20 MEN" s WORK pada Rae ool nylon-and- palrs we Greyin nae Ti ony spect 4 7" 1489 MEN'S socks--c y-rayon-and-w assorted colours; sizes 10 to 12. Special MEN'S FANCY SOCKS -- Stretch woo MEN'S YOUTHS' GLOVES -- Wool with leather sity 1,49 HANDKERCHIEFS--: turdy bleached nN, approx 6x 16 Special cATON WOMEN'S COTTON LISLE HOSE--!mported fashioned; beige in sizes 8 NYLONS - Seamless. sizes 9 to 11. Fall Special EATON'S EVENING IN PARIS" PERFUME AND COLOGNE 1 49 ---Attractively boxed. Special, set L BURBLING BATH OIL--Apple biossom fragra: 6 in. 2é-oz deconter. Attractively boxed 1 49 ; ' Special, acch SHAVING BRUSHES Made by "Rubberset', goc good quolit plastic handle, bristies. 1 49 ; . Special, each "PEERLESS A S.A. TABLETS -- 500 in bottle, Special COLD CREAM -- Well - know ke; f ght use and cleansing 14- Yoox 1,49 Specie! BATH back and handie. Speciel EGG CREME SHAMPOO -- 4-oz. bottle. Special EATON'S MA EVEL, -- Dept. 912 DOUBLE sth ul Flag oat ~-- 4-p Special FINGERING WOOL--3-r Special JEWEL BOX--P astic md ery area, he apoio. a ANA BON-BON Biihi a Ginks With sharia -allvnr. dapoaibe Special, each 1,49 JUMBO GARMENT BAGS ---- Sturdy plastic, Q. Special, each 1,49 CARD TABLE COVERS -- Heo c assorted 4 Special, cock. 1,49 LEATHER BILLFOLD--m™ grain; ali-c d tpoer: block wo, red. Special, each 1,49 IMPORTED CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS-. Attro e at specal 3 gpl 1,49 acon ett : ie PM ge aaa 6 for 1,49 pda ENGLISH STEINS 4 7) x 1,49 SADDLER' oy ENGLISH seins ] 2 for 1,49 IMPORTED, Low gy bas Add ] 3 for 1,49 WAPCRTED HAND-CUT GLASS CREAM AND SUGAR -- et Ze hd hase ee a > 6 for 1,49 \MPORTED EARTHENWARE COOKIE JAR Spccicl, S-TIER CAKE PLATE arthenwa: LY e son | Absciel, usth 1,49 fe SECTION ovat DISH ARTIFICIAL ASSCRTED POTTERY FRUIT 1 box Special, box 1,49 6" 1,49 IMPORTED FOOTED GLASS TUMBLERS-- tor ' spect 6" 1,49 IMPORTED BRANDY GLASSES 6 ted cole Special IMPORT «D POTTERY RELISH DISH-- CRACKLE GL ASS JUG. age retres aree SRAEKLE Stay TUMBLES Lorge 6 for IMPORTED CHIP-AND-ciP BOWL THREE. SECTION POTTERY DISH. GLASS VASE sreen gio se for metive. tlowke raiser 18; approx. 8" hit 2" 1.49 TO Special MISSES', CHILDREN'S LEOTARD TIGHTS e ess stretch nylon; sizes 4 to 6, 7 to 9, to 13 1,49 Special, each NYLONS--Full-foshioned, beige tones, ga sizes 844 to 11. Special NYLONS--F sizes 81% to Special SLIPPERETTES rubber RECORDS, ACCESSORIES LONG-PLAYING RECORDS--331/3 RPM from hye faves aoeh 1, 49 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 12, 1961 NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS NO DELIVERY MEN'S ACCESSORIES re 1,49 2°" 1,49 lon to fit sizes 10 to 12. Special small, medium, large. Special, poir 12 ™ 1,49 S MALL LEVEL--Dept. 903 WOMEN'S HOSIERY 3 a9 3°" 1,49 3 1,49 a 'a ae MALL LE TOILET SUNDRIES 2 bottles 1, 49 BRUSH--Fibre bristies, w e 2 1,49 2 bottles 1,49 NOTIONS oe bei 4.49 or. balls ee "T= 140 CHINA, GLASSWARE cial, each each ' 1.49 r Seeciot cece. 1 Speciol 3 "1,49 "oe ee 1,49 " 1,49 candice. Special, each : 1,49 Approx a Special, each ve jug. Speciol diamete