' from where the escape took * | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1961 13 U Thant Reveals |Conviets Aided |, "eat i Lack Of Control Mn: Ment Tem | : {that a third party collaborated| : 4 ten etammerec during e 35-miee an eV F m Insi de |were the replacing of 'the wile! For Fraud Charges i\Ciaim Khrushchev be speech before the World To dow screen and glass sections) E ha es Val WALKERTON, Ont. (CP) a lFederation of Trade Unions Se- ar ankru t KINGSTON (CP)--The @ie-| Dickson and Willis are stil nh ne ue \Joseph Mitterer, 51, of Beaver Had Slight Stroke eee ae eee © gales & ala eae: "hai ee hoon. |.. ' . . \ ' " > ton was sentenced Monday to > ° " ss | J citations covery of a rope of knottedjat large. Their quick disap-| TORONTO (CP) -- Freedomjaddress to the Ontario Food|' en pe PARIS (AP)--The newspaper) However, the Moscow bureau | sheets in Joyceville penitentiary|pearance has also raised the of Canadian newspapers andjProcessors A ss 0 ciation, Had) Mine months in the Ontario re-|rrance Soir said Monday Sov- of Thk Assoctnind Press salt UNITED NATIONS (CP) --|operation and $20,000,000 owed|) "144 authorities to believe|suspicion: they received outside|proadcasting from advertisers'|they begun as business ventures formatory when he pleadediiot premier Khrushchev @ppar-}inad found nothing to substanti United Nations is broke and|for the UN Emergency Force in| 131 two men who escaped Sat-|help as well. control has enhanced their va-|their attractiveness to advertis-|Suilty to seven charges of fraud|entiy suffered a slight stroke} 544 fh hee gi Sule mi heading for bankruptcy, Acting|the Middle East. urday received help from inside ue to the advertising industry,}ers would be less than it is. | connection with the sale of) recently. There was no confir- Preston Geovee! chiel AP ah x Secretary-General U Thant an-)----~-------- the wails. G * \an advertising executive of a, 'The Canadian newspaper is|"Utria breeding stock. mation of the report in Moscow ow correspondent, wat hue nounced Monday. 2 in | Harden O. A. Earl was puz- Tobacco TOWEIS (suvermarket chain said Mon-\an advertising medium," he Among the sales was one for) or elsewhere. eerachnher a 'i £ Ne ie cotmmatas 'be UN voat-end) Farm Policies \vled at first how George Dick-| day. |said. "You will notice I use the td es pare McDougias. of! 'The article by Michel Gorday, and 'said the Soviet eae te deficit in 20 days will total ak of Verdun, Que., and Market Reported J. Scott Feggans, vice-presi-|word medium, not vehicle. Any-/Sincardine Township in Octo- the newspaper's Russian expert, ceared in fine form ae $107,500,000 and that by June 30 . Barrie A. Willis of Guelph, both} TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)-- deni of the advertising and pub-jone who would have it other- Sisak ini ME jquoted Western sources as say-| : 3 it will be around $170,000,000, Under Review 96. slid four floors to the ground|The Ontario as « Cured. To lic relations division of Domin-|wise should contemplate condi- ee : jing reports reaching Paris as- sie o6 $4 with only $40,000,000 collections after cutting the metal slats in/bacco Growers' Marketing ion Stores Limited, said the in-|tions on U.S. television. i SPEC IAL TREATMENT serted Khrushchev apparently ST in sight for the first six months! ~oRONTO (CP)--The Onta-|ijeir cell window. It was|Board reported sales Monday of dependence breeds more respect) Mr. Feggans urged