{ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1961 17 TELEVISION LOG) ira ailel | AND THESE PERSONS MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER, CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WUS-TV Channel WKBW-TV Chanvel 7--Buifalo CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto 2--Buffalo CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WROC-TV Channe! 5--Rochester CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie TUESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. N--Family fheatre 6-3--RazzI ' Kukla 215 P.M. 4--The Mischief Makers 5:30 P.M. 7--Early Show 6-3--Mike Mercury 5--Theatre 2--Highway Patroy 6:15 P.M, @--Club 6 0:30 P.M, 11-5-2--News bee Weathers 6:45 ™.M, S--Huntley-Brinkley €3-2--News 9--Leave It To Beaver @-Seven-o-One 5--The Hathaways 4--News - Weather rts 3--Ben Casey 2--Ripcord 7:15 P.M. li--Family Theatre Movie tNews: Weather 30 P. 9--Zane Grey Theatre J--Popeye and His Pals je Dazzle 5--Movie 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Fu ry 9:15 A.M. 2--Debbie erg Show 4--Burns and Allen 2-Yankee Doodle Tim 10:00 A.M. 11--Hobby Time 4-Calendar--Harry Reasoner 5-2--Say When 10:30 A.M. 9--Free and Easy 7--Our Miss Brooks 5-2--Play Your Hunch 3--Christian Science 11:00 A.M, Ml--Bob McLean 9--Free and Easy 7---The Texan §-2--Price is Right 4--Video Village 3--Romper Room 11:30 A.M. 7--Yours For A Song 6--Let's Speak English 4Your Surprise Package 5-2--Concentration * 12:00 NOON \l--Bugs Bunny and Friends 7~ Camouflage 6--Music $-2--Truth or Consequences 9-4--News; Weather Sports 3--Popeye And Pals 215 7--Bugs Bunny Show 12:15 P.M. 6--Ichabod and Me §-2--Laramie 4--Andy Griffith Shi 8:00 P.M, 9--Theatre 7--Bachelor Father $3--Gary Moore Show 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 8:30 P.M 1l--Sing Along With itch 7--The New Breed 6-2--Alfrea Hitchcock 4--Dobie Gillis 9:00 P.M. 7--The New Breed 6-4-3--Red Skelton § $-2--Dick Powell Shi 9:30 P.M. 11--The Detectives 9--Checkmate . 6-3--Front Page Challenge 4--Ichabod and Me 10:00 ©.M, 11--Bob McLean 7--Alcoa Premiere 6-3--Inquiry 5--Bus Stop 4--Gary Moore Show 2--Cains 100 10:30 P.M. $--Peter Gunn 6--The Lively Arts 3--King of Diamonds 11:00 P.M. \1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News: 11:15 P.M. $--Weather - Sports w--Late Show 6--Viewpoint 11:30 P-M, ll--Late Show $--Better Late 4--Starlight Theatre 3--Interpol Calling 6--Wire Service $-2--Jack Paar WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. %--News, Sports 4--Captain Kangaroe %--Cartoons 4--Speaker of the House ow | $--Free and Easy 12:30 P.M. 7--Make A Face 6--Movie Matinee 5-2--It Could Be You 3--News, Weather, Sports 12:45 P.M. 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 1i--Movie Matinee 7--Day In Court | 5--One O'clock Movie how | 4--Meet the Millers iow | 3--Movie 2--Mid-Day Matinee 1:30 P.M. 9--Playhouse 7--Divorce. Hearing 4--The World Turns 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 11--Jane Grey Show 7--Number Please 6-3--Chez Helene 5-2--Jan Murray Show 4--Password 2:15 P.M. €@--Nursery School 2:30 P.M. ti--Jane Gray Show 7--Seven Keys 6-3--Mile. De Paris 5-2--Loretta Young Theatre 4--House Party 3:00 le 1l--Romper Room 7--Queen For A Day 6-3--Music 5-2--Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. 