Special, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 Many selec several well-known companies MALL LEVEL, Dept. 912 LINGERIE RAYON TRICOT LONG GOWNS--Pink, bive 1,49 a in: medion) lerpe; Oversiae, Specialy cash + UU-MUU" COTTON FLANNELETTE SHIFT GOWNS Peli eek pe EE ers oe eee 1.49 predinne aueianK cot ated 4' 1,49 WOMEN'S PANTIES--f ac a ee RIBBED COTTON VESTS--Norrow built-up shoulders; white cas 31.49 counter APRONS--Attractive tton prints in f styles. Special, 'wach 1,49 cin "DRIP-DRY" COTTON SLIPS--Packace 1 49 of tw te in sizes 8 to 14, Speciol, packoge PADDED COTTON BRAS--White in sizes: A cup 30 to 6, B cup 32 to 38 for Spaaiel 2 1,49 RAYON TRICOT SHIFT GOWN -- I5-denier overlay; floral prints in smoll, medium, lorge Special, each 1.49 WOMEN'S "ARNEL" SLIPS--White, beige, in sizes 32 to 42. Special, eoch 1, 49 "CELANESE" RAYON TRICOT BABY DOLL or CAPRI PYJAMAS -- Various colours, in small, mediun large. Special, each 1, 49 FANCY RAYON BRIEFS -- Whil anc medium, large ah Special, 1,49 RAYON ACETATE HALF-SLIP AND BRIEF Si colours in smoll, mediur arge -piece Specie! eon "1 49 GIRLS' COTTON FLANN®SLETTE PYJAMAS -- 1 49 Assorted prints in sizes 8 fo 14. Special, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, Dept. 909 WOMEN'S WEAR COTTON DUSTERS--Short sleeves; assorted prints blue gold-colour and lilac. Small, medium, large. Special, each 1,49 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, -- Dept. 941 INFANTS', CHILDREN'S AND GIRLS' WEAR LEOTARD TIGHTS Stretch ny i ubtvactivs cable grinty of colnuis in aeas 1 to 4 3 ts ec, 1,49 Each ' Boys' BOxSD rely 3 SETS--White cotton shirt tie and ¢ s. Sizes 6 and 6x 1,49 Speciol, set : GIRLS' BLOUSES--t xcept a1 selectior SHILOREN! S LINED JODHPURS -- Cott or with ton flannelette lining. Various colours in sizes 4, 6. Special, each 1,49 aS VES = et a ours in sizes dpvcial, cock 1,49 TODDLERS' COTTON "CORDANA" | SNAPPERALLS--Sizes TODDLERS' COTTON T-SHIRTS--Long slee astels 'er 3 years. Special r 1.49 BOYS' COTTON T-SHIRTS-- TODDLERS' 2-PIECE BRUSHED COTTON SLEEPERS--? blue, maize. Sizes], 2, 3 and Spaciel, eoch 1.49 slen ploids assorted colours; sizes 3 to 6x ars Speciel, each 1,49 GIRLS' SLACKS turd tt if GIRLS' 2-PCE. CO-ORDINATE SET 4 jure ms with contrasting cotton terlock"' T res 3 to & Speciol, set 1,49 otton flannelette es 6 2 years tor Special 2' 1,49 CHILDREN'S COTTON FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS TORBLERS' DIAPER sETS-- eces 9 é c -piece Special vice 1,49 styles; patterns and colours p-Dr ottons zes 7 te 4. Spatiel, cach 1,49 TODDLERS' uw SMAPPERALLS Cotton n red, blue and gree ard' plains. Srna Sous 1.49 white; snap shoulder zes 1, 2 and r es 4, 6 ad 6x yeors Special, aech " 1.49 GIRLS' SKIRTS Pleated rayor dy r { ed Snéciel, each 1,49 INFANTS' SLEEP, PLAY SETS -- Printec Special, each 1,49 CHILDREN'S JODHPURS -- Cotton cordur oy in loder Speciol, each DRAPERIES LINER PLASTIC WINDOW DRAPERIES--i e fesi ' beige WWac, approx. 