the dele-- LANARK, Scotland (CP)--At)suffered a stroke after the clos-| ROME (AP) -- They don't of 1962. rio farm delegation was told thought no bedding suitable for 1,448,612 pounds of tobacco at {rom the advertiser. lgater to make greater use of|a hospital here women patients|ing of the 22nd Communist|build them as they used to do. Thant told the assembly bud-\yfonday by the provincial ca-|, rone was missing. an average price of 51.13 .cents| "Daily newspapers in this data compiled by the bureau of get a free beauty treatment be-|party congress Oct. 31. The rain - swollen Tiber River getary committee "it is impera-|pinet that government agricul-|" y4¢ Warden Earl said Mon-|a pound. To date, 20,297,273|\country were founded for thejsiatistics in order to analyze|fore they are discharged. It in-| It said observers noted that;Enocked out a modern bridge, tive that the General Assembly|tyral policy is under review On| 4.. three knotted bedsheets had| pounds have been sold at an av- Prime purpose of forwarding anjthe nature of the Canadian buy-jcludes face massage, manicure|Khrushchev seemed to lose the while a bridge 20 centuries old take appropriate action to €s-/several fronts, been found in a cell acrossierage of 5041 cents. idea or an ideal," he said in an'ing public. 'and hairset. thread of his thoughts and of-\ withstood the torrent. tabiish financial responsibility; ferh Artbuckle, "secretary- ¥. sath iit amined its near! and resources . . . seriously and manager of the Ontario Feder- soon." ation of Agriculture, told re- Thant did not detail to the/norters that among the items committee his plan for a $200,-'the government is considering 000,000 bond issue with a 25-lare a reduction in truck licence) ¢ year maturity at two-per-cent/rates for farmers, permanent) y interest. The bonds would be!payments to farmers for rabies, # sold to governments and cen-jJosses, and legislation affecting) | tral banks. The amount would co-operatives 1% meet primarily deficits run up! Mr, Arbuckle and President by the $120,000,000-a-year Congo William Tilden of the federation erm nent neem TTT led a delegation to present the federation's annual brief to the ¥, Claims Money 2", | | The brief urged the agricul- < ture departments's newly estab- Used On Raids lished co-operative branch to , make one of its first undertak- . a re 4 gs the establis t of stand- SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--An of- ings the establishmen : 4 ficial of the International Union @tds to be ne por ud ga of Mine, Mill and Smelter Work-|iz@tion can be chartered as a ers Ind.) said Monday the Cooperative. es United Steelworkers of America (L) is spending $100,000 a month on raids against Mine- Lay Charge After Mill. . . . Nels Thibault, Mine - Mill's Siege With Police legislative and welfare director, COBOURG. Ont. (CP)-- said ina prepared statement (0.00 Albert "hey 20. ot that the money is coming out ne ti ' of individual members' dues. __ The see ene. Are engated tent to wound and_ shooting) | in power-struggles at Interna-) while resisting lawful arrest. He tional Nickel Companyn opera-! was remanded to Friday. Af tions at Sudbury, Port Colborne The charges arose out of an . Ont., and Thompson, Man. incident Sunday in which an! Mr. Thibault said he is visit-| armed man held Campbellford| # 12s 1.75 25s 2.75 G ing Cape Breton to gather in-|police at bay for two hours| iw § N 50s 4.95 100s 9.45 formation on relations between) when they answered a call from] # Sone: RO ndireas the Steelworkers and the Dom-|[bey's mother - in - law, who} PERSONALIZED SIGNATURE ADD 1.95 EXTRA PER NEGATIVE inior Steel and Coal Corpora-| claimed she had been assaulted.