9--Playhouse 7--Who Do You Trust 6-3--Friendly Giant 5-2--From these Roots 3:45. P.M 6-3--Maggie 4:00 P.M. l1--Popeye With Capt. Andy $--The Hideaway 7--American Bandstand 4--Search for Tomorrow 4--The Verdict Is Yours 6--Shoestring Theatre 5-2--Make Room tor Daddy 4--The Brighter Day 3--Women's Show 4:15 P.M. 4--Secret Storm 4:50 P.M. 5--Here's Hollywood of Night Yes Nannette siuAeSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. i1--Family Theatre 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 7--Popeye 5--Kukia 4--A 'Visit With Santa 2--Captain Bob 5:15 P.M 4--Popeye's Playhouse 5:30 P.M. 7--Early Show 6-3--Huckleberry Hound 4--CH 4 Theatre 5--Theatre 2--Felix The Cat 700 P.M. 9--Man From Cochise 6--News 3--Nation's Business 2-Highway Patros 6:15 ?.M. 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M, 11--News 9--Sports; Weather 3-3-2--Newe: Weathers Sports 6:4) P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6&--News. Sports 5--Huntley Brinkley 7:00 FM 9--Bachelor Father 6--Seven-o-One 5--Real McCoys +--News: Weatners Sports 3--The Law and Mr. Jones 2--The Pioneers 7:15 P.M. 1--News: Weather 7:30 P.M 9--Twenty Questions 7--Steve Allen Show 6--Provincial Affairs 4--The Alvin Show $-2--Wagon Train %--Bachelor Father 7:45 P 6--Mr. Fix-It 3:00 P.M. 3-3--Playdate 9--77 Sunset Strip 4--Blue Angels 8:30 @.M. l1~--Cheyenne 7--Top Cats 5-2--Joey Bishop Show 4--Checkmate 9:00 P.M, 9--Elgin Playhouse 6-3--Background 7 ~The Hawanan Bye 5-2--Bob Hope Show 9:3 P.M. 11--Whiplash 4--Mrs. G. Goes To College 10:50 P.M. \1--Bob McLean 9--The Detectives 7--Naked City 6-3--News Magazine 4--The Steel Hour 5-2--Bob Newhart Show 10:30 P.M. 6-3--Explorations 5-2--Brinkley's Journal 11:06 P.M. 1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. 9--Sports; Weather imLate Show 11:30 P.M. \1--Late Show $--Better Late 6--Maverick with . Valley . Deathly . Frosting . To sound, . Old decrep- . In wha . Hesitation . Senior . Chaldean . A boy . Sudan 41, A seaweed CROSSWORD ACROSS Lillian 43. Girl's child 44, Tunisian niliar rulers DOWN . Land of plenty (slang) (poet.) . Branch pale . Sharpen boat . Loath . Lamb's as bells it horse 42. Not work- . Actress ing nickname . Restrains . Dispatch pen-name . Pertaining to pre- Easter season ate soldier (collog.) 11, Land BAA Sane oly] /OMMIERR| atte AlctalTie| ure 13. Girl's nick- name 17. Hauled, LIAO} cay LIN PAIC IL ISHEAIDIDIS: os Vesterday's Answer 27. Biblical mount 29. Russian edins 30. Kill 33. Regions 36. Heap 37. Among 38. Floated m ne 1 7 {8 sound q A riddle BUZ SAWYER © 1901, King Features Syndicate, Tne, Werld rights reserved. { GANT PINES, OWARFED TREES HUNOREDS OF YEARS OLD, STONE LANTERNS, GURGLING WATER. A FAIRYLAND INDEED, JANE ARDEN HERE WE ARE/ THIS 1S WHERE THEY STASHED THE LOOT. ON THE SECOND FLOOR/ MICKEY MOUSE THAT AIN'T GONNA KEEP ME FROM GOIN! TO THU COSTUME PARTY! Seog Nate Pe pe suorpnpert ozs BAA test O 4. THAD AN ARGUMENT WITH THUH FRONT Relative Workers Catholic Church service citizens city native (var.) Horse ally Island off Venezuela. Threefold ---- Pitch- er, of Rev- olutionary 'War fame GRANDMA GEE, GOLLY/ NEVER AGAIN, NEVER, AGAIN. WHAT'S TH' TROUBLE,ANDY? I WAS JUST OVER T' GRANDMAYS AN? SHE CUT MY HAIRS NOW I KNOW HOW 'THOSE OL? WESTERN PIONEERS FELT WHEN THEY GOT SCALPED/ Welcome Lodge To Initiate Rebekah Lady \ By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The regular meeting of Joy Rebekah Lodge took place on Monday evening, Nov. 27 with all officers