72 x 90". Special, pair 1,49 "DACRON" TIER CURTAINS--Approx 29 x 3 is white, 'pink, gold-tolour: 'siecle, pale 1,49 DACRON" RODLESS CURTAINS -- Blue, red green, gold-colour. Special, pair 1,49 4s" "DACRON" MARQUISETTE -- White able for a window. Special WINDOW SHADES 4-gauge embossed plastic; white only, approx. 36 x 70°, Special, each 1,49 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, Dept, 967 MEN'S FURNISHINGS corren 'THERMAL' JERSEYS, DRAWERS -- 1 49 in small, medium and large. Special, eech woot SCARS --Vari ious plaid patterns ond wades. Approx. 12x 54" Speciet, cach Ue PLAID SHIRTS--Cotton fiannelette, assorted patter mw. 1,49 WHITE T ers ombed ma 2" 1,49 $--Good quality ra wid thn a oS ie BOXER Lien sanforized" cotton broadcloth, assorte: GM 2" 1,49 BRIEFS AND JERSEYS--Whiie cotton ne at-fitting ao goa medium and jorge. 3 for 1. '49 ATON'S MALL LEVEL, -- Dept. 928 es ae ers 149 HARDWARE CERAMIC TILE TAVET KIT--6" round ond square with ass edge and er feet. Many colours Complne With give, grout." Sonelat tet 1,49 SHELF- MAKING: mT jrey me ondard: 4 matching 2 table acir Special, set 1,49 16-OZ. HAMMER 4 eel shank and rubbe handle 'grip. Special, each 1.49 ie THRESHOLD f ee 8 ke@p dr f er doors 'tor Special 2 1,49 PLASTIC STORM INPOW: KIT Ar x x ethylene pla ps Speclel, set 1,49 etree steers nial oY ast two 7' ar c pieces, ¢ ner aughts from around doors n Special, set "f. 43 54 FEET OF Br tsutess FOAM" Pia. c adhesive e herstripping Special y pe 49 CAULKING GUN AND 2 CARTRIDGES--Choose Bek, Speetal, set 1,49 EATON'S LOWER él == Dept 3 AUTO ACCESSORIES RECHARGEABLE CAR. FLASHLIGHTS--. Spaciol, cech 1,49 CAR FLOOR MATS air f rubbe 1 eft © Special, peir. ee ae EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 263 BOY' S WEAR vneae pork, Special, nie ae 1,49 BRIEFS AND JERSEYS--White cotton, briefs hove double seal = 3" 1,49 POLO SHIRTS -- Plain and stripe se tsa Gane 1,49 SPORT SHIRTS Assorte rint tton wit 9 Speciel, each . 1.49 DPS cefoer t f elette, ho ne dans 16 10 fours Manik oper 1.49 V-NECK OR BOAT NECK PULLOVERS : i s Special, each 1,49 RAYON FLANNEL SLACKS: - cho gre to 16 voecial, ench 1 49 LINED COTTON SHEEN PANTS--Cotton flannelette Special, ecch "1,49 SHIRTS, plied kaha age t ' to rib; off-white Kpactial; phe." a 1,49 HOODED acai ete Ninite fleeced cotton; e.° Special, each 1,49 te ee ak ok 11 to ra pha me 1,49 TIE AND BELT SET -- Matching rayon tie and e c Special, set 1 49 sesiig AND BELT SET Mat ol-and-ra closticized belt. Specie, set 1,49 EATON'S MA f Dept, 932 CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPINGS TABYE ROLLS 4 FOIL WRAP IN we e App from grey, white Sieciol Vu hie 1.49 THREE ROLLS PAPER WRAP IN on 20" "idiom zoe 1.49 "QUICK whale! kIBBON--F hae ria 2 Phos F 49 CURL TIE RIBBON--F 32 0 ' enc a) Pkt '1. 