| #: sek 58 on 4 Ly Z , 0 Zz a --4 : 350 PARA RGR RE RAR AR REE e APPLIANCE SPECIALS e : Ss 9.99 wah < a am ae tion in Sydney. With it Mine-| Campbellford Police Chief} F3 ) § AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Mill could compare facts with; Samuel Baird's trouser leg was) ¥. GIFTS BY i HAIR DRYER o TOASTER FRY PAN PHOTO FLASH BULBS "dubious information" Steel-jripped by a blast from a gun DELUXE M wit ae ; ; . Easier than ever to wse-- BLACK AND WHITE workers officials are using in/at the end of the two - hour) g MAX FACTOR i DIAL TYPE REGULATOR s : z) Just Right Every Time : . a with more accurate heot 'OR COLOUR SHOTS q xy bight Weight with Adjustable Tokes the guesswork ~ control than ever before. - MUCH BETTE their raids. siege FOR HIM Vinyl Plastic Heed: end ea M1014" square fry skillet, so mu R - _-- : | V. Flexible Hose, Powerful, Quiet out of soust = making. q WITH GE "SIGNATURE" = ¥ Motor -- No Radio or TV My Sparkling chrome with | : FLASH BULBS AFTER SHAVE LOTION iy Interference, Thermo Control = €) plastic handles, trim and he 5 Hf GUARANTEED TO 2.25 i Mi AT 4 ' Prevents Motor Overheating. huss? ee i bay") Th FLASH EVERY TIME ° se 4 | ¢ Te COLOGNE FOR MEN ; ' 2.50 : "|= Fish DE VILBISS -- ad ELECTRIC om, ELECTRIC Give the luxury of these gift sets * Night Operation ® Soothing ¥ d Sse: patentee: Cale PERSONALIZED GREETING CARDS COLOURED FROM KODACOLOR NEGATIVES OR COLOUR TRANSPARENCIES 15s 5.69 25s 8.75 50s 16.50 100s 29.95 BLACK AND WHITE 15¢ each VERN AG e CAMERA SPECIAL Za "STARFLASH" CAMERA OUTFIT 4 Built-in Flash Holder Colour or Black & White Complete with Film Flashbulbs ond Batteries Reg. 5 Campbellford was charged Mon- § § § day night with shooting with in-| ° , F Or lL LLP IAP PAD AP POP EN PRK YEN EES LK BRN EIS ECS EL ES POE IS ORI | 3Ya-quart city, 2%" ip control with * Cerra 12.99 con 9 can 12 for 87 M2B ... 12 for L419 COLOGNE AND TALCUM VAPORIZER k : a BLANKETS 2 i KETTLE B AGIB...12 for 1.19 No.5-..12 for 1.1® i % CREDIT JEWELLERS 4 / : Br HUMIDIFIER "Hh... a Double Bed Size ® Single -- ' oie nghsloned : ' ' » Mi ¥ M2 ...-. 12 for 87 Ne. 58 ~ 12 for 1.5m Humidifies Dry Rooms © au! SSO: Control * Fully Automatic ch VAL Element, Aut Vapor For Colds © Auto-~ GIFT SET motic Shut-Off © Fulf Galion AFTER: SHAVE Sin tas... 6.8 im . Ms... Loe LOTION AND i, aie' COLOGNE FOR MEN Dea tastaileiaced LE GEE : [ TAMBLYN SAVES YOU MONEY <=. io | LAVENDER, SOAP $4.95 COLOGNE ain: | THIS WEEK'S CHRISTMAS BONUS BUYS | ane aa POWDER with PUFF BAYER ASPIRIN TABLETS -- c RELIEF FOR HEADACHE "PRIMITIF" 7 NEURITIS--NEURALGIA PARFUM COLOGNE 48's 100's the Skin : A 2.25 4.00 Reg. 57¢ = Reg. 93e 2 QUART : 4 41° 59° Regia 99° sauce Fan ' F ¥ } a! SAREE RI RT ATR RE IR RAI. 5 CLIFTON OLD SPICE BUBBLE BATH AFTER oo 2 4 r7 LISTERINE | wien i lh ANTISEPTIC SUCK NALiER PERMANENT Mouth Wash From Head and a FOR COLDS, SORE cay fo Ue THROAT, BAD BREATH Ren. Ste 63° NIVEA CREME Softens and Seothes Se" RR AA I RH EE: Chest Colds Long Lasting Waves Z ood Reg ¢ 4 Reg. 2 ts 83 Sto Lal COLOGNE ond $3.78 AFTER SHAVING LOTION SOAP TABLETS ... LATHER SHAVING 32-35 Also eveilable in EAM nen Red Roses and April Violets oR PHILISHAVE sueveny "SPEED" POWER GIFT SET TRAVEL SIZE SHAVER MIXER SHAVE Reg. : LOTION AFTER SHAVE LOTION *3. 