present but one, The Noble Grand Sister Jean Ellicott conducted the opening exercises assisted by the Vice Grand Sister Isabel Annis, who reported for the sick committee. The dance committee report- ed that the Christmas dance would be held on the 9th of De- cember. The committees vin charge of the two banquets coming up, re- ported satisfactory progress had been made in the arrangements. It was decided to ask Wel- come Lodge to confer the de- gree on our candidates on Dec. 18 as the Joy Initiation Staff would not be ready in time to confer the degree before Christ- mas. Sister Annis reported on ar- ticles on hand for the Unitarian Relief layettes. HISTORICAL SITE FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)-- Plans by the United States gov- ernment park service to turn Grand Portage, just across the Ontario border, into a national park and historical site were outlined here. The multi-million- dollar project is to include res- toration of two fur-trading forts. SALLY'S SALLIES ers with lights dimmed," USED TIRES 345, 400 TO CHOOSE FROM CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 723-4634 88 KING WEST 725-4543 _!| LI'L ABNER THEY LARNED US AT SCHOOL. PRESIDE! EF THAS' WAS DIGNIFIED!! DIGNIFIED, AH IS NINE- FOOT-TWO, WIF EYES BOF BLUE SF nsdn . ~ ANY WAY PRESIDENT ACKS IS O.K.WIF MES AH IS A RED-BLOODED, LOYAL, HUNDRED= PERCENT AMERICAN BoY.7 NE RANGER ~ THE LO. YUH DONE 17! YUH STOPPED THE 4 b1D 17 $0 you COULDN'T << CHEAT THE HANGMAN/, re s(n ty Cope. 2961, The Lone Rancer, Tat, Distributed by King Features Syniteste DONALD DUCK "D 1961 Wan Disney Productions 'World Rights Res ; yw Pe As as SF bia ie rt Pit =e ~ 12-1: Oust Daneye Distributed by King Features Synficate, WHAT DOES HE WANT TO Ly) a MUGGS AND SKEETER YOU'RE DOING QUITE A JOB, VICKIE...WHATS THE IDEA? 1S COMING TODAY +6 ly WE WILL. NOW HAVE A QUOTATION BY MR. FLAWLESS / JULIFT JONES NOW,WHY WOULD MOTHER, | | SHIP ME'THIS FRIGHT! SHE KNOWS T'VE WORN IT TWICE! MOTHERS}! ) ( La © 1961, King Featores Syndicate, Inc, Workd rights reserved. AND DUNDEE GREER PRESIDE AT THE ; {| OLD ROGET PELION TO PELION VAN EVERY... OR MAYBE IT'S JUST AS TAINTED. WE'LL SEE...WELL SEE. MAYBE THE BLOOD RAN THIN FROM REAL GOOD, DEAR-- 1 SPENT ALL DAY VE GOT THE HOUSE SHINING FROM TOP" TO BOTTOM AND EF WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY it WHAT 01D YOU DO WITH THE MATCH YOU USED TO LIGHT YOUR PIPE ? <3 '© 1561, King Festupes Syadicate, lnc, World rights reserved. | ; LARRY BRANNON THIS FRI. ONLY 8 P.M. CUPBOARD INSTALLATION CLASS We will show you how to go about measuring cupboard space and planning the com- plete arrangement, This Fri- day, Dec. 15th only -- 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome. If Dad's A Craftsman of tools he'll be pleased to reccive this Christmas, Sows, Hammers, ete., etc, AND Skil & Beaver POWER TOOLS All at Real Money Saving Prices LAST WEEK OF MODEL KITCHEN DISPLAY AT 330 Northcliffe, ROSSLAND RD, WEST of Simcoe, watch for sians. This is your fast chance to see the model kitchen built into this beauti- ful home. TAPPAN - GURNEY, Built-in Dish Washer and fobulous '400 Range" plus NORDEN KIT- CHEN "CABIN and REVCO Built- in Frig-Freezer. OPEN 2-5 and 7-9 DAILY FREE ESTIMATES Nothing Down -- No Poyments Till May + Budget terms from 6 to 60 months. MILLWORK & Building Supplies 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. '728-6291