color and mate- committee in ais, Mrs. Ernest Marks 'and Braithwaite, Mrs. J. K. Moffat, centre, one could purchase that! of the Sunshine Group of Sim- nice Barrett Mrs. R. F. Morris, Mrs. Byron! Mrs. Bessie Gilmore, Mrs. Lena Keith Buchanan, Mrs. Clayton ver William Boissoin, was won by,°f merchandize and tempting Cc ' : : | onvener, Mrs. John Burke; Home Cooking -- Mrs. Ralph array of potted plants, and busi-/Mrs. 'Joyce Sellick, Mrs, Joan Christmas theme and decora-|e.. af ; i ssisteq Of the OLT president, Mr. R. G.| eae ac Hola plete quick sell out; convener, | tions were expressed to Brotherloy' miss tevelyn, Moore atthe Lancaster and Mrs. Lancasier,|¢ reception was, held i Mrs. Jack Menard; clerks, Mrs.) Jerome, Mr. R, Kavanaugh and home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley| Brookside drive. gt Edward G. ert Mills a : was presented with a steam!was held at the home of Mr. Maral, Cerebral Palsy iron, and Mrs. Gordon Whyte, Grass- The Patisserie hit the} A miscellaneous shower was|mre avenue, under the auspices tinkled all ee ~ vital Parent Council jumbus United Church, whenjiliary. The winners or Mrs. ning; convener, rs. Forbes Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Wotton|Gordon Whyte, r. Arthur} McLaughlin and her assistants, Bazaar And Tea were honored by the commu-|Graves, Mrs. Roy Finch, Mrs.| Faive, Mrs. J. D. LeBlanc, | Cerebral Palsy annual bazaar;master of ceremonies, wel-| were won by Mrs. Robert Shor > ge ecm Adams and Mrs.|anq tea held recently in the|Comed the many friends who -- | » Gilmore. Simcoe Street United Church) ~~ ~~ ~|were present. A brief program; every article a creative work of|yery successful one. Beamish, Mrs. Cameron Oke, solo by Miss Sharon Stark and| } art, made and sold by Mr. and) The bazaar was officially; Mrs. E. W, Williams. a poem, entitled, "The Trials Mrs. Clifford harper, Mrs. Jack) qpened by Mayor Christine) Christmas Booth -- Mrs,\of Newly Weds," composed and " mar White. if t ah, ere ripen roy Cor-| parent council for its work with| Brown. Mrs. George Gilroy read the| li 17 sirety me Rloag Aad table | crippled children and wished it] Knitting Apparel -- Mrs Vic-|presentation. Miss Connie Simp-| a lamp made by Clifford Harper every success in its future en-|tor Smida, Mrs. Roy Loveless,son and Miss Sharon Stark @ DRAPERY Agnes street Se @ BROADLOOM een i E the convenership of Mrs, D. G.| Knick-Knacks and Parcel Post gifts. Mrs. Frank Simpson, Cocktail rons, Christmas) Arkless, -- Mrs. Marie Gartshore, Mrs. Mrs. George Gilroy, Mrs. Ern- @ BAMBOO aprons, half-aprons, coverall! 'phe tea room was beautifully, H. B. Clarke est White and Mrs. James UPHOLSTER ial imaginabk decorated and those pouring tea), Greeting Cards -- Mrs. Jack'Stark were the Ld ING in Gantee aaty ont Hood throughout the afternoon were: | Luke. charge. a vener, Mrs. Douglas Blair; help.| Mayor Thomas, Mrs. K. H : Mrs. G. W. Higgins, and Mrs.! Mrs. C. Hase. J, D. Galbraith. Those assisting At the novelty and sewingiin the tea room were members different gift; convener, Mrs.!coe Street United Church: Mrs. Donald Kirby; assistants, Mrs.|W. H. Hambly, Mrs. Herman Owen Gifford and Mrs, Ber- Pincombe, Mrs. Jean Burch, | Hand-knitted articles were in Worden, Mrs. Jelle Bakker, Mrs. the charge of Mrs. William Archie McLeod, Mrs. Robert Boissoin and her assistants,| Smith, Mrs. Colin Daniel, Mrs Macevicius and Mrs. Steven Hewer | Dyl. The doll house on display, A large crowd patronized the and donated by Mr. and Mrs.|b0oths with their lovely array| Beth McCrae. ag The ogeig ra ofan The cash receipt »jj. Seen busily engaged at their re- tious booth 'topred. a Yoota| spective booths during the aftr. -- - a " i ponies, how Davis Rad PP icaetd A ' 'Mrs. Roy Bacon, Mrs. David green thumb" had a splendid)Clark, Mrs. Alfred Samells, eg "ala dpe ee Lom, ay : H, oe # olfee Bar, 7-9 p.m., in the} Apron Booth -- Mrs. W. H. charge of Jack Menard; wait- Sterriker, Mrs. Walter Dyl, Mrs OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE i << PA is r 4 el A +7, ' Vealllba is WY BANK' 70 3 MILLION CANADIAN' =e See these special Christmas features at your neighbourhood branch of the B of M today (don't forget to bring your Christmas shopping list), Bank oF MontTREAL Canadas First Bank Oshawa Branch, 20 Simcoe St. North: JAMES McCANSH, Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre Branch, King St. West: NORMAN MBEcALPINE, Manager HUGH HUSTLER, Manager JAMES BELL, Manager COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager Slippers make it the best Christmas ever "3 Loceti to $ Yi re Corduroy plaid for dod, ot $2.98... . (ean : 25 SIMCOE ST, 5. Cosy 'Cuddle Pups' for mom, ot $3.98 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -+.Suedy cowboy slippers for junior, BROCK ST, IN WHITBY $1.98... Furcy 'Scuffs' for sophistica- ted sis, $2.98... And scores more styles ond prices {up or down) to suit every toste PERFUME AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WHENEVER, WHEREVER MITCHELL'S DRUGS (osHawa) LIMITED 9 SIMCOE TELEPHONE ST.N. 723-3431 IT'S CHRISTMAS SLIPPER-TIME AGAIN AT Fi at Gilt certificotes let them choose their own... Slippers readily exchongeable ot any A-S. store Ajex Branch: Bowmanville Branch: Whitby Brench: WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 ee ee