49 tte teehee tomnote B om 18g pe paca ohone 1.49 pi WRAP KIT 4 Special, kit EATON'S MA CANDY BOX OF MILK CHOCOLATE COVERED MARZIPAN; BOX of MILK ee BRAZIL NUTS -- Both 1.4 pa t Special, box wiaken 9 TOYS | WESTE --Sturd frictior eS ree tore Special, petit 1 49 ie ae ae WOODEN FIRE TRUCK WiTH BELL--A x 1 49 ) Special, each pout We 1,49 METAL FRICTION CARS A ted 6 for 1 49 ' ea opr é ). Special HOUSE FURNISHINGS coco DOOR MATS h ral Special, eoch EATON'S LOWER t ) Paint ROLLER KIT e is anal Fars Speciol, set EATON WER LE FRINGED COTTON MATS eu we ee ee "109 REVERSIBLE WASHABLE COTTCN MATS--A prox Sean ee Ce Tied arty "1.49 EATON OWEN LeveL He vole for Latex 1.49 ' nderes | Prtigid MIRRORS -- Apyiex, 14 x 20' Help Special, each 1.49 reba PRINTS Wie selection of attractive 1. 49 reproductior app * ad Séeciet eoch EATON'S MALI LEVEL DE ? 22" NYLON PAINT BRUSH tye nints. pees each ER E opt. 975 DAW Another exciting sale... nation-wide in scope. Over 200 items of Wanted, Needed Merchandise! Shop-in-person! Shop Early for Best Choice! Priced Much Below Usual! HOUSEWARES ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS --- Fercolators 1. 49 soucepans, French fryers, kettles. Special, each BONE eee eee 12. Fok 1 ,49 BAKE SET --Tw 8 d ake pan 9" sq s po x c x 4 131%" cookie sheet, ~pee. 4 Special "gx oh 9 Bisnis despite DINNERWARE ' of read ond butte p tice glass, -pi cop ond Mauer, Bpeekel vetting 1649 CHROMIUM-PLATED COOKIE CANISTER with gleaming fin- 5 Approx. 5 x 6 x 81 Special, each 1,49 HAM RACK---Chromium-plated rack to hoid ham steady for ea arving. Special ,eoch 1,49 GLASS HOSTESS TRAY -- Approx. 1114" in amete Special, each 1 49 SALAD BOWLS in handsome cherrywood. Approx 6" diameter. Special, set of two 1, 49 xe SNACK BOWLS -- Des aned in cherrywood witt dies, leather thongs for hanging. Approx 1,49 4 x & Special, set CHEESEBOARD hefrywood with: stainless steel "knile cand Speclal, gach 1,49 SALT AND PEPPER MILLS in wolnut-finished 4. Apr h. Speciel, pair 1 49 sd OF 4 agpeneat F 4 anodized alumi , he Bc Speciol e sets SET OF 10 COASTERS nt ed alur n with the rc "Special, set 1,49 AUTOMATIC JIGGER--Chr ted. Measures copacit oz. Special, each 1,49 STAINLESS STEEL FRY PAN in hor #54" diameter. Black Special, each 1. 49 ALUMINUM FOIL M babe dais os bt 1.49 se. Special STEAK KNIFE SET - k e n holle u Se re eee 6 "149 SET OF 3 KNIVES t es stoi tee c nife has knife appr ' blad arving knife opprox 9" blade. Specioif@iet s 49 WATERING CAN 9x4x3 Specie aes Plastic con approx ' pele has 1.49 PLANTER--Plost t wt ha tone. os approx *] Special, eoch RUG SHAMPOO - Bisse rug cleaner in 22-¢ 1 Cleans oper 62 square feet of carpet 1,49 Special, " races FEEDER California Redwood approx x 8 Special, each 1,49 swower CURTAIN epoque plas sorted colours 1 pat Approx. 72 x 72", Spacieh 1,49 Ty TABLE n tray tables with brass leas riento i r "Starligh gold colour on cre in). Special, each 1,49 IRONING PAD AND Rad ha For standard size ironing boore cone-treated: cotton cover 1 49 Special, eoch J apo NING BOARD Cappy. salvanized metal caddy which Special, each 1,49 CLEAR PLASTIC RUNNER in ribbed plostic Good for protecting rug counters, Approx rolls eo 6' x 21%4' Special 3 for 1,49 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 LINENS, BEDDING COTTON FLANNELETTE BLANKETS--Coloured 1 49 80". Speciol ,each ' FITTED COTTON SHEETS--White in twin and double bed sizes. Speciel, each 1,49 SOEOURED LINEN TABLECOTHS--. pretty op) n 4 Seeciul, Suk 1 49 KNEE SPORTS RUGS--.V) fringed ends, red plaid Approx. 