@ «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 12, and her indmother, Mrs. Bairstow, during Mrs. Yeo's absence. Mrs. Yeo spent a few days in Montreal and visited her sister who is ill in a hospi- tal there, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Tink jvisited Mr. and Mrs, Orme and|Cruikshanks, Peterborough, and jcalled on Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dadson, Agincourt, |Fete Zion WA Life Member With Trip To Bowmanville pe By M. HORN HAMPTON -- Mrs. John Bal- son, a life member of Zion WA, enjoyed a turkey dinner recent:| peer with the Zion WA) ey also visited the 'Charges Dropped As Loopholes Discovered AJAX (Staff) -- Two Oshawa ', \lawyers were victorious in Ajax Police Court on Monday after Mrs. Harold Devitt and Mr. Mrs. Dick Goodhand. Miss Olive Waterman, Toron- to; spent a few days with Mrs.| Sam Dewell and Miss Apha|y, Hodgins, Bowmanville. | he «aid, and were later released|Mr. Kelly was congratulated by, with the exception of Arthur|)His Worship for observing the) Mrs, Woolhead, O'Connor, aged 71, who wasjslip-up in Const. {ly in com Stephenson's | as been at the home of her ladies. T defending two local drivers who were charged by Ajax Police of offences resulting from a two- car accident which ended in in- juries to six persons and $4,000 total damage. Acquitted by Magistrate Robert Dnieper were Morgan O'Connor, 37, of RR 1, Picker- ing, who was charged with fail- ing to yield the right of way, and William Mowry, 41, of 131 Exeter street, Ajax, who was charged with failing to proceed with caution. O'Connor was defended by Terence Kelly of Oshawa and Mowry's case was handled by Russell Murphy of Oshawa. Both produced loopholes in the police evidence and charges which gave Magistrate Dnieper UXBRIDGE HOSPITAL STAFF AT CHRISTMAS PARTY The medical and hospital | at a Christmas = . the j. | Uxbridge Legion hall, rom | staff of the Uxbridge Hospi: | te lef--PC Williams, direc- tal were the recent guests of E. Watts | Lindsay enjoyed the dancing | and buffet dinner by the Hospital Board. supplied |p.m. he investig OVERPASS ACCIDENT Const. Paul Stephenson of the Ajax Police Department told His Worship that on Nov, 12 at 4.10 ated a two-car accident on Harwood avenue at the 401 overpass. | transferred to the Scarboro Gen-| testimony. 'Bowmanville Museum. eral Hospital for further treat-| Mr Murphy's defence for Rev, and Mrs. Ted Kersey ment. mom fe vii wg of neg to} and family, Scarborough; Mr. proceed with caution after pass-} : ' # GETS SPLIT LIP ' '8S"/and Mrs. Len Player and Tom Mowry received a split lip as ing through an amber flashin, : ; my, Bowmanville, were Sunday a result of the accident, he /Sht was brief and simple. | visitors with his parents, Mr. added. | "My client has been charged and Mrs. Sidney Kersey. Const. Stephenson stated in|Under section 70 - subsection 7) Mrs, G, Armour and Miss his testimony that O'Connor|% the Highway Traffic Act," he Bertha Armour visited on Sun- identified the passengers in his|S@id, "and the wording of this|day with Miss Allie Wood at car as members of his family. |S€ction is such that a penalty isthe South Haven Rest Home, He said that the view was|"ot provided, | Newcastle. obstructed from a car entering) The case against Mowry was) Mrs, J. W Balson and Mrs.