18.95 Hondy Toot In Kitchen AFTER SHAVE TALCUM Mixes All Kinds of Drinks Refreshes the Skin Siasiae ald "SPEEDFLEX"' OLD SPICE 1 hk pel psn ARE EIR sx ys os BX * YARDLEY In Decorative toe tin 4 i et. i GIFT VASE a irenulal , BE . a ah be. "796 Reg. 1.50 Reg. 2.25 LATHER SHAVE CREAM SHAVER STO ASEY PRG AY 3 QUART { : - 98 : ; ; ¥ eg. shocE tan Complete 10 Piece Set "PRIMITIF" "HY PNOTIQUE" ' 197° 1.77 4 1.99 4 3: 27.95 89 ; SPRAY MIST SPRAY MIST TRIB REE RA RASA ER RA RA RGR J, # PARFUM COLOGNE AND BATH POWDER PARFUM COLOGNE REXALL 3.95 "AVANT" "LANVIN" GIFT SET PRESENTS FOR YOU Dusting Powder 6 "LANVINETTE" ; and h seteiaaiaieiainiiiammnmmmemanieninie can NEW GOLDEN FLACON Colegas f with Inscribed Jewel Box : the once-aweek | ~" "s'csn2? ms, OOF ph 9 1% 99 5 RIG RRR RR UE GIS RE, DRISTA FOR RELIEF OF SINUS CONGESTION AND HEAD COLD MISERY PREC US aes se OST EEE ERE RS SX PEAS LN ESS EES EAS PEK MEN'S i KOD LP. REXALL UTILITY | nova rome E RECORD Fo nayaygre fo _tiev some heir re KIT Bm 25-4 Zag ALBUM : GIFT SET: Giiulae death SPECIAL... ® 101 Years of Music Dilakin pitted America Loves Cologne Waterproof Pouch ; 35mm FILM By 101 "Strings soup and ee 2 RECORD SET Powder Puff 3.98 j; mi 3.29; 2,98 | i% 99° DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS } For Back- ache, Tired Feeling due t i i i } Heres © to Urinary q i K 4 a a RA SE RR SE RS 3 <a "CREST" fee TOOTH 7 ie! BUBBLE BATH ASSORTMENT 1.00) PASTE (Gow | ECONOMY SIZE cas Sa zi GIFTS BY SHULTON os 89F <i Vie 49° ee p f . is vi) | ; ae pe | i DRISTAN wg & Y "ARPEGE"' ; DECONGESTANT TABLETS 24's ¢€ HEATING , cept once-a-week PERFUME Reg. 1.25 89 COVERED ute hair setting lotion VE dis as 1.73 ' ae i. Deere 1 | from the makers he) eee says oT romenrye mee 5 j eA = of Alberto ¥O# gees Paar ess Nes | #E BP just @ squirt f J ; @ 1 QT. SAUCE PAN WIT @ 3 QT. SAUCE PAN WITH q end a set, oncea | ' cover COVER week, sets your hair all week. Foster, easier than pin curl ® 2 QT. SAUCE PAN WITH © 5% QT. DUTCH OVEN WITH 3 permenents. No nightly pin- COVER COVER |B wpe. Sate for coloured ond | ran bleached heir. | DELUXE © 101," SKILLET WITH COYER : ASA A irritation and Bladder Discomfort. You can Depend on Dodd's, rs, 65 OS PAE ES ES ES EES BY, ess x AND BUBBLE BATH DOROTHY BY GRAY 29 Sie, , a 7 : Seafeth y, Ret GOLDEN FLACONS loves to get a & llaekal* Pr curex JoYOus, NEW THIS CHRISTMAS BALLET INSPIRED 4 MINUTE FRAGRANCE af : SHAVE Manicure Set. t : Reg. 1.25 WATER SEAL COVERS METAL FLAME COPPER COLOR ai TAL SLA Contains EASY Y CLEANING ACCENTS id moisture in} Stainless washes Keep handles Add a sparkling right cool touch NO DOWN PAYMENT | {G-}{ 122) are AND PERFUME all essentials a aeeree : ¥ (Se SHAVE - i a, CHOOSE FROM LOTION AFTER SHAVE LOTION BODY TALCUM m boards, orangewood i 3 HA COLOGNE, s cory sews sneered Ack Boe NDSOME SETS y J aa. ta LOGNE, TALCUM, HAIR STICK DEODORANT | 00 to 4 00 and nil white 6.175 Reg. 2.00 Res. 2.08 TONIC & STICK DEODORANT AFTER SHAVE LOTION F : penci ec ae: ae 3.00 Foie un. 3.0011. 79° 1 % 5.89 1% 2.69 , NS | : = | CREDIT JEWELLERS 6 KING ST. EAST 723-3143 =< =~ KING ST. WEST at STEVENSON RD. Ph. 728-5101 32 KING ST. WEST 723-7022 for a perfect home manicure.) Delightfully designed in coral, beige or blue, Contains pearl polish, cuticle PRICED FROM remover and polish remover, cotto: RSS ER SE SE RS Pee tent ete te tt tte tt tt ewe te ea