28 x 34". Special, each 1,49 TABLECLOTHS--lorge siz approx. 52 x 70", cott rayon, in rte Special, each iat este 1,49 KNEE SPORTS RUGS--\y fringed ends, rec plaid, approx 34°. Special, each 1 49 LACE TABLECLOTH--Co! yarr in ecru shade, assorted beech tere 1,49 LINEN PLACEMAT SETS---F 1 x 18 S, for x erviett assorted solid ars Speciel, 8-pce. set 1.49 IRISH gpiveeles TABLECLOTH -- Ble hed v Appr ) fale aoe 1,49 TERRY TOWELS wm Cot te 2 for 1, 49 ond stripes. Special LINEN TEA TOWELS----Ap x 20 x 30 cotton pap multicolo tripe 5 for 1. 49 1 ABASSO" PILLOW CAsSES--Rleached cotton eat plain pT a dee 3 tor'4.49 TOLS URED BORDER PILLOW CASES--Bica '4 cott 1,49 jers of pink, green, ye v, blue; ap pre 42 x Special LACE TABLECLOTHS rion yarns in ecru shade; assorted 1s; Opprox x 50 Special, each 1.49 LINEN HUCK. TOWELS--?iain with attractive 1. 49 oured patter opr Special, poir AND EMBROIDERED lsat oo tton with att e foral pattern, + -- 3 9 ere eee besten SIZE COTTON SHEETS-- x 90 Special, each bor' barders. "ape 54 x WOMEN' Ss ACCESSORIES BLOUSES--Cotion or "Terylene", variety of prints ) sizes 12 to 18, 38 to 44. Special, each 1.49 HANDBAGS--) Many styles and colours in sturdy plastic. Speciel, each 1,49 JEWELLERY--1} 2 strand necklaces, for earrings to match. Special, each or pair 2 1s 49 EATON'S MALL LEVEL DEPT, 903 SPORTING GOODS FIGURE SKATE BAGS ---- Rugged leatherette in attractive assorted colours; zippered opening Special, each i) CHILDREN'S DOUBLE PAUL BEARING ie SKATES -- urdy metal co sictio Fits shoe to 2. 1 Special, pair ' pat ake TOWEL---Absorbent cotton terry decorated with 9c re ois bin te hang from golf bag. 2 for 1,49 CAMPBELL Raia cre GOL BALLS---Liquid centres, com- Phin ance with durability, 3 for 1,49 "CANADIAN BOY" FOOTBALLS--Peoble grain 'Fabrikoid' plast Tan with white stripes; white with Black Stripes. Special, each 1 49 BOWLING SHOE BAGS--Pebble grain Rete zippered bag n new ovaloid shape. Tan, red and ble Special, each i) CCM COLLEGIATE HOCKEY STICKS AND PUCKS -- Assorted lies. Excellent for practise or match play. Special, cemplete EATON'S MALL LEVEL, -- Dept. 261 STATIONERY 60 SINGLE SHEETS WRITING PAPER, 2 boxes 1 49 30 ENVELOPES--Boxed. Special CHRISTMAS CARDS--50 in box with boxes envelopes. Special 2 1,49 2-PIECE DESK SET--Plastic holder and ball point ae 49 pen. Special, set "HASTI" NOTES -- 12 notes and boxes envelopes, boxed. Special 2 1.49 LEATHERETTE PENCIL CADDY--Filled with 36 1 Ag pencils. Speciol, each . MIDGET PENCIL SHARPENER--Sturdy plastic. 49 Special, each i SCHOOL BAGS--Rugged plastic with metal lock. 49 Special, each . | COLOURED PENCILS -- In ocetote cana: eaecrin. Colere Aneel 24 22. 1.49 STAPLER--Desk model in metal and plastic. Spaniels: dua 1.49 "PAPER-MATE" BALL POINT PEN -- Special, each .. 1,49 "WATERMAN'S" PEN--Plostic and metal in ples. 4 1,49 tic box. Special, each 2 Bra Hag aro ae penser, approx, 2 rotbe 1,49 DIARY, AUTOGRAPH BOOK, ADDRESS BOOK--~ : 49 In gift x. Special, set ' TINSEL CHRISTMAS TREE--Approx. 