| Harwood avenue via the ramp/dismissed and Mr. Murphy was| Jack McNab visited Mrs. Cecil bap ge oy Rati eee tak also congratulated by Magis-| Found, a patient in the Oshawa driver would have to drive over|'tate Dnieper. General Hospital, recently. the white stop line of the ramp Mrs, A. L, onto Harwood before he could Son ee \ly dealing with methods used, eiiltaaiben ----| EXPENSIVE BARK LONDON (CP) -- Anima]| "no choice" but to dismiss them. | jed, he said, by amber flashing} tinued. \trainer Marcus la Touch has in-|and plans made for the re- The intersection was govern-| itgatnntl ' signals on Harwood avenue and| Voice" for 10,000. The dog, | Plesie pales, stop signs for the traffic leay-|named Bingo, counts, subtracts) ing the highway ramp, | Const: Stephenson was con- |gratulated by His Worship tor (Darks Sunday and called on sured a golden retriever's|habilitation of polio and para-|Bride, Peterborough, were vis- Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Prescott|/@nd Mrs. Tink. A and Marie and Mr. A, L. Pres-) jand multiplies in a series: Of| ott motored to Bobcaygeon on,dren, Tyrone, Mtr. and'with her father, Mr. Geo. Yeo Mr. Jack Cowling and Doug. |eaugees, Mes. Ata Rvs, om las, Parry Sound, called on Mr. and Mrs, Will Wilbur, on Sun- ho Wi aad surgery ts the heepy day, and Mrs Ada Tamblyn, Orono, spent Saturday with the Wilburs. Mr. end Mrs. John Carrigan travelled to Toronto and visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGilli- vray, the latter being Mr. Car- rigan's sister. recently. Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Mrs, Cecil Carson, Taunton, visited her sister, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur,|Mrs. Roy Brown, Mrs. Jas, Mr. and Mrs, Lorenzo Trull|Brown and Sheryl Neil, To- had as guests, Mr, and Mrs,|ronto. Hilton Peters and Ralph, and! Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mrs, Joe Chapman visited relatives at Peterborough Sunday. Vern Chant, University of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Chant, Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard were Mr, and Blanchard and) Mr. ge Mrs, G. Wilkinson, To-| FARMING DISCOURAGING Mrs. R. Short attended a con- , 4 | vention held in Toronto recent-|4ogan and Mrs, Chas, Wood,| Mr, and Mrs. R. E-| CHATEAU RICHER, Que. (CP)--Farmer Louis Huot toid a Queber city service club that Chariton Me-|the cost of mechanization makes jworking the average farm "dis- Clarence) couraging." Use of machinery jon small farms eats up profits, Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and chil-/he said, and the only way to spent Saturday|stay in the black is through co- operatives, Orono, | Mr. and Mrs. itors with her brother, |presenting an extremely accur-| : tor, Mrs. R. Ters, G. r the Hospital board of trustees | and Dr. R. K. Hollows of | He said he found the cars had|@te account of the accident --~|collided after one proceeded to\Scene. Cadi Tells Youth Dwight Olan j=' | | --Oshawa Times Photo | \ You Can WIN... anand ramp fen rm Se aaa Mata . Tuck In Clothing Resigns From AJAX (Staff) -- A. French- Ajax Scouts man Bay youth, who was charg- ed by the Ajax Police Depart- we y. ' : ¥ By GRACE MILLS ment in Magistrate's Court here AVX > Mentors Oh ike til Ajax Scout Committee met at <= "Why didn't you get a licence in the two weeks?" enquired Magistrate Dnieper. "IT couldn't afford plied the accused, "Why didn't you phone Sgt. Shaw and explain this?" said the cadi "J thought it would make no difference', said Rombough. 'It is about time you realized that police officers would rather help you than hinder you', said His Worship." They would rather help you out of your dif- ficulties than press charges." "You have no respect for law and order" he said in levying the $10 fine "A phone call to Sgt. Shaw or any of the sergeants in the force would have saved you $10," Magistrate. Dnieper told the convicted youth. one" re on Monday with failing to have an opertors licence, was fined $10 and costs or three days by Magistrate Robert Dnieper. The accused, Leonard Rom-) bough, 19, of 43 Commerce St., was told to leave the court and return when he had tucked his underwear out of sight and gen- erally improved his appear- ance. Sgt. William Shaw of the Ajax Police Department told the court that on Oct. 26, he gave the ac- cused two weeks to get an oper- ator's licence. Rombough failed to report to the police station during that period, he said. History Reviewed By Columbus WA By JIM STARK jwords spoken by each one of COLUMBUS -- The November |the past presidents. meeting of the Women's Assoc-| The following were the past jation of Columbus United) Presidents: Mrs. W. Dyer (de- Church was held recently in the| ceased), Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. lower hall of the church with|E. Nesbitt, Mrs. F. Goodman,| the president, Mrs. Jessie Mc-|Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. C. Naylor, | Kenzie, presiding. ' Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. I. Flett,| . ' Mrs. W. Holliday, Mrs. A. Mc- This was the final meeting of ' AB the Woman's Association before| Kenzie, Mrs. E. White and Mrs. the new organization, the United) 4 S!roy- Church Women, takes over. The worship period was in The past years of the WA gh ie Grass, assist- nie. ; 'sed by Mrs. I. Scott. were reviewed and the high- The progrem followed with four leaders present recently. They received the resignation 'of Dwight Oland who had been Scout Master for a number of years. Larry McGinnis will take over for Mr, Oland. Report on the receipts for the sale of apple baskets, amounted to $23 which will be put to good use The group meets every third Tuesday at the Rover's Den. Next meeting of the 1st Ajax Cub Mothers Group will be held at the Lion's Den on Wednes- day, Dec. 6 NEED HOCKEY HELP There is an urgent need for help in supervising junior hock- ey teams, aged 8 to 10 years on the six buses used for trans- portation to the games every) Saturday morning, Contact Jack! Paterson, 16 Glynn road, WH 2-3795, of the Minor Hockey As- sociation. BOWLING SCORES Thursday Niters Bowling League scoring over 200 flat -- Al Kinsman 287, 204; Alice Han-| non 267, 218; Jack Littley 252,| 248, 208; Winn McCombe 240;| Helen Goodwin 231; Shirley Ed-| wards 227, 217; Evon Cookson 225; Pauline Horvath 207; and Ted Bissell 202. | In the Lemon League -- Jenny Zalopa 63, Ella Schrane 69, Helen McGregor 71, Jean Bissell! 81 and Marie Owens 91. Christmas Bowl on Dec. 14 Fe MAR driving south on Harwood All five occu mer car which w O'Connor, he s as well as Mowry, | ; alone in his car. Const tha | facial cuts and bruises. All were removed to the Ajax | ickering General Hospital, | and P: e jlieve that O'Connor committed | B no offence. | THE VIOLENT * @ EXTRA ® MOST BENUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD! Yours for :) MYSTERY! MURDER! ee NOW PLAYING BRAND NEW SUSPENSE SHOCKERS! Siock Eltrikes ju] ~= lights brought to mind by a feWiwirs) Fred McLaughlin taking|-- over. ee ss ° Mrs. Gordon Corner read the Cla pening view of the Woman's Assoc- \Church from the year 1926,| Newcast & compiled by Mrs. Ernest White. | Mrs. Clifford Naylor read) highlights from the old ater ystem secretary's book. | A poem entitled, "Our WA") Newcastle water supply sys-|G Corner. This was followed | tem, installed since summer,|by a musical skit. The partici-/§ , will receive its official opening| pants were dressed in costumes') @ Wednesday at a ceremony at/of olden times the Community Hall at 2:30 p.m | PERSONALS Alex Carruthers, MPP, for; Miss Deanne Hogle is _pro- $133,486 project built and oper-|wa General Hospital tans fee ated by the Ontario Water Re- Sympathy is extended to Mrs sources Commission Clifford Naylor and her family!¢ JHE Municipal officials, project|in the recent loss of her. father engineers, OWRC representative) aaa -- , LC. and village residents will be on ; 4 BILTMORE sve Corpormton presents iation of Columbus United NEWCASTLE (Staff) -- The) was composed and read by Mrs Durham County will open the|gressing favorably at the Osha- hand to see the official opening.