36" highs _ 1,49 silver-colour, Speciel, each : . GARLAND--Plastic hol colours, approx. 15 iene, Special, each +e ' PEN SETS--Fountoin pen, boll pen, propelfens 49 pencil, flashlight. Special, 4-piece set : ' PLAYING CARDS--Plostic finish; twin packs; wine Solgre: Soviet pad 1,49 PONYTAIL PHOTO SCRAP BOOK--Plastic coves 49 ing. A 13% x 11°, Special, each tee i) FIVE- vor DAIRY--Polished antiqued leather with Jock ond key. Red, blue, green. er brown. ly ' NGLISH 2™ 1,49 leaves berries, poinsettias; assorted ENGLISH HOT WATER BOTTLES -- Rubber; approx 10 Special EATON'S MALL LEVE Dept. 903 WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR COTTON CORDUROY SLIPPERS--Sheorling (sheepskin) euff; foom rubber soles and heels. Full sizes 3 to Special, poir a SHAGGY MULE SLIPPERS-Deep rayon pile im assorted colours; soft soles and heels, Sizes small, mediurr croe. Special, pair . sid HEEL SLIPPERS -~ Fabric uppers; soft leather soles, w rubber heels. Various colours; full sizes 4 1 49 to 9, Special, pair , SLIPPERS Rayon fabric platform wedge heela, epen or i 4 toes and heels. Full sizes 4 to 9 Speciel, pair 1,49 STRETCHY SLIPPERS ----- Leather uppers, retan leather soles, assorted colours with gold-colour trim eolk and loce. Sizes 4 to 8, deuce), pair ee 1.49 SLIP. ON OVERBOOTS | Plastic gusset with dome front, ck in high heel, black of brown in. illusion, 1 : Sizes 4 to 10 Spacii, poir rt FLATEES Block or brown plastic, step-in ha 1 49 Sizes 5 to 8. Special, pair . MOCCASIN: SLIPPERS -- Leather like blastic uppers with matching f im; soft soles; sizes 4 to 9. Special, pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL, Dept, 937 ELECTRIC FIXTURES 100-WATT MUSHROOM-SHAPED DECO- 9 for 1 49 RATIVE CEILING BULBS--Yellow. Special . 50-WATT MUSHROOM-SHAPED DECO- Q for 1,49 RATIVE CEILING BULBS -- Pink. Special ' 2-LIGHT BEDROOM-FIXTURE -- Gloss, 12" square, white, pink, blue, beige, green, 1,49 Special, each . 2-LIGHT BEDROOM FIXTURE -- Gloss, 12" square, scalloped edges, five ours as above. Special each a 1-LIGHT HALL FIXTURE -- Frosted gloss in grape destgr Special, eoch 1,49 OUTSIDE WALL BRACKET --~ Metal in black nish, '\-light, Special, each 1,49 BOIDOIR LAMPS AND SHADES -- Severo! styles 1 49 the lot. Special, each 2 ALLER IND: STYLE SHADES - Approx, 10! diameter, pink, white or blue, Special, pair 1,49 PIN- ur LAMP AND SHADE -- Several modern designs, wire- back finished the colour of goid. Speciel, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, -- Dept. 937 MEN'S FOOTWEAR OPERA SLIPPERS -- 'Fobrolite" plastic uppers, brown or wine in ful sizes 6 to 11. Special, pair 1,49 COTTON CORDUROY SLIPPERS -- Red or blue plaid vor black quarter, full sizes 6 to 1), Special, poir EATON'S MALL LEVE - Dept. 937 CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR COTTON CORDUROY SLIPPERS -- Elastic gore at side, blue or salmon pink, full sizes 5 to 10. 11 to-3. Special, pair t) BUNNY EAR SLIPPERS Soft, rayon pile uppers in 1. 49 pink or blue, sizes 4 to 12 Special, pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL ~-- Dep