| bagel tammemge' LDHAM, England (CP)--A Newcastle will finance Ls i Setee : the} public health inspector put a water supply system over Alcoin in a street vending ma-| ""™" period of 30 years with the lo-\chine expecting to get straw-; ---- cal Public Utilities Commission) berry-flavored milk He got a = ODEON GIFT BOOKS NOW on Sale -- $1.00 - $2.60 - $3.00 eine abelosns Renae --| pants of the for- as driven by e aid, were injured |S8w the accused's brake lights who was|{lash on and then saw: the. car| Stephenson continued t O'Connor had facial cuts and concussion, his father had a skull fracture and was in serious | ° condition, his wife Helen suffer- the Rover's Den, 69 Ambassador| ed a sprained ankle and was| street, with eight members and| trapped in the wreckage, and | | the two children each received | being the collection agency. (carton marked "plain milk" Tom Lennard, clerk for the|which actually contained orange Village said there are 112 hook-|juice, and the owner of the ma- ups to the water system in New-|chine was fined 9 for selling castle at the present time. incorrectly-labelled drinks. ot &. The riotous J eo and J i) TODAY ONLY "3 COINS IN A FOUNTAIN" "LONG, HOT SUMMER" PLUS HI rages FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS WHERE IN CANADA AT FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES * story of a teen-age girl that his daughter had grown upl MICHAEL REDGRAVE MICHAEL GRAIG ROGER LIVESEY RAD and introducing RUTHLESS WARFARE 'THE PAM ORGANIZATION PREREHTS AN AN@LO AMALRAMATED RABE DOTRIB @ father who failed to realize FULTON LET MILL ADULT T NO. 2 ENTERTAINMENT in London's underworld! UTED Wy BO CENTURY-FOX N NEW ALFRED MARKS FOR THE LATE |noon in question, he followed | O'Connor off the highway and) jup the ramp, He said that he jenter Harwood avenue "at ay {normal rate of sneed consider: | ing the situation'. He sald that as the car pro eded to enter Harwood he | saw, for a split second, a car| | apptoach from the south and hit | the O'Connor car, spinning it) around. i Mr. Kelly, in presenting his | defence, told Magistrate Dnieper | that he would not call his client | to the stand because the prose- | jcution's evidence led him to be- \ce NO EVIDENCE | He said that although the of-| ificer's testimony was accurate, | there was no evidence presented | to prove O'Connor was the) | driver of his car. "The officer did not say how jthe driver was actually identi-/ |fied," said Mr. Kelly. "He said' that my client only identified the other occupants of his car.' The case was dismissed and! Sponsored by members of The Dry Cleaners & t i end R ' of t © WHITBY CLEANERS LTD © ALOSWORTH CLEANERS ® CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD, A $50 Canada Savings Bond Simply fill in the coupon below and send it elong with your dry cleanin Cleaners Listed Draw, Norman E. O'Reilly | order to any of the qualified Dry low. Winner! of November Bond 31 a -- Oshewe. @ HAYWOOD CLEANERS Tel. WH 2.4443 *® PICKWICK CLEANERS Tel, 728-5133 © AJAX CLEANERS Tel, WH 2-0318 te Tel. MO 8-2345 Tol. 725-1812 @ BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS Tel. MA 3-5520 Tel. 728-5611 $50.00 CANADA SAVINGS BOND DRY CLEANERS DRAW eee eee eee eee ee eee -s++++ Telephone No. ..cccee0, GSot Get = One ORNAFAL: Capsule ~~ prings you 12 hours of continuous relief from stuffy nose, weepy eyes and sinus pressure. You get quick relief with ORNAL... continuous all-day relief with just one ORNAL capsule in the morning! Forget about taking dose after dose of ordinary cold pills throughout the night, too! Instead, one ORNAL at bedtime quickly brings uninterrupted free breathing, uninterrupted sleep. One has in the morning--one ORNAL at bedtime. That's all you need for all-day, all-night relief from the miseries of your cold, Your druggist has ORNAL. Ask him for it. TREATMENT $1.35